`Victoria Neufeldt
`Editor in Chief
`D3Vid 3- Gllralnik MURATA MACHINERY, LTD.
`Exhibit 2020
`Edxtor 1n Ch1efEmorItus
`DA”:UKU C0” |_TD_ and
`to David B. Gurulnik
`lex£r:fIE’aI’hi'”“l Wmmr and friend
`w W9rld“' College DictiUnaI'Y, ThiTd Edi‘-W1
`w"*’””" 3
`99,1994,1991, 1999 by Slmnn & Schuster, Inc.
`Cupyright '9 1997, 19
`f Webster's New World Dicti9nary®,
`‘C5 1986,1984, 1982, 1980, 1979,
`1978, 1976,1974,1972, 1970 by Simnn & Schustcr, Inc.
`All rights rrnmrved
`including the right of rcprodumnn
`in whule or in part in any 51”“
`Macmillan General Reference
`A Si mun & Schuuter Macmillan Cnmpany
`1633 Broadway
`New York, NY 10019-67B:'3
`A W9b9’u:r's New W9rld“' Book
`MACMILLAN’ is a registered trademark of Macmillan, Inc.
`regir-susrrsd trademark of Simon & Schussber, Inc.
`Dictionary Editorial Offioes:
`New World Didianuries
`850 Euclid Avenue
`Cleveland, Ohio 44114
`Library of Congress Catalnging-in-Publication Data
`Wt:b9tt:r’9 New Wurld onllege dictionary I Victoria Neufe
`chiuf, David B. Guralnik, edimr in chief emeritus. — 3rd
`IHHN 0-{)2-861673-1 fthumb—indcxed). - ISBN 0-O2-86167543
`- 159:»: 0412-8131674-Xfl::athI:rkraf’L)
`1. Iirsglinh lzanguage — Dictinnarics.
`u. (}1m:lnik,IJ-
`‘d 9;
`Pm929.w5rs29m1sa9;mdrd’ mu“
`I. Neuf'e1dt,Victol'i3-
`Dznahaue ucrviu: -
`Murmfm:1.urr:r] in $3,, §l.L::?;’r'%‘:lE£gaL£x1'COmp'
`Inc” Hudson’
`ruimintliig of very armill mrl.II:la:it of rs-ni
`|.liI' HIJIMI1 l'Ira!. y_t-lo imtl llii-It lunlm L: l:.:.,:'.1J|m'L""7*r:
`not-rl no ll i--mtnig. for umlI|mK_, I-11‘.
`E H u"=fI1irn_.1,mE"_
`plauo-gene lplmfliln jinn‘) n.
`y . fir plasma. fr”-.m.d (M
`ll lIl'[Hll'lll1' Kl'lI|"llt']ll1l’l.lIls:u|1tI-‘llilhl/I'dwlfi 1"-V-'11} ,
`l'IIl llI]'_ ill" in llVll y til, |.lii-.
`'- “Nil u-mu.
`pins-tron lplmi'tr.iti, -tron’; n. {Fr r ll ,otoatnm,. , “W l
`1 ti
`l|l‘l'llHl.|ill]1,J' worn um]:-J in «tool. of ,,m:'l ";- lute Hag.
`prnle-rtor worn over the c illlhiv lay It-nrt-rat 3 n trimmm | 1. h p"'l'l'Hl
`worn on l.lll‘. lrtmt ol ll woinnifa drt-an 4|
`in star--lu-rl alullrljlh H "wiry
`lrawvf. vi-ntral port of the lIl||'ll of H |-"I'll! far 1-r-rtoiue
`mm 5 [hi
`-plaslty lplmt'l.él {Hr pltistui I plmatua, forrnt.-tl
`are 5-i.a.~t'iit; [I i-oritlnriirtg form pluhtitz aurgi-ry .;,t-.,].,W, ’,
`I’ 1"’ l':rn.:
`Duly, g
`part ol the hotly. arnircu ol
`l.lHlIUl‘. or l'J'"P"'* Ir!‘-irso;,.[.~ Klml'r"‘ll
`,oi'm«t_y. rirriplrintfl
`-plalsy lpli'.'ae_ pin]-1'9) comlliriiro: form -t-uma
`plal‘ (plat) vi’. plartod, p|st'ling [Ml-J Mullen, var. of ,-,1.,._,.,
`||),a§_| Li. piait or liraiil
`n. |lliul.| ii plait nr hrairj
`’"* lee
`plat? lplull ll. Ivar. of l‘lJ'.l‘l', infl. liy ME. ll.-ltl- * Ul-'r: neg .,,,m,] 1
`small pit.-no of ground 2 ii mull 01’ l|l"fl._*=P*lI- flirt nu-<1: of land ¢i..,',.1,_:1
`into lniildlng lotit — irl’. p|st’Iod. pllIl'1mu in make a map .,, pun r
`plat- (plat) cornliintng Iorm l‘lJ\’l'Y-
`lai olilm-o.
