`Enhancement by Aspirin in Nonhuman Primates
`Laurence A. Harker, Ulla M. Marzec, Andrew B. Kelly, Nicolas R. F. Chronos, I. Birgitta
`Sundell, Stephen R. Hanson and J.-M. Herbert
`doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.98.22.2461
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`Panacea Biotec Ltd.
`Ex. 1019, p. 1 of 10
`Clopidogrel Inhibition of Stent, Graft, and Vascular
`Thrombogenesis With Antithrombotic Enhancement by
`Aspirin in Nonhuman Primates
`Laurence A. Harker, MD; Ulla M. Marzec, MS; Andrew B. Kelly, DVM; Nicolas R.F. Chronos, MD;
`I. Birgitta Sundell, PhD; Stephen R. Hanson, PhD; J.-M. Herbert, PhD
`Background—A recent study showed that clopidogrel reduces thrombo-occlusive complications in patients with
`symptomatic atherosclerosis more effectively than aspirin.
`Methods and Results—The effects of clopidogrel and aspirin have been compared, singly and in combination, for
`measurements of 111In-labeled platelets and 125I-labeled fibrin deposition in baboon models of arterial thrombosis and
`related to platelet aggregation and expression of activation epitopes induced by ADP, collagen, and thrombin receptor
`agonist peptide (TRAP) and to template bleeding times (BTs). Low-dose oral clopidogrel (0.2 mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1) produced
`cumulative (1) intermediate decreases in 111In-platelet and 125I-fibrin deposition for segments of prosthetic vascular graft,
`deployed endovascular metallic stents, and endarterectomized aorta (P⬍0.009 in all cases); (2) elimination of
`ADP-induced platelet aggregation (P⬍0.001); (3) modest inhibition of collagen-induced platelet aggregation (P⬍0.01);
`(4) no reduction in TRAP-induced platelet aggregation; and (5) minimal prolongation of BTs (P⫽0.03). High-dose oral
`clopidogrel (ⱖ2 mg/kg) produced the same effects within 3 hours. The effects of clopidogrel dissipated over 5 to 6 days.
`Aspirin 10 mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1 alone did not decrease 111In-platelet and 125I-fibrin deposition on segments of vascular graft
`but detectably decreased 111In-platelet and 125I-fibrin accumulation on stents (P⬍0.01), minimally inhibited ADP- and
`collagen-induced platelet aggregation (P⬍0.05 in both cases), and minimally prolonged BTs (P⫽0.004). Within 3 hours
`of aspirin administration,
`the antithrombotic effects of acute high-dose or chronic low-dose clopidogrel were
`substantially enhanced, and BTs were modestly prolonged without inhibiting platelet aggregation induced by TRAP
`(P⬍0.001 in all cases compared with clopidogrel alone).
`Conclusions—Clopidogrel produces irreversible, dose-dependent, intermediate reduction in thrombosis that is substan-
`tially enhanced by the addition of aspirin. The effects of combining aspirin and clopidogrel need to be evaluated in
`patients at risk of vascular thrombosis. (Circulation. 1998;98:2461-2469.)
`Key Words: clopidogrel 䡲 thrombus 䡲 stents 䡲 aspirin
`Heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral arterial occlusion are
`generally caused by thrombo-occlusive episodes in stenot-
`ic atherosclerotic arteries.1 Ruptured atherosclerotic plaques
`initiate complex interactions among damaged atheromatous
`vascular structures and highly reactive platelets and coagulation
`proteins, resulting in the formation of tissue factor–dependent
`vascular thrombosis. Tissue factor–initiated thrombotic occlu-
`sion also complicates interventional procedures used in the
`management of patients with symptomatic atherosclerotic vas-
`cular disease, including thrombolytic reperfusion for acute cor-
`onary thrombosis, angioplasty, various types of atherectomy,
`deployment of endovascular stents, endarterectomy, and implan-
`tation of small-caliber vascular grafts.2,3
`Large-scale, randomized, placebo-controlled trials have estab-
`lished that daily oral aspirin therapy decreases the relative risk of
`vaso-occlusive episodes in patients with symptomatic athero-
`sclerotic disease by 20% to 25%.1,4 The benefits of aspirin are
`attributable to its irreversible interruption of thromboxane A2
`(TxA2) generation by platelets.5 Controlled clinical trials have
`also established that oral
`ticlopidine therapy decreases the
`relative risk of vaso-occlusive events in symptomatic atheroscle-
`rotic patients by 30% to 35%.1,4,6–9 Ticlopidine, a thienopyridine
`requiring hepatic modification in vivo to exhibit antiplatelet
`effects, selectively inhibits ADP-dependent platelet aggregation
`that is cumulative over 8 to 10 days.10–12 Recent clinical studies
`demonstrate that adding aspirin to ticlopidine therapy markedly
`reduces thrombo-occlusive events associated with the deploy-
`ment of coronary stents.13–16 Unfortunately, ticlopidine therapy
`has a number of troublesome adverse effects, including revers-
`ible neutropenia, diarrhea, and idiosyncratic cutaneous rashes.
