Curriculum Vitae
`Harold S. Stone
`Ph. D.
`Residence: 639 W. Lake Sammamish Parkway, NE, Bellevue WA 98008
`(609)-924-4780 [home and office, Princeton, NJ]
`(425)-454-7288 [home and office, Bellevue WA]
`(732)-690-6728 [cell phone]
`Date of Birth: 10 August 1938
`Place of Birth: St. Louis, Missouri
`Citizenship: US
`Univ. of California, Berkeley 1960-1961
`Univ. of California, Berkeley 1961-1963
`Awards and Honors.
`Summa Cum Laude, Princeton, 1960
`Whiton Scholarship, Princeton, 1958-1959
`Phi Beta Kappa, Princeton, 1960
`Sigma Xi, Princeton, 1960
`Sigma Xi Book Award, Princeton, 1960
`Bigelow Prize, Princeton, 1960
`NSF Fellow, University of California, 1960-1963
`Distinguished Visitor, IEEE Computer Society, 1971-1973, 1979-1980.
`ACM National Lecturer, 1973-1975
`Tau Beta Pi, U of Massachusetts, 1981
`IEEE Fellow, 1986.
`Charles Babbage Award, 1991. Citation: “In recognition of his exceptional contributions to
`the evolution of computer architecture and high performance computing.”
`Best Paper in Track, ICCD, 1992.
`IEEE Emanuel Piore Award, 1992. Citation: “For fundamental contributions to parallel
`computer technology, and to computer science education.”
`ACM Fellow, 1994.
`IEEE Computer Society Taylor Booth Education Award, 1999. Citation: “for outstanding
`contributions in advancing computer science and engineering education through your
`research, teaching and most important through innovative writing of seminal
`textbooks that established the computer architecture on a firm foundation. ”
`Areas of Research Activities
`Image Data Bases, Image Registration, and Image Searching
`Optical interconnections for computer systems
`Computer Architecture
`Distributed Processing
`Image Processing
`Parallel Algorithms
`Microprocessor Systems
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`Operating Systems
`Combinatorial Algorithms
`Computer-aided Design of VLSI Networks
`Positions Held
`Fellow, NEC Research Institute, 8/94 - 4/01 (retired).
`Research Staff Member, IBM, 1/90 to 7/94.
`Manager, Advanced Architecture Studies, IBM, 9/84 to 1/90.
`Adjunct Professor, Courant Institute of Mathematics, 1/85 to 6/90.
`Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Massachusetts, 9/74
`to 8/84.
`Associate Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 9/70
`to 8/74.
`Acting Associate Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Stanford
`University, 10/68-6/69 and 10/69-6/70. (On leave from SRI International.)
`Research Engineer, SRI International, Menlo Park, California, 11/63-12/68.
`Research Engineer, Boeing, Seattle, Washington, 7/63-11/63.
`Visiting Positions
`Visiting Professor, Cornell University, Electrical Engineering Department, 1992-1993.
`Guest Lecturer in Computer Architecture, Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, 10/91.
`Guest Lecture Series, Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan, 12/87.
`Visiting Lecturer, IBM Japan, 7/82-8/82.
`Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley, California, 9/77-6/78.
`Visiting Professor, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 7/75-8/75.
`Guest Lecturer, IRIA, Paris, France, 6/74.
`Visiting Scientist, Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering, NASA
`Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, 6/74-6/79.
`NASA Visiting Research Fellow, NASA Ames Research Center, Mt. View, California, 9/73-
`Guest Lecturer, Technical University of Berlin, 6/73-7/73.
`OAS Lecturer, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 7/72-8/72.
`NASA ASEE Fellow, NASA Ames Research Center, Mt. View, CA, 6/71-9/71.
`Lecturer in Communications, IBM, San Jose, CA, 6/66-7/66.
`Expert Consultant, Nelson, Bumgardner, and Casto, 5/11 to present testifying in Stragent V.
`Intel. Civil Action no. 6:11-CV-421.(testified on behalf of Stragent)
`Expert Consultant, Williams, Morgan, and Amerson, 1/11 to 3/12
`Expert Consultant, Quinn Emanuel, 10/10 to 4/13, testifying in Microunity v. Apple et al., No.
`02:10-cv-91-LED-RSP (testified on behalf of Qualcomm, LG, Huawei, and Google)
`Expert Consultant, Finnegan-Henderson, 8/10 to present, testified in TSC v. Mountcastle, et al.,
`No. 1:10-cv-00901-TSE-TC. (testified on behalf of TSC), testifying in Biax v. Motorola
`Solutions, Inc et al., Civil Action No. 10-cv-03013-PAB-KLM (testified on behalf of
`Biax). testifying in VIA et al. v. Apple before the ITC, action 337-TA-812 (testified on
`behalf of VIA)
`Expert Consultant, Nix, Patterson, and Roach, 12/11 to 3/12.
