`Hoflberg et al.
`Patent Number:
`Date of Patent:
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Inventors: Steven Mark Hoflberg, 20 Greystone
`Ter., Yonkers, N.Y. 10701-1705; Linda
`Irene Holfberg-Borghesani, 40 Jackson
`Dr., Acton, Mass. 01720
`Appl. No.: 08/471,213
`Jun. 6, 1995
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation—in—part of application No. 07/812,805, Dec.
`23, 1991, Pat. No. 5,903,454.
`Int. Cl.7 ................................................... .. G05B 11/01
`US. Cl.
`700/17, 700/56; 700/11,
`00/83; 700/86; 345/520; 345/521
`Field of Search ................................... .. 364/140—147,
`364/148, 518, 188-190; 382/1, 8, 27, 30,
`34, 56, 16, 36, 42, 249, 700/11, 17,28,
`56, 47, 48, 49, 83, 84, 85; 345/520, 521
`References Cited
`...... ..
`Kiewit et al.
`Chen et al.
`Welsh et al.
`Barnsley et al.
`Shih et al.
`lanier et al.
`Verly et al.
`Newell et al.
`Kaneko et al.
`. 364/413.13
`.. 704/260
`........ .. 358/335
`........ .. 358/335
`.. 382/156
`.. 345/348
`.................... .. 382/190
`Hoffberg, Linda I., Thesis “An Improved Human Factored
`Interface for Programmable Devices.‘ A Case Study of the
`VCR”, Tufts University, Master of Sciences in Engineering
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`(List continued on next page.)
`Primary Examiner—Paul P. Gordon
`Assistant Examiner—Ramesh Patel
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Milde, Hoifberg & Macklin, LLP
`An adaptive interface for a programmable system, for pre-
`dicting a desired user function, based on user history, as Well
`as machine internal status and context. The apparatus
`receives an input from the user and other data. A predicted
`input is presented for confirmation by the user, and the
`predictive mechanism is updated based on this feedback.
`Also provided is a pattern recognition system for a multi-
`media device, wherein a user input is matched to a video
`stream on a conceptual basis, allowing inexact programming
`of a multimedia device. The system analyzes a data stream
`for correspondence with a data pattern for processing and
`storage. The data stream is subjected to adaptive pattern
`recognition to extract features of interest to provide a highly
`compressed representation which may be efficiently pro-
`cessed to determine correspondence. Applications of the
`interface and system include a VCR, medical device, vehicle
`control system, audio device, environmental control system,
`securities trading terminal, and smart house. The system
`optionally includes an actuator for effecting the environment
`of operation, allowing closed-loop feedback operation and
`automated learning.
`(List continued on next page
`24 Claims, 28 Drawing Sheets
`1 D1-v11'eJ
`El l8\
`‘1lL.\ll4)l\ ‘m .
`M; 7 Optn1Ix7aL1011
`t1{1;11111; 111
`Stltt 1 10 1
`2110.. 7
`2 101
`Z l 01
`AL 2
`User Level
`71 UH/T_Lev1~1
`41,41. 11-61111211111
`3111 /« S1l:t1.1lCm11pm1cr.r
`Accu1ur‘1'o[ " T1
`l‘/117'./Qlfltllf 4
`I)pnnu'1'.auon 7
`Help Level15%.
`IJJS 'ay
`Snupli irafion <‘¥113<
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 1
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`Page 2
`9/1992 Okazaki et al.
`....... .. 345/358
`9/1992 Young .......... ..
`3/1993 Graczyk et al.
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`.. 382/1
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`9/1994 Barnsley et al.
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`3/1995 Remillard . . . . . . . .. . .
`. . . . .. . . . . .. 379/96
`5/1995 Carlucci et al.
`.. 395/156
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`.. 382/235
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`.. 348/2
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`.. 380/6
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`3/1996 Kupiec
`_ 395/2.79
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`.. 358/335
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`. .. . . . . .. 395/600
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`. . . . .. . . .. 395/700
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`.. 348/2
`12/1996 Nakajima
`. 395/51
`5,584,050 12/1996 Lyons ..
`. 455/67.1
`5,586,317 12/1996 Smith
`.. 395/683
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`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 3
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 1 0f 28
`I ¢ = Search Time
`~ Required
`k\\\‘ Keypresses
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 4
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27,2000
`Sheet 2 0f 28
` .
