(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2006/0004680 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jan. 5, 2006
`Robarts et al.
`US 20060004680A1
`(76) Inventors: James O. Robarts, Redmond, WA
`(US); Eric L. Matteson, Bellevue, WA
`Correspondence Address:
`SUITE 6300
`SEATTLE, WA 98104-7092 (US)
`Appl. No.:
`Jan. 11, 2005
`Related US. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 09/825,152, ?led on
`Apr. 2, 2001, noW Pat. No. 6,842,877, Which is a
`continuation-in-part of application No. 09/216,193,
`?led on Dec. 18, 1998, noW Pat. No. 6,466,232, and
`Which is a continuation-in-part of application No.
`09/464,659, ?led on Dec. 15, 1999, noW Pat. No.
`6,513,046, and Which is a continuation-in-part of
`application No. 09/724,902, ?led on Nov. 28, 2000.
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/194,006, ?led on Apr.
`2, 2000. Provisional application No. 60/ 193,999, ?led
`on Apr. 2, 2000. Provisional application No. 60/ 194,
`123, ?led on Apr. 2, 2000.
`Publication Classi?cation
`(51) Int. Cl.
`G06F 15/18
`G06F 17/00
`G06N 5/02
`G06F 3/00
`G06F 9/00
`(52) US. Cl. ............................. .. 706/12; 706/46; 715/700
`Techniques are disclosed for using a combination of explicit
`and implicit user context modeling techniques to identify
`and provide appropriate computer actions based on a current
`context, and to continuously improve the providing of such
`computer actions. The appropriate computer actions include
`presentation of appropriate content and functionality. Feed
`back paths can be used to assist automated machine learning
`in detecting patterns and generating inferred rules, and
`improvements from the generated rules can be implemented
`With or Without direct user control. The techniques can be
`used to enhance softWare and device functionality, including
`self-customizing of a model of the user’s current context or
`situation, customizing received themes, predicting appropri
`ate content for presentation or retrieval, self-customizing of
`softWare user interfaces, simplifying repetitive tasks or
`situations, and mentoring of the user to promote desired
`Initialize CS and/or CC J“ 402
`for theme set for user
`At CS, obtain data signals from input devices f 404
`At CS, process data signals to produce
`attributes representing user's context,
`including adding required data ?elds, such as
`attribute name, timestamp, units, etc.
`f 406
`[At CS, provide attribute to CM for storage M 408
`lAt CC, request from CM and receive attributes
`|~./" 410
`|At CC, process attributes to determine appropriate output M 412
`IProvide output signal to user, other entity or other process |~/‘ 414
`Google Inc., Nest Labs, Inc., and Dropcam, Inc.
`GOOG 1008
`IPR of US Pat. No. 8,315,618

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 1 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 2 0f 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`Input devices
`1 2O
`Output devices
`" ‘ ' ' " "" ‘ ‘I z
`rv *
`> Audio input CS
`Video input cs
`21 a
`> Body temp. CS
`. 220
`Heart rate cs
`and visual
`7 ------ - -,
`CM :
`----- - —,
`7 S :
`_ _ _ _ , l
`I a :6 i
`a Head-mounted
`' display
`1 30
`Flat panel
`s e er
`Tactile output
`Video camera
`2 . - - - _ > O _
`H '
`I“ ' ' ' '> O
`i- _ _ _ _ _ i>
`_______ _ _ _ _>
`Blood pressure
`.3 :E
`|____ U, E ‘g _ _) Teleconi.
`U o __
`-> Blood 02 CS
`; _ _ _ _'
`\1 ‘22:3,?
`‘ ~
`—+ Other CS's
`Other CC's
`Application program
`""""""""""" ' '
`1 26
`Various user
`sensor devices
`Browser program f 238
`128 N sensor devices
`Various user
`input devices
`Fig 2
`Various user
`output devices

