`Page 1
`Patent Owner.
`APRIL 1, 2016
`CA CSR #13529
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 2
`taken at 10080
`West Alta Drive, Suite 200,
`Las Vegas,
`on Friday,
`April 1, 2016,
`at 9:01 a.m.,
`Kristy L.
`Certified Court Reporter,
`in and for
`the State of Nevada.
`For the Petitioner:
`181 West Madison Street
`Suite 4600
`Chicago, Illinois 60602
`(312) 278-3778
`For the Patent
`1170 Peachtree
`Atlanta, Georgia 30309
`(404) 815-2223
`Also Present:
`William R. Huber, D.Sc., P.E.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 3
`I N D E X
`By Mr. Hosteny
`(None marked.)
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 4
`9:01 A.M.
`was called as a witness,
`and having been first duly
`was examined and testified as follows:
`Will you tell us your name,
`Russell Jacob Baker.
`And what's your present occupation?
`I'm a professor of electrical and computer
`engineering at UNLV.
`Do you have a PhD?
`You prefer Doctor or...
`Doctor is fine.
`Doctor is fine. Good.
`All right. Dr. Baker,
`when were you retained
`to assist
`Samsung in this matter?
`Sometime last year.
`Sometime in 2015?
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`YES .
`And were you provided materials,
`Page 5
`or did you gather materials on your own?
`Objection to form.
`I don't remember.
`Were you given the Podlesny patent,
`which is Exhibit 1001?
`There's a stack for you.
`Is this mine?
`that one is
`Is there another?
`Actually, we might not
`have one.
`I apologize.
`I didn't --
`No worries.
`I didn't make four copies;
`made three.
`We can just share.
`I have got,
`think, a full
`set .
`You do too.
`So I can give you --
`All right. All right. Yeah.
`Here, you
`take that one.
`Thank you.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`All righty.
`Page 6
`Were you given the Podlesny patent exhibit,
`what's been marked as Exhibit 1001 in the proceeding?
`I don't recall if I was given the patent or I
`downloaded it from some place on the Internet.
`All right.
`In any event, you obtained it
`from somewhere?
`Okay. Okay. At Exhibit —— wait a minute.
`Would you take a look at Exhibit 1005, please.
`(Witness complies.)
`That's the Sukegawa patent; right?
`You guys have one for me?
`I keep --
`MR. PARK: We may have some other copies.
`MR. HOSTENY: Wait a minute. No.
`looking at the wrong stack here, Steve. Hold on just a
`In fact, why don't you just
`take —— you didn't mark this up or anything, did you?
`I did not.
`MR. HOSTENY: Why don't you just take that
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`MR. PARK: Fantastic.
`That was Bill's, and we can --
`Page 7
`we'll use
`this one here.
`MR. PARK: Okay.
`MR. HOSTENY: All right? Okay.
`this is separate. That's just for the
`All right. Have you had a chance to look at
`Sukegawa patent?
`(Witness reviewing document.)
`YES .
`And did you obtain that patent sometime last
`summer or last year?
`How did you identify the Sukegawa patent?
`Did someone tell you,
`or did you find it on your own?
`I don't recall.
`In any event, you got it.
`Take a look at 1006,
`the Watanabe patent.
`Did you obtain a copy of that from some
`either the Internet or someone else?
`YES .
`All right. This would have been last year?
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`All right.
`Take a look at Exhibit 1007,
`Page 8
`Hardee patent.
`Is that a patent that you also obtained
`sometime last year?
`YES .
`And lastly,
`Exhibit 1008, which is an IEEE
`Seem to be missing one.
`MR. HOSTENY: Not there?
`MR. HOSTENY: Got one? Okay. Let me see if
`I have an
`MR. PARK: Has this been marked?
`MR. HOSTENY: Hold on a second.
`Oh, here it is.
`You got it?
`MR. PARK: Yeah.
`It's here.
`Problem solved.
`Okay. Dr. Baker, have you looked at 1008?
`And is that a document that you received
`sometime last
`last year?
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`I don't recall if I received it or I
`downloaded it myself.
