`Fully Integrated TNCk
`Information and Con'trot
`Systems (TIACS) ,
`Trevor, O. Jones
`Wallace K. Tsuha
`, . TAW Transportation Bectrtcat &
`Tranapcrtallon EJ~lcs Olvlslon.
`Elsctronlca Operations
`TRW Inc.
`Solon. 011
`FIII'm1l1gtcn Hills. MI
`. ' " ,
`El-ae.tronie SUb~IYlltems, are baillg de(cid:173)
`velbpe~ for heAVY duty trucks. HoWever,
`these I!lub-.yateftlta an being developed ai
`i.e. .
`ilidividU41 entitiel
`lIiOnitod,l\I t
`etc.. Thia peper identiff.ep
`the ,'.current.
`ranB~, ayste=
`rsq~irament' and
`8UItC~ts ideas
`for a
`fully inte&~~ted !ruc~, ~for=atioD 6Pd
`~Jttrol §ystem (rlAcs), aimed. "t al\ o~erly
`to • vehicle electronic 9y~teM
`fol' heavy duty t ru ek , . '
`iuchultrie., 8~perienci'q lu'~
`like most
`. profiteblt!:
`Many inQustd.BS hav~ $itaifi(cid:173)
`caut COBt I'edu~~ion and
`'&!lore effe~t~ve
`cost coptrol th~aUlh the uae of con&empa(cid:173)
`ra~y alactrpnicu.
`~ch ~1.ct~o~ic8 ai~
`embodied in eitnar .obpisticAtcd data pro~
`ce.eeing 8yatema
`find/or u,ed
`pToduct eananesment. The c~rcial vehi(cid:173)
`elf! QP&l:"atar' need uot bill an ~~eptio~ t:o
`thL. technololieal tTond an~ haa avail~ble
`ellctrQldc sy'talls
`technolosy which will
`permit reduc~d operatiqa COlt py:
`opti~i~lns aleat utili~etioD'
`impt'ovtng pl'od,tictivity ,
`reducing'operating cost
`Slectt;oraie lI'yI:I.t.~IDS ~[Jtering th~ market
`tada), have
`li,QiiicaQt: PQten~id to 1m(cid:173)
`pro"e t!u~ co.t-nWDue' ralatiolUlhip fOI:" a
`rstlge of c.ommercial vehicle. oper(cid:173)
`thQ ilitToduction' of elec:t"niC:1 to
`in pOTentbelle. dasigdata
`rAfa~nceB at the end of tb~ papsr.
`iQ .1'1, phnel C,1f iu
`'c;(1IIIIIerci'al VQhid.1iI
`life includioli lilaitufactul'inl in the basie
`produ~~' ()~ ., iii part of neat operetionl
`iljl no' longer a debate gf "i.fll
`it will happen.
`The au'lier Get
`fait U
`.1Iith electrortic
`b8~kB eltp8:ri.Einced
`cQutrolG ill tha ea.t"iy' 70' a ere no~ behit1d
`,~& with the ind"'8t~y IIIOvil'lg' fat'warci "i~
`rdiabh 'electronic
`effective and
`J;t, la, inc1J1IbaDt ",pon the. clGc(cid:173)
`t'ronic dcaisner
`to con dC\.u I Co pi'ovide
`products and sen-ices wbich enhance
`()vllIl'all II!!Iffiete'Q~Y of tile' cOIDIIIerc:ht' vehi-
`~le ope:ator t
`• fleet.
`It itt to be t'c:co&ni~.d tn.t tha Gom(cid:173)
`mercial . vebic.le' 811.1lWll produ~tio~ 00
`worldwide baail' is 8R1&11 compared to ps.., ...
`• e. ... er ~ar production.
`'NoDII!I-th.~leSl. it
`doss provide the opportunity to apply cer(cid:173)
`tain I:lBCtroni~ ,systt!IIUIi at :eompetiti~e
`coats with
`impre8sively ahQtt pay-back
`pa:d,ooa. Electronic suppl ie~8 with _Iound'
`ayate.s skills h4~B recognized
`the need
`aDd have I!!I tartcd to Illpply a X'4nae" of iai ...
`. po~taut c:,~fIt' effective products
`t~ucking ~nduBtry.
`treqc! hall been ~re:.ted by a
`variety of fo.-css
`incll,1.din& U the truck
`operators 'lU!ed to Dpd.l'ld~e t.he use of b,,(cid:173)
`man 'nul ltbyoical reSali~e. .hicb lead, to
`gt'Aate~ 'demiftdfl for cost .aV'iul, and effi(cid:173)
`eienGY imp~ovin£ optioDI.
`2) Ggvermpeut
`, ions 011 .'~oill: and e''Kl\4llllt emi.rn LOtls
`bec~~or~' etrinaent each yea~; ~quiring
`eqgiDee ,to r\6t\ .t paait efficiellcy .e.t an
`'dQI. 'J) A8 more optiooal f:qui~nt i •.
`'made, 'sv4ilable.' 'by ,q:uck,·
`th~~e is leal apace for eEisting
`and additional ft.atl.ln: •• ' 4) iapidly ex-·
`p8Ddins t@chnoloSYt in the field of .dcrow
`pro~Guol'a. ha. pe~mitted tbe iQ~rodu~tion
`of l' emdl.,r unit. whh . inc-reGU(cid:173)
`insl) larger eapacitLaa. 5) The trend to(cid:173)
`~a~d, micrOpl'~Ce8.~r based multiplex ~il'inl
`CopVrlght 1983 CooIIIV Df AUkI.noU ... in,lnaars. hie.
