`Valeo v. Magna


`1. Introduction
`M. Tremblay et al.
`Visual perception must be developed in rela-
`tion with the needs of the recognition processes
`in order to define efficient and adaptative au-
`tomation tasks or mobile robot applications. A
`large part of the computational effort
`in com-
`puter vision is related to low level repetitive pro-
`cessing which can best be implemented at the
`sensor level [12]. It is well known that biological
`include aspects of
`image pre-
`processing on the first layers of neurons within
`the retina. It has been suggested that this low
`level image processing is related to multiresolu-
`tion edge extraction [9]. This natural organization
`reduces the amount of data to be routed to the
`visual cortex for further recognition [3].
`Computational sensing is a novel research area
`which targets the integration of such image pro-
`cessing by merging transduction devices and ana-
`log signal processing modules. Interesting solu-
`tions exploit natural properties of semi-conductor
`devices in order to implement simple but power-
`ful computational functions on a very small sili-
`con area [4]. The bidimensional implementation
`of computational sensors is confronted to trade
`off between the spatial resolution of the sensor
`and the complexity of the imbedded electronics.
`This paradox will be real until microelectronic
`technology can offer higher integrated level or
`3D structures, which would remove limitations of
`fully parallel implementation of analog process-
`ing at the sensor level. In many cases,
`is not
`advantageous to simultaneously compute a large
`number of edge data if sequential (slow) scanning
`is required for the extraction of these primary
`results. Previous work on smart sensing has con-
`sidered the design of complex photo-sensitive ele-
`ments [14] with emphasis on the communication
`Denis Poussart received the Ph.D. in
`Electrical Engineering from MIT and
`joined the department of Electrical
`Engineering of Laval UniVersity in
`1968. He leads the Vision and Com-
`puter Systems Laboratory, which is a
`node of a network of Canadian uni-
`versities and industries which have re-
`cently initiated the
`Institute for
`Robotics and Intelligent System. He
`is a member of IEEE and l’Ordre des
`ingénieurs du Québec. He has done
`research in biophysics and instrumen-
`tation and is involved in 3D vision and its applications in
`biomedicine and industry.
`between neighbors [7], [8]. Other approaches use
`the implicit access of parallel row data at one end
`of the photo-sensitive array for SIMD computa-
`tion, [5] or a complete sequential processor which
`is implemented on a same substrate [1]. A com-
`mon goal of these approaches and of the one
`discussed in this paper is to integrate photo-sensi-
`tive elements on CMOS or CCD technologies
`The sensor architecture described here uses a
`serial-parallel approach in order to yield a bal-
`ance of resolution and computational capabilities.
`Emphasis is put on an efficient communication
`strategy in order to extract a local description of
`focal plane illuminance and exploit it by an exter—
`nal analog processing module. The main interest
`of this architecture is related to the parallel ana—
`log filtering made possible by using several differ-
`ent operators which are driven in common by the
`set of primary outputs of the sensor. It is thus
`possible to generate, in a single scan period, a
`multiresolution edge description of a scene using
`band-pass filters with different scales. This type
`of satellite analog processing is discussed in Sec-
`tion 2 with the proposed open architecture for
`dedicated post-processing on primary edge data.
`The Multi-port Access of photo-Receptor (MAR)
`architecture is presented in Section 3 with its
`pixel electronics and the basic operating mode.
`Section 4 describes the parallel analog module
`which implements multiresolution Laplacian-of—
`Gaussian operators followed by a zero-crossing
`evaluation module. The microcoded edge track-
`ing algorithm is described in Section 5. The paper
`concludes with experimental results which have
`been obtained from a current prototype of 256 X
`256 pixels.
