`Jl ~5G1&7~~
`~ ~ ~ g)u (oJ? I <-IJ\
`lmun.t \H htH
`\t)( J l•un!"tun \, ~.·n u~o.·
`~~lllfJnO• (<I, (
`\ ?~Il l\
`I. 111111 the Office Munnger at the Internet Archive. locnted in Son Francisco.
`Cnlifomin. I make this declaration of rn~ O\\ n personal kno\\ ledge.
`2. The Internet Archive is a website thnt provld..:s access to a digltallibrur~· of
`lmcrnet sites and other cultural ani filets in digital tc:mn. Like a paper li brary. \\e provide
`free access to researchers, historians. scholars, and the gencrnl public. l'he lntcmet
`1\n.:hive hns partnered with nnd receives support from variou!> lnstitulions. incl uding the
`Librar) ot'Congrcss.
`3. The lntcmet Archive has created a service kilO\\ n as the Waybnck Machine. 'I he
`Way back Machine makes it possible to surf more than 400 billion page ston:d in the
`Internet Archive's wch archive. Visitors to the Wa\'bnck Much inc can search archi ves
`by URL (i.e., a website address). If nrchivcd reco;ds for a URL are avnilable, the visit{lr
`will be presented with a list of available dates. The visitor may select one of those
`dutcs, and then begin surflng on an nrchi ved version llf the Web. The links on the
`archived 11les, when served by the Wnyback Machine. point to other archived tiles
`(''hcther II rML pages or imnges). If a visitor click~ M a linl. on an an:hived pnge, the
`Wuyback Machi ne will serve the nrchived file with the closest nvnilnble date to the page
`upon which the link appeared and wus clicked.
`4. H1c nrchivcd data made viewable and browseuble by the Wayback Machine i
`compiled u~ing sof\wnre programs known as cmwlcrs. which surf the Web nnd
`automatically store copie of web Illes, preserving these file as they exist nt 1he poinl of
`time of carture.
`5. The Internet Archive a. signs a URL on its site to the archived tiles in the fonnat
`hup://web.archivc.org/wcb/[Year in yyyyJIMonth inmm]fDny in ddi!Time code in
`hh:mm:ss j/[1\rchivcd URLj. Thus, the Internet Archive URL
`http:/lwcb.nrchivc.org/web/19970 126045828/hup://\\ ww.nrchive.org/ would be the
`URL for the record of tho Internet 1\rchivu home pn~:~e IITM I tile
`(http://www.nrchlvc.org/ ) archiwd llll Janua~ 26. I 997 at ·1:58 a.m. and 28 seconds
`( 1997/01 126 at O-l :S8:28). A '' eb brO\Her mn~ be cl l!u~;h thnt a printout from it " ill
`display th~· lJR L uf n web page in the printout 's foot~·r. Tile dntc as igncd by the Internet
`Archive applies to the HTML file but not to image tiles l in~cd therein. Thus images that
`appear on 11 page mny not have been archived on the same date as the HTMI. fi le. The
`Likewise, if a website is designed with "frames." tlu: date assigned by the Internet
`Archive applies to the frame set as o \\hole. and not the individual po~cs \\ ithin each
`6. B) opening nn archived image.' tile(such ajpg or gif1ill!) in n nc" brO\\ Ser tab.
`one may vic\\ that Image file in isolntion. and obtain the URL as igned by the Internet
`Archi ve to that archi ved imngc file, complete with dmc and the image's original URL. in
`the fonnat described in parngraph 5.
`7. Attuched here10 as Exhibit A are true and ac~urntc l'lectronk copies of printouts
`of the I ntcrnet Archive's records of the HTI\ II. ource for the U R L and the dates
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
`Crestron Electronics, Inc. v.
