`Microsoft Corporation
`Bradium Technologies LLC
`Patent Owner
`CASE: To Be Assigned
`Patent Nos. 7,139,794 B2
`7,908,343 B2, and 8,924,506 B2
`U.S. PATENT NOS. 7,139,794 B2, 7,908,343 B2, AND 8,924,506 B2
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`U.S. PATENT NOS. 7,139,794 B2, 7,908,343 B2, AND 8,924,506 B2
`I, Judea d’Arnaud, make the following declaration under penalty of perjury:
`1. My name is Judea d’Arnaud. I am the Resource Sharing Supervisor at
`the Geisel Library (“the Library”) at the University of California, San Diego
`(UCSD). I have been employed by the Library for nearly 17 years.
`As part of my normal duties with the Library, I am familiar with the
`Library’s normal procedures regarding receiving and cataloging periodicals.
`Under the Library’s normal procedure when it receives a new
`periodical in the regular course of business, the Library prints a sticker recording
`the date that the periodical was received by the Library and places it on the
`periodical. The periodical is then normally placed into circulation within the
`Library where it may be accessed by members of the UCSD community and the
`general public.
`These stickers are records made at or near the time the periodical was
`received by someone with knowledge that the Library received the periodical.
`These stickers are generated and kept by the Library in the course of the regularly
`conducted activity of the Library. Making such records was and is a regular
`practice of the Library.
`Attached to this declaration as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of
`the cover, title page, and table of contents of “Computer Networks and ISDN
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`U.S. PATENT NOS. 7,139,794 B2, 7,908,343 B2, AND 8,924,506 B2
`Systems” from The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications
`Networking; Volume 29, Number 7, August 1997, along with the article “Maps
`Alive: Viewing Geospatial Information on the WWW” by Michael Potmesil, found
`on pages 1327-1342 of that issue. I have compared Exhibit A to the Library’s
`physical copy of this issue and it is a true and accurate electronic facsimile
`reproduction of the Library’s physical copy, including the cover sticker attached to
`the journal by the Library. The cover sticker reads as follows:
`Computer networks and ISDN systems
`S&E Current Journals
`UC San Diego
`Received on: 11-06-97
`According to the Library’s normal procedures, this cover sticker was
`made at or near the time the journal issue was received by someone with
`knowledge that the Library received the periodical. The cover sticker was
`generated and kept by the Library in the course of the regularly conducted activity
`of the Library. Based on the Library’s normal procedures, the journal attached to
`this declaration as Exhibit A was received by the Library no later than November
`6, 1997 and placed into circulation within the library shortly thereafter.
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own
`knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are
`believed to be true; and further that these statements were made with the
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`U.S. PATENT NOS. 7,139,794 B2, 7,908,343 B2, AND 8,924,506 B2
`knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine
`or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and that such willful false
`statements may jeopardize the validity of the application or any patent issued
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Executed on this /J-
`day of~ 2014 in San Diego, C
`LEGAL125984604. l
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`CNETDP N (n 7$e (1ss4
`lssN 016&7s52
`NET Rre
`Volume 29 (1997)
`Number 7
`August 1997
`http ://ww w. elsevier. nl/locate/comnet
`Offering easy access to the tull-text articles of
`f ument
`t:urnal s
`Theme issue
`Guest Editors:
`'.. Q. v. Bochmann, R. Dssouli
`and O. Rafiq
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`3l Lab
`of Versailles
`sailles Cedex
`r Quemada
`iversitaria S/N
`, W. Roberts
`3en6ral Leclerc
`, les Munlineaux
`riko Shimasakl
`Research and
`nigaya, Shibuya-ku
`! u{ jp
`Labs, Room 3M-328
`crds Corner Road
`lJ 07733
`ci, Telecomm. Program
`of Missouri
`hill Road
`ry, MO 641 10-2499
`Jniversity ot Budapest
`Et Ulema
`?lecom, Ltd.
