`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Visualization of Large Terrains in Resource-Limited Computing
`Boris Rabinovich
`Craig Gotsman
`Computer Science Department
`Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
`Haifa 32000, Israel
`We describe a software system supporting interactive visualization
`of large terrains in a resource-limited environment, i.e. a low-end
`client computer accessing a large terrain database server through a
`low-bandwidth network. By “large”, we mean that the size of the
`terrain database is orders of magnitude larger than the computer
`RAM. Superior performance is achieved by manipulating both ge-
`ometric and texture data at a continuum of resolutions, and, at any
`given moment, using the best resolution dictated by the CPU and
`bandwidth constraints. The geometry is maintained as a Delaunay
`triangulation of a dynamic subset of the terrain data points, and the
`texture compressed by a progressive wavelet scheme.
`A careful blend of algorithmic techniques enables our system
`to achieve superior rendering performance on a low-end computer
`by optimizing the number of polygons and texture pixels sent to
`the graphics pipeline. It guarantees a frame rate depending only
`on the size and quality of the rendered image, independent of the
`viewing parameters and scene database size. An efficient paging
`scheme minimizes data I/O, thus enabling the use of our system in
`a low-bandwidth client/server data-streaming scenario, such as on
`the Internet.
`CR Categories:
`I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional
`Graphics and Realism—Animation; D.4.4 [Operating Systems]:
`Communications Management—Network Communication.
`Keywords: Terrain rendering, level-of-detail, interactive graphics
`1 Introduction
`Terrain visualization is an important component of many civilian
`and military applications [10, 3]. The input to the terrain visualiza-
`tion problem is usually a large Digital Terrain Map (DTM), consist-
`ing of elevation data sampled on a regular grid, and corresponding
`aerial and/or satellite texture data, which is mapped onto the recon-
`structed terrain surface. The output is rendered images of the terrain
`surface, usually as part of a “flythrough” sequence.
`The advent of the World-Wide-Web suggests the running of
`this type of application over the Internet, in a client/server sce-
`nario. The server is a very large remote database, accessed by the
`client, usually a low-end computer, over a narrow-bandwidth line
`(3 KByte/sec is typical for the contemporary Internet). The two
`bottlenecks that have to be overcome are the bandwidth in deliver-
`ing relevant terrain data from the server to the client, and the CPU
`power required at the client for rendering this data.
`The key to efficient terrain rendering is efficient online manipu-
`lation of both the geometric and texture data, especially when the
`scene database at the server is orders of magnitude larger that the
`size of client system RAM. Naive terrain rendering algorithms con-
`vert each DTM cell (bounded by four adjacent grid points) into two
`3D triangles, and render (send through the graphics pipeline) all
`such triangles in a region determined by the viewing frustum. They
`also map the texture data at its highest resolution onto these poly-
`gons. This is a very inefficient procedure, as for low pitch angles,
`the number of these triangles and texture pixels (texels) may be ex-
`tremely large. Each individual triangle projection to image space is
`very small, and many texels may be condensed to one image pixel,
`contributing negligibly to the image. One remedy to this prob-
`lem, adopted in a number of works over the past few years (e.g.
`[8]) is to maintain the scene data at a number of discrete levels-
`of-detail. Since terrain areas at large viewing distances project to
`small image areas, there is no point rendering them in full detail.
`At any given moment during the animation, the appropriate level-
`of-detail is used to render the image. To do this effectively, pieces
`of the scene must be taken from multiple levels (foreground areas
`from a high-detail version, and background areas from a low-detail
`version), requiring methods to “stitch” together pieces of differ-
`ent models in a continuous fashion, so that there are no holes or
`breaks along the seams. This has proven to be a major problem
`for the geometric data, since there usually is no topological corre-
`lation between the different levels of detail. De Berg and Dobrint
`[1], Cohen-Or and Levanoni [5], and Lindstrom et al. [12] have
`provided partial solutions to the stitching problem.
