`(19) United States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,012,503 B2
`Mar. 14, 2006
`References Cited
`(75) Inventor; Ernst Lykke Nielsen, Kgjge (DK)
`(73) Asslgnee' Bordlng Data A/S’ Glostrup (DK)
`6/1987 Genest ..................... .. 235/487
`4,677,284 A *
`5/1989 Clark et a1. .......... .. 340/825.31
`4,829,296 A
`5/1990 Stapley et a1. .............. .. 70/277
`4,926,665 A
`3/1995 Saliga ......... ..
`5,397,884 A
`5,473,318 A * 12/1995 Martel . . . . . . .
`. . . . .. 340/5.23
`5,668,876 A *
`9/1997 Falk et a1. ................ .. 380/271
`(*) Notlce-
`5,905,446 A
`5,909,199 A *
`5/1999 Benore et a1. ....... .. 340/825.34
`6/1999 Borgstahl a a1. .... .. 340/825.22
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 270 days.
`(21) Appl. N0.:
`(22) PCT Filed:
`Nov. 30, 2000
`196 44 237
`(86) PCT N0.:
`(§2)37(14)(C]))(a1t)e’_ Ma 21 2002
`Primary Examiner—Michael Horabik
`Assistant Examiner—Nam Nguyen
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Jacobson Holman PLLC
`(87) PCT Pub. N0.: WO01/40605
`PCT Pub. Date: Jun. 7, 2001
`D t
`P bl
`nor u lea Ion a a
`US 2002/0180582 A1
`D60 5, 2002
`Forelgn Apphcatlon Prlorlty Data
`Nov. 30 1999 (DK) ............................. .. 1999 01714
`(51) Int (1
`G05B 19/00
`G061: 7/00
`G08B 29/00
`H04B 1/00
`(52) US. Cl. ................... .. 340/5.6; 340/561; 340/564;
`340/5 6
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search
`340/561, 5.62, 5.64, 5.65, 5.66, 5.7, 5.23,
`340/5.1; 70/63, 168, 277; 109/59, 64; 455/557
`See application ?le for complete search history.
`An ef?cient method and a system for controlling access to a
`location secured by a lock mechanism controlled by a lock
`control unit, Which may provide a high degree of ?exibility
`and a high level of security. The method includes the steps
`of storing a ?rst access code in the lock control unit, the ?rst
`access Code being indicative of a predetermined access right
`to the location, and storing a plurality of access codes
`including a second access code in an electronic key device.
`Using the electronic key device, access to the location is
`requested by initiating transmission of the second access
`code to the lock control unit Where the transmitted second
`access code is compared With the ?rst access code and, if the
`?rst a‘fcess Code Corresponds_ to 1h? §8C0nd access C0de>
`operation of the lock mechamsm is initiated. The user can
`edit and rearrange the plurality of access codes to obtain
`access to a plurality of locations.
`38 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets
`access code
`lock control
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 1
`US 7,012,503 B2
`Page 2
`340/5 61
`8/1999 Chin
`5 942 985 A *
`5,964,877 A * 10/1999 Victor et a1. .............. .. 713/202
`6,038,666 A *
`3/2000 Hsu et a1. ................. .. 713/186
`6,097,306 A
`8/2000 Leon et a1.