`Received February 9, 1998; revision received June 5, 1998; accepted July 2, 1998.
`From the Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Medicine, and Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center, Emory University School
`of Medicine, Atlanta, Ga, and Sanofi Recherche, Toulouse, France (J.-M.H.).
`Correspondence to Laurence A. Harker, MD, Blomeyer Professor and Director, Division of Hematology and Oncology, Emory University School of
`Medicine, 1639 Pierce Dr, WMB Room 1003, Atlanta, GA 30322. E-mail lharker@emory.edu
`© 1998 American Heart Association, Inc.
`Circulation is available at http://www.circulationaha.org
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`Panacea Biotec Ltd.
`Ex. 1019, p. 2 of 10
`Clopidogrel Inhibits Thrombogenesis
`is a ticlopidine-like thienopyridine that
`severalfold more potent and is free of the adverse effects
`plaguing ticlopidine therapy.17,18 Like ticlopidine, clopidogrel
`is devoid of direct antiplatelet effects and must undergo
`hepatic metabolic modification to exhibit selective inhibition
`of ADP-induced platelet aggregation.22 Clopidogrel acts by
`irreversibly inactivating platelet ADP receptor–initiated sig-
`naling in a dose-dependent manner.10,20,21 In a recently re-
`ported large-scale, randomized, controlled clinical trial, clo-
`pidogrel was shown to be significantly more effective than
`and at least as safe as aspirin in decreasing arterial thrombo-
`occlusive episodes in patients with symptomatic atheroscle-
`rotic disease.22 Clinical trials reporting that ticlopidine plus
`aspirin markedly reduces thrombotic occlusion of coronary
`stents suggest that adding aspirin to clopidogrel therapy may
`enhance its antithrombotic efficacy.13–16
`Clopidogrel and aspirin each inhibit platelet recruitment by
`interrupting ADP- and TxA2-mediated platelet activation,
`respectively. Presumably, the relative contributions of ADP-
`and TxA2-dependent platelet recruitment varies with different
`clinical thrombotic processes. Accordingly, the present study
`was designed to measure the relative antithrombotic effects of
`administering clopidogrel and aspirin, singly and in combi-
`nation, for 3 different thrombosis models in baboons, ie,
`graft, stent, and vascular thrombosis models. The relative
`antihemostatic and antithrombotic effects of oral clopidogrel,
`clopidogrel with aspirin, clopidogrel with heparin, or the
`combination of clopidogrel, aspirin, and heparin were
`Baboon Model of Thrombosis and Hemostasis
`Twenty-four normal juvenile male baboons weighing 9 to 11.5 kg
`and bearing chronic exteriorized arteriovenous (AV) femoral shunts
`were used in these studies. Before experimentation, all animals were
`observed to be disease-free for at least 3 months. All procedures
`were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
`(Emory University) in compliance with National Institutes of Health
`guidelines (Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals,
`1985), Public Health Service policy, the Animal Welfare Act, and
`related university polices. In these models, quantitative, reproduc-
`ible, nonoccluding, platelet-rich thrombi were formed on deployed
`endovascular metallic stents, segments of vascular graft, and seg-
`ments of endarterectomized baboon aorta interposed in the AV
`shunts under physiological flow conditions for 60 minutes without
`systemic anticoagulation. The forming thrombus incorporated circu-
`lating prelabeled autologous 111In-labeled platelets and homologous
`125I-labeled fibrin(ogen). These chronic AV shunts, per se, do not
`detectably activate platelets or coagulation.24,25
`Thrombogenic Devices
`Nonocclusive thrombi were formed over 60 minutes in the exterior-
`ized AV shunts of awake animals by deployment of metallic
`endovascular stents, interposing 2-cm-long, 4-mm-ID thrombogenic
`segments of uncrimped Dacron vascular grafts or incorporating
`segments of endarterectomized homologous aorta in established AV
`shunts while blood flow was controlled at 100 mL/min.