`Okay. Either way, you had it last year,
`Page 9
`though; correct?
`Okay. Did you do any independent searching
`to find any references, patents, or documents that you
`thought might be pertinent to the work you were asked
`to do?
`I'm going to object and instruct
`the witness to answer that question but not reveal any
`privileged communications in the answer.
`Can you repeat
`the question,
`MR. HOSTENY: Why don't you read it back.
`(Record read by the reporter.)
`I believe I did, yes.
`Did any of those documents become references
`that you relied on in your report?
`I don't recall.
`All right.
`And your report, by the way,
`Exhibit 1002, or your declaration,
`I suppose I should
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 10
`Okay. Going back to Exhibit 1008,
`take a
`look at Figure 4.
`(Witness complies.) Okay.
`Do you see the horizontal lines connected to
`the right side by something called QEQ?
`That is a transistor?
`If what you're referring to is the same thing
`that I
`think you're referring to, yes.
`A transistor is
`connected with its gate to a signal on the far right,
`which is a vertical line labeled fee 3.
`All right. What kind of transistor is that?
`Is that a PMOS or an NMOS,
`if you're familiar with that
`It is an NMOS.
`Okay. And if fee 3 —— if there's a signal on
`fee 3, what happens with the transistor?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`Does anything happen with the transistor?
`If the signal
`is 0 volts on fee 3,
`transistor's off. And if the signal on fee 3 is, say,
`the transistor's on.
`Q. What's the value of Vdd?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
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`Page 11
`Let me clarify. Vdd is a voltage; correct?
`Yes. Vdd is a power supply voltage. And on
`the first page of Exhibit 1008,
`in the left—hand
`column, one value for Vdd that's listed there, about
`the tenth line from the bottom in that left column,
`5 volts for Vdd.
`Okay. Okay.
`So if fee 3
`in Figure 4
`zero, correct me if I'm wrong,
`the transistor is turned
`And if fee 3
`is Vdd or 5 volts,
`then the
`transistor would be turned on?
`Can the transistor be turned on with a
`value of other than 5 volts, something less, for
`If so, how much?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: When you say "turned on," can
`you be a little bit more specific what that means?
`I was trying to use your terminology.
`Suppose that there's a signal on fee 3, but it's not 5
`Suppose it's 4.5 volts.
`Or 4.
`Let's just say
`4 or above. Will that transistor turn on?
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`It will turn on,
`just not as
`Page 12
`much as when there's 5 volts on the gate of the
`Is there a point between 5 volts and
`zero where it will not turn on?
`Same objection.
`THE WITNESS: Assuming that the only voltages
`on the chip are zero —— between zero and Vdd, meaning
`there are no negative voltages --
`—— then, when fee 3 reaches the threshold
`voltage of the transistor, say,
`.8 volts, and assuming
`one of the lines connected to the transistor is at 0
`the transistor will shut off or start to
`Okay. What's —— what is the "threshold"?
`What do you mean by that?
`Loosely speaking,
`that's the voltage between
`the gate and the source where the transistor starts to
`conduct current.
`Now, below the threshold voltage,
`transistor still can leak current,
`so it's not totally
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 13
`off. But,
`in general
`terms, when one of skill in the
`art says threshold voltage,
`they're referring to when
`the transistor tllI‘I1S On.
`Okay. All right.
`So it's possible for this
`transistor to have a threshold voltage of 0.8 volts, as
`low as that?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`You may have been giving me an example,
`I —— I —— I may not be correct when I say that.
`I don't recall in the paper what value of
`threshold voltage they actually specified.
`Okay. Okay. And the voltage —— the
`threshold voltage you mentioned is measured between,
`think you said,
`the gate and the source?
`The threshold voltage is measured between the
`gate and the source, and it assumes there's a potential
`between the drain of the transistor and a source so
`that current can flow.
`Okay. When you say "potential," what do you
`if this transistor in Figure 4,
`QEQ —— I don't think I gave you that one on the list
`but I'll have to.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 14
`If QEQ is above its threshold voltage, and
`there is a potential difference between the drain —— by
`the way, which is the drain in this diagram?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`Is it above or below the —— the small arrow
`pointing to the right?