`6,359,547 B1 *
`3/2002 Denlson et a1. .......... .. 340/5.73
`6,484,260 B1
`11/2002 Scott et a1. ............... .. 713/186
`0 410 024
`0 810 559
`2 738 436
`197 48 054
`* cited by examiner
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 2
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 14, 2006
`Sheet 1 0f 14
`US 7,012,503 B2
`lock at
`FIG. 1b
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 3
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 14, 2006
`Sheet 2 0f 14
`US 7,012,503 B2
`FIG. 2C]
`227 226 /
`000 0
`224 223
`lock control /
`221 \
`231 / mechanism
`m a a m
`s w a way n s
`at am
`1 2
`FIG. 2b
`m n r
`mu 2\0 m
`mm m m 2
`/ %\ loi m
`.m m
`n MM /
`6 2
`M oooo 0W 2 m m 0000 m mm km
`0000 m m." m a
`02mm Lm
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 4
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 14, 2006
`Sheet 3 0f 14
`US 7,012,503 B2
`FIG. 2c
`2 2 5
`cOmmunication O
`0000 0000 0000
`access code
`21 1
`222 \
`221 \\ CPU
`lock control
`2 2 3
`23 1
`FIG. 4
`41 1
`validity daily access Number of
`401 \ Access Lock control Key device Administrator Type of access Access 402 ____ \ ------------------------- __ \ 404 ------------------------- _. \
`code ID
`unit ID
`----------------------- "
`\405 " ~_
`\ T
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 5
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 14, 2006
`Sheet 4 0f 14
`US 7,012,503 B2
`FIG. 3
`access right owner
`access right grantee
`enerate access
`' / 384
`store access right
`v / 385
`transfer access
`code to lock control
`v / 386
`transfer access
`code to ke device
`/ 389
`'09 atFcess da'ta and ‘
`deliver services
`‘y / 38 1
`define access rights
`v /
`administration of
`access codes
`/ 387
`receive access
`Code on key
`l L
`access location
`~ receive services
`stop )
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 6
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 14, 2006
`Sheet 5 0f 14
`US 7,012,503 B2
`FIG. 50
`Electronic Key Device
`\ Look No. 175
`/_ 501
`Unit \
`\— 505
`31M \
`ROM ff" T‘
`5070 \507b
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 7
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 14, 2006
`Sheet 6 0f 14
`US 7,012,503 B2
`FIG. 5b
`Electronic. Key Device
`Lock No. 175
`\- 505
`Memory \
`ROM \xd
`—- 508
`506 _/ 5070
`\ \ \— 507
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 8
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 14, 2006
`Sheet 7 0f 14
`US 7,012,503 B2
`FIG. 60
`key device
`/ 621
`lock control unit
`(enter accessj
`v / 695
`(enter access;
`enter access codes
`enter access codes
`/ 696
`store access codes
`( access control )
`‘y /688
`transfer access code
`to object
`store log data :
`/ 699
`store access codes
`stop )
`verify access
`is /690
`operate lock
`: store log data
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 9
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 14, 2006
`Sheet 8 0f 14
`US 7,012,503 B2
`FIG. 6b
`61 1
`key devlce
`access code
`management system
`lock control umt
`access code
`receive and store
`access code
`transfer access code
`to lock control unit
`/ 684
`transfer access code _> receive and store
`to key devlce
`access code
`( access control )
`v /
`transfer access code
`to object
`_ verify access
`store log data ‘
`operate lock
`send log data
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 10
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 14, 2006
`Sheet 9 0f 14
`US 7,012,503 B2
`key device
`access code
`management system
`lock control unit
`contact access code
`management system
`identify user device
`select access code
`display available
`access codes
`/ 675
`/ 676
`activate access code
`contact lock control
`contact key
`/ 688
`transfer access code i
`to lock control unit
`verify access
`operate lock
`store log data 1
`send log data
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 11
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 14, 2006
`Sheet 10 0f 14
`US 7,012,503 B2
`FIG. 7 b
`access code
`71 1
`access code
`key device
`re uest
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 12
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 14, 2006
`Sheet 11 0f 14
`US 7,012,503 B2
`key device
`FIG. 7d
`key device
`access code
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 13
`Sheet 12 0f 14
`US 7,012,503 B2
`s“ ‘8
`a \
`n “a Illlllllll\\\\\\ w and 00x
`P ~.\\\, ?u
`t -\ III \\\
`Q0 06
`m J 88 338 . M a/ ‘R
`rill \\\
`'4 \\
`W l
`2 _LI
`6 G
`key device
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 14
`US. Patent
`Mar. 14, 2006
`Sheet 13 0f 14
`US 7,012,503 132
` ..:o_mm_Emcm:m38wwmoommmmuoo888mMm_.m239:mm2288m528%?mm$339mmuoo383mmmuoo388mNB7wm.92.m:mm.32.2‘.mmuou38anmmmuoommwuomFumma--.2:85.“EmmKm5%.m\_.35m38mmwoom._/Emmmowmuoummmoom
` unmm£30.:239:m2mmcanoemo.M6:50x02mmm/mmmmm¢owmmmm.th23—009.mfiwmmm5238..