`1 plateau 2 Mi}. platoon
`Iona (pli.i'Li). Rio do ll (rt-'0 dc la") "’‘'-”5'}' of the Parent} it ljmgu.
`ln-two:-n Argentina &.
`"-'- 2”“ mi.
`l-'l‘£l km}; 5":
`name River Plats
`Pla-taels lpla W3) ancient city in l-loeotia. EC Greece: site of l ham,
`(479 I-i.t:.] in which the Ureeltit defeated the Persians: also Pia-turn
`n. l'l.ANl-1'
`plstlan or plat-ans lplnt"
`plat dujour lpla du 'rJlir'rur’) pl. plats d‘u}our’lp|i'i-l ll"r. dish of the
`day ii the featured tlinh of the diiy in is restaurant
`plate (pit) n. (Oi-‘r. flat ulijcct < fern. of plot. flat 4 VI. 'plallug .«
`(ir pltitys. broad. Flat; see l’|.A‘l'\'- I
`1 a smooth, flat. relatively thin
`piece of metal or other material 2 ll sheet of metal made by heating.
`rolling. or casting 3 a) any of the thin sheets of metal. plastic. etc,
`used in one kind of armor (plats armor] bl such armor 4 iii a thin,
`flat piece of metal on which an engraving is, or in to be. cut bl an
`impression taken from the en raved metal 5 a print of a woodcut.
`lithograph. etc.. esp. when use in II limilt 6 a full~page bonlt illustra-
`tion of sniv kind. printed on paper of a stock different from that of
`the teitt
`ts) dinhea. utensils. etc. of silver or gold, collectively 5)
`metal dishes. utensils. e|a:., or any metallic ware. plated with gold or
`silver 8 a shallow dish. usually circular, from which food is eaten I
`I-'l.ATI:F'lIL 10 the fund in a dish: a course (a Fruit plate] 11 food and
`service for an individual at a meal [dinner at twenty dollars a plate.’
`12 a dish or other container passed in churches, etc. for donations of
`money 13 ci) a prize. orig. a gold or silver cup. given to the winner nl
`a race or contest b] a contest, esp. a horse race. for such a prize.
`rather than for stakes (also called plats race) 1! Pl-CTR! titan 15 a
`thin cut of heel’ from the forequartsr. just below the short ribs: see
`in-tits. illua. 16 Anot, Zool. a thin layer. plate. or scale. as of bone or
`horny tissue: lamina: acute 17 Archit. a l-uirizontal wooden girder
`that supports the trusses or rafters of a roof 18 Baseball
`llwft I04’
`Hem: l’l.A'l'E 19 Dentist:-y ti) that part of an artificial denture which
`fits to the mouth and holds the teeth bl [often pi] loosely. a full tel
`of false teeth 20 Elec.
`anoint-2 (senses I & 2) 21 Pliilatrl)
`impression surface from which a sheet of postage stamps is prinlld
`22 Photog. a sheet of glass. metal. etc.. coated with a film sensitive to
`light. upon which the image is formed 23 Printing a cast. to_be
`printed from. roads from a mold of set type or from s neitI“"'
`repared as by photocornpositioo —vr. plsried. pIst‘ing 1 L9 0"!‘
`ay or_ coat with gold. silver. tin. etc. by a mechanical. chemics1.°'
`electrical process 2 to cover. as with metal plates for protection 3
`to rnalte a printing plate of
`pla-teau (pla us’) n.. pl. -IlILII' or -tssux’ (-tor!) [Fr < 0Fr
`dirn. < plat.‘ sceprecj 1 an elevated tract of more or less leve land:
`l-lbleland: mean 2 a period. level. etc. of relative atshilltlh W "l"
`tively little change. as can be shown by a list extent on I gfalllh """
`QWCIF-. I period in which an individual‘s learning ta!-e_ 0". 9°‘
`lmnrove —vl. to become relatively stable or constant. as in P"-""'fl':_
`plats block Philately a block of postage stamps with a serial “W”
`(plate number) in the margin
`Plalled lplfil-'idl ML 1 covered or protected with plates. as of I1‘”'°'
`2 knitted of two kinds of yarn. one forming the face and lb! “ll.”
`the barlt 3 overlaid or coated with a metal. cap. it precious on!-bl '
`lsting process [silver-plated}
`9 als-lul lplst'l'ool’) n..
