`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0300525 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Dec. 3, 2009
`JOLLIFF et al.
`US 20090300525A1
`(21) App1.No.:
`(22) Filed:
`May 27, 2008
`Maria Elena Romera JOLLIFF,
`Vista, CA (US); Samuel Jacob
`(US); Tia CHUNG, San Diego, CA
`(US); Kameron KERGER, San
`Diego, CA (US); Gregory James
`BROWN, PoWay, CA (US); Todd
`Jeffrey J OHNSGARD, Alpine, CA
`(US); Joseph Jyh-Huei HUANG,
`San Diego, CA (US); Ankur
`JALOTA, San Diego, CA (US);
`Devender YAMAKAWA, San
`Diego, CA (US); Jadine Naomi
`YEE, San Diego, CA (US); Scott
`Alan LEAZENBY, San Diego, CA
`(US); Chad Andrew WILLKIE,
`San Diego, CA (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 (US)
`Publication Classi?cation
`Int. Cl.
`G06F 3/048
`(52) US. Cl. ...................................................... .. 715/764
`A cellular or Wireless mobile device includes a one or more
`sensors and a processor con?gured With software to receive
`data from the one or more sensors, calendar data and device
`settings, compare sensor, calendar, device settings data, and
`an authorization level of a requesting user to avatar selection
`criteria, and select an avatar based upon the comparison. By
`correlating sensor data, calendar data and device settings to a
`user’s current status, the avatar selection criteria enables a
`processor to automatically select an avatar that re?ects the
`user’s current status. Others then can be informed of the user’s
`current status by accessing the user’s avatar.
`Google Inc., Nest Labs, Inc., and Dropcam, Inc.
`GOOG 1005
`IPR of US Pat. No. 8,315,618
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 1 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 2 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 3 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`M m -»~
`HS. 3
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 4 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`I {3051 Sensms
`Shack Salem-a1"
`4-0-3 7 1 Check Settings
`494. ' ‘
`DetermineAvatar to- Dispiay @8125! cm Sensor‘Uaia,
`E '
`Calendar‘, anti
`Dismay Avatar
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 5 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Mehiie Dev-ice
`Poi-E Sea-users
`Seiecied? f
`Chsck Settings
`insert avatar I430
`into webpage
`Display Avata r1
`, @ i 33
`‘warns: “ 8 8
`Store received
`data in
`45 A C.) r)
`411. 1 Safest Avatar
`to Dispiay
`415 1 Transmit
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 6 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`£93 £5
`?QE w Emmi,
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 7 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`b?mwé ac?m?m kmnm??g hwwzmmmm .mEmh 33¢ Em? 3E2 mmw.
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`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 8 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`avatar far
`Uaer initiates
`‘Record sensn'r
`data and
`End naiibra?sn
`se nsm" data
`Store anaiyzed
`sensor data
`and settings in‘
`criteria tabie
`criteria tame to
`622 f
`FEG. 6c
`Patent Applicati on Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 9 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`M is Device
`Poi! Sensors
`Check Settings
`insert avatar
`ientn webpage
`439 f
`' "
`gigpl‘ay Avatar
`Store received
`data in
`Parameter Table
`Select Avatar
`"to Display
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 10 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Ping i‘vio-biie
`Selected I
`insert avatar 1’438
`into webp-age
`‘P63 Sense-rs
`402 ,1 Check
`40% Check Settings
`Store received
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`Campa re
`412k Seieci Avafa;
`to Disgay
`Transmit f4
`~ 32,
`Dis Ea Avatar
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 11 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`431W; Receive
`1 Access
`h“ Poi? Sensors
`» pligetiggiw
`. 42g
`Se?ected f
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`insert avatar I433
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`611 Parameter
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`to Display
`4151 Transmit
`We Webpag?
`' msplay Ava’iw
`r 4M
`FIG. 9
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 12 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Pol! Sensors
`31 Check Settings
`4091 Store‘receiveti
`: 450
`4W1 Tabie
`P223388; {41?
