`....._.._ .. .......
`_..._ _. ._..
`_ _.
`.._ . _ .._ ___..._.._._—._._...._...._.....~
`isormc 1331 3.? 3‘ ‘£63511?’
`in I n-.a.l-valued constant valid for all i
`:2 is a Iul~valI.1.e.d comlant valid for all i
`in the index in ms ITU-'1' lloc. H
`fun} bit of any systan-\_:lo1:
`2.0lI50rl:EC I351!-I multiplexed stream of the bytn couuinlng the
`not field in the swam
`CSPS_l1Ig — The CSPS_flag in a 1-bit field. If In vnlu: in ad to 'l' the Hogan Salaam meets the mnsnnints defined
`in 2.7.9.
`5!flflII_IIIl|io_lock_lI:g — The tyau:m,,audlo_loclc_fla5 in a Hail ficld indicating thal mm is a specified. conimnl
`mional relationship hutwagn the audio sampling rat: and the 3ysIu'l_cIn=k_fI'oqnnncy in the aystam lama decode:-.1'l1c
`la defined in 2.5.2.! and lit. audio Ilmpling ran: it specifiod in ISCVIEC l33lI-3. ‘fine
`3¥SW!l_I.I-Idio__lack_flag may only be set to '1' ll’. foi all pnaanudon unit: in all audio elementary suearnl in the Program
`Strum. the ratio of sysrnn1__cloclL,_frequ:.r|cy no the actual audio un1pl‘ln,g rm. SCASIL is constant and equal no {he
`value indir-filed In tho following table a: thn nominal sampling rate lndicaled in tho audio means.
`1 I 111 I 2 fl U
`3 —-vs--------—-jj---—-
`aud1o__,samp£¢_ mr¢__¢'n _m_r—s'nJ
`‘2 2”
`The notalion % denotes ml division.
`m_um_vIdeo_Io-=k.lIax - ‘nae sys:cm__\ridoo_lock_flag is a 1-bit linld indicating um mm is a npucified. oonnam
`“"1"”-1 3‘-lflfiflflfhip hfihveen the video Rana: me and '|hE_By5ll1‘l1 clock fmqnancy In the symun urge: decoder.
`Subclauae 2.5.2.] defines sun-.m_clock_freque.ncy and the video fralnz ml: is spacifiod In ITU-'!' Rae. l-1.262 I ISOIEBC
`F33‘?-1 '01-= F¥5|=fl‘_Vid60.lock_fla.g may only be set to -1' 1:. for all pnmmion min in all video eiumonury strum
`1'1 "55 Tn-7'7 REC. H-272-0| ISOIIEC [Sill-I p.mgram. the ratio of systu-n.,_clock_fIaquonc)' to the actual video fm-ng
`rile. SCFIL is wmltaul and equal In the value Indicated In the following table Ill. the nominal mm: nun Indiana in mg
`video mum.
`SCFR :-.
`frame_rare_b: _lheJ'-d'I'D
`frame ml:
`The values: of the ratio SCF11
`mmm] mg is n'91fiI29'97'°|:;t9|:€1r-;1nI:sfla‘!°cfi;n:{e me daffus sllghlllf from the nommal me. :n cases where 111:
`r"rU-1' Rec. nmo (1995 5-,;
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 103 8, p. 54
`HTC and LG V. PUMA, IPR20l5-01501
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1038, p. 54
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01501

`..-- . -
`vkl¢o_hound - The vitteo_bounl1 is a 5-bit integer in the inclusivernnge front 0 to 16 end is set to is value greater than
`orequal to the rnulrnunt nurnhu of1'1'U-'1’ Rec. 1-1.262 I 1SOIIBC 13818-2 and ls0I1EC11112-2 atreuut in thefiogr-urn
`Stream of which the decoding processes are simultaneously active. For the purpose ofthill stlbcllltse. the duaodlng
`process ofan ITU-T1'tec.H.262IOIlEC 1381!-2 snt|ISOI[!1!11i7'2-2 video stream is active lithe 1‘-STD huflerls
`peeket_nte__rvertrict.ion_flIg - '1'he paclcq__rete_pestrlct.lonJ1ng -is a 1-bit flag. If the CSPS flag is set to T1‘. the
`paclnet,rete_restriction_flag indicates which oonrtnint is applicable to the pater rate. I specified In 2.7.9. Ifthe CSPS
`flag is set to value of '0'. then the meaning of the psc.ltet_rnte_restrlctlon_11ag is undefined.
