Towards a Better Understanding of Context and
`Anind K. Dey and Gregory D. Abowd
`Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center and College of Computing,
`Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA 30332-0280
`{anind, abowd}
`Abstract. The use of context is important in interactive applications. It is par-
`ticularly important for applications where the user’s context is changing rap-
`idly, such as in both handheld and ubiquitous computing. In order to better un-
`derstand how we can use context and facilitate the building of context-aware
`applications, we need to more fully understand what constitutes a context-
`aware application and what context is. Towards this goal, we have surveyed
`existing work in context-aware computing. In this paper, we provide an over-
`view of the results of this survey and, in particular, definitions and categories of
`context and context-aware. We conclude with recommendations for how this
`better understanding of context inform a framework for the development of
`context-aware applications.
`1 Introduction
`Humans are quite successful at conveying ideas to each other and reacting appropri-
`ately. This is due to many factors: the richness of the language they share, the com-
`mon understanding of how the world works, and an implicit understanding of every-
`day situations. When humans talk with humans, they are able to use implicit situ-
`ational information, or context, to increase the conversational bandwidth. Unfortu-
`nately, this ability to convey ideas does not transfer well to humans interacting with
`computers. In traditional interactive computing, users have an impoverished mecha-
`nism for providing input to computers. Consequently, computers are not currently
`enabled to take full advantage of the context of the human-computer dialogue. By
`improving the computer’s access to context, we increase the richness of communica-
`tion in human-computer interaction and make it possible to produce more useful
`computational services.
`In order to use context effectively, we must understand both what context is and
`how it can be used. An understanding of context will enable application designers to
`choose what context to use in their applications. An understanding of how context
`can be used will help application designers determine what context-aware behaviors
`to support in their applications.
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`How do we as applications developers provide the context to the computers, or
`make those applications aware and responsive to the full context of human-computer
`interaction? We could require users explicitly to express all information relevant to a
`given situation. However, the goal of context-aware computing should be to make
`interacting with computers easier. Forcing users consciously to increase the amount
`of information is more difficult for them and tedious. Furthermore, it is likely that
`most users will not know which information is potentially relevant and, therefore, will
`not know what information to announce. Instead, our approach to context-aware
`application development is to collect contextual information through automated
`means, make it easily available to a computer’s run-time environment, and let the
`application designer decide what information is relevant and how to deal with it. This
`is the better approach, for it removes the need for users to make all information ex-
`plicit and it puts the decisions about what is relevant into the designer’s hands. The
`application designer should have spent considerably more time analyzing the situa-
`tions under which the application will be executed and can more appropriately deter-
`mine what information is relevant and how to react to it.
`How is this discussion of context relevant to handheld and ubiquitous computing?
`In these settings, the user has increased freedom of mobility. The increase in mobility
`creates situations where the user’s context, such as the location of a user and the peo-
`ple and objects around her, is more dynamic. Both handheld and ubiquitous comput-
`ing have given users the expectation that they can access information services when-
`ever and wherever they are. With a wide range of possible user situations, we need to
`have a way for the services to adapt appropriately, in order to best support the hu-
`man–computer interaction.
`Realizing the need for context is only the first step toward using it effectively.
`Most researchers have a general idea about what context is and use that general idea
`to guide their use of it. However, a vague notion of context is not sufficient; in order
`to effectively use context, we must attain a better understanding of what context is.
`In this paper, we will review previous attempts to define and provide a characteri-
`zation of context and context-aware computing, and present our own definition and
`characterization. We then discuss how this increased understanding informs the de-
`velopment of a shared infrastructure for context-sensing and context-aware applica-
`tion development.
`2 What is Context?
`To develop a specific definition that can be used prescriptively in the context-aware
`computing field, we will look at how researchers have attempted to define context in
`their own work. While most people tacitly understand what context is, they find it
`hard to elucidate. Previous definitions of context are done by enumeration of exam-
`ples or by choosing synonyms for context.
