`Patent Owner
`IPR201 5-01485 (Pat. 7,397,363)

`I, Ren6 A. Vazquez,decl.are as follows:
`back-up counsel for Patent Owner Joao Control & Monitoring Systems, LLC
`I am a lawyer at the law firm of Heninger, Garrison Davis, LLC.I am
`(hereinafter, "JCMS") in the request for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent
`7 ,397,363 in case IPR2015-01485. I submit this declaration in opposition to
`Petitioners Terremark North America LLC, et al.'s Motion to Recognize lune 23,
`2015 as Filing Date of Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent 7,397,363
`("the '363 petition") in case IPR2015-1485. I have knowledge of the facts set forth
`in this declaration and could and would competently testify to the facts stated
`2. On June 23,2014, Verizon Communications, Inc. was served with a
`Complaint alleging infringement of the '363 Patent. See JCMS v. Terremark North
`America LLC, C.A. No. 14-525-GMS, D.I. 5 (D. Del.X"Proof of Service," attached
`hereto as Exhibit 2002).
`3. After service, by stipulation of the parties, Petitioner Terremark North
`America LLC was substituted as a defendant in place of Verizon Communications
`Inc. Id. at D.I. 11 (Stipulation attached hereto as Exhibit }AOq. Petitioner
`Terremark North America LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Verizon
`Communications Inc. See JCMS v. Terremark North America LLC, C.A. No. 14-
`525-GMS, D.I. 10 (D. Del. 2014)(Terremark's Rule 7.1 Disclosure Statement,
`Page 2 of 5
`Patent Owner JCMS's Exhibit No. 2001
`IPR2015-01485 (Pat. 7,397,363)

`attached hereto as Exhibit 2003). Petitioners here have identified Verizon
`Communications Inc. as a real pafty in interest to the present petition. Paper 1 at 1-
`4. On June 23,2014, Petitioner Time Warner Inc. was also served with a
`Complaint alleging infringement of the '363 Patent. See JCMS, LLC v. Time
`Warner, Inc., C.A. No. 14-524-GMS, D.I. 5 (D. Del.)("Proof of Service," attached
`hereto as Exhibit 2005).
`5. The USPTO's Public PAIR records show that the "AttorneylAgent"
`for the '363 Patent is Mr. Raymond Joao. The same record provides Mr. Joao's
`correspondence address and telephone number.
`6. Attached hereto as Exhibit 2006 is a true and correct copy of the
`U.S.P.S. tracking data demonstrating service of IPR20I5-01482, IPR2015-01485
`and IPR2015-01486 via Priority Mail Express to the Patent Owner on June 24,
`7. Attached hereto as Exhibit 2007 is a true and correct copy of the
`FedEx tracking data demonstrating service of IPR20L5-01466, IPR2015-01471,
`2015-01478 and IPR2015-01484 via FedEx to the Patent Owner on June 24,2015.
`I am registered to practice before the U.S.P.T.O. and am fully aware
`of the regulations and rules for filing procedure with the PRPS.
`Page 3 of 5
`Patent Owner JCMS's Exhibit No. 20Ol
`IPR2015-01485 (Pat. 7,397,363)

`g. The Board's trial practice rules, particularly 37 C.F.R. 42.6(d) require
`that each paper be filed one time in a proceeding.
`10. On information and belief, Petitioners were required to submit the
`Exhibits for each Petition in each proceeding; Petitioners could not refer back to a
`previously filed exhibit in a separate proceeding as evidence in support of the
`IPR2015-01485 IPR proceeding. Thus, on infbrmation and belief, statements
`made by the paralegal Ms. Robinson, who was experienced with the IPR
`proceedings before the PTAB were incorrect and did not adhere to the Board's
`11. In my years of experience, I have completed many filings with the
`USPTO including filings using the PRPS system.
`12. Patent Owner did not discover that Petitioners' originally-filed
`Certificate of Service was false until my colleague took the tracking number on the
`box sent to Mr. Joao and looked it up in U.S.P.S. tracking system as set forth in
`Exhibit 2006.
`13. Attached hereto as Exhibit 2008 is a true and corect copy of an email
`I sent to Petitioilers' counsel Clay Holloway on July I7,2015, inquiring about the
`accuracy of Petitioners' certificates of service.
`14. On July 29,2A15, I received an email from Petitioners' counsel that
`the Expert Declaration in support of the '363 Petition (IPR20l5-0t482) was not
`Page 4 or5
`Patenr ?ffii;lri_;rt8il'l);;i?1i

`yet filed with the PTAB and was never served on Patent Owner.
`15. Attached hereto as Exhibit 2009 is a true and corect copy of the email
`from Petitioner's counsel Clay Holloway informing me of the omission of the
`Declaration (Petitioner's Exhibit 1002)'
`16. Attached hereto as Exhibit 2010 is a true and correct copy of the email
`of July 31,2015 from Clay Holloway confirming that the Declaration was never
`served on Patent Owner.
`I declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are ttue and
`that all statements made on intormation and belief are believed to be true; and
`further that these statements were made with the knowledge that r,villful false
`statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both'
`under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
`Rene A. Vaquez
`Heninger Garrison Davis LLC
`Date: August L9,2Al5
`Page 5 of 5
`Patent Owner JCMS's Exhibit No. 2001
`IPR2015{1485 (Pat. 7,397,363)

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