`ETotalTime E]Total-Tr
` d
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 5
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27,2000
`Sheet 3 0f 28
`§§ kg
` .§
`§TotalTime DTotal-Tr Il
` SubjectNumber
` '
` 4
` 4
`spuoaag LII 9U.II]_
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 6
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 4 0f 28
`‘ P3
`Critical Steps
`Fig. 5
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 7
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27,2000
`Sheet 5 0f 28
`RExistingInterface DNewInterface —
` SubjectNumber
`— —
`spuoaag (II 31111;
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 8
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 6 of 28
`I: Avg
`Max @ Std
` P
`Critical Steps
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 9
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 7 of 28
`Min D Avg
`Max @ Std
`Critical Steps
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 10
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 8 0f 28
`7////// III .
` J/J 678910111213141S16
`3%‘ExistingInterface DNewInterface
` J
` 4W/Jflfl 4‘5
` mm
`7/ll////////////////////////////1//AW/Arr?///M1!////A m
` mmwm N
`1ZZ7"7’/ /[IA H
`SBS‘3E)JCM9)] JO 1aqu,mN
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 11
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 9 0f 28
`‘ Actual
`Fxisting Interface
`New Interface
`Fig. 10
`I: Theoretical
`Existing Interfa
`Times for the Minimum,
`New Interface
`oretical and Actual Keypresses
`Fig. 1 1
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 12
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 10 0f 28
`. v "9'
`.,v,;o;¢:o:;:o’o‘9 4
`‘ °o’¢’¢’o’o’¢‘o’o’o’o‘
`Existing Interface
`“$30 99 00o‘«
`M 9
`90 o’o‘o‘o’¢’<
`9,0 9 9,0,
`* ~to’«.
`Clock Set (106)
`New Interface
`Fig. 12b
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 13
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 11 0f 28
`Search (240) A
`0 0%‘?9 9 9
`O O
`, .
`‘-'-Q P1(432)
`‘ ’ ooooo:£3”
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 14
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 12 0f 28
`Input Instruction
`Display Error
`<j-‘ Verify Instruction
`As Being Consistent
`Append Instruction to
`Program Sequence
`Analyze Program
`Uequence to Predict
`Next Action
`Display Predicted
`Next Action on
`User Accept
`Manual Input
`Display Complete
`Program Sequence
`to User
`User Accept
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 15
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 13 0f 28
`Assign Identifier
`n = x
`Instruction n
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 16
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 14 0f 28
`Input User
`Startup Based on
`User Profile
`Present Most
`likely Choices
`To User
`Manual Input
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 17
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 15 of 28
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 18
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 16 of 28
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 19
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 17 of 28
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 20
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 18 0f 28
`énput 1{ lllE:dl,ll0l1 {¥
`2 105]
`Quality of W
`Past User
`Current ‘if
`2108 JT Programming Status
`2 1 1 0
`Number of
`Number ol’
`Explicit User
`Level Choice
`High Frequency
`211 2_/\ Signal Componen I‘
`211 3
`Accuracy of
`2 115___/T
`Explicit Help
`|_ User Level
`fl Help Level
`[flmplification P105
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 21
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 19 of 28
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 22
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 20 0f 28
`Interface &
`Fig. 23
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 23
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 21 of 28
` |
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 24
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 22 of 28
` Emé«EH35f
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 25
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 23 0f 28
`H P
`Sensor Data
`Storage I
`261 1
`2 607K Network
`26 1 0
`1 2 608
`Fig. 26
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 26
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 24 of 28
`Store Templates
`Generate Image
`Create Mapped Ranges
`Assign Identifiers
`Select Matching
`Ranges for
`Each Domain
`Represent Image as
`Select Template That
`Matches Image From
`Combination of
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 27
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 25 0f 28
`Input Templates
`Store Templates
`Input Image Data
`Store Image Data
`Create Domains of
`Stored Image Data
`Create Mapping
`Ranges of Image Data
`Process a
`Subset Range
`Assign Identifiers
`Transform Domain
`Select Mapping
`Range by Criteria
`Represent Image
`As Identified
`0 Matching Template
`Fig. 28
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 28
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 26 0f 28
`Input Templates
`Store Templates
`Input Motion Image Data
`Store Motion Image Data
`Create Domains of
`Stored Motion Image Data
`Create Mapping Ranges of Data
`With Corresponding Data
`I Process a Subset Range
`Assign Identifiers
`Compute Motion Vector
`Select Mapping
`Range by Criteria
`Motion Vectors
`Scene Change Detection
`Matching Template
`Fig. 29
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 29
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 27 0f 28
`and Subtract
`: Window
`§ Around Object
`of Interest
`Create First
`Compare Codes
`With Templates
`and Subtract
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 30
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Sheet 28 0f 28
`System Status
`Past History
`Prediction System
`Output Predicted
`User Feedback
`User Interface
`C ‘T
`Control System
`Control Output
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 31
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`The present application is a Continuation—in—Part of U.S.