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`2.1 Previous Definitions of Context
`In the work that first introduces the term ‘context-aware,’ Schilit and Theimer [26]
`refer to context as location, identities of nearby people and objects, and changes to
`those objects. In a similar definition, Brown et al. [3] define context as location,
`identities of the people around the user, the time of day, season, temperature, etc.
`Ryan et al. [22] define context as the user’s location, environment, identity and time.
`Dey [8] enumerates context as the user’s emotional state, focus of attention, location
`and orientation, date and time, objects, and people in the user’s environment. These
`definitions that define context by example are difficult to apply. When we want to
`determine whether a type of information not listed in the definition is context or not,
`it is not clear how we can use the definition to solve the dilemma.
`Other definitions have simply provided synonyms for context; for example, refer-
`ring to context as the environment or situation. Some consider context to be the user’s
`environment, while others consider it to be the application’s environment. Brown [4]
`defined context to be the elements of the user’s environment that the user’s computer
`knows about. Franklin & Flaschbart [14] see it as the situation of the user. Ward et al.
`[27] view context as the state of the application’s surroundings and Rodden et al. [20]
`define it to be the application’s setting. Hull et al. [15] included the entire environ-
`ment by defining context to be aspects of the current situation. As with the definitions
`by example, definitions that simply use synonyms for context are extremely difficult
`to apply in practice.
`The definitions by Schilit et al. [25], Dey et al. [9] and Pascoe [17] are closest in
`spirit to the operational definition we desire. Schilit et al. claim that the important
`aspects of context are: where you are, who you are with, and what resources are
`nearby. They define context to be the constantly changing execution environment.
`They include the following pieces of the environment:
`• Computing environment available processors, devices accessible for user
`input and display, network capacity, connectivity, and costs of computing
`• User environment location, collection of nearby people, and social situation
`• Physical environment lighting and noise level
`Dey et al. define context to be the user's physical, social, emotional or informa-
`tional state. Finally, Pascoe defines context to be the subset of physical and concep-
`tual states of interest to a particular entity. These definitions are too specific. Context
`is all about the whole situation relevant to an application and its set of users. We can-
`not enumerate which aspects of all situations are important, as this will change from
`situation to situation. In some cases, the physical environment may be important,
`while in others it may be completely immaterial. For this reason, we could not use the
`definitions provided by Schilit et al., Dey et al., or Pascoe.
`2.2 Our Definition of Context
`Context is any information that can be used to characterize the
`situation of an entity. An entity is a person, place, or object that is
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`considered relevant to the interaction between a user and an appli-
`cation, including the user and applications themselves.
`This definition makes it easier for an application developer to enumerate the con-
`text for a given application scenario. If a piece of information can be used to charac-
`terize the situation of a participant in an interaction, then that information is context.
`Take the task of using a spreadsheet to add a list of weights as an example. The enti-
`ties in this example are the user and the application. We will look at two pieces of
`information – presence of other people and location – and use the definition to deter-
`mine whether either one is context. The presence of other people in the room does not
`affect the user or the application for the purpose of this task. Therefore, it is not con-
`text. The user’s location, however, can be used to characterize the user’s situation. If
`the user is located in the United States, the sum of the weights will be presented in
`terms of pounds and ounces. If the user is located in Canada, the sum of the weights
`will be presented in terms of kilograms. Therefore, the user’s location is context be-
`cause it can be used to characterize the user’s situation.
`A general assumption is that context consists only of implicit information, but this
`is a troublesome distinction. Our definition allows context to be either explicitly or
`implicitly indicated by the user. For example, whether a user’s identity is detected
`implicitly using vision or explicitly via a login dialogue, the user’s identity is still
`context. Researchers have focussed on implicit information because there is much
`unexplored promise in leveraging off implicit information pertaining to the human–
`computer interaction.
`2.3 Categories of Context
`A categorization of context types will help application designers uncover the most
`likely pieces of context that will be useful in their applications. Previous definitions
`of context seed our development of context types. Ryan et al. [22] suggest context
`types of location, environment, identity and time. Schilit et al. [25] list the important
`aspects of context as where you are, who you are with and what resources are nearby.