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`IPR20 IS-01460
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
`Page 1 of78
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
`Page 2 of 78
`Exhibit A
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
`Page 3 of 78
`1 of 8
`1 <!doctype html public "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN//2.0">
`2 <html>
`3 <head>
`<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/analytics.js"></script>
`7 <script type="text/javascript">archive_analytics.values.server_name="wwwb-
`8 <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/banner-styles.css"/>
`11 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
`12 <meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Publisher 97">
`13 <title>Savoy Home Page</title>
`14 </head>
`15 <body bgcolor="#b2b2b2" link="#009966" vlink="#ff0000" text="#000080"
`19 <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/disclaim-element.js" ></script>
`20 <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/graph-calc.js" ></script>
`21 <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
`22 var __wm = (function(imgWidth,imgHeight,yearImgWidth,monthImgWidth){
`23 var wbPrefix = "/web/";
`24 var wbCurrentUrl = "http://www.savoysoft.com/index.html";
`26 var firstYear = 1996;
`27 var displayDay = "14";
`28 var displayMonth = "Nov";
`29 var displayYear = "1996";
`30 var prettyMonths =
`31 var $D=document,$=function(n){return document.getElementById(n)};
`32 var trackerVal,curYear = -1,curMonth = -1;
`33 var yearTracker,monthTracker;
`34 function showTrackers(val) {
`35 if (val===trackerVal) return;
`36 var $ipp=$("wm-ipp");
`37 var $y=$("displayYearEl"),$m=$("displayMonthEl"),$d=$("displayDayEl");
`38 if (val) {
`39 $ipp.className="hi";
`40 } else {
`41 $ipp.className="";
`42 $y.innerHTML=displayYear;$m.innerHTML=displayMonth;$d.innerHTML=displayDay;
`43 }
`44 yearTracker.style.display=val?"inline":"none";
`45 monthTracker.style.display=val?"inline":"none";
`46 trackerVal = val;
`47 }
`48 function trackMouseMove(event,element) {
`49 var eventX = getEventX(event);
`50 var elementX = getElementX(element);
`51 var xOff = Math.min(Math.max(0, eventX - elementX),imgWidth);
`52 var monthOff = xOff % yearImgWidth;
`54 var year = Math.floor(xOff / yearImgWidth);
`55 var monthOfYear = Math.min(11,Math.floor(monthOff / monthImgWidth));
`56 // 1 extra border pixel at the left edge of the year:
`57 var month = (year * 12) + monthOfYear;
`58 var day = monthOff % 2==1?15:1;
`59 var dateString = zeroPad(year + firstYear) + zeroPad(monthOfYear+1,2) +
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
`Page 4 of 78
`2 of 8
`60 zeroPad(day,2) + "000000";
`62 $("displayYearEl").innerHTML=year+firstYear;
`63 $("displayMonthEl").innerHTML=prettyMonths[monthOfYear];
`64 // looks too jarring when it changes..
`65 //$("displayDayEl").innerHTML=zeroPad(day,2);
`66 var url = wbPrefix + dateString + '/' + wbCurrentUrl;
`67 $("wm-graph-anchor").href=url;
`69 if(curYear != year) {
`70 var yrOff = year * yearImgWidth;
`71 yearTracker.style.left = yrOff + "px";
`72 curYear = year;
`73 }
`74 if(curMonth != month) {
`75 var mtOff = year + (month * monthImgWidth) + 1;
`76 monthTracker.style.left = mtOff + "px";
`77 curMonth = month;
`78 }
`79 }
`80 function hideToolbar() {
`81 $("wm-ipp").style.display="none";
`82 }
`83 function bootstrap() {
`84 var $spk=$("wm-ipp-sparkline");
`85 yearTracker=$D.createElement('div');
`86 yearTracker.className='yt';
`87 with(yearTracker.style){
`88 display='none';width=yearImgWidth+"px";height=imgHeight+"px";
`89 }
`90 monthTracker=$D.createElement('div');
`91 monthTracker.className='mt';
`92 with(monthTracker.style){
`93 display='none';width=monthImgWidth+"px";height=imgHeight+"px";
`94 }
`95 $spk.appendChild(yearTracker);
`96 $spk.appendChild(monthTracker);
`98 var $ipp=$("wm-ipp");
`99 $ipp&&disclaimElement($ipp);
`100 }
`101 return{st:showTrackers,mv:trackMouseMove,h:hideToolbar,bt:bootstrap};
`102 })(500, 27, 25, 2);//]]>
`103 </script>
`104 <style type="text/css">
`105 body {
`106 margin-top:0 !important;
`107 padding-top:0 !important;
`108 min-width:800px !important;
`109 }
`110 </style>
`111 <div id="wm-ipp" lang="en" style="display:none;">