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1013 - Page 1


`ayatala to rdieve &lpa~B p~gble.11IJ a~d im(cid:173)
`prove ~eli.bility.
`She. the first p8ueDg8~ e,n'l all1i ....
`~l'oprocB,.80r .pplicatio~ to III vehicle
`the numb.r of, ,lIic topl."OC8UOr
`ipc~esaed, to
`t'read' QveJ;
`thirty '( 1).
`paat dacadCli ia &xpeet.d to be expcarienced
`by the
`indl,lst'ty 'the blhnC!~
`Th~ peed for electronicG
`of tbis deeade.
`to withat4ru1 marA barsh eDvirOfUaeJitti and
`to damGDstrate po'ittv~ Gost ~ffe~tivene$e
`~ill raBult 1B • eomevn.t slo~ar 't~ck in(cid:173)
`tToductioD then tbat ,uc~ri.C\c.d' with pas(cid:173)
`II e'ORG r carl.
`III 81mII\TAltfllUh, t:O.fOIlT. CONYBNIINI:5
`Fig. 1 -' "iel'(lp~OCBBtIIO~ eont~ol1Bd func:-
`ilL paneq&~t:' carl. Thue are not
`necesurily individu~l processors ~ ,~5 one
`co .. tr~l
`*Mic~oe~p~ter COD trolled
`f~~ctionl for t~e 1982 model 1&ar are
`li.t~d ia'Table 1.
`SPIED COlttAOL - Blech'Ollic 8y.t~1II1i1
`thet ~oL'\trol
`Ipaed, IU\cl P'rO speed., have Maa int;~Qdu~&d
`,"In one example:
`and 8r~ in PToQuctiol;l.
`(Pi,. 2) • a
`.olenoid. " 'eon~roll f"el
`for aC~Yrate
`.peed cont1:o1. " A vehiele speed lIenaar and
`&n e.ngino spoed lIen8Gr tr.naml.t 8pee4 datA
`to the eleencmie' coattOl unit (rig. 3)
`(3). Thillll '",nit eo~trgll ~witb ex~re"e ac(cid:173)
`lJucb 8.; cruise C01\trol.
`variable BDSiD8 ap8sd.
`li~ltinl •• ~ ~D~d .peed governinB.
`WRIGHT CONtROL' ~ !uropcan count~i~$
`"ave Ol" are lecifllBtion Uapoeiag
`•• V&:t~ pBoalties for .Hoe.ding •• tabli.ha4,
`axle and v~bicla weight
`lavi. Ogp.e-
`,quil:otl'y1the need baa nisell co
`to del'ive
`.xl. lad, ano
`the payload Ilf
`e~~i.l vlhielBs which
`da~lopment of ~l.etrQD!c aalf-weiabips
`sYlte .. ".
`liluitBbly plac:ad OD
`vebi~b axle 1IU!:a~nue the 10&4 1 and an on(cid:173)
`board ml~rOPl'o~1B8801' provide.1 readouts Df
`aron veh'ic:le payload as well ., individ(cid:173)
`ual. axle ,lO(lda (liS-' 4). A' &elf-weighing
`,~,~tem aff6ctiv&ly aati.fiei
`th~ often
`tg"fl~ctins ~~qui~ement8 ofho14inK
`load below, the leEal daXimum 8ftd yet main(cid:173)
`taiaiug the" loadclo$e ,to
`the lLlIit for
`efficient truc~ oper.tioD (4).
`Eleelrotlte Spark. T1m'ng , '
`Idle Spaid COntrol (K1cklr)
`Open laap Thrott'e body Il\Jc,t I OR
`Elhaust Gil ~clrculatton (On/Off)
`JI\-L 1ne Dh91105t1t:5
`Modulated D15pl.c~e~t
`Spirt Knock Control (lurb~)
`.Closed l~o~ Port Fuel InJetttDO
`(Ve~t\lri Hot Wi" MArl
`EitGUi£ CDttlRDL
`utlaust S.5 R~t i t'(U lit \ on', (t-tnur,
`tlO$ed Loo~ Carburetor COntrol
`SeCgndary A1t'COntrDI
`Clnn15ter Purye
`tarl! ruel,EYaPQrattDn
`Idle Speed Ccnt~l (Linear)
`Open loa~ POTt fuel Injection (Vane MAFJ Closed loop fort F~el Injectia~ (Vane MAf)
`CMli5e Control
`Stthl ttJtmrunitattonl
`Electric Fa~ Control
`C~oced lo~Cont1nUDU$ flO~ 181
`Air. C.llAtCh (;(Jr'ltl"ol
`EarlY Fuel'I
`Clased Loop Port fuel Inje~tiQ"
`Closed looP l~rottle ~ lnject1an
`(~Dt. Wire HMJ
`TarQue COnNCttef Cluteh
`4 Speed A\jtamattc' 'lilith OlD atld TCe
`~~'ft SthaduJe Slle~~1Qn
`(lettron1C~lly Tuned AM/FM/OB R,dio
`with ClOCk
`[lectron1c: cl1mlu Control
`Mellor)' Snt
`L~nd Nav1gat1on (W/~l)
`Gn PhCMY"ge IP Spec~. F'uel. aM
`£ngfnq Dah
`Vacuum lllbe flDuf'(!$CI!.r)t lP
`t - MierQCOUiopute.r c:ontI'o'lbd, functiofls for 1982 p4ual\3er car.. by Area
`conuoUed (2)
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1013 - Page 2


`¥is- 2 - Blectronic c~uiae 'and _peed ~ontTol ~QmpODant. (TaW 8TECtM Sy.te~)(3)
`L.:...:~-i-r ........... --a....,-----------~----l
`fit .. .....,
`I I I
`~ON'f"OL liN"!.