`Context-aware applications look at the who’s, where’s, when’s and what’s (that is,
`what the user is doing) of entities and use this information to determine why the
`situation is occurring. An application doesn’t actually determine why a situation is
`occurring, but the designer of the application does. The designer uses incoming con-
`text to determine why a situation is occurring and uses this to encode some action in
`the application. For example, in a context-aware tour guide, a user carrying a hand-
`held computer approaches some interesting site resulting in information relevant to
`the site being displayed on the computer. In this situation, the designer has encoded
`the understanding that when a user approaches a particular site (the ‘incoming con-
`text’), it means that the user is interested in the site (the ‘why’) and the application
`should display some relevant information (the ‘action’).
`There are certain types of context that are, in practice, more important than others.
`These are location, identity, activity and time. The only difference between this list
`and the definition of context provided by Ryan et al. is the use of ‘activity’ rather
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`than ‘environment’. Environment is a synonym for context and does not add to our
`investigation of context. Activity, on the other hand, answers a fundamental question
`of what is occurring in the situation. The categories provided by Schilit et al. (where
`you are, who you are with, and what objects are around you) only include location
`and identity information. To characterize a situation, we also need activity and time
`Location, identity, time, and activity are the primary context types for character-
`izing the situation of a particular entity. These context types not only answer the
`questions of who, what, when, and where, but also act as indices into other sources of
`contextual information. For example, given a person’s identity, we can acquire many
`pieces of related information such as phone numbers, addresses, email addresses,
`birthdate, list of friends, relationships to other people in the environment, etc. With an
`entity’s location, we can determine what other objects or people are near the entity
`and what activity is occurring near the entity. From these examples, it should be evi-
`dent that the primary pieces of context for one entity can be used as indices to find
`secondary context (e.g., the email address) for that same entity as well as primary
`context for other related entities (e.g., other people in the same location).
`In this initial categorization, we have a simple two-tiered system. The four primary
`pieces of context already identified are on the first level. All the other types of context
`are on the second level. The secondary pieces of context share a common characteris-
`tic: they can be indexed by primary context because they are attributes of the entity
`with primary context. For example, a user’s phone number is a piece of secondary
`context and it can be obtained by using the user’s identity as an index into an infor-
`mation space like a phone directory. There are some situations in which multiple
`pieces of primary context are required to index into an information space. For exam-
`ple, the forecasted weather is context in an outdoor tour guide that uses the informa-
`tion to schedule a tour for users. To obtain the forecasted weather, both the location
`for the forecast and the date of the desired forecast are required.
`This characterization helps designers choose context to use in their applications,
`structure the context they use, and search out other relevant context. The four primary
`pieces of context indicate the types of information necessary for characterizing a
`situation and their use as indices provide a way for the context to be used and organ-
`ized. Now that we have given a definition of context, we can begin to think about
`how to use context. In the next section, we define context-aware and provide a char-
`acterization of context-aware application features.
`3 Defining Context-Aware Computing
`Context-aware computing was first discussed by Schilit and Theimer [26] in 1994 to
`be software that “adapts according to its location of use, the collection of nearby
`people and objects, as well as changes to those objects over time.” However, it is
`commonly agreed that the first research investigation of context-aware computing
`was the Olivetti Active Badge [28] work in 1992. Since then, there have been numer-
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`ous attempts to define context-aware computing, and these all inform our own defini-
`3.1 Previous Definitions of Context-Aware
`The first definition of context-aware applications given by Schilit and Theimer [26]
`restricted the definition from applications that are simply informed about context to
`applications that adapt themselves to context.
`Context-aware has become somewhat synonymous with other terms: adaptive [2],
`reactive [6], responsive [12], situated [15], context-sensitive [19] and environment-
`directed [13]. Previous definitions of context-aware computing fall into two catego-
`ries: using context and adapting to context.
`We will first discuss the more general case of using context. Hull et al. [15] and
`Pascoe et al. [17,18,22] define context-aware computing to be the ability of comput-
`ing devices to detect and sense, interpret and respond to aspects of a user's local envi-
`ronment and the computing devices themselves. Dey [8] limits context-awareness to
`the human–computer interface, as opposed to the underlying application. Dey et al.