`patent application Ser. No. 07/812,805, now U.S. Pat. No.
`5,903,454, filed Dec. 23, 1991.
`A portion of the disclosure of this patent document and
`appendices incorporated by the reference, contain material
`which is subject
`to copyright protection. The copyright
`owner has no objection to the facsimile reproduction by
`anyone of this patent document or the patent disclosure, as
`it appears in the US. Patent and Trademark Office patent file
`or records, but otherwise reserves all copyright rights what-
`The present invention relates to the field of programmable
`man-machine interfaces,
`for general or special purpose
`computing or sequencing devices. The present
`system is ergonomically adapted to provide an optimized
`environment for huma11 interaction with the device. The
`present system preferably employs a graphical direct-
`manipulation style interface. The present invention provides
`an enhanced interface for facilitating human input of a
`desired information and for modifying information previ-
`ously entered information.
`Significant difliculties are experienced by users when
`complex programmable devices having multiple commands
`which are infrequently used or progammed by those users.
`Further, when a user attempts to use an uncommon or rarely
`used function of these devices, which may be, for example
`video cassette recorders (hereinafter “VCRs”) difliculties are
`also encountered. For example, studies have concluded that
`80% of users cannot correctly program their VCRs. This has
`been due, in part, to the fact that manufacturers continue to
`add more features to existing devices, without simplifying
`those which already exist. Another problem has been the
`failure of manufacturers to design products in which the
`control interface adapts to the behavior of the user or to
`allow a system to be adaptive to the behaviors of a plurality
`of users.
`People learn most efliciently through the interactive expe-
`riences of doing, thinking, and knowing. Learning may often
`be facilitated by observing an experienced teacher. For
`ease—of—use, efficiency, and lack of frustration of the user,
`utilizing the device should be intuitive. Users should be able _
`to operate the device without referring to an instruction
`manual. Often, actual working examples are helpful. Well-
`designed products should contain visual clues which prompt
`and convey their meanings, however, prior art devices do not
`always live up to this ideal. This problem of insufficient
`perceptual clues to cue the user as to the identity and nature
`of available choices is accentuated by various manufacturers
`and designers who focus on the production and design of
`feature-rich systems, rather than on ones which are also
`“User Friendly” and th11s easier to use. Therefore, many
`products are extremely complex and thus diflicult to use,
`thereby preventing all but the most technically advanced
`people from using them. Other products are simple to use for
`a low level of functionality, but make it extremely diflicult
`to transcend an arbitrary barrier set by the interface designer.
`Some display systems have a higher available resolution
`than others, and the interface is preferably arranged to
`optimize the intended display for the resolution limits and
`display format of the intended or available display device.
`Further, even with sufficient resolution, certain displays are
`of small size, and thus the visibflity of the information may
`also be optimized by taking into consideration the size,
`resolution, contrast, brightness of the display, ambient
`conditions, characteristics of the human visual system, fac-
`tors specific for a known user, and the available options of
`the apparatus. Thus, the interface may employ a number of
`methods to optimize the visibility of the information for a
`variety of display devices, storage formats and transmission
`standards. Known display standards and types include:
`VHS, S-VHS, Beta, SuperBeta, 8 mm, Hi-8 mm, videotel or
`picturephone (PX64), H.261, MPEG-1, MPEG-2. JPEG,
`computer display standards (CGA, HGC, EGA, PGA, VGA,
`SVGA, XGA, Macintosh (TM), 8514, Private Eye (TM) (a
`small reflection-scanned LET) line array for projecting a
`virtual display image in front of the eye, available from
`Reflection Technology, Inc.), LCD, etc., each of which may
`have a number of size ranges, e.g. about 1 cm2 to about 10
`m2, with a resolution range including displays having about
`16 dot matrix characters or more or about 16 by 64 pixels to
`about 2,048 by 2,048 pixels. Techniques such as
`antialiasing, font substitution, hinting, precompensating for
`expected distortion, etc., are all known employed to improve
`the readability of the display under various circumstances.
`The prior art details a number of components of the
`present invention, and in fact,
`in a number of areas the
`present invention builds upon the prior art by adding novel
`aspects disclosed herein to result
`in improvements.
`Therefore, as set forth below, and in the attached appendix
`C of references (including abstracts), incorporated herein by
`reference, a significant number of references detail funda-
`mental technologies which may be improved according to
`the present invention. To the extent necessary, these tech-
`nologies are disclosed and are expressly incorporated herein
`by reference to avoid duplication of prior art teachings.
