`A Survey of Mobile Phone Sensing
`Nicholas D. Lane, Emiliano Miluzzo, Hong Lu, Daniel Peebles, Tanzeem Choudhury,
`and Andrew T. Campbell, Dartmouth College
`Mobile phones or smartphones are rapidly
`becoming the central computer and communica-
`tion device in people’s lives. Application delivery
`channels such as the Apple AppStore are trans-
`forming mobile phones into App Phones, capa-
`ble of downloading a myriad of applications in
`an instant. Importantly, today’s smartphones are
`programmable and come with a growing set of
`cheap powerful embedded sensors, such as an
`accelerometer, digital compass, gyroscope, GPS,
`microphone, and camera, which are enabling the
`emergence of personal, group, and community-
`scale sensing applications. We believe that sen-
`sor-equipped mobile phones will revolutionize
`many sectors of our economy, including busi-
`ness, healthcare, social networks, environmental
`monitoring, and transportation. In this article we
`survey existing mobile phone sensing algorithms,
`applications, and systems. We discuss the emerg-
`ing sensing paradigms, and formulate an archi-
`tectural framework for discussing a number of
`the open issues and challenges emerging in the
`new area of mobile phone sensing research.
`Today’s smartphone not only serves as the key
`computing and communication mobile device of
`choice, but it also comes with a rich set of
`embedded sensors, such as an accelerometer,
`digital compass, gyroscope, GPS, microphone,
`and camera. Collectively, these sensors are
`enabling new applications across a wide variety
`of domains, such as healthcare [1], social net-
`works [2], safety, environmental monitoring [3],
`and transportation [4, 5], and give rise to a new
`area of research called mobile phone sensing.
`Until recently mobile sensing research such
`as activity recognition, where people’s activity
`(e.g., walking, driving, sitting, talking) is classi-
`fied and monitored, required specialized mobile
`devices (e.g., the Mobile Sensing Platform
`[MSP]) [6] to be fabricated [7]. Mobile sensing
`applications had to be manually downloaded,
`installed, and hand tuned for each device. User
`studies conducted to evaluate new mobile sens-
`ing applications and algorithms were small-scale
`because of the expense and complexity of doing
`experiments at scale. As a result the research,
`which was innovative, gained little momentum
`outside a small group of dedicated researchers.
`Although the potential of using mobile phones
`as a platform for sensing research has been dis-
`cussed for a number of years now, in both indus-
`trial [8] and research communities [9, 10], there
`has been little or no advancement in the field
`until recently.
`All that is changing because of a number of
`important technological advances. First, the
`availability of cheap embedded sensors initially
`included in phones to drive the user experience
`(e.g., the accelerometer used to change the dis-
`play orientation) is changing the landscape of
`possible applications. Now phones can be pro-
`grammed to support new disruptive sensing
`applications such as sharing the user’s real-time
`activity with friends on social networks such as
`Facebook, keeping track of a person’s carbon
`footprint, or monitoring a user’s well being. Sec-
`ond, smartphones are open and programmable.
`In addition to sensing, phones come with com-
`puting and communication resources that offer a
`low barrier of entry for third-party programmers
`(e.g., undergraduates with little phone program-
`ming experience are developing and shipping
`applications). Third, importantly, each phone
`vendor now offers an app store allowing develop-
`ers to deliver new applications to large popula-
`tions of users across the globe, which is
`transforming the deployment of new applications,
`and allowing the collection and analysis of data
`far beyond the scale of what was previously possi-
`ble. Fourth, the mobile computing cloud enables
`developers to offload mobile services to back-end
`servers, providing unprecedented scale and addi-
`tional resources for computing on collections of
`large-scale sensor data and supporting advanced
`features such as persuasive user feedback based
`on the analysis of big sensor data.
`The combination of these advances opens the
`door for new innovative research and will lead to
`the development of sensing applications that are
`likely to revolutionize a large number of existing
`business sectors and ultimately significantly
`impact our everyday lives. Many questions
`remain to make this vision a reality. For exam-
`ple, how much intelligence can we push to the
`phone without jeopardizing the phone experi-
`ence? What breakthroughs are needed in order
`to perform robust and accurate classification of
`activities and context out in the wild? How do we
`scale a sensing application from an individual to
`a target community or even the general popula-
`tion? How do we use these new forms of large-
`scale application delivery systems (e.g., Apple
`AppStore, Google Market) to best drive data
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`collection, analysis and validation? How can we
`exploit the availability of big data shared by
`applications but build watertight systems that
`protect personal privacy? While this new
`research field can leverage results and insights
`from wireless sensor networks, pervasive com-
`puting, machine learning, and data mining, it
`presents new challenges not addressed by these
`In this article we give an overview of the sen-
`sors on the phone and their potential uses. We
`discuss a number of leading application areas and
`sensing paradigms that have emerged in the liter-
`ature recently. We propose a simple architectural
`framework in order to facilitate the discussion of
`the important open challenges on the phone and
`in the cloud. The goal of this article is to bring
`the novice or practitioner not working in this field
`quickly up to date with where things stand.