`-----—-- -----—--~-----.-—-----—------------__—---_-_----------———l
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 15
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 15
`US. Patent
`Mar. 14, 2006
`Sheet 14 0f 14
`US 7,012,503 132
`_———-- ------—------------------—— ----—————----—-------- -q—n-n-l
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 16
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 16
`US 7,012,503 B2
`This is a nationalization of PCT/DK00/00655 ?led Nov.
`30, 2000 and published in English.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The invention relates to a method of controlling access to
`a location, Where access to the location is restricted by a lock
`mechanism. Further the invention relates to an access con
`trol system Which alloWs suppliers of goods or services to
`access a location, Which Would otherWise prevent delivery
`of the goods or the services. Further the invention relates to
`an electronic key device, a lock control unit and a computer
`system for use in such a system, a storage module for use in
`such an electronic key device, and a method of managing a
`predetermined access right to a location.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Particularly in blocks of ?ats or companies it is common
`that a number of outer or front doors or intermediate doors
`must be passed before getting to a point of service, such as
`an apartment door, a mailbox, a service station or a meter for
`appliances, an area to be cleaned, etc. For example in case
`of delivery of neWspapers, the delivery man often has to gain
`access to a stairWay in order to be able to deliver the
`neWspapers at the locked private doors or put them into the
`letter boxes. It frequently causes great difficulties to the
`delivery men to ?nd the correct keys in a large bundle of
`keys, and the locks are frequently exchanged Without the
`delivery company being informed of this. For reasons of
`security it is also more and more common to lock doors or
`gates to backyards, residential areas or company properties,
`Where for example refuse containers may be placed, so that
`the refuse collection ?rms have a problem quite similar to
`the ?rms Which deliver neWspapers. It Will be appreciated
`that similar problems are faced by:
`cleaning companies
`emergency physicians
`home help and other care Workers
`and others.
`Some of the above service providers require access on a
`daily basis, such as postmen, some may require access at
`certain time periods, such as on certain Weekdays or at
`certain times of the day, for example a neWspaper delivery
`man may require access betWeen 6 am. and 9 am. Further
`more, different services/deliveries may require different
`access rights, for example ?remen, security companies or
`police may require access to all facilities, While a mailman
`only requires access to a mailbox.
`International patent application WO 93/14571 discloses a
`secure entry system utilising a cellular telephone as an
`electronic key device. In this prior art system a user operates
`the cellular telephone to transmit RF signals to a lock,
`alloWing a user to operate the buttons on the telephone as he
`Would buttons on a key card to gain access to the secured
`area. The lock checks Whether the user identi?ed by the
`button operations is on a list of authorised users maintained
`in the lock memory.
`storing a ?rst access code in the ?rst storage means, the
`?rst access code being indicative of a predetermined access
`right to the location;
`storing a second access code in a second storage means;
`using an electronic key device for requesting access to the
`location by initiating transmitting the second access code
`from the second storage means to the lock control unit;
`comparing the transmitted second access code With the
`?rst access code stored in the ?rst storage means; and
`if the ?rst access code corresponds to the second access
`code, initiating operating the lock mechanism.
`Consequently, it is an advantage of the invention that a
`plurality of different access codes to different buildings may
`be stored and related to one or more electronic key devices,
`providing a ?exible Way of customising an access right
`pro?le for each electronic key device.
`It is another advantage of the invention that each lock
`control unit may be provided With a speci?c set of valid
`access codes for that particular lock control unit. Therefore,
`a high degree of advanced functionality may be imple
`mented by the method according to the invention, such as
`different security levels for a given building, self-destructive
`access codes, conditioned access codes, access codes for
`limited periods of times, etc.
`It is a further advantage of the invention that the access
`right pro?le of individual electronic key devices and lock
`control units may be changed on short notice or in regular or
`random time intervals in order to increase the security of the
`access control.
`Hence, it is a problem of the above prior art system that
`it requires a manual entering of some sort of user identi?
`cation code alloWing the lock to check Whether the identi?ed
`user is on the list of authorised users. HoWever, a manual
`entering of such a code is a lengthy process, in particular if
`the code is suf?ciently long in order to provide suf?cient
`security. The entering of the code requires some time and, in
`particular, in case of erroneous entering of a code, access
`may be denied requiring a repetition of the manual entering.