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`into webpage
`FEGv 1O
`432 i
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`“L y?lligjt
`~ Disp-lay Avatar’
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 13 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Mo ii Device
`W P01’! Sensors i;
`31 Check Settings
`4891 Stare received
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`to Dismay
`insert avatar I438
`into webpage
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`' '5
`T Q
`"Em" mm? Gispiay Avatar
`Patent Application Publication
`. 3, 2009 Sheet 14 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Mebil Devi-ca
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`Check $a-ttings
`‘Store received
`_ data in
`41% Transmit
`Reg‘ uesting '
`‘ 9mg Mubiie
`f4 55
`Ce; mpare
`Select: Avatar
`to Dismay
`" into webpage
`Web page
`Dispiay Avatar
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 15 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Mile Device
`4311 Receive
`401 I
`1 Foil ‘Sensom
`pi'fggegggg?e f4
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`Eeiect Avatar
`to, Bis-may
`61 Parameter
`insert Avatar f430
`into Webpaga
`.... ,,
`PEG; '13
`~ Dismay Avatar
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 16 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Reg uesting '
`" "
`‘ Device
`5311‘ send emaiii or
`SMS message ‘in use:
`Receive Ava-tar File
`Dispiay Avatar
`Pol‘! Sensms
`Check Caiendar
`‘Check Settings
`in Param?ter Ta'bie
`VCnmpare aramete-r
`can, email, 8M8
`Avatar file
`FEG‘ 14a
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 17 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`M0 ii? Davina
`pun Sensurs
`Gheck, Caienciar
`Reguesting " "
`Gail, send emaii or
`SMS message is user
`Check Settings
`TReceive Seiested
`Avatar identi?er
`Stare received
`data in Parameter
`‘ Tabie
`Parameter Tame.
`4511 “iiRecéiv Phcnei
`Data caii, emaiiy
`5041 Transmit séiéiited“
`Avaiar identi?er
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`farSeiect'ed Avatar fiie;
`.."iar File m1
`Avatar identifier in Eocai “ft-:1
`__ “
`memgyy? I
`Q Request
`i Seiected I
`Avatar fiie
`Seiecied I Yes
`Avatar ?ier
`4621 Transmit‘ Seiecteci
`Awaits; ?le
`Display Avatar
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 18 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Pull Sen'sers
`21 Check Calendar
`40 NU
`i Check gattings
`‘10% Stare reciveddata
`_ in Farameter Tabie
`@101 Compare '
`41 1:1 Selact vaiar m
`sail, emaik', 8M8
`_ Call, send emaii ersms
`message to user
`l l‘ ‘X
`Damn-‘lead Avatar File
`Fig '5 53
`Display Avatar
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 19 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Moiie Device
`Pol! Sensors
`Check Calendar
`Check Settings
`“Slime recived data
`in Parameter Table
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`u. astin * Devilcg
`4601 Cat], send emai! or sms
`message to user
`.?eceive 8eiected
`Avatar identi?er
`atar Fiie iD‘d Avatar identifier in
`Avatar file 5
`- 5G8 I
`Avatar ?le
`Dispiay Avaiar
`4101 Campers}. arametef
`4111 Select vatai'r to
`can. email., 8M5
`misra nsmit Selec’ted
`Avatas' idenii?er
`n?eceive ?equest for Selected Avatar?ie ‘
`Avatar ?ie
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 20 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Mghiia Device
`4‘5 .
`Ga“, send emaii or sms
`: messae in user
`Ciheck Caievndar
`Check Settings
`41 “i
`4 ,3 F
`............................ ......... x.
`Traniggfiiéiciw ..................................................................
`Receive Avatar File
`HQ. 1528
`Dis-play Avatar
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 21 of 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Moifiiie Device
`‘ ReceiVe PhaneIData :
`caLI emaii SMS
`. FarameterTabIe
`Stare received data in
`? Compare Parameter
`._ 3. eat Avatar It)
`Gail, send emaii or arm
`messae is user
`Receive Selected
`Avatar identifier
`.. --fivatar FiIe ED {:1
`Avatar identifierin iecaI _ _"__-...
`Aivatarr fiie :
`Disk—:1 -
`ransmat e ecie
`Avatar Identifier
`Receive f
`* Avatar fife i
`é: Receive Reguesifov
`Seieci‘ed Avatar file
`Transmzt Setectea
`Avatar file
`PEG. 1533
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 22 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
` Reg uestihg ‘
`........................ Calh send emai'ierSMS
`messae to user
`4*. 0,1
`................. ............
`Poll. Samara
`HQ. 17
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 23 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Pol! Sensors
`Check Saiendar
`Check Authorizaticn Lave}
`5m ,
`C heck Settings
`5 Dispiay basedan
`Sensur Data,
`Calendar, Settings,
`and Authorization
`,flkeye¥.HMH “m3:
`Disp§ay Avatar
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 24 of 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Patent Application Publication
`3, 2009 Sheet 25 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 26 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`_........... 55:
`avatar far
`“ 313
` , 615
` User initiates
`Record sen-so
`data and
`sensm“ daia
`nd settings in
`criteria tabie
`, 61B
` Anaiyze
`sews-or data
`‘ 622
`criteria table to -
` 5
`HQ ’19::
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 27 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
` Egg uesting '
` 417
` Access
`.. ..