`As mobile phones have matured as a computing
`platform and acquired richer functionality, these
`advancements often have been paired with the
`introduction of new sensors. For example,
`accelerometers have become common after being
`initially introduced to enhance the user interface
`and use of the camera. They are used to automat-
`ically determine the orientation in which the user
`is holding the phone and use that information to
`automatically re-orient the display between a
`landscape and portrait view or correctly orient
`captured photos during viewing on the phone.
`Figure 1 shows the suite of sensors found in
`the Apple iPhone 4. The phone’s sensors include
`a gyroscope, compass, accelerometer, proximity
`sensor, and ambient light sensor, as well as other
`more conventional devices that can be used to
`sense such as front and back facing cameras, a
`microphone, GPS and WiFi, and Bluetooth
`radios. Many of the newer sensors are added to
`support the user interface (e.g., the accelerome-
`ter) or augment location-based services (e.g., the
`digital compass).
`The proximity and light sensors allow the
`phone to perform simple forms of context recog-
`nition associated with the user interface. The
`proximity sensor detects, for example, when the
`user holds the phone to her face to speak. In
`this case the touchscreen and keys are disabled,
`preventing them from accidentally being pressed
`as well as saving power because the screen is
`turned off. Light sensors are used to adjust the
`brightness of the screen. The GPS, which allows
`the phone to localize itself, enables new loca-
`tion-based applications such as local search,
`mobile social networks, and navigation. The
`compass and gyroscope represent an extension
`of location, providing the phone with increased
`awareness of its position in relation to the physi-
`cal world (e.g., its direction and orientation)
`enhancing location-based applications.
`Not only are these sensors useful in driving
`the user interface and providing location-based
`services; they also represent a significant oppor-
`tunity to gather data about people and their
`environments. For example, accelerometer data
`is capable of characterizing the physical move-
`ments of the user carrying the phone [2]. Dis-
`Ambient light
`Dual cameras
`Dual microphones
`Figure 1. An off-the-self iPhone 4, representative of the growing class of sensor-
`enabled phones. This phone includes eight different sensors: accelerometer,
`GPS, ambient light, dual microphones, proximity sensor, dual cameras, com-
`pass, and gyroscope.
`tinct patterns within the accelerometer data can
`be exploited to automatically recognize different
`activities (e.g., running, walking, standing). The
`camera and microphone are powerful sensors.
`These are probably the most ubiquitous sensors
`on the planet. By continuously collecting audio
`from the phone’s microphone, for example, it is
`possible to classify a diverse set of distinctive
`sounds associated with a particular context or
`activity in a person’s life, such as using an auto-
`matic teller machine (ATM), being in a particu-
`lar coffee shop, having a conversation, listening
`to music, making coffee, and driving [11]. The
`camera on the phone can be used for many
`things including traditional tasks such as photo
`blogging to more specialized sensing activities
`such as tracking the user’s eye movement across
`the phone’s display as a means to activate appli-
`cations using the camera mounted on the front
`of the phone [12]. The combination of
`accelerometer data and a stream of location esti-
`mates from the GPS can recognize the mode of
`transportation of a user, such as using a bike or
`car or taking a bus or the subway [3].
`More and more sensors are being incorporat-
`ed into phones. An interesting question is what
`new sensors are we likely to see over the next
`few years? Non-phone-based mobile sensing
`devices such as the Intel/University of Washing-
`ton Mobile Sensing Platform (MSP) [6] have
`shown value from using other sensors not found
`in phones today (e.g., barometer, temperature,
`humidity sensors) for activity recognition; for
`example, the accelerometer and barometer make
`it easy to identify not only when someone is
`walking, but when they are climbing stairs and in
`which direction. Other researchers have studied
`air quality and pollution [13] using specialized
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`UbitFit Garden
`Garbage Watch
`Participatory Urbanism
`Figure 2. Mobile phone sensing is effective across multiple scales, including: a
`single individual (e.g., UbitFit Garden [1]), groups such as social networks or
`special interest groups (e.g., Garbage Watch [23]), and entire communities/
`population of a city (e.g., Participatory Urbanism [20]).