`. -lulu‘ as much as a plate will hold [Md [or
`plate glass ground an polished. clear glass in thick iahcrl-9
`shop windows. mirrors. etc.
`_ Mm,
`plats-ls! lplat‘litl ti.
`lPi.A'l‘l7. 4 -ur.-r| 1 any of certain I’
`nonnurleated disks. smaller than a red blood cell and (‘L\l"llalfl_lm
`hemoglobin. found in the blood of mammals and associated V"
`process of blood clotting 2 'l‘NIl0lIIN|('Y1‘1-‘. (sense ll
`P 3ll0|'| lplat"'nl n. IlMl'lpl‘tite_yi1¢- -: Ul~‘rplatt'm'. Hal 1’
`< plot: are r'I.a'I'1-'.
`1 a flat metal plate. as that in a_ print
`which preaaea tho paper against the inliud type *2 "" ‘ I’
`the roller against which the keys slrilts
`platter (pllit’Jtl n. 1 a person or thing th
`iii!!! an inferior race home
`plate roll a slit-lllilw inultliug along the upper part 0
`for holding uruaitiatital platen, etc.
`plate tectonics ti‘:-oi. the then
`that the earth's aurfarflnm
`plates, or largo rruatal alnlia. w use constant molm“ “P
`nciilal drift, mountain builtlin , etc.
`_ W 1-lfifi.
`plat-Iorrn (plat'fortn'l :1. [Fr p on‘-form». lit... flat fnI'|’fl- wl.,pt-c|£'
`l-‘(HIM I
`1 it raised horizontal surface of wood. stone. 0' '“°
`nlasmol sis I
`and no definite si'
`, L}
`fliy gfa genus (l’l:miiiliumlleo‘i‘ii:ill:niiilihuli.ilillvllllililtlltiillii-5
`lfl:?l'n¢‘3:;i):5:cI“|' Ind‘-J-‘]j~l"lg ml‘. Ilflnmilva tltrit t'fllIfll' tmiini-in
`3 ahriniin
`r(:’h“"‘ m“ ""9 "'-
`l Mt_nil1.: m-c I-ul.-'Mu— «ii
`-t.v.»:1.-«I llml.
`“mosh 3 '3
`'5 Pwl-'-'Dlfl3|Tl 0‘ I1 ilvtng cull duo to loan of water by
`as-mo-Iyzs (pl.-ii.‘ 0 ll
`undergo Dlflltllfitilygign
`. Vi.
`lizod‘. hfllnq to Hulljftll. to or
`f l‘
`39381 (oil M‘-l village in West Ben nl
`scene Bra dad‘.
`._ -Tlttn,
`.n outta.
`[Emir rule in Inga‘ V” ("'3' U757) ll)‘ which the British eatulilialied
`la“ lPl“5ll lfi UT plantar forrnt-d r.
`plasxein. to form: see i'tJ-mi-ti:|
`** in or mu»-m
`LL pmfllifin f" P “*3 ‘l ”- lMl‘. <. DE pln.-iler ll: 01"! plriatre, both r.
`"in to daub'°3' 1' 9”'Pl33‘U"l-lm < Gr eniplaxtrori. plaster e: mi Jil.l'.'l-
`pnsfy minun “'5' ?l‘."‘- °‘''- “\ + plasma. tn form; see l'|.Mi'|'llf
`1 a
`on dnfi
`°_ “'99 N’ I-t'.‘u'l>B_U_m. sand. and water, which hnrdcmt
`Pm“ Silt;
`Eoating walls, ceilings. and partitions 2 |'l.Ah"l'l-'.lt or
`bad ‘ Rd 935 3 Pi‘¢‘DaI'al.Ion spread on cloth and applied to the
`3'. u
`medscinally as a curative or counterirrltant —-vi. 1 to
`fi‘;':-gE:;T- myellily. etc. with or as with plaster 2 to apply or sift:
`nu ‘ to 3 rl
`“WV P031-9]‘! on walls) 3 to make lie smooth and
`or “fik
`P 3812!’ of l"ans as a treatment 5 l(lolloq.] to affect
`time ‘?"" ‘°'.l°" ”' """"‘°'lV "ll-
`’of Pad
`v3;d(-liérdl n. thin board consisting of a core of plaster
`subgft‘ mt °
`‘ml-h_l'¢8V3' Paper. used in wide sheets as a base or
`name‘ u“-‘
`'31’ Blaster in walls. gsrtttions. etc.
`r cast
`a ctgiy or tool of a statue or other object. cast in
`9 "hr °l P‘“3 2 W'Efl'_V I rigid cast to hold a fractured hone in
`P1??? 511313 Prevent movement. made by wrapping the limb or part
`aalg gmznig 9 ?EaR$Jz:;oa|lted m0;_vet plaster of Paris
`[Sung] jnumcaud;
`Pt.aa“rt.R orig military alsngl
`3l33'l91_""'|D (Dlas’tar in) n.