`In this paper we use a different approach to maintaining the
`terrain geometry, proposed independently by Klein and Huttner
`[11] and Delepine [6]. The geometry is treated in a continuous-
`resolution fashion. We do not maintain multiple geometric models
`(at different levels of detail), rather continuously update one model
`online to represent in an optimal way the projection of the terrain
`contained in the viewing frustum. As a result, the number of poly-
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`gons in the approximation is more or less constant, independent of
`the viewing parameters (for a fixed frame rate). For the texture,we
`employ a progressive wavelet compression scheme [2], which en-
`ables the extraction of texture at a continuum of resolutions from
`arbitrary prefixes of the encoded bit stream.
`Our ultimate goal is to render any terrain image in time propor-
`tional to the image resolution (in pixels), and not to the scene com-
`plexity, number of DTM points in the viewing frustrum, texture
`resolution, etc. We are motivated by the (simple) observation that
`an image of fixed resolution can contain only a bounded amount
`of information, therefore any algorithm rendering such an image
`should not use more than a bounded number of polygons and tex-
`els. Such algorithms are called output-sensitive. Most algorithms
`are not output-sensitive, and in order that they be such, require care-
`ful design. Our system contains a careful blend of techniques, some
`borrowed from computational geometry, which together achieve a
`high degree of output sensitivity, enabling adequate performance in
`a limited-resource environment.
`Since one server may be accessed simultaneously by a large
`number of clients, is is crucial to minimize the amount of work the
`server performs per client. If this load is minimized, the server will
`be scalable, able to support a virtually unlimited number of clients.
`We adhere to this principle throughout our implementation.
`Using these methods, we have developed a client application
`achieving terrain visualization at interactive rates on a low-end SGI
`(O)workstation, accessing a server database over a network with
`bandwidth comparable to the Internet. This paper describes the ar-
`chitecture and algorithms incorporated into our system.
`2 System Overview
`The large terrain scene resides on the server disk, partitioned into
`geometry and texture tiles of fixed size. A raw geometry tile con-
`tains a matrix of elevation heights, and a texture tile a matrix of
`texels. Tiling schemes are standard in terrain visualization appli-
`cations (e.g. [4]). The server processes requests for geometry and
`texture data received from remote clients. In a preprocessing step
`at the server, applied independently to each tile (thus enabling a
`scene consisting of an unlimited number of tiles), the DTM points
`are assigned “grades” related to their importance in approximating
`the terrain surface. These grades are obtained from the simplifica-
`tion algorithm of Heckbert and Garland [9]. Using these grades
`as a third dimension, the DTM points in each tile are organized
`into a 3D octree, which will enable efficient answers to future geo-
`metric queries. The client maintains online a geometry cache con-
`taining DTM points from a small subset of the server’s geometry
`tiles. Even from these tiles, only the relevant upper levels of the
`corresponding octrees are imported to the client. Which levels are
`relevant is determined on the fly by the client.
`At any given moment, a subset of the geometry cache points are
`maintained at the client in a dynamic Delaunay triangulation, our
`primary geometric data structure. To maintain the triangulation, we
`use the algorithms of Devillers, Meiser and Teillaud [7] for efficient
`insertion and deletion into a 2D Delaunay triangulation. Delaunay
`triangulations are commonly considered to be suitable for terrain
`visualization purposes. A DTM point deserves to be in the triangu-
`lation if its grade is greater than a threshold, which is proportional
`to the distance of the point from the viewpoint. Section 3 elaborates
`on the details of how we handle the geometry.
`The texture data is maintained at the server in tiles, compressed
`using the progressive wavelet scheme of Buccigrossi and Simon-
`celli [2]. This scheme compresses the data to approximately 30%
`of its raw size with negligble loss, and, more important, allows the
`decoding of the texture data from any prefix of the bit stream. Nat-
`urally, using more bits will result in a higher quality result. Client
`requests for texture data at a given resolution result in the streaming
`of the prefix of minimal length sufficing for the required resolution.
`Section 4 describes our handling of the texture in more detail.
`The client graphics pipeline, sometimes supported in hardware,
`is fed relevant triangles and texels. This pipeline takes care of the
`basic rendering operations, e.g. perspective projection, hidden sur-
`face elimination, and texture mapping. The main issues we ad-
`dress in our implementation are the minimization of data transmit-
`ted from the server to the client caches and subsequently fed to the
`graphics pipeline.