`I talked a little bit about this in my
`So, for example,
`footnote 1 on page 43 of my
`declaration, which is page 45 of 83 in the exhibit.
`Yes. Okay.
`So one of ordinary skill in the art would
`understand that identification of the sources and
`drains transistor are dependent on the voltages
`provided by the transistors.
`This particular footnote is specific to the
`circuit I'm looking at
`in the declaration, but
`same —— same answer applies to your question in
`Figure 4 of Lu.
`The source and drain depend on the
`potential supply to the transistor.
`Can you tell me,
`in Figure 4,
`which is the source and which is the drain, or do you
`need to know what
`the potential is that's applied?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Looking at the transistor
`Page 15
`QEQ --
`—— the labeling of the source and drain,
`since those terminals are interchangeable in a
`transistor, would depend on what
`the voltages are on
`the lines 1 and 2 that are labeled in that figure.
`Okay. Did you discuss this Figure 4
`somewhere in your declaration?
`think you did.
`to find the location?
`I'm looking at page 31,
`if that helps.
`What was the question?
`MR. HOSTENY: Why don't you read it back.
`(Record read by the reporter.)
`On page 31 of the declaration,
`the Lu, bottom,
`I reference sensing and bitline
`precharge and half Vdd sensing and some other text.
`If I gather correctly,
`the point you
`were trying to make with respect to Lu is that it shows
`a way to get a voltage that you call Vdd divided by
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: Also in Lu, for example,
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 16
`Figure 1 and the associated discussion on the first
`page of Lu discusses precharging half Vdd the bitlines.
`In Figure 4, can you identify the bitlines
`for me.
`Is —— and do you see the note,
`the reference
`in Figure 4?
`It refers to fee 3 --
`the fee 3 clock
`controls the equalization device.
`See that?
`Where are you reading?
`The description of Figure 4,
`just below the drawing.
`I see where it says fee 3
`clock controls the equalization device.
`So the line --
`the horizontal line --
`let me back up.
`What are the two horizontal lines in the
`drawing that are connected at the equalization device
`on the right—hand side?
`Those lines --
`1 and 2 are the labels --
`the bitlines.
`And the 1 and 2 you're
`referring to —— oh,
`I see them. Yes.
`Thank you.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 17
`So am I right that Lu,
`the author of the
`is —— is describing how one of the bitlines
`would be at Vdd?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: Yes. And the text below
`Figure 4, ninth line from the bottom, at the end of the
`previous active cycle, one bitline half is at Vdd.
`I'm still looking. Which column are you in?
`Right below Figure 4.
`Got it.
`Ninth line from the bottom.
`I see. Okay. Okay.
`So it's one bitline half is at Vdd,
`the other
`is at zero. And then the equalization device is turned
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`Fee 3,
`that is,
`is used to turn on the
`equalization device?
`So before sensing, precharge of the bitline
`is initiated by switching on fee 3
`to turn on the
`equalization device QEO.
`And --
`and Lu says that shorts the two
`bitline halves together?
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`Page 18
`YES .
`And what he refers to as the precharge level
`he says is at nearly half Vdd?
`Yes. That's what Lu says.
`And you're relying on what
`the Lu article
`says as part of your conclusion that Claim 1 of the
`Podlesny patent is obvious,
`based on Sukegawa and Lu?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`Can you read back the first
`part of the question?
`MR. HOSTENY: She'll read the whole thing if
`you want.
`If that doesn't work,
`then I'll
`restate it.
`(Record read by the reporter.)
`So yes,
`the Lu article, not
`just Figure 4,
`the entire article in combination
`with Sukegawa,
`yields the Podlesny patent.
`The 130
`Okay. And —— and in Lu, you are relying on
`the fact that he shows a way to derive a —— what you
`call a precharge voltage,
`that is, Vdd divided by two?