`2. The system architecture
`2.]. Satellite analog processing
`The implementation of focal plane processing
`implies a delicate balance between pixel complex-
`ity, spatial resolution, and data flow. It is clear
`that the small cell size of a 2D photo-sensing
`array leaves only a limited area available for
`computation. In the case of large arrays, until
`technology allows much denser circuits (or 3D
`structures), most of the non-photosensitive area
`VALEO EX. 1040_002


`Smart sensor with multiresolution edge extraction capability
`On Chip
`Parallel "luminance
`Region 01 Interest
`Focal Plane Area
`Image Sensor
`"luminance Images
`Filtered Images
`ing, stereo disparity evaluation using two MAR
`sensors, image calibration for further photometric
`use of the sensor, and others. A main digital
`controller is designed for driving specific protocol
`signals, data flow and memory addressing on a
`hexagonal tessellation. It also implements a mi-
`crocoded instruction set which defines complex
`sequences displacement for the P01 within the
`sensing array. Finally, the controller is responsi-
`ble for interfacing the MAR system with the host
`computer and provides bidirectional interrupt ca-
`pabilities which offer interactive feature extrac-
`tion, especially during the edge tracking process.
`This open and modular architecture facilitates
`the development of other co-processing elements
`because none have direct
`quences on the others.
`3. Basic organization of the hexagonal MAR sen-
`In conjunction with the satellite processing
`the present sensor development has
`been oriented towards the following objectives:
`(1) highest possible spatial resolution using cur-
`rent VLSI technology, (2) possibility of using mul-
`tiresolution edge analysis in order to extract rele-
`vant characteristics from a scene, (3) access to
`custom video rate and format for automatic light
`adaptation without constraint emerging from his-
`torical video standards, and (4) emphasis on data
`base description of early primitives rather than
`real-time display of illuminance images: it is not
`an imaging sensor. This section explains how these
`objectives have been met by using a hexagonal
`multi-port addressing strategy and presents its
`associated design and operating constraints.
`3.]. Multi-port access on a hexagonal tessellation
`Fig. 1. Satellite processing approach. The set of primary
`analog outputs which represents the illuminance of the region
`of interest addressed within the sensor is used by several
`analog filters in order to implement the extraction of multires-
`olution primitives. The pixel of interest itself is also routed to
`an A/D converter in order to output illuminance data.
`will have to be dedicated to communication, with
`little built—in processing. Furthermore, there exist
`serious I /O limitations. For instance, even if
`edge information could be computed in parallel
`within each pixel, a simultaneous read-out of
`such data over large image regions shall remain
`challenging. Current
`technologies favor simple
`operators with great spatial homogeneity. The
`MAR architecture recognizes such a trade-off
`between the simplicity of the basic pixel design
`and the complexity and penalty of rapid commu-
`nication by making use of external, but tightly
`coupled, processing support.
`This so-called satellite processing is illustrated
`in Fig. 1, which shows the conceptual representa-
`tion of a device with relatively high resolution
`and its associated off-chip parallel analog pro-
`cessing. The dark circle on the sensor delineates
`a region of interest (ROI) centered on the pixel
`of interest (POI) from which illuminance data is
`retrieved and routed to a conditioning module.
`These channels are commonly used by a set of N
`different analog filters which may implement
`multiresolution and /or directional edge extrac-
`tors, Gaussian filters, etc.
`2.2. Post-processing module integration
`While computational sensor development re-
`mains our main research topic, several other pro-
`jects are in progress as VLSI co—processing mod-
`ules which will operate in the immediate periph-
`ery of the sensor. These modules share a single
`memory block with the sensor and other co-
`processing modules. Such processing could in-
`clude scale-space integration, shape from shad-
`The pixel architecture is based on a multi-port
`addressing strategy. The selection circuitry is sim-
`ilar to a multi-port memory except that selection
`busses are routed geometrically in order to define
`the shape of the kernel and that retrieved data
`are analog and represent pixel illuminance. The
`implementation of computational sensors is not
`restricted to a conventional rectangular grid. Even
`if low level algorithms in computer vision are
`often designed Cartesian tessellation, the hexago-
`VALEO EX. 1040_003


`M. Tremblay et a1.