`Thus an object of the invention is to provide an ef?cient
`method and a system for controlling access to a location
`secured by a lock mechanism controlled by a lock control
`unit, Which may provide a high degree of ?exibility and a
`high level of security.
`This is achieved When a method of controlling access to
`a location secured by a lock mechanism controlled by a lock
`control unit including ?rst storage means comprising the
`steps of
`storing a ?rst access code in the ?rst storage means, the
`?rst access code being indicative of a predetermined access
`right to the location;
`storing a second access code in a second storage means of
`an electronic key device;
`using the electronic key device for requesting access to
`the location by transmitting the second access code from the
`electronic key device to the lock control unit;
`comparing the transmitted second access code With the
`?rst access code stored in the ?rst storage means; and
`if the ?rst access code corresponds to the second access
`code, initiating operating the lock mechanism is character
`ised in that
`the method further comprises the step of storing a plu
`rality of access codes for a plurality of respective locations
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 17
`US 7,012,503 B2
`in the second storage means, enabling a user to initiate
`transmitting a selected one of the stored access codes to the
`lock control unit.
`Consequently, it is an advantage of the invention that a
`plurality of different access codes to different buildings may
`be stored and related to one or more electronic key devices,
`providing a ?exible Way of customising an access right
`pro?le for each electronic key device.
`It is another advantage of the invention that each lock
`control unit may be provided With a speci?c set of valid
`access codes for that particular lock control unit. Therefore,
`a high degree of advanced functionality may be imple
`mented by the method according to the invention, such as
`different security levels for a given building, self-destructive
`access codes, conditioned access codes, access codes for
`limited periods of times, etc.
`It is a further advantage of the invention that the access
`right pro?le of individual electronic key devices and lock
`control units may be changed on short notice or in regular or
`random time intervals in order to increase the security of the
`access control.
`A location according to the invention may be a physical
`location, such as a building, an area, or some other residen
`tial, industrial, commercial or of?ce facility, Where access to
`the location is controlled by a lock mechanism, such as a
`physical lock at a door, a WindoW, a gate or the like. Access
`to the location may be controlled at a single point of entry
`or at a plurality of access points. Furthermore, a location
`may also be a part of a building, area, etc., and, according
`to the invention, access to different parts of a location may
`be controlled individually, such as at an outer gate, a front
`door, Within an elevator granting access at all or selected
`?oors, at doors to individual apartments, of?ces, sections,
`rooms, storage facilities, such as draWers, safes, etc. The
`location may be stationary, such as a building, or mobile
`such as a vehicle, a container, a ship, or the like.
`Furthermore, the location may also be an installation,
`such as a control unit of industrial facility, an electric meter,
`a computer system or the like, Where access to the location
`is controlled by a lock mechanism, such as a physical lock
`at a control box, or an electronic lock, such as a hardWare
`lock of a computer. The term access to a location may also
`comprise user access to a computer or computer program
`Where access is controlled by a softWare lock mechanism
`restricting access to a softWare application, to stored data,
`communications facilities, or the like.
`An access right according to the invention may be the
`right to interact With a location. Examples of access rights
`include the right to enter a building, an area, a facility, etc.,
`the right to operate a machine, a device, a vehicle, a
`computer, etc., the right to open or close a door, a WindoW,
`a container, a box, etc., and the right to receive or deliver
`goods, data information, etc., as long as the access right can
`be controlled by a lock mechanism.
`An access right may have certain attributes specifying
`properties of the access right. Examples of such properties
`include one or more validity periods, a security level, an
`identi?cation of related lock control units and/or electronic
`key devices, a passWord, a number of times the access right
`is valid, or any other attribute specifying a property of the
`access right.
`When the electronic key device is a mobile communica
`tions device, the method may be implemented With standard
`devices, Which may be used for regular communications
`When the electronic key device comprises the second
`storage means, the transmission of the second access code to
`the lock control unit may be based upon a short range, fast
`communications channel.
`Consequently, in a preferred embodiment the method
`further comprises the step of transmitting the second access
`code from the electronic key device to the lock control unit.
`It is an advantage of this embodiment that the direct com
`munication is fast and does not need to involve an additional
`communications netWork provider.