`Expert Consultant, Barcelo, Harrison, and Walker, 12/11 to 3/12.
`Expert Consultant, Irell and Manella, 12/11 to 5/12.
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`Expert Consultant, Perkins-Coie, 5/10 to 5/11.
`Expert Consultant, Alston and Bird, 12/09 to 5/12, testifying in AIT v. Dell, No. 5:07 CV 426-
`H (testified on behalf of Dell).
`Expert Consultant, Irell and Manella, 11/08-11/09, testifying in WARF v. Intel, 3:08-cv-00078-
`bbc (W.D. Wisc), (testified on behalf of WARF).
`Expert Consultant, Bartlit Beck Herman Palenchar and Scott, 11/07 to present, testifying in
`Convolve/MIT v. Seagate/Compaq, No. 00 CIV 5141 (GBD) (testified on behalf of
`Expert Consultant, Williams, Morgan, and Amerson, 11/06 to 11/08, testifying in BIAX v.
`Fujitsu and Sun Microsystems, No. 2:06-CV-364-TJW (testified on behalf of BIAX).
`Expert Consultant, Ropes and Gray, 9/06 to 11/07, testifying in Convolve/MIT v.
`Seagate/Compaq, No. 00 CIV 5141 (GBD) (testified on behalf of Compaq)..
`Consulting Editor for Prentice-Hall Publishing, 1999 to 2010.
`Consultant, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NIS Division, 12/01 to 1/04; ISR Division, 1/04
`to 2006; N Division, 1/04 to 2005.
`Expert Consultant, McDermott, Will, and Emery, 11/05 to 2/07, testifying in BIAX v. Philips,
`No. 337-TA-559 (ITC) (testified on behalf of BIAX).
`Expert Consultant, Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett and Dunner, 3/05 to 4/09, testifying in
`Biax v. Intel and ADI, No. 02-05-CV-184-TJW (E.D. Tex) (testified on behalf of BIAX, in
`Lofgren v. Prutchi, Patent Interference No. 105,581 (JL), (Technology Center 2800)
`(testified on behalf of Prutchi (Boston Scientific)), in Paradox v. ADT/DSC, No. 2:06-CV-
`00462-TJW (E.D. Tex) (testified on behalf of DSC, in BIAX v. Analog Devices, AAA
`Matter No. 11 181 Y 00186 09 (testified on behalf of BIAX); and author of declaration in
`Reexamination of US Patent 5,077,733 to Whipple, docket 04747.0177-00; litigation
`consulting 9/10 to 11/11.
`Expert Consultant, Weil, Gotshal, and Manges, 1/03 to 5/04, testifying in Mangosoft, Inc. v.
`Oracle Corp., No. 02-545-JM (D.N.H.) (testified on behalf of Oracle).
`Expert Consultant, Amster, Rothstein, and Ebenstein, 8/03 to 12/06.
`Expert Consultant, Irell and Manella, 2/03 to 1/05.
`Expert Consultant, Howrey, Simon, 8/02 to 1/07.
`Consultant, NASA Goddard Space Flight Systems, 4/01 to 12/04.
`Expert Witness, Fish and Neave, 1/02 to 4/03, testifying in Intel Corp v. Via Tech, No. A-01-
`CA602-SS (W.D. Tex.) (testified on behalf of Via Tech).
`Consulting Editor for PWS Publishing Series in Computer Architecture, 1993-1999.
`Consulting Editor for Addison/Wesley Series in Microcomputers, 1983-1992.
`Consultant, IBM Watson Research Center, 9/83-8/84.
`Consultant, Unidata Systems, Inc., 6/82-6/84.
`Consultant, Sperry Systems Management, Great Neck, NY, 6/82-8/84.
`Consultant, Assurance Technology, Carlisle, MA, 6/82-8/84.
`Consultant, IBM Federal Systems Division, 5/83-6/83.
`Consultant, IBM Watson Research Center, 1/82-5/82.
`Member of Advisory Committee, Solo Systems, Sunnyvale, CA, 4/82.
`Consultant, IBM Federal Systems Division, 8/81-9/81.
`Consultant, Assurance Technology, Carlisle, MA, 4/81-12/81.
`Consultant, Sky Computer, Lowell, MA, 4/81-6/81.
