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`THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the collections of the Library of Congress contain a
`publication entitled Euro ASIC’9l Proceedings, Euro ASIC Conference, Palais des Congres,
`Porte Maillot, Paris, France, May 27 — 31, 1991, call number TK 7874.6.E87a 1991, and
`that the following pages — cover page, first title page, second title page, copyright page iv, page
`entitled “Welcome to Euro ASIC ’91” page V, page entitled, “Coordination Committee” page vi,
`page entitled, “Table of Contents” pages vii - xii, and pages 100—103 on which contain the
`following article, “CMOS Video Cameras" by Wang, Renshaw, Denyer and Lu - are a true
`representation from that work.
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`(}e’>E,’-,:”£:--"a.«- . t =,‘»~'—'
`LIN 41.2.!-I
`Palais des Congrés, Porte Maillot, Paris, France
`May 27 — 31, 1991
`Organized by
`Le Club Conception de Circuits 31 la Demande
`Institut National Polyteclmique de Grenoble
`In cooperation with
`IEEE Design Automation Technical Committee
`Association for Computing Machinery/SIGDA
`IEEE Computer Society Press
`Los Alamitos, California

`, ii;
`l ‘i Ci
`The papers in this book comprise the proceedings otthe meeting mentioned
`on the cover and title page. They reflect the authors‘ 0pIl"I|Ol'lS and. in the
`interests of timely dissemination. are pubtished as presented and without
`change. Their inclusion in this publication does not necessarily constitute
`endorsement by the editors, the iEEE Computer Society Press. or the
`Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. inc.
`@ 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
`Published by the
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`IEEE Computer Society Firess Orde Jil-ug
`_r 2185
`Library of Congress Num ‘
`IEEE Catalog Number 91T
`ISBN 0-8186-2185-0 (paper)
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`ISBN 0-3186-9185-9 {case}
`‘E55 CDTHPUIBT Society Press
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`Editoriai production: Hobart Werner
`Pl'II‘IIEid in France
`© THE men-ru-rs or ELE{‘."TFlICAL AND eLeo‘rnomcs ENGINEEI-11!, mo.

`Euro ASIC '91 is the annual European conference presenting state-of—the-art
`ASICs. Organized in 3 very impressive-site - Palais des Congres, Porte Maillot,
`Paris — the conference is held in conjunction with a large international industrial
`ASIC exhibition. The conference includes reports on ASIC design experiences,
`advances in design methods and tools, and on the evolution of ASIC technology,
`with a special focus on analog digital ASICs. It includes a user forum discussing
`the current status of industrial tools and design methodology. Twenty-eight
`ASICS will be presented to compete for the Euro ASIC '91 prizes given by the
`European electronic press.
`Euro ASIC '91 is the definitive place for companies to select the best choices for
`their designs, for vendors to meet potential customers, for small and medium
`size enterprises to share information, and for the academic community to
`exchange ideas.
`Finally, Euro ASIC '91 includes a program of high level tutorials on new and
`exciting topics.
`Professor Gabriele Saucfer
`Instftut National Polytechnique
`Grenoble, France

`T. Baker, £52
`I. Vie-ira Da Silva, MTA
`i.P. Feste, Group: Tests
`A. Lorenzl, Cetia
`M. Robert, University of Montpellier
`].C. Rosichini, VLSI Technology In.-:.
`G. Saucier, Institut Nnntmal Pofytechnique dc Grenoble
`E. Schfltz, Mietec-Aicatei
`J.M. Tissandier, SGS Thomson
`L. Claesen, IMEC
`E. Hfirbt, Siemens AC.
`G. Zimmerman, University of Kaiserslmztarn
`K. Schliiter, ABC
`I). Auvergne, University ofMonipeIh‘er
`M. Le Halley, Ecole Centrale de Lyon
`I’. Capocelli, SGS Thamson Microefecrronfcs
`M.G. Sami, Pohtecnico di Miiano
`G. Goto,Fuj1'tsu Laboratories
`T. Yanagawa, NEC Corporation
`The Netherlands
`H. Van Nieien, Phflips
`J. Aguilo, Un:*versI'fy of Barcelona
`I. Huertas, University of Sean’I.'a
`1’. Aubert, CSEM
`].C. Marlin, Dectraswiss
`United Kingdom
`A. Ambler, Brunei’ University
`R. Cottrell, LSI Logic
`VD. Agrawal, AT£*T
`G. De Micheii, Stanford University