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`Page 19
`Yes. Again,
`for example,
`in Figure 1 of Lu,
`there's a voltage called Vref, and in Column 1 or the
`first column of Lu, on the same page,
`the left—hand
`the discussion of precharging to half Vdd, Vdd
`over two is another example precharging in Lu.
`Okay. Okay. Claim 1 of the Podlesny patent
`requires a constant called K, does it not?
`All right.
`In column —— or in Claim 1,
`the last element
`K is a precharging voltage factor.
`Okay. And —— and the claim there refers to
`two buses.
`One is a differential bus, and the other is
`a differential data bus?
`The claim talks about a differential
`bus and a differential data bus.
`And they both have to be precharged,
`according to Claim 1?
`The last element of Claim 1 says,
`the differential bus and the differential data bus are
`precharged to a voltage.”
`Okay. Does --
`does Lu disclose K?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`Specifically, what —— what Claim 1 calls the
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 20
`precharging voltage factor.
`Same objection.
`So the last element of Claim 1,
`"a voltage Vpr between Vdd and ground,
`where Vpr
`equals K times Vdd,
`and K is a precharging voltage
`Lu discloses K being between Vdd and ground.
`So yes, Lu discloses this.
`Q. Where, specifically?
`MR. PARK: Objection.
`For example,
`on Column 1 of Lu,
`the fourth --
`fifth line from the top of the second
`the bitlines are precharged to a reference
`voltage approximately equal
`to Vdd over two,
`which I
`would take to mean a voltage between Vdd and ground,
`where that voltage would be K times Vdd or where K is a
`precharging voltage factor.
`I'm sorry.
`I'm not seeing voltage factor in
`Can you be more specific?
`Objection to form.
`Q. Well,
`let me be specific.
`I'll read the
`sentence. First column,
`"The bitlines are precharged
`to a reference voltage approximately equal
`to Vdd
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`divided by two, which can be obtained from a voltage
`regulator, as suggested by Foss and Harland, or by
`shorting two bitline halves after restoring the
`Page 21
`So he refers to two ways of precharging;
`In the sentence you just read, yes,
`bitlines can be precharged to a voltage of
`approximately Vdd over two from a regulated voltage
`source or by shorting two bitlines together.
`Okay. And the technique shown in Figure 4
`the shorting of two bitlines together;
`is that right?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`I believe so. Yes.
`Other than referring to the voltage regulator
`as suggested by Foss and Harland, and I
`think —— and I
`think he refers to a —— does he refer to a Note 3?
`Yes, he does.
`Other than referring to using a voltage
`regulator by —— suggested by Foss and Harland, does he
`otherwise describe a voltage regulator?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`I don't recall if voltage
`regulator's mentioned in any other place in the paper.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 22
`How do you know that —— well, let's back up.
`In the manner shown in Figure 4,
`the shorting
`of the bitlines,
`is there a K, a precharged voltage --
`precharging voltage factor in Figure 4?
`I'm going to object to form.
`In Figure 4,
`the bitlines are
`precharged is nearly half Vdd, which I would take to
`mean K is nearly half of Vdd.
`Are you saying,
`that there is a
`precharging voltage factor in both of the two methods
`suggested by Lu —— that is Foss and Harland —— and by
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`So I'm saying that Figure 1,
`which, as discussed in Column 1,
`in the first column,
`in the second paragraph, under the introduction and
`second sentence was one of the most widely used
`variants to precharge the bitlines.
`And then it goes on to discuss pre charging
`the bitlines to approximately Vdd over two. And then
`with regard to Figure 4,
`the precharging is also to a
`voltage of nearly Vdd over two as discussed in the text
`underneath Figure 4 on the second page of Lu.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 23
`You used the words "nearly half Vdd."
`that correct?
`The paper uses the words "nearly half Vdd"
`the third sentence from the bottom there, underneath
`Figure 4.
`Do you see in Claim 1 of the Podlesny patent
`that there is a reference in line 16, Column 4 --
`there's a little typo there —— where it says the two
`buses are precharged to a voltage Vpr?