`L---COIITAQ,- ICVOISU! _-~-_____ ....;... ___ '"'-__
`Pi,. ] - Blect~onic; Contl'ol Jiodu~. and Byatalll Schematic.
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1013 - Page 3


`ria. 4 - Self-weighing
`,.ouutea LA
`the tJ'Q.~k
`IiIy.,tem dilplaya arE!
`pl'oviditJ& dolaital rBiIld.Du~lf of axle' bo~'ia •• aud ~yload. weights.
`loc:.sted O~ tllie app~op%iatG BJI:lefJ
`I)f t~e trailel" .nd thQ. tJ:'eetoi
`'l1t.IP MCOlWEB.5' - An electronic. trip
`~~~ord8~ ~uch as the UQit shown iu Pi,. s.
`tD keep a log O~ the ve(cid:173)
`11'a rroduct u&ed
` 48 eDgine.
`hi~b rJ ectivity.
`. nate
`speed and
`va .... icl~ &~6d a1.'8 "l:'acCJrdt!ld RQd
`can be ~roducBd as bhtogl"Bms (Fl.,. 6) st
`tbe .... elu.tle te~i.aa1. to ahoy the IaOUDt
`Bnd. PCt'CCflt of titna .,fVAhicla 'O'pllllration
`under different conditio'P~ (idle. Oye.'f SS
`KPH, 'at 80veraed llfM, etc.).
`'11le ~eeol'del'
`lII.ana of ~~viewinB tbe oper';"
`pr;ovide8 a
`~to~', a drivins profile Qnd pl!rqit B
`fleet opeJ:ator to optimi~e vehic:.l. utili.(cid:173)
`~atioD and BcheduliD8.
`(on tne left)
`cab I
`StiaiD 'BeD.IOr'1 are
`(Eight) (Taij Loadax
`lIW' IWP'OIn' ~~ ~CW1
`~~IIII~-m f
`nu, .,W\;ntIlT •• ~g
`VOl I
`1IIttzR.S ....... H ftllVJW ~ MlltK-olg-m
`CI'n'."4lI'I'I[ HI' fIfIDt
`Oh.~· ~ I'"~ ~
`3ftI.iIo TIlT .... fIw;J
`71:» 1GT~ HlUid
`t- 1ft I
`I I
`, ..... ,," I
`lIP ~~~·"I~ I
`'Ut-''" I:
`•• 011
`'ID~ :"M
`• gl'''~
`'In TtfDJ
`flit-. 'OfT!
`.. ~a
`.~ -.. ~11t
`1M ..
`III ..
`II· " " ' . , . . . J; ,." at .... 11111 »-tIt' ~ .J~ po
`---.~ _0:
`, ,
`... MO-l"" 'a: Dnl
`... ,
`.-& un-un ][
`.... 'Iita
`... U.II.1~* llle , 'ID~
`- t4tt-16l1 ~ Ila~
`4 10, ' ,
`.. J.U1-IMtI'J:
`tlii! Dn.
`,10' ""
`U.~ DII.
`01*': un
`.. ~ .. ~~ alq
`till Ut6
`UL. Onl
`UNt, I"~ .I~n. I:
`.. iPllI·IIIIID 1; Dtll'l
`- ' . I •• to, J: UQ
`.. I~I-aat I:
`... DDl1JDI J:
`' "I'"
`~~ 13» i
`, r:
`• II ...
`,I OtU
`II", I:
`•• . ...
`- ""'"
`- ...
`.. - I
`~ .am
`10' .....
`, I
`fit ..
`.. till
`III ..
`.. 01
`l'I:'int"'"OUt frr;Jlll a truclt ~rip reCOf'4I1r. The l~f.;, pBgeia a bietogramincUcllIting
`ril' 6 -
`t .... e perC:(!D1: of t{u)e ,th~ vebie \e 'pent ill each dt:'ivinl alQde (61 idle ~ 64% cr1Iial!l t etc.) j
`the riKht Pl"iDt-out indicates total time in each tpD band .~d cac.n qJh band
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1013 - Page 4


`TItANSMISSlOM CONTHQL - Elec cronic; con'"
`.t.rOl of . the
`. 11PprQ"IaJneDt&' in both Nrnu4L and lIutomatic
`tl'sAsmisaions <S).
`IIIIInual oIpplicat(cid:173)
`the driver O1aou811)' chang@a B~Qr.1
`.butthe clt.itc:biuB B~tion is perfonued
`autOlUltically . in the system IlhDVn. in Pie.
`&IIHII(J~her shift inB
`thr-oughout the teat' range and, drivelbUity
`8hod~nin& ttle
`tranliltiontime. With. 8utcmstie
`lQiniDDS t eiaetronic1, lIakG p~uible prQ-
`8t'111! aelectabls abiftinlt which a1104l11
`,operatQr to .elect • pto,ram euited to th8
`(ma"iml.lll'. power
`6:p~lic8t lon
`optiuaum fuel eCDnoMy. etc) .. ·In addition.