`INTERNAHDNAL PROGRAM cbiakixi-rizéfi ..
`CHAIR: E. Scnfirz
`Advances in High Speed ECL Technology and Interconnection Techniques .
`K.-I. Ohm
`DBIMOS: The Mix in One Approach . . .
`E. Tack
`SESSION: MIXED Amuoc Davrcas II
`, 14
`A Versatile Building-Block for High-Speed Current-Mode Analog {CS .
`R.B. Steak, A. Kostka, and K. Lchmanrt
`DSP-ASIC Based Voltage Feedback Switching Regulator Chip for
`P. Salami, T. Karma, and H. Terdumen
`A Smart Power [C for High Side Driver Applications .
`Y. Drains!
`AlgorithmicADCfor Use in AS_ICDesign.
`K. Dewy
`CHAIR: C. Prror
`, 36
`. ........._. _
`, __41
`KISS-'16: Realization ofaDSP Optimized for Digital Mobile Radio Systems .
`H. Sahm, I. Schuck, H. Ebert, D. Weinsziehr.
`I. Pretksner, and G. Mnhfich
`AS[MDMacl1ineforBean1fomu'ngonaC11lp .
`I.-P. Giacalone and Y. Del Gnfla
`VLSIImp1ernentationola Cochlear Model ,
`N. Anellana, F. Ganida, I. Carmbfna,
`E. Valderrama, and P. Gdmez
`Single'Chip RNS Two-Port Parallel Adaptor for Wave Digital Filters .
`G.C. Cardarflli and 1-‘. Sargenf
`A16/24—BitDSP-ASIC Coprocessor for AC Motor Modelling.
`SJ. Ovaska, 0. Vainfo, and I. Pasanen
`CHAIR: A. Lommzz
`Processor Chip Design onsubmicron ASICS.
`H. Schleltef
`. 58
`Design and Implementation of a Dedicated Neural Network for
`I-IandwrittenDigitRecognition .
`P.—Y. Alla; L. Massewxwette, I. Ouali, G. Saucier, S. Kmzrr,
`L. Personnaz, and G. Dreyfus
`HM. Deppemzarm, j’. Gessnsr, S. Kffisfers, and S. Wuflsta

`CHAIR: E. ScHfi1'z
`Advances in High Speed ECL Technology and Lnterconnection Techniques .
`K.—I. Ohm
`. 2
`DBIMOS: The Mix in One Approach .
`E. Tack
`. 14
`. 20
`A Versalile Building—BlOck for High-Speed Current-Mocle Analog ECS .
`R.B. Slack, A. Kostim, and K. Lehmann
`D51’-LASIC Bawd Voltage Feedback Switching Regulator Chip for
`Electromechanical Contactor .
`P. Solanfi, T. Karemrmmd H. Tenhunen
`A Smart Power IC for High Side Dl’iV€I_‘ Appiicalions .
`Y. Droinet
`Algorithmic ADC for Use in ASIC Design .
`K. Dewy
`. 45
`. 49
`. 53
`l(.I5S~16: Realization ofa DSI’ Optimized for Digital Mobile Radio Systems.
`H. Sahm, J’. Schuck, H. Ebert, D. Weirxszieixr,
`I. Preissner, and G. Maitiich
`ASIMD Machine for Beamformingona Chip. .
`I.-P. Giacalone and Y. Del Gallo
`VLSI Implementation of a Cochlear Model .
`N. Aoellana, F. Garrido, J’. Carrabfna,
`E. Valderrama, and P. Gomez
`Singletfhip RNS Two-Port Parallel Adaptor for Wave Digital Filters .
`GE‘. Cardarflii and F. Sargenf
`A 16/2rl—Bit DSI’-ASIC Coprocessor for AC Motor Modelling .
`SJ. Omska, O. Vainfo, and I. Pa.-sanen
`Processor Chip Design on Submicron ASICS .
`. SB
`Design and Implementation of 3 Dedicated Neural Network for
`P.-Y. Alia, L. Mrzsse—NRvette, I. Ouaii, G. Saucier, S. Knerr,
`L. Persormaz, and G. Dreyfus
`5lCURE°—ACIypto Chip for Rapid Encipherment.
`HM. Deppermann, I. Gessner, S. Kdsfers. and S. Wallstab

