`Exhibit 2019
`1 of 3
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`Library of Congress Camlogirtg-in-Publication Dam
`The American heritage college dictionary. —3rd ed.
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`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`2. Americanisms.
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`2 of 3
`5_'-V .‘
`plaster of Paris
`platinum ',_._.
`licncer \vearirtg .1 plastmn
`Sylvia ?1alI1
`Flmtngraplted in 1955
`oi boy
`.“ pat
`ou out
`:71 pay
`o'o to”o‘e<
`fir care
`cTo t>o'ot
`‘a father
`(1 cut
`E pa:
`or urge
`E be
`th thin
`I pit
`2}: this
`I pie
`hw Wl"llCl‘l
`ir pier
`zh vision
`6 put
`3 about.
`0 we
`o paw
`Stress marks:
`l' (primary);
`3 of 3
`' (secondary),
`dictionary (dik ’s ta-nEr'c)
`_ Ir. To sp mu. ,.
`[PoSi~"<‘lii.T:J" E
`',l1l Splash,
`Jprncnt; £JCf)DHt1'y
`to ,n0(|)giaE,:
`" “W cnwopu... 1.
`‘ml rr._ ‘.3. The (1:31, _
`I, or mtratnuscula fl
`lplasma. 2. Met:'.icr_ C1,“
`transfusions. 3_ pr _
`tion of milk [mm “_1:}”*
`whey. 5. Pi:-3,-5_ A higlljtlt
`‘lllml)L’rS of positive lull
`figure < Gk. <
`s-rnatfic (pliz-m:it'Il;‘.
`; cell lvoundlin lymphoid
`1 reaction with 3 Specific
`ulasrna cell.
`:l1l<c 5I3[€ of r:yrap|;_3m‘
`eudopocl of the amoeba.
`elf-replicating hereditary
`11 and function in :1 man.
`:' chromosomal gem,
`If. See cell membrane.
`:is. -fa-re’-l n. A prom;
`:11 blood and the remain.
`[rLu.\i[.\) + Glr.
`til’) :1. A state ofq.1o-
`double-stranded unit of
`dependently of the chro-
`-und in bacteria.
`: enzyme in plasma that
`ting factors.
`The inactive prccursorlfl
`and blood plasma.
`usmm. {< ru<.~u-l
`3} also plas-mo'dB5"‘
`l-rna-ts) or -K1135 35“
`hat passes through _°P‘"l'
`protoplasts of :tdi_5‘°“l
`icsrrrd, bond l< i-M”? m
`, pl. —di-a (-di"?l-123
`rmcd by the fusion
`'o7.o:in of the Smus Fl:
`iles that cause W137"
`rmsu(0)— ’ '°‘h“m’rr,
`fits, -oid).] —P|35"“°
`l. -595 (—séz'l.
`wall 0! J
`\\'.3_\' from ilis‘
`_ plus"
`by water loss.
`I’. Jar.
`:sp- 0
`article. Of S1'3“”lc'
`Gk. plastos. WWI
`- m 5‘?
`If lime UT !3.‘P"u
`l1 solid, used for C?
`tith P-l"“.'I
`‘j"*""' _"'
`. or repair W
`h .1 coat o1
`d on‘. °"°”prCm' bl“
`=. 5. To mils
`I L
`makc adlle“-'
`“T d_,m3gc or
`P?” Plflsmr-'
`:.tr:', cemenuns I
`{M n. A board gr‘, ti>‘J
`npsum P”‘“' C
`)r walls.
`I of l’-if"
`)r cast in 5‘
`\‘r.'1’ Ell’ L'0~i”"£'
`{er of Paris lpfirlisl H‘. Any of 3 group of gypsum cc-—
`,5 made. up essentially of hemiliytlratcd calcium ‘iulf.![L‘,
`l“‘§o;.I,»‘;H2O, .1 powder that forms :1 paste wl'u:n mixed with
`r and hardens 'll'Il() a solid, used in making casts, molds,
`watt culpwrc. [ME, after Putts’-, Francs-.]
`“:;lt:r.work (pl:'1s'r9r-\vt'irl-t’) rt. Constmctiort or ornamen-
`" h
`mi \;‘:!h3ld§'l(5)|'1[Bl.l:l lt[1df.l:1:1.§{{tE|:'1pfllJlC of being shaped or fortlicd.
`plasiilclating to or dealing with shaping or modeling. 3. l-loving
`ualities of sculpture;
`\VEll-fO|’rl1CtTl. 4. Giving form or
`ti]: 3 ,0 3 substance. 5. Easily influenced-,
`‘and; of :t phslpi} or plastics.