`y R&D Center
`aray 35 North, Suite 302
`r, NJ 07748
`reth S. Vastola
`Computer and Systems
`ring Dept.
`r Polytechnic lnstitute
`21 80-3590
`n lfefWOnXS t""tl.rr".
`news column of "COST-
`Printed in The Netherlands
`NE Rre
`The lnternational Journal of Gomputer
`and Telecommunications Networki ng
`Volume 29, Number 7, August 1997
`Theme /ssue
`Guest Editors:
`G. v. Bochmann, R. Dssouli and O. Rafiq
`ELSEVIER Amsterdam - Lausanne - New York - Oxford - Shannon - Tokyo
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`G. v.
`The international Joumal ot Computel
`and Telecommunications Networking
`EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Phitip H. Enstow, Jr.
`College ol Computing
`Georgia lnstitute of Technology
`Atlanta, GA 30332-0280, USA
`Tel: +l 404 894 3187
`Fax: +1 404 894 3188
`Email: enslow@cc.gatech. edu
`MClMail: PEnslow
`Harry Rudln
`IBM Forschungslaboratorium
`Saumerstrasse 4
`CH-8803 Ruschlikon, Switzerland
`fel.: +41 17248433
`Fax: +41 1 724 8955
`Sholchlro Asano
`National Center for Science lnformation System
`Otsuka 3-29- l, Bunkyo-ku
`Tokyo t 12, Jagan
`Tel: +81 3 3942 2351
`Fax: +81 3 5395 7064
`Erlk Lorenz Peteraen
`Fischer & Lorenz
`Eu ropean Telecommunications
`Consultants ly'S
`Leopold Damms Alle 3
`DK-2900 Hellerup, Copenhagen
`Tel.: +45 (39) 47 07 00
`Fax: +45 (39) 47 07 77
`is the ofticial Journal of
`the lnternational Council
`for Computer Commu-
`nication, P.O. Box 9745,
`Washington, D.C. 20016,
`President: Pramode K. Verma
`Executive Vice-President : S. Ramani
`Secretary General: Masao Kato
`Deputy Secretary General: Karen Duncan
`Executive Secretary: David Balson
`Treasurer: John McKendree
`Vice-President : Trevo r Houst ey
`Vice-President : Jehud a Ket la
`Vice-President i Dipak Khakhar
`Vice-President : M ichael M i I ter
`The Council is organized to foster scientific
`research, development, and applications of com-
`puter communication;
`to foster progress in evalu-
`ation of applications of computer communication;
`to foster study of the potential social and eco-
`nomic impacts of computer communication and
`of policies which may strongly influence those
`impacls; to improve public understanding of com_
`puter communication and its application; and to
`publish and disseminate printed matter, as
`Walter Sapronov
`Gerry, Friend & Sapronov
`Three Ravinia Drive, Suite 1450
`Atlanta, GA 30346-2131, USA
`Tel: +1 404 399-9500
`Fax: +1 404 395-0000
`Cherlan Thachenkary
`Dept. of Decision Sciences
`College of Business Administration
`Georgia State University
`Atlanta, cA 30303, USA
`Tel: (404) 651-4078
`Fax: (404) 651-3498
`Prof. Sudhlr Agganryal
`Dept. of Computer Science
`State University of New York
`P.O. Box 6000
`Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
`Dr. l.F. Akylldlz
`School of Electrical Engineering
`Georgia lnstitute of Technology
`Atlanta, GA 30332-0250
`Dr, P.D. Amer
`'103 Smith Hall
`Dept. Comp and lnf. Sc.
`Univ. of Delaware
`Newark, DE 19716
`Prof, M. Ammar
`College of Computing
`Georgia lnstitute of Technology
`Atlanta, GA 30332-0280
`Prof. Gregor v. Bochmann
`University of Montreal
`Dept. of Computer Science
`and Operational Research
`P.O. Box 6128, Station A
`Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7
`Dr. V.G. Cerf, VP
`MCI Telecommunications Corporation
`2100 Reston Parkway
`Reston, VA 22091
`Prof. lmrich Chlamtac
`Elechical, Computer & Systems Engrg.