`Stent thrombosis was produced by deployment of stainless steel
`endovascular stents (3.5 mm) in the exteriorized chronic AV shunt.
`The stainless steel stents, a gift from Johnson & Johnson Interven-
`tional Systems, Warren, NJ, were mounted on sterile water–filled
`noncompliant Duralyn coronary angioplasty balloons (Cordis Corp).
`The stents were manually crimped onto the deflated balloon and
`inserted into a 3.3-mm-ID, 20-cm-long segment of silicone rubber
`tubing (Technical Products Inc). The balloon was inflated 3 times to
`a pressure of 10 atm to achieve maximal apposition of the stent struts
`with the tubing wall. The shunt tubing was then filled with sterile
`saline to remove potentially confounding air bubbles from the
`surface of the stent and to facilitate interpositioning of stent-
`containing segments in the exteriorized chronic AV femoral shunt.
`Graft thrombosis was produced by segments of Dacron vascular
`grafts (Bioknit, C.R. Bard, Inc) rendered impervious to blood
`leakage by external wrapping in Parafilm (American Can Co) and
`5.3-mm-ID “heat-shrinkable” Teflon tubing. Connections were con-
`structed to ensure that the devices were isodiametric and suitable for
`incorporation into the AV shunts.
`Endarterectomy thrombosis was produced by endarterectomizing
`fresh baboon aorta (5- to 6-mm ID) obtained from other donor
`flushed with saline, and divided into 4-cm lengths.
`Branches were ligated, and specimens were stored in normal saline.
`For endarterectomies, the aortic segments were inverted and the
`intima and inner media were removed for a distance of 1 cm in the
`central portion of the vessel by sharp dissection. After completion of
`the endarterectomy, each segment was returned to its normal
`configuration and cannulated with 1-cm lengths of heat-shrinkable
`Teflon tubing (Small Parts, Inc) attached to segments of 4-mm-ID
`silicone rubber medical
`tubing (Dow Corning, Inc). The aortic
`segments were encased with heat-shrinkable Teflon tubing and each
`end was carefully sealed by heating, but direct heat to tissues was
`avoided. The resultant configuration maintained stable geometry,
`with a smooth transition from vessel to tubing.
`Clopidogrel Dosing
`Clopidogrel was administered orally at 7 doses spanning more than
`2 orders of magnitude, ie, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 2, 5, 10, and 20 mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠
`d⫺1. Antithrombotic and antihemostatic effects of high-dose clopi-
`dogrel for stent and graft thrombosis were obtained 3 hours after
`dosing with 2 to 20 mg/kg. Because the effects of low-dose
`clopidogrel were cumulative, doses of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5 mg/kg
`clopidogrel were administered daily for 6 days to determine full
`dose-response effects (see below). Thrombus formation was mea-
`sured in the following sequence on different days during the
`subsequent 2 weeks, assessing the effects of (1) clopidogrel 0.2 mg 䡠
`kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1 alone, (2) clopidogrel 0.2 mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1 with heparin 100
`IU/kg bolus and 100 IU/kg infused over 1 hour, (3) clopidogrel 0.2
`䡠 d⫺1 plus aspirin 10 mg/kg administered 2 hours
`mg 䡠 kg⫺1
`previously, and (4) clopidogrel 0.2 mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1 in combination
`with aspirin 10 mg/kg and heparin 100 IU/kg infused over 1 hour.
`Treatments were discontinued for 1 week to permit the antiplatelet
`effects of clopidogrel and the enhancing effects of aspirin to dissipate
`before other studies were begun.