`Phys. Cnpalilc of under-
`v: ormntion wit out rupllln: or rel:t:<:ttion.
`E013:-;0E Capable of building tissue; formative. 9. Marked by
`=ntest"t..°;.:::::'£:;':l:.l‘.=. :.".:.';=“: ,3“; ":.’.‘::";-1’-..."..‘.::;
`Eggfinic compounds produced by polylnerization and c-.tpable
`of wing molded. extruded, cast into shapes and films, or
`,.n into filaments used as textile fibers. 2. An Object or
`M‘ dfl'3Ifl\d'd -tr
`obit‘-15 IIIJ. C 0 Pain‘.
`N 07131:}.
`1’ CFC IT CHI’ or Cfl.
`55, [Lat. piasrreus < Gk. pfasrikos < piusros, molded -.
`l.-ir:exn,tot11ol_d._5ee pela-
`.] -plas ti-cal-Iy tidy. — plas-
`HCII-fy [pl.'iS-llsfl-IE) rt.
`_p1a5Lic stiff. Forming; growing; chattging; dcl‘r:l0].')l11g: mom-
`[,._,-_;i;.:. [Glc. plrrstikos, fit for muldtng._See r'I.m1c.]
`plastic explosive M. A moldable explosive substance used In
`bombs detonated by fuse or‘ electrical impulse.
`pm.fl.¢[ze iplfisfti-siz’) rr. cr um. 12. -clzeel, -eiz-ing. -ciz-es.
`To make or become plastic. —plas"ti-cl-za’tion (-.=.i—xa"-
`ghan) rl.
`pus-tl-ciz-er (pl:'is’ti-si’z:Ir) 1!. Any of various substances ad-
`ded, as to plastics, for softness or plinbility.
`plastic surgery It. §urgcry to ICl'l’l0(lCl, repair, or restore body
`pans, esp. by the transfer of tissue. — plastic surgeon 2:.
`plas-ticl ipliisftld) 1!. Any of several pigrnentetl (.'}'IUpl3Sl'lllL' or-
`ganelles found in plant cells and other organisms and having
`various functions such as food synthesis and storage.
`[-1 Gk.
`plasris, plasrid-, fem. of plastés, moldur < plttstos, moltlcd.
`Sec ruLmc.] —p1as-tidll-al (plis-tid’é-all rrdf.
`fPll5'iron lplisftran) rt. 1. A metal brcnsrplate worn under :1
`coatof mail. 2. A quilted pad worn by fencers to protect the
`torso and side. 3. A trimming on :1 bodice. 4. The front of a
`mJl‘s's dress shirt. 5. Zool. The ventral part of the shell of a
`‘Mile or tortoise. [Fr. < OFr. < Olral. pirtstrorte, nun. of
`Pldffr-1, thin metal plate. Sec PL-\5TER.] — plasfrral (-tral) adj.
`‘Pl-ml’ slrff. Molding or forming surgically; plastic sur[:,ery:
`Pfilldfflpfrlsry. (Gk. -pfdsrrrf < plrtsros, molded -'1 ;u'as_<riu, I0
`mold. Sec pe|a.2-_I
`"]l’l3l5)' Suff. Var. of —plasIa.
`.lr.v. plat-ted. plat-ting. plats. To plait or braid.
`raid. [ME platen, alteration of plaitcrr, to fold, braid.
`mill llll-51) n. 1. A piece of land; a plot. 2. A map showing
`Inual 01‘ planned features, such as streets. — .'r.v. plat-ted.
`mailing. plats. To make _a plat of.
`[ME, prob, alteration
`cnccd by plat, somctlung flat) of plot. Sec no-r.]
`Ha_'t‘a’5br._1. Plateau. 2. Platform. 3. Platoon.
`_lPl:!’t;:, -ta), Rio de la. A WILlC‘ estuary of SE Smith
`,1:§':“3db¢m'cen :\r_gcntina and Uruguay formed by the Pa-
`F[a,,a‘" Uruguay rivers and opening on the Atlantic.
`- 9'3 lpla-ti-Tn). An ancient city of Greece SW of Tlu.-hes;
`s:r¢ of H G
`Na, d
`reek victory over the Persians H1 479 me.
`"Juur lplii’ do zhu'or") n
`pl plats du jour (pl.’i’ do
`Plam +- d eaturc
`is o rt:
`ay at .1 rcstcrurant. [ r. .
`[2 .1r,
`"1 Of the + your, day.]