`Boston University
`44 Cummington Skeet
`Boston, MA 02215
`Dr. Magda Elzarki
`Dept. of Electrical Engineering
`University of Pennsylvania
`Philadelphia. PA 1 91 04-6390
`Prol. Januez Fltiplak
`Telecommunications Dept.
`The University of Mining and Metalurgy
`Al. Mickiewicza 30
`30-059 Krakow, Poland
`Email: gefi
`Dr. Luigl Fratta
`Dipart. di Elettronica e lnformazione
`Politechnico di Milano
`Piazzal. da Vinci 32
`l-20133 Milano, ltaly
`Email :
`Dr. Aura Ganz
`Dept. of Elec. and Comp.Eng.
`University of Massachusefls
`Amherst, MA 01003, USA
`Email :
`Prol. N.D. Georganas
`Multimedia Communcations Research
`Lab. (MCRLab)
`Dept. of Electrical Engrg.
`University of Ottawa
`161 Louis Pasleur Priv., Room 4-617
`P.O. Box 450, Station "A"
`Ottawa, Onlario
`Canada K1 N 6N5
`Email: georgana@mcrlab.
`Prol. Z.J. Haas
`School of Eleckical Engrg.
`Wireless Netwo*s Laboratory
`Cornell University
`323 Frank Rhodes Hall
`Ithaca, NY 14853
`Ral Jaln
`Ohio State University
`Department of Computer
`and lnformation Science
`2015 Neil Avenue Mall
`Room 497, Dreese Labs
`Columbus, OH 43210-1277
`Arlk N. Kashper
`Technical Manager
`AT&f Bell Labs, Room 2J-407
`1 01 Crawfords Corner Road
`Holmdel, NJ 07733, USA
`Email :
`Prof. Leonard Kleinrock
`University of California
`Computer Science Dept.
`3732 Boelter Hall
`Los Angeles, CA 90024
`Dr. Chin-Tau Lea
`School of Electrical Engineering
`Georgia lnstitute of Technology
`Ailanta, GA 30332-0250
`Luclano Lenzlni
`University of Pisa
`Department of lnformation Engineering
`Via Diotisalvi 2
`56126 Pisa, ltaly
`Dr. Erlc Mennlng
`Faculty of Engineering
`University of Victoria
`P.O, Box 3055, MS 7209
`Victoria, BC
`Canada V8W 3P5
`Dr. Bjorn Pehrson
`Electrum 204
`S1 64 40 Stockholm-Kista
`Email :
`Ramon Puigjaner
`Universitat de les llles Balears
`Dept. de c. Matematiques
`Ctra. de Valldemossa KM 7.6
`07071 Palma
`Prof. Guy PuJolle
`Head, MASI Lab
`University of Versailles
`45 Av. des Etats-Unis
`78035 Versailles Cedex
`Email: puiolle@masi.
`Prof. Juan Quemada
`ETSI Telecommunicacion
`Ciudad Universitaria S/N
`28040 Madrid
`Dr. James IIV. Roberts
`France Telecom
`38 rue du G6n6ral Leclerc
`92131 lssy les Munlineaux
`Dr. Nobuhiko Shimasaki
`Tokai University
`lnstitute of Research and
`2-28-4 Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku
`Tokyo 151
`Kazem Sohraby
`AT&T Bell Labs, Room 3M-328
`101 CraMords Corner Road
`Holmdel, NJ 07733
`Khosrow Sohraby
`Comput. Sci. Telecomm. Program
`University of Missouri
`5100 Rockhill Road
`Kansas City, MO 64 t 10-2499
`Dr. Csaba Szabo
`Technical University ol Eudapest
`Dept. of Telecommunications
`Sztoczek u.2.
