`Real ‘lime Manager
`The DSPFIFOGetSi ze routine returns the size of the specified FIFO.
`pascal unsigned long DSPFIFOGetSize (DSPFIFORefNum theFIFORefNum);
`Field descriptions
`the F I FORe fNum
`The FIFO reference number.
`Func t i onRe su l t
`The number of total bytes allocated for the FIFO.
`The DSPFIFOGetSi ze routine returns the size of the given FIFO.
`The DSPFIFOGetReadCount routine returns the number of bytes available in a FIFO.
`pascal unsigned long DSPFIFOGetReadCount
`Field descriptions
`the F I FORe fNum
`The FIFO reference number.
`Funct i onRe su l t
`The number of bytes currently in the FIFO.
`The DSPFIFOGetReadCount returns the number of bytes that can actually be read from
`a given FIFO.
`The DSPFIFORead routine reads data from the FIFO into the specified location.
`pascal unsigned long DSPFIFORead (
`unsigned long
`Real Time Manager Reference
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`PART 5 OF 10
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`Real ‘Fme Manager
`Field descriptions
`Reference number of the FIFO to be read.
`The location in which to place the data being read.
`The number of bytes to be read.
`The number of bytes that were read.
`The DSPFIFORead routine reads data from a FIFO. The thecount parameter is the
`number of bytes requested. The number of bytes actually read are returned in the
`FunctionResult parameter. The data is written to theDestination.
`The DSPFIFOGetWriteCount routine returns the number of available bytes in a FIFO.
`pascal unsigned long DSPFIFOGetWriteCount
`Field descriptions
`The FIFO reference number.
`The number of empty bytes left in the FIFO.
`The DSPFIFOGetWriteCount routine returns the number of bytes that can be written
`to a FIFO.
`The DSPFIFOWrite routine writes data into the specified FIFO.
`pascal unsigned long DSPFIFOWrite (
`unsigned long
`The FIFO reference number to write to.
`The location of the data to be written.
`The number of bytes to write.
`The number of bytes actually written.
`Field descriptions
`% —
`Real Time Manager Reference
`Page 202 of 500
`Page 202 of 500

`Real ‘lime Manager
`The DSPFIFOWrite routine writes data to a FIFO. The thecount parameter is the
`number of bytes to be written. The number of bytes actually written are returned
`in the FunctionResult parameter. The data to be written to the FIFO is indicated
`by thesource.
`The DSPFIFOSwap routine swaps new data into the specified FIFO.
`pascal unsigned long DSPFIFOSwap (
`unsigned long
`MessageActionProc thelnterrupt);
`Field descriptions
`the F I FORe fNum
`thes i ze
`The FIFO reference number.
`The size of data buffer allocated.
`phys ical
`f i f o Ful l
`The logical address.
`The physical address.
`Flag to tell routine to fill FIFO with data.
`The procedure for receiving messages from the FIFO.
`The DSPFIFOSwap routine takes an existing FIFO header and changes the FIFO data.
`This routine is used with linked FIFOs when a FIFO linked message is received and
`more data needs to be put into the FIFO. It does not allocate memory and is safe to call at
`the interrupt level. The FIFO linked message indicates the specific FIFO is empty and can
`safely be removed from the linked FIFO. If the removed FIFO was allocated by the
`application, then it must be deallocated by the application.
`For more information about Me s s ageActionProc see ”Sending Messages,” earlier in
`this chapter.
`Real Time Manager Reference
`Page 203 of 500
`Page 203 of 500

`Real ‘lime Manager
`The DSPFIFOReset routine empties the FIFO and clears any pending operations for
`a FIFO.
`pascal OSErr DSPFIFOReset
`(DSPFIFORefNum theFIFORefNum);
`Field description
`the F I FORe fNum
`The FIFO reference number.
`The DSPFIFOReset routine is used to reset a FIFO after a transaction has finished.
`This routine disables message passing by calling DSPFIFOSetMes sageMode with
`theFlags set to kdspMaskAllMessages. It then Calls DSPFIFOClearInterrupt to
`clear any pending interrupts. Finally, it resets both the read and write indexes to 0,
`which has the effect of emptying the FIFO.
`The DSPFIFOClearInterrupt routine clears the interrupt for a FIFO.
`pascal OSErr DSPFIFOClearInterrupt
`(DSPFIFORefNum theFIFORefNum);
`Field description
`the}? I FORe fNum
`The FIFO reference number.
`The DSPFIFOClearInterrupt routine clears the interrupt for the given FIFO. Once
`the DSP has sent a message to a FIFO, it will not send additional messages until this call
`has been made to clear the current interrupt. Usually this call would be made from the
`FIFO's MessageActionProc.
`For more information about Me s s ageActionProc see ”Sending Messages,” earlier in
`this chapter.
`Real Time Manager Reference
`Page 204 of 500
`Page 204 of 500