`[9] begin to introduce the notion of adaptation by defining context-awareness to be
`work leading to the automation of a software system based on knowledge of the
`user’s context. Salber et al [23] define context-aware to be the ability to provide
`maximum flexibility of a computational service based on real-time sensing of context.
`The following definitions are in the more specific “adapting to context” category.
`Many researchers [25,27,16,3,7,10,1] define context-aware applications to be appli-
`cations that dynamically change or adapt their behavior based on the context of the
`application and the user. More specifically, Ryan [21] defines context-aware applica-
`tions to be applications that monitor input from environmental sensors and allow
`users to select from a range of physical and logical contexts according to their current
`interests or activities. This definition is more restrictive than the previous one by
`identifying the method in which applications acts upon context. Brown [5] defines
`context-aware applications as applications that automatically provide information
`and/or take actions according to the user’s present context as detected by sensors. He
`also takes a narrow view of context-aware computing by stating that these actions can
`take the form of presenting information to the user, executing a program according to
`context, or configuring a graphical layout according to context. Finally, Fickas et al
`[13] define environment-directed (practical synonym for context-aware) applications
`to be applications that monitor changes in the environment and adapt their operation
`according to predefined or user-defined guidelines.
`3.2 Our Definition of Context-Aware
`A system is context-aware if it uses context to provide relevant in-
`formation and/or services to the user, where relevancy depends on
`the user’s task.
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`We have chosen a more general definition of context-aware computing. The defi-
`nitions in the more specific “adapting to context” category require that an applica-
`tion’s behavior be modified for it to be considered context-aware. When we try to
`apply these definitions to established context-aware applications, we find that they do
`not fit. For example, an application that simply displays the context of the user’s
`environment to the user is not modifying its behavior, but it is context-aware. If we
`use the less general definitions, these applications would not be classified as context-
`aware. We, therefore, chose a more general definition that does not exclude existing
`context-aware applications.
`We will compare our definition to the general definitions provided above. Our
`definition is more general than the one provided by Hull et al. [15] and Pascoe et al.
`[17,18,22]. They require their context-aware systems to detect, interpret and respond
`to context. We only require the response to context, allowing the detection and inter-
`pretation to be performed by other computing entities. It differs from the other gen-
`eral definitions given above by focussing on the user, not limiting awareness to just
`the application interface [8], not requiring applications to perform services automati-
`cally [9], and not requiring real-time acquisition of context [23].
`Categorization of Features for Context-Aware Applications In a further attempt to
`help define the field of context-aware applications, we will present a categorization
`for features of context-aware applications. There have been two attempts to develop
`such a taxonomy. The first was by Schilit et al. [25] and had 2 orthogonal
`dimensions: whether the task is to get information or to execute a command and
`whether the task is executed manually or automatically. Applications that retrieve
`information for the user manually based on available context are classified as
`proximate selection applications. It is an interaction technique where a list of objects
`(printers) or places (offices) is presented, where items relevant to the user’s context
`are emphasized or made easier to choose. Applications that retrieve information for
`the user automatically based on available context are classified as automatic
`contextual reconfiguration. It is a system-level technique that creates an automatic
`binding to an available resource based on current context. Applications that execute
`commands for the user manually based on available context are classified as
`contextual command applications. They are executable services made available due to
`the user’s context or whose execution is modified based on the user’s context.
`Finally, applications that execute commands for the user automatically based on
`available context use context-triggered actions. They are services that are executed
`automatically when the right combination of context exists, and are based on simple
`if-then rules.