`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 3 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`module A
`module B
`module C
`module D
`Fig. 3
`Initialize CS and/or CC
`for theme set for user f 402
`At CS, obtain data signals from input devices f 404
`At CS, process data signals to produce
`attributes representing user's context, f 406
`including adding required data ?elds, such as
`attribute name, timestamp, units, etc.
`[At CS, provide attribute to CM for storage y 408
`[At CC, request from CM and receive attributes V‘ 410
`lAt CC, process attributes to determine appropriate output M 412
`IProvide output signal to user, other entity or other process |\/‘ 414
`Fig. 4

`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 4 0f 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`Launch at start-up
`f 502
`Perlodlcally recelve GPS data
`Parse and store GPS data
`f 506
`request for latitude,
`longitude or altitude
`I attribute?
`Provide requested attribute value(s),
`with Timestamp, uncertainty, units,
`Latitude (value)
`Format version/?ags
`Fig. 5B

`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 5 0f 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`Register for latitude, longitude and altitude attributes \f‘ 602
`4 ormal operation?
`Use default attribute mediator
`Reevaluate all latitude attributes f 608
`Select lowest uncertainty attribute mediator J‘ 610
`Determine CS providing resulting attributes f 612
`Request latitude, longitude and altitude attributes from CS/CM \f‘ 614
`4 otify feature active?
`Receive input de?ning boundary
`Provide event parameters to CM regarding boundary transversal J‘ 620
`response from CM to
`stablished event‘7
`Notify user that boundary has been crossed f 624
`Fig. 6

`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 6 0f 48
`US 2006/0004680 Al
`M $235K 82am
`N 2x25“ 8E5
`A. I I I I I
`A. I I I I I A I I I I I
`A I I I
`All‘ OO\mU “0 m0 M 3053
`30:5 omwou 8% 5&5
`\ AI I I N 2366 N 88:8
`1 . 2mg 8% 3%:
`A Z @1608 Z @858
`Bwoq 8% :55
`N .mi

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 7 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`Desired _privacy_level
`Tacti le_availability
`Proximity.<ltem or place name>
`Destination. (same as User.Location.)
`Blood _pressure
`Person.<name or ID>. (same as User.)
`TactiIe_output_device_avai labil ity
`Visual_output_device_availabil ity
`Auditory_output_devi ce_availabil ity
`Platform. (continued)
`F lg‘ 8
`Number _prcsent
`Hi gh_f0recast_temperature
`People _present
`Days.<previous or future>.
`Place.<place name>. (same as Environment.Local)
`New__messages_waitin g
`Noti?cation_mech anism
`Cal l_incoming

`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 8 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`User Setting
`Mental Context
`Divided User Attention
`Task Switching
`Background Awareness
`Desired Privacy
`Perceived Privacy
`Social Context
`Physical Situation
`Physical Encumberment
`Workload demands/effects
`Interaction with computer devices
`Interaction with people
`Physical Health
`Audience/Privacy Availability
`Scope of Disclosure
`Hardware af?nity for privacy
`Privacy Indicator for User
`Privacy Indicator for Public
`Watching Indicator
`Being Observed Indicator
`Ambient Interference
`F lg, 9
`User Input Systems
`Eye Tracking
`Output Systems
`External Resources
`[/0 devices
`Use of Prominence
`Privacy Issues
`Use of Association
`Use of Safety
`User generated
`Other computers or people
`PC State
`Use of Association

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 9 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 10 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 11 0f 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`3&0 mam 3%
`685a $.56 “ES.
`0:95 3 9: mi M 53
`b... 33mm“. 2 mmqhw
`2 o>< magma? :2
`S: 63,3“

`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 12 0f 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`.o?ctmat 00am c930. Seam mFSmQ tEEom
`are “328%. ENQRQEQ 5.56 E55 Wt
`E358 mmrsmq XE
`623.: 2:39am .mmzo?zom E255 E 25% 5.) N
`E552: an @5305 355.50 aim-2S P