`Consulting Editor, University Microfilms, 12/80-12/85.
`Consulting Researcher, Sperry Research Center, Sudbury, MA, 6/80-2/81.
`Consultant, Sperry Systems Management, Great Neck, NY, 4/80-1/82.
`Consultant, Gartner Group, Greenwich, CT, 5/80-6/81.
`Consultant, Georgia Institute of Technology Engineering Station, 1/80 to 6/80.
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`Consultant, GTE Sylvania, Needham Heights, MA, 7/79.
`Consultant, The Analytic Sciences Corporation, Reading MA, 7/79.
`Consulting Editor and Series Editor, McGraw-Hill, 1978-12/83.
`Consultant, Dean-Witter Reynolds, New York, 1978-1979.
`Consultant, Douglas Peterson and Assoc., Greenfield, MA, 1978-1981.
`Consultant, Monolithic Memories, Sunnyvale, CA, Inc., 1978
`Consultant, GE Naval Ordnance Systems, Pittsfield MA, 1977.
`Consultant, US Army CORADCOM, Fort Monmouth, NJ, 1975-1980.
`Consultant, Imagetics, Inc., Greenfield, MA, 1975-1977
`Member of Advisory Committee, Hewlett-Packard, 1975-1976.
`Consultant, Hewlett-Packard, 1970-1974, and 1975-1978.
`Consultant, Systems Control, Inc., Palo Alto, CA 1970-1973 and 1975-1977.
`Consultant, Wolf Mangagement Services (now Systems Control, Inc.), 1969-1970.
`Consultant, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, 1968-1969.
`Consultant, Precision Instruments, Palo Alto, CA, 1968.
`Consultant, Data Technology Corporation, Mt. View, CA, 1967-1970.
`Consultant, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, 1962-1963.
`Professional Societies
`Professional Activities
`Session Organizer, 2000 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, March, 2000
`Member, NSF Panel, Next Generation Software Panel, 1999
`Guest Co-Editor, IEEE Communications Magazine, January 1999
`Member, Program Committee, 1999 Workshop on High-Speed Interconnections with Digital
`Member, Program Committee, Conference on Applications for Digital Libaries, 1995-1999
`Member, Program Committee, 1998 International Super Computer Symposium
`Member, Program Committee, 1998 ICCV Workshop on Content-Based Access of
`Image/Video Library Data
`Speaker and Participant, 1998 NIH Lung Imaging Workshop on Technology Transfer
`Member, Program Committee for 1997 Image Registration Workshop
`Member, IEEE Awards Committee (Corporate Recognition and Best Papers), 1996-2000
`Member, NSF Panel, Opportunities for Multidisciplinary Research, 1995
`Chair, Science Council, Center of Excellence in Space Data and Information Sciences, 1995-
`Chair, Search Committee for Director of Center of Excellence in Space Data and Information
`Sciences, 1994.
`Member, National Research Council, ONR Panel for Computer Science, 1994.
`Member, NSF Committee of Visitors, Computer and Computing Research, 1993.
`Program Committee Organizer, Workshop on Interconnections within High-Speed Digital
`Systems, 1993.
`Member, NSF Research Infrastucture Awards Panel, 1993.
`Member, IEEE Fellows Selection Committee, 1992-1995.
`Member, Science Council, Center of Excellence in Space Data and Information Sciences, 1992-
`Vice President, Publications, IEEE Computer Society, 1992.
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`Session Organizer, Workshop on Interconnections within High-Speed Digital Systems, 1992.
`Member, NSF Presidential Faculty Award Selection Committee, 1992.
`Chair, Transactions Advisory Committee, IEEE Computer Society, 1991
`Session Organizer, Workshop on Interconnections within High-Speed Digital Systems, 1991
`Member, NSF Presidential Young Investigator Selection Committee, 1991.
`Program Chair, Workshop on Interconnections within High-Speed Digital Systems, 1990
`Track Chair, ACM Critical Issues Conference, 1990
`Member, IEEE Hamming Award Selection Committee, 1990
`Chair, Audit Committee, Computer Society Governing Board, 1989-90.
`Member, IEEE Computer Society Governing Board, 1986-1992
`Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1989-1993
`Chair, Technical Committee on Interconnections within High-Speed Digital Systems, 1989-
`Chair, IEEE Tab Awards and Recognition Committee, 1990
`Member, NSF PYI Selection Panel, 1989, 1991
`Member, Marist College Computer Selection Advisory Committee, 1988-1989
`Member, ACM/IEEE Eckert-Mauchly Award Committee, 1988-1990.