`imp:ruved driv.abi lit'y and e~tenc1ed life it
`'CIIethod., of
`- Mechanical
`di.lnO&i~g and ~.rvicing he&~ duty truc~'
`a:~., not allP,licable .tor today' Ii .elc:c:tc-oRic;
`co.pouent eyetema; fortunately,
`e'tec.trottic: _inte~nc~ and
`technology, haa kept pilce wit" .the ",.pidly
`adveacin8 .. tl'lu;:k electronic ~yet:=1 tech(cid:173)
`no logy. For eX&all~le. il mechanic can c::hef;k
`Ollt a vehic:la' 8 cruile and speed control
`ria. S - Tril' -.:e~ord.r ~Qdule. af\d crad le .
`('Itt'" Rac.o-rde ~ )
`... .-
`.. ~
`.~ . I i !J , i Jb i .i~ -.~
`. ~ .. ,.
`V/Id...'If. BOOY
`Pie. 7 - tt""ck inatllUat (en for a r;.oQlputeC' aided tnrlllmi.B~ion includes: a lIicrop~oe868or
`" abUe.elector- I
`a eliaital d i.eplay unit
`eOllt1;'ol unit t an elec:t~ohy.draliHc valve body I
`and selected' ICnSel'S (DB~J:'oit 'llieuel ALlhon Di'#~ion .. GHC)(S)
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1013 - Page 5


`.aY-liitn .,itb & cU..podic unit' thBt
`the ,eont'tol ~ule to 1B8~ than S,
`bll.nutes (l'ig. 8).
`AlllIo an OpeL"ltor Clio
`teat the truck', Itillrtin8/c;:ha~ging s1~teJII
`with a 011& pieee Blulll'aek' that plug. intD
`instrument elu.te~ (6). Virtually
`eve~ ~n,lC:k electronic: sYlt~~ available
`tocla1 baa
`t;onelpondin& clii1:gnodic uy,(cid:173)
`t~. theee ,cu~~ent ~le~t~onic: 8y.t~a
`today'. 8tendllrda set ,by t~uck
`MWAf.cturera ... a.d Operato!'..
`next teller(cid:173)
`atio'l eYlhms, such as those $l'Iown in Fig.
`9. will no doubt be a eocn.billatiOD of, eu.l'(cid:173)
`rcnt and advllnce uebaolo&1 uniquely de-
`8iSIlecJ to 'CDccttne futLU:t! requirame~tl of
`the c~~rci.l vdbi~le iftd~,t~y.
`.. Truck cOIIIpon~ut8 au
`lJubjel::t to Sll,' ext"'C!Ulely straDl10u8 eQ"iron~
`medt which is chQr4ct~~izecl by, 1_rcc fluc(cid:173)
`tUation. in tempa~.t~re and'hisb Lev_I. of
`vibutiOQ and ahoc:k. A tyPical of
`telDpel:'.tura' ftuct\tat.iou i. allaw in ri3.
`lu.illiaity I
`In .• ad4itiol\~ 'hi.Bh
`8~lt. '
`fDg," ,.and .ad. bi8b pres,uJ:e water/Iteam
`c:lt!aner"~ will afhc::t tha l'eli..bility, and
`pedoftJa1ace of electronic eClllpoadDt~ un(cid:173)
`lU,Elthey ~re .d~quatel,. 'peeb'8d.
`any lJy8~Bm to be effective, it m~et be Ca(cid:173)
`pable of fuQctioniRi ov~"C 'wide· ranCe, of
`, ext ... eme conditigns. Each cOIQpOneDt .uut
`withltand (7);
`t~pcrature8 r.RI~na ~~o~ -400C
`to +1250 0,
`8te~ up to 1400 ~Pa (243 pei).
`liquid pl'eaaure' wa.h, ... p .to S200
`kP. (154 Pili)
`humidity l~om 0 1:0 100%, s.t am(cid:173)
`billilllt t~perdtll~e. and frolt' at
`' . peak vibration of 50 B I. ar. m~t
`uDulI\lal de,endi~ UPOl1
`road. eondition.l au torque
`tumd aQd gravel' bomba~dlll:~t and
`8tODt: throw d"-i.e't
`clDnt4~t with tox.ic fluid.s ,(e., ••
`di.8~1 fuel. tl'a".~ielioD fluid.
`anti-fl'.U'~ze. paltlt", brakA fbid..
`elaanins ,alvonto, eto.).
`Fis. 8 .. Diagbg&tic, bOle for B t:~uck cruhe
`8Qd apead control ay.t~. rbh t.Lllit plug,
`iDto the 8)'steJft·. eontrol~d.u1a (lB.W aTEC
`.. or1WtAT
`ril. 9 - Test vehicle equ.ipped with molt
`prodvctiQb electronic Iy.t~. availahle to(cid:173)
`clay, 88 well B8
`IOlDe e.perl.meQt:a1 aYlulIlI~
`(Qelco Truc~ Laaaing - Pusl Tecb)
`rig. 10 - ~i~t~ibu.tioD of out aida ~gd under
`tyuet fuel p~p t~peraturel
`~.BBu~ed for an Indi~Q8/CalifoTni.rDUnd
`trip, (7)
`Future. ,tr"ck el~tI'otli(:e ayatellS,ewill'
`moni.tor,rec:oR J
`In~rf(l1'1D a cow'binatiaD ,of fU,llctioa.,.
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1013 - Page 6


`MOlfItoRS' -
`~icr:opt"QcenQt', b4lfied 111C(cid:173)
`te~, ~o~pon.nta have the potential ability
`to .onil:or m.v.jC:lI'r
`the op~f"a t ion 0 f
`' PUt ur~ e hc(cid:173)
`.. tr~c k.