`Reduced Voltage Swing, High Speed CMOS Driver, Receiver Techniques for
`Multiple Chip 5-etAppl1catrons .
`PD. Ta
`VI-IDL in Logic Synthesis—An Applications Perspective .
`W. Ries amt K.M. Inst
`UDL/l Standardization Effort—Another Approach to HDL Standard .
`0. Kamtsu
`. 7'8
`. 33
`. 92
`An Image Decoding ASIC for Space—Baseci Applications .
`13.3. Krista and G. DeMt'r:helt'
`A Data—Fiow Processor for Real-Time Low—Leve1 Image Processing .
`G. Quénot and B. Zavidomique
`A Dedicated Circuit for Real-Time Motion Estimation .
`O. Colavin, A. Artieri, I.—l'-‘. Naviner, and R. Pacaiet
`CMOS Video Cameras.
`G. Wang, D. Renshaw, P.B. Derryemtnd M. Lu
`A New Approach to Timing Driven Partitioning of Cornbinatiortal Logic .
`N‘. Weim and M. Gleaner
`Synthesis and Partitioning of Standard Cells for Fioorplan Optimization ,
`E. Chotin, T. Bessormznd G. Saucier
`VLSI-Oriented Asynchronous Controller Synthesis Based on a
`Flip-Fiop Cell Array Str1.tct‘ure
`K.R. Cha, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada
`. 106
`A Mixed~Mocle ASIC for Interface Controi of Smart-Card Parcrneter .
`E. Compagne and F. life
`A Doubie—Sourced ASIC for Contactiess Badges .
`R. Petigny and P. Cabot:
`VI_.SI ASIC Design for MAC Video Processing integration in SGS-Thomson
`Microelectronics Chip Set .
`A. Lorenzi, G. Vannezwitie, V. Vzrfaille, N. Chntimartin, G. Gerot, and mi. riiafidé '
`SESSION: LOGIC Simrrnt-zsis II
`CHAIR: G. De Mrcnem
`. 13]

`An Efficient Program for Logic Synthesis of Mod-2 Sum Expressions .
`P. W. Besslich and M14’. Riege
`Automatic Synthesis of Boolean Functions on Xilinx and
`Actel Programmable Devices .
`P. S1'r:ard,M. Crasfes, K. Sakauti. and G. Srtucfgr'
`. 135