`resmred_ltlts —m ‘I-hltfleld inreeervedforiirtttreuseby rsonet; Until otherwlseltpecified t.y'rru-1-also/rec it
`tltallhnvethevslue ‘ill 1111'.
`etrurnjrl-'l'ller.treem_jdl's an 8-bitfieidthu indicates lheeodingnorlelernenury Mt-earn nnmberofthe rtreunlo
`which the following 1’-STD_htrfler_ho1mt'l_st:nle and P-STD_bofler_,size_bound fields refa’.
`1 I/1.’!/200»
`if strenrrt_id equals ‘loll 1000' the P-S'l'D,huffer_bound_rcele and P-S'l'D_b\tfier_tiu,honnd fields following the
`suum__ld refertosllsudlo stre_arnsintheProgmn stream.
`if strenrrud equals ‘Hill 1001' the P-S'1'D_htrffer_bound__reale and PSrD_hufler_eize_botlnti fields following the
`streem_id refer to all video strenrnr in the Progrsm Stream.
`lltln: stream_ldtsl:es on any othervaluelt shall benbyre value gs-enterthenorequslto'10111lD0'snd!hallbe’
`interpreted as referring to the stream ending and elementary stream number according to Tahle 2-18.
`its P-S'l‘D_bufl‘er_bound_ren1e and
`the Program Stream shall have
`Each elementary strum present
`P-S'1D_bui‘fer_si_bound specified exactly once by this rneeltanistn In each system header.
`1'-S'l‘D_hu1ler_l1olaIld_eclle — The P-S'l'D_bufl‘er_,bou‘nd.u:ale is a Hail. field that indlcnta the ruling factor used to
`the subsequent P-S'I‘D_bufi‘er__:ine_bound field. If the preceding 3treernJd indicates en sudio meant.
`P-S'11>_buifet_bound_eesle shall hen the value ‘0‘.
`if the preceding soeemjd indiestu I video strum.
`'1'. For
`stream types.
`value of
`' 1’-5TD_buffer_l>ound_et:a1e may be ell1Ilr'l‘or '0'.
`’ P-S'1'D_hufl‘er_slne,bound — The P-S1'D_butTerJlne_buunt1 is a 13-bit unsigned integer defining e value greater than
`or equal to the manlrnum P-STD input buffer size. BS... over all packets for stream It in the Program Stream. If
`1’-S'1'D_bufier_bound_ecale has the value '0‘, then P-STD_bufier_slu_bound measures the butter sire bound in units of
`128 bytes. if P-S'1'D__bniTer_honnd_scale has the value 'l‘. then P-S1"D_|tuffer_IiuJIotmd llteltlnlretl the buffer rise
`bound in unitsoi 1024 bytes. Thus:
`. N,
`if (P-STD_buffer_bound__scale ==
`85,, S P — .S7D_blqfl"er_;t'ze_bormd x 128
`"BS. S P -— STD_brfer_,rizz_bound X [024
` Picket layer of Program Stream
`The packet layer of the Program stream is defined hy the PBS packet layer in
`Program Stream map
`The Program Stream Map (PSM)prov1des a desa-zptlnn at the elementary streams in the Program Stream and their
`relationship to one another. When carried in r Transport Stream this structure shell not be modified. The PSM is preuent
`es a1’ES packet when the strenrn_id value is 0xBC (refer to Table 2-18).
`NOTE-'l1tl.t syntax differs from the PBS packet syntax tlesuihed in
`Definition for the descriploro fields may ‘be found in 2.6.
`Syntax of Pmgratn St:-am map
`Sm Table 2.35.
`I'l'lJ-'l'|lee.ll.Zn.0 (1995 E)
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 103 8, p. 55
`HTC and LG V. PUMA, IPR20l5-01501
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1038, p. 55
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01501

`-e=~ -:r-----—.g.-—.--—,.--~»-- ..-...___..... --._n._..-. ....... —...—.....,, ,.v—-,._....._..._..-.
`~ -«-~ ~--
`ISOIIEC 13818-I : 1996 (I!)
`Table 2-35 - Pmgnm St:-entn mp
`H 431,20“
`25.4.2 Stnuntie tlellnltlon of new In Prague: Strum IIIIII
`pn:het__etsrt_eode_ptellx — 'l1te pncItet_stsrt,_cnde_pxeflx is a 24-bit code. Together with the map_strcam_id that
`follows it constitutes a packet stm code that identifies the beginning of n packet. The pscket_st:rt_cod¢_piefix Is the bit
`suing '0000(XXJO
`0000 mm ill)!‘ (DXOOOOOI in hexuieeimel).
`tup_,|tnI.tn_Id -This is u 8-bit field whose value than be 0xBC.