`H-1111 Budapest
`Dr. Mehmet Ulema
`Wireless Communications
`Daewoo Telecom, Ltd.
`New Jersey R&D Center
`1715 Highway 35 North, Suite 302
`Middletown, NJ 07748
`Email: ulema@daewootelecom.
`Prof. Kenneth S. Vastola
`Electrical, Computer and Systems
`Engineering Dept.
`Rensselaer Polytechnic I nstitute
`1 10 8th Street
`Troy, NY 12180-3590
`a regular news column of "COST-
`11 Ter".
`Prinled in The Netherlands
`I I!; I I I i
`r :
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`Theme issue: FORTE'95
`G. v. Bochmann, R. Dssouli and O. Rafiq
`W.S. Dabbous
`High-performance protocol architecture
`M. Diaz and P. Owezarski
`From multimedia models to multirnedia transport protocols
`A. Khoumsi and K. Saleh
`Two formal methods for the synthesis of discrete event systems
`Regular papers
`B.D. Choi, C.G. Park and D.K. Sung
`Performance analysis of a Leaky Bucket scheme with a threshold in the
`data buffer
`l.-F. Tsai and R.-H. Jan
`lnternetting connectionless data networks with a wide area public ATM
`W.-c. Lau and S.g. Li
`Traffic distortion and inter-source cross-correlation in high-speed integrated
`J. Pointek, F. Shull, R. Tesoriero and A. Agrawala
`NetDyn revisited: a replicated study of network dynamics
`R.J. Clark and M.H. Ammar
`Providing scalable Web services using multicast communication
`Call for papers
`time app
`tended r
`series o
`niques ()
`since 19
`cess alge
`tive of
`try to prr
`tools anc
`niques, ,
`The con
`tool den
`tocols ar
`and the
`come a .
`two conc
`(a) rt
`must be
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`time inte
`has elap
`should c
`P// S0l6l
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`am Committee)
`)rlin (Pauels)
`Comput€r Networks aod ISDN Systems 29 (197) vii-xi
`Real tlme vidoo
`T Mojsa and K. Zeliriski
`Web enabled, CORBA Driven, Distributed VideoTalk environment on the
`Java Platform
`J. \fu and Y Xiang
`Hypermedia presentation and authoring system
`A. Katkere, J. Schlenzig and R. Jain
`Contentcentric interactive video on the World Wide Web
`Real time audlo
`A. Eli6ns, M. van Welie, J. van Ossenbruggen and B. Schdnhage
`Jamming (on) the Web
`M. Da14 J.F. Patterson and D. Mitchell
`The Notilication Service Transfer Protocol (NSTP): infrastructure for
`synchronous groupware
`U. Gail and F.J. Hatd<
`Promondia: a Java-based framework lor reaFtime group communication
`in the Web
`Securlty and payment
`N. Edonrds and O. Ftees
`High security Web servers and gateways
`A. Herzbery and H. \lochai
`MiniPay: charging per click on the Web
`Y-H. Chu, J. Feigenbaum, B. LaMadtia, P' Resnid< and M. StE,uss
`REFEREE: trust management tor Web applications
`Caching I
`A. Yoshicla
`MowS: distribut€d Web and cache server in Java
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`Contents / Computer Net$nr*.s and ISDN Systems 29 (1997) r'ii-xi
`R.P Wooster and M. Abrams
`Prory caching that estimates page load delays
`M. Nabeshima
`The Japan Cache prolect: an experiment on domain cache
`Caching ll
`P Scheuermann, J. Shim and R. Vingnlek
`A case lor delay-conscious caching of Web documents
`S.J. Caughey, D.B. lngham and M.C. Little
`Flexible open caching for the Web
`O.P Damani, P,E. Chung, Y. Huang, C. Kntala and Y.-M. Wang
`ONE-IP: techniques for hosting a service on a cluster of machines
`Distributed servers
`l. Ben-Shaul and S. llergan
`WebRule: an event-based framework for active collaboration among Web
`M. Szmurlo and J. Madelaine
`A network ol asynchronous micro-servers as a framework for server
`K. l(ong and D. Ghosal
`Pseudo-serving: a user-responsible paradigm for inlernet access
