`Rudolf F. Graf
`Boston Oxford Auckland
`Johannesburg Melbourne New Delhi
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Date
`Graf, Rudolf F.
`Modern dictionary of electronics I Rndoif F. Graf.~'i'th ed..
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`1. E1eetronics—Dictionaries. I. Title
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`sending-end impedance — Also called the driving-
`point impedance. The ratio of an applied potential differ-
`ence of a transmission line to the resultant current at the
`point where the potential difference is applied.
`sending filter—A filter used at
`the transmitting
`terminal to restrict the transmitted frequency band.
`sensation Ieve|—See level above threshold.
`sense — 1. In navigation. the relationship between the
`change in indication of a radionavigational facility and
`the change in the navigational parameter being indicated.
`2. In some navigational equipment, the property of per-
`mitting the resolution of 130° ambiguities. 3. To examine
`or determine the status of some system components. 4. To
`read holes in punched tape or cards.
`sense amplifier—l. A circuit used to sense low-
`level voltages such as those produced by magnetic or
`plated~wire memories and to amplify these signals to
`the logic voltage levels of the system. 2. A circuit used
`in communications-electronics equipment to determine a
`change of phase or voltage and to provide an automatic
`control function.
`that portion
`sense flnder—In a direction finder,
`which permits determination of direction without 180°
`sense—reversing rof|ectivity—The characteristic
`of a ieflector that reverses the sense of an incident ray.
`(For example, a perfect corner rcflector is invisible to a
`circularly polarized radar because it reverses the sense.)
`sense 5lep—.‘>'ee secondary calibration.
`sense switch—0ne of a series of switches on the
`console of the digital computer that permits the operator
`to control some parts of a program externally.
`sense Wire-——A wire threaded through the core of 21
`magnetic memory to detect whether a logical
`l or 0 is
`stored in the core when the core is interrogated by a read
`pulse. This technology is no longer in use.
`sensingw l. The process of determining the sense
`of an indication. 2. A technique used in a power supply
`regulator for monitoring the output voltage or current.
`In local sensing,
`the monitor points are the output
`In remote sensing.
`the monitor points are
`located at appropriate locations in the circuit being
`powered, connected by wire to sensing input terminals
`on the supply.
`sensing e|ement—Sse primary detector.
`sensing fie-ld~»The zone in which an object can be
`sensed by a proximity switch.
`sensistor—A silicon resistor whose resistance varies
`with temperature, power, and time.
`sensitive ro|ay— 1. A relay requiring only a small
`it is used extensively in photoelectric circuits.
`2. Any of a number of different types of relays requiring
`very low pickup power. Generally considered to be one
`requiring less than 100 milliwatts of pickup power.
`sensitive volume»ln a radiation~counter tube, the
`portion responding to a specific radiation.
`sensitivity—1. The minimum input signal required
`in a radio receiver or similar device to produce a specified
`output signal having a specified signal-to-noise ratio. This
`signal input may be expressed as power or voltage at
`a stipulated input network impedance. 2. Ratio of the
`response of a measuring device to the magnitude of
`the measured quantity. It may be expressed directly in
`divisions per volt, rnilliradians per microamperc, etc., or
`indirectly by stating a property from which sensitivity can
`be computed (e.g., ohms per volt for a stated deflection).
`3. The signal current developed in a camera tube per unit
`incident radiation density (i.e., per watt per unit area).