`Algebraic Decomposition of MCNC Benchmark FSMS for Logic Synthesis .
`T. MiIlier—Wipperfi‘Jrth and M. Geiger
`. 154
`. 158
`VLSI Chip Set for Floating Point Vector Processing .
`A. Laudenbach, M. Glesner, P. Windirsch, I. Plfli1i,flI1d W. Clemens
`VLSI Design of an 3-Bit Fixed Point Cordic Processor with
`Extended Operation Set .
`D.E. Metafas, G.A. Krikis, and CE. Goufis
`Pipeline-Based Design for Numerically Controlled Oscillator .
`L. Ii, D. Li. S. Sheng, and Q. Liang
`Design and Implementation of HRISC2 .
`A. Bouamoua, Y.I. cl-Hafiiif, and A. Amari
`Searching Processor .
`LB. Barbosa, M.B. CcIlJ‘Ia,arId LC. Tefxeira
`. 172
`. 173
`Resource Assignment with Different Target Architectures .
`A. Mignoite and M. Creates tie Pa-ulet
`Flexible Datapath Compilation for Phideo .
`A. van der War)‘, 8.1‘. Mcsweeney, LL. em: Meerbergen,
`P.E.R. Lfppens, and W.F.,l. Verliaegh
`A New Method for the Minimization of Memory Area in High Level Synthesis .
`B. Rouzeyre and G. Sagnes
`High Precision SPICE Models for the Simulation of Analogue CMOS Circuits .
`B. Ankele and F. Schrarik
`Power Calculation for High Density CMOS Gate Arrays .
`W. Eisenmann and M. Kalil
`ACC: Autoinatic Cell Characterization .
`K. Arishunzali’
`Timing Driven Pin Assignment in a. I-Iiera'rchicai Design Environment .
`G. Meixner and G. Zfmmermrmn
`A Genetic Algorithm for the Routing of VLSI Circuits .
`M. Geraci, P. Orlando, G. Vassaiio, and F. Sorbelio
`A New Graph Theoretical Approach to the Selection Of Rip-UPS -
`M. Barthoimneus and M. Rnifh
`Optimal Module Orientation by Block Rotation and Wire Length Minimisation .
`PJ. Drenih. I.G.G.P. van Giisbergen. and M. Lmisberg
`- 2?-4

`. 235
`. 243
`. 247
`Implementation of a Linear Array Element for Matrix Multiplication .
`MA. Mano-rte, L. San‘: tie Queoedo, P. Talmenca,
`ll. Martinez, and E. Villar
`Design of a Complex Cornbinat1'onalASIC with Educational Aims .
`P. Amblard, M. Hollett, S. Audié, E. Bitter, C. Chcmdy,
`P. Coulomb, S. LeMen, O. Ondoo, E. Piot, and F. Pogodalla
`Serial Data Interface for Telecommunication Satellites .
`1. Varmeuvillefi. Manhaeve. and D. Geooert
`A Digital CMOS Fully Connected Neural Network with In-Circuit Learning
`Capability and Automatic Identification of Spurious Atiractors .
`}'.-D. Gascuel, M. Weinfelcmnd S. Chakroun
`An ASIC For Image Dilation and Erosion .
`Y. Terms, 1. Rampart, and M. Baataur
`Real Time Image Processing System: Design of an Area CCD
`Sensor Driving integrated Circuit .
`E. Fauvet, M. Paindaooine, J.-F. Kirilenlco, M. Robert,
`D. Dascimchf, and D. Auvergne
`CHAIR: ].C.Ros1cHmI
`C. Print and P. Magarshack
`On the Construction of Very Large Integer Multipliers .
`G. Hatz, P. Molitor, and W. Zimmer
`. 266
`. 272
`Test Generation Using Cross-Observability Calculations .
`E. Cemy. EM. Aboulhamid. C. Mamas, and P. Rioux
`Comprehensive CAD Support for Boundary Scan Implementation in ASICS .
`P. Lesiml. R. Leoeugle, and P. Mugarshack
`Test Generation of Controllers Using the Synthesis Specifications .
`M. Karam, G. Saucier, and C. fay
`. 273
`. 234
`ASIC Cryptographtcal Processor Based on DB3
`I'.V"5"“‘”h“"5«P- H00?’?W1'U— VaudewaIle.':ri1:tl
`The Design of the PR1 ASIC
`F. C. Torre
`ASIC Chip Set Development to PCM 2 .5: 3-
`oemux with as Project
`6Bits Programmable VHF Amplifier.
`C. Vanhccke
`High-Speed CMOS Operational Amplifier .
`S. Schwehr, T. Fuchs, K. Dzahini, B. Bouthermamd M. Le Halley;
`my mp MUX and