`Real '|'Ime Manager
`The DS PFI FOGetRe f Con routine returns application-specific information for the
`specified FIFO.
`pascal unsigned long DSPFIFOGetRefCon (DSPFIFORefNum
`Field descriptions
`The FIFO reference number.
`The current Re f Con of the FIFO.
`The DSPFIFOGetRe f Con routine returns the application-specific data for a given
`The DSPFIFOsetRe f Con routine sets the Value of the app1ication—specific data field in a
`DSP FIFO buffer.
`pascal OSErr DSPFIFOSetRefCon (
`unsigned long
`Field descriptions
`The FIFO reference number.
`The desired value of the Re f Con.
`The Re f Con for the FIFO is an application-specific parameter. When a client application
`has to pass FIFO parameters to its FIFO Mes sageActionProc it should use this
`routine to set the parameter. DSPFI FOGe tRe f Con can be used from inside the
`Mes sageActionProc routine to get the FIFO parameter that was set up by the client.
`For more information about Me s s ageAct ionProc see ”Sending Messages,” earlier in
`this chapter.
`Real Time Manager Reference
`Page 205 of 500
`Page 205 of 500

`Real ‘Fme Manager
`The DSPFIFOGetMes sageMode routine returns the mode of the specified FIFO.
`pascal unsigned long DSPFIFOGetMessageMode
`Field descriptions
`The FIFO reference number.
`The current value of the FIFO’s flags.
`The DSPFIFOGetMes sageMode routine returns the mode set by the
`The DSPFIFOSetMes sageMode routine sets the message passing mode for a FIFO.
`pascal OSErr DSPFIFOSetMessageMode (
`unsigned long
`Field descriptions
`The FIFO reference number.
`The desired value of the FIFO’s flags.
`The DSPFIFOSetMes sageMode routine is used to enable or disable message passing
`from the DSP to the FIFO. Setting theFlags to kdspMaskAllMes sages will disable
`all messaging. Setting theFlags to kdspHalfMessageEnable will enable the half
`empty/full messages. Setting theFlags to kdspTerminationMes sageEnable will
`enable the empty/ full message.
`To transfer data from the host to the DSP, the typical steps to follow are to set the mode
`to kdspHal fMes sageEnable until the host runs out of data, then set the mode to
`kdspTerminationMes sageEnable. When the empty message comes in, set the mode
`to kdspMas kAllMes sages since the transfer is complete.
`Table 4-6 shows the Apple-defined message masks.
`For more information about message passing see ”Sending Messages,” earlier in
`this chapter.
`Real Time Manager Reference
`Page 206 of 500
`Page 206 of 500

`Real ‘lime Manager
`Table 4-6
`Message masks
`kd sp F I F0)/Ia s kAl lMe s s a ge s
`Disable all messages, (p) priority of FIFO
`messages in descending order
`(4) enable message when FIFO transfer
`causes an overrun or underrun
`(3) enable message when FIFO is full
`or empty
`(2) enable message when FIFO is at least
`half full or half empty
`(1) enable message when FIFO's link
`was traversed
`If task accessing FIFO causes either FIFO
`overrun or underrun then set task inactive
`If task accessing FIFO causes either FIFO
`full or empty then set task inactive
`The DSPFI FOGetMe s sageAct ionProc routine returns a pointer to the specified FIFOS
`message action procedure.
`pascal OSErr DSPFIFOGetMessageActionProc (
`Field descriptions
`The FIFO reference number.
`The FIFO message action procedure.
`The DSPFIFOGetMessageActionProc routine provides the location of the specified
`FIFOs message action procedure. The result is used to get or set the messages associated
`with the FIFO.
`For more information about Me s s ageActionProc see ”Sending Messages,” earlier in
`this chapter.
`Real Time Manager Reference
`Page 207 of 500
`Page 207 of 500