`Unless otherwise specified, the radiation is understood to
`be that of unfiltered incandescent source of 2854 K, and
`its density, which is generally measured in watts per unit
`sending-end impedance — sensor
`area. may then be expressed in lumens per ‘foot. 4. The
`degree of response of an instrument or control unit to a
`change in the incoming signal. 5. In tape recording, the
`relative intensity of the magnetic signal recorded by a
`magnetizing field of a given intensity. 6. A measurement
`of the electrical output of a microphone for" a given
`sound pressure level at its diaphragm. 7. The smallest
`input change that a DMM is able to display. It is equal
`to the least significant digit on the lowest measurement
`range. For example, a threc—digit DMM with a 100-
`mV range has 100 ml sensitivity. 8. Generally expressed
`in dBm at a specified impedance (usually 600 ohms),
`sensitivity is a measure of the lowest DTMF signal
`level that a receiver can detect. It represents an absolute
`threshold below which detection of a single frequency
`is not generated. 9. Measure of the ability of a device
`or circuit
`to react to a change in some input. 10. In
`television, a factor expressing the incident illumination on
`a specified scene required to produce a specified picture
`signal at
`the output
`terminals of a television camera.
`il. A measure of relative output for a given input of a
`tape, microphone, etc. 12. Characteristic of a receiver that
`determines the minimum input signal strength required for
`a given signal output. Sensitivity is usually measured in
`microvolts (LN).
`sensitivity adju5tment—Also called span adjust-
`ment. The control of the ratio of output signal to excitation
`voltage per unit measurand. Generally accomplished in a
`system by changing the gain of one or more amplifiers.
`The practice of placing excitation control components '
`(such as potentiomcters or rheostats) in series with the
`excitation to a transducer is a sensitivity adjustment for
`the system. However‘,
`in the latter case no significant
`change is introduced in the output~lo~input ratio of the
`that adjusts the
`sensitivity oontro|—The control
`amplification of the radio-frequency amplifier stages and
`thereby makes the receiver more sensitive.
`sensitivity-time control—A1so called gain~time
`control or time gain. The portion of a system that varies
`the amplification of a radio receiver in a predetermined
`sensitizing {electrostatography} —The establish-
`ing of an electrostatic surface charge of uniform density
`on an insulating medium.
`sensitometer—An instrument used to measure the
`sensitivity of light-sensitive materials.
`5el‘I3it0metry—Measurement of the light-response
`characteristics of photographic film.
`sensor— 1. in a ilavigational system. the portion that
`perceives deviations f1'om a reference and converts them
`into signals. 2. A component that converts mechanical
`energy into an electrical signal, either by generating the
`signal or by controlling an external electrical source.
`3. See primary detector. 4. An information-pickup device.
`5. A transducer designed to produce an electrical output
`proportional to some time~varying quantity, as tempera-
`ture, illumination, pressure. etc. 6. The component of an
`instrument that converts an input signal into a quantity
`that is measured by another part of the instrument. 7. Any
`device that can detect the presence of, or a change in
`the level of, light, sound, capacitance, magnetic field, etc.
`8. A device or component that reacts to a change; the
`reaction is then used to cause a control or instrument to
`function. For example, a thermistor changes resistance
`as temperature changes, and the resistance changes can
`be used in an electric circuit to vary current. 9. A trans-
`ducer that converts a parameter at a test point to a form
`suitable for measurement by the test equipment. 10. A
`sensing element. The basic element of a transducer that
`usually changes some physical parameter to an electrical
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`stacked-diode laser — stand-alone
`emitting narrow beams placed one above the other to
`cover a vertical segment, azimuth information is obtained
`by horizontal scanning of the beam, and range information
`is obtained from the ccho—return time.
`stacked-diode laser—- A type of laser used when a
`great amount of power is required. Avoiding the bulk of
`large numbers of optical lenses, this instrument offers high
`output intensity and a small emitting region at reasonable
`drive currents.
`stacked dipole antenna—Antenna in which the
`antenna directivity is increased by providing a number
`of identical dipole elements, excited either directly or
`parasitically. The resultant radiation pattern will depend
`on the number of dipole elements used, the spacing and
`phase difference between the elements, and the relative
`magnitudes of the currents.
`stacked hads—Also called inline heads. An
`arrangement of magnetic recording heads used for stereo-
`phonic sound. The two heads are directly in line, one
`above the other.