`nal pattern was chosen for three main reasons:
`(1) Immediate neighbors of any pixel of interest
`are located at a same radial distance, which facili-
`tates the implementation of circularly symmetric
`operators, (2) multi-port addressing of hexagonal
`pixels is naturally implemented using a set of
`colinear data busses, and (3) a hexagonal tessella-
`tion is highly regular and facilitates the represen-
`tation of curved lines or surfaces [6].
`Fig. 2 shows an overall block diagram of the
`MAR sensor. The core area is composed of a 2D
`matrix of multi—port access pixels where the POI
`is addressed by three concurrent selection lines.
`The white star represents the addressed pixels
`which are simultaneously extracted from the sen—
`sor. The topology allows access to the illuminance
`data of the POI together with the illuminances of
`all neighbors located on the three axes of symme-
`try of
`the array (corners of
`the concentric
`hexagon). Each illuminance signal is routed from
`the sensor on an individual channel and is fed to
`Photo-Transduction Analog Buffer
`MuIti-port Addressing
`Fig. 3. Multi-port addressing architecture of each pixel and
`non—destructive read-out of illuminance data. The photo-di-
`ode drives the gate voltage V; of transistor M1, which is then
`translated to a proportional output current L.
`ters for both motion and direction. Reg_Set
`used to initialize the four shift registers, Rm,
`initializes the integration process which is dis-
`cussed in Section 3.2 while the Urn; signal
`used to stop the integration process during scan-
`The circuit organization of each pixel is pre-
`sented in Fig. 3. It can be divided in three main
`parts: (1) photo-transduction, (2) signal buffering,
`and (3) multi-port addressing. The single current
`15 which is generated by the integration of
`photo-current IE on the gate capacitance of tran-
`sistor M1,
`is retrieved through a set of three N
`transistors (My, Ms1 and MX2) according to the
`status of the selection lines. It may be shown [15]
`that the output current 15 may be expressed by
`the following expression:
`Is = E (VI/Reset _ VSN + K ‘ 2Cg1Einti
`—V —Vt
`where K is a CMOS process constant, B is the
`current gain of the transistor M1, VSN is the
`voltage drop of an N transistor due to threshold
`effect, V7 is the forward voltage drop of a PIN
`diode (approx. 0.6 V), V,
`is the threshold voltage
`of the transistor M1,
`t,- is the photo-current inte-
`gration time and E." is the input illuminance of
`the pixel.
`3.2. Non-destructive read-out of pixel information
`Transistor M1 operates as an analog transcon-
`ductance buffer and is required to ensure a non-
`VALEO EX. 1040_004
`the external analog module for spatial filtering
`operations. Each set of selection busses (named
`Y, X1 and X2) is activated by a bidirectional shift
`register. A fourth register (named T) is used to
`the parallel analog multiplexor on the
`upper region of the sensor. Unlike in conven—
`tional video sensors,
`the POI may be moved
`along any of the axes of the underlying hexagonal
`thus allowing very flexible scanning
`strategies. A direction code which uses 3 bits is
`internally decoded in order to control shift regis-
`T Shift Register
`Bulls rs
`II l|||||l|||
`Analog Outputs
`Pixel Ol
`‘lllllllllllI||||llllllllllllllllllllllll ||||||llllllllllllllllllllllJ
`_ “may...
`|||||||lllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllll‘lllllllillllllllllilllllllll
`X. Shaft Register
`R 5“"
`Command l-———'
` Direction code
`l III
`q.Illll|||||llllllllllllllllllllllll lllll
`Fig. 2. Block diagram of the MAR Sensor. A set of four
`bidirectional shift registers drive selection lines which con-
`verge upon the P01. A decoder module uses a direction code
`of three bits in order to drive each shift register. The analog
`data path is shown in the shadowed area until it reaches the
`analog multiplexor.


`Smart sensor with multiresolution edge extraction capability
`destructive read-out of the illuminance data dur-
`ing pixel access. This property is critical because
`each pixel is addressed several times due to the
`parallel analog nature of the MAR architecture.