`Measurements of Thrombus Formation
`Autologous platelets were labeled with 1 mCi [111In]indium oxine
`(111In) as previously described24,26 and reinjected at least 1 hour
`before the thrombogenic devices were interposed. 125I-labeled ba-
`boon fibrinogen (5 Ci), purified and labeled as described previous-
`ly,27 was injected intravenously 10 minutes before thrombogenic
`devices were introduced. Images of the segments containing vascular
`graft, deployed stents, or endarterectomized aorta were acquired
`separately with a General Electric 400T MaxiCamera, stored, and
`analyzed with a Medical Data Systems A3 image processing system
`(Medtronic) interfaced with the camera, by routines already de-
`scribed.27 The total numbers of deposited platelets in regions of
`interest were calculated by dividing the deposited platelet activity
`(counts/min) by the circulating blood activity (counts 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 mL⫺1)
`and multiplying by the circulating platelet count (platelets/mL).
`Fibrin was determined after completion of the experiments by
`removal of the thrombogenic segments for counting 125I-fibrin
`radioactivity 30 days later when the 111In activity had decayed. Total
`fibrin accumulated was calculated by dividing the deposited 125I
`activity (counts/min) by the clottable fibrinogen activity (counts 䡠
`min⫺1 䡠 mL⫺1) and multiplying by the plasma fibrinogen level
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`Panacea Biotec Ltd.
`Ex. 1019, p. 3 of 10
`Harker et al
`December 1, 1998
`Effects of Clopidogrel on Ex Vivo Platelet
`Aggregation and Bleeding Time
`Agonist Concentration Producing
`Half-Maximal Platelet AC50
`Oral Dose,
`0.1 after 6 d
`0.2 after 6 d
`0.5 after 6 d
`2.0 after 3 h
`20 after 3 h
`Time, min
`volar surface of the forearm as previously described in nonhuman
`Statistical Analysis of Data
`Data were presented as mean⫾SD. Student’s t test for paired or
`unpaired data was used when data were normally distributed.
`Otherwise, Mann-Whitney nonparametric analysis was used. Facto-
`rial ANOVA and ANCOVA were used. A value of Pⱕ0.05 was
`considered to be the estimate of statistical significance.
`Baboon Models of Graft, Stent, and
`Vascular Thrombosis
`Segments of Dacron vascular graft interposed in exteriorized
`AV shunts flowing at 100 mL/min induced rapid platelet
`deposition that reached plateau levels by 60 minutes (Figure
`1, top). Neither aspirin 10 mg/kg PO 2 hours previously nor
`heparin 100 IU/kg IV bolus and 100 IU/kg infused over 60
`minutes significantly reduced thrombus formation (Figure 1,
`top; P⬎0.2).
`Deployed metallic endovascular stents in AV shunts flow-
`ing at 100 mL/min also produced thrombus that reached
`plateau values by ⬇60 minutes (Figure 1, bottom). Whereas
`heparin had no effect on stent thrombosis (P⬎0.2), oral
`aspirin 10 mg/kg modestly decreased platelet accumulation
`111In-platelet deposition decreased from
`on stents,
`2.56⫾0.96⫻109 to 1.76⫾0.57⫻109 platelets (P⬍0.01; Figure
`1, bottom).
`Control endarterectomized aortic segments produced sub-
`thrombus by 60 minutes,
`ie, platelet deposition
`averaged 1.6⫾0.39⫻109 platelets/cm, and mean fibrin accu-
`mulation was 1.1⫾0.3 mg/cm.
`Baseline platelet concentrations averaged 285⫾60⫻103/
`L, and control mean plasma fibrinogen concentration was
`2.95⫾0.27 mg/mL. Baseline template BT averaged 3.3⫾0.8
`minutes. During baseline thrombus formation on thrombo-
`genic devices, platelets remaining in the circulation did not
`change aggregatory responsiveness or express activation
`Figure 1. Platelet deposition in formation of graft and stent
`thrombus. Autologous 111In-platelets accumulate rapidly on seg-
`ments of Dacron vascular graft (top) or deployed endovascular
`metallic stents (bottom) interposed in exteriorized chronic AV
`shunts flowing at 100 mL/min in nonanticoagulated baboons.