`' Ste re renewed.
`{iata in
`Le-v‘ai to
`‘ 592
`. 411
`ta Dispiay
`HG 23
`insert avatw
`into Wabpage-
`Dlspiay Avatar
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 28 of 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
` Reguesfin‘g''
` Receive
`.3tore received
`(3333 in
`' Data
`Send. 7
`Lave! 320
`SeiectAvatar ;. 4H
`to Display
`insert avaiar
`mm webpage
`, 430
`................... 5 432
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 29 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Méiygie [Davies
`Requesting '
`Ta me
`‘ Auiharization
`Store received
`data in
`Lev-e: t0
`41 ?
`FEG- 22
`insert avatar
` into-webpage
`i ...................
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 30 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`44g I
`Ping Mobile
`: Device w;
`insert avatar
`into Webpage
` data in
` ‘
`.. Dismay Avatar:
`,. 32
`F356; 23}
`Select Avatar
`to Dispiay
`...... . .....
`410 I
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 31 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Reguesting ’
`, Chefik Calendar 403
`De ay-g
`'uua .- nun
`Check Settings
`Storé. received data :
`in: ParameterTabie :
`451 Receive PhonelData
`cali email, 8M8
`433 -
`8M8 messa e to user
` Level
`Send Authorization
`Stare Authenzataon
`Leveito Parametur
`411 ‘
`SelectAvatartD : Disia
`Avatar fiie
`Receive Avatar Fiie
`Display Avatar
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 32 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`8M8 messae to user
`.................................. .3:
`samd AUtthZfltian
`51:1ng 40 ........................... ............................
`Check Settings
`s ..............................................................3
` Store Ieceived data
`Avatar identifier
`Receive Selected '
`In Parameter Tabke
`I Recewe PIIDnefData. :
`.jCaII emaa 31115
`597 ”Check Authorization? ________
`= “vat“ We IP’d‘
`__ _' AvataI IdenI‘ifier In
`Irma! memory? .. --
`Store Autfiorization
`LeveI to Parameter
` Avatar file
`SelectedAvatar flit?
`SeIect Avatar to
`_ DIS:Ia
`Tfansmlt 831931te
`535 I IReceiva Requestfor .
`462 '
`Iansmst Seiecied
`Avatar II I9
`I .......................................................i
`441 I
`Dismay Mata!“
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 33 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`3 Receive Phoneiflata
`can amaii SMS
`................................. Iflaik send emaii or SM
`messae to user
`Sand Amihoriz‘afimn
`Check Autharization
`Check Calendai
`Eheck Settings
`Z..................‘3 Table I
`41 ,fi
`Disla »
`ransmltSeI/ected V'
`Avatar file
` Recéive Avatar Fife
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 34 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`caII emaiI SIV‘IS
`Check AtharIzaticsn;
`. LeveI
`PDII Sensors I
`Store recewed da‘IaIn
`PaI'ameter TabIe '
`SeIeCI PIvatar to
`Avatar Identifier
`erut for
`Z SéIgcted Pavatar‘fiie
`IranSmII Seliected
`messa'e teaser
`Send Authmmatiofl
`Racewe Seiected
`Avatar IdenIifiar
`; so?
`gI vatar FIIe ID’d II
`AvaIaI‘ Identifierm Penal
`Avatar IIIe
`Avatar We
`DIspiay AvaIar
`FIG, 25b
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 3, 2009 Sheet 35 0f 35
`US 2009/0300525 A1
` MObéie Device
`5 Ca“, send email Dr
`3M3 messae is user-
`[Ha ..
`493% g
`er Table
`_ Mamet
`Dismay Avatar
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Dec. 3, 2009
`[0001] The present invention relates generally to providing
`a current indication of a user’s status or activity Via a com-
`puter generated avatar.
`In the computing sense, an avatar is a virtual repre-
`sentation of a computer user. The term “avatar” can also refer
`to the personality connected with a screen name, or handle, of
`an Internet user. Avatars are often used to represent the real
`world user in the virtual world of computing. Avatars can be
`three-dimensional models used in virtual reality applications
`and computer games. Avatars can also be a two-dimensional
`icon (picture) used in Internet forums and other online com-
`munities, instant messaging, gaming and non-gaming appli-
`cations. Avatars may be animated or static.
