`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being hand
`delivered to Examining Group 2600 on October 26,
`_ 0 9/ 2 7 7 I 9 3 5
`OCT 2 6 2001
`Technolcgy 0327312630
`MARCH 29, 1999
`JUNE 4, 2001
`Assistant Commissioner For Patents
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`10/29/2001 HHDGEEi
`00000003 09277935
`01 FC:202
`This is a Preliminary Amendment in the above—identified
`application. Entry of this Preliminary Amendment, before any
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 1
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 1

`Official Action is taken in this case,
`is respectfully
`Please amend the above—identified application as follows:
`Please amend the claims as follows:
`Please cancel Claim 47, without prejudice.
`Please add the following new Claim 54 as follows:
`ontrol app ratus, comprising:
`a first control de ice located at a vehicle,
`the first
`control device detecting at
`east one of a use of the vehicle, a
`use of at least one of a ve icle system, a vehicle component, a
`vehicle device, a vehicle e uipment, a vehicle equipment system,
`and a vehicle appliance, an unauthorized use of the vehicle, an
`unauthorized use of at leas
`one of a vehicle system, a vehicle
`component, a vehicle devic , a vehicle equipment, a vehicle
`equipment system, and a ve icle appliance, and an entry into or
`Petitioner Nissan Nor%h America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 2
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 2

`the first cont ol device at least one of
`onto the vehicle,
`generating and transmitting a fi st signal,
`transmitted from the first
`control device to a second cont ol device,
`the second control
`device being located at a locat'on remote from the vehicle,
`first signal being automatical y received by the second control
`the second control de ice at least one of generating and
`transmitting a second signal in response to the first signal,
`the second control device tr nsmitting the second signal to a
`third control device,
`third ontrol device being located at a
`location remote from the ve icle and remote from the second
`the third contr
`the third signal providin information regarding the at least
`one of a use of the vehic e, a use of at least one of a vehicle
`system, a vehicle compon nt, a vehicle device, a vehicle
`equipment, a vehicle equ pment system, and a vehicle appliance,
`an unauthorized use of t e vehicle, an unauthorized use of the
`at least one of a vehic e system, a vehicle component, a vehicle
`Petitionei Nissan Norih America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 3
`control device,
`the second
`by the third control devic
`ignal being automatically received
`device generating a third signal,
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 3

`device, a vehicle equipmen , a vehicle equipment system, and a
`vehicle appliance, and an ntry into or onto the vehicle.
`Please amend/Elaims Qli 3fl{/35
`37,/£1,[gO(%nd 5&\as
`Five times Amended)
`A control apparatus,
`a first control device,
`he first control device at least
`one of generating and transmitt' g a first signal for at least
`one of activating, de-activatin , disabling, and re-enabling, at
`least one of a premises system, a premises device, a premises
`equipment, a premises equipment system, and a premises
`the first control de ice being located at the
`the first control devi e being responsive to a second
`the second signal bei g at least one of generated by and
`transmitted from a second con rol device,
`the second control
`device being located at a lo ation which is remote from the
`the second signal
`eing transmitted from the second
`control device to the first control device, and the second
`signal being automatically eceived by the first control device,
`Petitioner Nissan Nofih America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 4
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 4

`the second control
`evice being responsive to a third
`the third signal be ng at least one of generated by and
`transmitted from a third c
`trol device,
`the third control
`device being located at a
`premises and remote from he second control device,
`signal being transmitted rom the third control device to the
`the third
`ocation which is remote from the
`second control device, a
`the second signal being automatically
`received by the first co trol device.
`é)b}Q‘i%f7 compris'
`(Five Times Amended A control apparatus,
`a first control device
`the first control device at
`least one of generating and tra smitting a first signal for at
`least one of activating, de-act vating, disabling, and re-
`enabling, at least one of a pre ises system, a premises device,
`a premises equipment, a premis s equipment system, and a
`the first
`premises appliance,
`location remote from the prem ses,
`ontrol device being located at a
`the first control device
`being responsive to a second
`eing at least one of generated by
`the second signal
`Petitioner Nissan NO1‘?i1 America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 5
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 5

