`Patent Owner
`Case: IPR2015-01476
`U.S. Patent No. 8,727,773
`IPR2015-01476 – Ex. 1104
`US Endodontics, LLC, Petitioner

`Table of Contents
`Background and Qualifications ....................................................................... 3 
`Assignment ...................................................................................................... 5 
`III.  Overview of the ’773 Patent ............................................................................ 5 
`IV.  Scientific and Technological Background ....................................................... 7 
`Level of Skill in the Art ................................................................................. 10 

`I, A. Jon Goldberg, do hereby declare and state as follows:
`1. My business address is University of Connecticut Health Center, Cen-
`ter for Biomaterials, Department of Reconstructive Sciences, 263 Farmington Av-
`enue, Farmington, Connecticut. I hold a B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering (1970)
`from Drexel University, an M.S.E. in Metallurgical Engineering (1971) and a
`Ph.D. in Dental Materials-Metallurgical Engineering (1977), both from the Univer-
`sity of Michigan. My doctoral degree was a combined degree from the School of
`Engineering and the School of Dentistry.
`Since 1975, I have been employed at the University of Connecticut in
`the following positions: Assistant Professor (1975-1980), Associate Professor
`(1980-1986), and Professor (1986 to Present), all in the Department of Restorative
`Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine. Since 1995, I have served as the Director of
`the Center for Biomaterials at the University of Connecticut Health Center. I am a
`founding member of the Board of Directors of the University of Connecticut
`Health Center. I am also a member of the Advisory Board of the Institute of Mate-
`rial Science at the University of Connecticut.
`I have authored 70 scientific research articles, 100 abstracts, and eight
`books and book chapters. I have presented the results of my research at numerous
`national and international meetings, and have given several invited lectures. I am

`co-director of a training grant from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofa-
`cial Research, National Institutes of Health. I am an inventor or co-inventor of six
`U.S. patents concerning the use of materials in dentistry, including titanium alloys
`for use in orthodontic appliances (U.S. Pat. No. 4,197,643) and composite materi-
`als used in various dental/endodontic procedures (U.S. Pat. No. 4,894,012).
`I teach a variety of courses on materials engineering and materials
`science at the University of Connecticut, including courses on dental materials
`such as titanium alloys. My research activities have covered a broad range of den-
`tal materials including titanium alloys, fiber-reinforced composites for various den-
`tal clinical applications, biocatalyzed mineralization and use of high performance
`polyphenylene polymers in orthodontics.
`I have supervised the research of engineering and dental graduate stu-
`dents. I have held primary academic appointments in clinical departments where I
`have integrated materials science into clinical teaching and research.
`Based on my education and experience, I believe I am qualified to
`render opinions in the field of nickel titanium alloys, including mechanical proper-
`ties and phase transformations associated with these alloys, particularly as applied
`in dentistry.
`A copy of my curriculum vitae is attached hereto (Ex. A).

`I submit this declaration in support of US Endodontics, LLC’s (“US
`Endo’s”) petition for inter partes review of U.S. Patent No. 8,727,773 (“the ’773
`patent”). I have previously submitted a declaration in support of US Endo’s first
`petition for inter partes review of the ’773 patent, IPR2015-00632.
`I am not an employee of US Endo or any affiliate or subsidiary there-
`I am being compensated for my work in connection with this case at a
`rate of $400 per hour, plus expenses.
`11. My compensation is in no way dependent upon the substance of the
`opinions I offer below, or upon the outcome of US Endo’s petition for inter partes
`review (or the outcome of the inter partes review, if trial is instituted).
`I have been asked to provide a technical background for the ’773 pa-
`tent, as well as my opinion as to the level of ordinary skill in the art to which the
`’773 patent pertains.
`13. The opinions expressed in this declaration, and in my prior declara-
`tion, are not exhaustive of my opinions regarding the ’773 patent.
`14. The ’773 patent is entitled “Dental and Medical Instruments Compris-
`ing Titanium” and names Neill Hamilton Luebke as its sole inventor. On its face,