`113 <div style="position:fixed;left:0;top:0;width:100%!important">
`114 <div id="wm-ipp-inside">
`<table style="width:100%;"><tbody><tr>
`<td id="wm-logo">
`<a href="/web/" title="Wayback Machine home page"><img src="/static/images
`/toolbar/wayback-toolbar-logo.png" alt="Wayback Machine" width="110" height="39"
`border="0" /></a>
`<td class="c">
`<table style="margin:0 auto;"><tbody><tr>
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
`Page 5 of 78
`3 of 8
`<td class="u" colspan="2">
`<form target="_top" method="get" action="/web/form-submit.jsp"
`name="wmtb" id="wmtb"><input type="text" name="url" id="wmtbURL"
`value="http://www.savoysoft.com/index.html" style="width:400px;"
`onfocus="this.focus();this.select();" /><input type="hidden" name="type"
`value="replay" /><input type="hidden" name="date" value="19961114125546"
`/><input type="submit" value="Go" /><span id="wm_tb_options"
`<td class="n" rowspan="2">
`<tr class="m">
`128 <td class="b" nowrap="nowrap">
` Oct
`<td class="c" id="displayMonthEl" title="You are here: 12:55:46 Nov 14,
`<td class="f" nowrap="nowrap">
` <a href="/web/19970215083919/http://www.savoysoft.com/index.html"
`title="15 Feb 1997"><strong>FEB</strong></a>
` </tr>
`<tr class="d">
`<td class="b" nowrap="nowrap">
`<img src="/static/images/toolbar/wm tb prv off.png"
`alt="Previous capture" width="14" height="16" border="0" />
`<td class="c" id="displayDayEl" style="width:34px;
`font-size:24px;" title="You are here: 12:55:46 Nov 14, 1996">14</td>
` <td class="f" nowrap="nowrap">
` <a href="/web/19970215083919/http://www.savoysoft.com/index.html"
`title="8:39:19 Feb 15, 1997"><img src="/static/images/toolbar/wm tb nxt on.png"
`alt="Next capture" width="14" height="16" border="0" /></a>
` </td>
`<tr class="y">
` <td class="b" nowrap="nowrap">
`158 1995
`<td class="c" id="displayYearEl" title="You are here: 12:55:46
`Nov 14, 1996">1996</td>
` <td class="f" nowrap="nowrap">
` <a href="/web/20050405033907/http://www.savoysoft.com/index.html"
`title="5 Apr 2005"><strong>2005</strong></a>
` </td>
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
`Page 6 of 78
`4 of 8
`<td class="s">
`<a class="t" href="/web/19961114125546*/http://www.savoysoft.com
`/index.html" title="See a list of every capture for this URL">23 captures</a>
`<div class="r" title="Timespan for captures of this URL">14 Nov 96 -
`22 Feb 15</div>
`<td class="k">
`<a href="" id="wm-graph-anchor">
`<div id="wm-ipp-sparkline" title="Explore captures for this URL">
` <img id="sparklineImgId" alt="sparklines"
` onmouseover="__wm.st(1)" onmouseout="__wm.st(0)"
` onmousemove="__wm.mv(event,this)"
` width="500"
` height="27"
` border="0"
` src="/web/jsp/graph.jsp?graphdata=500 27 1996:10:000000000010 1997:-
`1:010000000000 1998:-1:000000000000 1999:-1:000000000000 2000:-
`1:000000000000 2001:-1:000000000000 2002:-1:000000000000 2003:-
`1:000000000000 2004:-1:000000000000 2005:-1:000100010000 2006:-
`1:000001011100 2007:-1:100000000001 2008:-1:010111000000 2009:-
`1:000000000000 2010:-1:010000000010 2011:-1:100000000000 2012:-
`1:001002000000 2013:-1:000000000010 2014:-1:100000000000 2015:-1:010000000000" />
`<td class="r">
`<a href="#close" onclick="__wm.h();return false;" style="background-
`image:url(/static/images/toolbar/wm_tb_close.png);top:5px;" title="Close the
`<a href="http://faq.web.archive.org/" style="background-image:url(/static
`/images/toolbar/wm_tb_help.png);bottom:5px;" title="Get some help using the
`Wayback Machine">Help</a>
`196 </div>
`197 </div>
`198 </div>
`199 <script type="text/javascript">__wm.bt();</script>
`202 <a name=Page1></a>
`<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
`<td width=48 height=54></td>
`<td width=6></td>
`<td width=74></td>
`<td width=106></td>
`<td width=36></td>
`<td width=24></td>
`<td width=42></td>
`<td width=156></td>
`<td width=12></td>
`<td width=24></td>
`<td width=48></td>
`<td height=12></td>
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
`Page 7 of 78
`5 of 8
`<td width=74 height=73 colspan=1 rowspan=3 valign=top align=left>
`<img width=74 height=74 border=0 src="img0.gif">
`<td colspan=8></td>
`<td height=42></td>
`<td width=258 height=42 colspan=4 rowspan=1 valign=top align=left>
`<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