`pro;run_sIzum.tup__length — 'l‘he progntn_jtrearn_mep_length is a 16-bit field indiesting the total number of bytes
`in the pmgtam_sttemn__rnnp immediately following this field. The maximum value of this field is loll (0K3FA).
`1 '| 'I~.'<H‘
`mnutt_uext_|nt|lutor — This is s I-bit field. when set to '1' indicates that the Ptogtun Stteun Mop sent is currently
`nppIi|:|hll.\VI'BI thehilis setto '0', It lndlcatesthstthePmgmm Stream Mspsentlsnotyet epplionblesnd shall betlte
`next table to become valid.
`prognn_.ttreIIn_ntnp_vet-than '— ‘mu 5-bit field is the version number of the whole Program Strum Mnp. The version
`number shall be inetetnented by 1 modulo 32. whatever the definition of the Program Stteem Mep changes. When the
`eunent_ncxt._indteatm- is set to '1'. that the plDgl'lm__SllGNl'l__lnlp__Vfl8i0n shall be thnt of the ettnently applicable
`Pmgnm Stream Mlp. When the cunent_ne:t_indicstot is set to '0‘. then the pmg.rlll|_B!l!-ImJtlap__vetIion shall be lhll
`of the next epplieshle Program Stream Map.
`lINl.I'Im_flI!IIIIJIlo._|en¢llt - ‘me pmgrsn\_xttesn\,lengtln is 1 16-bit field Indicating the total length of the
`deseriptus immediately following this field
`tnnrlter_hlt - A mstlter_ltit is a 1-bit field that has the value '1'.
`elentenhry_sIt'eatn_tup_lengttt — This is a 16-bit field specifying the total length. in byte. of all elementary stream
`program stream map.
`elementm'y_st:eant,,info_,length fields.
`slresnt_,type — This B-bit field specifies the type of the strelm soeottling to Table 2-29. The stteenuype field shall only
`identify elementary streams contained in PBS packets. A value of 0:05 is prohibited.
`I‘-ltl||¢IIlIr!.flrI-Im_IIl - The elernentnry_stteam_id is an 8-bit feld indicating the value of the stt'enm_itl field In the
`PBS packet header: of PBS packets in which this elementary sheath is stored.
`¢'"“'|'1Jt|"'l||J_I|fIIJen3tlt — ‘Die elementary__streu_n_info_len3tlt is s l&blt field indicating the length in bytes of
`the tletcrlpton lmtnedutely following this field.
`"fir --
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 103 8, p. 56
`HTC and LG V. PUMA, IPR20l5-01501
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1038, p. 56
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01501

`...__ ,.
`...,....,_.... l...
`... ..._..._.___............u_... -
`xsormc” IJIIB-1:1996(E)
`Pmgrnnn strum dlnenury
`Inedsmcwryrnnnenuresnaunismuaeupozaii thadlructmydnncnrrindbyPm3runSuumDiIac:orypacl::u-
`identified with the dlxectory_snenrn_id. The syntax for progrnm_manItU'31actmy packet: is defined in Table 2-36.
`N0‘lEl-Thluynuxdlfienfiotnthefifispnekcuyntn d1I'l%iII14.3.6.
`Dlmczory nun-les mayberequlredmnrunnuel-piennesinavlduouienrnasdefinedlnrltl-TRec.!l.262IlSOIlBC
`X3818-2andISO/IEC l1l72-2.KmI-pbumlhnismfetamedhudileaotymuyhneeeddbynnmunzliudu
`l-piumeuminduennedinadirecmryennyinpunndédbyagxwpofpicuuulandewlthnoinuvening picture
`NO'l‘E2-lrlnwornrnnndeddml-pizanuimtnadluelylnllowlnge Ieqannnnehendcrnhuildhsntcinnuadliidinuney
`Syntax n!l’r_-oanm Strum dlnctoly pocket
`8:: Table 2-36.
`Semantic definition nrnnlilsln I’:-ngnnn Strum dlnscmry
`pnckd..BhrLeode_prel'u — The pacl:et_atart_uode_pxnflx in 1 24-bit code. Togaher with the lttnnn-Lid that follows, it
`eonsumtes I packet utnrt code that identifies the beginning of a packet. The pn:keL,st.m,code_p¢el'u\ in the hit string
`dinctory_st:enn_H-—This 8-bltfieldsbnIlhaveavI.Iu:‘l1llllll'(0|FF).