`High-Quality Physical Designs of CMOS ICB .
`}'J.T. Sousa, FM. Goncalrzes, and LP. Teixeim
`Design of Highly Reliable VLSI Proces-sors Incorporating Concurrent
`Error Detection/Correcfion .
`G. Russell and LD. Elliott
`, 310
`Integrating Verification Testing and Logic Synthesis _
`W. Mu rzyn and A. Kmsniewski
`_ 322
`SESSION: Tesr MeAsum~:MsNTs Tscnmouss
`_ _323
`Testing ASICs At-Speed .
`C. Gcmthron
`Ultra-High Speed ICs Set for Test System Design .
`A. Balevskf, A. Shishkcrv, R. Elenkova, V. Soliakoo, and A. Adamov
`A Temperature and Voltage Measurement Cell for VLSI Circuits ,
`GM. Quénet, N. Paris, and B. Zauidovique
`_ 333
`, 334
`. 340
`Digitai Speed Regulation for a Washing Machine Motor .
`C. Ferrer and ].M. Aguirre
`Design of a Robust Analog/ Digital ASIC Interface for Hard Industrial Environment .
`I. Smrtari, H. Tmhuneri, and J. Nikola
`ASIC Design Considerations for Power Management in Laptop Computers ,
`‘(.44. Dubois and LI. Farrefllll
`An A! [)—Chip for Accurate Power Measurement .
`R. Rauscher and V. Gmpe
`Using a CMOS ASIC Technology for the Development of an Integrated ISFET Sensor ,
`K. Dzahini, F. Gafi‘iot,and M. LeHeHe_1;
`. 362
`Evaluation of VLSI Layout Style Implementations {or Efficiency .
`M. Robert, 1. Tmushessec, G. Cothebms. V. Bortzom, N. Azemard,
`D. Desclmchi, and D. Auuergne
`GZL: System for Converting Low-Level Geometrical Designs to a
`Higher Levei Representation .
`E. Pczjarre, T. Rftoniemi, and H. Tenhtmert
`Branch—Based Digital Ceii Libraries ,
`}.M. Masgonty
`Datapath Layout Generation with In-the-Cell Routing and
`Optimal Column Resequertcing .
`R}. Drerttlt and C. Sfratenberg
`. 366

`CMOS Video Cameras
`G. Wang. D. Renshaw, P. B. Dengrer and M. Lu
`University of Edinburgh
`Department of Electrical Engittecring
`Mayfield Road
`Edinburgh, EH9 3JL, UK.
`A .s'r'.Hgi<* chip CMDS rider: camera it prmerrred.
`almrq u-it):
`t!e.t'ign lc-‘(.'hr::'qm= and z:lmr'r1creriza.'iorr
`‘Hie chip :-rm:pr'\'.
`(I 312x287 pixel
`p.lmr(.Idr'rJc.’r.' m‘:'rty mgt.‘Hle':'
`(IN the ner.‘cs.rur')-'
`crd:r’r'c:.m'.=Jg mm‘
`:r::tpltfvt':tg c:'rcuirr_y. m.-
`:1 1.000 gate fogic pI'l')L'l’.5'.5‘0f',
`tintittg to deh'ver a
`t'am,m.:.w'm video sigttal and (I
`f.w'rlter 1.000 _t{(t.'r.'
`:’o_t,>:'c pmce.r.rm‘, wIn'r;l:
`e.'.‘pr2.m.*'e= catttrol over
`(I wide
`TIwre are :rl.m‘e
`.\'o!mt'au.r for -y
`t.'ur'.='z'c*tr‘u.r.r amt’ text.
`We ilttrutlucc :1 new canpabi|ity‘tl1at extends the
`CMOS ASIC marketplace in El sector of high
`gmwtlt rates. 'I'|tis In:lI'l<£!i sector is that uf image
`scltsing and DI‘t.'lL‘L'S5ill1_l_:. covering applications
`from ulectmnie cL'.n1uI':ls
`tn ‘smart’ visilm sys-
`(Imneru uml vheinn .~:_\'.~:lel11.~s itdtlressetl by mLl:w'.~:
`("CD teelmnlngy u;':p_c:lr
`ltungry uml cmettsive. The experinicntul wurk
`here Llemmtstrates
`that hig|‘I-quality
`imznge :«'v.'.I1>:n|‘5 can he implemented entirely in
`uummndity ASIC Ch-1()S teclmelugy, operating
`frcmt sitt-glc Sv s1tppl'ic:-:.
`‘l'he repurtcd chip is :1 Iiighly-integrated CMO3
`VLSI Czlntem.
`.~:h()wn in Figure I. Most of the
`cure urea I2.‘
`:1 3I2><28'l‘ pixel image sensor array,
`tug4.:titcr with the I1L'cc5e+z1|'y sen'.<ing. addressing
`and :::np|il'yit1g circuitry. The output signal can
`be either linear or 1 cnrrccted.
`'y con-cc-iicm is
`mrlnevecl hy :1 simple solution which ugcg the
`[D-‘-/GS eltarzteteristic of an M03
`THO367-3l91!00O0!01 D0$01.o0 © 1991 "555
`tramtistor. The ln_\-‘nut of the :-zcnsnr is cttstnm
`designed to make it
`:1:-; enmpacl its pttssilalc.
`At the top ("Figure l] is the 2.000 gate logic pm-
`laid out
`semi—<:L1sl-um standard-
`I--iulf of therst: gates gencnulc .\‘}-’n-
`including litre-sync and '
`In format
`Staitclard composite video output. The ntltcr
`half of the gates are included to electronically‘
`L‘t)I1[I‘0l exposure over a witlc range (40.(lllll:1].
`enz1hli11g the use ml"
`:1 single fixecl-ztpertttrc lens.
`The chip 111e;t_~;ut'r.-.r.- 7.58mm ><7.5($n:.=H. using l.5
`pun. 2 level mernl ('.fl\l{)S teclmnlugy.
`Figure 1.
`Plmtu-:11icrugrnplt nf .=‘.inglc Clllli
`vitluu culneru