`Member, IEEE Tab Awards Committee, 1989
`Member, IEEE Fellows Committee, Computer Society Representative, 1988-1990.
`Chair, IEEE Kobayashi Field Award, 1987-1989.
`Member Audit Committee, Computer Society Governing Board, 1988.
`NSF Site Review Committee, Engineering Research Center Selection, 1988.
`Member, NSF Coordinated Equipment for Research Selection Panel, Feb. 1986, Feb. 1987.
`Member, Dartmouth College Advisory Committee, 1986-1987.
`Member, NSF Presidential Young Investigator Panel, 1985
`Member, NSF Advisory Committee, Manufacturing, Design, and Computer Engineering, 1985-
`Member Visiting Committee, University of Texas, Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Department, 1985-1986.
`Member, NSF Research Initiation Grant Selection Panel, 1985.
`Program Chairman, 1986 Fall Joint Computer Conference
`North American Conference Chairman, 13th Annual Computer Architecture Symposium, 1986.
`Panelist, Review of ONR funding of Artificial Intelligence Research, National Academy of
`Science, 1985-1986.
`Co-Chair and Author, IEEE Task Report on Research Priorities in Computer and
`Communication Research, 1985.
`Program Committee Member, International Conference on Computers and Applications,
`Peking, China, 6/84.
`Panelist, Study on International Developments, National Academy of Science, 1/83-12/85.
`Panelist, Study on Chemical and Biological Sensor Technology, National Academy of Science,
`Panel Chairman, Distributed Systems Research, NSF Workshop on Future Directions in
`Computer Research, 1/83.
`Member, Advisory Panel on Computer Engineering, National Science Foundation, 1981-1983.
`Editorial Board, Proceedings of the IEEE, 2/81-12/84.
`Member, Computer Science Board, National Academy of Sciences, 1979-1984.
`Panelist, Study in Research Paradigms of Computer Science, National Academy of Sciences,
`Panelist, NSF Workshop on Future Directions of Computer Engineering Research, 11/81.
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`Member, and coauthor of proposal accepted by, IEEE Computer Society Floating-Point
`Standardization Committee, 1978-1982.
`Session Organizer and Session Chairman, Electro '80, May 1980.
`Guest Editor, Issue on Military Computer Family Architecture, Computer, April 1979.
`Chairman, Eckert-Mauchly Award Committee, IEEE CS and ACM, 1979-1981
`Member, Awards Committee, IEEE Computer Society, 1980-1981
`Member, Governing Board, IEEE Computer Society, 1979-1980. Advisor, IEEE Computer
`Society, Computer Tutorial Series, 1978.
`Program Committee, Sixth Annual Computer Architecture Symposium, April 1978.
`Program Committee, Fifth Annual Computer Architecture Symposium, April 1977.
`ECDP Accreditation Team visitor, 1976.
`Member, IEEE Piore Award Committee, 1976-1978.
`Editorial Board, J. ACM, 1976 to 1980.
`Workshop Committee, Distributed Processing Workshop, Brown University, August 1976.
`Program Chairman, Fourth Annual Computer Architecture Symposium, April 1977.
`Chairman, Hardware Systems Panel, Computer Science and Engineering. Research Study
`(COSERS), 1974-1976.
`Member, Advisory Panel on Computer Science and Engineering, National Science Foundation,
`Program Committee, Sagamore Conference on Parallel Computation, August 1973.
`Program Committee, Second Annual Symposium on Computer Architecture, January 1975.
`Program Committee, First Annual Symposium on Computer Architecture, December 1973.
`Program Committee, Symposium on Sequential and Parallel Numerical Algorithms, May 1973.
`Guest Editor, Special Issue on Parallel Computation, IEEE Trans. on Computers, August 1973.
`Board of Directors, SIGARCH, ACM, 1974-1976.
`Chairman, Technical Committee on Computer Architecture, IEEE Computer Society, 1972-
`Workshop Chairman, Parallel Computation Workshop, June 1972.
`Chairman, Best Papers Awards Committee, IEEE Computer Society, 1974 to 1977.
`Member, Governing Board, IEEE Computer Society, 1973-1974.
`Chairman, San Francisco Chapter, IEEE Computer Society, 1972-1973.
`Vice-Chairman, San Francisco Chapter, IEEE Computer Society, 1971-1972.
`Technical Editor, Computer, IEEE Computer Society, 1971-1973.
`Review Editor, IEEE Computer Transactions, 1966-1969.