`and transmitted from a second c
`trol device,
`the second control
`device being located at a locati n which is remote from the
`first control device and remote from the premises,
`the second
`signal being transmitted from he second control device to the
`first control device, and the second signal being automatically
`received by the first contro device,
`the first signal
`eing transmitted from the first
`device being located at t e premises, and the first signal being
`the third control
`control device to a third ontrol device,
`automatically received by the third control device,
`the third
`control device at least
`ne of generating and transmitting a
`third signal for at leas
`one of activating, de-activating,
`disabling, and re-enabl ng,
`the at least one of a premises
`system, a premises dev'ce, a premises equipment, a premises
`equipment system, and
`premises appliance,
`in response to said
`first signal.
`ur Times Amend d)
`A control apparatus,
`a first control de ice located at a premises,
`first control device detect‘ g at least one of a use of the
`premises, a use of at least one of a premises system, a premises
`Petitioner Nissan NO1§h America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 6
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 6

`‘ . V‘
`device, a premises equipment, a pre ises equipment system, and a
`premises appliance, an unauthorize use of the premises, an
`unauthorized use of at least one o
`a premises system, a
`premises device, a premises equipm nt, a premises equipment
`system, and a premises appliance,
`nd an entry into or onto the
`the first control devic
`at least one of generating
`and transmitting a first signal,
`he first signal being
`transmitted from the first contro device to a second control
`the second control devic being located at a location
`remote from the premises, and th first signal being
`automatically received by the se ond control device,
`the second
`control device at least one of g nerating and transmitting a
`second signal in response to th first signal,
`J .
`the second control de ice transmitting the second
`signal to a third control devic ,
`third control device being
`located at a location remote f om the premises and remote from
`the second control device,
`the second signal being automatically
`received by the third control
`the third control device
`generating a third signal,
`the third signal providing
`information regarding the at east one of a use of the premises,
`a use of at least one of a pr mises system, a premises device, a
`Petitioner Nissan
`orfh America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 7
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 7

`quipment system, and a premises
`f the premises, an unauthorized
`premises equipment, a premises
`appliance, an unauthorized use
`use of the at least one of a
`emises system, a premises device,
`a premises equipment, a premi es equipment system, and a
`premises appliance, and an e try into or onto the premises.
`:_j:.;_.. _ _
`A method for providing
`transmitting a first signal
`from a first control
`device to a second control de ice,
`the first control device
`being located at a location r mote from a premises and remote
`from the second control devi e,
`the second control device being
`located at a location remote from the premises, and the first
`signal being automatically
`eceived by the second control
`transmitting a se ond signal from the second control
`device to a third contro device in response to the first
`the third contro device being located at the premises,
`and the second signal be'ng automatically received by the third
`control device;
`Petitioner Nissan Nor§h America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 8
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 8

`generating a third s'gnal with the third control
`device in response to the seco d signal; and
`at least one of ac ivating, de-activating, disabling,
`ur Times Amend d)
`A control apparatus,
`a first control devi e,
`the first control device at least
`one of generating and trans itting a first signal for at least
`one of activating, de-activ
`ting, disabling, and re-enabling, at‘
`least one of a vehicle comp nent, a vehicle device, a vehicle
`system, a vehicle equipment
`vehicle appliance,
`the firs
`the first control
`a vehicle equipment system, and a
`control device being located at the
`evice being responsive to a second
`the second signal b
`ing at least one of generated by and
`transmitted from a second c
`ntrol device,
`the second control
`device being located at a 1 cation which is remote from the
`the second signal
`eing transmitted from the second
`control device to the first control device, and the second
`signal being automatically received by the first control device,
`Petitioner Nis an Norai America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 9
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 9

`the second control device be ng responsive to a third
`the third signal being at 1 ast one of generated by and
`transmitted from a third control de ice,
`the third control
`device being located at a location hich is remote from the
`vehicle and remote from the second control device,
`the third
`signal being transmitted from the third control device to the
`second control device, and the th rd signal being automatically
`received by the second control d vice,‘
`the at least one of a V
`icle component, a vehicle
`device, a vehicle system, a ve icle equipment, a vehicle
`equipment system, and a vehicl
`appliance, being at least one of
`a vehicle ignition system, a ehicle fuel system, a vehicle
`exhaust system, a vehicle ala_m system, a vehicle anti—theft
`system, a vehicle door lock s stem, a vehicle hood lock system,
`a horn, a vehicle light, a v hicle lighting system, a vehicle
`window system, a video devic , a video recording device, an
`audio device, an audio reco ding device, a camera, an intercom
`device, and a microphone.
`imes A nded)
`Petitioner Nissan Noi'ti'10Arnei'ica, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 10
`A control apparatus,
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 10