`the patent issued May 20, 2014 from an application filed April 25, 2012. It claims
`priority to numerous applications, the earliest of which is provisional application
`number 60/578,091, filed June 8, 2004.
`15. The specification of the ’773 patent broadly describes the use of tita-
`nium alloys to make endodontic instruments. It broadly, and briefly, covers nu-
`merous topics, such as the shape of the instrument (a ubiquitous one), a host of dif-
`ferent titanium alloys that may be used, heat treatment very generally, and (in most
`detail) coating of the instruments. Little emphasis is given to heat treatment of en-
`dodontic files apart from five “Examples.”
`16. Each of the five Examples set forth in the specification involves sam-
`ples of nickel titanium endodontic files, in six sizes. One group of nickel titanium
`files was heat treated at 500°C for 75 minutes in a furnace in an argon atmosphere,
`and slowly cooled. Another group was coated in titanium nitride. And, the third
`group was untreated. In this sense, each example is identical. The only difference
`is that each example involves performing a different test on the three groups of in-
`struments: two torsion (twisting) tests, two bending tests, and a fatigue test. Ac-
`cording to the ’773 patent, the heat treated group (identified as TT) showed the
`best performance in all five tests. As a result of heat treatment, the instruments al-
`legedly “exhibit higher resistance to torsion breakage, can withstand increased

`strain, have higher flexibility, have increased fatigue life and maintain any ac-
`quired shape upon fracture better,” Ex. 1101 at 9:19-23.
`17. The claims of the ’773 patent include a range of temperatures and at-
`mospheric conditions for the heat treatment, not just the one temperature and at-
`mosphere disclosed in the examples. In particular, the claims are directed to meth-
`ods that include providing endodontic files made from a superelastic, nickel titani-
`um alloy and heat treating them at a temperature of at least 400°C, but below the
`melting point of the alloy. Per the claims, the result is supposed to show at least 10
`degrees of permanent deformation after 45 degrees of flexion when tested in ac-
`cordance with ISO 3630-1.
`I have been asked to provide a brief scientific and technological back-
`ground regarding nickel titanium and its use in endodontic instruments.
`19. Endodontic therapy is commonly known as a “root canal” procedure,
`and it involves drilling through the hard outer portion of a tooth and removing dis-
`eased tissue (pulp) from the inside of the tooth. A small-diameter file is needed to
`remove the tissue from the tooth’s root(s), i.e., the parts that anchor the tooth in the
`bone. This thin file is the endodontic instrument to which the ’773 patent pertains.
`20. For many years, endodontic instruments were typically made of steel,
`usually stainless steel.

`21. The nickel titanium alloys (which I will refer to as “Ni-Ti”) described
`and claimed by the ’773 patent were first discovered in the 1960’s, and their use in
`endodontics was first disclosed as early as 1988 by Walia et al. Properties includ-
`ing flexibility, superelasticity, shape memory properties, and resistance to fatigue
`have made Ni-Ti a desirable material for endodontic files ever since it was first
`used for that purpose.
`22. The ’773 patent does not describe the superelastic or shape memory
`properties, or microscopic structure of Ni-Ti, in any detail. However, the applicant
`did rely on such characteristics during prosecution to distinguish the prior art.
`Therefore, I will provide a basic overview.
`23. When appropriately processed, Ni-Ti can exhibit both superelasticity
`(also known as pseudoelasticity) and shape memory. Superelasticity means that the
`material is relatively rigid until a threshold stress is applied to it; above that thresh-
`old, the material becomes considerably more flexible. When the stress is removed,
`the material reverts to its original shape. A shape memory material is one that is
`flexible and does not revert to its original shape immediately after it is deformed.
`However, when the material is heated past a certain temperature, it then reverts to
`its pre-deformation shape, even though it held its deformed shape prior to heating.
`In other words, it “remembers” its original shape.