`More recently, Pascoe [17] proposed a taxonomy of context-aware features. There
`is considerable overlap between the two taxonomies but some crucial differences as
`well. Pascoe [17] developed a taxonomy aimed at identifying the core features of
`context-awareness, as opposed to the previous taxonomy, which identified classes of
`context-aware applications. In reality, the following features of context-awareness
`map well to the classes of applications in the Schilit taxonomy. The first feature is
`contextual sensing and is the ability to detect contextual information and present it to
`the user, augmenting the user’s sensory system. This is similar to proximate selection,
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`except in this case, the user does not necessarily need to select one of the context
`items for more information (i.e. the context may be the information required). The
`next feature is contextual adaptation and is the ability to execute or modify a service
`automatically based on the current context. This maps directly to Schilit’s context-
`triggered actions. The third feature, contextual resource discovery, allows context-
`aware applications to locate and exploit resources and services that are relevant to the
`user’s context. This maps directly to automatic contextual reconfiguration. The final
`feature, contextual augmentation, is the ability to associate digital data with the user’s
`context. A user can view the data when he is in that associated context. For example,
`a user can create a virtual note providing details about a broken television and attach
`the note to the television. When another user is close to the television or attempts to
`use it, he will see the virtual note left previously.
`Pascoe and Schilit both list the ability to exploit resources relevant to the user’s
`context, the ability to execute a command automatically based on the user’s context
`and the ability to display relevant information to the user. Pascoe goes further in
`terms of displaying relevant information to the user by including the display of con-
`text, and not just information that requires further selection (e.g. showing the user’s
`location vs. showing a list of printers and allowing the user to choose one). Pascoe’s
`taxonomy has a category not found in Schilit’s taxonomy: contextual augmentation,
`or the ability to associate digital data with the user’s context. Finally, Pascoe’s taxon-
`omy does not support the presentation of commands relevant to a user’s context. This
`presentation is called contextual commands in Schilit’s taxonomy.
`Our proposed categorization combines the ideas from these two taxonomies and
`takes into account the three major differences. Similar to Pascoe’s taxonomy, it is a
`list of the context-aware features that context-aware applications may support. There
`are three categories:
`1) presentation of information and services to a user;
`2) automatic execution of a service; and
`3) tagging of context to information for later retrieval
`Presentation is a combination of Schilit’s proximate selection and contextual
`commands. To this, we have added Pascoe’s notion of presenting context (as a form
`of information) to the user. Automatic execution is the same as Schilit’s context-
`triggered actions and Pascoe’s contextual adaptation. Tagging is the same as Pascoe’s
`contextual augmentation.
`We introduce two important distinguishing characteristics: the decision not to dif-
`ferentiate between information and services, and the removal of the exploitation of
`local resources as a feature. We do not to use Schilit’s dimension of information vs.
`services to distinguish between our categories. In most cases, it is too difficult to
`distinguish between a presentation of information and a presentation of services. For
`example, Schilit writes that a list of printers ordered by proximity to the user is an
`example of providing information to the user. But, whether that list is a list of infor-
`mation or a list of services depends on how the user actually uses that information.
`For example, if the user just looks at the list of printers to become familiar with the
`names of the printers nearby, she is using the list as information. However, if the user
`chooses a printer from that list to print to, she is using the list as a set of services.
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`Rather than try to assume the user’s state of mind, we chose to treat information and
`services in a similar fashion.
`We chose not to use the exploitation of local resources, or resource discovery, as a
`context-aware feature. This feature is called automatic contextual reconfiguration in
`Schilit’s taxonomy and contextual resource discovery in Pascoe’s taxonomy. We do
`not see this as a separate feature category, but rather as part of our first two catego-
`ries. Resource discovery is the ability to locate new services according to the user’s
`context. This ability is really no different than choosing services based on context.
`We can illustrate our point by reusing the list of printers example. When a user enters
`an office, their location changes and the list of nearby printers changes. The list
`changes by having printers added, removed, or being reordered (by proximity, for
`example). Is this an instance of resource exploitation or simply a presentation of in-
`formation and services? Rather than giving resource discovery its own category, we
`split it into two of our existing categories: presenting information and services to a
`user and automatically executing a service. When an application presents information
`to a user, it falls into the first category, and when it automatically executes a service
`for the user, it falls into the second category.