`Typical triangulations and rendered images generated by our
`client system are shown in Fig. 2.
`3 Geometry Processing
`3.1 Data Reduction
`A typical DTM is supplied on a regular grid, and this data is usu-
`ally highly redundant. If the surface is to be approximated by a
`piecewise-linear 2D function (a collection of planar polygons), a
`small number of large polygons suffice to approximate the surface
`well in planar regions. On the other hand, terrain areas with high
`curvature, such as ridges and ravines, require a large number of
`small polygons to achieve a satisfactory approximation (see Fig.
`2). By this argument, is it obvious that some DTM points are more
`important than others. Heckbert and Garland [9] have described
`a procedure which starts off with a small number of DTM points
`(usually the four corners of the DTM coverage), and incremen-
`tally adds points whose contribution to the surface approximation
`is most significant. The contribution of a point to the approxima-
`tion is quantified by its vertical distance from the piecewise-linear
`approximation built with all previous points. The larger this dis-
`tance - the more important the point is. The incremental procedure
`is done efficiently using a priority queue mechanism.
`We use the Heckbert and Garland procedure at the server as a
`preprocessing operation on each tile to assign each DTM point a
`numeric “grade” - precisely the vertical distance described in the
`previous paragraph. This grade is stored with the point, and used
`later to determine online whether the point is required for the ter-
`rain approximation. This decision is based on the grade and the
`point’s distance from the viewpoint. To facilitate efficient decision-
`making, we build a 3D octree of the DTM points, the grade serving
`as the third dimension. The grid structure of the points in the XY
`plane facilitates a fixed quadtree structure in this plane, which, in
`turn, facilitates the organization of the data stored in the tile in a
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`record of fixed length. This hierarchical spatial data structure will
`enable efficient range reporting of points.
`3.2 View Frustum Culling
`The first step in frame generation is to determine which DTM tiles
`are relevant to the current view. In principle, if the terrain surface
`were planar, the intersection of the viewing frustum with the terrain
`surface (the view footprint) would be a trapezoid, whose four vertex
`positions could be easily computed (see Fig. 3). Since the terrain
`surface is not planar, the footprint terrain is bounded by a region
`which is the union of two trapezoids, formed on horizontal planes
`whose elevations coincide with the minimal and maximal elevations
`in the projection area, repectively.
`The footprint is “scan-converted” by the client to determine
`which DTM tiles intersect it, and what resolution data (which levels
`of the octree) are required. This data is requested from the server.
`For every tile received, the octree structure of its points enables
`to efficiently determine which tile points are actually contained in
`the footprint. Efficiency is achieved by pruning off large sets of
`the points corresponding to branches of the octree close to its root.
`The remaining points are then tested, as described in Section 3.3,
`to determine if they are required for the terrain approximation and
`3.3 Continuous Resolution
`Each DTM point has a grade quantifying its importance in the ter-
`rain approximation. This grade is traded off with distance from the
`viewpoint. In other words, more distant points are considered less
`significant. In practice, the client considers a virtual cone centered
`at the viewpoint, and calculates which DTM points in the geome-
`try cache have a grade positioning them inside the cone (see Fig.
`3). We would like to be able to determine this set of points in time
`proportional mainly to their number (and not to the total number of
`points in the viewing frustum). In computational-geometric termi-
`nology, this is called output-sensitive range reporting. We achieve
`this again using the tile octree. The complexity of the range report-
`ing procedure is OpN (cid:2) k, where N is the number of points in
`the viewing frustum, and k the number of points in the answer to
`the query ([13], p.79). Using this virtual cone also implies that a
`small change in the viewpoint induces a small change in the DTM
`points used for the rendering, thus ensuring the temporal continuity
`of the rendered images.
`3.4 Caching
`Portions of geometry tiles are imported from the server on demand
`and stored in the client cache. Only the neccesary upper levels of
`the tile octree are imported, possible due to the fixed structure of
`the octree. Hence a typical snapshot of the client cache contents
`would reveal a few (foreground) tiles from which almost the en-
`tire data content has been read, and many (background) tiles with a
`very sparse content. A prediction mechanism, based on the view-
`point trajectory, enables the loading of tiles in advance, resulting in
`smooth streaming of geometry from server to client.