`[0003] The term avatar dates at least as far back as 1985,
`when it was used as the name for the player character in a
`series of computer games. Recently, the usage of avatars has
`spread in popularity and avatars are now often used in Internet
`forums. Avatars on Internet forums serve the purpose of rep-
`resenting users and their actions, personalizing their contri-
`butions to the forum, and may represent different parts oftheir
`persona, beliefs, interests or social status in the forum.
`[0004] The traditional avatar system used on most Internet
`forums is a small (96x96 to 100x100 pixels, for example)
`square-shaped area close to the user’s forum post, where the
`avatar is placed. Some forums allow the user to upload an
`avatar image that may have been designed by the user or
`acquired from elsewhere. Other forums allow the user to
`select an avatar from a preset list or use an auto-discovery
`algorithm to extract one from the user’s homepage.
`In the instant messaging (IM) context, avatars,
`sometimes referred to as buddy icons, are usually small
`images. For example, IM icons are 48x48 pixels, although
`many icons can be found online that typically measure any-
`where from 50x50 pixels to 100x100 pixels in size. A wide
`variety ofthese imaged avatars can be found on web sites and
`popular eGroups such as Yahoo! Groups. The latest use of
`avatars in instant messaging is dominated by dynamic ava-
`tars. The user chooses an avatar that represents him while
`chatting and, through the use of text to speech technology,
`enables the avatar to talk the text being used at the chat
`window. Another form of use for this kind of avatar is for
`video chats/calls. Some services, such as Skype (through
`some external plug-ins) allow users to use talking avatars
`during video calls, replacing the image from the user’s cam-
`era with an animated, talking avatar.
`[0006] Various embodiment systems and methods are dis-
`closed which automatically update a user’s virtual world ava-
`tar to provide a more accurate representation of the user’s
`current real world status or activity. Embodiments may
`receive information from a variety of sensors located either
`within the user’s mobile device or within close proximity to
`the mobile device to provide some parameters of the user’s
`real world environment. The variety of sensors may include,
`but are not limited to a location sensor (e.g., GPS coordi-
`nates), a microphone for sensing ambient noise, a camera or
`light sensor for sensing ambient light, accelerometers, tem-
`perature sensor, and bio-physiological sensors such as a
`breathalyzer, heart rate monitor, pulse sensor, EEG, ECG,
`EKG, and/or blood pressure sensor. In addition, embodi-
`ments may utilize a user’s calendar data as well as mobile
`device settings to generate an updated virtual representation
`via an avatar of the user’s real world status or activity. Alter-
`native embodiments may age the user’s avatar over time so
`that a user’s avatar grows older, more mature as the user grows
`older, more mature. Various embodiments automatically
`update or change the user’s avatar as the user goes about
`his/her daily activities. Other embodiments update or change
`the user’s avatar when a request to view the avatar is made.
`The user’s avatar may be viewed in a singular location, such
`as a webpage. Alternative embodiments may allow a user’s
`avatar to be downloaded to any requesting party. Still other
`embodiments may pro-actively inform selected parties of a
`user’s current real world status or activity by sending an
`[0007] The accompanying drawings, which are incorpo-
`rated herein and constitute part ofthis specification, illustrate
`exemplary embodiments of the invention, and, together with
`the general description given above and the detailed descrip-
`tion given below, serve to explain features of the invention.
`FIG. 1 illustrates exemplary avatars suitable for use
`with the various embodiments.
`FIG. 2 is system block diagram of a system suitable
`for use with the various embodiments.
`FIG. 3 is a system block diagram ofa mobile device
`suitable for use with the various embodiments.
`FIG. 4 is a process flow diagram of an embodiment
`method suitable for implementation on the system.
`FIG. 5 is a process flow diagram of a specific
`embodiment method suitable for implementation on a mobile
`FIG. 6a is an example parameter data table suitable
`for storing a variety of sensor data, user calendar data, and
`mobile device settings indicating the current status of the
`FIG. 6b is an illustrative avatar selection logic table
`which indicates an avatar to display based on various param-
`FIG. 60 is a process flow diagram of an embodiment
`method for calibrating an avatar selection logic table.
`FIG. 7 is a process flow diagram of an embodiment
`method suitable for implementation on a mobile handset
`which conserves battery and processor time.
`FIG. 8 is a process flow diagram of an embodiment
`method suitable for implementation on a mobile handset
`which responds to a server request.
`FIG. 9 is a process flow diagram of an embodiment
`method suitable for implementation on a mobile handset
`which responds to a second user request.
`FIG. 10 is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method wherein avatar selection is offloaded to
`a server.
`FIG. 11 is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method wherein avatar selection is offloaded to
`a server which conserves battery and processor time.