`When the step of transmitting the second access code
`from the second storage means to the lock control unit
`comprises the step of transmitting the access code via
`Wireless data communication, a fast and convenient inter
`face betWeen the electronic key device and the lock control
`unit may be provided Without the need of physical contact.
`In a preferred embodiment of the invention the Wireless
`data communication utilises infrared data communication. It
`is an advantage of this embodiment that the communication
`may be based upon reliable standard components Which are
`available as part of many devices, such as mobile phones,
`personal digital assistants, or the like.
`When the second storage means is a removable storage
`module adapted to be removably inserted into the electronic
`key device, a standard device may be easily adapted for the
`use according to the invention and access codes may be
`transferred to the electronic key device by insertion of a
`suitable storage module.
`When the method further comprises the step of transmit
`ting, via a communications netWork, at least one access code
`from an access code management system to a selected one
`of the electronic key device and the lock control unit, access
`codes may be generated and maintained at a central com
`puter system and transmitted to the electronic key device or
`the lock control unit. It is an advantage of the invention that
`an access code may be transmitted to a plurality of electronic
`key devices and lock control units substantially simulta
`neously. Hence, a synchronisation betWeen lock control
`units and electronic key devices may be ensured at all times.
`When the method further comprises the steps of sending
`a request from the electronic key device to an access code
`management system comprising the second storage means;
`and transmitting the second access code from the access
`code management system to a selected one of the electronic
`key device and the lock control unit, the access codes do not
`need to be stored in the electronic key device and storage
`space in the electronic key device may be saved. It is another
`advantage of the invention that the use of access codes may
`be supervised and tracked by a central access code manage
`ment system.
`When the method further comprises the step of storing a
`plurality of access codes for a plurality of respective loca
`tions in the second storage means, one electronic key device
`may be used for a plurality of locations Without reducing the
`level of security.
`When the method further comprises the step of storing a
`plurality of valid access codes corresponding to a plurality
`of respective access rights in the ?rst storage means, differ
`ent types of access rights may be provided via the same lock
`control unit. This may include different security levels or
`different types of interaction or access at the location.
`When the method further comprises the step of storing in
`a third storage means information about attempts to access
`the location, a high degree of visibility about the use of the
`access codes may be provided as Well as the basis for
`additional services.
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 18
`US 7,012,503 B2
`When the access right comprises a ?rst attribute specify
`ing a property of the predetermined access right, and
`Wherein the ?rst access code comprises information about
`the ?rst attribute, access codes With additional functionality,
`such as self-destructive access codes, etc., may be generated.
`In a preferred embodiment of the invention the predeter
`mined access right has a validity period and the ?rst access
`code comprises information about the validity period.
`When the method further comprises the step of invalidat
`ing the ?rst access code, an access code may be replaced by
`a neW access code, for eXample in cases of misuse or loss of
`an electronic key device.
`As mentioned above the invention further relates to an
`access control system for controlling access to a location
`being secured by a lock mechanism, the access control
`system comprising
`an electronic key device including ?rst transmitting
`means adapted to transmit a ?rst control signal indica
`tive of a request for granting a predetermined access
`right; and
`a lock control unit including ?rst receiving means adapted
`to receive said ?rst control signal from the electronic key
`device, ?rst processing means adapted to perform a veri?
`cation of the received request, and control means adapted to
`initiate operating the lock mechanism depending on the
`result of the veri?cation;
`the system being characterised in that
`the electronic key device further comprises ?rst storage
`means adapted to store a plurality of access codes identify
`ing a plurality of predetermined access rights, enabling a
`user to initiate transmitting a selected one of the stored
`access codes to the lock control unit.
`As the above system and its preferred embodiments
`correspond to the method and its preferred embodiments
`described above and in the folloWing, and since it comprises
`corresponding advantages, not all of these advantages Will
`be described again.
`When the electronic key device further comprises ?rst
`input means for receiving data items identifying predeter
`mined access rights, a plurality of access codes for a
`plurality of locations or access rights may be input, edited,
`rearranged, or the like.
`When the electronic key device further comprises second
`input means for receiving data items input by a user, the data
`items identifying predetermined access rights, access codes
`may be input by the user.