`Plateau levels of thrombotic accumulation are achieved by ⬇60
`minutes. For graft thrombosis, platelet deposition is not signifi-
`cantly reduced by heparin (100 IU/kg bolus and 100 IU/kg
`infused during 60 minutes) or aspirin (10 mg/kg PO 2 hours
`before study). Although heparin fails to decrease stent thrombo-
`sis, aspirin therapy produces intermediate reduction in platelet
`Laboratory Studies
`Platelet counts, erythrocyte counts, and total leukocyte counts were
`performed on whole blood collected in 2 mg/mL disodium EDTA
`with a Serono Baker model 9000 whole-blood analyzer.28 Blood
`samples for testing platelet hemostatic function were collected in
`citrate (3.2% for platelet aggregation studies and 3.8% for flow
`cytometric determination of P-selectin and ligand-induced binding
`site [LIBS] expression).
`Platelet aggregation was determined within 1 hour of drawing
`blood with a Chrono-Log aggregometer by recording the increase in
`transmission through a stirred suspension of platelet-rich
`plasma (PRP) maintained at 37°C. PRP and platelet-poor plasma
`(PPP) were prepared by differential centrifugation, as previously
`described.29 The platelet count in the PRP was adjusted to 300⫻
`103/L. Percent aggregation was calculated linearly between the
`optical densities of PPP and PRP. ADP (Sigma Chemical Co),
`collagen (Nycomed Arzenmittel), and thrombin receptor agonist
`peptide (TRAP1–6) (Peninsula Laboratories) were added at doses
`spanning the range of responsiveness. The results were plotted and
`expressed as the agonist concentration that induced half-maximal
`aggregation (AC50).29 The appearance of activated platelets in the
`peripheral blood was evaluated by flow cytometry using fluoresce-
`inated monoclonal antibodies against neoantigens expressed on
`membrane surfaces of activated platelets, including conformationally
`altered integrin ␣IIb3 (or glycoprotein IIb/IIIa), LIBS (a gift from Dr
`E. Plow, Cleveland, Ohio),30 and the secretory granule membrane,
`P-selectin, a gift from Biogen Inc, Cambridge, Mass.30
`Template bleeding time (BT) measurements were performed at
`baseline and at 60 minutes. BT testing was carried out on the shaved
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`Panacea Biotec Ltd.
`Ex. 1019, p. 4 of 10
`Clopidogrel Inhibits Thrombogenesis
`TABLE 2. Antithrombotic Effects of Clopidogrel, Heparin, and Aspirin
`Three hours after high-dose clopidogrel
`Clopidogrel 2.0 mg/kg
`Clopidogrel 2.0 mg/kg⫹aspirin 10 mg/kg
`Clopidogrel 20 mg/kg
`Clopidogrel 20 mg/kg⫹aspirin 10 mg/kg
`Six days after low-dose clopidogrel
`Clopidogrel 0.2 mg/kg
`Clopidogrel 0.2 mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1⫹aspirin 10 mg/kg
`Clopidogrel 0.2 mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1⫹heparin 100 IU/kg
`1.2⫾0.77 (8)
`1.7⫾0.42 (6)
`3.16⫾0.84 (6)
`0.57⫾0.6 (7)
`1.85⫾0.28 (6)
`2.07⫾0.41 (6)
`0.64⫾0.56 (7)
`1.22⫾0.6 (5)
`2.45⫾0.38 (6)
`0.44⫾0.44 (6)
`1.39⫾0.33 (5)
`2.01⫾1.03 (5)
`Numbers in parentheses are numbers of observations. P1 indicates control vs treatment; P2, clopidogrel vs combinations.
`Graft Thrombosis
`Stent Thrombosis
`4.36⫾1.21 (27)
`Fibrin, mg
`3.06⫾1.03 (13)
`2.56⫾0.96 (7)
`Fibrin, mg
`0.56⫾0.27 (6)
`Time, min
`3.1⫾0.7 (14)
`7.7⫾74 (14)
`16⫾11 (8)
`10⫾8.6 (8)
`22⫾8.4 (7)
`0.34⫾.06 (8)
`0.13⫾0.05 (7)
`0.18⫾0.06 (7)
`0.11⫾0.07 (6)
`epitopes, ie, ex vivo platelet aggregation induced by ADP,
`collagen, or TRAP was unaltered, and there was no signifi-
`cant flow cytometric expression of P-selectin or LIBS.
`Antithrombotic and Antihemostatic Effects
`of Clopidogrel
`In vitro, clopidogrel exhibited no direct inhibitory effects on
`baboon platelet aggregation or LIBS expression induced by
`ADP, collagen, or TRAP (P⬎0.5).