`The MAR sensor has a global Reset signal for
`the entire array which applies voltage VRm, on
`the gate of transistor M1. The integration process
`is thus uniform for each pixel of the sensor and
`the reading of the output current 15 is non-de-
`structive, with voltage Vg remaining unchanged
`irrespective of the frequency or duration of the
`access to a pixel element. This property is essen-
`tial since, after a complete scan of the sensor,
`each pixel is addressed as often as the number of
`pixels on the extraction kernel.
`3.3. The MAR sensor operation
`The typical operating mode of the MAR sen-
`sor is presented in Fig. 4 for the two extreme
`values of scene illuminance in a bright and in a
`dark region, when only one pixel is selected dur-
`ing the scanning window t, (for proper biasing of
`output transistor M1). For the dark case, photo-
`current IE is limited to the reverse leak current
`of the photo-diode which causes a small deviation
`AVg on the gate of M1. In this condition the
`output current is maximum. The bright case is
`illustrated for an unsaturated pixel which sinks a
`small current (near zero) until a minimum thresh-
`is applied at the gate of the output
`old voltage V,
`transistor. If an isolated region has a very high
`level of illuminance (caused by a light source in
`the scene or specular reflections for instance)
`DinhnI{ Reset
`Grab _
`ls (black) '7
`- -----------_
`V9 (white)
`Fig. 4. The timing diagram shows a typical illuminance inte-
`gration cycle and its associated scan (read-out) cycle for the
`two extreme cases of scene illuminance. The maximum output
`current is associated with a dark region while a null output
`corresponds to a highlighted pixel.
`pixels in this region will saturate. In this case (see
`dotted line in Fig. 4), the gate voltage decreases
`rapidly, resulting in a zero current output signal
`in the entire saturated region without any effect
`on the unsaturated neighbor pixels.
`The global m5 signal is used to interrupt the
`integration process during the scan period, espe-
`cially in conditions of heavy light,
`in order to
`avoid that the integration time be longer for the
`last visited pixels than for the first ones. It is clear
`that the integration process of the MAR sensor is
`not limited to proceed at a standard video rate
`(1/30 sec). This is a very useful characteristic.
`The integration duration t, may be adjusted by
`the operating system depending on the illumina-
`tion condition of the scene. This parameter is
`then defined as an equivalent aperture control
`(or the light source intensity thereof). A simple
`procedure which uses the histogram of a previous
`image could dynamically adjust the level of the
`white saturation of pixels by changing the integra-
`tion time ti The range of adjustment for this
`parameter is only limited by the voltage deviation
`due to the dark current of the back-biased PN
`4. Analog image processing for multiresolution
`edge extraction
`Marr’s theory suggests to analyze edges using a
`multiresolution strategy [9,10,11] in order to dis-
`criminate, from noisy (but accurate) edges, those
`which represent relevant features in the scene. In
`this approach, edge extraction refers to the zero-
`crossing location in the resulting filtered image
`when it is convolved with the Laplacian-Of-Gaus-
`sian (LOG) operator. A multiresolution analysis
`is simply a variation on the standard deviation 0-
`of the Gaussian. A relevant property of the MAR
`sensor is its parallel analog filtering capability
`which allows a very fine sampling,
`in the scale
`domain, of the zero-crossing maps from the high-
`est frequency filters to the lower ones. The kernel
`has a sufficiently large diameter in order to im-
`plement low frequency filters for significant fea-
`ture extraction and high frequency rejection. The
`current version of the analog multiresolution edge
`extraction implements 16 different LOG filters as
`a resistor network from o = 0.5 (or Laplacian
`operator) to o= 6.9. This section presents some
`VALEO EX. 1040_005


`M. Tremblay et al.
`details on the VLSI analog implementation of the
`Marr operator and a threshold-free zero-crossing
`detector. An edge encoding strategy is also pre-
`Implementation details of
`the analog
`computing module is available in [2].
`4.1. Effect of the spatial sub-sampling of the convo-
`lution kernel
`The star shape of the convolution kernel which
`is drawn in Fig. 2 represents a sub-sampling of
`Fig. 5. Fourier transform of a complete LOG kernel (a) and for its approximation in the MAR implementation (b). High
`frequencies are not rejected in the region where a large number of pixels remains unread. The MAR kernel is shown in (c).