`a first control device, t e first control device at least
`one of generating and transmitti g a first signal for at least
`one of activating, de-activating, disabling, and re-enabling, at
`least one of a vehicle componen , a vehicle device, a vehicle
`system, a vehicle equipment, a
`ehicle equipment system, and a
`vehicle appliance,
`the first co trol device being located at a
`location remote from the vehi le,
`the first control device
`being responsive to a second s gnal,
`the second signal bei
`at least one of generated by and
`transmitted from a second co
`rol device,
`the second control
`device being located at a lo ation which is remote from the
`first control device and rem te from the vehicle,
`the second
`signal being transmitted fro the second control device to the
`first control device, and t e second signal being automatically
`received by the first contr 1 device,
`the first signal co trolling a third control device,
`third control device being located at the vehicle,
`the third
`control device at least on of generating and transmitting a
`third signal for at least
`disabling, and re-enabling,
`ne of activating, de-activating,
`the at least one of a vehicle
`component, a vehicle devic , a vehicle system, a vehicle
`Petitioner Nissan Nort]h1America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 11
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 11

`equipment, a vehicle equipment system, and a vehicle appliance,
`in response to said first sig al,
`the at least one of a vehicle component, a vehicle
`device, a vehicle system,
`vehicle equipment, a vehicle
`equipment system, and a v hicle appliance, being at least one of
`a vehicle ignition syst m, a vehicle fuel system, a vehicle
`exhaust system, a vehi le alarm system, a vehicle anti—theft
`system, a vehicle do
`lock system, a vehicle hood lock system,
`a horn, a vehicle 1' ht, a vehicle lighting system, a vehicle
`window system, a vi eo device, a video recording device, an
`audio device, an a dio recording device, a camera, an intercom
`device, and a mic ophone. '
`e Amended) A met od for providing control,
`transmitting a first si
`al from a first control device
`to a second control device,
`th first control device being
`located at a location remote f om a vehicle and remote from the
`second control device,
`the fir t signal being automatically
`received by the second contro
`transmitting a sec nd signal from the second
`Petitioner Nissan Nor’3h2America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 12
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 12

`control device to a third control device,
`the third control
`device being located at the vehi le,
`the second control device
`being located at a location remo e from the vehicle,
`the second
`signal being automatically rece ved by the third control device;
`generating a third s'gnal with the third control
`device in response to the sec nd signal; and
`at least one of ac ivating, de-activating, disabling,
`and re—enabling, at least on of a vehicle component, a vehicle
`device, a vehicle system, a vehicle equipment, a vehicle
`equipment system, and a ve 'cle appliance,
`in response to the
`third signal,
`the at least on of a vehicle component, a vehicle
`device, a vehicle system, a vehicle equipment, a vehicle
`equipment system, and a v hicle appliance, being at least one of
`a vehicle ignition syste , a vehicle fuel system, a vehicle
`exhaust system, a vehicl
`alarm system, a vehicle antiftheft
`system, a vehicle door 1 ck system, a vehicle hood lock system,
`a horn, a vehicle light, a vehicle lighting system, a vehicle
`window system, a video evice, a video recording device, an
`audio device, an audio ecording device, a camera, an intercom
`Petitioner Nissan Nortlh3America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 13
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 13

`device, and a microp one.
`(Five Times Amended)
`A control apparatus,
`a first control device,
`[wherein said]
`the first control
`device at least one of
`[generates and transmits] generating and
`transmitting a first signal for at least one of activating, de-
`[enabling, and] disabling, and re—enabling, at least
`one of a [premises and a premises at least one of] premises
`[subsystem, component,] a premises device, a premises
`equipment, a premises eguipment system, and a premises
`[wherein said]
`the first control device [is] being
`located at the premises,
`[wherein said]
`the first control device [is] being
`responsive to a second signal,
`the second signal
`being at least one of generated by and transmitted from a second
`control device,
`the second control device [is] being
`located at a location which is remote from the premises,
`second signal being transmitted from the second control device
`to the first control device, and the second signal being
`automatically received by the first control device,
`[and further
`Petitioner Nissan Norti14Arnerica, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 14
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 14