`Oral dosing of clopidogrel at 0.1 mg/kg for 6 days
`abolished ADP-induced platelet aggregation (undetectable
`aggregation despite the addition of ⬎100 mol/L ADP;
`Table 1). This dosing regimen also modestly inhibited platelet
`aggregation induced by collagen, as shown by the increased
`concentration of collagen required to produce half-maximal
`aggregation, ie, from 2.2⫾1.0 to 8.4⫾4.9 g/mL (P⫽0.008),
`and prolonged the BT to 6.9⫾5.3 minutes (Table 1; P⬍0.01).
`However, neither TRAP-induced platelet aggregation nor
`thrombus formation on segments of vascular graft or de-
`ployed endovascular stents was significantly decreased
`(P⬎0.2 in all cases).
`Increasing the dose of clopidogrel to 0.2 mg/kg for 6 days
`significantly reduced platelet and fibrin accumulation on vascu-
`lar grafts and stents (Table 2; P⬍0.01 in all cases), prolonged the
`BT to 7.7⫾7.4 minutes (Tables 1, 2, and 3; P⬍0.01 compared
`with baseline values) without additional inhibition of platelet
`aggregation and expression of activation epitopes induced by
`ADP or collagen, and produced no reduction in TRAP-induced
`platelet activation (Tables 1 and 3).
`Within 3 hours, increasing clopidogrel dosing 10-fold to 2
`mg/kg significantly decreased platelet deposition (Figure 2;
`Table 2; P⬍0.01 in both cases) but not fibrin accumulation
`(Table 2; P⬎0.1 in both cases) for both vascular grafts and
`stents. ADP-induced aggregation was markedly inhibited
`(AC50 20⫾13 mol/L; P⬍0.0001 compared with baseline),
`collagen-induced aggregation was inhibited beyond that pro-
`duced after 6 days of 0.1 mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1 clopidogrel (Table 1),
`and BT was prolonged to 24⫾9.5 minutes (P⬍0.0001 com-
`pared with baseline). TRAP-induced platelet aggregation was
`not reduced (Table 1).
`When the dose of clopidogrel was increased another
`10-fold to 20 mg/kg, the accumulation of both platelets and
`fibrin on segments of vascular graft and stents was signifi-
`cantly decreased within 3 hours of oral administration (Table
`2; Figure 2; P⬍0.02 in all cases). ADP-induced aggregation
`was abolished, and BT was increased to ⬎30 minutes.
`TRAP-induced platelet aggregation was minimally inhibited
`(Table 1; P⬍0.06 compared with baseline), and no additional
`inhibition of collagen-induced aggregation was produced
`(Table 1; P⬎0.4). The reduction in thrombosis and prolon-
`gation of the BT resulting from high-dose clopidogrel grad-
`ually dissipated over 6 days, after therapy was discontinued.
`Thus, high-dose clopidogrel selectively and irreversibly abol-
`ished ADP-dependent platelet activation within 3 hours
`(Tables 1 and 3).
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`Panacea Biotec Ltd.
`Ex. 1019, p. 5 of 10
`Harker et al
`December 1, 1998
`TABLE 3. Cumulative Effects of Low-Dose Clopidogrel on Platelet Function and
`Thrombus Formation
`Stent thrombosis
`Platelet deposition⫻109
`Fibrin accumulation, mg
`Graft thrombosis
`Platelet deposition⫻109
`Fibrin accumulation (mg)
`BT, min
`Platelet aggregation (AC50)
`ADP, mol/L
`Collagen AC50, g/mL
`TRAP1–6 AC50, mol/L
`Expression of activation epitopes
`LIBS after ADP
`LIBS after TRAP1–6
`P-Selectin after ADP/epitopes
`2.56⫾0.96 (7)
`0.56⫾0.27 (6)
`4.36⫾1.21 (27)
`3.06⫾1.03 (13)
`3.1⫾0.7 (14)
`5.1⫾2.8 (18)
`2.2⫾1.0 (16)
`38⫾25 (18)
`1440⫾476 (16)
`20 500⫾8900 (17)
`7570⫾7210 (9)
`352⫾339 (17)
`2650⫾720 (17)
`Numbers in parentheses are numbers of observations.