`24. These properties result from the microscopic structure of Ni-Ti. Nick-
`el titanium alloys are crystalline, meaning the material’s atoms have a well-defined
`crystal structure. Changes in temperature or stress can impact the crystal structure,
`resulting in different “phases.” Various properties of nickel titanium depend in part
`on the crystalline phases that are present in the material. In general, at higher tem-
`peratures, nickel titanium will be in a phase referred to as austenite and, at lower
`temperatures, in a phase referred to as martensite. In the austenite phase, the nickel
`titanium atomic arrangement results in a more rigid material, whereas in the mar-
`tensite phase, the crystal lattice structure results in a more flexible material. The
`transformation between austenite and martensite depends principally on tempera-
`ture, with martensite occurring below the alloy’s transformation temperatures and
`austenite occurring above them.
`25. These transformation temperatures include:
` martensite start (Ms): the temperature at which a transformation to
`martensite begins during cooling
` martensite finish (Mf): the temperature at which the transformation to
`martensite is complete
` austenite start (As): the temperature at which a transformation to aus-
`tenite begins during heating
` austenite finish (Af): the temperature at which the transformation to
`austenite is complete

`26. When Ni-Ti is in the martensite phase at ambient temperatures, it ex-
`hibits shape memory. That is, it can be deformed and will retain its deformed
`shape, rather than springing back to its original state. To a point, this deformation
`will result from small shifts of the atoms within the crystal lattice rather than the
`slippage over longer distances associated with permanent (or plastic) deformation.
`Heating the Ni-Ti above its transformation temperature will cause the martensite to
`become austenite, and return to its original shape.
`27. When ambient temperature is higher than the material’s transfor-
`mation temperature, Ni-Ti is stable as austenite rather than martensite. However, a
`sufficient applied stress will transform the austenite phase into a more flexible but
`meta-stable martensite phase despite being above its transformation temperature,
`allowing considerably more deformation. When the stress is released, the Ni-Ti re-
`verts quickly to the austenite phase, returning the object to its previous shape. This
`is superelasticity.
`In my opinion, a person of ordinary skill in the art at all times between
`June 8, 2004 (the earliest priority date on the face of the ’773 patent) and April 25,
`2012 (the filing date of ’773 patent), would have been an individual with (i) a
`bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in materials science, metallurgy, or a related
`field and at least two years of experience so as to understand the structural, chemi-

`cal, and mechanical properties that can be manipulated in nickel titanium alloy ma-
`terials used in dental applications, or (ii) a ‘PhD. or equivalerit degree in materials
`science, metallurgy, or a related field and at least one year of experience so as to
`understand the structural, chemical, and mechanical properties that can be manipu—
`lated in nickel titanium alloy materials used in dental applications. This level of
`education and experience would have been ordinary in the art whether the inven-
`tion is deemed to have been made in 2004, 2012, or any time in between.
`Based on my experience and education, I consider myself (as of June
`2004 and since) to be a person ofat least ordinary skill in the art with respect to the
`field of technology implicated by the "7373 patent.
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Date: ____§_:3Z (6? W
`“Wt”g ~. 3% *
`A. Jon G dberg

`Exhibit A
`Exhibit A

`Present Position
`Department of Reconstructive Sciences
`School of Dental Medicine
`University of Connecticut Health Center
`Farmington, Connecticut 06030
`Director, Center for Biomaterials
`Interim Head, Department of Biomedical Engineering-UConn Health
`Member, Institute of Materials Science
`Storrs, Connecticut 06269
`Field of Specialization: Biomaterials
`Research Interests
`Structure-property relations in biomaterials;
`Drexel University, Philadelphia,
` B.S. Metallurgical Engineering
`University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
` M.S.E. Metallurgical Engineering
`University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
` Ph.D. Dental Materials-Metallurgical Engineering