`lphll I1. 1. A smooth flat
`IJiin rigid body of uniform
`n-ess- 2.3. A sheet of’lram'merctl, roiled, or cast metal.
`p,‘,Cc‘°’l' thin applied or deposited coat of metal. 3.3. A flat
`5’ metal forming part of a machine: :1 hoi.'cr plate. b. A
`rhi,,P'°“' of metal on which something is engraved. 4.a. A
`t:cccm§°p°f_ metal used for armor. b. Armor made of such
`A r
`{cp,o%"“‘ 0f_ a woodcut or other engraved material, esp. when
`In to! "Q5 in .1 boolt. c. A liillpagc book illmtration. often
`‘flu par and printed on paper different front that used on the
`"'=c-zal 33- 5. P.l:orog7.rp.l:_\'. A light-sensitive Sheet of glass or
`7.1}(,"?_“ Which a. photographic image cart be recorded.
`813115 ,o'”".V- :\'thirt_rner:t||ic or plastic support fitted to the
`Sl'lIttlt3,.“~‘Itcl’1}t]ir artificial teeth. 3. .-lrcbrr. In wood-fr:1nic cun-
`»?! o"
`Plate. up°“= “-'ll.Iil2i?2l‘J:
`r:tIilcL)i'nraEl'|iers1lr,cElsIt:.]g9.I llaldftjzlllol-liitilc
`adisl, 0'a~ A shallow dish for food. I). The contents of such
`A Whole course served on such a dish. ‘ll. Service
`“Ch as him’ one person at a meal. 12. Household articlcs,
`%°ld_ 13 °llD\'-'v.-are, covered with a precious iricutl, such as
`4- 5
`' ’\ dish passed, as in a cortgrcgntion, for offerings.
`'1- 1'‘!
`15 prile
`0|’ Qt ALI
`:1rl:lC L 0 Sl’VCr'Ul' gfl
`D orl.
`- A contest, esp. :2 l10:.'5EI.’.‘!L'C, orfernig such :1 prize.
`‘ A W "1 Cut of beef from the brisket. 15. .-lumt. CL‘ Zool.
`'_l flat layer or scale, as that of .1. fish. 33. A plntclike
`“'1. or structure, such as lll.1[ covering some reptiles.
`17. Elect. a. An electrode, as in :1 st0rag_ch:1ttcry or capacitor.
`b. The mode in an electron tube. 18. Cool. In the theory of
`plate tectonics, one of the sections into which the earth's crust
`ts dividccl Ihat are in constttnt motion relative to each other.
`— tr.t:. plat-ed. plat-ing. plates. 1. To coat or cover with .1
`thin layer of metal. 2. To cover with armor plate. 3. Print. To
`make .1. plate from 4. To give a glossy finish to (paper) by
`pressing between mcml sheets or rollers. [ME < OFr. < fem.
`of plat,
`flat < \/’Lut.
`‘plamrs < Gk. plants. See plat-'.}
`— platfer n.
`pla-teau tplft-:5’) n., pl. -teaus or -teaux t-167.’). 1. An cle-
`vatcd, relatively lcvcl expanse of land‘,
`:1 tablelttntl. 2. A rel-
`‘.}li\’{‘l)' stable level, period, or state.
`-- :'mr.u. -teaued. -teau-
`lng. -teaus. To reach :1 stable level;
`level off.
`llir. < O}-'r.
`plnrel, platter < plot, flat. Sec f‘1ATE.]
`plat-ed fplfiltidl adj. 1. Coated with :1 thin adherent layer of
`metal. Often used in cornbinntion: a gofrl-plated pen. 2. Cov-
`ered with protective plates or sheets of metal. Often used in
`combination: .1 steel-plated safe. 3. Knitted with two kinds of
`yarn, one on the face and one on the back.
`plate-ful (plfitl'Icfi:l') n., pl. -fuls. 1. The amount that a plate
`can hold. Z.-A generousportion of food.
`plate glass H. A strong rolled and polished glass containing few
`impurities, used for mirrors and large windows.
`plate-let l].!l:it"lit) N. A minute disklikc cytoplasmic body in
`the blood plasma of mamtuals that promotes blood clotting.
`plat'El'|{pl51["Itl Pr. 1. The roller in a typewriter that serves as
`ll1L' backing for the paper against which the type bars strike.
`2. Comp. Sci. The roller in :1 computer printer against which
`the print llC.‘lLl. strikes. 3. A flat plate or rolling cylinder in :1
`printing press that positions the paper and holds it against the
`lnl\'Ed rypc. [.\lE pfttreitrc, parctt < OFr. pltttfrtr, metal plate ‘-1
`llflt. Sec
`plate proof 1!. Prfztl. A proof taken from £1 master plate.