`I see wherein the differential bus and the
`differential data bus are precharged —— precharged to a
`voltage, Vpr. Yes.
`Do you see a Vpr
`in Figure 4 of Lu?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`I do not see Vpr
`in Figure 4.
`Go back to Figure 1 of Lu. Does that
`graph show Vdd?
`It looks like —— and I'm unsure, but Vdd in
`Figure 1
`is either 10 volts or 12 volts, but
`specific value of Vdd isn't listed in Figure 1.
`Is —— is there a line which represents
`its value? One of those lines?
`Vdd isn't plotted in Figure 1.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Okay. Because those are all —— those lines
`all repre
`sent voltages varying over a very short period
`Page 24
`of time;
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`in my world, 100 nanoseconds is pretty
`erhaps not
`in yours.
`Those —— that's a graph of —— of —— of
`—— various voltages over time; right?
`Okay. What's bitline floating?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form. And relevance.
`Is that term mentioned in the
`Lu paper
`some place?
`Might be. Let me back up before we answer
`that ques
`When —— when you were working on your
`you had available to you the Podlesny patent,
`the Sukegawa patent,
`the Watanabe patent,
`the Lu
`and Hardee; correct?
`Therefore, you were able to look, for
`at Claim 1 of the Podlesny patent and then
`study the
`other references to see if they disclosed
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`elements of Claim 1;
`Objection to form.
`looked at those
`Page 25
`references when doing my analysis.
`Okay. And,
`I mean,
`did you have them side by
`side on the same table,
`all available to you at the
`same time,
`in other words?
`So you could look at Claim 1 of
`Podlesny and see,
`for example,
`the first element,
`bus drivers.
`And then could you go look at Sukegawa
`and say,
`Sukegawa's got
`two bus drivers.
`I identified the two bus drivers on
`page 18 of 83 of my declaration,
`Exhibit 1002.
`Why do we have four digit numbers,
`Okay. And
`you could work your
`through each of the other subparagraphs of —
`Claim 1 and then look at the other references --
`Watanabe, Sukegawa,
`or Hardee --
`to see whether
`they disclosed each of those limitations as well?
`In my declaration,
`I have a table that
`discusses the disclosure of Claim 1.
`So Claim 1 was essentially the
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`guideline of what you had to look for in the other
`Page 26
`MR. PARK: Objection to form.
`I don't know if I would use the
`term "guideline," but yes,
`looked at Claim 1.
`Okay. All right.
`Sukegawa —— that's --
`well, let's go back. We didn't finish up something on
`I had asked you what bitline floating was,
`and I said it might be mentioned in Lu. And,
`in fact,
`it is.
`I'm sorry. Was that a question?
`Can I have that read back?
`I will give you the question
`Take your time to look at Lu, but my question
`is: What is bitline floating?
`MR. PARK: Objection. Relevance. And
`I'll also add scope. Outside the scope of
`(Witness reviewing document.)
`So I see the term on the top of the last page
`in the left—hand column.
`So just with a very cursory
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`review of the paper related to that term,
`I would take
`it to mean that the sense amplifier is turned off so
`that the bitlines are not actively driven to Vdd and
`Page 27
`In the upper bitline in Figure 4, what
`will make Vdd remain constant?
`Same objections.
`Let me rephrase that.
`It could
`be better.
`Is there anything shown in Figure 4 that
`ensures that Vdd on the upper bitline will remain
`Same objections.
`If the upper bitline, which is
`labeled "1" in the figure,
`is at Vdd, and the lower
`bitline, which is labeled "2" in the figure is at
`then the sense amplifier consisting of
`transistors Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 will actively pull those
`lines 1 and 2
`to Vdd and ground as long as the sense
`amplifier is active and the fee 2 switches are on.
`Fee 2?
`I'm looking for it.
`Pardon me.
`Those switches --
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`I see it.
`I got
`them. Okay.
`So the sense amplifier needs to be active and
`the fee 2 switches,
`those are Q7 and Q8,
`is that what
`Page 28
`you're saying, need to be on?