`3.5 Dynamic Delaunay Triangulation
`The piecewise linear surface induced by the Delaunay triangulation
`of the 2D projection of the DTM points is generally considered the
`most suitable for surface approximation. This is because the mini-
`mal angle in the triangulation is maximized, eliminating long “sliv-
`ery” triangles. Hence, the client constantly maintains a Delaunay
`triangulation of the DTM points contributing to the approximation
`of the terrain in the footprint. Many On log n time algorithms
`exist for the Delaunay triangulation of n points, but not many are
`able to efficiently support update of the triangulation upon insertion
`or deletion of points. We use the algorithm of DeVillers et al [7],
`which inserts points in Olog n and deletes points in Olog log n
`average time using a hierarchical data structure. Care must be taken
`to slightly perturb the spatial positions of the DTM points, other-
`wise degeneracies in the Delaunay triangulation and unstable nu-
`merics may occur.
`At the client, points which were in the footprint corresponding
`to the previous frame, and are no longer in the current footprint, are
`removed from the triangulation - the main geometric data structure
`maintained online by the client. New points which were previously
`not in the footprint, and now are, are inserted into the triangulation.
`The turnover of points in the triangulation depends on the viewpoint
`velocity. Theoretically, very large velocities could cause successive
`frames to see totally different regions of the terrain, requiring the
`formation of an entirely different triangulation between frames. In
`practice, however, this does not occur. Typically, 99% of the foot-
`print areas overlap between successive frames.
`Pseudo-code of the flow of control in the client while rendering
`a single frame appears in Fig. 1.
`4 Texture Processing
`The texture data must also be manipulated at multiple resolutions,
`since image foreground pixels contain high resolution texels, and
`image background pixels contain low resolution texels. The reso-
`lution of the texels contributing to any given image pixel is essen-
`tially a function of the viewing distance to that scene point. The
`server texture database is also organized in tiles, storing the texels
`compressed to approximately 30% of their original volume, using
`a progressive wavelet scheme. This results in a bit stream sorted by
`A typical low-end client computer contains a texture buffer of
`limited capacity (e.g. 1024x1024 pixels) with a pyramid struc-
`ture on top of it. By supplying appropriate texture coordinates for
`the rendered triangle vertices, the graphics hardware/software maps
`texels from the texture buffer to the image pixels in the interior of
`the projected triangles. Each level of the texture pyramid contains
`texels representing the same terrain area, at decreasing resolutions.
`However, since not all texels, especially not at all resolutions, will
`contribute to the terrain image (see Fig. 4), there is no need to
`import them from the server. We optimize network bandwidth by
`loading only those texture tiles which intersect the view footprint,
`at the appropriate resolution, if they are not yet loaded. By this
`we mean we calculate the number of encoded bits of the texture
`stream required to reconstruct the texture tile at the appropriate res-
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`overlapping area between footprints corresponding to successive
`frames. The figure shows that approximately 3 frames/sec are
`achievable with reasonable quality, when the image size is fixed at
`300x400 pixels, and flying at an average (3%) velocity. Higher ve-
`locities result in a larger turnover of geometry and texture, slowing
`down the system frame rate. Our system accesses a scene database
`server covering the northern part of Israel, containing a total of 
`DTM points and
` texels. The client uses a geometry cache of
`size 2MB RAM, and texture buffer of 1024x1024 texels.
`6 Conclusion
`In the long-term, our techniques will support client/server terrain
`visualization applications over the Internet. A large scene database
`resides at a central server site, and is accessed (perhaps simultane-
`ously) by a number of low-end clients over the Internet for visual-
`ization purposes. This application requires tight optimization of the
`available network bandwidth and client rendering power.
`The ever-increasing user appetite for larger and richer geomet-
`ric scenes has forced computer graphics practitioners to develop
`output-sensitive rendering algorithms whose computational com-
`plexity is not sensitive to the complexity of the input scene, rather
`to the complexity of the output image. We have implemented this
`for the terrain visualization application by rendering at geometric
`and texture level-of-detail which changes continuously along the
`spatial and temporal dimensions. Our algorithm satisfies almost all
`of the five requirements from such an algorithm, as formulated in
`Use of other sophisticated data optimization techniques, such as
`occlusion culling [14], in which large portions of the geometry in-
`side the view frustrum are efficiently culled because they are invis-
`ible, can further reduce the rendering load.
