`~The Simon Law Firm, P.C.
`~ Attorneys and Counselors at Law
`Anthony G. Simon
`October I , 20 15
`Philip L. Kirkpatrick, Esq.
`Corporate Intellectual Property Counsel
`Crestron Electronics, Inc.
`15 Volvo Drive
`Rockleigh, NJ 07647
`RE: Crestron Electronics, Inc. v. Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Case No. IPR2015-01379
`I am in trial this week so I only had a few moments to quickly review your letter.
`Your letter states that "you make several statements regarding the 'wayback machine'
`(www.archivc.org) that are incomplete at best and appear to be misleading." Please identify the
`exact statements that you believe meet these criteria and why you think they are misleading.
`Also, please explain why you are sending to me the information in your letter and the
`additional affidavit.
`I should be able to review this information after my trial. I am copying Crestron's
`outside counsel in the litigation matter on this letter.
`Is/ Anthony G. Simon
`Anthony G. Simon
`cc: William Bergmann
`800 Market Streel, Suile 1700
`St. Louis, Missouri 63101
`Telephone 314.241.2929
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2003
`Page 1 of 1
`lntuilive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2003
`Crestron Electronics, Inc. v.
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Toll Free 877.767.3108
`Fo1simile 314.241.2029