`New York
`Samsung v. Gold Charm
`Gold Charm Ex. 2026
`Gold Charm Ex. 2026
`Samsung v. Gold Charm
`Copyright © 1993 by Van Nostrand Reinhold
`Library of Congress Catalog Card -N rtib.er'92+13lA1;9i ‘
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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`O'Mara, William C.
`Liquid crystal flat panel displays: manufacturing sciece &
`technology I William C. O'Mara.
`Includes index
`ISBN 0-442~01428-7
`1. Liquid crystal display. I. Title
`TK7872.L56046 1993
`621 .38——dc20
`Table 1-7 Processing and Relative Cost ofActive and Passi1A2eADisplays
`Thin: Film ARA'AelAatAiVe
`lA)Aisplay’ Type
`A AS ‘ Operations. Depositions " Array Cost Total (Zest
`100 '_
`transistor A
`Thin film diode
`A 1_ ‘ -STN 15
`Two types of TFT structures are usedfor amorphous silicon (a-Si) devices. One
`is the inverted stagg‘ered (IS) type,Awhich can’ be either back channel etched
`(IS—BCE) or tri-layered (IS—TL). The other is called a normal staggered (NS)
`device. These three transistors (IS—BCE, IS—TL, and NS) are shown in cross—section
`in Figure 1-15. They ‘are currently being used for LCD TVs or other products in
`Japan as shownin Table 1-8.
`V -
`Table. 1-8 TFTArray Process and Specifications
`_v H6S-hiA- A‘
`. M
`' Sharp -
`AAA3—inchA ‘ A10-inch
`Screensize ‘
`type A
`" 8,
`3000A H
`aA—S'i thickness
`SIN/Tao A
`Ta A
`‘A A1
`Signal line
`AA Yes A Yes Yes) A,») Yes“ Storage'Acapacitor A Yes A
`The peI“foiA’manceAof 21 TFT as well as the manufacturing yield and throughput
`depend on the transistor’s construction. The inverted staggered back channel
`etched transistor, (IS—BCE); can be fabiicated with the minimum number of six
`masks, whereas the inveAI'tedAAstaggereAdA tn"-layered transistor, (IS-TL)AArAequires
`nine; On the other hand, the IS-TL type has only a 5003 a~Si.A1ayAer, minimizing
`,_ g_
`(a) Inverted Staggered (Back Channel-Etched)
`. SiNx
`(b) Inverted Staggered (Trl-Layered)
` A
`..;SiOx ‘
`(c) Normal Staggered
`Figure 1-15: Cr0ss~sectio_n view of three» FT c0nfigurations[I5]
`thedeposition time for this layer. This is important because amorphous silicon
`depositiongis very slow, and can constitute a manufacturing bottleneck when thick
`layers are required.
`" l
`Double layer gate insulator structures such‘ as SiNx/SiOxior SiN.x/TaOx are com?
`monly used to minimize yield loss due to line or point defects which cause
`crossover shorts. These kinds of shorts are difficult or impossible to repair; 1
`‘Specific resistivities of tantalum‘. (Ta); ehromium ‘(crjpr molybdenum—tantalurn
`alloy (Mo-Ta) films used for gate linesand gate “electrodes in some of these
`structures ranges from 20 to 40 Q—cm. These values are too high forlargescreen
`TF1"-L”CDs, since the high resistance and capacitance ofthe gate line leads to gate
`pulse delay. For ail2 inch TFT—LCD with 1:O24x768; pixels and a‘ 16 level grey
`sca1e,,the resistivity of the gate line should be less than
`tt §2—cm. Aluminum is
`the only app1'opriate material for such high density displays.
`One of the difficulties in transistor design and manufacturing‘ is the need for a
`storage capacitor to improve theimage quality. The storage capacitor adjoins the
`TFT and has an ITO top plate. Charging this capacitor requires that the TFT be
`relatively large, and the increased area at each pixel: devoted to thetransistor
`reduces theamount of lightwhich can be transrnitted (aperture ratio). If a second -
`transistor is added at each pixel for 1‘edundancy, transmitted light can drop‘ to less
`than 5% in a finished display.
`‘N l
`desirable. Amore complex two gate transistor structurecan reduce the leakage
`These devices are compared in Table 1412.
`V Table 1-12‘ Comparisonof TFT,.PIN Diode, andJMIM Di0deDisplays
` Property a-Si TFT a-Si PIN Ta2O5 MIM SiNx MIM g
`On/Off current ratio
`103 *
`Number of masks
`(active substrate)
`Number of film depositions
`(active substrate)
`Number of leads required
`for M x N matrix
`‘ino crossovers.
`3 .
`~ 6-8
`_ M+N*
`2-3 .
`1 -
`7 r
`Poly-Si TFT
`0 Advantages: higher mobility, transistorperformance. CMOS circuit capability -
`for on—b0ard drivers.