`<td width=4 height=4></td>
`<td width=250></td>
`<td width=4></td>
`<td height=34></td>
`<td width=250 height=34 valign=top align=left>
`242 <p align=left><font face="Times New Roman" size=6>Savoy Automation</p></font>
`<td height=4></td>
`<td colspan=2></td>
`<td colspan=3></td>
`<td height=19></td>
`<td colspan=8></td>
`<td height=5></td>
`<td colspan=10></td>
`<td height=6></td>
`<td colspan=6></td>
`<td width=168 height=84 colspan=2 rowspan=2 valign=top align=left>
`<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
`<td width=4 height=4></td>
`<td width=160></td>
`<td width=4></td>
`<td height=76></td>
`<td width=160 height=76 valign=top align=left>
`281 <p align=left><font face="Century Gothic" size=2>CyberHouse Winner of 1996 <a
`href="page4.html">Mark of Excellence Award</a></p></font>
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
`Page 8 of 78
`6 of 8
`<td height=4></td>
`<td colspan=2></td>
`<td colspan=2></td>
`<td height=78></td>
`<td width=222 height=504 colspan=4 rowspan=4 valign=top align=left>
`<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
`<td width=4 height=4></td>
`<td width=214></td>
`<td width=4></td>
`<td height=496></td>
`<td width=214 height=496 valign=top align=left>
`310 <p align=left><font face="Century Gothic" color=#000000
`size=4>CyberHouse</font><font face="Century Gothic" color=#000000 size=2> is a
`home automation and facility management system for your home/office, providing
`you with security, automation, monitoring and management of your environment.<br>
`311 Release 2.0 (<a href="page2.html">overview</a></font><font face="Century Gothic"
`color=#000000 size=2>) provides support for a large and growing collection of
`devices, including<br>
`312 </p><p align=left><ul>
`313 </font><font face="Century Gothic" size=2><li>X-10 series of power line modules;
`314 <li>Ademco 5800 wireless sensors;</li><br>
`315 <li>Ademco Vista50 security panel;</li><br>
`316 <li>Silent Knight security panel;</li><br>
`317 <li>Napco Gemini security panel;</li><br>
`318 <li>Electronic <a href="Email/index.html">mail </a></font><font face="Century
`Gothic" size=2>Messages;</li><br>
`319 <li>RCS & <a href="Statnet/index.html">Enerzone</a></font><font
`face="Century Gothic" size=2> Thermostats</li><br>
`320 <li>CEBus Dimmer switch (Q3);</ul>
`321 </p></font>
`<td height=4></td>
`<td colspan=2></td>
`<td colspan=2></td>
`<td colspan=2></td>
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
`Page 9 of 78
`7 of 8
`<td height=30></td>
`<td colspan=6></td>
`<td height=300></td>
`<td width=234 height=300 colspan=4 rowspan=1 valign=top align=left>
`<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
`<td width=4 height=4></td>
`<td width=226></td>
`<td width=4></td>
`<td height=292></td>
`<td width=226 height=292 valign=top align=left>
`356 <p align=left><ul>
`357 <font face="Century Gothic" size=2><li><a href="page5.html">Why You Need
`358 </a><li><a href="page8.html">An Intelligent Environment</a></font><font
`face="Century Gothic" size=2></li><br>
`359 <li><a href="Overview.htm">Overview</a></font><font face="Century Gothic"
`size=2> of CyberHouse</li><br>
`360 <li>The <a href="Detail.htm">Product in Detail</li><br>
`361 </a></font><font face="Century Gothic" size=2><li>Client <a
`href="Apps.htm">Applications</a></font><font face="Century Gothic" size=2>
`362 <li>User <a href="Extensions/index.html">Extensions </a></font><font
`face="Century Gothic" size=2>to CyberHouse </li><br>
`363 <li><a href="Download.htm">Download</a></font><font face="Century Gothic"
`size=2> a demo</li><br>
`364 <li><a href="Pricing.htm">Pricing</a></font><font face="Century Gothic" size=2>
`and Availability</li><br>
`365 <li><a href="Company.htm">About</a></font><font face="Century Gothic" size=2>
`Savoy </li><br>
`366 <li><a href="Feedback.htm">Comments</a></font><font face="Century Gothic"
`size=2> to Savoy</ul>
`367 </p></font>
`<td height=4></td>
`<td colspan=2></td>
`<td height=96></td>
`<td colspan=6></td>
`<td height=318></td>
`<td colspan=10></td>
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
`Page 10 of 78
`8 of 8
`392 </body>
`393 </html>
`400 <!--
`402 INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 18:01:20 Sep 30, 2015.