`Director, Center for Biomaterials, The University of Connecticut
`Health Center, 1995-present
`Professor, Department of Reconstructive Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, The
`University of Connecticut Health Center, 1986 - present
`Visiting Scientist, Department of Biomaterials in Relation to Dentistry and
`Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Biomedical Materials, Queen Mary and Westfield
`College, University of London, London, 1999.
`Visiting Scientist, National Center for Electron Microscopy, Materials and Molecular
`Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley.
`Associate Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine,
`The University of Connecticut. 1980 - 1986
`Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine,
`The University of Connecticut, 1975-1980
`Academic Distinctions and Honors
`National Science Foundation Fellowship, 1970-1972
`President, 1973-1974, University of Michigan Chapter of Alpha Sigma Mu (National
`Metallurgical Eningeering Honorary Society)
`Tau Beta Pi (National Engineering Honorary Society)
`NIH/NIDR Research Training Grantee, l973-l975
`Edward H. Hatton Award, 1974, International Association for Dental Research
`Connecticut Innovations, University/Industry Innovation Award, 1999
`Omicron Kappa Upsilon (National Dental Honorary Society), 2001
`Omicron Kappa Upsilon (National Dental Honorary Society), 2009-Chapter
`Fiber-reinforced composites designated as an “innovation that changed the world” by
`the Association of University Technology Managers, 2006.

`Journal Articles
`Goldberg, A.J. 1974. Viscoelastic properties of silicone, polysulfide, and polyether
`impression materials. J. Dent. Res. 53:1033-34.
`Goldberg, A.J.; Vanderby, R., Jr.; and Burstone, C.J.1977. Reduction in the modulus of
`elasticity of orthodontic wires. J. Dent. Res. 56:1227-31.
`Jensen, T.W. and Goldberg, A.J. 1978. The miniaturized x-ray machines in dentistry:
`Structural integrity and safety of the extended anode tubes. J. Oral. Surg., Oral Med.,
`Oral Path. 45:475-84.
`Goldberg, A.J.; Craig, R.G.; and Filisko, F.E. 1978. Polyurethane elastomers as
`maxillofacial prosthetic materials. J. Dent. Res. 57:563-9.
`Goldberg, A.J.and Burstone, C.J. 1979. An evaluation of beta titanium alloys for use in
`orthodontic appliances. J. Dent. Res. 58:593-600.
`Lopez, I.;Goldberg, A.J.; and Burstone, C.J.1979. Bending characteristics of nitinol wire.
`Amer. J. Ortho. 58:569-77.
`Nitkin, D.A. and Goldberg, A.J. 1979. Placing and polishing amalgam in one visit.
`Quint. Int. 6:23-31.
`Burstone, C.J. and Goldberg, A.J. 1980. Beta titanium: A new orthodontic alloy.
`Amer. J. Ortho. 77:121-132.
`Jensen, T.W.; Randall, G.J. and Goldberg, A.J. 1980. Free-focus radiography using
`conventional films - Radiation exposures in a simulated clinical study. Med. Phys.
`Goldberg, J.; Munster, E.; Rydinge, E.; Sanchez, L. and Lambert, K. 1980.
`Experimental design in the clinical evaluation of amalgam restorations. J. Biomed. Mat.
`Res. 14:777-788.
`Barreto, M.T.; Goldberg, A.J.; Nitkin, D.A.; and Mumford, G. 1980. The effect of
`investment on casting high-fusing alloys. J. Prosth. Dent. 44:504-507.