`t~gnic .Ylteml ahould ~tilize this, cap(cid:173)
`ability to imp~Qye lofety.p.rformance 8ftd
`mainten .. nce procedures.
`the coat of ope~atioa.. Se:~ice perlonnel
`ahould ~evl~. aonitored i~formation in the
`t'llpidly det.ndne
`thl!!,e (If
`sbop 'and
`meehanieal Or
`elect~o~ic p~obl~ o~
`potenei~l probl~s. On
`d iGpl.ay of lIIIonitol'ed data will alet't' the
`CPi!'r41:0't in the I!lVent, of ian emergElncy in
`to, avoid
`potentia. 1
`, .ecidcnt J penonal inj1lory, 01' severe llech(cid:173)
`anical damage.
`-, nrive~'1 10&s ani often
`to error'. A l'eli.b1e el~etronic
`recorder eould eliminate
`rBdupdant Gad
`Although it i~ uftnece&&ary to recgrd eve~y
`function I,uch as ti~e pI'el8ure or ~lhtate, '
`parilme tel'.
`tg be
`clontrol. men)'
`Blee tl'onic.
`'(ecarde"tlll 858i&t lho1intBna1\ce pe2:30Quel by
`p'rOvic!iag hiotorical, iQfolllet ion
`that h
`~vailabl. ouiy
`du~iDg' Do~al vehi~le
`iDfg~tioo a1.0
`helps to o6tabli.h po.aible ineffictent Q~
`inappropriate Oije of thG vehiele.
`lfi addition1:1;t m~>Ilit.ol:' al\4
`COtn'ROL -
`fut.ut.., uysteu will
`recot'o capabi.lities,
`'have tbe ability to c.ol\tt'ol i~ two paqde ••
`Pi1;'et. ButoaMlticdlYt
`iD exhtiR& 3Y'(cid:173)
`telQ, WhC.D 6l\. uDfsvoreble eODdit'iol\ de(cid:173)
`~ha aY(ltflDl' iDi~i.te8 th& cor-
`[,ltU::t too £01' thi. corutftio1\.
`'l1liCII oecu'flf
`"ith .pe~d goveraiQl and' engine colttrol
`tbe op .• ~ator sho\,lld be
`to _,,\leU,.
`initiate ,c~:rr6etiol1'
`ill]) 1.
`int~r,a<: d(I'R ".ir.h
`the, e 18c= troD ic
`iftQtrumeDt panai. Tbia is impO~t.dt wh.te
`driver jud.gment i. .pprgp~iate.
`POt:' e~­
`upl':, whlln the engine ahut dcnM a1&'['111 is
`the, driv~r ~u",c. determinQ' the,
`cau.8. of the p~obl~ ADd
`the il.~fla-'
`8Ary action in orde~ to coutinuQ safGly.
`a&gard.leas of t'he eavabiliti.8 of the
`individual co~onenta o~ B t~u~k elec(cid:173)
`tho 8ystem itaelf !Dun J:n:
`ttonic r;yn8lr1 t
`'expandable aDd va:rut He (8). Ao
`:portatioQ electroDlf;8 tecbDol(J~)' continue,
`inereasiDI ,E'4tBJ
`to advanc::. at 411
`nliIla.ufact'll'are will' CQDti~~El to add, e lec(cid:173)
`t~onic f~atut'e~ to mGdt the a •• d. of their
`cUlto~r8. Thi. ~houtd. be accDDlplilhed
`with's ~inimum of desigp chAnge. The fu(cid:173)
`tur~ t~ck electroQic Iy.tem &ho~l~ acce~t
`tb4!l need
`new 'miC~pE'Oc.elSoi' unit. without
`to ndetlgn the griginal, "YQtem(vil'ing, '
`S'hrib.r1yoa it
`loclltio ... pE'atoll:ol~ etc;.).
`Ibould be relatively easy to replace old
`uait, with new OD.i!a •• i.prove_nta beC!o'lDQ
`available" A "ell pladded miCrl;tpToc:el8o't'
`C0DIl8'l'C illl
`.ncompaaa, Bn' o~derly taethod Eor
`e1l;pan.ion and, reviaioS1 ""'heD Mcaulil'1 fo~
`e4ch~cl y&&~ both in the facto~r and in
`the fleet.
`A fully
`integratad t~~t, electronic
`ayste. call bBPBf:Lt the cOlllllllln:cial,v,l!lhicle
`teehnolo&ie.lly and eeon(cid:173)
`industry both
`~ic.Uy. l'he to optimize., vehicle
`'per~ormante to Met tough loverlURellt'l'egu(cid:173)
`latiorua and higb buyer ,expee.t.ationl . can
`only be "accolDpli,heel thra"gh thea
`,'UiJQ of mau~i.18, ano the, dilisent pUrluit
`of ,'Ic1vafu~.'e
`iae~u.cHnli ',81ac-
`,trofties (9).
`&ep.ore and ... t\Latorl can IU9iawlate. ~I\d
`react to sensed" clata with 8",ester
`til. affic.iElDey 0 f
`tnaADI'I. Thh
`elect:~oni~all)' ~Ditored and
`lo.e'fe •• ed efficiency
`v.hic.le parametera.