`406 SECTION 108(a)(3)).
`407 -->
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
`Page 11 of 78
`1 of 6
`<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/analytics.js"></script>
`9 <script type="text/javascript">archive_analytics.values.server_name="wwwb-
`10 <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/banner-styles.css"/>
`13 <title>Overview of CyberHouse</title>
`14 <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 1.1">
`15 </head>
`17 <body bgcolor="#80FFFF" text="#400000">
`21 <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/disclaim-element.js" ></script>
`22 <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/graph-calc.js" ></script>
`23 <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
`24 var __wm = (function(imgWidth,imgHeight,yearImgWidth,monthImgWidth){
`25 var wbPrefix = "/web/";
`26 var wbCurrentUrl = "http://www.savoysoft.com/Overview.htm";
`28 var firstYear = 1996;
`29 var displayDay = "14";
`30 var displayMonth = "Nov";
`31 var displayYear = "1996";
`32 var prettyMonths =
`33 var $D=document,$=function(n){return document.getElementById(n)};
`34 var trackerVal,curYear = -1,curMonth = -1;
`35 var yearTracker,monthTracker;
`36 function showTrackers(val) {
`37 if (val===trackerVal) return;
`38 var $ipp=$("wm-ipp");
`39 var $y=$("displayYearEl"),$m=$("displayMonthEl"),$d=$("displayDayEl");
`40 if (val) {
`41 $ipp.className="hi";
`42 } else {
`43 $ipp.className="";
`44 $y.innerHTML=displayYear;$m.innerHTML=displayMonth;$d.innerHTML=displayDay;
`45 }
`46 yearTracker.style.display=val?"inline":"none";
`47 monthTracker.style.display=val?"inline":"none";
`48 trackerVal = val;
`49 }
`50 function trackMouseMove(event,element) {
`51 var eventX = getEventX(event);
`52 var elementX = getElementX(element);
`53 var xOff = Math.min(Math.max(0, eventX - elementX),imgWidth);
`54 var monthOff = xOff % yearImgWidth;
`56 var year = Math.floor(xOff / yearImgWidth);
`57 var monthOfYear = Math.min(11,Math.floor(monthOff / monthImgWidth));
`58 // 1 extra border pixel at the left edge of the year:
`59 var month = (year * 12) + monthOfYear;
`60 var day = monthOff % 2==1?15:1;
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
`Page 12 of 78
`2 of 6
`61 var dateString = zeroPad(year + firstYear) + zeroPad(monthOfYear+1,2) +
`62 zeroPad(day,2) + "000000";
`64 $("displayYearEl").innerHTML=year+firstYear;
`65 $("displayMonthEl").innerHTML=prettyMonths[monthOfYear];
`66 // looks too jarring when it changes..