`the second control device [is] pgipg responsive to a
`third signal,
`the third signal
`[is] peipg at least one
`of generated by and transmitted from a third control device,
`the third control device [is] pgipg located at a
`location which is remote from the premises and remote from the
`second control device,
`the third signal being transmitted from
`the third control device to the second control device, and the
`second signal being automatically received by the first control
`(Amended) A control apparatus, comprising:
`a first control device,
`[wherein said]
`the first
`control device at least one of
`[generates and transmits]
`generating and transmitting a first signal for at least one of
`activating, de—activating,
`[enabling, and] disabling, and re-
`enabling, at least one of a premises [and a premises at least
`one of] system,
`[subsystem, component,] a premises device, a
`premises equipment, a premises eguipment system, and a premises
`[wherein said]
`the first control device [is] being
`located at a location remote from the premises,
`[wherein said]
`the first control device [is] being responsive to a second
`Petitioner Nissan Nort:i15Arnerica, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 15
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 15

`the second signal
`[is] being at least one of
`generated by and transmitted from a second control device,
`the second control device [is] being located at a
`location which is remote from [said]
`the first control device
`and remote from the premises,
`the second signal being
`transmitted from the second control device to the first control
`device, and the second signal being automatically received by
`the first control device,
`[wherein said]
`the first signal
`[is] being transmitted
`from the first control device to a third control device,
`the third control device [is] being located at the
`premises, and the first signal being automatically received by
`the third control device,
`[and further wherein]
`the third control device at
`least one of
`[generates and transmits] generating and
`transmitting a third signal for at least one of activating, de-
`[enabling, and] disabling, and re-enabling,
`the at
`least one of
`[the premises and the premises at least one of] a
`premises system,
`[subsystem, component,] a premises device, Q
`premises equipment, a premises eguipment system, and a premises
`in response to said first signal.
`Petitioner Nissan Nort]16America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 16
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 16

`‘ ‘
`(Four Times Amended)
`A control apparatus,
`a first control device located at a premises,
`the first control device [detects] detecting at least one
`of a use of the premises, a use of
`[a premises] at least one of
`a premises system,
`[subsystem, component,] a premises device, Q
`premises equipment, a premises eguipment system, and a premises
`appliance, an unauthorized use-of the premises, an unauthorized
`use of
`[the premises] at least one of a premises system,
`[subsystem, component,] a premises device, a premises equipment,
`a premises eguipment system, and a premises appliance,
`access to the premises,] and anxentry [at least one of into and]
`into or onto the premises,
`[wherein said] pp; first control device at least one
`[generates and transmits] generating and transmitting a first
`[wherein said] phg first signal
`[is] being transmitted
`from the first control device to a second control device,
`the second control device [is] being located at a
`location remote from the premises, and the first signal being
`automatically received by the second control device,
`further wherein]
`the second control device at least one of
`Petitioner Nissan Norti‘17Arnerica, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 17
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 17

`[generates and transmits]
`eneratin and transmittin a second
`in response to [said]
`the first signal,
`the second control device [transmits]
`transmitting the second signal to a third control device,
`[wherein the]
`third control device [is] pgipg located at a
`location remote from the premises and remote from the second
`control device,
`the second signal being automatically received
`by the third control device,
`the third control device
`[generates] generating a third signal,
`the third
`[provides a notification of] providing information
`regarding the at least one of a use of the premises, a use of
`[the premises] at least one of a premises system,
`component,] a premises device, a premises equipment, a premises
`eguipment system, and a premises appliance, an unauthorized use
`of the premises, an unauthorized use of the [premises] at least
`one of a premises system,
`[subsystem, component,] a premises
`device, a premises equipment, a premises eguipment system, and Q
`premises appliance,
`[an access to the premises,] and an entry
`[at least one of into and]
`into or onto the premises.
`(Four Times Amended)
`A method for providing
`control, comprising:
`Petitioner Nissan Nort]h8Arnerica, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 18
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 18