`Real ‘Fme Manager
`The DS PF I FOS etMe s s ageAct i on Proc routine sets the location of the message action
`procedure for the specified FIFO.
`pascal OSErr DSPFIFOSetMessageActionProc (
`Field descriptions
`theFIFORe fNum
`The FIFO reference number.
`The FIFO message action procedure.
`The DsPFIFOSetMes sageActionProc routine sets the location of the specified FIFO’s
`message action procedure. The location is used to get or set the messages associated with
`the FIFO.
`For more information about Me s s ageActionProc see ”Sending Messages,” earlier in
`this chapter.
`The DSPFIFOSetMessageThreshold routine sets the byte level that triggers a
`FIFO message.
`pascal OSErr DSPFIFOSetMessageThreshold (
`unsigned long
`Field descriptions
`theFI FORe fNum
`The FIFO reference number.
`The desired Value of the threshold in bytes.
`The DSPFIFOSetMes sageThreshold routine is used by a client application to set the
`minimum number of bytes, the theThreshold value, from the beginning or end of the
`FIFO memory that are needed to generate the interrupt, as shown in Figure 4-13. The
`theThre shold value is an application—specific parameter subject to these rules:
`Reading data:
`When the FIFO has been filled with the threshold amount of data,
`then an interrupt will be generated.
`Real Time Manager Reference
`Page 208 of 500
`Page 208 of 500

`Real ‘lime Manager
`Writing data:
`When the FIFO has been emptied by the amount of the threshold,
`then an interrupt will be generated.
`Maximum theThreshold Value = FIFOSize — 4 bytes
`Minimum theThreshold Value = 4 bytes
`Figure 4-13
`FIFO threshold
`Write threshold
`Read threshold
`FIFO memory
`Summary of the Real Time Manager
`All Constants used in real-time software are listed in Chapter 5, ”DSP Operating
`System.” Only the constants referred to in the present chapter are listed here.
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// DSPManager Version Number
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// last digit is version number
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// constants used by a client to specify where to insert a task
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`// insert at head of list
`// insert at tail of list
`// insert before reference link
`// insert after reference link
`kdspHeadInsert // insert anywhere in list
`Summary of the Real Time Manager
`Page 209 of 500
`Page 209 of 500

`Real ‘Fme Manager
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`// constants for messages received by client
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`(bio pin has changed
`(prefix used for FIFO
`(the FIFO's link was
`(the FIFO's buffer
`filled before the FIFO write
`(the FIFO's buffer
`emptied before the FIFO read
`(the FIFO's buffer is
`exactly full)
`(the FIFO's buffer is
`(the FIFO's buffer is
`at least half full but not
`exactly full)
`(the FIFO's buffer is
`at least half empty but not
`exactly empty)
`(prefix for dsp
`exception messages)
`Summary of the Real Time Manager
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`Page 210 of 500

`Real '|'Ime Manager
`(prefix used for GPB
`(the task is active)
`(the task is inactive)
`(this task was
`involved in a frame overrun
`and is now inactive)
`(this task has skipped
`one or more frames due to a
`frame overrun)
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`// read/write permission constants for clients
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`(kdspWritePermission I kdspReadPermission)
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`// FIFOFlags
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`disable all messages
`priority of FIFO messages in
`descending order
`(4) enable message when FIFO
`transfer causes an overrun
`or underrun
`(3) enable message when FIFO
`is full or empty
`(2) enable message when FIFO
`is at least half full or
`half empty
`(1) enable message when
`FIFO's link was traversed
`if task accessing FIFO causes
`either FIFO overrun or
`underrun then set task
`if task accessing FIFO
`causes either FIFO full or
`empty then set task inactive
`Summary of the Real Time Manager
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`Page 211 of 500

`Real ‘Fme Manager
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// GPBFlags
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// use bnEstimate
`// use bnActual
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// SectionFlags
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// Costs the DSP one instruction to use the following flags:
`// do not
`load or save this section
`// load this section
`// save this section
`// fill this section with zeroes
`// save this section on context
`// switch
`// never loaded on chip
`// Load in Bank A if possib;
`// load in Bank B if possibl
`(kdspBankA | kdspBankB)//
`load anywhere
`// this section statically
`// allocated before runtime
`// section is a FIFO buffer
`// reserved
`// when loading convert from a FIFO
`// when saving convert to a FIFO
`// this is a HIHO Section
`kdspReservedForToggleSectionTbl OxOOOO2000// holds the kdspToggleSectionTable
`// flag from the module's flag
`// when loading convert from a HIHO
`// when saving convert to a HIHO
`// Costs the DSP two instructions to use the following flags:
`// all cases other than below
`// section is an input buffer
`// section is an output buffer
`// section is an InterTask Buffer
`// section size can be scaled
`// reserved for use by the DSP
`// only DSP should modify this
`// Manager
`// memory
`Summary of the Real Time Manager
`Page 212 of 500
`Page 212 of 500