`PE8_pncket_|en:th —_ ‘me P'ES__pncket_length Is a 16-bit field indicating the total uumbu hf bytes in the
`program_smeam.diI'ecuny immediately following thin field (mfsr tn ‘male 2- 18).
`mI|:ub¢r_oLI¢==!u_unlu — Thln is-bit fleld is_ the number of aa:ess_unlIs HM! are referenced in this Dinctmy YES
`prev_dim:oory_oflhe¢ — This 45-bit unsigned integer gives the byte nddinss onset of the first byte of the packet mart
`¢°d0°“h¢PtuvluuIPmgmm SneamDire:tnry packet. This addiussolftetistelnlivewltieflmtbyleofdteslnnuadeof
`the palm which MW“ ‘his pn-.vioua_duacmy,orraei field. m-. vein: '0' indicates um am in no pteviuus Program
`Sueam Directory pnckex.
`P395“ which °°'|lIil|9 lhil |l=lLdh¢9l°fL0fi8=l field. The value 0‘ indicates that due is no next Pmgram Stream
`Dlrnetury packet.
`'FI|=k¢t.l¢flIIII._ld - This 8-bk field ls the an-eam_ld of the elementary stream that contains the means unit referenced by
`thin dlnstory enuy.
`PESJ:udnr_ponil:lon_offsel - This 44-bit unsisned integer gives the byte offset address of the first byte of the res
`Pfi=|==t ?°flW'|hlll the mass unit referenced. ‘me ufisal mm: is relative to the first lay}: of me nan-coda of the pub:
`“?'“‘*'““B W‘ P55-J“'d°LP°;llIon_ofl'set field. The value '0' indicates that no access unit is referenced.
`"¢5°l’¢I°Lull'seI — This 16-bit field is an unsigned integer indicating the position of the fits! byte of the refinanced
`masumd in by” '°'‘“" ‘° “'5 5”‘ WW 07 “IE YES packet containing the first hymn of the referenced
`l'l'U-1‘ llec. 8121.0 (1995 E)
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 103 8, p. 57
`HTC and LG V. PUMA, IPR20l5-01501
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1038, p. 57
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01501

`Table 2n36—l"nr3t-in SI:-um dlrechrypnclgt
`In: (I = I}. H num'h:_,uLn:Izs:__url|Ia: 1+-v-J [
`PFS (prcscninuon_ume_mn-pl - This mm mm is In: PTS of the scans unit that is rei:n:'I'n:u'.'.. 11:: semantics of
`III: coding ofthe PTS field In as desuibed in,
`"!!nn_t1o_leII'l — This 23-bi: unsigned imagar is me numb: of bytes in tbs Pmy-um suum mg: the Img mama by
`nferanau_,_of@et that an minded to dam-dc the mucus unit cumpieuly. This value indudc: any bytes mulflpluud all ma
`3!'=lBI'l'Is layer mcludmg those containing information from mi-mr mums.
`““"—°°“°“-""““°""*' * “'5-1 is I 1-bit flax. When set no '1' it inuiuaxes am the rcrcncuced mass unit in mi
`5"“"°""°‘Y °°""- “=13 F! hlfletitndml of other coding Ianrnmelnn um might be. nusdus to «ma; the noon: null. ta...
`exunple. min field Ihall he ended as 'I' fur vidao Imm fmmaa. whereas fur 'P' and 'B' flames this bit shun 5. mad B .9.
`is undafiud (SR Time 2_3‘;;|£ In W
`us not from nn ITU T Ran. I-1.262 I ISCVIEC 13318-2 Video mm-n_ nu, figjd
`Table 1.31 _ [ntrn__codud indium
`rmsr Rec. 112210 (1995 E)
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 103 8, p. 58
`HTC and LG V. PUMA, IPR20l5-01501
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1038, p. 58
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01501

`...~.... ....~.....7v..-.—‘....-......_._._._.... .-..--._... -
`H ' lsorrlcfléifi -. 1996 {:1
`enr!I.ug__punmeIzn_1.rrrl|uIor - This 2-bit field is mad to Indian the location of coding panmalsers um no naaded to
`darned: the scenes with Iulamnced. For aumpie, this ficld can be user! to dctnrrnirue the locafiun of quanfinfiun matrices
`for video framu.
`“ Snnmurdhigparu-neeu-Iucnrlnthluctznurlil
`Pang-am and prngram elem-rcm descriptors
`Program and program elcruanl rlascriplnrs are suucturas which may be mod to extend the definition: of prngnms and
`progm-n clcmants. All dnescriptu-rt have n fumnr which begins with In Hair lag «dun The mg value is follownd by an
`8-bit descriptor lcngrh and rlun fields.