`sensors embedded in prototype mobile phones.
`Still others have embedded sensors in standard
`mobile phone earphones to read a person’s
`blood pressure [14] or used neural signals from
`cheap off-the-shelf wireless electroencephalogra-
`phy (EEG) headsets to control mobile phones
`for hands-free human-mobile phone interaction
`[36]. At this stage it is too early to say what new
`sensors will be added to the next generation of
`smartphones, but as the cost and form factor
`come down and leading applications emerge, we
`are likely to see more sensors added.
`New classes of applications, which can take
`advantage of both the low-level sensor data and
`high-level events, context, and activities inferred
`from mobile phone sensor data, are being
`explored not only in academic and industrial
`research laboratories [11, 15–22] but also within
`startup companies and large corporations. One
`such example is SenseNetworks, a recent U.S.-
`based startup company, which uses millions of
`GPS estimates sourced from mobile phones
`within a city to predict, for instance, which sub-
`population or tribe might be interested in a spe-
`cific type of nightclub or bar (e.g., a jazz club).
`Remarkably, it has only taken a few years for
`this type of analysis of large-scale location infor-
`mation and mobility patterns to migrate from
`the research laboratory into commercial usage.
`In what follows we discuss a number of the
`emerging leading application domains and argue
`that the new application delivery channels (i.e.,
`app stores) offered by all the major vendors are
`critical for the success of these applications.
`Traffic remains a serious global problem; for
`example, congestion alone can severely impact
`both the environment and human productivity
`(e.g., wasted hours due to congestion). Mobile
`phone sensing systems such as the MIT VTrack
`project [4] or the Mobile Millennium project [5]
`(a joint initiative between Nokia, NAVTEQ, and
`the University of California at Berkeley) are
`being used to provide fine-grained traffic infor-
`mation on a large scale using mobile phones that
`facilitate services such as accurate travel time
`estimation for improving commute planning.
`Millions of people participate regularly within
`online social networks. The Dartmouth
`CenceMe project [2] is investigating the use of
`sensors in the phone to automatically classify
`events in people’s lives, called sensing presence,
`and selectively share this presence using online
`social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and
`MySpace, replacing manual actions people now
`perform daily.
`Conventional ways of measuring and reporting
`environmental pollution rely on aggregate statis-
`tics that apply to a community or an entire city.
`The University of California at Los Angeles
`(UCLA) PEIR project [3] uses sensors in phones
`to build a system that enables personalized envi-
`ronmental impact reports, which track how the
`actions of individuals affect both their exposure
`and their contribution to problems such as car-
`bon emissions.
`The information used for personal health care
`today largely comes from self-report surveys and
`infrequent doctor consultations. Sensor-enabled
`mobile phones have the potential to collect in
`situ continuous sensor data that can dramatically
`change the way health and wellness are assessed
`as well as how care and treatment are delivered.
`The UbiFit Garden [1], a joint project between
`Intel and the University of Washington, captures
`levels of physical activity and relates this infor-
`mation to personal health goals when presenting
`feedback to the user. These types of systems
`have proven to be effective in empowering peo-
`ple to curb poor behavior patterns and improve
`health, such as encouraging more exercise.
`Getting a critical mass of users is a common
`problem faced by people who build systems,
`developers and researchers alike. Fortunately,
`modern phones have an effective application dis-
`tribution channel, first made available by Apple’s
`App Store for the iPhone, that is revolutionizing
`this new field. Each major smartphone vendor
`has an app store (e.g., Apple AppStore, Android
`Market, Microsoft Mobile Marketplace, Nokia
`Ovi). The success of the app stores with the pub-
`lic has made it possible for not only startups but
`small research laboratories and even individual
`developers to quickly attract a very large number
`of users. For example, an early use of app store
`distribution by researchers in academia is the
`CenceMe application for iPhone [2], which was
`made available on the App Store when it opened
`in 2008. It is now feasible to distribute and run
`experiments with a large number of participants
`from all around the world rather than in labora-
`tory controlled conditions using a small user
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`study. For example, researchers interested in sta-
`tistical models that interpret human behavior
`from sensor data have long dreamed of ways to
`collect such large-scale real-world data. These
`app stores represent a game changer for these
`types of research. However, many challenges
`remain with this new approach to experimenta-
`tion via app stores. For example, what is the best
`way to collect ground-truth data to assess the
`accuracy of algorithms that interpret sensor
`data? How do we validate experiments? How do
`we select a good study group? How do we deal
`with the potentially massive amount of data
`made available? How do we protect the privacy
`of users? What is the impact on getting approval
`for human subject studies from university institu-
`tional review boards (IRBs)? How do
`researchers scale to run such large-scale studies?