`Day 3
`(Clopidogrel 0.2
`mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1)
`Day 6
`(Clopidogrel 0.2
`mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1)
`1.82⫾1.30 (3)
`0.42⫾0.08 (3)
`3.52⫾1.42 (3)
`2.34⫾0.23 (3)
`4⫾0.5 (3)
`7.2⫾3.4 (10)
`35.6⫾20.8 (10)
`1890⫾540 (7)
`6250⫾3400 (7)
`2100⫾820 (7)
`162⫾28 (7)
`1640⫾384 (7)
`1.20⫾0.77 (8)
`0.34⫾0.21 (8)
`3.16⫾0.84 (6)
`1.7⫾0.42 (6)
`7.7⫾7.4 (14)
`7.2⫾4.0 (10)
`45⫾23 (10)
`1200⫾192 (7)
`7100⫾4800 (7)
`2710⫾1270 (4)
`1110⫾270 (7)
`The dose-response effects of clopidogrel for platelet accu-
`mulation in graft and stent thrombosis are displayed in Figure
`3 and documented quantitatively in Table 2. Although clopi-
`dogrel has a steep antithrombotic dose-response at ⱕ0.2
`mg/kg, the dose-response relationship is relatively flat for 10-
`to 100-fold increased dosing, indicating that the antithrom-
`botic effects of clopidogrel remained intermediate, despite
`large doses of drug. By contrast, the BT was progressively
`prolonged to ⬎30 minutes by high-dose clopidogrel.
`The overall extent to which clopidogrel reduced thrombus
`formation was substantially greater for stent thrombosis than
`for graft thrombosis (Figure 3 and Table 2), implying that
`ADP-mediated platelet recruitment was quantitatively more
`important for thrombus forming on stents than for thrombus
`forming on segments of vascular graft.
`The effects of clopidogrel on the formation of thrombus
`at sites of arterial endarterectomy are shown in Figure 4.
`Dosing clopidogrel at 0.2 mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1 for 6 days
`substantially decreased platelet and fibrin accumulation on
`segments of endarterectomized aorta (P⬍0.001). Increas-
`ing the dose of clopidogrel to 5 mg/kg for 3 days abolished
`thrombus forming on endarterectomized aorta (Figure 4;
`Antithrombotic and Antihemostatic Effects of
`Combining Aspirin and Clopidogrel
`Combining aspirin 10 mg/kg and clopidogrel significantly en-
`hanced the reduction in platelet and fibrin deposition produced
`within 3 hours by high-dose clopidogrel (20 mg/kg), as shown in
`Figure 5 and Table 2 for stent thrombosis (P⬍0.01 in both cases)
`and in Figure 6 and Table 2 for graft thrombosis (P⫽0.001 in
`both cases). Although platelet deposition was significantly re-
`duced by 2 mg/kg clopidogrel after 3 hours, fibrin accumulation
`was not significantly decreased (Table 2; P⬎0.07), although the
`BT remained maximally prolonged at ⬎30 minutes
`Single-dose aspirin therapy (10 mg/kg) also enhanced the
`reduction in platelet and fibrin deposition after 6 days of
`low-dose clopidogrel (0.2 mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1) for stent and graft
`Downloaded from
` by guest on May 15, 2013http://circ.ahajournals.org/
`Panacea Biotec Ltd.
`Ex. 1019, p. 6 of 10
`Clopidogrel Inhibits Thrombogenesis
`Figure 4. Dose-response effects of clopidogrel for vascular
`thrombosis. Platelet deposition is largely interrupted by dosing
`clopidogrel at 0.2 mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1 for 6 days and is completely
`abolished by dosing 5 mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1. Number of observations
`is shown in parentheses.
`10 mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1 was administered concurrently throughout
`the 6-day period of low-dose clopidogrel therapy (0.2 mg 䡠
`kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1), antithrombotic effects were not observed earlier or
`more intensely than the effects produced by adding a single
`dose of aspirin after 6 days of low-dose clopidogrel therapy
`(Figure 8). Reductions in platelet and fibrin accumulation
`remained incomplete after 3 days of concurrent clopidogrel
`and aspirin therapy, compared with the effects on day 6 for
`stent thrombosis (Table 3 and Figure 7; P⬍0.05 in both
`cases) and graft
`thrombosis (Figure 8; Tables 2 and 3;
`P⬍0.05 in all cases). ADP- and collagen-induced platelet
`aggregation and ADP-induced P-selectin and LIBS expres-
`sion were fully abnormal after 3 days of concurrent 10 mg 䡠
`䡠 d⫺1 aspirin and 0.2 mg 䡠 kg⫺1
`䡠 d⫺1 clopidogrel
`administration (Table 3).