`VALEO EX. 1040_006


`Smart sensor with multiresolution edge extraction capability
`the LOG operator.
`the complete mask for
`Ninety-one pixels are read simultaneously for a
`possible count of 721 pixels (for maximum radius
`of 16 pixels). The spatial Fourier transform is
`presented in Fig. 5 for the complete LOG opera-
`tor in (a) and the approximated one in the MAR
`architecture (b). Some oriented high frequency
`regions are related to the unsampled pixels from
`the MAR sensor. This means that some high
`frequency patterns (texture-like) are not correctly
`rejected by coarse filters as it would be for a
`complete LOG kernel. In the scale space domain,
`this means that some zero-crossings (or edges)
`may appear for coarse resolutions even if they are
`not detected by finer filters. This problem is
`solved in part by applying a large number of
`filters with very fine increments of a.
`4.2. Zero-crossing detection and digital edge encod—
`The zero-crossing extraction must be executed
`dynamically within the camera by analog process-
`ing module in order to avoid a large number of
`A/D converters, data storage and digital process-
`ing. The procedure is shown in Fig. 6 for a simple
`example while a 1D cut view of the image (a) is
`shown on Fig. 7. The analog response from each
`LOG filter is routed to three inverters with pro-
`(a) llluminance Image
`(b) Binary Image for H and S
`(c) H' resulting from dilatation
`(d) Edge detected from (c)
`Fig. 6. Visualization of the zero-crossing extraction procedure.
`The synthetic illuminance image (a) consists of a dark circle
`on a white background with small noisy patterns. The sign (S)
`and Hysteresis (H) bits are shown in (b) while (c) represents
`the regions where the zero-crossing is relevant (H * =1) in
`order to derive the final edge map in (d). A cross-section of
`the edge in (a) is shown in Fig. 7 for analog and digital values
`of a filter response.
`v2 Gooey)
`Flay) = I(x,y)~v‘ Gamay);
`Fig. 7. Side view of the example of Fig. 6. The zero-crossing
`detection consists of extracting the sign of the convolved
`image with the LOG operator S(x, y) and the thresholded
`value of the magnitude of the response H(x, y). After a
`morphological operation applied on the H signal (giving H *),
`a zero-crossing is defined as the change of sign within the
`active modified hysteresis value H *(x, y).
`grammable input thresholds (VS + , VS — , and 0
`V) in order to derive two digital signals: (1) the
`sign of the response S(x, y) and (2) the thresh-
`olded value of the magnitude of the response
`H(x, y) [2]. The zero-crossing is detected and
`located at a change of sign within the active
`window of H. While some pixels near a zero-
`crossing may have a small magnitude, a morpho-
`logical dilatation must be applied on the signal
`H(x, y). This is done by growing its active region
`(H = 1) until a change on the signal S is reached
`which defines the derived signal H *(x, y) (see
`Fig. 6c). This ensure that only zero-crossings with
`active H on both sides are extracted as edges.
`This situation is shown over the shadow area in
`Fig. 7 where a noisy pixel of H does not generate
`false edge detection.
`The final format for edge representation in-
`cludes two quantities for each pixel
`S(x, y) and H *(x, y). The resulting raw data
`consists of blocks of 32 bits per pixel for a 16
`filters system. An additional 8 bits from a single
`A/D converter is added in order to memorize
`the illuminance of the P01 (illuminance image).
`Another particularity of the MAR system is that
`edge location is defined between two pixels. This
`edge representation is very useful since the zero-
`crossing approach tends to yield closed loop
`edges. Using such an inter-pixel edge representa-
`tion, a single black pixel in a white background
`VALEO EX. 1040_007


`M Tremblay e! a].
`(or thin line like finger prints) is extracted as a
`small circle with diameter of one pixel (see re-
`sults in Section 6).
`5. Scene representation and featutes extraction
`A main goal of computational sensing is to
`design sensors which process images at the focal
`plane level. But it is imperative to define a proper
`data format in order to accommodate the subse-
`quent segmentation and recognition processes.