`1 the actor process of applying plaster 2
`a coatin of plaster as on a wall
`Blaster 0 Paris
`from use of gypsum from Moi-ntmartre in Pants in
`its manufacture
`a heav white powder. calcined gypsum. which.
`when raised with water. arms a thick paste that sets quickly: used
`for casts. moldings. statuary. etc.
`plas-tar-work l_plas'tsr work‘) II. a finish or decorative worlr done by
`p as-tic (plas’l.ilt) Id]. [L plostictts < Gr plastihos <
`lasseiri. to
`form. prob. < [E base ‘pic-, f‘lat.to smooth out > PLAIN‘
`1 molding
`or shaping matter;
`formative 2 a) capable of being molded or
`shaped b) made of a plastic 3 in a flexible or changing state:
`impressionable In dealing with molding or modeling. as in sculpture
`is a) characterized by or exhibiting superficiality or a lack of origi-
`nality; dehumanized; mass-produced [the plastic world of television
`advertising! blhypocritically false or synthetic; phony {ii plastic
`smile] 1:6 Colloq.] of or designating a credit card or credit cards. or
`on their use [plastic money} 7 Biol. capable of readily
`chart 'ng or adapting in form. physiology. or behavior 3 Med. a) of
`or he pful in the renewal of destroyed or injured tissue ii) that can
`be so renewed 9 Physics capable of cotitinuous and permanent
`change of shape in any direction without breaking apart —n. 1 any
`of various nonnietsllic compounds. synthetically produced. usually
`from organic compounds by pol meri-ration. which can be molded
`‘into various forms and harden . or formed into pliable sheets or
`films. fibers. flexible or hard foams. etc. for commercial use 2 some-
`thing made of plastic 3 [Colloq.] a credit card or credit cards. or
`credit based on their use —SYN. PLIABLE -—p1ss'fl-only adv. —
`(-tic’: ts) n.
`.p|asitlc (p aa'tik) [< Gr plaartkos:
`coinbtntng form form-
`ing adjectives t forming, developing I omapiastu-1 2 of or re stir:
`to (a given noun endiriglin -Pt.asi~ii-rt.As1r}oiL‘-i;Ih-A-*:1'\‘) lr‘l.';.lll"'3%iF-ll“,
`a are
`sore er:
`pnfilc ans 1 Hm P Wm‘ W0; arts producing works to be viewed,
`l t
`e r eramics
`nwmllaiusigelj :r:lr1lt:l.‘tc|.Il'B. painting. and the graphic arts. as distin-
`from those involving writing or composing. as music or
`puttylilie substance containing explosives. that will
`ted by fuse or electricity
`plastic bomb a
`for an oil-base
`adhere to walls. etc. and is deloml
`p|“.gi.¢ing (p1g.'i,i aén‘) [rustic ¢- -tun’! trademark
`Also pllI'tl-
`modeling paste. used as a substitute for clay or was
`Dlas-ti-citenllplasfli sir‘) vi. vi. -cued‘. 'Cl!'l"liI to make or become
`lame pl“ c 1. on
`1' various liquid or solid organic aub-
`aa.ti.cizleI' (-st;-arlgusngfionu‘ etc. to modify Viacom!’ flexibility.
`stances added to pit:
`Q tendenc
`of certain plastics after being
`°l.l‘.’.-.l,'.°.....'.l'l,l.,"i-?..il.lmihrheir originiil form when heated
`manic ‘Ur en, guy-guy dealing with the repair or restoration of
`in'u1-ed de ormed. or destroyed parts of the body, esp. by transfer-
`;-iyjyg Lighue, as slsin or bone. from other parts or from another indi-
`p;’;:‘_’t9“'1 (pll’;:.‘t?:):;" U" p;,.,_,,.'dp,-. (pm < Gr platitudes. pl. nfplaitia,
`rem or
`< "“""'l.’:;..i‘:..¥lZ"‘:..:‘:.‘:.i.£‘.?“afl‘.
`l' and
`to laamic
`::::l°;_1p£€n'1l::lanJ’::1|,?in which starch. oil. protein, pigment. etc.
`mam 2 the technique or
`dancing or pantomime.
`(plés_t1.!k') ri. !F'=i
`‘ Pl-“"1:-".