`For example, researchers used to supporting
`small numbers of users (e.g., 50 users with
`mobile phones) now have to construct cloud ser-
`vices to potentially deal with 10,000 needy users.
`This is fine if you are a startup, but are academic
`research laboratories geared to deal with this?
`Future mobile phone sensing systems will oper-
`ate at multiple scales, enabling everything from
`personal sensing to global sensing as illustrated
`in Fig. 2 where we see personal, group, and com-
`munity sensing — three distinct scales at which
`mobile phone sensing is currently being studied
`by the research community. At the same time
`researchers are discussing how much the user
`(i.e., the person carrying the phone) should be
`actively involved during the sensing activity (e.g.,
`taking the phone out of the pocket to collect a
`sound sample or take a picture); that is, should
`the user actively participate, known as participa-
`tory sensing [15], or, alternatively, passively par-
`ticipate, known as opportunistic sensing [17]?
`Each of these sensing paradigms presents impor-
`tant trade-offs. In what follows we discuss differ-
`ent sensing scales and paradigms.
`Personal sensing applications are designed for a
`single individual, and are often focused on data
`collection and analysis. Typical scenarios include
`tracking the user’s exercise routines or automating
`diary collection. Typically, personal sensing appli-
`cations generate data for the sole consumption of
`the user and are not shared with others. An excep-
`tion is healthcare applications where limited shar-
`ing with medical professionals is common (e.g.,
`primary care giver or specialist). Figure 2 shows
`the UbitFit Garden [1] as an example of a person-
`al wellness application. This personal sensing
`application adopts persuasive technology ideas to
`encourage the user to reach her personal fitness
`goals using the metaphor of a garden blooming as
`the user progresses toward their goals.
`Individuals who participate in sensing appli-
`cations that share a common goal, concern, or
`interest collectively represent a group. These
`group sensing applications are likely to be popu-
`lar and reflect the growing interest in social net-
`works or connected groups (e.g., at work, in the
`neighborhood, friends) who may want to share
`Mobile computing cloud
`Big sensor data
`Inform, share and
`{l} Mij
`{l} Mij
`{l} Mij
`Figure 3. Mobile phone sensing architecture.
`sensing information freely or with privacy pro-
`tection. There is an element of trust in group
`sensing applications that simplify otherwise diffi-
`cult problems, such as attesting that the collect-
`ed sensor data is correct or reducing the degree
`to which aggregated data must protect the indi-
`vidual. Common use cases include assessing
`neighborhood safety, sensor-driven mobile social
`networks, and forms of citizen science. Figure 2
`shows GarbageWatch [23] as an example of a
`group sensing application where people partici-
`pate in a collective effort to improve recycling by
`capturing relevant information needed to
`improve the recycling program. For example,
`students use the phone’s camera to log the con-
`tent of recycling bins used across a campus.
`Most examples of community sensing only
`become useful once they have a large number of
`people participating; for example, tracking the
`spread of disease across a city, the migration
`patterns of birds, congestion patterns across city
`roads [5], or a noise map of a city [24]. These
`applications represent large-scale data collection,
`analysis, and sharing for the good of the commu-
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`Raw data
`Extracted features
`Classification inferences
`Figure 4. Raw audio data captured from mobile phones is transformed into
`features allowing learning algorithms to identify classes of behavior (e.g., driv-
`ing, in conservation, making coffee) occurring in a stream of sensor data, for
`example, by SoundSense [11].
`nity. To achieve scale implicitly requires the
`cooperation of strangers who will not trust each
`other. This increases the need for community
`sensing systems with strong privacy protection
`and low commitment levels from users. Figure 2
`shows carbon monoxide readings captured in
`Ghana using mobile sensors attached to taxicabs
`as part of the Participatory Urbanism project
`[20] as an example of a community sensing appli-
`cation. This project, in conjunction with the N-
`SMARTs project [13] at the University of
`California at Berkeley, is developing prototypes
`that allow similar sensor data to be collected
`with phone embedded sensors.
`The impact of scaling sensing applications
`from personal to population scale is unknown.