`If they are not on and the sense amplifier is
`not active,
`is there anything that maintains the value
`of Vdd —— of the bitline above at Vdd 2 —— I'm sorry.
`Let me rephrase that. That's terrible.
`If the —— if fee 2,
`that is, Q7 and Q8, are
`not on, and the sense amplifier is not active,
`is there
`anything maintaining the value of the upper bitline at
`MR. PARK: Objection to form. Outside the
`If the bitline isn't actively
`driven, it will be floating.
`How much can it float?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form. Outside the
`I don't know how to answer that
`How about —— how about a quality of
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 29
`life answer instead of a quantity?
`Is there some rough approximation you can
`make or is it simply not possible to tell?
`Same objections.
`So in the operation of the
`the bitlines are actively driven to Vdd and
`ground so that the data can be read out.
`After the data is read out,
`they remain --
`the data remains there until the next read.
`In other
`they remain precharged to Vdd and ground.
`As described in Lu, before you do another
`read, you shut off the sense amp,
`and you short the two
`bitlines together to precharge to Vdd over two.
`you read the data out.
`So long periods of time where the bitlines
`are floating or they change value really are not a
`concern in a practical circuit.
`Can you tell me whether you agree or disagree
`with Lu's comment at the top of page 454 about a longer
`period of bitline floating being a drawback?
`MR. PARK: Objection to form. Outside the
`I do agree that a longer period
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 30
`of bitline floating can be troublesome.
`I'll take a
`look on the previous page to see what specific
`situations where they would, perhaps, float the
`I believe, again, after a cursory review,
`that during this time frame, which is the early to
`that NMOS DRAMs —— so NMOS means only
`end—channel transistors are used —— were still common.
`And in that situation, a lot of this discussion is
`geared towards NMOS DRAMs, which don't have the PMOS
`transistor to actively pull up the bitline to Vdd, and
`it's —— it clearly says in the second from the last
`page of Lu in the second —— third paragraph down, "In
`therefore, half Vdd bitline sensing has
`none of the disadvantages" --
`Let me interrupt. Where are you reading?
`I'll follow you.
`It's the --
`I see.
`I'm with you now.
`I see the
`—— "which it has when used in NMOS DRAMs."
`And I believe that the disadvantages are discussed
`below. And, again, after a cursory review of this
`I believe that's likely related to the fact
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 31
`that in NMOS DRAMs,
`there isn't a PMOS device to
`actively drive one of the bitlines to Vdd.
`Okay. Taking a look back at Figure 4 for a
`moment, let's —— let me ask you to assume the signal
`present on fee 3, and the two bitlines have been
`shorted together; so there's a voltage which Lu says is
`nearly half Vdd.
`Under those circumstances, are those bitlines
`PARK: Objection to form.
`Outside the
`scope. And relevance.
`I believe what
`the author, Lu,
`is talking about when he refers to bitline floating is
`the time prior to a read or prior to doing a precharge
`where the bitlines aren't actively driven by the sense
`amp. We only do the precharge and short the two lines
`together to precharge to Vdd over two or nearly Vdd
`over two immediately prior to reading or sensing the
`DRAM memory.
`Is there —— is there a period of time in
`there where the bitlines are floating --
`Same --
`—— at nearly half Vdd?
`Same objections.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`I wouldn't use the term
`Page 32
`I would use the term,
`they're shorted
`together to precharge the bitlines to nearly half Vdd
`over two.
`So one bitline is shorted to the second
`bitline, and they're tied together, not floating, as
`what is indicated in the text where one bitline isn't
`tied to anything.
`Once they are tied together and they are at
`nearly half Vdd,
`is there anything preventing a
`variation in nearly half Vdd?
`Can it vary?
`Same objections.
`Immediately after precharging
`the bitlines,
`the sense amplifier is fired —— well,
`prior to that,
`the DRAM memory row is opened,
`information is placed on the bitlines, and the DRAM
`sense amps are fired to read the memory.
`You said immediately —— I
`think you said
`immediately after they're precharged,
`the sense amp is
`Immediately after the bits have been
`precharged --

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