`reduced, opardtins '(:Ol:! t8
`owers of heavy d~ty t:r:U~k~h ,-
`,l~ ia expacted t~8t t~ truck industry
`wUlwitneu, fo~ the of ,thh de,(cid:173)
`cadil (80' I). a eimila.r expe.rLenCtJ in the
`app1i.cation Qf elect:ronice
`thSt oc.cul'J:'ad
`(70' a L
`the piUI t dec"d.e
`in t ~e pal(cid:173)
`The unique
`(: h. rae; ....
`leltgltr f;1I r
`in.d.,,~ hy •
`, teri.Ucs of
`iaduatry will
`. deilleod and requil'e that thl!!l appU~'tiOQ of
`"onie.1I be' wU p14noed and ,the ve .... '
`biele, be conddet'ed a tots~ sylliteas..
`of the' unique cha~a~tBri,tiel are:
`the ne~d to ~how, poeltive ca8~
`affectivenels and an, eatly retUl'Q
`on iQVellt.ent, thi. may' E'ell\llt in
`timQ.-ohariaa certain Gyete" CQ~~
`aCl;comodatiol\ Df
`u~rvi.c." COI'ld. it 1 oil , by
`ind.i.vidl,l~l operator'8(1qQtime. on
`• day to dAy buhJ
`the ~e8d' to, p1:'ovide ,additiGtlAl
`~lI!ct~onic sy'UtM' Of" lftOd~fy ex(cid:173)
`lating, 8y"tema aftet: the" vebtcle
`has been b"ilt and delivel'ad to
`r::h~ eQc! ,uer t
`tD implement .a recording
`tbe Il&ttd
`aad " IDQQit(1l'iug', capability
`improved asa~t man~Beaent ,and rfl(cid:173)
`ductioR of di.'Dg8ti~ .nd aa.ain(cid:173)
`tenallee coctl.
`the recainition of lQn.14r prodtact
`life aNi Pl'08t"BmIled, ~ebu.ild ing- .
`oV8rhauling acbtu'lule ••
`~M need ~o introduc~ nev te~h­
`aoloiiel when curre~t .y.t~~$ ~re
`ob'Gl~ted '~ithou~ a major diQ(cid:173)
`the' baaie vahielfl
`rlip~iQn G f
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1013 - Page 7


`.' 8
`to provide sufficient
`tbe need
`for optione
`net incl~ded du~iri& vehicle build
`OQ a vehicle ~~ vehicle b.Bia.
`the above n~edB can be a~­
`All o'{
`quatsly .e~owmodated if the vehiele
`u'eeted ,n It total s)'~tl!m. Thia "'ill .. 1110
`result in improved opti~i~atiQG. I)f Iy.t~
`~elie.bi1ity and .~hievellle~t (tf the loveat
`coat of ownership. An
`impCtrtBnt E18~t\t
`to echievins a luc(:Bssful TlACS ,yatea il
`a means of inter-.Y8t~m eommunication.
`1. "iththe reeosnitioll of 'th~eB nssd, Alld
`IQf(t~t.iOll 8"" Conttol System (fIACS) is
`inU.8uteci 'huck
`con.ditioDI, that a fu.Uy
`~gnceived and propole6.
`liari,41 ColDID\I.nication' Link
`is a key TIACS e teme.nt -
`(SCI .. )
`It will
`offe~ l'elialJilit)'t ve~.ltiLity 41'1." provide
`for efficient .Ddfl~Kible, Irowth.
`~e~d for reliable data
`ttanafer bstveQn
`.ctuators and
`SystBms 'leadlll
`to the concept of .. colDltlOn
`link between
`"l'he SCL
`will Allov YBTiout ~18ctroDic "Y8te.n8 and
`to co_unie_tEl J $Kchana:e clat.
`add cooperate wh.~ eertain system, can act
`independently af II lIl&&t~J" cOdt~ol u~it if
`~equi~d and caD inte~.ct di~cctly with
`c1sdr.d ~
`the DUlin
`line use of
`. a 10 f tbe SOL are:
`lIIoultiple party
`~and~ acces8
`hi-di~e~tioDBl dAta ~~.R,f8~
`mUltipla ni~'lIa,e types
`1I1i'E:lable leDBth matulaae.,
`e'r't'o~ detection capability,
`compatability with
`future. Iub:"
`One major ad~anta8s, of the BeL ,i. the
`reau.ld.Dg· from
`Se11101:1 audwirel. The u.ee8 '.
`tw~ line bus ~ith aerially
`It il 'IIel1 knaW1l that data caD be
`p41:& lle1 more
`lloweve~, elKob wbe in &' 1titiD& baz:a.e ••
`sad. eont't'olling d.ata t~anlf8'E'
`add. eoet t
`in parallel be.~o_, ve~y cOmple'XU three,
`or Dlbr8 unita are
`to ~eh4qa hUDnoa(cid:173)
`~i(mt The SOL vill penai~ expCl~chlbility
`while keepin8 COBU at a. mia.iaUID (rig~ 11).
`. The TIACS cOllcept liu.ku V4J:'i • .C)\1' mict'o(cid:173)
`p~oce~SQ~-b4.BcI ayattm& to the t'E'U~kIS in(cid:173)
`atrument. panel .nd to e.~h oeher using the
`SCL. Thh "Ul 4110w A:llY, 1I)'ltevl to .cess.