`FIG. 12 is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method wherein avatar selection is offloaded to
`US 2009/0300525 A1
`Dec. 3, 2009
`a server which conserves battery and processor time by
`responding to a server request.
`FIG. 13 is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method wherein avatar selection is offloaded to
`a server which conserves battery and processor time by
`responding to a second user request.
`FIG. 14a is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method suitable for displaying an avatar directly
`on the requesting device.
`FIG. 14b is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method suitable for displaying a new or updated
`avatar directly on the requesting device
`FIG. 15a is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method suitable for displaying an avatar directly
`on the requesting device which conserves battery and proces-
`sor time.
`FIG. 15b is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method suitable for displaying a new or updated
`avatar directly on the requesting device which conserves bat-
`tery and processor time.
`FIG. 16a is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method suitable for displaying an avatar directly
`on the requesting device which conserves battery and pro-
`cessing time by responding to a second user request.
`FIG. 16b is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method suitable for displaying a new or updated
`avatar directly on the requesting device which conserves bat-
`tery and processing time by responding to a second user
`FIG. 17 is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method suitable for displaying an avatar directly
`on the requesting device wherein avatar selection is offloaded
`to the requesting user’s device.
`FIG. 18 is a process flow diagram of an alternative
`embodiment method suitable for implementation on the sys-
`FIG. 19a is an example parameter data table suitable
`for storing a variety of sensor data, user calendar data, mobile
`device settings and authorization level of a user requesting an
`FIG. 19b is an illustrative avatar selection logic table
`which indicates an avatar to display based on various param-
`eters including the authorization level of the requesting user.
`FIG. 190 is a process flow diagram of an embodi-
`ment method for calibrating an avatar selection logic table
`including the authorization level of the requesting user.
`FIG. 20 is a process flow diagram of an embodiment
`method for selecting an avatar for display based upon an
`avatar selection logic table including the authorization level
`of the requesting user.
`FIG. 21 is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method for selecting an avatar for display based
`upon an avatar selection logic table including the authoriza-
`tion level of the requesting user.
`FIG. 22 is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method for selecting an avatar for display based
`upon an avatar selection logic table including the authoriza-
`tion level of the requesting user.
`FIG. 23 is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method for selecting an avatar for display based
`upon an avatar selection logic table including the authoriza-
`tion level of the requesting user.
`FIG. 24a is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method suitable for displaying an avatar
`selected based upon sensor and setting data and the authori-
`zation level ofa second user directly on the requesting device.
`FIG. 24b is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method suitable for displaying a new or updated
`avatar selected based upon sensor and setting data and the
`authorization level of a second user directly on the requesting
`FIG. 25a is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method suitable for displaying an avatar
`selected based upon sensor and setting data and the authori-
`zation level ofa second user directly on the requesting device.
`FIG. 25b is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method suitable for displaying a new or updated
`avatar selected based upon sensor and setting data and the
`authorization level of a second user directly on the requesting
`FIG. 26 is a process flow diagram of another
`embodiment method suitable for displaying an avatar directly
`on the requesting device based upon sensor and settings data
`and the second user’s authorization level.
`[0043] The various embodiments will be described in detail
`with reference to the accompanying drawings. Wherever pos-
`sible, the same reference numbers will be used throughout the
`drawings to refer to the same or like parts. References made to
`particular examples and implementations are for illustrative
`purposes, and are not intended to limit the scope of the inven-
`tion or the claims.
`[0044] As used herein, the term mobile device may refer to
`any one or all of cellular telephones, personal data assistants
`(PDA’s), palm-top computers,
`laptop computers, wireless
`electronic mail receivers (e.g., the Blackberry® and Treo®
`devices), multimedia Internet enabled cellular telephones
`(e.g., the iPhone® ), and similar personal electronic devices
`which include a programmable processor and memory. In a
`preferred embodiment, the mobile device is a cellular handset
`that can communicate via a cellular telephone network (e. g.,
`a cellphone). However, cellular telephone communication
`capability is not necessary in all embodiments. Moreover,
`wireless data communication may be achieved by the mobile
`device connecting to a wireless data network (e.g., a WiFi
`network) instead of a cellular telephone network.
`[0045] As used herein, the term “server” refers to any of a
`variety of commercially available computer systems config-
`ured to operate in a client-server architecture. In particular,
`the term “server” refers to network servers, particularly Inter-
`net accessible servers, which typically include a processor,
`memory (e. g., hard disk memory), and network interface
`circuitry configured to connect the server processor to the
`network, such as the Internet.
`[0046] As used herein, the term “theme” refers to the col-
`lection of user-configur