`\ .
`transmitting a first signal from a first control
`device to a second control device,
`the first control
`device [is] being located at a location remote from a premises
`and remote from the second control device,
`[and further wherein]
`the second control device [is] being located at a location
`remote from the premises, and the first signal being
`automatically received by the second control device;
`transmitting a second signal
`from the second control
`device to a third control device in response to [said]
`the first
`the third control device [is] being located at
`the premises, and the second signal being automatically received
`by the third control device;
`generating a third signal
`[at] with the third control
`device in response to [said]
`the second signal; and
`at least one of activating, de-activating,
`and] disabling, and re-enabling,
`the at least one of
`premises and a premises at least one of] a premises system,
`[subsystem, component,] a premises device, a premises equipment,
`a premises eguipment system, and a premises appliance.
`(Four Times Amended)
`A control apparatus,
`Petitioner Nissan Nort]h9Arnerica, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 19
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 19

`a first control device,
`[wherein said] the first control
`device at least one of
`[generates and transmits] generating and.
`transmitting a first signal for at least one of activating, de-
`[enabling, and] disabling, and re-enabling, at least
`one of a vehicle component, a Vehicle device, a vehicle system,
`a vehicle eguipment,
`a vehicle eguipment system
`[subsystem], and a vehicle appliance,
`[wherein said]
`the first
`control device [is] bgigg located at
`the vehicle,
`said] the first control device [is] being responsive to a second
`the second signal
`[is] being at least one of
`generated by and transmitted from a second control device,
`the second control device [is] being located at a
`location which is remote from the vehicle,
`the second signal
`being transmitted from the second control device to the first
`control device, and the second signal being automatically
`received by the first control device,
`[and further wherein]
`the second control device [is]
`being responsive to a third signal,
`the third signal
`[is] being at least one of generated by and transmitted from a
`third control device,
`the third control device [is]
`being located at a location which is remote from the vehicle and
`Petitioner Nissan NO1‘t¥10A1T1€1‘iC21,
`Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 20
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 20

`remote from the second control device,
`the third si nal bein
`transmitted from the third control device to the second control
`received band the third si nal bein automaticalldevice the
`second control device,
`[wherein said]
`the at least one of a vehicle component, a
`vehicle device, a vehicle system, a vehicle eguipment,
`[and] a
`vehicle eguipment system [subsystem], and a vehicle appliance,
`[is] being at least one of a vehicle ignition system, a vehicle
`fuel system, a vehicle exhaust system, a vehicle alarm system, a
`vehicle anti-theft system, a vehicle door lock system, a vehicle
`hood lock system, a horn, a vehicle light, a vehicle lighting
`system, a vehicle window system,
`[a vehicle operation control
`system,] a video device, a video recording device, an audio
`device, an audio recording device, a camera, an intercom device,
`and a microphone.
`A control apparatus, comprising:
`a first control device,
`[wherein said] phg first control
`device at least one of
`[generates and transmits] generating and
`transmitting a first signal for at least one of activating, de-
`[enabling, and] disabling, and re—enab1ing, at least
`one of a vehicle component, a vehicle device, a vehicle system,
`Petitioner Nissan Nor‘311Arnerica, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 21
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 21

`\ ‘
`a vehicle e ui ment [and] a vehicle e ui ment s stem
`[subsystem], and a vehicle a the first liance [wherein said]
`control device [is] being located at a location remote from [a]
`the vehicle,
`[wherein said]
`the first control device [is] being
`responsive to a second signal,
`the second signal
`[is] being at least one of
`generated by and transmitted from a second control device,
`the second control device [is] being located at a
`location which is remote from [said]
`the first control device
`and remote from the vehicle,
`the second signal being transmitted
`from the second control device to the first control device, and
`the second signal being automatically received by the first
`control device,
`[wherein said] the firstksignal
`[controls] controlling a
`third control device,
`the third control device [is]
`being located at the vehicle,
`[and further wherein]
`the third
`control device at least one of
`[generates and transmits]
`generating and transmitting a third signal for at least one of
`activating, de-activating,
`[enabling, and] disabling, and re-
`[said] the at least one of a vehicle component, a
`vehicle device, a vehicle system, a vehicle eguipment,
`[and] a
`Petitioner Nissan Nort:l¥Arnerica, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 22
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 22