`0 Disadvantages: higher process temperature, ion implantation requirement. '
`Table 1-13 compares the CMOS poly—Si TFT with a—Si:H TFT. There are two‘
`types of poly—Si processes; HT CMOS describestheprocess forhigh temperature
`CVD of polysilicon, while LT CMOS employs a 600°C maximum deposition
`.~ g
`The advantage of developing a CMOS poly Si process is the fact that on—board
`drivers can be fabricated, cutting down on the number of interconnects to the
`outside world. However, the LT CMOS process shown above, while it produces
`transistors with much higher mobility than a-Si devices, cannot operate at a speed
`high enough for on-board shift registers for high information content displays, at
`least not yet.
`The relative cost of the three processes, tamorphoussilicon, high temperature
`polysilicon, and low temperaturepolysilicon, is shown as a function of display
`Threshold Voltage
`T 15* A‘
`100 ‘
`(cm2/V- s, n-channel),A
`Shift register
`15V; L=l0ttm
`*=NMOS~ ‘“=-3_l'ight.shie1d
`size in Figure 1-20. The cost is estimated in arbitrary AuAnits.’For smallAdispAlays,
`high temperature polysilicon is low -in cost, even when the cost of a quartz
`substrateis included. This indicates that small displays such as video cAamAeras and
`projection TVs will be built with this technology, to display sizes of 2'-3‘~’inch
`diagonal. Amorphous silicon. is much lower in c‘o‘st‘for‘large displays. The future
`A oflow temperature polysilicon lies in this large display area. As mentioned above,
`low cost relative to amorphous silicon requires a very high yield process,
`integraAtionAofdriver circuits onto the glass substrate.,NAevv manufacturing procAesses.
`and equipment for CVD, implantation, and recrystallization will be required.
`A brief discussion of some of the circuit types is shown in Table 1-1 Thebasic
`typesof integrated circuits that can be considered for driving the active matrix r
`devices include D/A converters, sampled ramp, and l-of—n selector for digital
`input, On the other hand, for viAdeo ,inpAut,A multiplexer, sample and hold, and
`double sample and hold are available. The tablqshows the comparison.
`Table 1-13 CMOS poly-ASi TFT and a~ASi:HA TAFTAComparis0I:z
`A ~
`hard lass
`~l()0O‘?CA"*é _
`.. 300°C A
`Maximum process. temperature AA
`Numberof masI<A.stAe ‘s
`A 5-6" A
`Dielectric depositions‘
`A 3
`4' " “
`‘ 5
`‘ 3 v D
`‘A *
`‘ Yes
`‘ AN/AA
`Metal sputtering
`Ion Implantation
`cnnpfm mo: nI§mY“AmAiIurAc1unInG
`tion for some —steps~,’as men-
`tioned previously for ITO
`etching.‘ Reactive etching
`many offer advantages of
`linewidth controland repro-
`ducible end point detection.
`However, for the time being,
`throughput ""¢011Sid€‘rati0nS
`ensure thatmost etching steps
`will be performed in wet sys—
` processing is ‘under‘e3v‘a1u'a-
`Transistor Processes
`Two types of TFT structures
`are used for amorphous sili-
`con (a—Si) devices. one is the
`inverted staggered. (IS) type;
`which can be either back
`channel etche_d-(IAS—:BC.E) or
`tri-layered(IS-TL).The other
`is called a normal staggered
`(NS)*device. These, three.‘
`transistors‘ ‘(IS-‘BCE, IS—TL,
`and NS) are shown in.cro‘ss—
`sectionin Figure 2-11.‘ A
`Figure 2-’1A1j€ross-section
`view of three TFT configu-
`‘ Mo
`efNx 7 a-Si(n+)
`»»»»»»»»»»»»» ~
`taitunvenea staggered (sackgeeanrne.-eiei.ea;
`4 "
`.. g.$.iNX‘j.
`(b) Inverted Staggered (Tri-Layered)
`' Amate)
`A (c) Normal Staggered
`CHAPTERHN03. .P.|5.H-.AY MhN"fl¢TuR.l“5
`The process flowfor each of these transistors is shown here, with indications of
`photolithography and other processing operations. The first flow chart, shown in
`Table 2-8, is for the inverted—staggered- backchanneli etched (IS:-BCE)‘ device.
`Table 258 APraAcess::AFloW
`Inverted-Staggered Back Channel Etched TFT
`Gate definition
`Photolithography, etching
`1st masking step.
`a-Si island definition
`Plasma CVD’
`Si‘()/SiN//a-Sji,'(‘i)/«fi‘+ESi(jn'+) ;
`< 2nd n1‘asking3AsA”t”ep~. 5
`5 it
`.Disp1ay....e1e‘ctrode formation
`.. wisputter
`A 31%-ITO deposition.
`Photolithography, etching N
`..,f,.,..,..;.,..3rdmaskingustep - - F
`Thiru-hole formation
`4th masking step
`- Photolithography, etching:
`Source,/Drain/Signal Line definitio
`[ Mo—A1 deposition
`‘ 5th masking step
`—BaC_k. Channel definition _
`I1’f 21.-Si etching A
`- ~
`. . .-
`'2 1 av;
`Wet, dry etching-.