`Goldberg, A.J.; Craig, R.G.; and Filisko, F.E. 1980. Tear energy of elastomers for
`maxillofacial applications. J. Oral Rehab. 7:445-451. (Reprinted in RAPRA Biomed.
`App. of Polymers, 11:1-5, 1981.)
`Yoshikawa, D.K.; Burstone, C.J.; Goldberg, A.J.; and Morton, J. 1981. Flexure
`modulus of orthodontic stainless steel wires. J. Dent. Res. 60:139-145.
`Goldberg, J.; Tanzer, J.; Munster, E.; Amara, J.; Thal, F. and Birkhed, T. 1981.Cross-
`sectional clinical evaluation of recurrent enamel caries, restoration marginal integrity,
`and oral hygiene status.JADA 102:635-641.
`Jensen, T.W.; Goldberg, A.J.; and Randall, G.J.1981. Image resolution in dental and
`maxillofacial radiography with the conventional and "free focus" imaging concepts. Oral
`Surg. 51:653-661.
`Rydinge, E.; Goldberg, J.; Sanchez, L.; Lambert, K. and Munster, E. 1981. Clinical
`evaluation of high copper amalgam restorations. J. Oral Rehab. 8:465-472.
`Goldberg, A.J. and Burstone, C.J. 1982. Status report on beta titanium orthodontic
`wires. JADA 105:684-685.
`Sarkar, N.K.; Redmond, W.; Schwaninger,B.M.; and Goldberg, A.J. 1983. The chloride
`corrosion behavior of four orthodontic wires. J. Oral Rehab.10:121-128.
`Burstone, C.J. and Goldberg, A.J. l983. Maximum forces and deflections from
`orthodontic appliances. Am. J. Ortho. 84:95-l03.
`Goldberg, A.J.; Morton, J.; and Burstone, C.J. l983. The flexure modulus of elasticity of
`orthodontic wires. J. Dent. Res. 62:856-858.
`Nitkin, D.A. and Goldberg, A.J. l983. Another look at placing and polishing amalgam in
`one visit. Quint. Int. Number 5:507-5l2.
`Jensen, T.W.; Goldberg, A.J.; and Randall, G.J. High yield radiography of the
`maxillofacial complex using the "free focus" and conventional concept. J. Oral Surg.,
`Oral Med., Oral Path. 56: 324-33l.
`Goldberg, A.J.; Burstone, C.J.; and Koenig, H.A.1983.Plastic deformation of orthodontic
`wires. J. Dent. Res. 62:l0l6-l020.
`Powers, J.M.; Ryan, M.D.; Hosking, D.J.; and Goldberg, A.J. l983. Comparison of in
`vitro and in vivo wear of composites. J. Dent. Res. 62:l089-l09l.

`Shastry, C.V. and Goldberg, A.J. 1983. The influence of drawing parameters on the
`mechanical properties of two beta titanium alloys. J. Dent. Res. 62:l092-l097.
`Goldberg, A.J. and Shastry, C.V. 1984. Age hardening of beta titanium wires. J.
`Biomed. Mat. Res. 18:155-163.
`Goldberg, A.J.; Rydinge, E.; Santucci, E.A.; and Racz, W.B., 1984. Clinical evaluation
`methods for posterior composite restorations. J. Dent. Res. 63:1387-1391
`Piecuch, J.F.; Goldberg, A.J.; Shastry, C.V.; and Chrzanowski, R.B. 1984. Compressive
`strength of implanted porous replamineform hydroxapatie. J. Biomed. Mat. Res.
`Leinfelder, K.F.; Taylor, D.F.; Barkmeier, W.W.; and Goldberg, A.J. 1986. Quantative
`wear measurement of posterior composite resins. Dent. Mater. 2:198-201.
`Nelson, K.; Burstone, C.J.; Goldberg, A.J., 1987. Optimal welding of beta titanium
`orthodontic wires. Am. J. Ortho. Dentofac.Orthop 92:213-219.
`Wilson, D.F. and Goldberg, A.J. 1987. Alternative beta-titanium alloys for orthodontic
`wires. Dent. Materials 3:337-341.
`Powers, J.M.; Bakus, E.R.; and Goldberg, A.J. l988. In vitro color changes of posterior
`composites. Dent. Materials 4:l5l-l54.
`Goldberg, A.J. 1990. Deterioration of restorative materials and the risk for secondary
`caries. Adv. Dent. Res. 4:14-18.
`Freilich, M.A.; Goldberg, A.J.; Simonsen, R.J.; and Gilpatrick, R.O. 1992. Direct and
`indirect evaluation of posterior composite restorations at three years. Dent. Mater. 8:60-
`Goldberg, A.J. and Burstone, C.J. 1992. The use of continuous fiber reinforcement in
`dentistry. Dent. Mater. 8:197-202.
`Patel, A.P.; Goldberg, A.J.; and Burstone, C.J. 1992. The effect of thermoforming on
`the properties of fiber-reinforced composite wires. J. App. Biomat. 3:177-182.
`Freilich, M.A.; Goldberg, A.J.; Gilpatrick, R.O.; and Simonsen, R.J. 1992. Three-year
`occlusal wear of posterior composite restorations. Dent. Mater. 8:224-228.