`action of maltins V??? 810*‘ ''“°‘''"“°"
`p::‘s'.fi_;’:;’fi'I§1L';.:?l:-E|?'la0|-) n, ll-'1J\S'l'l(C) + not?! a liquid dispersion
`4 of 4
`0! pfllretili 0 a perm
`H lama mg: or flooring heaitle railrnlitl trllrlill or tho lillo M n
`and aw,-.5.-.3. or stage fit;-l!9tl'urmeril. ripl-nluwrii, etc, *2 G ,.me_
`me” °f'prmcip_le8 flllld prairies.
`of a political pm-ly ,. mu 1
`‘Eng 3 tlllcli an e o cor . leat er, etc. for n ill-me 2 .|o,.ig.,.,. mu
`"hoe ‘um wcllsrtsfianiin of a in It
`p|:ifl°m..:'?l“Willi the a _
`Rheli_lw 8lslClt')::“duupp"rwd hy n plumwm
`hurselrer a roc mg chair that roellll atop an atuirlwd. am.
`*P““gffl|_3cfll0(I) a wet hing machine with a platform for holding
`‘haw is to be Weill‘
`flflln tennis mlllul 1-mums
`fiflfll, (p1:pilli‘)£'_8y)lv’i"a l'93'-162i.‘U.8.poet
`p gnareurtcmal layer of metal plates 3 a l.lIln‘:0:l,ing|:f,..1?ll'
`pl?‘-fife l(:'ltli::i;"l|I) 041- Of. like. or containing platinum, esp, um.
`_(l_>l8-1"!‘ ll’) W» “:09. -NI'lfl9 to coat or combine with
`itllocltn-mde (p|at"n ‘6'sl’o nld‘) n. . double salt of plalinoua
`cyanide and another cyanide
`rcaemllling plati-
`plafi-hold (pl8l»"l'| fill’) 0fi- IPl.A11N(UM) + -clill
`nilai -n. 1 an alloy of copper. nickel. zinc. an tunglita-n: um: in
`electrical N558“-D¢9 C038. “-0- 2 any metal aitlluciata-d with llatimi
`wmgt ll as) art]. of. like. or containing platinum, esp, dam.
`plafi-nti1'i‘l(plat"non‘l)l|. ModL S
`Prov. metal plate. silver liar. ailve<r <p\l’l. .‘n:uu‘ln.1n:l.:p'Il:t"aPl.:
`sflvery. malleable. ductile metallic cliorn‘
`1.. 1:‘ hi
`‘ La 1
`to corrosion and electrochemical attack: used a'f.".".=n.-.'.'§s.3'l lritlyrll.
`for acid- roof oont.ainera.oignitiorl fuses. jewelry, dental alloys. clc.:
`'_at. M... 195.
`, at. no.. 78; rip. gr., 21.45; ml-lt. pt..
`: boll. pl». 3.827‘C -1
`by urine. with the platinum-
`platcd popyawarded to the pe ormer(a) I
`idrllignating a record.
`tape, disc, video, _etc. which has registered sales of a lip:-cil'll~d num-
`ber. a two million. or value, as 811100.000: platinum reflects a
`number or value than gold
`black a black powder of finely divided metallic platinum.
`made 5)! rothlction of platinum aalta: used an a catalyst. all in organic
`lot woman with very light. ailvrry blondo
`In lllorldc I a
`Plllilltim lnotal any of a group of similar metals.
`Nlhefllllm. rhodlt:;.dpalladium. oanliurn. iridium. and platinum
`lltdb (plat'o
`') n. [Fr < 0Pr plat. flat (sea Pl.a11l).
`by latitude. l-rctitude
`1 a commonplace. not. or dull quality. as
`ltttararlaa ltitwera
`all or o '
`‘ —ptat1-tlrdlnoua (-tot "ll Ml
`‘gt-fl|I!1«tll'di-noualy adv.
`3 "I
`la a into rcrnark or idaa. cap. one uttered all if it were
`naval or inoaiantoua: a comrnonptlco is any obvious or conventional
`nllurll or idea: a“glam la a atatcnlcnt whose t:ntl"i‘a_wiaieIy llnwii and
`turn or million ur
`kl" Which. though ggnfmmug lit-cunle llIt'£:'l'yOd and
`W‘ lhmflll much repetition; bI'orl'l|¢O in an informal term for a platitudr
` ly dull. tiresome. or annoying
`no (plat'o wod"n la’. -tyGbd'-l vi. -nlaotf. -nlflnr to
`wmemmi. 13-
`%l W-'0) I
`rI c. 427-c. 347 B.(‘..; Gr.£liiloaopllrr
`W3: lpla ram, 12-)
`ll. Plalanicua < -r_!’lglldrl_l{!0Il to!
`Ofchancteriatic of P Uoor
`' philosophy Ildealultlc. vislonariy. or
`lv .