`A video eiiinetii has been built using this chip
`iIl0|l_i_1 with it
`6 MHZ clock source.
`ti 5 volt
`ptm-i.-r..~iipp|_v. plus tine hipolar traiisistor and a
`of msisiiirs
`in iiiiileh the line l['l'lpCClil|'IL'i.‘.‘
`to the
`ileetiiiple the power supply The
`siili_|'ectivel_v cxcelleril.
`t.'umpiii'es well with eoriiniereially available carri-
`Iimigi: Sensor Block
`The iircliileetiiric of the int:-ige sensor is shown in
`Figiti'e 2. The light sensing area consists of a
`.'ll2><2.\'7 Llintle ;irI'ti_v iiititrirt. schematically incli-
`(.'l|lL.'Ll by the Ci)lllll1l1H :inL.l
`rows of individtial
`'l'hi;: pixel size is 19.6ii.m><l6p.iii.
`giving :1 light sei1.\;ii1g eireti of 6.l2mm ><4.59mm.
`This eiirrespoiitls to the st.-iiidard H2" formal.
`l supplies
`clock I‘lUl'
`cal shift register. At the top of each column is ii
`sense ziniplifier.
`'l'lie sensed irifiirrn:-itioii
`is t'i’.!iItl
`our .«;eqiienti;i|l_v along the it-direciioii itiitler eon-
`Irnl of :1 l'lUl'lZUl1I&1l shill register. At the end til"
`the path there is an output iin1plit'ier|l.2].
`The sense iimplitier is ;i siiigle-eiiclt-ti Lliflereiilizil
`cliiirgc iiitegraitor.
`Its; perltirmaiitce Lleituiiuls an
`accurate eaipiicitor,
`furiiied by ittciailltmeliilil
`and itteiallfpoly. However. C{)|'Tlm(}(.lll‘_l‘ ASIC
`CMOS tecliniilogy sometimes can not gutiraiiitee
`the resulting eapaeitamee values. We designed it
`gziin-controllithle iitiegrzitor. sliniwn iii Figtire. 3.
`which allows wide raiigi: nf prtigrnmmtilnle \‘ill’lElv
`tion of the L‘£l|‘.|1lCllili'lL‘C Vtllltc.
`——i P
`% C:
`Tl l --I— gain oontrol transistors
`video format
`liming & control
`—- iiorizontal addressing
`.. r‘"::i_
`column sense amps
`auto test pattern generation
`' CVO —— composite video output
`Fii_:m'i.' 2. Areliiteeltire of the image sensor
`£1CCt1liS{;‘d on the basis of
`'l‘lie plitatoiliocles 1111;‘
`seqiientiiil selcctiuit of each row through a verti-
`Figure 3.
`Integrator with progranimzihle gain
`and self cornpensation
`Thai: main concern in the output stage design is
`the read-iiut
`speed required to achieve high
`resoluiioit. A 6 MHz clock was cliosen for this
`design; this gives ii horizontal resolution of 312
`pixels. The rcsultaiit picture quality is assured
`by a two stage output buffer with sample and
`hold function.
`3. Automatic Exposure Control
`The device iiiitomaitietilly controls its exptisiire
`over 21 range of -'-l0.0{l0:l. Control
`is achieved
`by varying the inte_i_:raIioii
`time prior to rciiiliiig
`eacli row of pixels. The iiiiegrzitioii
`time can he
`as long as one l"ie|Ll. or as sliiiit as three i:_i=e|e::
`of the pixel clock(;ihniii Smfil-1S)l