`Jancar, J.; DiBenedetto, A.T.; and Goldberg, A.J. 1993. Thermoplastic fibre-reinforced
`composites for dentistry. Part II Effect of moisture on flexural properties of
`unidirectional composites. J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. in Med. 4:562-568.
`Altieri, J.V.; Burstone, C.J.; Goldberg, A.J.; and Patel, A.P. 1994. Longitudinal clinical
`evaluation of fiber-reinforced composite fixed partial dentures: A pilot study. J. Prosth.
`Dent. 71:16-22.
`Goldberg, A.J.; Burstone, C.J.; Hadjinikolaou, I.; and Jancar, J. 1994. Screening of
`matrices and fibers for reinforced thermoplastics intended for dental applications. J.
`Biomed. Mat. Res. 28:167-173.
`Jancar, J.; DiBenedetto, A.T.; Hadjinikolau, I.; Goldberg, A.J.; and Dianselmo, A.
`1994. Measurement of the elastic modulus of fibre-reinforced composites used as
`orthodontic wires. J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. in Med. 5:214-218.
`Li, Z.-F.; DiBenedetto, A.T.; Jancar, J.; and Goldberg, J. 1995. Adhesion and hydrolytic
`stability of the interface between high-modulus polyethylene fibers and acrylic resins. J.
`Adhesion 50:249-264.
`Jancar, J. and Goldberg, A.J. 1995. Kosmicke materialy ve stomatologii (Aerospace
`materials in dentistry). Stom. Zpravy 36:91-97.
`Karmaker, A.C.; DiBenedetto, A.T.; and Goldberg, A.J. 1997. Continuous fiber
`reinforced composite materials as alternatives for metal alloys used for dental appliances.
`J. Biomat. Appl. 11:318-328.
`Karmaker, A.C.; DiBenedetto, A.T.; and Goldberg, A.J. 1997. Extent of conversion and
`its effect on the mechanical performance of BIS-GMA/PEGDMA-based resins and their
`composites with continuous glass fibers. J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. in Med. 8(6):333-401.
`Freilich, M.A. and Goldberg, A.J. 1997. The use of a pre-impregnated, fiber-reinforced
`composite in the fabrication of a periodontal splint: A preliminary report. Pract. Perio.
`Aesthet. Dent. 9(8): 873-876.
`Freilich, M.A.; Meiers, J.C.; Duncan, J.P.; and Goldberg, A.J. 1998. Fiber
`reinforcement in laboratory- and chairside-fabricated prostheses. Contemp. Esthet. and
`Restor. Prac. 2:32-45.
`Freilich, M.A.; Karmaker, A.C.; Burstone, C.J.; and Goldberg, A.J. 1998. Development
`and clinical applications of a light-polymerized fiber-reinforced composite. J. Prosthet.
`Dent. 80:311-8.