`i.s IIlODitored' priR'f'Uy by aD.(cid:173)
`data that
`other. system. For inste'DceJ engi1l11: spud
`h monitol'ed by thl!l lO'fe:tJling .y. tell!. , 'but
`this det4 may alia ~$ .ccB~~~d by the dis(cid:173)
`trip recoro~~ D~ BdY
`play 'syatem t
`, ,
`, u.&c:'fRONilC
`It SCJ.. (SB~ial Communic:.atiana ,t,ilJ,k) will allow new mDdulea to "plus·in,1 tD ,q.
`FiS- 11 -
`the e,..a twa Une bu. ADd
`TIAeS IYI teDJ and
`.C.CCOIl!ll. &oy
`t;ranSlllit 1118&$a~8 OVEJ:
`i~fo~.tion require4 fro~ otbsr mDd~l.'
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1013 - Page 8


`'I'pal dilta without
`IIYIilte1D wbich Deech
`the SCL tiu·
`ned foE' redunclan~ lenlOrG.
`the stand alone moQito(', record an.d con(cid:173)
`tnl system. t08etb~I" into gCU~ ayahlm: 8
`in t,8&raud
`Tl'u~k Il'lfol"lPt iOI1
`ContTol Sy.t~ (fIAOS).
`. existing
`c~8~tronic 5yatBmB wi~h tb~ abD~ m~n­
`tiOUd SCL .nd vi.~h l!Iy.t;ell~ whiC!R meet
`the. trucking in~
`future aeede of
`A. cOlilplate . tl4tt gf. truek "elec-
`sub-systems I
`envisioned. far tbe TIA.CS
`-,y.t&G1. can be
`functionally divided
`the foll~in~
`·eataso~i •••
`driver e~tDl't
`driver and ~ehicle •• fety
`p,rfo~RCe monitor& and cont~olB
`iufol'matioD dlap~ay ••
`vehicLe maintenaD~e
`and diaauOllltlca
`DaIVSJl 'OOKFOll'l" SYSTEM8 -. OtAe of thK
`majol' co~er:ns tD~ o~eru and ·opeu,tors
`al.ilce i. driver fatigue. Sy.teIU lIuch As
`climate control. elcctr.onic
` cODtl'ol
`and pDwer lltaerinc aSoGiet ~oAtt'ol t~ c:ab
`e~viroomant for optimum driv.r c~~~t
`thereby ~edvcinl fatigue ~nd th@~efore im(cid:173)
`provina ,afety (fig.
`,A briAf de8-
`criptiOD of eaeh ayst@m iQ liveu below.
`7"' Pfecile
`elactJ!'ollie "ragulatio.. of the heater. 41~
`conditionini, . defro8ler,
`.Q.d other ~ab
`envir0Rm8nt ~81.ted device. will pTDvide ~
`uniform . atlllO"fbe~e for a4dcd drive J'
`. r::oa(cid:173)
`.. ad uhty. . F'ual '~.Vh'S8 will be
`te8li~ct as
`the comprfJuor iUld fa~" will
`Aot run coutinuDu~ly butouly Oft dCmA4ct.
`FOWIa.STEEIINC ASSISt - Ilectronieall,
`implemented whicb will deereal. tho amDUBt
`a~atut ~B vehiel.
`of power
`·This ~e6tUl'e .hauld yield «
`fuel e~onoay incrcailll(l b~caule the.· power
`ste8J'ing I''llalp will not be used at highway
`' .
`system wiU
`la additioQ,
`.aIle" . the. drivel' to •• led neerins ··feel
`f~~ li,ht La he.vy •. ba&ed a~ pe~.onal
`Fie. 12 - Drive~ comfort. 1II)'.t~1D4 ~onne,~tcd
`to the TLlCS Se~i81 ~icatignB Li~k
`tllCTRONIC.SEAT CONTROL • The drive~',
`Sest could be ele~tl'oDieally ~odtrol1ed to,
`d~peD out ah~ck and vibration
`In addit.ion. th.,
`reduciBI dti"-t fctfgue..
`tli~ seetiftt nlIJpon!le
`','clr:ivflr may
`l'rl!fetred, fram .",it to firm.
`to. pratl!ct.' ~he
`. MaRY
`.• ,._tB'IU
`vebi~l~ .Te 41~D d~iv~~ .afet, ly~t~5.
`Monitored i~formBt:lon ~." be \I'sed to p~a­
`ventaccidenu Or: br~4ltdowD8 if .,roper
`.djtUltmeqtl gz:. warnin&., ' ... n
`iliplet'D8nt~d a8
`corul hi:01\8 de~ lop ,
`. huat"dou II
`ahtJwa In:;h~lUtically bow tbe~e .ylta~ will
`be. eDCll\ec.ted by a TIACti Seri.l ~Di­
`eatioBa. Link.
`iii· .. b~iRf dll!!l9-
`c~iptiaD of each .ystam" .
`~iB. 13 - V~biele and d~iver safety .Yltems
`tbe 'lIA~S Seri,a.l' Co_\J~i­
`, . cationlll 'Link
`CaABH REcokPBR KODOLB -MoaitoriDI 4Qd
`rBeO~IUftl critical Ychi~1e' pilu:amete:u "U1
`to help· evalbate
`•• rvB ai,' a
`'Olean I
`cauae of all accidlBRt. Tbe ctash'l'eeol'der
`lQ similar in eODce,t to the dQV1ee. used
`OD eOGllllarc:iBt
`lir'plaIl81, differt'lnt
`!bee. fUl'lctioQa
`.arB mon1tOl"ad.
`iru::1Ude vehicle apeed. e ... ,iae ap.ed and
`syuteffl pr~.lIur.l. Throulh the v,e of .0.