`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 13 0f 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`mg 336 ‘R3883 £36 in; =5
`“E2535 mEiQsE: Eoam Em mom 7
`$358 pmpsma at

`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 14 0f 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`@330 5...; 3:5
`=§ss Em
`:5 5.3 Hum-L

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 15 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 16 0f 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`to“ E0 3o: .... SE. twig
`2%: EC 35 mm“...
`£35: ME 50am :8 and.
`.Emh comb 36am tmQ 26h

`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 17 0f 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`9% aims: 32 t
`.EE E=$x

`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 18 0f 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`.5... SEE. .Eumu £5 93.2.2: 2. :
`2.. .2; 522:. u 2. 2...... = 38 2.
`.wwg 9-8: n22:
`:5: @553 3.2. E5. @ 13.5.. .32. @2556‘: .22. $5.23. ,
`.?... Es. 9.. \ E8". .9; wag?
`E... 5...; 235.2: 2.25 .2...
`. 22.3.25. mm: 2...

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 19 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 20 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 21 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 22 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`Example Current Theme Selection
`SelectA New Current Theme
`Starting The Day
`Driving Home
`At Home
`Work-Related Group
`Driving To Work
`Arriving At Work
`At Work
`Entertainment-Related Group
`Ftgure 11M
`Example Current Theme Set Modification
`Current Theme Set
`{Starting The Day
`At Home
`Eating Breakfast
`Add Theme
`Figure 1 IN
`Example Current Theme Layout Selection
`Select A New Current Theme Layout
`Starting The Day theme
`1 160
`{ Starting The Day—default layout
`Starting The Day — vacation
`Starting The Day — responsible for dropping off kids
`Figure 110

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 23 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`0 § A

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 24 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`N _

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`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication
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`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 27 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 28 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 29 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 30 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 31 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`Example Theme Data Structure
`1 300
`Intent Is To Or
` anize Both Driving Info & Info About Work Arrival
`"“""“‘; Self: "”'”'”'”"'; .
`Access: Seli+ Famil + Friends + Source; Modification: Self; C n
`1 340
`source = "BCD-DTW CS" '
`user.activity.driving = true (required); environment.local.time = 08:00-09:00 (optional);
`DTW-BCD.driving-direction : NOT “South” (required);
`IF <user.activity.driving> AND user.location.latitude > reccntuser. 1ocation.latitude
`THEN DTW—BCD.driving-direction = “North”;
`[F DTW-BCD.driving-direction = “East” THEN Alert(“You’re Lost Again! l”);
`SET user.1ocation Access = Famil & Co-workers;
` Attribute I
`07:32 03/24/xx
`1 345
`1 390

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 32 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`$3 N91.

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 33 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`1 500
`Theme usage
`Fig. 15
`Receive indications of currently available themes
`and their associated theme information
`1 510
`1 51 5
`1 545
`Yes 1 575
`Generate appropriate response
`to selected theme
`Detect changes to context or user indication
`1 560
`Present current context
`infonnation to user
`Change context
`Receive indication of
`context changes
`Provide indicated
`functionality to user
`Determine themes that match current context
`1 530
`1 520
`1 525
`. N
`Present matching or all
`Receive indication of
`selected theme
`Select highest priority
`matching theme

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 34 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`1 540
`Response generator
`Receive indication of selected theme
`and of associated theme information
`1 605
`Fig. 16
` Select default theme layout
`if multiple are associated
`1 620
`Associated theme
`Retrieve content specified
`by theme layout
`Perform data logic specified
`by theme layout
`1 630
`Retrieve user preference
`Present content in manner specified by presentation logic
`of theme layout and in a manner consistent with
`preference information
`Other response
`specified by theme
`Provide other response as