`vehicle e ui ment s stem [subsystem], and a vehicle a
`in response to said first signal,
`[wherein said]
`the at least one of a vehicle component, a
`vehicle device, a vehicle system, a vehicle eguipment,
`vehicle eguipment system [subsystem], and a vehicle appliance,
`[is] pgipg at least one of a vehicle ignition system, a vehicle
`fuel system, a vehicle exhaust system, a vehicle alarm system, a
`vehicle anti-theft system, a vehicle door lock system, a vehicle
`hood lock system, a horn, a vehicle light, a vehicle lighting
`system, a vehicle window system,
`[a vehicle operation control
`system,] a video device, a video recording device, an audio
`device, an audio recording device, a camera, an intercom device,
`and a microphone.
`(Twice Amended) A method for providing control,
`transmitting a first signal from a first control device
`to a second control device,
`[wherein said] pp; first control
`device [is] being located at a location remote from a vehicle
`and remote from [said] phe second control device,
`the first
`signal being automatically received by the second control
`Petitioner Nissan Norti13America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 23
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 23

`transmitting a second signal from [said] pg; second
`control device to a third control device,
`[wherein said] pp;
`third control device [is] pgipq located at the vehicle,
`further wherein said] pg; second control device [is] pqipq
`located at a location remote from the vehicle,
`the second signal
`being automatically received by the third control device;
`generating a third signal
`[at said] with the third
`control device in response to [said]
`the second signal; and
`at least one of activating, de-activating,
`and] disabling, and re-enabling, at least one of a vehicle
`component, a vehicle device, a vehicle system, a vehicle
`[and] a vehicle equipment system [subsystem], and a
`vehicle appliance,
`in response to [said]
`the third signal,
`[wherein said] pg; at least one of a vehicle
`component, a vehicle device, a vehicle system, a vehicle
`[and] a vehicle equipment system [subsystem], qpq_q
`vehicle appliance,
`[is] peipq at least one of a vehicle ignition
`system, a vehicle fuel system, a vehicle exhaust system, a
`vehicle alarm system, a vehicle anti-theft system, a vehicle
`door lock system, a vehicle hood lock system, a horn, a vehicle
`Petitioner Nissan Norti14Arnerica, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 24
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 24

`\ ‘
`light, a vehicle lighting system, a vehicle window system,
`vehicle operation control system,] a video device, a video
`recording device, an audio device, an audio recording device, a
`camera, an intercom device, and a microphone.
`Petitioner Nissan NO1“315A1T1€1‘iC21,
`Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 25
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 25

`This is a Preliminary Amendment in the above—identified
`application. Entry of this Preliminary Amendment, before any
`Official Action is taken in this case,
`is respectfully
`By this Preliminary Amendment, Applicant has
`cancelled Claim 47, without prejudice, Applicant has added new
`Claim 54, and Applicant has amended Claims 21, 31, 35, 37, 41,
`50, and 51.
`With regard to each of Claims 21, 31, 35, 37, 41, 50, 51,
`and newly added Claim 54, Applicant respectfully submits that
`the term "automatically" means "without human intervention".
`this manner, Applicant respectfully submits that the term
`"automatically received" means "received without human
`Support for the use of the term "automatically
`received" can, for example, be found in the Specification at
`page 31,
`lines 9-21; page 39,
`line 24 to page 43,
`line 22; page
`line 15 to page 61,
`line 22; page 93,
`lines 1-13; page 96,
`line 1 to page 106,
`line 6; page 138,
`lines 8-25; page 150,
`20 to page 151,
`line 25; and page 153,
`line 3 to page 154,
`3; and in the Drawings in Figures 5A, 5B, 11A and 11B.
`Petitioner Nissan Nora?America, Inc. — Exhibit 1020 — Page 26
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1020 - Page 26

`Applicant respectfully submits that the above amendments
`to the claims do not contain new matter. Applicant submits that
`the above amendments to the c

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