`Editor and Reviewer of Manuscripts
`500 manuscripts reviewed, 1970-1995 for:
`Allyn and Bacon
`John Wiley and Sons
`Mayfield Press
`Prentice Hall
`Prindle, Webster, and Smith
`Science Research Associates
`Springer Verlag
`Consulting Editor for PWS
` 1 book in the series
`Consulting Editor for McGraw-Hill Computer Science Series
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`14 books in the series
`Consulting Editor for University Microfilms Series in
`Artificial Intelligence
`Distributed and Data Base Systems
`Systems Programming
`Computer Architecture
`76 books in the series
`Consulting Editor for Addison-Wesley
`5 books in the series
`Directorships and Corporate Affiliations.
`Director, EZ Data Systems, Newington, NH, 1981-1983
`President and Director of The Interfactor, Inc., 1980-1993
`Bibliographical Information
`Books and Book Chapters
`Image Registration for Remote Sensing, J. LeMoigne, et al., eds, Cambridge University
`Press, 2011. (One chapter by H. S. Stone, co-author of two other chapters).
`2. Stone, H. S., “Content-based image retrieval — Research issues,” Chapter 9 of Recent
`Advances in Multimedia, B. Sheu and M. Ismail, editors, IEEE Press, pp. 282-322, 1998
`3. Stone, H. S., High-Performance Computer Architecture, Addison-Wesley, Reading MA,
`1987. Second edition, 1990. Third edition, 1993.
`4. Stone, H. S., Microcomputer Interfacing, Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, 1982.
`Introduction to Computer Architecture, Harold S. Stone, ed., Science Research Associates,
`Palo Alto, 1975. 2nd Edition, 1980. (Two chapters by Harold S. Stone).
`6. Stone, H. S., and D. P. Siewiorek, Introduction to Computer Organization and Data
`Structures, PDP-11 Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975.
`7. Stone, H. S., Discrete Mathematical Structures and Their Applications, Science Research
`Associates, Palo Alto, 1973.
`8. Stone, H. S., Introduction to Computer Organization and Data Structures, McGraw-Hill,
`New York, 1972.
`9. Recent Advances in Switching Theory, A. Mukhopadhyay, ed., Academic Press, New York,
`1971. (Two chapters by H. S. Stone)
`1. Natarajan, K. S., and H. S. Stone, “Adaptive mechanisms for execution of sequential
`decisions,” US Patent 4,752,890, 21 June 1988.
`2. Natarajan, K. S., A. Mukerjee, and H. S. Stone, “Device to assist adaptive reordering of
`sequential decisions, “ U. S. Patent No. 4,843,567 issued on 27 June 1989.
`3. Stone, H. S., “A technique for parallel synchronization within a multilevel switch,” U. S.
`Patent No. 4,989,131 issued on 29 Jan. 1991.
`4. Stone, H. S., “Reducing the cache-reload transient at a context swap,” U. S. Patent No.
`5,065,310 issued on 11 Nov. 1991.
`5. Bregman, M. R., I. C. Noyan, M. B. Rittter, and H. S. Stone “Optical bus for computer
`systems,” U. S. Patent No. 5,093,890 issued on 3 March 1992.
`6. Stone, H. S., and J. L. Wolf, “A method and apparatus for calculating disk-access
`footprints,” U. S. Patent No. 5,142,670 issued on 25 Aug. 1992.
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`7. Brantley, W. C., and H. S. Stone, “A low-cost combining switch for reducing access to
`memory and for synchronizing parallel processes,” U. S. Patent No. 5,163,149 issued on 10
`Nov. 1992.
`8. Natarajan, K. S., and H. S. Stone, “Adaptive mechanisms for execution of sequential
`decisions,” European Patent EP0254825 issued on 19 January 1994.
`9. Li; Chung-Sheng, Karen Liu, H. S. Stone, and F. K. Tong, “Interconnections having
`improved signal-to-noise ratio,” U. S. Patent No. 5,357,363 issued on 18 Oct. 1994.
`10. Stone, H. S., and J. L. Wolf, “A method and apparatus for calculating disk-access
`footprints,” European Patent EP0352462 issued on 30 Aug. 1995.
`11. Stone, H. S., “A technique for parallel synchronization,” European Patent EP0352490
`issued on 29 November 1995.
`12. Brantley, W. C., and H. S. Stone, “Method for implementing a combining switch for
`support parallel processing,” European Patent EP0366865 issued on 27 December 1995.
`13. Heidelberger; Philip, and H. S. Stone, “Methods and apparatus for performing a write/load
`cache protocol,” U. S. Patent No. 5,611,070 issued on 11 March 1997.
`14. Stone, H. S., and J. M. Stone, “Method for updating value of shared variable,” Japanese
`Patent JP2500101(B2) issued on 1 March 1996.