`5-emnlivc dr.-flailing dndds In mum and progrun «Jamar dncriptnr:
`The following semantics apply In the dessriplcrm defined in 16.‘: through 2.6.3-4.
`da9cr|ptor_ug-— ma m.-sc:-ipmr_ug is arr 3-an field which iaenuriu nah descriptor.
`Table 239 pmvidu the I'l"U—T Rae. H.21‘2.0 I ISDIIEC l3Bl3-l defined. ITU-T Em. .l{.222.0 I ISOIIBC 138lfi-I
`'vad. and usar avnilabie descriptor tag values. Arr 'X' In the TS gr I-‘S columns indicalas the applicability of the.
`dnwripml m citlrnr the 1't'nnspon Sutam or Pmgrarn Slmm reapaclivuly. Note mu the meaning of fields in 3 ducdprnx
`my depend on which suaun it is used in. End: use is specified In I11: dnscriprnr san1nrm':3 belnw.
`Table 2-39 — Program and prngrlrm elulueul desrriptotu
`mulnunn bilnhn oucriprm
`pa-lvnn elm indium! duuiym
`lT'lJ-1' n=.1-1.2210: ISOFIBC 13:13.1 Itemvad
`‘User Private
`rru--r liar. n.z2.:.o (1995 E)
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 103 8, p. 59
`HTC and LG V. PUMA, IPR20l5-01501
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1038, p. 59
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01501

`""' "'_""""“"lSU1|IEéC'13llI1ITiDT{llT"‘_"W _ _
`|l| -The in an 8-bit field apeciiying the nurnhur u!_hyIn.n of tits dcuriptu immediately
`fnltowlag dam-lptnt_1a.r:gth field.
`1&1 Viduslrun dcscdptnr
`The video stmttm descriptor provides basic Intonation whtct-I iduliflcs the aiding patuucten of I video elementary
`stream as described ln]TU-'I‘Ra:. I-1.1621 ISOIIEC 13318-2 OYISOHEC E1172-2[&aeTahle2-40).
`l]-“l£'s- 3‘
`Sunuttc ttennttluma otlldds In video nu-um tiecrtplor
`mnlt!ple_t‘run:_ntnJIa; — This 1-bit fiald what set to '1' indicates that multiple frame mus rllly be present in the
`Vida) stmam. Wltflt set to a vain: of '0' only a single frame rat: I: pruam.
`ln.m:_n|n_eod¢—-Thin in I 4-bit fiald as defined in 6.3.3 of lTU—1" Rec. H.162 I ISOJIBC 13813-2. uuaepl that Wham
`the muhip1:__fnamc_nz:__!lsg is wet to a Irlltu: of '1' the indication of a pnrticutar frame rate due permiu cumin othcr
`Table 2-41 -Fume-rut: and:
`33916 14.0 19.97 210.0 59.94
`13.916 24.0 29.9?
`23.916 29.91’
`MPEG..1.on!r.I!ne - nut is a 1-bit fiald which win.-. sat m '1' indium out the video mam contain: only
`lSOJ'EBC1l1'I1-2 data. If set to '0' the vidnn strum may contain both ISOIIEC ISBIB-2 vidan data and constrained
`panrneter ISCVIEC 11172-2 vidw dua.
`°“1="'J’81B='3...D#tinv¢*2r_lI;n - This is a man ficlti which when set to'1‘1lIdica.te.§ um the vidna mam aha11 not
`'“|°Df|lfl'I-iltcd ISOJTEC H112-2. video Gala. 11 this fielti
`is set
`In '0' 111: video Shawn may ootlmln both
`°°"3“‘-infld PII'Im=|mi and unconxuainctt ISOIIEC 11172-2 video stmanma. It the MPBG,_I__nn1y_nag is set to '0'. ma
`c=InIIn1ned_p:ramet:r_flng atmlt be set to '1',
`ITU-T Rec. H.21.‘?.D (1995 E)
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 103 8, p. 60
`HTC and LG V. PUMA, IPR20l5-01501
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1038, p. 60
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01501

`-‘~""’-*~~" *"‘““""""‘*
`"" '
`‘ H
`ettI1_yiemre_neg-‘ms in 1-bit field. which when send '1' lndlcntns that thevideo strum contains only still pictures.
`Iftl1ebitlssettn'0'thenthevideosueammnyeonu.ln elthetmovingornlllplonnedm.