`stack frame-—~A contiguous data area allocated for
`every activation of a routine; holds pa1'amete1' values,
`local variables, temporary variables. and return—linkage
`stack pointer—1. A register that comes into use
`when the microprocessor must service an interiupt--a
`high-priority call from an external device for the central
`processing unit to suspend temporarily its current oper-
`ations and divert its attention to the inle1'1‘uptiI'Ig task. A
`CPU must store the contents of its registers before it can
`move on to the interrupt operation. It does this in a stack,
`so named because information is added to its top, with the
`information already there being pushed further down. The
`stack thus is a last-in, first-out type ofrncmory. The stack-
`poinler register contains the address of the next unused
`location in the stack. 2. The counter or register used to
`address a stack in the memory.
`stage— 1. A term usually applied to an amplifier to
`mean one step, especially if part of a multistep process;
`or the apparatus employed in such a step. 2. A hydraulic
`amplifier used in a servovalvo. Servovalves may be single-
`stage. two-stage, three-stage, etc. 3. A single section of a
`multisection circuit or device.
`stage-by-stage e|imination—A method of local-
`ing trouble in electronic equipment by using a signal
`generator to introduce a test signal into each stage, one at
`a time, until the defective stage is found.
`stage efficie.-ncy—Ratio of useful power (alternat-
`ing current) delivered to the load to the power at the input
`(direct current).
`stagger—Periodic positional error of the recorded
`spot along a recorded facsimile line.
`staggered heads—An infrequently used arrange-
`ment of magnetic recording heads for stercophonic sound.
`The heads are 1%; inch (30.95 mm) apart. Stereo tapes
`recorded with staggered heads cannot be played on
`recorders using stacked heads, and vice versa.
`staggered tuning—A means of producing a wide
`bandwidth in a multistage IF amplifier by tuning to
`different frequencies by a specified amount.
`staggering—The offsetting of two channels of dif-
`fcrent carrier systems from exact sideband-frequency
`coincidence in order to avoid mutual interference.
`staggering advantage—A reduction in intelligible
`crosstalk between identical channels of adjacent carrier
`systems as a result of using slightly different frequency
`allocations for the different systems.
`stagger time—The interval between the times of
`actuation of any two contact sets.
`stagger-tuned an1pIifier—An amplifier consisting
`of two or more stages, each tuned to a different frequency.
`stagnation thermocouple/A type of thermo-
`couple in which a high recovery factor is achieved by
`stagnatiug the flow in a space surrounding the junction.
`This results in a high response time as compared with an
`exposed junction.
`staircase—A video test signal containing several
`steps at increasing luminance levels. The staircase signal
`is usually amplitude modulated by the subcarricr fre-
`quency and is useful for checking amplitude and phase
`linearities in video systems.
`staircase generator—A special-purpose signal
`generator that produces an output that increases in steps;
`its output waveform has the appearance of a
`staircase signa|—A waveform consisting of a
`series of discrete steps resembling a staircase.
`torque—1. The torque that
`the rotor of an
`energized motor produces when restrained from motion.
`2. The torque developed by a servomotor at speed in
`excess of 1 rpm but less than 0.5 percent of the syn-
`chronous speed with a rated voltage and frequency of the
`proper phase relationship applied to both windings. 3. See
`holding torque.
`stalled-torque contro|—A control function used
`to control the drive torque at zero speed.
`sta|o—Acronym for stabilized local oscillator. A
`highly stable osciilator, usually stabilized by feedback
`from a very high—Q LC circuit such as a high—Q cavity.
`Used as part of a moving-target
`indication device in
`conjunction with a radar.
`stamped printed wiring —Wiring that is produced
`by die stamping and that is bonded to an insulating base.
`stamper—A negative (generally made of metal by
`electroforrrting} from which finished records are molded.
`stand-a|one— 1. Pertaining to a device that requires
`no other piece of equipment along with it to complete
`its own operation or function. 2. A system or piece of
`equipment that is capable of doing its job without being
`me EFFECYS or one
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`taggered taming.
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