`mm... . ...3.l'5.§.'§l“'.5’..'.’,'.’..2.’.T"§fi'.7.‘l"i§“‘3.13.‘..s'§.’f..'.‘.‘u".'."."§E.'i.‘l‘:'..i...l
`pmggmfl sexual activity —plI-
`W “V-
`pmw“ Year GREAT min
`8m lPlIt"n iron.) n. [Modb plalonmnunl 1 the vhilnwvhv
`be Plato or la. mod; W, the doctrine building that «mm of
`are real i
`rtlcipate in an
`Pendent mm of ;,,,“,,‘§“,’,;,'{,{';',,";”,’,,§f,".', idea‘: 5: logical fnrina which
`’E“h°e°°”"lNt:fth!:ti:o.Ll:1!ofe.,e',:';:,l‘;%.:tltip ace lrliiausli 2 the theory or
`— ’
`O n.
`mm‘! {l;|ilt"_n ..«‘i"’.?l -nixed’, -niatog to follow the plllllilslllghy of
`Plato“ l"1°"°Phme in a Platonic manner -vi. to make
`Mm lgl:ntma') n.
`|F peloton a ball. group. platoon < OI-‘r
`um,‘ '
`‘ I06 Ptli.l.lrr
`1 a military unit ¢"ml’°"‘d °' .""" °'
`Int: lg
`°' WC?-ions. normally under the cornmalid of ll Iranian-
`lthihh ' Wlldivlaion of a corn
`ny. troop. 91¢» 3 3 R’''“P “' “'“"
`ll; an °’,gcI;:Ioon of
`llicel 3 . pom any or the npe:*i.gI|iI::|.ll|*;I“{"l.‘_lf
`no - -i»a'i“«“3m 5:2":
`.':.:'.'.‘:.'::'::L‘::...°:. .... .. .»
`‘Will’ ""°" 3'3 Spam to alternate (
`yell) at a imitlnn /10 pla-
`,f:;nh:.°,'.:‘;:'“ in right field] —a vl. pllrta 1 to he elmnaml with
`.;§...,,,g,gv...:.§.,j ..i;:2:.,’..::’.!:':.':'';:.’:.':_¥.:.:“..*.:.°..::.:*.:*.';;l'... ..
`‘V r
`(Plllt cl:id|")n(: '|e(':‘:»a'¢‘:tIfi)lrl.’;3l‘a?¢"l'l‘ll'lRt'h < plat. plain.
`l‘ 39!’: nee rurrlr) + duiulrh. German: are lll-llrrlu1l-
`.,mntlpl.,, ff %:m'I_8lnlc dial.-cl. of N Germany: I--w lh-rm-rgd |
`em Nd", by Rluiirc Hone. lit.. flat river
`river forum
`the North mum at the Smith lluuo. 6: fl-Mull
`Muuouri: 310 ml. (499 Iirnl
`ME plaier < Anglo-l-‘r 4 01"?
`Qlp. meat or null
`'9corg' mm°"d’lV¢:loroWt.l.l'l'unl:l‘lle on Whi"l' l’l“'“"'
` ':"Played #3
`gong pgxrtr #4 Ifilnfllll “ I’l""
`‘pmk(Plll-l latter0. H. Plat!(I327-I905)."-3-39”‘
`_____‘__’_____ platform bed I pl:
`r"|;!:‘<:|II mt||||'|:‘ L l::ltRI'I'I'lI,l pllri Ill H llhlit , umtallllilg lrlrlflu tapnu
`Platta burgh lplnlmlmrgl Inflor 1.. Plan. r-nrlv -u-ill.-r, r mu l M,
`NH N V . ml lllllm t'Iilllllplllln: an-lia all
`ll llrllluill llllllllmll lllt
`rt-pillar-ll lvy Ill!‘ ll H: pup. 'M.Ill)ll
`P'3W' l|Ilr1l'M dd]. (Ir-ill (‘lIlIl]|tIIt'I' ill‘ plriIlla_ alum-la, M .|,.),.._ an r
`lam lnvmi. lllllllll. rm-Iill, r-tr.
`Dl8lly7 (plat?) n., pl plany, plaflyl. or pllflll Illljljlrd .- M"
`I 'la!_t1ulr'i'llil.I, ll iwltlln inf fmlli-ii -
`l Hr [lmIulml_ rrlnriwmlrmu
`nliv all ll
`irilinlll-r ul lmilllllv mlnmt, in-..|.w..i.-, l,.,.l,...,,, mg
`lflflllllll .\'lphu[lIlurIIltl all l't-lllrnl Mllrrt-'n: mil-rl Ill lrnplrlil licplnrill
`platly- (pliil'i. --ll I- (ir pluIva_ llmml. tlnl
`ll-I ‘phi! . var lit tn
`l'l.MN' I mrnhlnurg /urm lmlml or flat Illfntvln-lnllnlld
`plally-ho]-mlnth lpIitl’i I'll-I'inmlh'l n. Iprn-.