`pmfile_nnd_lcvel_lndlcnflun — 1111: bit field is the same dunner an the pmfile_nndJevel_indlcatinn fields in the
`l'l'U-Tkec. H.262llSOIlEC B818-2 video enenm. nnvdueoiddufleld lndieelenptofllennd levelllmisequll too:
`high: then any profile andlevel In any sequenuelnthe|saociItedvideostIearn.l-‘orthepurpnm ofthi: mhelnnae. en
`lSOIIEClll72-2 videontrenmis consideredtuluvedammgjonnnt field withlhe vnlue'01‘. lndicnIing4:2:0.
`mg, 1:?
`lndieues that either OI‘ both the
`to '1'
`flag which when set
`n-une_nee_entem|onJIn - This in a 1-bit
`fi-eme_nte_exIenslun__n and the fnme_nte_extensinn_d field: ue non-zero in my video sequence: of the
`l'l'U—'!'Ru:.l'l.262| XSOIIBC l38ll~1 video stream. For the purposes of mu lllbclnusa. In ISDIIEC H172-2 Video
`Audio IIRIII descriptor
`The audio stream descriptor pmvidee bade infatuation which Identifies the coding vmion of In India elementary
`stream as described in ISOIIBC 13818-3 orlso/EC lll72-3 (see Table 2-42).
`Table 1-42 - Audio eleenn duerlpnnr
`Semantic definition of held: in male mean: descriptor
`tree._l‘nrmnI_fleg -‘mi: I-bit field when set to '1' indicates that the audio stream my contain one or more audio frames
`with the bltrnIe_index set to mm. 11‘ set In '0'. then the biuntejndex is not '0000' (refer In of ISO/lBC'13BI8-3)
`in any audio frame of the audio mum.
`ID-'l'hle1-bllfleldwlleu setto'l‘lndleeteId:ntthelDfieldI.ssetIn‘l'ineedInndIofnmelnrhe audlnelrumaefetnn
` nfISOIlEC l38l8~3).
`layer -— This 2-bit field is coded in the same uunner Is the layer field in the ISOIIEC 13818-3 or ISOIIEC H172-3 audio
`stream: (tefer to of ISOIIEC 13818-3). The layer indicated in this field shall he equnl to or high! then the
`hlgllest layer specified In any nudlo frame of the audio stream.
`VlI'3I|Ik_I'Ih_lIItI||o_|IIIlicIlIII* - This I-bit flag. when set to '0' indicates that the bit rate of the associated audio mean
`my ‘'81)’ between consecutive nudin frames. Continuously ended varinble rate audio should be presented without
`llienrehy duerlptnr
`infonnntiun to identify the pmgmn elements containing component! of
`The hiflmmhy dewlpmr pmvides
`hi"°"°hi¢8“¥-C0400 Video Ind audio. and private menus which are multiplexed in multiple streams as described in this
`-:1s:o:‘r:'e:g:n3or)a I International sundae.
`in mm’ Rec. H.261 I Home 13818-1 end in Iso/mt: um-3.
`[TU-T Rec. l!.212.0(l995 E)‘
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 103 8, p. 61
`HTC and LG V. PUMA, IPR20l5-01501
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1038, p. 61
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01501

`at-IQ‘!-I01}-lhhflfl rt:
`ll-'l|'l""-"I-91! — The him-nrchical :clnt‘:on bah-roan flu: associated Ilicnmhy layer and its hbtuchy cmbeddcd lay: in
`dtfillfi II'l TB-B10 244.
`Table 1-44 — E1enrI'l|y__Iy'pe field values
`rm-r Ru.-.. H.161 I Iscvmc um-2 spun: Scalahikity
`nu-1* nus. me: I ISOIIEC 13513-2 smz Smlnhillty
`rl'U-T Ruz. H.252 I ISOFIBC Ullfi-2 Tnmpnl Scnllhilily
`ITU-T R00. H.162 I ISOIFIBC IJEID-2 Dam pnnitionin;
`Rcwvnd Bast layer
`ISMEC 13318-J launnninn hitnnunm
`n'u.'r Ilcc, 112;-2.0 l rsorlne 131113.: Prlvm: S1ma.rI'l
`is a 6-bit field um dafints n unique indu or me nssocmnd
`hIenr=h:r.J=3'=r._|nd-El — The hi='|I=bY.Iayer_lnd:I.
`prognm element In a table of coding laya hitnmhies. lndlces shall be unique within a single pmgnm dafinitiun.
`Her-r=h:r.¢mb-dd2«l_IayzrJnau — The hi:ra.mhy,_eI11bcdd.ed_lay:r_indcx in n um field that defines the hicramhy
`natal: index of the ptuyum eternunt
`needs in be accessed befom decoding of the elnmanury armm.-I ansocintnd with
`“"5 7”"-"°")'_|5¢5CflPt0r. Tlus field is undefirlud if the hi:mrchy_typc value is 15 (base layu).