`Embedd€d systema
`M. Batheft, U. Gall, B. Hindel and C. Kuzke
`Accessing embedded systems via WWW: the Proweb toolset
`T.W. Bicl<more and B.N. Schilit
`Digestor: device-independent access to the World Wide Web
`P Pames, M. Maftsson, K. Synnes and D. Schelstrdm
`The mweb presentation framework
`T. Liao
`Wobcanal: a multicast Web application
`Boyond HTIIL
`R.M. tGilet, S.R. Wolfe, J.R. Chen, J.L. Rabinowitz and N. Mathe
`A bookmarking service for organizing and sharing URLS
`F. Wtali, C.-M. Chiu and M. Bieber
`Extending HTML in a principled way with dlsplets
`J.H. Hartman, T.A. Proebsting and R. Sundanm
`lndex-based hyperlinks
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`Co$ents /Conputer Ne.,yorks ald ISDN Sysa'l.s 29 (tg7) vii_xi
`T Sakata, H. Tada and T. o/ltal<e
`M€tadata mediation: representation and protocol
`Site map and syntactic analysig
`M.R. Wultekuhler and W.F. Punch
`Finding salient features lor personal Web page categories
`A.Z. Broder, S.C. Glassman, M.S. Manasse and G. Zweig
`Syntactic clustering of the Web
`K. Takhashi and E. Liang
`Analysis and design ot Web-based inlormation systems
`Multidlmen3ional Web search
`S. Mukheiea, K. Hirata and Y Hara
`Towards a multimedia World-Wide Web inlormation retrieval engine
`J. Shakes, M. Langheinrich and O. Edoni
`Dynamic reference sifting: a case study in the homepage domain
`E. Spertus
`ParaSite: mining structural information on the Web
`Searching heterogeneoua souroas
`C.-H. Chang and C.-C. Hsu
`Customizable multi-engine search tool with clustering
`M. Marchioi
`The quest for correct information on the Web: hyper search engines
`B.A. LaMarchia
`The lnternet Fish Construction Kit
`Strategies lor resource locatlon
`D.S.W. Ngu and X. Wu
`Si/€Helper a localized agent that helps incremental exploration of the
`World Wide Web
`S.J. Carridre and R. Kazman
`WebQuery: searching and visualizing the Web through connectivity
`YS. Maarck, M. Jacovi, M. Shtalhaim, S. Ur D. Zemik and l.Z. Ben-Shaul
`WebCutter: a system for dynamic and tailorable site mapping
`Database query technique3
`M.C. Little, S.K. Shrivastava, S.J. Caughey and D.B. lngham
`Constructing reliable Web applications using atomic actions
`S.P Hadjiefthymiades and D.l. Martal@s
`lmproving the perlormance of CGI compliant databaso gateways
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`T, I
`Contents /Co puter Ncfieorki ond ISDN Systerr''s 29 ( 1997) vii-ti
`G.O. Arc@na, A.O. Mendelzon and G.A. Mihaila
`Applications of a Web query languag€
`lnfiormation accets
`T. Miils, K. Moody and K. Rodden
`Providing world wide access to historical sources
`Maps alive: viewing geospatial information on the WWW
`Counting on the Web
`J. Pitkow
`ln search of reliable usage data on the WWW
`J. Gnham-Cumming
`Hits and miss-es: a year watching the Web
`D.J. Bed<ett
`30% accessible - a suNey of the UK Wide Web
`Accossiblllty using audlo
`T.U. Raman
`Cascaded speech style sheets
`R. Lau, G. Hammia, C. Pao and V. Zue
`WebGALAXY: beyond point and click - a conversational interface to a
`F. James
`AHA: audio HTML access
`Hlghly conflgurable Web servlces
`D.B. lngham, S.J. Caughey and M.C. LNe
`Supporting highly manageable Web services
`J. Reilly, P. Nisk, L. Deri and D. Gantenbein
`Enabling mobile network managers
`H.-W. Ge eBen, R. Wid<e and M. Gaedl<e
`Weboomposition: an obiect-oriented support system tor the Web
`engineering litecycle
`G.C. vandetheiden
`Anywhere, anytime (+ anyone) access to the next-generation W\ rW
`Lsaming usar pr€fier€nces
`H. Sakagami and T. Kamba
`Leaming personal preferences on online newspaper articl€s