`llrl Mmml any n
`tl'llIlVllrvllrlii'ltllr-ill ill
`llnllrlli-ll wllrmll with a ruin, umu
`ml-rill-il llulily mill ii llallill ri-ll liviilr-in. rill llw plnrlnriaml. tliprwim
`or liver flllh-ll; llirtwilrm — PIOIN Ml rnwttltc
`platly-pus lp!nI’l pull) n.. pl —pt.isIo| or -pl’ (-|II’l Mrldl. -* Gr [Ila
`-. plrrlya.
`(u-c I'I.A'l'\'~l
`l puma. mirrll ll
`ilnlrlll. nqlratic. egg lnvirlg murm-
`lrrrno mrllllillill
`rllua urrllllnrliil ilf Ainllrllllrl rlnrl
`'l'illlmaliilr. with wollllr-ll fl-i-I.
`ll:-avi-rlilw tall. and a dilvlillliiv
`hill: dill-lrliill
`pla I’-flllflc (|llnl’i I'll)‘, -rinl 00'].
`< Hr
`plillyrrllin. bruml-rlu.-u-rl < plaly
`(Ire t'I.a'l'\'-l 9 rllui urn. rhir
`nnrl. mule: lu-r IIIIIND»
`having a llruml. tint male with nmltrilu ll:
`opt-n In tho aid:-. crvirllrlg a mule.
`lit-ptilin ——II.
`it plalyrrlli
`lmlnlnl. esp. tho NPW Wllrlll illmilli-ya Sn‘ i'At‘IitmtiiNlt
`plairdit lpli'l'ilitl n. I «
`I . pllmdlto-. pl. inlpi-r. ill’ [llrludc-rr. I0 npplnm
`Iullurrlly pl.|
`I an applllildlllg rlr rilirml uf ripplnlliw 2 lmy i-xprailliu
`of lip mvnl or prairie
`plairalblo lplu’-an ll.oIl ad]. |I.plnmlifli'!l'a - plnluirrr. tn rlpplamll
`not-iniilgI_v lrilr-. arr:-plrlllli-. r-tr-.: «Iii-n iniplyllm llulllr-lrrf 2 ltl‘I‘l|'lll'I[(
`l'MII'|t'lI. lriu-tvmrthy. ctr; uni-n inlplylllg iluilrulit -‘ plctrtlbtflty
`plau’al1bIo-noaa n. vplltfllbly adv.
`llmrr :I|||Ir'|V'I| til hr in
`SYN.-—rlMu|NO nppllnl In that wllil-ll lrt fir-rt
`li- val, rrlllirilrgll Chris‘ in I
`rt-lllulnn Ill‘. Wtllll, r-Ira lml WhII‘l| llilry ur lillw lull
`rnillluliltlrln uni‘ dc-llllr-rlitr ilwr-pll-in Ia plmuulllr algllrllmlll. crodihlo
`us-«ll «If that wlliull oi lI'llMfll|lt' Ill-riiiiiw it in -iuppurtr-ll Irv r-vrllrlmv. Itrlll
`llniii‘. t‘It‘. In i-mlllllr an-lllillli. apactoira applil-ll In lltrrl wliu In In ItAl|I|‘f|
`rililly rrarnililllli-. vlrllil. i-tr. hill in tlt‘l|utllV nut ltll. null ll i-ililnulcll inlrlit in
`in ill-rt-ivr In h]l'l'IHHI nriivwl -- ANT.
`nulrlo. actual
`plau-alvo (pll’l’iiiv) lfl. I lllarrl app uililnl or nlruwing praillo 2 ob
`l'tlI'. of I'l.Al'rilitlB
`Flair-t_ua (pll'»i'.irl. (Tltua Macciua) c. 2.'»4~Ilu l|.t‘.; lium. imm .
`milllc dranuul
`play (illal vi.
`MP3 PMH < 0l'3'[l-llrmn. in play. be active] 1 to mus
`lilil“-lilo Pflllid st. or erratically: utter lnililllght ptuyinu run the wave:
`2 to amuse «meal-If. all by tolling part In it uairle tll‘ llpilrt; i-rlgrrigr r
`recreation 3 to talio active part in ii game or apart [null pluym
`bi-caulio of an injury! 4 to rrmngr in ii prune for lltalu-ll; [amhlo 5 r
`to act. drill. or tilurll carrlr-illsl_v rlr lightly: lrilla (with a thing t
`palrntln) bl |tlhal.| Iilriluaxo in at-xuallli-tivity; rllrlly 6 in pr-rturm (I
`a musical iiilltrllmr-nt 7 trl give out lluuluta. rap. u1ul|i('nIunu||dg; an
`of an inlltrumrvnt. phllnugrrlph of Input in-ma...-_ pug, 3 1.. mu] m,
`to prrfilrmallcc Ia drama that dull-a nut, play wgrlu g go "4 ,9
`ape-i-iflud way; up. to pretend lo be [in play .{..".|., 10 u. 3“ m ..