`indlcntas the innanded channel number for ‘Ilse
`is n 5.5:: ficld 'l.ha.l'.
`hkrmlamhannel ~ The _hiem:har_channn:
`associmd program elerrmnl m an ordered at nf u-ansmission duannaln. Th: mnsl robust transmission channel is defined
`by thc lowest valua of this field with respect to the man]! uanmisnim hierarchy definition.
`NOTE "A 85"" hifilfi-T|'=h}'_€hInl'I¢1 may at the sum: lira: be n.nip::.d an Icvnral pmgnm ol:|1'|en,|_|_
`Registration datriplnr
`(w:1'_Eg:"::‘;'A-d”"1P‘“T PFDVW’-5 fl manhod to urnqucly und unamblguousiy idumfy fnmma of private data
`rm-1 Rec. 1222.1:-‘(I995 E)
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 103 8, p. 62
`HTC and LG V. PUMA, IPR20l5-01501
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1038, p. 62
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01501

`...;f_.. __.__._.
`In I38]!-1*: 1% (E)
`’futfiuO; iv:N'. I-H){
`fImnnI_1dunllIa- - The fmmaudmfifiu is a 32-bit value obtained from a Rcgist-mien Aufiuwity u duignnlsd
`nddiIlunaJ__lIl:n|1flnI|un_JIio - The meaning of addi1iuna1_im-.ntificntIon_,i1lfo hymn. if any. are dufirml by tho
`assigns. of I.hI1furI'nI.t__id¢n'Iifln'. and Imendcfiwed me}! shall nutchlnsc.
`1.£10 ball I-[rum Illylnant dun-Ipmr
`1‘Iicdaunn-umalignmeat duczipmr dzscribea which cypenfallgnramris pzueut In uaussnciimd ckmenmy mm. It
`lhadala._IJ!_gurrnc11LlndicatI:rintl:aPES pacJ:e:hcnderixas:uo'I'andua:dcsuip1orisp2-uncut. fligltnlanl-Iaspactfintf
`In this descriptor -1: required (an Table 1-46).
`Scmlnflts of fields in data strum Ilignmcat desalphr
`align.nIenl_typ¢ — Table 2.4? describes the video Illgnmanl type when use ¢am_aIignmenumflcamr In the PBS packet
`hzadtx has a vain: o1"1‘. In such use of nlinmem_:ype value the Era: P£'S__9ackc:_dm:_hyt: following In PBS header
`shall be the first bye: of a sun node of I11: type indicated in Table 2-47. A: the beginning of a video saqnencc. flu:
`alignment shall mu: 9: the sumcod: of :h: first saquance header.
`NO'l"E— Specifying alignrnuu type 1!!’ from Twit 247 due: no! pmciuda flu: Ilipununt from beginning at I GO? or SE2
`Thcdcfirritiun ofacncss null for videodamlu given in 2.I.I.
`rm-1' Inc. Emu (1995 B)
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 103 8, p. 63
`HTC and LG V. PUMA, IPR20l5-01501
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1038, p. 63
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01501

`.-.-.. ....,..._..__A , ..____j._......_..._...._.. _...............
`. mo
`Table 248 duuibes the audio alignment type when the dan1_IllgmnerIt_Indlca1or in the PBS p-eke! healer nu a value _
`of '1'. In this case the firs: PES_pacI:e1_dun_byte following the PES bade: in Ihe first byte of an audio sync ward.
`Tnble 148- Audio strum nllgmunl ulna
`Target lmckaot-ml pa asuipm
`It ispnssihlelolaaveoneermme vldeosuums whl:lL when dnmdnd. an: not intended to occupy me full dlspley ma
`te.s. a moniker).
`'11:: enmhlnaslon of u:rget_hu:kg:uurxLn:-ld_dn=u-hm: and vidno_wincluw__deecrip¢ms snows the
`display of them vidm window: in lheir desired ‘lomliona. Th: l.nr3et,hnekgmurId_grid_d:a:rip1nr is used no dt.iu'ibe I.
`mid of unit pixel: pnnjemad on lo the display aria Th: vidm_uvindnw_dea:aipmr in men and in dnescaibe. so: the
`assncial.-.ud strum. the location on an grid at whhzh the up lefi pins] of the display window or display teeungle of the
`video pwesenminn unit should be dlaplnyed. Tlnia in rqnucrlled in Figure 2-3.