`Cataloguing previous context-aware work We applied our categories of context
`and context-aware features to the applications discussed in the related research we
`have presented. The results are in Table 1 below. Under the context type heading, we
`present Activity, Identity, Location, and Time. Under the context-aware heading, we
`present our 3 context-aware features, Presentation, automatic Execution, and
`Table 1. Application of context and context-aware categories
`Context Type
`A I
`L T P
`X X
`X X
`X X X
`X X X
`X X
`Active Badge [28]
`X X X
`System Name
`System Description
`Classroom 2000 [1]
`Cyberguide [1]
`Teleport [2]
`Stick-e Documents [3,4,5]
`Capture of a classroom lecture
`Tour guide
`Tour guide
`Paging and reminders
`Intelligent control of audiovisuals
`Reactive Room [6]
`Tour guide
`GUIDE [7]
`Automatic integration of user services X
`CyberDesk [8,9,10]
`Conference capture and tour guide
`Conference Assistant [11]
`X X X X X
`Office environment control
`Responsive Office [12]
`X X
`Network maintenance
`NETMAN [13,16]
`Fieldwork data collection
`Fieldwork [17,18,22]
`X X X
`Augment-able Reality [19] Virtual post-it notes
`Context Toolkit [24]
`In/Out Board
`Capture of serendipitous meetings
`Call forwarding
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`From this table, we see that while many applications make use of both location and
`identity context, few make use of activity context. We also note that many applica-
`tions use the presentation feature, but fewer use the execution and tagging features.
`This table indicates that there are areas which need addressing in the space of context-
`aware applications.
`4 Impact on Context-Aware Application Development
`In the previous sections, we presented definitions and categories for both context and
`context-aware. We have applied these definitions and categories to our own research
`and they have helped to inform the design of an architecture to support context-aware
`computing and the design of context-aware applications [11].
`Our architecture1 is built on the concept of enabling applications to obtain the
`context they require without them having to worry about how the context was sensed.
`In previous work, we presented the context widget [24], an abstraction that imple-
`ments this concept. A context widget is responsible for acquiring a certain type of
`context information and it makes that information available to applications in a ge-
`neric manner, regardless of how it is actually sensed.
`Our definition of context provided another important abstraction. We defined it as
`information used to characterized the situation of an entity. If we think of a context
`widget as being responsible for a single piece of information, we need an abstraction
`to represent an entity. This abstraction, which we call a context server in our archi-
`tecture, is responsible for the entire context about a single entity. When designers
`think about context and interactions, it is natural for them to think in terms of entities,
`and that makes a context server the correct abstraction to use for building applica-
`tions. Context servers gather the context about an entity (e.g., a person) from the
`available context widgets, behaving as a proxy to the context for applications.
`Context types inform us both on the variety of context widgets needed and on the
`features needed to be supported by context servers. At the very minimum, our archi-
`tecture needs to contain context widgets that collect information on our four primary
`context types: activity, identity, location, and time. Our context servers also need to
`support these primary types. Primary context types could be used to both index into
`more information about a particular entity (secondary context) and index into other
`entities. To allow applications to leverage this first feature, context servers need to
`support the retrieving of secondary context information indexed by primary context
`types. For the second feature, context servers must provide facilities to each other to
`allow comparison on the primary context types. This will allow an entity to create
`dynamic relationships with and locate other entities that share all or part of its con-
`text, for example, to identify all the people meeting in the same room.
`While our definition of context-aware has not directly impacted our architecture, it
`has provided us with a way to conclude whether an application is context-aware or
`not. This has been useful in determining what types of applications our architecture
`1 For more information on the architecture, see
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`needs to support, and therefore what features it must have. Our categorization of
`context-aware features provides us with two main benefits. The first is that it further
`specifies the types of applications the architecture must provide support for. The
`second benefit is that it shows us the types of features that we should be thinking
`about when building our own context-aware applications.
`5 Conclusions
`In handheld and ubiquitous computing, a user’s context is very dynamic. When using
`applications in these settings, a user has much to gain by the effective use of implic-
`itly sensed context. It allows an application’s behavior to be customized to the user’s
`current situation. To promote a more effective use of context, we have provided defi-
`nitions and categorizations of

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