`67 //$("displayDayEl").innerHTML=zeroPad(day,2);
`68 var url = wbPrefix + dateString + '/' + wbCurrentUrl;
`69 $("wm-graph-anchor").href=url;
`71 if(curYear != year) {
`72 var yrOff = year * yearImgWidth;
`73 yearTracker.style.left = yrOff + "px";
`74 curYear = year;
`75 }
`76 if(curMonth != month) {
`77 var mtOff = year + (month * monthImgWidth) + 1;
`78 monthTracker.style.left = mtOff + "px";
`79 curMonth = month;
`80 }
`81 }
`82 function hideToolbar() {
`83 $("wm-ipp").style.display="none";
`84 }
`85 function bootstrap() {
`86 var $spk=$("wm-ipp-sparkline");
`87 yearTracker=$D.createElement('div');
`88 yearTracker.className='yt';
`89 with(yearTracker.style){
`90 display='none';width=yearImgWidth+"px";height=imgHeight+"px";
`91 }
`92 monthTracker=$D.createElement('div');
`93 monthTracker.className='mt';
`94 with(monthTracker.style){
`95 display='none';width=monthImgWidth+"px";height=imgHeight+"px";
`96 }
`97 $spk.appendChild(yearTracker);
`98 $spk.appendChild(monthTracker);
`100 var $ipp=$("wm-ipp");
`101 $ipp&&disclaimElement($ipp);
`102 }
`103 return{st:showTrackers,mv:trackMouseMove,h:hideToolbar,bt:bootstrap};
`104 })(500, 27, 25, 2);//]]>
`105 </script>
`106 <style type="text/css">
`107 body {
`108 margin-top:0 !important;
`109 padding-top:0 !important;
`110 min-width:800px !important;
`111 }
`112 </style>
`113 <div id="wm-ipp" lang="en" style="display:none;">
`115 <div style="position:fixed;left:0;top:0;width:100%!important">
`116 <div id="wm-ipp-inside">
`<table style="width:100%;"><tbody><tr>
`<td id="wm-logo">
`<a href="/web/" title="Wayback Machine home page"><img src="/static/images
`/toolbar/wayback-toolbar-logo.png" alt="Wayback Machine" width="110" height="39"
`border="0" /></a>
`<td class="c">
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
`Page 13 of 78
`3 of 6
`<table style="margin:0 auto;"><tbody><tr>
`<td class="u" colspan="2">
`<form target="_top" method="get" action="/web/form-submit.jsp"
`name="wmtb" id="wmtb"><input type="text" name="url" id="wmtbURL"
`value="http://www.savoysoft.com/Overview.htm" style="width:400px;"
`onfocus="this.focus();this.select();" /><input type="hidden" name="type"
`value="replay" /><input type="hidden" name="date" value="19961114124510"
`/><input type="submit" value="Go" /><span id="wm_tb_options"
`<td class="n" rowspan="2">
`<tr class="m">
`130 <td class="b" nowrap="nowrap">
` Oct
`<td class="c" id="displayMonthEl" title="You are here: 12:45:10 Nov 14,
`<td class="f" nowrap="nowrap">
` <a href="/web/19970215081736/http://www.savoysoft.com/Overview.htm"
`title="15 Feb 1997"><strong>FEB</strong></a>
` </tr>
`<tr class="d">
`<td class="b" nowrap="nowrap">
`<img src="/static/images/toolbar/wm tb prv off.png"
`alt="Previous capture" width="14" height="16" border="0" />
`<td class="c" id="displayDayEl" style="width:34px;
`font-size:24px;" title="You are here: 12:45:10 Nov 14, 1996">14</td>
` <td class="f" nowrap="nowrap">
` <a href="/web/19970215081736/http://www.savoysoft.com/Overview.htm"
`title="8:17:36 Feb 15, 1997"><img src="/static/images/toolbar/wm tb nxt on.png"
`alt="Next capture" width="14" height="16" border="0" /></a>
` </td>
`<tr class="y">
` <td class="b" nowrap="nowrap">
`160 1995
`<td class="c" id="displayYearEl" title="You are here: 12:45:10
`Nov 14, 1996">1996</td>
` <td class="f" nowrap="nowrap">
`166 1997
` </td>
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`<td class="s">
`<a class="t" href="/web/19961114124510*/http://www.savoysoft.com
`/Overview.htm" title="See a list of every capture for this URL">3 captures</a>
`<div class="r" title="Timespan for captures of this URL">14 Nov 96 -
`16 Apr 97</div>
`<td class="k">
`<a href="" id="wm-graph-anchor">
`<div id="wm-ipp-sparkline" title="Explore captures for this URL">
` <img id="sparklineImgId" alt="sparklines"
` onmouseover="__wm.st(1)" onmouseout="__wm.st(0)"
` onmousemove="__wm.mv(event,this)"
` width="500"
` height="27"
` border="0"
` src="/web/jsp/graph.jsp?graphdata=500 27 1996:10:000000000010 1997:-
`1:010100000000 1998:-1:000000000000 1999:-1:000000000000 2000:-
`1:000000000000 2001:-1:000000000000 2002:-1:000000000000 2003:-
`1:000000000000 2004:-1:000000000000 2005:-1:000000000000 2006:-
`1:000000000000 2007:-1:000000000000 2008:-1:000000000000 2009:-