`M. BanAtre, V lssamy, E Leleu and B. Charpiot
`Providing quality of service over the web: a newspaper-based approach
`trom user
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`Contents / Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 29 ( 1997) vii-ri
`Usability issues
`T. Shimada, N. lwami, T. Tomokane, M. Hagshi and Y Kuwahaa
`lnteractive scaling control mechanism for World-Wide Web systems
`M. Pieper and D. Hermsdort
`BSCW Ior disablod teleworkers: usability evaluation and interlace
`adaptation oI an internet-based cooperation environment
`D. Bachiodli, M. Berstene, E. Chouinard, N. Conlan, M. Danchak,
`T. Furey, C. Neligon and D. Way
`Usability studies and designing navigational aids for the World Wide Web
`Automatlc lnterface gsnsration
`C. Phanouriou and M. Abrams
`Translorming command-line driven systems to Web applications
`A. Crespo, B.-W. Chang and E.A. Bier
`Responsive interaction lor a large Web application: the meteor shower
`architecture in the Webwriter ll Editor
`D.D. Seligmann, C. Laporte and S.U. Bug4
`The message is the medium
`A. Girgensohn and A. Lee
`Seamless integration ol interactive forms into the Web
`Author lndex
`Sublect lndex
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`Compurer Nerworks and ISDN Systems 29 (1997) 1321--l3lz
`Maps alive: viewing geospatial information on the WWW
`Michael Potmesilr
`Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Holmdel, NJ 07733, IJSA
`We describe a WWW-based system - consisting of browsers, servers and connecting protocols - which allows users
`to view, search and post geographically-indexed information of the Earth. Much information available on the WWW, such
`as weather reports, home pages of National Parks, VRML models of cities, home pages of Holiday Inn hotels, Yellow and
`White Page directory listings or traffic and news reports. is better located and visualized when displayed directly or via
`clickable anchors on top of 2D maps or in full 3D environments.
`We have developed two geographical browsers: a 2D map browser capable of continuous scroll and zoom of an
`arbitrarily large sheet and a 3D flight-simulator browser capable of continuous flight around the Earth. Both browsers
`download and cache geographical information, geometrical models, and URL anchors in small regions called tiles. The tile
`caching process is based on the user's current position, velocity, and acceleration in the 2Dl3D space as well as on the
`latency of server replies. A user can program these browsers by adding small application programs - mapplets.
`On the server side, we have developed geographical and geometrical servers which contain very large data bases of
`images, elevations, lines, points and polygons stored in tiles structured into hierarchical pyramids or quadtrees. We have
`also developed a metadata server which contains, in hierarchical layers, URL pointers and geographical coordinates of
`various WWW documents, geographical information and geometrical models. A 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
`Keywords: Geography; Geographical browsers; Spatial indexing and metadata; Flight simulators; 3D visualization; Digital
`1. Introduction
`Internet-based computers and communications
`can be very effective in enhancing our ability to
`visualize and to search 3D environments in the great
`outdoors where we move, work, play and learn. In
`this paper, we describe a WWW-based system -
`consisting of browsers, seryers and connecting pro-
`tocols - which allows users to view, search and post
`geographically-indexed information.