`an in lidrrllna: perform on the lltagrv It to lie ii-rtunm-it in ii llipaipr
`on the radio. rtr. Iv/lull mmrie in plavirlgtl t
`In niuvo rm-Iv wlihu
`limita. all partil of a mm-hlna 13 In he t‘jO('flId, am-lu.'m-d, o
`din-ctod rrpi-all-dly or nlntilillililllly. an it fountain. a iiputllgllt. ctr
`Will’! WI. 0l'W'- 0|’ ¢l'”3R ‘‘ l0 |l|||)I|lI' uMt‘ru|lllluulll_v (rm alluIllr~r':
`for-linxn ilr allai-1-ptlhllltiea) 15 |l'uIlnq.| to ru-Inc-vr arcnptnlu-i-. lurc-
`ecu. tic. —-VI.
`‘I al to tnllr part
`in la game at apart) Min hr
`atatiolind at to Ipvftflvrl pmliliunl in ii spurt 2 to uppmlo ta pr-rmn
`ti-am. air.) in it [ARM or q-mitrat 3 in gm" 9; mg in ;llli_\'r-r. ell-.l in ll
`game» or cilntaat I to do (iiulrii-tlllnpl. an in fun or In elm-rive 0'10.‘
`tr'll'llrlI 6 ill to hot fibl to hot on [play this hum-al er! in art no Ill!‘
`lliiiiill of [play a hunch]
`fifi til lapel-llllrtr in ttlw litu-ll nilirlwtl 7 I--
`canao to rnlwo. act. llpr-rata. I-ti'.; wlr-lil: ply I no put In -l'N"r""l
`card) into play [in play all are] 9 to raullo or r-Ifr-rt Ital llltll‘ lIfl\'*"'{
`10 iii pr-rform tmlillii-l 11 at in pr-rfurm llrl la mllali-at lrlainlrnrlll
`6) to calm (a pllmlngra |l'l. philrlllyailh I'I't‘1|l\l. tlll-r M't"'l"'- ‘fig!’
`etc.) to give ilill
`iiilullr ii. Inuqoa, on-.
`I2 til owl-I|1l'M|\‘ ""
`(ailmmnrl with mililii-: with in. nil. rte. 13 (II
`Ir-rfurni ta
`dritlllotw paliluturll 14 to art lhnl part M II" I G" l“r"- ":“’"_“_m,n,
`‘I5 lit Imilnlo tho avlivlllml Ill. all rhilllrr-ll club I" M
`[in plav lriwllr-r. tn plm hlllillol 9'5 II‘ IN!‘ I“ """"“"",:_ H ._i
`play ltilatun for a war-II 17 to MN‘ 0! ‘?"":_':"'l::','.{,.'gl;l: ll-I--|l'Il
`I’I'||1'lIll"tll_V llr runltnllilllnly (rm. f|l'l"'- -W N
`filth) lirr ital-lfIl,V llltlltlrlx at llw lino IH9 in |lI::.If“a:'I|f‘l"|":'. :34. ‘mm
`Iplqwrl him fur ii run!)
`1 artisan. l.Il|il|,|‘u2|,“‘.“l"n‘ I-“_ u..,‘,,. f...-
`free. rapill. rlr liultt ltlw lr'il,l- ui mun: «I, “_‘m" manual in fur
`million or artluii. nip.
`II a tIM't‘hl‘""’““
`~it . tlw natu-
`Ilnllllillllallt rlr rm-rwlllilii. I|)"|'l- ll""""- "" " "m " "I." i -
`Ir" " ','
`It. all» rltr;
`ii-n. aw;
`in»: am ll.-r:l.u|--It‘-‘l-fi_:.“‘l"_l-.".“; M2,;
`far; -1 fur irlratr.-lrllryt
`r-mi-r-Ill. all
`it l:“.lSI ‘Mn. um u 0' m mm H," ,
`. o -
`lr it al
`‘Mun,’ ,-hill; nlii-. all ml ill rllllfl‘ (or
`__ (mm ‘M.
`an .l"A\|l‘Pl‘::£r!l!.';ln
`8.‘. Quad. "om .0‘ 3.‘. cw".