`Real '|'Ime Manager
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// SectionDataTypes
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// data in section is beyond
`// description
`// data is in 3200 float format
`// data is in Inna float format
`// data is 32bi: integer
`// data is l6bit integer packed
`// data is 8bit integer packed
`// data ' muLaw format
`// data ' Alaw format
`// data '
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// the processor types 'ptyp'
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`'32C '
`// DSP32lO hardware compatible
`// DSP32C hardware compatible
`Data Types
`unsigned '
`unsigned '
`// type for position parameter
`// type for processing bandwidth
`unsigned '
`// type for JSPClient reference number
`unsigned '
`// type for DSPIODevice reference number
`// type for )SPCPUDevice reference number
`unsigned '
`// type for DSPTask reference number
`// type for DSPModule reference number
`unsigned '
`// type for 3SPSection reference number
`unsigned '
`// type for DSPFIFO reference number
`DSPLinkedFIFORefNum: unsigned '
`// type for DSPLinkedFIFO ref number
`unsigned '
`// type for TaskToSynch and SynchTasks
`// reference number
`pascal void (*MessageActionProc)(struct DSPMessage *theMessage);
`enum DSPConnectionType {
`Summary of the Real Time Manager
`Page 213 of 500
`Page 213 of 500

`Real ‘Fme Manager
`enum DSPTaskPriority {
`enum {
`} DSPTaskStatus;
`Data Structures
`// DSPFIFOAddress
`// ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————--
`struct DSPFIFOAddress
`struct DSPFIFO *l;
`// logical pointer
`struct DSPFIFO *p;
`// physical pointer
`Summary of the Real Time Manager
`Page 214 of 500

`Real '|'Ime Manager
`// ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————--
`// DSPParamBlkHeader
`This parameter block header is shared between the
`DSPIODeviceParamblock and the DSPCPUDeviceParamBlk. The
`reason we declare things this way is so that we can have
`routines that operate only on the common parts of the
`structures therefore making the code smaller, easier to
`write, easier to maintain, etcm
`the index for this device
`read/write permission for this client
`the reference number for this client
`the name of this client
`handle to client's icon
`the device name for the io or cpu device
`the device icon for the io or cpu device
`#define DSPDeviceParamBlkHeader\
`unsigned short
`unsigned short
`// ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————--
`// DSPDeviceParamBlk:
`struct DSPDeviceParamBlk {
`// ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————--
`// DSPCPUDeviceParamBlk:
`This parameter block is used for controlling a cpu device. It
`shares the DSPParamBlkHeader with the io device.
`// ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————--
`Summary of the Real Time Manager
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`Page 215 of 500

`Real ‘Fme Manager
`struct DSPCPUDeviceParamBlk {
`unsigned char
`// the slot number the card is in
`unsigned char
`// the processor number, zero based
`// the type of the processor
`// max processor execution cycles per
`// frame
`// num cycles currently allocated
`cpuCurRealTimeLoading;// num cycles used during the last
`// frame
`cpuTimeShareLoading; // num cycles it took for timeshare
`// list
`// how often the timeshare list is run
`unsigned long
`// num frames per second for this cpu
`// device
`// ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————--
`// DSPIODeviceParamBlk
`This parameter block is used for controlling an io device.
`It shares the DSPParamBlkHeader with the cpu device.
`// ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————--
`struct DSPIODeviceParamBlk {
`unsigned short iopbIODeviceIndex;
`// index of this io device
`unsigned short iopbIODeviceType;
`// type of this io device
`unsigned char
`// data specific to the i0 device
`struct DSPBIODeviceParamBlk {
`unsigned short iopbIODeviceIndex;
`// index of this io device
`unsigned short iopbIODeviceType;
`// type of this io device
`struct DSPMessage *bioMessageHandler;// gets called when state of bio pin
`unsigned char bioPinState;
`// 0 = logic level low,
`l = logic
`// changes
`unsigned char bioPinDirection;
`// O = input only,
`1 = output only
`unsigned char bioPinIntEnable;
`// O = interrupt masked,
`// enabled
`l = interrupt
`// level high
`unsigned char bioReserved[25];
`// reserved space
`Summary of the Real Time Manager
`Page 216 of 500
`Page 216 of 500