`When the electronic key device further comprises third
`input means adapted to receive input from a user indicating
`a selection of a ?rst one of the plurality of access rights
`stored in the ?rst storage means; and display means for
`displaying information about at least one of the plurality of
`access rights stored in the ?rst storage means, a user
`interface is provided to the user for selecting a desired access
`right from a plurality of stored access rights.
`When the data items stored in the ?rst storage means
`comprise access codes for predetermined access rights, the
`lock control unit may compare received access codes With a
`plurality of stored access codes.
`Consequently, in a preferred embodiment of the invention
`a selected one of the ?rst and second control signals com
`prises a ?rst access code for the requested access right.
`In a further preferred embodiment of the invention the
`lock control unit further comprises second storage means
`adapted to store a plurality of data items corresponding to a
`plurality of access codes for respective predetermined access
`rights; and Wherein the ?rst processing means is adapted,
`upon receipt of the ?rst control signal, to compare the ?rst
`access code received via the ?rst control signal With at least
`one of the plurality of access codes stored in the second
`storage means.
`It is an advantage of the invention that it provides a high
`level of security.
`In yet another preferred embodiment of the invention the
`electronic key device is a portable communications device.
`When the ?rst receiving means is adapted to receive the
`?rst control signal, the ?rst control signal indicative of the
`request for granting the requested access right may be
`transmitted directly from the electronic key device to the
`lock control unit.
`In yet another preferred embodiment of the invention the
`?rst control signal is a Wireless data communications signal.
`In yet another preferred embodiment of the invention the
`?rst transmitting means is an infrared communications port.
`When the lock control unit further comprises fourth input
`means for receiving data items corresponding to access
`codes granting predetermined access rights, access codes
`and other related data corresponding to a plurality of access
`rights, such as different security levels, time constraints, etc.
`may be stored and easily changed in the lock control unit.
`When the lock control unit further comprises ?fth input
`means for receiving data items input by a user, the data items
`corresponding to access codes granting predetermined
`access rights, an authorised user may input, edit, or delete
`access codes stored in the lock control unit, possibly after
`providing a passWord or another security veri?cation.
`Alternatively or additionally, When the system further
`comprises computer means including
`third storage means adapted to store a plurality of data
`items corresponding to respective predetermined access
`rights and including respective access codes;
`?rst communications means adapted to transmit at least
`one access code to a selected one of the electronic key
`device and the lock control unit; and
`the selected one of the electronic key device and the lock
`control unit further comprises second communications
`means adapted to receive the transmitted at least one access
`code, access codes may be transmitted from a central access
`code management system. This may be done in response to
`a speci?c request for an access right or in order to store one
`or more access codes in the electronic key device or in the
`lock control unit.
`In yet another preferred embodiment of the invention a
`selected one of the electronic key device and the lock control
`unit further comprises third communications means for
`transmitting, to the computer means, an information signal
`indicative of information about the corresponding transmit
`ted or received request for granting the requested access
`It is an advantage of the invention that information about
`electronic key devices, access codes, access right grantees,
`the use of access codes, etc, may be acquired and maintained
`at a central service to provide optimal transparency and
`security to the access right oWner.
`In a preferred embodiment of the invention the ?rst
`communications means is adapted to transmit a second
`control signal to the lock control unit initiating invalidation
`of at least one access code.
`In a preferred embodiment of the invention the requested
`access right comprises a ?rst attribute specifying a property
`of the requested access right, and Wherein the ?rst access
`code comprises information about the ?rst attribute.
`In a preferred embodiment of the invention the requested
`access right has a validity period, and the ?rst access code
`comprises information about the validity period.
`UniKey Exhibit 1005, Page 19
`US 7,012,503 B2
`The invention further relates to a lock control unit for use
`in a system described above and in the following, Wherein
`the lock control unit comprises
`?rst receiving means adapted to receive a control signal
`indicative of a request for granting a requested access right,
`?rst processing means adapted to perform a veri?cation of
`the received request, and control means adapted to initiate
`operating a lock mechanism depending on the result of the
`The invention further relates to an electronic key device
`for use in a system described above and in the following, the
`electronic key device including ?rst transmitting means
`adapted to transmit a ?rst control signal indicative of a
`request for granting a predetermined access right;
`Wherein the electronic key device further comprises
`?rst storage means adapted to store access codes identi
`fying a plurality of predetermined access rights, enabling a
`user to initiate transmitting a se