`~ccele~omcteT. thi. devic$ could ba turned
`ill.tanct!l.s caf Ullu8u.l accel(cid:173)
`.rltio"" dec:.l.C'.tion.,vib~at~on OT lhoclt.
`!NGl~ PAOTICTIOH SYSliH - Tbrough the
`un (tf
`• dd.e~oproc.,eor and appnpd,at: •
`•• neon, an· ~nline protection .y.teca will
`De i~pl~nte~ which. .11ovl
`fOt 4river
`warning and a_,si.. Ihut-dow "ruter poteu(cid:173)
`tially d«nlfl['oue. aod damaging sicu.atioA~.
`thil ~Y.teD will v.~~, uhut~dowa, ~~ allow
`tb. l!!Iog ine to t'tIQ • ~ rU\lced. pov.~' .0 the
`'Yehide CAn "liap h~" .fol' repairs.
`If • driver
`. ' D8.0WSY. DRIYBIl WAllfUfG. -
`to fall a.l~ep o~, INicOIiM!IJ
`ia&t .. ·
`t~Qt i Ve
`errat i&: I
`.. an
`,e lee: t~onic
`alid 10'1'
`.anBa .• Qd.· all!l't bim tQ t~,e
`.yltba c=ou.ld
`anell vieible
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1013 - Page 9


`,. 10
`8evt!:l:4Il methods. of det:~l1Uining
`a drive~'8 dr~,i~e$Q ~~V8 haau eon8i4e~d .
`it\Cluding~ _ye, blinkill.l detectoT_.perapi ...
`~atibn ~en8Qra and BEG .~anner' (10).
`COLLISON W~lHG SYST8M - Some for. of
`a -radAr unit will be Uosed aLI) tha BOUYc:.8 of
`object det'eetiou and clg.ure· rat~.
`"stew. \Jill provida an,8ucHbh and visible
`waminc to
`thA apentor tfhen an object.)
`tree. guard rail. or enotheT
`such ClIO
`ia ifl a poeitiQn. witb' potCintlal
`for a coHidoe.
`.Anottue~ radar may be
`used c,() u.ea8Ure (Ictual vehicle speed(llL
`fOl" pt'lEdic tina c lCllaul"e t illte ,.
`tbe event of ~be$l lcck-up,
`tQlaaGa4 b~Qka preQ4~re to tbe appropriatl
`t. ... e
`il1C"Bfili! iu electronic
`system reliability it is anti~ip(lt;ed that
`lock. ~out"Col ,sYClUtll vill begin to
`reenter the lJ. S. ma~1tet.
`- A seDsor
`the drivel" witn
`will be uled
`tD pJ'(lvidB
`info~tion on
`rDad uu~face cDnditione.
`lily_tam wlU
`then eoco.pile
`I:l relatiy~
`stpppins Giltanc~ fOT
`th& ~tiver. Co~plcd
`to 80 elect-Tollie goveE'IlOI' unit. thill sys(cid:173)
`autamatically' red~~e . the
`tem Could
`'Vebi~le· CJ 4let\lal J:oad speed 0'1:'
`the· p~O~
`CrBllllllBd. mB~imwa "PAille! upon deteec:ion of
`hazardous ~oad couditions.
`8-=1'1.80('. m,o"nted
`. tb
`raar of
`trailet,. ~ill warn
`tbe d~iyer of
`~lea;,anee.o· and potelltial ~olliaiona' with
`objeet8·b4bi~~ the vehi~l~. A ~Qdule will
`the diatance betweell the tnilel;'
`lDadiog; dock. providing
`the driver
`with a aecond Bet of ""Y •• u lookinl l1ehind
`the vetdc le •
`trgm the etandard br~4k-inalarm,. ~ea.ures
`to pr$vcnt un8uth(]ri~t!d· p~oplc fl"om· ol'er-
`the vehicle will, po~~ibly i~clude
`• tina
`.., igical code
`c.nteriDg· •
`vehicle. A aec'-ITity syste .. ~guld ... 1&0 ba
`locatot' Utodule to·
`tied illeQ
`th4! vehicle
`aQ6iat in re~avery of a Btolen vehicle.
`- TIACS eylte1U e.", not only i~cre8B'l! ef-
`(:I'ewi. but aho
`fi~ieJ1'-Y of llainteQ.lI'ac:"
`the ope~ltor toward ~~
`productive usa of tha vehicle.
` lIIG.bematic.ll11y. bOW8ueh ' • .,.(cid:173)
`teml wa~ld b6 inte~conne~ted via 1LACS
`~r.~1 Co~~ic~tion'" l.inlot.
`1n Fl,. 14 l. brlefly de.c'I:'ibe6 below.
`l'iAINTKMANc!: MOtltTOa.
`. relat.ed will be supplied to t.ha,
`inettum.Dt panel. Th~.e ~J include fluid
`levfllI add filter prcIlaur8 cJiff.rential ...
`l~~UI. functiolll 1Ilc)lt
`likely will· not bit.
`d18piayed; c;onti.nlloultllly,
`alph.s.~W!leric: or other diaplay ~it1 fl$ah
`... ~rniol. to allow 1:hC! VGhic 18 optlratol' to
`4~8pley the functions iD6ieat~d.
`lM~,lAU,," Mallf,lVR ------~ ...
`MAIN'rtJiI.alct lll(Uma.~------------I
`FiB. 14
`V$hicl~ 1II&iat~n.~ce and diag~
`noati~ .yrateoi&

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