`Freilich, M.A.; Duncan, J.P.; Meiers, J.C.; and Goldberg, A.J. 1998 Preimpregnated,
`fiber-reinforced prostheses. Part I. Basic rationale and complete-coverage and
`intracoronal fixed partial denture designs. Quintessence International 29:689-696.
`[Republished as Vorimpragniert glasfaserverstarket Brucken. Teil 1: Grundlagen,
`konventionelle Brucken und Inlaybrucken. Quintessenz 50:45-53, 1999; and as Bridges
`en composite fibre. Premiere partie: Formes de contour des moyens d’ancrage et
`protocole de laboratoire. Clinic 20:217-226, 1999.]
`Meiers, J.C.; Duncan, J.P.; Freilich, M.A.: and Goldberg, A.J.1998 Preimpregnated,
`fiber-reinforced prostheses. Part II. Direct applications: Splints and fixed partial
`dentures. Quintessence International 29:761-768. [Republished as Vorimpragnierte
`glasfaserverstarkte Brucken. Teil 2: Direkte Anwendung-Schienen und Brucken.
`Quintessenz 50:135-142, 1999.]
`Wang, W.; BiBenedetto, A.T.; and Goldberg, A.J. 1998. Abrasive wear testing of dental
`restorative materials. Wear 219(2):213-219.
`Goldberg, A.J. and Freilich, M.A. 1999 An innovative pre-impregnated glass fiber for
`reinforcing composites. Dental Clinics North America 43:127-133.
`Ahmad, M.; Gawronski, D.; Goldberg, J.; and Gronowicz, G. 1999. Differential
`response of human osteoblast-like cells to commercially pure (cp) titanium grades 1 and
`4. J. Biomed. Mat. Res. 46:121-131.
`Freilich, M.A.; Meiers, J.C.; Duncan, J.P.; Eckrote, K.A.; and Goldberg, A.J. 2002.
`Clinical evaluation of fiber-reinforced fixed bridges. JADA 133:1524-1534.
`Freilich, M.A.; Duncan, J.P.; Alarcon, E.K.; Eckrote, K.A.; and Goldberg, A.J. 2002.
`The design and fabrication of fiber-reinforced implant prostheses. J. Prosth. Dent.
`Eckrote, K.A.; Burstone, C.J.; Freilich, M.A.; Messer, G.E.; and Goldberg, A.J. 2003.
`Shear in flexure of fiber composites with different end supports. J. Dent. Res. 82:262-
`Rojanapitayakorn, P.; Mather, P.T.; Goldberg, A.J.; and Weiss, R.A. 2005. Optically
`transparent self-reinforced poly(ethylene terephthalate) composites: molecular
`orientation and mechanical properties. Polymer 46:761-773 (available online Dec 10,

`Advincula, M.C.; Patel, P.; Mather, P.T.; Mattson, T. and Goldberg, A.J. 2009.
`Polypeptide-catalyzed silica for dental applications. J. Biomed. Mat. Res. Part B:
`Applied Biomaterials 88B (Feb):321-331 (available online Dec 27, 2007).
`Goldberg, A.J.; Advincula, M.C.; Komabayashi, T.; Patel, P.A.; Mather, P.T.;
`Goberman, D.G.; and Kazemi, R.B. 2009 (April). Polypeptide-catalyzed
`biosilicification of dentin surfaces. J. Dent Res. 88(4):377-381.
`Patel, P.A.; Eckart, J.; Advincula, M.C.; Goldberg, A.J.; and Mather, P.T. 2009 (Feb).
`Rapid synthesis of polymer-silica hybrid nanofibers by biomimetic mineralization.
`Polymer 50: 1214-1222 (available online at 10.1016/j.polymer.2009.01.024).
`Goldberg, A.J.; Liu, Y.; Advincula, M.C.; Gronowicz, G.; Habibovic, P.; and Kuhn, L.T.
`2010 (June). Fabrication and characterization of hydroxyapatite-coated polystyrene
`disks for use in osteoprogenitor cell culture. J. Biomat. Sci.: Polymer Ed. 21(10):1371-
`Kuhn, L.T.; Liu, Y.; Advincula, M.; Wang, Y.-H.; Maye, P.; and Goldberg, A.J. 2010
`(Dec). A non-destructive method for evaluating in vitro osteoblast differentiation on
`biomaterials using osteoblast-specific fluorescence. Tissue Engineering-Part C,
`16(6):1357-1366. DOI: 10.1089/ten.tec.2009.0701
`Goldberg, A.J.; Liebler, S.A.H.; and Burstone, C.J. 2011 (Dec). Viscoelastic properties
`of an esthetic translucent orthodontic wire. Europ. J. Ortho. 33:763-678; doi:
`10.1093/ejo/cjq150; advance access 15 Dec 2010. PMID: 21159774.
`Burstone, C.J.; Liebler, S.A.H.; and Goldberg, A.J. 2011 (April). Polyphenylene
`polymers as aesthetic orthodontic arch wires. Amer. J. Orthodon. & Dent. Orthoped.
`139: e391-398.
`Klotz, M.W.; Taylor, T.D.; and Goldberg, A.J. 2011 (Sept/Oct). Wear at the titanium-
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