`15. Stone, H. S. ``Method and apparatus for multi-resolution image searching,’’ European
`Patent EP0806733 B1, issued on July 9, 2003.
`16. Cox, I., M. L. Miller, and H. S. Stone, “Method for determining a ranked set of
`associations,” U. S. Patent No. 5,734,592 issued on 31 Mar. 1998.
`17. Stone, H. S., and J. M. Stone, “Posting multiple reservations with a Conditional Store
`atomic operation in a multiprocessing environment,” U. S. Patent No. 5,742,785 issued on
`21 April 1998.
`18. Puzak, T. R., and H. S. Stone, “Operand prefetch table,” U. S. Patent No. 5,790,823 issued
`on 4 Aug. 1998.
`19. Stone, H. S., and T. Shamoon, “Method for computing correlation operations on partially
`occluded data,” U. S. Patent No. 5,867,609 issued on 2 February, 1999.
`20. Stone, H. S, “Method and apparatus for multi-resolution image searching,” U. S. Patent No.
`5,933,546, issued on 3 August, 1999.
`21. Cox, I., M. L. Miller, and H. S. Stone, “Method for determining a ranked set of
`associations,” Japanese Patent JP3152279 issued on 3 April 2001.
`22. Stone, H. S, “Progessive JPEG Decoding,” U. S. Patent No. 6,259,820, issued on 10 July,
`23. Stone, H. S, M. F. Sakr, and M. B. Reinhold, “Method for Prefetching Structured Data,” U.
`S. Patent No. 6,311,260, issued on 30 October 2001.
`24. Stone, H. S., and T. W. Ebbesen, “Apparatus and method for transmitting data between
`VLSI chips,” U. S. Patent 6,362,907, issued on 26 March 2002.
`25. Stone, H. S. M. T. Orchard, E.-C. Chang, and S. A. Martucci, “Method for subpixel
`registration of images”, U. S. Patent 6,628,845, issued on 30 September 2003.
`26. Stone, H. S., R. Wolpov, “Method for blind cross-sprectral image registration,” U. S. Patent
`7,103,234, issued on 5 September 2006.
`27. Stone, H. S, M. F. Sakr, and M. B. Reinhold, “Method for Prefetching Structured Data,”
`European Patent EP 1,031,919 B1, issued on 8 October 2008.
`Refereed Journal Articles
`1. Stone, H. S., M. McGuire, and B. Tao, “Analysis of image registration noise due to
`rotationally dependent aliasing,” J. Vis. Commun. Image. R. 14, pp. 114-135, 2003.
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`2. Artigas, F., J. S. Cho, S. A. Chun, R. Holowczak, and H. S. Stone, "An experimental study
`of content-based image classification for satellite image data bases," IEEE Transactions on
`Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 1338-1347, June, 2002.
`3. Stone, H. S., and R. Wolpov, "Blind cross-sprectral registration using prefiltering and
`Fourier-based translation detection," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote
`Sensing, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 637-650, March, 2002.
`4. Stone, H. S., M. Orchard, E.-C. Chang, and S. Martucci, "A fast direct Fourier-based
`algorithm for subpixel registration of images," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and
`Remote Sensing, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 2235-2243, October, 2001
`5. McGuire, M., and H. S. Stone, “Techniques for multiresolution image registration in the
`presence of occlusions,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 38,
`no. 3, pp. 1476-1479, May, 2000.
`6. Stone, H. S., J. Le Moigne, and M. McGuire, “The translation sensitivity of wavelet-based
`registration,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, vol. 21,
`no. 10, pp. 1074-1080, Oct., 1999.
`7. Stone, H. S., “Progressive wavelet correlation using Fourier techniques,” IEEE
`Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 97-107, January 1999.
`8. Stone, H. S., “Image libraries and the internet,” IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 37,
`no. 1, pp. 99-109, January 1999 and guest editorial, same issue, pp. 70-71 (with C.-S.Li).
`9. Stone, H. S., “Convolution theorems for linear transforms,” IEEE Transactions on Signal
`Processing, vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 2819-2821, October, 1998
`10. Stone, H. S., and T. Shamoon, “Search by content of partially occluded images,”
`International Journal on Digital Libraries, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 329-343, December, 1997. A
`preliminary version of these results were reported in the paper “The use of image content to
`control image retrieval and image processing,” by H. S. Stone and T. Shamoon, presented at
`the Sixth NEC Research Symposium, Tokyo, June, 1995.