`section presents
`two main post-
`processing digital modules which allow such a
`data-base description. The proposed scale-space
`integration approach is
`first summarized,
`lowed by- the microcoded edge tracking which is
`(K ,
`VAccurate but Noisy
`Edges (a Small)
`Original Image
`DOS value
`Fig. 8. 2D representation (a) of the multiresolution analysis
`using zero—crossing maps in the scale-space domain. The
`Depth Of Scale (DOS) approach (b) shows the transposition
`from continuous representation to an oversampled one in the
`scale domain. Some DOS values are traced for this example
`with the level of visibility of an edge in the space domain.
`Real Edge Location Undetected Edge Detected Edge
`Interpreted Edge [Location
`Fig. 9. Typical execution of the edge tracking algorithm on a
`tessellation. The algorithm starts by finding the
`first zero-crossing [move #4] (which is located between two
`pixels) and start the tracking in the left for this example [#5
`and #6]. The regular edge tracking is made by crossing the
`P01 from side to side [#7, #8 and #9] the zero-crossing
`detection is lost [#10]. At this point, the triangle is closed
`[#11] and tracking continues in the new direction [#12 and
`#13]. etc.
`tessellation. An
`dedicated to an hexagonal
`overview of the primary scene description which
`is the effective output of the MAR system is also
`5.]. Real—time scale-space integration
`The scale-space integration procedure must
`proceed at
`the sensor level because it
`is not
`appropriate to obtain 16 individual edge maps as
`sensor outputs without any hierarchical interpre-
`tation or pyramidal analysis [13]. An example of a
`typical scale—space representation is shown in Fig.
`8a as a 3D set of data: a low value of the
`parameter 0' (narrow filter) gives an accurate but
`very dense edge map while coarse filters extract
`only the relevant structures of the scene without
`a good localization. The proposed approach visits
`the scale-space domain in a line by line way and
`counts the number of levels which have been
`visited until it is possible to detect the edge. The
`oversampling of the scale-domain ensures that
`VALEO EX. 1040_008


`Smart sensor with multiresolution edge extraction capability
`the displacement of the edge is never more than
`one pixel for consecutive filters. A typical exam-
`ple is shown in Fig. 8b where a sub-set of the
`accurate edges are labelled with the Depth Of
`Scale value which ranges from 1
`(noisy, high
`frequency or very low contrast edges) to 16 (low
`frequency and relevant contrast in the scene).
`The scale-space integration algorithm is in-
`tended for a co-processing module within the
`MAR architecture. It is implemented in a pipe-
`86%!m' 3*.
`g i EE
`Fig. 10. Results for a photographic enlarger from the 256x 268 MAR sensor. The hexagonal illuminance image (a) is shown along
`with four of its sixteen edge maps at different spatial resolutions (b, c, d and e) which are generated simultaneously in a single
`frame period. The resulting representation of the scene after scale—space integration is shown in (f) (see Section 5.1).
`(d) :2ng Map (0:2.4)
`VALEO EX. 1040_009


`M. Tremblay et a1.
`lined processor which reads the 16 edge maps (32
`bits per pixel) and generates the corresponding
`DOS values for every edge pixel which is de-
`tected by the finest filter. The DOS value is
`accumulated for three consecutive image scans
`(from memory to memory) using the three main
`directions of the hexagonal structure. The sixteen
`edge images are used as the input of the scale-
`space integration algorithm in order to track edges
`in the scale space. The resulting DOS image of
`the example of Fig. 10a is presented in Fig. 10f. A
`single treshold was used for the printed represen-
`tation but, in fact, every edge pixel has its own
`weight which represents the local DOS value as
`shown in Fig. 8b. This final image is used for the
`edge tracking procedure where DOS values are
`integrated locally along the edge segment.