`I E-mail:
`Much information available on the WWW, such
`as weather reports, home pages of National Parks,
`VRML models of cities, home pages of Holiday
`Inn hotels, Yellow and White Page directory list-
`ings or traffic and news reports, is better located
`and visualized when displayed directly or via click-
`able anchors on top of 2D maps or in full 3D
`environments. In addition, very large data bases of
`geographical information itself, such as terrain el-
`evation, satellite and aerial images, detailed street
`maps and geometrical models of buildings and sim-
`ilar man-made structures (present, past and future)
`0169-7552/97l$17.00 @ 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
`P/I S0 t 69 -7 552(97 )000 r 3-5
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`l 328
`M. Potnpsil/Contputer Neru'orks and ISDN S.r'sterns 29 (1997) 1327-1312
`are also becoming available. We seek to build an in-
`tegrated system which will allow its users to browse
`in such spatial data, make queries and post new
`Two geographical browsers have been developed
`for this system: a 2D map browser capable of con-
`tinuous scroll and zoom of an arbitrarily large sheet
`of 2D information and a 3D flight-simulator browser.
`Both browsers download and cache geographical in-
`formation, geometrical models, and URL anchors in
`small regions called tiles. The tile caching process
`is based on the user's current position, velocity, and
`acceleration in a 2Dl3D space as well as on the la-
`tency of server replies. The browsers query servers
`only for relevant data around the user's current and
`predicted future locations and expect to receive such
`data and to prepare them for display before the
`user reaches it. Around this core concept of tile
`caching, various specialized visualization applets -
`written in C, C++ or Java - are developed. Such
`applets run simultaneously on top of the browser and
`convert all their respective data into a common co-
`ordinate system specified by the browser. Examples
`of such applets are weather and traffic reports. bird
`migrations, and a spatial bulletin board applet which
`displays an anchor of any WWW document at any
`geographical location. Each applet typically queries
`two servers: a spatial meta server, which knows what
`information is available at what geographical loca-
`tion and where on the WWW to find it, and the
`server which contains the information itself. The ge-
`ographical system ourlined in this paper is based on
`these assumptions:
`o the amount of available geographical data by far
`exceeds the storage capacity of any one client ma-
`chine: the system needs to be network based with
`data stored in server hosts (An extreme example
`is the USGS's l-meter resolution monochrome
`image of the United States - when completed it
`will be available on 3,300 CD-ROM's!),
`o the system is model based: servers provide clients
`with models of spatial and other data and all
`image rendering is done locally by client hosts,
`o there is a large variety of data, relevant to this
`system, located on many servers in many formats:
`a directory system is needed to find such data,
`. some geography-related data (weather satellite
`and radar images, traflic reports, news, hotel
`reservations) need to be accessed in (almost) real
`time: the system must be network-based to obtain
`such data,
`r the system will used in traditional computers
`(PC's, workstations, NC's) as well as in many
`unforeseen or futuristic devices (ITV's, game
`boxes, exercise bicycles, multi-media kiosks, cel-
`lular phones, sunglasses, heads-up displays on car
`. a user may need to write custom application
`programs to visualize some particular data while
`applications developed by others display related
`By makin-e this system programmable - prefer-
`ably in Java - a user can develop applications not
`foreseen by the system's designers:
`. a telecommunications company can develop an
`applet using its own visualization techniques to
`see the load on its network from data available
`on the company's intranet while simultaneously
`other applets are obtaining related data (maps,
`news, weather and earthquake reports) from the
`public Internet,
`o a lighthouse 2 enthusiast can develop a multime-
`dia applet with lighthouses that flash their lights
`and beep their identification codes just as real
`lighthouses used to do,
`o a hotel reservation applet/agent can search the
`Web for available hotel rooms closest to a given
`location and make reservations -3,
`. a news organization can index its archive of pho-
`tographs and video clips by the location (and
`orientation) where they were taken.
