`Philip L. Kirkpatrick, Esq., PE
`Corporate Intellectual Property counsel
`Crestron Electronics, Inc.
`201 150.7004 ext. 12338
`Anthony G. Simon
`The Simon Law Firm P.C.
`800 Market Street
`Suite 1700
`St. Louis, MO 6310]
`via e-.-mill: asimon@sirnonlaww.com;
`September 30, 2015
`Nicholas Wilson
`Wi-LAN Inc.
`303 Terry Fox Drive
`Suite 300
`Ottawa, ON K2K 3J1 Canada
`Re: Crestron Electronics, Inc. v. Intzririve Bltlldlllg Controls, Inc. -- Case No. 1PR20I5-01379
`Dear Sirs:
`As you know, Crestron Electronics, Inc. has filed an inter Partes Review with the United States
`Patent Office that challenges the validity of all claims of US Patent No. 5,945,993 (the ‘993 patent).
`in your recent filing, “Patent 0wner’s Preliminary Response" (Paper No. 15), you make several
`statements regarding the “wayback machine” twww.archivg.org) that are incomplete at best and appear to be
`misleading. Your own Exhibit 2001 demonstrates that you have actually accessed “page2.html” on a
`computer using a web browser program, such as Microsoft Explorer.
`http://web.archive.org[webl 19961 1 141255 l2/hfip://www.savoysofi.com/page2rhtrnl
`it is obvious that you were able to view and download the source for this page by using a “view
`source command”, such as that illustrated below at Figure 1, for Microsoft Explorer:
`left mouse click on the “Vlew" tab of the toolbar, followed by
`left mouse click on "Source” menu item
`It isn't clear why you were not able view the properties for the graphic image “imgl.git” shown on
`this page by an equal simple method, such as that illustrated below at Figure 2, for Microsofi Explorer:
`right mouse click over Image, followed by
`left mouse click on “Proportles" menu Item
`When you view the properties for “img1.git”, it becomes readily apparent that this file was archived,
`using The Internet Archive typical archival format http://web.archive.org/web/[Year in yyyy][Month in
`m1n][Day in dd][Tirne code in hh:mm:ss]/[Archived URL]. (See Figures 3 and 4, below.)
`Accordingly, the “ilngl.gif” was archived on November 14, I996 (at 12:55, 12 seconds), just as
`Crestron represented to the USPTO Patent Trial and Appeal Board when describing Exhibit 1009.
`(E) 201.767.1903
`® 201.767.3400
`Crestron Etectronlcs, Inc. 15 Volvo Drive. Flockleigh, New Jersey 07647
`New York
`Las Vegas
`Los Angeles
`San Francisco
`Mexico Olly
`Sec Paulo
`lnluilive Building Controls. Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2001
`Page 1 of 5
`New Delhi
`Hong Kong
`__.O '_("i_)_(__ Savoy t-lam
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`7. h as standard security panets.
`V, we .
`thermostats. lR devices. and lighting. Plus Cyberi-louse integrates PC based
`applications such as electronic mail. fax. telephony. and paging. We refer
`to this hybrid combination of home automation and PC applications as the
`HouseHold Web. A variety of communication techniques can be used to-
`gether to build your HotnaH0|d web. these include X-lo. Radio Frequency
`[RF]. ceaus. Lonworks. Ethemel. Token Ring. and dtl€¢t connecliore to the
`PC’: serial ports.
`wllmm nselntnttmmtnnllttmttn It|reIrtIl|r\mmI.Il|I-eIIwI-
`In the past. the only way to achieve whole house automation required high
`end. closed. proprietary systems costing many thousands of doHar!. Cyber-
`House's base -price is sI99. Software add-ore to support specific subsystems
`such as security panels and thermostats ore undertloo each. An off-|he-
`shetf security panel is typicalty less than $200. Asuitable thermostat is be»
`tween $200 and $330.
`lntuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2001
`Page 2 of 5
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`CybeiHome"" is or unique Windows based software product that combines
`the processing and networking capability of the personal computer. with
`off-the-shelf home automation products to deliver on easy-toinstall. oper-
`ate. and maintain whole house qulomqlion solution.
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`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2001
`Page 3 of 5
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`gather to build_ your Houeefloldweb. These‘ include «X- I,o.- Radio Frequency
`(RH. cE'Iur. Lonworks, Ethemei. token Ring. and direct connection to the
`PC‘: aeriai ports.
`hrlurllln Iml IIIIIIIII ml: Illli Imtm ul|u|rlot|rv.rIml.tI|I-all m-
`In the past. the anyway to "achieve whole "house automation required high
`end. closed. proprielary rysterns costing many thousands of dollars. Cyber-
`Hou:e's-bose price is $I99. software add-om Io Iupporl specific rubhyulonu
`such as security panels and thermostats are undersloo each. An ofl‘-the-
`shelf security panel is typicaliy less than $200. A suitable lhem-rostai is be-
`men 5200 and 5300.
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2001
`Page 4 of 5
`U Il'(Hl\i’C.0l'9
`0IIarHmo"* ltolaou 2
`Iilcrlolnhllllnolmi uhnrulurlolllutuatlol
`CyberHouu"“ n a unique Windows based software product that combines
`the processing and networking capability of the personal compulol. with
`oft-the-shol home automation products to deliver on cosy-lo-irulull. opu-
`oto. and maintain whole house auto:-notion solution.
`lincrluu Iunnlthitm tllurdn II-It-uhttlilullmum Illllllut
`cybort-touu‘i open, extensible architecture allows you to use incxptmtva.
`ott-the-uhclsubmtorm and components such on standard security ponoti.
`thermostats. R d-IVICII. and lighting. Plus cybomouu inllgrolu PC baud
`applications Iuch an electronic mail. fax. telephony. and paging. We refer
`to this hybrid combination ol home automation and PC applications on the
`Houieflold Web. A variety of communication loehniquu can be used to-
`gether to build your Houul-told mb. than include mo. Radio Frequency
`[RF]. CEIUI. Lonwoth. Elhomol. Token Ring. and direct conmctioru lo lhl
`PC‘! and ports.
`Marius! hul ntfllm mt: cu! tmlulllrvlrtntm. Ihul.Iltl—IIIm—
`In the pat. the only way to achieve whoto house automation toquired high
`end. cloud. proprietary mtorm costing rncmy thousands of dotlm. O,-bar
`Houu'| base price it $199. Soltwuro odd-om to support Ipeclie subsystem
`such on ucurity panels and therrnoatah are undersloo each. An off-ltw
`Ihclf ucunly panel I typically loss than $200. Awitable lhorrnoutol "I be-
`lwun $2120 and 5300.
`Figure 4
`However, in order to alleviate any concerns that you may have regarding our Exhibit 1009, we have
`attached herewith, an additional affidavit attesting to the archival dates for all HTML source and image files
`associated with Exhibit 1009.
`Sincerely Yours,
`M, /A/4%‘/Z
`Philip L. Kirkpatrick, Esq.
`Cc: Anne Baretz — Crestron General Counsel
`I Affidavit of Christopher Butler, Oflice Manager of Internet Archive (30 Sep 2015)
`Intuitive Building Controls, Inc.
`Exhibit No. 2001
`Page 5 of 5