`Semantic: olflcldx In target background trill descriptor
`hOl'il;(lJIIl_SlIt - The horinunlal sire of the Luger background grid in pixels.
`VcI1icIl_ail-e - The vertical! size ofthu target backgmunll. grid in pixels,
`8-!PEl_I'Il'_|0_ln!ormI_tiua -— Specifies the sample aspect ratio or display aspect rule of the urge! bnckground grid,
`A5[D'=¢L.rwn_lnfonnnnnn is defined in ITU-T Rec. H.252 l ISOIIEC 13818-2 (see ‘Fable 2-49}.
`'l"n|:le 1-49 — Target. bnckgnund grid dun-lptur
`l=rs=LhI=kzround_.sfiu_a=-scsipmro [
`rm.-r Ree. n.z22.o (ms 1;:
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 103 8, p. 64
`HTC and LG V. PUMA, IPR20l5-01501
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1038, p. 64
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01501

`...-....,,.:.., ...,,...._....,......._ .......... .. .. V ......-......-......_....__.....-... ..
`. ,.
`--v——-«M-—~-—-———-—~—-———-——-——-—~ -~
`ISOIIEC 13813-1 :1996 (E)
`1.6.14 Video window descriptor
`urxcLhackxroun.d.zmLdescripuor in 2.6.12 (see Table 2-50).
`horiunlILolbet —‘1'irc value indicate: the hon-inn-ml position of the tap lei! pixel of theumenr video diepiny window
`°rdiwlayf==¢Insle:rindicamd1n thopicuuedlapllyoxmminncathemltflbackpoudgridfudisphyudcfinodin
`the lnrget_beckgmund_3r'iri_descriptsor. The top iefi pixeinf tin video window shall be one of the pixel! of the target
`background grid (refer to Figure 2-3).
`vet-iiai_omut — The value indlcetr: the Venice! position ofthc top let! pixel of the ctment video display window or
`display rectangle if indicated in the picture displny extension on the target background grid for display as defined in the_
`INse¢.backrmund_grid_dascdpnur. The top left pixel of the video window shall he one of the pixels of the target
`background grid (teferto Figure 2-3).
`windomprloriv-'l‘itevalluindicatu how winriowroverinp.Avoiue ofobcing iowertprlnr-tty and uvalueof Isis
`the highest priority. Le. wirflowa with ptiorlty 15 are always visible.
`Conditional access use-rpm
`The conditional access deecrlptorvis uteri to specify both Sylflli-illidc condition! accent nlnegerncut infmnutinn such
`TS_,pmgrIrn_IlIBpJe9ti0n (refer no and the pmynm_sueam_map (refer to 2.5.3). 1: any etumunuy Itrurn is
`scrambled. a CA descriptor shun be present for the program containing that eiemenmy mam. If any system-wide
`conditional woes; management lnfun-nation exists within a ‘transport stream. 1 CA descriptor shall be present in rhe
`conditional access table.
`when the CA descriptor is found in the TS_progmm_Jn|p_5cction tublejri = 05:02). the CAJID points to pocket:
`eomolning program related access control information. such as mm. its presence as program infonnation indicates
`applienbllity to the entire program In the some case. in presence as extended E9 infotmltion indicates lppliclbilily to
`the usociund program olemmt. Provision in ulso made for private data.
`When the CA descriptor is found in the CA_ser:tlon (table__id = 0101), the CA!!!) points in packets containing system-
`wnde andlor access control management infonnation. such u EMML
`The contents of the Transport swam pockets containing conditional mesa information are privltcly defined
`(see Table 2-51).
`Tnhie 2.-51 — Conditioul ocean dscriptnr
`fnrli-=0. i<N: i-H-)(
`ITU-T Roe. H3210 (1995 E)
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 103 8, p. 65
`HTC and LG V. PUMA, IPR20l5-01501
`Petitioners HTC and LG - Exhibit 1038, p. 65
`HTC and LG v. PUMA, IPR2015-01501

`...__.._.._...._. __.........
`CA_syiIul_ID — This is a 16-bit field indicating the tyil a! CA systzm applicable fw eilhzr III: auoclnud E04 and}!!!
`E!-{M scum The coding of this is privately dalirmd and is no: specifiw by ITU-T I ISOIIEC.
`ENmIlnfo:muinnfnnhcCA:yaI:msu:pecifind withlhusnoclued CAJ'!8l=m_ID.T1Ic=nn|ants(ECM0rEMM)nf
`flu packet:
`iudicmd by Ibo cA__PlD In detnrminnd frnurthc contul in which its CA_PlD is found.

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