`Recitation hereinbelow of these teachings or reference to
`these teachings is not meant to imply that the inventors
`hereof were necessarily in any way involved in these
`references, nor that
`the particular improvements recited
`herein were made or conceived after the publication of these
`references. Thus, prior art cited herein is intended to (1)
`disclose information related to the application published
`before the filing hereof; (2) define the problem in the art to
`which the present invention is directed, (3) define prior art
`methods of solving various problems also addressed by the
`present invention; (4) define the state of the art with respect
`to methods disclosed or referenced herein; and/or (5) detail
`technologies used to implement methods or apparatus in
`accordance with the present invention.
`Human Interface
`One aspect of the present invention relates to a program-
`mable device that comprises a menu-driven interface in
`which the user enters information using a direct manipula-
`tion input device. Such a type of interface scheme is
`disclosed in Verplank, William I.., “Graphics in Human-
`Computer Communication: Principles of Graphical User-
`Interface Design”, Xerox Office Systems, and the references
`cited therein: Foley, J. D., Wallace, V. I.., (Chan, P., “The
`Human Factor of Computer Graphics Interaction
`Techniques”, IEEE CG&A, November 1984, pp. 13-48,
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1040, p. 32
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01502
`Koch, H., “Ergonomische Betrachtung Von
`Schreibtastaturen”, Humane Production, 1, pp. 12-15
`(1985); Norman, D. A., Fisher, D., “Why Alphabetic Key-
`boards Are Not Easy To Use: Keyboard Layout Doesn’t
`Much Matter”, Human Factors 24(5), pp. 509-519 (1982);
`Perspectives: High Technology 2, 1985; Knowlton, K.,
`“Virtual Pushbuttons as a Means of Person-Machine
`Interaction”, Proc of Conf. Computer Graphics, Pattern
`Recognition and Data Structure, Beverly Hills, Calif., May
`1975, pp. 350-352; “Machine Now Reads, enters Informa-
`tion 25 Times Faster Than Human Keyboard Operators”,
`Information Display 9, p. 18 (1981); “Scanner Converts
`Materials to Electronic Files for PCs”,
`December 1984, p. 76; “New Beetle Cursor Director
`Escapes All Surface Constraints”, Information Display 10,
`p. 12, 1984; Lu, C., “Computer Pointing Devices: Living
`VVith Mice”, High Technology, January 1984, pp. 61-65;
`“Finger Painting”, Information Display 12, p. 18, 1981;
`Kraiss, K. F., “Neuere Methoden der Interaktion an der
`Schnittstelle Mensch—Maschine”, Z. F. Arbeitswissenschaft,
`2, pp. 65-70, 1978, Hirzinger, G., Landzettel, K., “Sensory
`Feedback Structures for Robots with Supervised Learning”,
`IEEE Co11f. on Robotics and Automation, St. Louis, March
`1985; Horgan, H., “Medical Electronics”, IEEE Spectrum,
`January 1984, pp. 90-93.
`The following references are relevant to the interface
`aspects of the present invention, certain of which are incor-
`porated by reference in U.S. patent application Ser. No.
`07/812,805, incorporated herein by reference:
`Hoffberg, Linda 1, “AN IMPROVED HUMAN FAC-
`Thesis, Tufts University (Master of Sciences ir1 Engir1eer-
`ing Design, November, 1990).
`“Bar Code Programs VCR”, Design News, Feb. 1, 1988, 26.
`“The Highs and Lows of Nielsen Homevideo Index”, Mar-
`keting & Media Decisions, November 1985, 84-86+.
`“The Quest for “User Friendly’, U.S. News & World Report,
`Jun. 13, 1988. 54-56.
`“The Smart House: Human Factors in Home Automation”,
`Human Factors in Practice, December 1990, 1-36.
`“VCR, Camcorder Trends”, Television Digest, Vol. 29:16
`(Mar. 20, 1989).
`Abedini, Kamran, “An Ergonomically-improved Remote
`Control Unit Design”,
`Interface ’87 Proceedings,
`Abedini, Kamran, and Hadad, George, “Guidelines For
`Designing Better VCRs”, Report No. IME 462, Feb. 4,
`IEEE Transactions or1 Consumer
`Electronics, 34(3):788-792.
`Berger, Ivan, “Secrets of the Universals”, Video, February
`1989, 45—47+.
`Beringer, D. B., “A Comparative Evaluation of Calculator
`Watch Data Entry Technologies: Keyboards to
`Chalkboards”, Applied Ergonomics, December 1985,
`Bishop, Edward W., and Guinness, G. Victor Jr., “Human
`Factors Interaction with Industrial Design”, Human Factors,
`8(4):279-289 (August 1966).
`Brown, Edward, “Human Factors Concepts For
`Management”, Proceedings of the Human Factors
`Society, 1973, 372-375.
`Bulkeley, Debra, “The Smartest H