`Effects of Combining Heparin With Clopidogrel
`Intravenous heparin therapy (100 IU/kg bolus and 100 IU/kg
`over 60 minutes) after 6 days of oral clopidogrel did not
`reduce 111In-platelet deposition on stents or vascular graft
`thromboses (Table 2; P⬎0.1 in both cases). Although 125I-
`fibrin accumulation was not reduced on vascular grafts by the
`addition of heparin to clopidogrel (P⫽0.15), 125I-fibrin accu-
`mulation was decreased on stents by the combination of
`clopidogrel plus heparin (P⫽0.0002). Importantly, the en-
`hanced antithrombotic effects produced by addition of either
`aspirin or heparin to clopidogrel were not further augmented
`for vascular graft thrombosis and stent thrombosis by addi-
`tion of both aspirin and heparin to clopidogrel (Table 2;
`P⬎0.2 in all cases).
`The addition of heparin after 6 days of clopidogrel 0.2 mg 䡠
`kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1 did not detectably prolong the BT beyond that
`produced by clopidogrel alone (Table 3; P⬎0.4). Similarly,
`platelet aggregation and expression of P-selectin and LIBS
`induced by either collagen or TRAP were not increased by
`combining heparin with clopidogrel (P⬍0.05 in all cases).
`Antithrombotic Benefits Versus Prolongation of
`Template BTs
`Antithrombotic efficacy was compared with changes in the
`BT by relating 111In-platelet deposition on segments of
`vascular graft (a measure of thrombus formation) and tem-
`Figure 2. Antithrombotic effects after 3 hours of high-dose clo-
`pidogrel. Oral clopidogrel at doses of 2 and 20 mg/kg decrease
`platelet and fibrin deposition on segments of vascular graft to
`comparable intermediate levels (top) within 3 hours of adminis-
`tration. High-dose clopidogrel similarly produces comparable
`intermediate antithrombotic effects on deployed endovascular
`stents (bottom) within 3 hours after oral administration.
`thrombosis (Figures 7 and 8; Table 2; P⬍0.01 for all cases),
`with a BT of 16⫾11 minutes (Table 2). Thus, by reduction of
`the chronic clopidogrel dosing to 0.2 mg 䡠 kg⫺1
`䡠 d⫺1,
`antithrombotic efficacy was retained while the prolongation
`of template BTs was minimized (Figure 9). When oral aspirin
`Figure 3. Dose-response effects of clopidogrel on platelet dep-
`osition for graft and stent thromboses. Six days of oral clopi-
`dogrel decreases platelet deposition in log-linear dose-
`dependent manner for graft and stent thromboses that plateaus
`at intermediate levels for doses ⬎0.2 mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1. Within 3
`hours of dosing clopidogrel at 2.0 and 20 mg/kg, platelet depo-
`sition is inhibited to maximal extent achievable with this therapy.
`Arrow denotes baseline deposition.
`Downloaded from
` by guest on May 15, 2013http://circ.ahajournals.org/
`Panacea Biotec Ltd.
`Ex. 1019, p. 7 of 10
`Harker et al
`December 1, 1998
`Figure 5. Platelet deposition in stent thrombosis after 3 hours
`of high-dose clopidogrel plus aspirin. Platelet deposition is sub-
`stantially reduced within 3 hours after oral dosing of clopidogrel
`at 2.0 mg/kg (left) or 20 mg/kg (right). Addition of aspirin 10
`mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1 further decreases platelet deposition (left and
`right) in formation of stent thrombosis.
`plate BT (generally a measure of overall platelet hemostatic
`function). The minimal regimen producing maximal interrup-
`tion of graft thrombosis achievable by this therapy, ie, 0.2
`mg 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 d⫺1 clopidogrel plus 10 mg/kg aspirin, prolonged
`the BT to 16⫾11 minute

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