`11. Miller, M. L, H. S. Stone, I. Cox, “Optimizing Murty’s ranked assignment method,” IEEE
`Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 851-862, July, 1997.
`12. McDiarmid, C., T. Johnson, and H. S. Stone, “On finding a minimum spanning tree in a
`network with random weights,” Journal of Random Structures and Algorithms, vol. 10, no.
`1-2, pp. 187-204, January-March, 1997.
`13. Stone, H. S., “Designing in the multimedia era,” IEEE Design and Test, pp. 6-7, Winter,
`1996 (invited paper).
`14. Stone, J. M., H. S. Stone, P. Heidelberger, and J. Turek, “Multiple reservations and the
`Oklahoma update,” IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology, Vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 58-71,
`15. Li, C.-S., H. S. Stone, Y. Kwark, and C. M. Olsen, “Fully differential optical
`interconnections for high-speed digital systems,” IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, Vol.
`1, no. 2, pp. 151-163, June., 1993. (Longer version of a paper that appeared in extended
`abstract form in 1992 ICCD.)
`16. Li, C.-S., and H. S. Stone, “ Differential board/backplane interconnects for high-speed
`digital systems, part I. Theory,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 11, No. 7, pp.
`1234-1249, July, 1993.
`17. Stone, H. S., “Copyrights and author responsibilities,” Computer, vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 46-51,
`December, 1992.
`18. Stone, H. S., J. L. Wolf, and J. Turek, “Optimal partitioning of cache memory,” IEEE
`Trans. on Computers, vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 1054-1068, September, 1992.
`19. Singh, J. P., H. S. Stone, and D. F. Thiebaut, “An analytical model of fully associative
`cache memories,” IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 811-825, July, 1992.
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`20. Thiebaut, D. F., H. S. Stone, and J. L. Wolf, “Improving disk cache hit-ratios through cache
`partitioning,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 665-676, June, 1992.
`21. Thiebaut, D. F., H. S. Stone, and J. L. Wolf, “Synthetic traces for trace-driven simulation of
`cache memories,” IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 288-310, April, 1992.
`22. Stone, H. S., and J. Cocke, “Computer architecture in the 1990s,” Computer, vol. 24, no. 9,
`pp. 30-38, September, 1991.
`23. Stone, H. S., “Optimal search policies for searches with I/O bound tasks,” IEEE Trans. on
`Computers, September 1989.
`24. Stone, H. S., “Parallel querying of large databases: a case study,” Computer, vol. 20, no. 10,
`pp. 11-21, October, 1987.
`25. Thiebaut, D. F., and H. S. Stone, “Footprints in the cache,” ACM Transactions on
`Computing, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 305-329, November, 1987. (Longer version of paper that
`appeared in Proc. of Performance ’86.)
`26. Stone, H. S., and J. M. Stone, “Efficient search techniques—An empirical study of the N-
`Queens Problem,” IBM Journal of Research and Development, vol. 31, no. 4 pp. 464-474,
`July, 1987.
`27. Stone, H. S., and P. Sipala, “The complexity of depth-first search,” IBM Journal of
`Research and Development, Vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 242-258, May 1986.
`28. Rigas, H., T. Booth, F. Briggs, T. Murata, and H. S. Stone, “Artificial Intelligence Research
`in Japan,” Computer, Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 83-90, October 1985.
`29. Indurkhya, B., H. S. Stone, and L. Xi-Cheng, “Optimal partitioning of randomly generated
`distributed programs,” IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-12, No. 3, pp. 483-
`495, March 1986.
`30. Moto-Oka, T. and H. S. Stone, “The Japanese Fifth Generation Computer Project,”
`Computer, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 6-13, March 1984.
`31. Stone, H. S., “Computer Research in Japan,” Computer, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 26-32, March
`32. Stone, H. S., “Database applications of the FETCH-AND-ADD instruction,” IEEE Trans.
`on Computers, Vol. C-33, No. 7, pp. 604-612, July 1984.
`33. Fukunaga, K., S. Yamada, H. S. Stone, and T. Kasai, “A representation of hypergraphs in
`the Euclidean Space,” IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-33, no. 4, pp. 364-367, April,
`34. Budzinski, R. L., E. S. Davidson, H. S. Stone, and M. Mayeda, “DMIN: An algorithm for
`computing the optimal dynamic allocation in a virtual memory computer,” IEEE Software
`Eng. Trans., vol. SE-7, no. 1, pp. 113-121, Jan. 1981.
`35. Stone., H. S., “Life-cycle cost analysis of instruction-set architecture standardization for
`military computer systems,” Computer, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 35-47, April 1979.