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 35 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`1 700
`Theme creatorl
`modifier routine
`1 705
`Receive indication of theme
`to be created or modified
`1 720
` Fig. 1 7
`information associated with theme
`Receive indication from user to modify
`specified properties of theme or
`Modify theme property as
`indicated by user
`1 740
`Present theme layout to user
`in visual editor
`Store theme and
`theme-related information
`More themes?
`Modify theme layout as
`indicated by user
` Modify theme attribute,
`theme CS, or theme CC as
`indicated by user
`More changes to
`1 770

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 36 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`1 800
`Theme distributor
`Receive indications of
`available themes
`Fig. 18
` Receive request for theme(s)
`or indication of accessible
`Retrieve indications of
`appropriate users for the
`available themes
`Retrieve information about
`user from database or user's
`computing device
`Determine themes that are
`appropriate for user
` Determine if any needed
`payment information has
`been provided
`Determine if user has
`provided appropriate access
`1 850
`Gather theme-related information
`associated with requested or determined
`themes, including the themes
` Send gathered information
`to requesting or indicated

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 37 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`1 900
`Theme receiver
`Receive user request for
`theme or indication of sent
`Fig. 19
`Attempt to determine theme
`server that can provide
`requested theme
`Theme server
`1 940
`Receive indication of sent
`1 945
`_Receive appropriate access
`information for theme and theme sewer, either from
`user or from storage
`Send payment mfomatjon
`1 955
`1 925
`Receive indication of
`payment mechanism if
`Indicate failure
`needed, either from user or
`to user
`from storage
` Receive theme and any
`associated theme-related
`Send request for theme to
`theme server, including any
`access information and
`payment information
` Store received information,
`and load for use if
`immediately useful

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 38 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`Automated theme
`customizer routine
`Receive indications of available themes
`Repeatedly monitor user actions,
`including interactions with themes,
`modifications to themes, and explicit
`changes to the current theme or the
`current context
`201 5
`patterns of actions
`Fig. 20
`Any patterns above relevance
`Retrieve user preference information
`Determine modifications to some or all
`themes that are consistent with patterns
`above the relevance threshold and with
`user preferences
`Eggsent suggested modifications to the

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 39 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication
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`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 41 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 42 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`Fig. 24
`Phone, Internet, Time,
`Computer Network
`GPS, Radio & TV, paging
`— Message Loop*
`Aging &
`Manage PIM
`Initiate calls,
`pages, faxes,
`email, web
`Display Maps
`Filters &
`Builds Datastore

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 43 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`Context-Based Automated
`-Fzg. 25
`Receive context information
`Add context information to explicit
`context model, and provide responses
`as indicated by explicit context rules
` Provide context information from
`explicit context model to implicit
`context model with inference engines
`Detect patterns in explicit context
`information, and suggest inferred rule
`with appropriate response
`Verify appropriateness of suggested
`Store suggested rule, and provide
`suggested response if appropriate

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 44 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`» Self-Customizing Context
`.Ftg. 26
`Receive current context information
`Receive indication of modeled context attribute
`information from explicit context model that
`reflects received context
`Receive indication of user selection of new
`modeled context attribute information or of
`indication of appropriate modeled context
`attribute information
`Add all received information (and changes in
`current context from previous context) to
`appropriate context awareness customizing
`implicit model and inference engine
`Detect pattern in indicated user selection or
`indication, and generate corresponding inferred
`rule to change modeled context attribute
`information in appropriate customized manner
`Verify appropriateness of generated rule
`Store generated rule for future use

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 45 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`Fig 27
`Receive current context information
`Receive indication of user selection of
`information or user indication of
`appropriate information
`Add current context information
`(including changes from previous
`context) and indicated user selection or
`indication to appropriate content
`implicit model and inference engine
`Detect pattern in indicated user
`selections of information and generate
`corresponding inferred rule to provide
`appropriate information
` 2725
`Verify appropriateness of generated
`Store generated rule for future use