`Temporal aliasing sometimes occurs in our implementation. The
`use of morphing techniques to alleviate this, such as that of Cohen-
`Or and Levanoni [5], are not directly applicable, again due to the
`dynamic nature of our Delaunay triangulation. Alternatives are be-
`ing investigated.
`We thank Olivier DeVillers for providing code implementing the al-
`gorithm of [7], Paul Heckbert for code implementing the algorithm
`of [9], and R. Buccigrossi for code implementing the algorithm of
`This research was supported by the Technion V.P.R. Fund - Pro-
`motion of Sponsored Research.
`olution (the lower the required resolution, the less bits required). In
`any case, we use any bits available at rendering time, even though
`there might be less than required (if the network temporarily slows
`down). Which tiles are relevant can be easily determined from the
`geometry of the footprint. Occasionally, it is neccesary to shift the
`contents of the texture buffer, due to the movement of the view-
`5 Experimental Results
`We have implemented the procedures described in Sections 2 - 4
`as a prototype client/server system, the client running on a R5000
`SGI O, at 180MHz with 64MB RAM, based on the OpenGL API,
`and an X/Motif GUI. This client accesses the scene database server
`over a 3 KByte/sec network. The main parameters influencing the
`overall performance of the system are the size of the visualization
`window, i.e.
`the number of rendered image pixels, and the flight
`velocity. This performance is measured in the client frame rate, and
`the quality of the imagery delivered at that frame rate. There is an
`obvious tradeoff between the two, which is controlled by two inde-
`pendent “resolution” parameters, one for geometry, and one for tex-
`ture. Increasing these parameters increases the number of triangles
`and/or texture bytes used for the rendering process, thus increasing
`the image quality, but decreasing the frame rate, due to higher ren-
`dering and bandwidth overhead. There is, however, a point beyond
`which the resolution parameter saturates, i.e. the marginal increase
`in image quality is insignificant.
`The geometric resolution parameter, namely, the average number
`of triangles rendered per image pixel, is controlled by the angle
`of the cone used for culling DTM points, as described in Section
`3.3. The smaller the angle, the narrower the cone, admitting less
`DTM points into the Delaunay triangulation, in turn implying less
`triangles for the same number of image pixels (see also Fig. 3).
`The texture resolution is controlled by specifying the fraction of
`the texture tile bit stream imported and decoded to texels for the
`foreground image pixels. The resolution of the background image
`pixels is derived from this.
`Keeping the resolution parameters and velocity fixed causes the
`system to maintain a fixed frame rate. Increasing the velocity would
`slow down the system, as the turnover of points in the Delaunay
`triangulation and turnover of texture tiles in the texture buffer in-
`creases, incurring more CPU and bandwidth overhead. By trial and
`error, it seems that reasonable image quality is obtained at a geo-
`metric resolution of 0.06 triangles and 0.5 texture bytes per output
`image pixel. Any more than that imposes an unneccesary load on
`the system, slowing it down, and any less than that results in poor
`quality images (see Fig. 2). A telltale sign of insufficient geometric
`resolution (triangles per image pixel) is if there are “jumps” (also
`known as “popping”) in the terrain surface during animation, due to
`the triangles being too large and crude. A telltale sign of insufficient
`texture resolution (texels per image pixel) are blurred images.
`Fig. 5 shows the speed/quality tradeoffs we are able to achieve
`with our system at different “flight” velocity parameters, when
`one of the geometric/texture resolution parameters is fixed, and
`the other varied. Velocity is measured as the percentage of non-
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`[1] M. De Berg and K. Dobrindt. On levels of detail in terrains. In
`11th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry.
`ACM, 1994.
`[2] R.W. Buccigrossi and E.P. Simoncelli. Progressive wavelet
`image coding based on a conditional probability model.
`Proceedings of Int’l Conf. Acoustics Speech and Signal Pro-
`cessing. IEEE, 1997.