`Many issues related to information sharing, pri-
`vacy, data mining, and closing the loop by pro-
`viding useful feedback to an individual, group,
`community, and population remain open. Today,
`we only have limited experience in building scal-
`able sensing systems.
`One issue common to the different types of sens-
`ing scale is to what extent the user is actively
`involved in the sensing system [12]. We discuss
`two points in the design space: participatory sens-
`ing, where the user actively engages in the data
`collection activity (i.e., the user manually deter-
`mines how, when, what, and where to sample) and
`opportunistic sensing, where the data collection
`stage is fully automated with no user involvement.
`The benefit of opportunistic sensing is that it
`lowers the burden placed on the user, allowing
`overall participation by a population of users to
`remain high even if the application is not that
`personally appealing. This is particularly useful
`for community sensing, where per user benefit
`may be hard to quantify and only accrue over a
`long time. However, often these systems are
`technically difficult to build [25], and a major
`resource, people, are underutilized. One of the
`main challenges of using opportunistic sensing is
`the phone context problem; for example, the
`application wants to only take a sound sample
`for a city-wide noise map when the phone is out
`of the pocket or bag. These types of context
`issues can be solved by using the phone sensors;
`for example, the accelerometer or light sensors
`can determine if the phone is out of the pocket.
`Participatory sensing, which is gaining inter-
`est in the mobile phone sensing community,
`places a higher burden or cost on the user; for
`example, manually selecting data to collect (e.g.,
`lowest petrol prices) and then sampling it (e.g.,
`taking a picture). An advantage is that complex
`operations can be supported by leveraging the
`intelligence of the person in the loop who can
`solve the context problem in an efficient man-
`ner; that is, a person who wants to participate in
`collecting a noise or air quality map of their
`neighborhood simply takes the phone out of
`their bag to solve the context problem. One
`drawback of participatory sensing is that the
`quality of data is dependent on participant
`enthusiasm to reliably collect sensing data and
`the compatibility of a person’s mobility patterns
`to the intended goals of the application (e.g.,
`collect pollution samples around schools). Many
`of these challenges are actively being studied.
`For example, the PICK project [23] is studying
`models for systematically recruiting participants.
`Clearly, opportunistic and participatory rep-
`resent extreme points in the design space. Each
`approach has pros and cons. To date there is lit-
`tle experience in building large-scale participato-
`ry or opportunistic sensing applications to fully
`understand the trade-offs. There is a need to
`develop models to best understand the usability
`and performance issues of these schemes. In
`addition, it is likely that many applications will
`emerge that represent a hybrid of both these
`sensing paradigms.
`Mobile phone sensing is still in its infancy. There
`is little or no consensus on the sensing architec-
`ture for the phone and the cloud. For example,
`new tools and phone software will be needed to
`facilitate quick development and deployment of
`robust context classifiers for the leading phones
`on the market. Common methods for collecting
`and sharing data need to be developed. Mobile
`phones cannot be overloaded with continuous
`sensing commitments that undermine the perfor-
`mance of the phone (e.g., by depleting battery
`power). It is not clear what architectural compo-
`nents should run on the phone and what should
`run in the cloud. For example, some researchers
`propose that raw sensor data should not be
`pushed to the cloud because of privacy issues. In
`the following sections we propose a simple archi-
`tectural viewpoint for the mobile phone and the
`computing cloud as a means to discuss the major
`architectural issues that need to be addressed.
`We do not argue that this is the best system
`architecture. Rather, it presents a starting point
`for discussions we hope will eventually lead to a
`converging view and move the field forward.
`Figure 3 shows a mobile phone sensing archi-
`tecture that comprises the following building
`Individual mobile phones collect raw sensor data
`from sensors embedded in the phone.
`Information is extracted from the sensor data by
`applying machine learning and data mining tech-
`niques. These operations occur either directly on
`the phone, in the mobile cloud, or with some
`IEEE Communications Magazine • September 2010
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`Exhibit 2017 - Page 5
`Most of the
`smartphones on the
`market are open and
`programmable by
`third party
`developers and offer
`SDKs, APIs, and
`software tools. It is
`easy to cross-compile
`code and leverage
`existing software
`such as established
`machine learning
`LANE LAYOUT 8/24/10 10:43 AM Page 145
`partitioning between the phone and cloud.
`Where these components run could be governed
`by various architectural considerations, such as
`privacy, providing user real-time feedback,
`reducing communication cost between the phone
`and cloud, available computing resources, and
`sensor fusion requirements. We therefore con-
`sider where these components run to be an open
`issue that requires research.