`1:000000000000 2010:-1:000000000000 2011:-1:000000000000 2012:-
`1:000000000000 2013:-1:000000000000 2014:-1:000000000000 2015:-1:000000000000" />
`<td class="r">
`<a href="#close" onclick="__wm.h();return false;" style="background-
`image:url(/static/images/toolbar/wm_tb_close.png);top:5px;" title="Close the
`<a href="http://faq.web.archive.org/" style="background-image:url(/static
`/images/toolbar/wm_tb_help.png);bottom:5px;" title="Get some help using the
`Wayback Machine">Help</a>
`198 </div>
`199 </div>
`200 </div>
`201 <script type="text/javascript">__wm.bt();</script>
`204 <h3>Overview of CyberHouse</h3>
`205 <p>CyberHouse is a home automation and facility management application for
`Windows that integrates the world of information processing with your
`environment. By this we mean the use of mainstream
`206 Windows applications with access to Internet sites designed to automate and
`manage your home or office. As an illustration, consider the value of
`automatically using Internet-based weather forecasts to
`207 better manage your lawn sprinkler -- why sprinkle today if its going to rain
`208 <p>CyberHouse monitors a wide range of devices including the complete line of
`5800 series wireless alarm sensors from Ademco (for doors & windows, motion
`detectors, smoke detectors, hand held
`209 remotes), and then controls electrical equipment, appliances, lighting through a
`two-way X10 interface, providing security, automation, monitoring, management
`and analysis of one or more facilities. </p>
`210 <p>CyberHouse uses a sophisticated but easy-to-use rule builder to allow anyone
`to encode automation rules with simple, common sense, cause-effect logic. Users
`control their facility through graphical Layout
`211 windows, and analyze events through StripChart windows. CyberHouse can
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2002
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`5 of 6
`interconnect multiple facilities over networks and provide you with remote
`access when you’re away. With CyberHouse, you can
`212 control indoor and outdoor lighting according to time, events from other
`devices, Sunrise & Sunset calculations (derived from your Latitude /
`Longitude coordinates), control appliances, heating and A.C.,
`213 actuate alarms or chimes, respond to exterior motion detectors that surround
`your home, track activity throughout your home, automate many functions
`including garage doors, manage thermostats based on
`214 activity, and much more. The CyberHouse Viewer includes multiple windows of
`either spatial or temporal layouts.</p>
`215 <blockquote>
`216 <p><img src="Overvi1.jpg" align=bottom width=562 height=546></p>
`217 </blockquote>
`218 <p>In the Layout shown here, users view animated icons to show activity and can
`control the environment through simple point and click mouse actions. Multiple
`Layouts can display multiple facilities or different
`219 views of the same facility. Activity detected by sensors causes animations on
`the display, showing doors closing, people (cartooned) moving, cars driving, and
`many more — if we don’t have the animation
`220 you want, you can create your own. </p>
`221 <p>In the StripChart, all past events can be graphically displayed showing
`precisely what happened and when. The StripChart can also run ‘live’,
`charting events as they occur, listing devices in order of
`222 occurrence to allow rapid analysis of situations. </p>
`223 <p>State-of-Art software incorporating many advanced features including: </p>
`224 <ul>
`225 <li>True Client/Server architecture with the CyberHouse Manager running as a
`server (like the Print Manager) and the CyberHouse Viewer running as a client on
`any networked computer (including
`226 laptop over dialup phone line).</li>
`227 <li>Graphical layouts residing on OLE2.0 client windows, permitting you to
`include any object supported by Microsoft's OLE2.0 servers, such as
`architectural drawing packages, Microsoft Draw and
`228 Paint, Audio and Video sequences, and many more.</li>
`229 <li>Sophisticated animation’s to show activity on the graphical layouts.
`These animations are set up by the user and can include your own animations with
`the help of a sim