`plate tectonics H. 1. {used will.» rt sirtg. U.) A theory of global
`v.lj.'nantics holding that the movement of a small number of
`sctnirigtd sections of the earth's crust, .‘Il whose margins seis-
`mic activity and volcanism occur, causes continental drift and
`clmrtgcs the shape and size of ocean basins and continents.
`2. (used win‘: :2 sing. or pf. tr.) The clyntlmics of plate: move-
`ment. — platen’-tel:-tonlic (plfit"ték—ion-'Tk) ad,-'.
`plat-form (pl-Zitfféi-m’) H. La. A l'1uri?.Ut1tal surface raised
`above the level of the adiaccnt area, as :1 stage for public
`3|?-CC1l<l|1[1.lI|. A vessel, such as :1 submarine, from which weap-
`uns can be deployed. C. An oil platform. 2. A place, .1. ntcnns,
`or an opportunity for public expression of opinion. 3. A ves-
`tibule at the end of a railway car. 4. A formal declaration of
`the principles on which a group makes its appeal to the pub-
`lic. 5.21. A thick layer, as of cork, between the inner and outer
`soles of a shoe, giving added height. h. A shoe having such :1
`construction. [Fr. plate-forme, diagram < OFr. : plat. flat; see
`!‘I..\'l‘E + forme, form {< 1.1!. forma).]
`platform bed If. A bed consisting of a mattress on Tl platform
`supported by legs, with available space on the flour beneath.
`platform scale it. An industrial weighing iustruntent consisting
`of a platform coupled to an automatic system of levers and
`adjustable \\'eig.hts. used to weigli large or heavy Ol)|L‘CtS.
`platform tennis :1. Sptirrs. An outdoor court game played \-Vitlt
`paddles and a rubber ball on a raiscd and fenced wooden
`floor that is smaller than a tennis court.
`Plath lpliithl, Sylvia. 1932-63. .-\mcr. writer whose poems are
`noted for their images of alienation.
`pla-tirna (pl:-telna) :1. Platinum, esp. as found naturally in
`impure form. [5p., dint. of plutrr, silver, plate < \-‘Lat. ‘plaz-
`nrs. See rum=..1
`plat-ing (planing) :2. 1. A thin layer of metal deposited on or
`applied to ;\ surface. 2. A coating of metal sheets or plates.
`pla-tin-ic (pin-tinfilt) adj. Of, relating to, or containing plat-
`inum, esp. with \'.1lcnCt.‘ -1.
`plat-l-nize (pl:"1t"u-i;r.’l rr.u. -nixed. -niz-ing. -nit-es. To cloc-
`rroplate with plntituun.
`platino— or p|atinl— or pJatln— pref.
`[< FLA11.-<u.\i.]
`plat-i-no-cy-a-nide (pl:"1t'n~t3—si’n—niil’) It. A double salt of
`plrttinous Cyanidc and another cytmidc.
`plat-l-nuid fpl§t’It—oitl') .trl'_i.
`llcscmbling. planmltn. —-H.
`.-\n ;tllo_v of copper, nickel, tungsten, and zinc, formerly
`used in electric coils. 2. A metal clicmically resembling plat-
`inum, esp. osmium, iridium, nr palladnun.
`plat-i-no-type (pl5.r‘r1-('3-tip’) H.
`‘l. A process t'ortncrl_\' used
`tor infll£ll'l[__’ photographic prime, using a platinum salt and an
`Iron salt in the sensitizing sululiott to produce prints in plat-
`inum black. 2.. A prim produced by plarinotypc.
`plat-l-nous (pl:"it’ n-.15) adj. Of, relating to, or containing plut-
`Inum. esp. with mlcttce 2.
`plat-i-num (pl.it"n-attt} II. I. S}'1flf)Of Pt .-\ ductile tttallcable
`metallic clerncnt usu. occurring l1‘IlXl2Ll with other metals such
`as iridiurn, osmium, or nickel and used as :1 catalyst and in
`cleclrical components,
`irrwclrjr, LlE|1ll5l|')',
`.1ntl cleclroplating.
`Atomic number 73-, atomic weight 195.09; melting point
`1,772“C; boiling point 3,8l7'°(I; specific gravity 11.45; va-
`lence 2, 3, 4. See table at element. 2. (fm'or. A Inctlium I0
`lllatinum: pltitiitoryp.-.