`We bundle a number of important architectural
`components together because of commonality or
`coupling of the components. For example, a per-
`sonal sensing application will only inform the user,
`whereas a group or community sensing application
`may share an aggregate version of information
`with the broader population and obfuscate the
`identity of the users. Other considerations are how
`to best visualize sensor data for consumption of
`individuals, groups, and communities. Privacy is a
`very important consideration as well.
`While phones will naturally leverage the dis-
`tributed resources of the mobile cloud (e.g.,
`computation and services offered in the cloud),
`the computing, communications, and sensing
`resources on the phones are ever increasing. We
`believe that as resources of the phone rapidly
`expand, one of the main benefits of using the
`mobile computing cloud will be the ability to
`compute and mine big data from very large num-
`bers of users. The availability of large-scale data
`benefits mobile phone sensing in a variety of
`ways; for example, more accurate interpretation
`algorithms that are updated based on sensor
`data sourced from an entire user community.
`This data enables personalizing of sensing sys-
`tems based on the behavior of both the individu-
`al user and cliques of people with similar
`In the remainder of the article we present a
`detailed discussion of the three main architec-
`tural components introduced in this section:
`• Sense
`• Learn
`• Inform, share, and persuasion
`As we discussed, the integration of an ever
`expanding suite of embedded sensors is one of
`the key drivers of mobile phone applications.
`However, the programmability of the phones
`and the limitation of the operating systems that
`run on them, the dynamic environment present-
`ed by user mobility, and the need to support
`continuous sensing on mobile phones present a
`diverse set of challenges the research community
`needs to address.
`Until very recently only a handful of mobile
`phones could be programmed. Popular plat-
`forms such as Symbian-based phones presented
`researchers with sizable obstacles to building
`mobile sensing applications [2]. These platforms
`lacked well defined reliable interfaces to access
`low-level sensors and were not well suited to
`writing common data processing components,
`such as signal processing routines, or performing
`computationally costly inference due to the
`resource constraints of the phone. Early sensor-
`enabled phones (i.e., prior to the iPhone in
`2007) such as the Symbian-based Nokia N80
`included an accelerometer, but there were no
`open application programming interfaces (APIs)
`to access the sensor signals. This has changed
`significantly over the last few years. Note that
`phone vendors initially included accelerometers
`to help improve the user interface experience.
`Most of the smartphones on the market are
`open and programmable by third-party develop-
`ers, and offer software development kits (SDKs),
`APIs, and software tools. It is easy to cross-com-
`pile code and leverage existing software such as
`established machine learning libraries (e.g.,
`However, a number of challenges remain in
`the development of sensor-based applications.
`Most vendors did not anticipate that third par-
`ties would use continuous sensing to develop
`new applications. As a result, there is mixed API
`and operating system (OS) support to access the
`low-level sensors, fine-grained sensor control,
`and watchdog timers that are required to devel-
`op real-time applications. For example, on Nokia
`Symbian and Maemo phones the accelerometer
`returns samples to an application unpredictably
`between 25–38 Hz, depending on the CPU load.
`While this might not be an issue when using the
`accelerometer to drive the display, using statisti-
`cal models to interpret activity or context typi-
`cally requires high and at least consistent
`sampling rates.
`Lack of sensor control limits the management
`of energy consumption on the phone. For
`instance, the GPS uses a varying amount of
`power depending on factors such as the number
`of satellites available and atmospheric condi-
`tions. Currently, phones only offer a black box
`interface to the GPS to request location esti-
`mates. Finer-grained control is likely to help in
`preserving battery power and maintaining accu-
`racy; for example, location estimation could be
`aborted when accuracy is likely to be low, or if
`the estimate takes too long and is no longer use-
`As third parties demand better support for
`sensing applications, the API and OS support
`will improve. However, programmability of the
`phone remains a challenge moving forward. As
`more individual, group, and community-scale
`applications are developed there will be an
`increasing demand placed on phones, both indi-
`vidually and collectively. It is likely that abstrac-
`tions that can cope with persistent spatial queries
`and secure the use of resources from neighbor-
`ing phones will be needed. Phones may want to
`interact with other collocated phones to build
`new sensing paradigms based on collaborative
`sensing [12].
`Different vendors offer different APIs, mak-
`ing porting the same sensing application to mul-
`tivendor platforms challenging. It is useful for
`the research community to think about and pro-
`pose sensing abstractions and APIs that could be
`standardized and adopted by different mobile
`phone vendors.
`IEEE Communications Magazine • September 2010
`e.Digital Corporation