`There are many WWW projects related to
`geographical information systems. The Virtual
`Tourist 4 was probably the original HTML-based
`system allowing a Web browser to visit home pages
`of individual countries and states by clicking on a
`map. MapQuest -s is typical of image-based systems
`which allow users to specify, via an HTML inter-
`face, map coordinates and layers and to obtain GIF
`images of maps. Virtual Sardinia [10] is an example
`of a more advanced system which contains 2D maps,
`' hrA //rr-a.l ib.
`3 http : //www. hol iday-i g i -bin/IVeb_S. ksh
`s http://u,ww.mapquest.corr/
`Fig. l. A
`3D models z
`a 3D viewe
`cal and geo
`The U.S. D
`[13], a 3D f
`Research A
`low Page pr
`which will I
`and find bu
`Libran' U5
`Initiative (I
`2. Geospati
`The con,
`ognizes tha
`model is h
`tributed ove
`is to gather
`6 http://www.a
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`tlmost) real
`:d to obtain
`ts in many
`'V's, game
`kiosks, cel-
`rlays on car
`data while
`rlay related
`: - prefer-
`cations not
`develop an
`:hniques to
`.a available
`lata (maps,
`;) from the
`a multime-
`their lights
`ust as real
`search the
`to a given
`ive of pho-
`:ation (and
`related to
`re Virtual
`lome pages
`cking on a
`;ed systems
`tML inter-
`obtain GIF
`an example
`s 2D maps,
`M. Potmesil/Computer Netv,,,orks antl ISDN slsrerns 29 (lgg7) 1327-1j42
`Fig. l. A hierarchical representation of tiles in a pyramid: 2 x 2
`tiles are filtered I l] into a single tile in the next higher level.
`3D models and video clips of Sardinia. There are rwo
`noteworthy 3D flight simulators: the T-vision 6 Earth
`visualization project developed by ART + COM has
`a 3D viewer with the ability ro preferch geographi-
`cal and geometrical models over an ATM network.
`The U.S. Department of Defense uses Powerscene
`[13], a 3D flight simulator developed by Cambridge
`Research Associates. In addition, Bigbook, a Yel-
`low Page provider, is starting to build Bigbook3D 7
`which will let users view 3D VRML models of cities
`and find business locations. The Ale.randria Digital
`Libran' [15] is a part of the NSF's Digital Library
`Initiative (DLI) specializing in geographical mera
`on as-needed basis, without having to store them
`locally and to display them. Our architecture of a ge-
`ography server system has three major components:
`a directory scheme tbr finding seryers, a common
`interface protocol for talking to the servers, and a
`strategy for implementing the servers themselves.
`We have developed four different types of servers, so
`far, in this project: the first three contain actual geo-
`graphical geometry - ( 1) points sampled on grids,
`(2) random points with names, and (3) lines and
`polygons with nam while the last type stores
`metadata - information about where to find spatial
`and geographical information.
`2.1. A tile server
`2. Geospatial servers
`The concept of a geography server system rec-
`ognizes that a digital map or a 3D geographical
`model is held by many independent sources, dis-
`tributed over a network. The objective of a browser
`is to gather all the necessary geographical layers,
`tJu,p/***.artcom.deiproj ects/t-vi sion/welcome.en
`7 http://vrml.
`The tile server stores data that was obtained by
`sampling on a 2D grid. This may be satellite and
`aerial images, terrain elevations and gradients or
`geoid corrections. A data set is stored in a tile index.
`A data set may have several components such as:
`elevation, gradient, and RGB image. All tiles in a
`data set have usually the same size with the possible
`exception of tiles along the edges of the data set.
`Tiles in an index are stored in a power-of-two pyra-
`mid to allow fast access and scroll and zoom op-
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1002

`I 330
`M. Potmesil/computer Networks and ISDN s-r,srenr.r 29 (1997) r327-r342
`2.2. Geographical name, point, line and polttgon
`A geographical

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