`Real '|'Ime Manager
`struct DSPSIODeviceParamBlk {
`unsigned short iopbIODeviceType;
`short iopbIODeviceIndex;//
`index of this io device
`type of this io device
`unsigned long
`unsigned long
`unsigned char
`unsigned char
`unsigned char
`sample rate for this io device, both
`input and output
`sample size for this io device, both
`input and output
`pass the physical ptr to your dsp code
`pass the physical ptr to your dsp code
`0 = off,
`1 =
`on, enables both input
`and output
`indicates if the io device can be used
`for standard sound etcm
`reserved space
`is used to represent guaranteed processing
`bandwidth information.
`struct DSPBandwidth {
`unsigned long bnFlags;
`worst- case pre—runtime
`case runtime
`control flags
`DSPMessage: used for passing messages back and forth between the
`// kernel and the driver.
`struct DSPMessage {
`// vector of routine
`unsigned long
`// application-specific data
`// ———————————————————————————————————--
`// DSPGPBModeIndicator:
`used for requesting more (or less) GPB when
`// a module is running.
`struct DSPGPBModeIndicator
`unsigned short miCurrentMode;
`// mode in which the module is operating
`(only the DSP code should change this)
`Summary of the Real Time Manager
`Page 217 of 500
`Page 217 of 500

`Real ‘Fme Manager
`unsigned short miNextMode;
`// (only the Real Time Manager should
`// change this)
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// Get Info Parameter Blocks
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`// DSPClientInfoParamB;k
`this parameter block is used for getting information about a
`client that is signed into the DSP Manager.
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`struct DSPClientInfoParamBlk {
`// returned ref num of the client
`unsigned short
`// returned read/write permission
`// of the client
`// returned icon of the client
`// returned name of the client
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// DSPTaskInfoParamBlk
`this parameter block is used for getting information about a
`task that is installed on the DSP.
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`struct DSPTaskInfoParamBlk {
`// returned reference number for this task
`unsigned long
`// returned application—specific info
`MessageActionProc tiVector;
`// returned vector of task action proc
`unsigned long
`// returned flags for DSP task control
`// returned name of this DSP task
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// DSPModuleInfoParamBlk
`this parameter block is used for getting information about a
`module that is installed on the DSP.
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`struct DSPModuleInfoParamBlk {
`// returned reference number of this
`struct DSPBandwidth miGPB;
`// module
`// returned guaranteed processing
`// bandwidth
`unsigned long
`unsigned long
`// returned module flags
`miNumSections; // returned number of sections in
`// module
`Summary of the Real Time Manager
`Page 218 of 500
`Page 218 of 500

`Real '|'Ime Manager
`// returned name of DSP module
`unsigned long
`unsigned long
`// returned number of executions
`// returned number of modules to skip
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// DSPSectionInfoParamBlk
`this parameter block is used for getting information about a
`section that is installed on the DSP.
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`struct DSPSectionInfoParamBlk {
`DSPSectionRefNum siRefNum;
`// returned reference number for this
`unsigned long
`// section
`// returned size of data in actual
`// section
`unsigned long
`// returned section flags
`unsigned long
`// returned for section connection type
`// checking
`// returned name of this section
`// returned location of section data
`// returned optional section data storage
`// location
`DSPSectionRefNum siPrevSection; // returned previous connection
`DSPSectionRefNum siNextSection; // returned next connection
`// returned reference number of the FIFO
`Trap Macros and Routine Selectors
`// misc dispatcher constants & macros
`#define MOVEL
`#define DSPDispatch(select)
`// dispatch selectors for external routines
`// ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
`#define kdspGetTrapAddress
`#define kdspSetTrapAddress
`#define kdspGetIndexedCPUDevice
`#define kdspOpenCPUDevice
`Summary of the Real Time Manager
`Page 219 of 500
`Page 219 of 500

`Real ‘Fme Manager
`Summary of the Real Time Manager
`Page 220 of 500
`Page 220 of 500

`Real '|'Ime Manager
`#define kdspFIFOGe:ReadCount
`#define kdspFIFOGetWr

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