`.....P1§1.Sm§i CVD
`AAAAAolgithography, etching?
`rAr1~ayco:ap1¢tear‘r "
`The process
`staggered trilayered (IS—TL) device is sho-wn Table A
`Table 2-9 Inverted-Staggered Trilayered TFT Process
`Gate definition
`‘ Ta deposition
`1st mask step
`Gate oxide formation a
`t Photolithography, etching
`anodization withpmask”
`a—Si TFT de ositiong
`Plasma CVD
`2nd mask step
`a—Si island definition
`Photolithography, etching it
`L 3rd mask step
`Source/drain definition .
`a-Si(n*) deposition
`4th mask step
`'l“idepositi‘o‘n = -
`2 6th mask step (metal)
`Display electrode formation
`ITO deposition
`»7th mask step:
`SiN deposition
`Array Completed
`, Photolithography, etching
`Plasma CVD A
`" Photolithography’, etching ‘
`? Photolithography,‘etchings
`1 3 Sputter
`Photolithography, etching‘ '
`‘Z Sputter
`* Photolithography, etching -
`- Plasma CVD
`1 Photolithography, etching
`The process flow chart for the normalzstaggered (NS) device is shown in‘Tab1e 2-10 ‘.
`Table 2-10 Process Flow for Normal Staggered TFT
`Light shield and signal line
`Cr deposition
`1st mask step
`Insulator D_eposition
`SiOx deposition
`2nd mask step
`(thru hole)
`Display electrode, signal line P
`ITO deposition
`3rd mask step
`TFI‘ formation
`a—Si (nt) deposition t
`Source/Drain formation
`Photolithography,» etchings.
`Plasma CVD or Sputter
`Photolithography, etching
`Plasma CVD
`Photolithography, etching
`Plasma CVD
`= Photolithography, etching
`"Plasma CVD
`Photolithography, etching *
`4th masking step.
`a-Si (i) deposition
`5th masking step
`Gate dielectric formation
`SiN deposition
`6th mask step
`Gate electrode definition
`Al deposition
`7th mask step:
`_SiN deposition
`8th mask step
`Array Completed
` g
`Sputter T
`Photolithography, etching
`Plasma CVD
`.i Photolithography; etching
`The transistors whose process sequence has been described above are currently
`being used for LCD TVs or other products in Japan as shown in Table 2-1 1.
`cumin: 1jw‘o‘;t DISPLAY: .MA‘nurAcrumuo'
`Table 2-11 TFT‘Airray Process’-and Specifications
`‘Hitachi Sharp ‘
`« oMaz~msiiita Hoshiden
`Screen size
`A TFT type
`Number of masks
`a-Si thickness
`6 i
`. 3000A.
`‘» 5-inch
`A 2000A s
`A‘ 9‘
`500A >
`A18“ 5
`Gate insulator
`SiN/TaO-- SiN
`A ‘SiN~ A
`Gate ‘line .
`Signal line
`3 Yes
`Yes‘ “
`Yes i
`’ Al
`‘Yes ‘
`Someprevious ‘comments: about TFTirnanufacturi‘n‘g: are repeatedhere for
`reference. The performance of a‘”TFT as well ‘as the man‘ufacturin~g yield and
`throughput depend-onthe‘ transistor’s ‘construction. The inverted staggered ‘back
`‘ Tchannelietched‘transistor, (IS-BCE), can be fabricated with the minimum number
`of six masks, whereas the inverted staggered tn’-layered transistor, (IS-TL)
`requires nine. On the other hand, the IS—TL type has ‘only a 500A a-Si layer,
`minimizing the deposition? time for thislayer; This is important because amort-
`phoussiliicon /‘deposition is very slow, and ‘can’ constitute a ‘manufacturing
`bottleneck when thick layers are reqzuired.
`Double layer gate insulator structures such as SiNx/SiOX or SiNx/TaOx are com-
`monly used to minimize yield loss due to line or point defects which cause
`crossover shorts. These Kinds of shorts are difficult or. impossible to repair.
`chromium (Cr), or molybdenum-tantalum
`Specificuresistiviities of tantalum
`alloy (Mo-Ta) filmsused for gate lines and gate electrodes in some of these
`structures ranges from 20 to 40 ll. §2—cm. These values are too high for large screen i
`TF1“-LCDs, since the high resistance and capacitance ofthe g‘ate‘l-inc-leadsi togatie
`p'11ls‘e:'delay.'Fo'r' at 12 inch -LCD‘ with‘l02?4x768‘piXels‘and‘a 16 level grey
`«scale, the re‘sisti‘Vity ofthe gate‘1iiie“should beliess than 10 LL Q-cm. Aluminum is
`the only appropriiatematerial for such:-hi‘gh‘ densityidiisplaiys-.‘
`Oneiof the difficulties in transistor design and imatiufacturing is the need for a
`storagecapacitor to improve the image quality; The s‘tor'age‘capaciitor3 adjoins the