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 46 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`Fig 28
`Receive current context information
`Receive indication of user changes to
`UI functionality or user indication of
`appropriate UI functionality
`Add received information (including
`changes from previous context) to
`appropriate UI optimizing implicit
`model and inference engine
` Detect pattern in user changes or
`indications, and generate
`corresponding inferred rule to provide
`appropriate UI functionality
` Verify appropriateness of generated
`Store generated rule for. future use
`Yes 2835

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 47 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`Fig. 29
`Receive current context information
`Receive indication of user task
`performed having multiple steps, or of
`user indication that task is appropriate
`Add received information (including
`changes from previous context) to
`appropriate task simplification implicit
`model and inference engine
`Detect pattern in task, and generate
`corresponding inferred rule to provide
`some or all of appropriate task
`Verify appropriateness of generated
`Yes 2935
`Store generated rule for future use

`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 48 of 48
`US 2006/0004680 A1
`Mentoring Routine
`Receive current context information
`Fig. 30
`Explicit mentoring
`Retrieve explicit mentoring rules
`Determine if match to current
`Receive indication from
`context, and if so prompt user as
`user of user action that
`should have been
`performed based on
`current context other than
`any prompted actions
`After prompt,
`receive "Why?"
`Generate and provide
`response based on
`explicit rules
`Add received information (including changes from
`previous context) to appropriate mentoring implicit
`model and inference engine
` Detect pattern in indicated user action and current
`context information, and generate inferred rule to
`provide indicated action in context for pattern
` 3055
`Verify appropriateness of generated rule
`Modify explicit rules (or store inferred rule if no
`explicit rules) to reflect inferred rule

`US 2006/0004680 A1
`Jan. 5, 2006
`[0001] This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S.
`patent application Ser. No. 09/216,193 (Attorney Docket
`No. 29443-8001), filed Dec. 18, 1998 and entitled “Method
`and System for Controlling Presentation of Information to a
`User Based on the User’s Condition”; of U.S. patent appli-
`cation Ser. No. 09/464,659 (Attorney Docket No. 29443-
`8003), filed Dec. 15, 1999 and entitled “Storing and Recall-
`ing Information to Augment Human Memories”; and of U.S.
`patent application Ser. No. 09/724,902 (Attorney Docket
`No. 29443-8002), filed Nov. 28, 2000 and entitled “Dynami-
`cally Exchanging Computer User’s Context,” which claims
`the benefit of provisional U.S. Patent Application No.
`60/194,006 filed Apr. 2, 2000. Each of these applications are
`hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.
`[0002] This application also claims the benefit of provi-
`sional U.S. Patent Application No. 60/193,999 (Attorney
`Docket # 29443-8008), filed Apr. 2, 2000 and entitled
`“Obtaining And Using Contextual Data For Selected Tasks
`Or Scenarios, SuchAs For AWearable Personal Computer,”
`and of provisional U.S. Patent Application No. 60/194,123
`(Attorney Docket # 29443-8024), filed Apr. 2, 2000 and
`entitled “Supplying And Consuming User Context Data,”
`both of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their
`[0003] The invention described below relates generally to
`using various information to allow a system to automatically
`enhance its responses to changing contextual information,
`such as information about a user and the user’s surround-
`[0004] Existing computer systems provide little apprecia-
`tion of a user’s overall condition or context, and as a result
`they can effectively respond to only a limited number of
`changes in parameters that they monitor. For example, with
`respect to the low-level physical status of the user, numerous
`devices exist for monitoring the physical parameters of the
`user, such as heart rate monitors that provide user pulse or
`heart rate data. While many of these devices simply provide
`information to the user regarding current values of a user’s
`health condition, others (e.g., a defibrillator or a system with
`an alarm) are capable of providing a corresponding response
`if a monitored parameter exceeds (or falls below) a threshold
`value. However, since such devices lack important informa-
`tion about the specific context of the user (e.g., whether the
`is currently exercising or
`is currently sick), any
`response will

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