`[3] D. Cohen and C. Gotsman. Photorealistic terrain imaging and
`flight simulation. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications,
`14(2):10–12, March 1994.
`[4] D. Cohen-Or, U. Lerner, E. Rich, and V. Shenkar. A real-time
`photo-realistic visual flythrough. IEEE Transactions on Visu-
`alization and Computer Graphics, 2(3):255–265, September
`[5] D. Cohen-Or and Y. Levanoni. Temporal continuity of levels
`of detail in Delaunay triangulated terrain. In Proceedings of
`Visualization ’96. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.
`1. Calculate view frustum and bound terrain footprint by rectangle.
`2. Scan-convert the rectangle and for each geometry tile in it:
`(a) If the tile is not in the footprint, but was in it in the previous
`frame, then:
` Remove all its points from the Delaunay triangulation.
`(b) If the tile is in the footprint, but was not in the previous frame,
` Request tile from server at appropriate resolution.
` Search in tile octree for appropriate voxels.
` Insert the points from these voxels in Delaunay triangu-
`[6] T. Delepine. Online terrain level-of-detail. In Proceedings of
`ITECH, 1997.
`(c) If tile is in the footprint and was also in the previous frame,
` Search in tile octree for appropriate voxels.
` Find difference from previous frame.
` Insert (Delete) difference points in (from) Delaunay tri-
`3. For each texture tile in the bounding rectangle:
`(a) If the texture tile is in the footprint, but was not in the previous
`frame, then:
` Calculate required resolution.
` Request the appropriate bit stream prefix from the server.
`(b) If texture tile is in the footprint, and was also in the previous
`frame, then:
` Calculate its resolution.
` If this resolution is higher than that of the previous frame,
`then request more of the bit stream from the server.
`4. For every tenth frame check the actual performance (frames/sec)
`against the required performance and adjust the geometric and/or tex-
`ture resolution parameters to achieve that performance.
`5. Render image.
`Figure 1: Pseudo-code of the client algorithm.
`[7] O. Devillers, S. Meiser, and M.Teillaud. Fully dynamic De-
`launay triangulation in logarithmic expected time per oper-
`ation. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications,
`2:55–80, 1992.
`[8] L. De Floriani. A pyramidal data structure for triangle-based
`surface representation. IEEE Computer Graphics and Appli-
`cations, 9(2):67–78, 1989.
`[9] P. Heckbert and M. Garland. Fast polygonal approximation
`of terrains and height fields. Technical Report CMU-CS-95-
`181, School of Computer Science,Carnegie Mellon Univer-
`sity,Pittsburg ,PA , 15213, 1995.
`[10] K. Kaneda, F. Kato, E. Nakamae, T. Nishita, Tanaka, and No-
`gushi. Three-dimensional terrain modeling and display for
`environmental assessment. Computer Graphics (Proceedings
`of SIGGRAPH’89), 23(3):207–214, 1989.
`[11] R. Klein and T. Huttner. Simple camera-dependent approx-
`imation of terrain surfaces for fast visualization and anima-
`tion. In Proceedings of Visualization ’96 (late breaking top-
`ics). IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.
`[12] P. Lindstrom, D. Koller, L.F. Hodges W. Ribarsky, N. Faust,
`and G. Turner. Real-time, continuous level of detail rendering
`of height fields. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’96, 1996.
`[13] M. Shamos and F. Preparata. Computational Geometry.
`Springer, 1989.
`[14] O. Sudarsky and C. Gotsman. Output-sensitive visibility algo-
`rithms for dynamic scenes with applications to virtual reality.
`Computer Graphics Forum, 15(3):249–258, 1996 (Proceed-
`ings of Eurographics, Poitiers, France, August 1996).
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`Figure 2: Terrain meshes (Delaunay triangulated) and views rendered at different data resolutions. (a) High resolution: 0.08 triangles/pixel
`and 1 texels/pixel. (b) Equivalent quality at lower resolution: 0.02 triangles and 0.8 texels/pixels. Note how more DTM points are used in
`foreground areas or areas of high curvature.
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1009

`DTM point not rendered
`DTM point rendered at low resolution
`DTM point rendered at high resolution
`relevant DTM tiles

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