`36. Rao, G. S., H. S. Stone, and T. C. Hu, “Assignment of tasks in a distributed processor
`system with limited memory,” IEEE Comp. Trans., C-28, no. 4, pp. 291-299, April 1979.
`37. Stone, H. S., and S. Bokhari, “Control of distributed processes,” Computer, vol. 11, no. 7,
`pp. 97-106, July 1978.
`38. Stone, H. S., “Critical load factors in distributed computer systems,” IEEE Trans. on
`Software Eng., SE-4, pp. 254-258, May 1978.
`39. Stone, H. S., “Sorting on STAR,” IEEE Software Eng. Trans., SE-4, no. 2, pp. 138-145,
`March 1978.
`40. Barnes, B. H., G. Davida, R. DeMillo, L. Landweber, and H. S. Stone, “Theory in the
`Computer Science and Engineering Curriculum: Why, what, when, and where,” Computer,
`vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 106-108, December 1977.
`41. Stone, H. S., “Multiprocessor scheduling with the aid of network flow algorithms,” IEEE
`Trans. on Software Eng., SE-3, pp. 85-93, Jan. 1977.
`Page 10 of 14


`42. Stone, H. S., “The organization of electronic cyclic memories,” Computer, vol. 9, no. 3, pp.
`45-50, March 1976.
`43. Lang, T. and H. S. Stone, “A shuffle-exchange network with simplified control,” IEEE
`Trans. on Computers, C-25, no. 1, pp. 55-65, January 1976.
`44. Stone, H. S., “Parallel tridiagonal equation solvers,” ACM Trans. on Mathematical
`Software, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 289-307, December 1975.
`45. Stone, H. S., “Dynamic memories with fast random and sequential access,” IEEE Computer
`Trans., C-24, no. 12, pp. 1167-1174, December 1975.
`46. Stone, H. S., “A note on a combinatorial problem of Burnett and Coffman,” Comm. ACM,
`vol. 17, pp. 165-167, March 1974.
`47. Kogge, P. M., and H. S. Stone, “A parallel algorithm for the efficient solution of a general
`class of recurrence equations,” IEEE Computer Trans., C-22, pp. 786-793, 1973.
`48. Stone, H. S., and S. H. Fuller, “On the near optimality of shortest access-time first
`scheduling algorithms,” Comm. ACM, vol. 16, pp. 352-353, 1973.
`49. Stone, H. S., “Problems of parallel computation,” in Complexity of Sequential and parallel
`numerical algorithms, J. F. Traub, ed., Academic Press, New York, 1973.
`50. Stone, H. S., “Efficient parallel solution of tridiagonal linear systems of equations,” J.
`ACM, vol. 20, pp. 27-38, 1973
`51. Stone, H. S., “Dynamic memories with enhanced access,” IEEE Computer Trans., C-21, pp.
`359-366, 1972.
`52. Stone, H. S., “Spectrum of incorrectly decoded burst errors for cyclic burst-error codes,”
`IEEE Trans. on Info. Th., IT-17, pp. 742-748, 1971.
`53. Stone, H. S., “Parallel processing with the perfect shuffle,” IEEE Computer Trans., C-20,
`pp. 153-161, 1970.
`54. Stone, H. S., “An algorithm for modular partitioning,” J. ACM, vol. 17, pp. 182-195, 1970.
`55. Stone, H. S., “A logic-in-memory computer,” IEEE Computer Trans., C-19, pp. 73-78,
`56. Stone, H. S., “The organization of high-speed memory for parallel block transfer,” IEEE
`Trans. on Computers, C-19, pp. 47-53, 1970.
`57. Stone, H. S., and C. L. Jackson, “The structure of affine families of switching functions,”
`IEEE Computer Trans., C-18, pp. 251-256, 1969.
`58. Stone, H. S., “One-pass compilation of arithmetic expressions for a parallel processor,”
`Comm. ACM, vol. 10, pp. 220-223, 1967.
`59. Sklansky, J., A. J. Korenjak, and H. S. Stone, “Canonical tributary networks,” IEEE Trans.
`on Electronic Computers, EC-14, pp. 961-963, December 1965.
`60. Stone, H. S., and A. J. Korenjak, “Canonical form and synthesis of cellular cascades,” IEEE
`Trans. on Electronic Computers, EC-114, pp. 852-862, 1965.
`61. Stone, H. S., “On the number of equivalence classes of functions realizable by cellular
`cascades,” Proc. of Conf. on the Impact of Batch Fabrication on Future Computers, Los
`Angeles, pp. 81-87, April 1965

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