`5.2. Microcoded edge tracking algorithm on hexag-
`onal tessellation
`As mentioned in the beginning of the paper, a
`hexagonal edge tracking algorithm has been im-
`plemented as a microcoded component of the
`direction controller. This interactive procedure
`extracts linear edge segments from the scene and
`transfers them as a line drawing to the host
`computer. An example of the algorithm is illus-
`trated at Fig. 9 where the continuous curve repre-
`sents the real edge (or zero-crossings) location
`and the pixel path is traced using arrows. The
`basis of the algorithm is to cross from side to
`side, in a zigzag mode, while the zero-crossing is
`validated. When the edge stops to be detected (or
`changes in orientation), the algorithm closes the
`triangle and restarts on that new direction. The
`interest of this approach is that the natural edge
`segments 1 connectivity is naturally recorded dur-
`ing the edge-tracking algorithm. A simple visit
`flag is set during the edge backing while a basic
`scan of the sensor data, with break condition set
`to unvisited pixels, ensures that every edge is
`extracted from the focal plane.
`This step, in the data acquisition process, fol-
`lows the nature of the scene. A large amount of
`short and unstructured contrasts (edges) gener-
`ated by textured surfaces will
`imply a longer
`procedure than for a scene with smooth surfaces
`with polyhedral shapes. Some interesting values
`may be computed during the edge tracking as a
`line segment property. The DOS value may be
`integrated along with the last visited pixels as well
`as the edge length.
`(9) Edge Map (0:6.9)
`if) Dos
`Fig. 10. (Continued)
`VALEO EX. 1040_010


`Smart sensor with multiresolution edge extraction capability
`5.3. Towards a data-base representation for robot
`vision application
`The information extracted from a computa-
`tional sensor must be formatted in order to ac-
`commodate application requirements for which it
`is designed. Our strategy is oriented towards robot
`vision and machine intelligence. This is why a
`token description of the scene is preferred to a
`conventional raster data format. A data-base rep-
`resentation of the line segments may compress
`significantly the amount of data to be extracted
`from the sensing element. It may also increase
`the efficiency of the recognition process if this
`data-base includes some pre-computed proper-
`ties. The primary scene representation consists of
`a sequential list of extracted basic linear edge
`segments which are oriented towards one of the
`three main diagonals of the hexagonal tessella-
`tion (see Fig. 10). The basic description of a
`simple edge segment includes global DOS infor-
`mation from multiresolution analysis, line length
`and orientation, 3D coordinates (using stereo vi-
`sion) and the natural connectivity of line seg-
`ments. The software which runs on the host com-
`puter will modify this primary data-base into a
`more compact and significant one. This is done
`by merging consecutive line segments and replac-
`ing them by single features such as longer line
`segments or arcs. This advanced scene descrip-
`tion is improved by creating cross-references such
`as junction pointers (or proximity, vertices, T-
`junctions), symmetries (or parallelism) and direct
`2D accesses to primitives from a multi-scale local-
`ization map. Each vertex may include a small
`illuminance sub-image on which a sophisticated
`algorithm may proceed in order to compute an
`accurate junction localization.
`6. Experimental results
`A 256 X 256 pixels version of the MAR sensor
`is currently installed in a custom camera case
`with an opto-electric shutter. This version imple-
`ments sixteen different filters for multiresolution
`spatial edge detection. Image acquisitions have
`been performed on different scenes as a proof of
`the concept. A typical result is shown in Fig. 10
`for a photographic enlarger scene along with the
`resulting edge data. Four of the sixteen edge
`maps are presented (b, c, d and e) as well as the
`digitized illuminance data (a) of the enlarger (on
`a hexagonal grid). The high frequency rejection is
`particularly visible on the small vertical slots which
`are correctly detected for high resolution filters
`(0' = 0.8 and a = 1.1) but are almost completely
`eliminated and grouped in a single feature by the
`low resolution filters (0' = 2.4 to (r = 6.9). It may
`be also observed that any extracted edge segment
`is oriented according to one of the three main
`diagonals of the hexagonal structure. Another
`relevant property, which is related to Marr’s the-
`ory [10],
`is the bad localization of edges for low
`resolution filters. This is particularly visible on
`the control knobs of the enlarger. T

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