`in Figure 5.
`Figure 3..
`GEII'|'||'il1I L'f.’|'lT(.‘i.'-l(ll'
`SPICE 3~ilITllIl:lllE)I1 \.\';lS c:1:'i'ie:i nut and Li simulat-
`is .~ahnwn in Figtltwc (3. A titenrctic:ii
`tion result
`curve at itieail
`'y currcctioit
`‘y =li_45} is £|i.\'ll
`HIIUWI1 in Figure 6,
`ideal L'|.ll‘\‘t'3
`Sin1I.1l:1tir)It result
`\ ‘
`The exposure is set by monitoring the video
`strettm and estimating the frzlctimis of eaeli pic~
`tun: which are very white and very black. On
`the liasis of this information.
`the device decides
`whetlter the picture contrast is acceptable, or too
`white. or too dark.
`If necessary,
`the exposure
`time is lht-111 changed, in the appropriate direc-
`4. Generation of the Vitiee Format Signal
`Fig__LIrt_' 4 shows a block diagratn for the genera-
`tion of
`the video formatted signal, The «,4
`image data is multiplexed with the
`s_vn::—Ic\-'el and hlanl;ing—lev::l, controlled by firm-
`ing mntrni signals, which are provided {mm the
`A bipolar
`is needed It} provide it
`irl’I|1L'(i.’lllE.‘C output.
`lltinge signal
`Fi_i;m'c =1. Gcnerutinn nf the video output
`-"W113"? Snluliun for 1 Currecliun
`iintngu data needs
`tn m_mpcI1.~'utc fur the mmliiicariw Df
`Itlnniltir tubes L3]. This is u.~;u.;,;]y gmplcmclimd
`1I>i||!_t__'<cr::1u components e.g.
`:1 Intlder-netwtark
`reference voltages.
`this is not suitable for
`in this tie.-;i_:;n -y correction is zxchievcci by
`.~;imple sultnion which uses the nonlinear I
`\/Us c|1:ir::ctcri.=:tic (if an M05 PET. as sltcixisiiii
`0.0 M It
`Figure 6.
`C_‘::.m1n1;1 s.nri'L'<:li:i11 cur\'L'5
`6. Simple Sulutinn fur '11-sl
`Special uimitlcruiimt Ims been _L1E\-’I.‘ll in mtikt‘ _|l
`])(J.‘i!~'li‘JlC tu <.'.u1‘1‘y tllll digital
`test w|iiL'|I I34
`as curnpletc as pn.~:~;ih|c_
`'l'he airialugtic parts am‘
`also tested by nmt.;ing them prmiut-c digital mil-
`Pllts. so uvtnitliiti-’ it
`ret]1IiI‘ument for full
`test. The il.'!il
`ft"-‘-5“ mid
`word-line tests. Only in
`lJ.7HC'i> incrciltic in clltp
`area was rct]uirt.‘iI
`tn implement
`the on L'll|[3

`l‘I£lr(i\\’2tI’[: ttccessary for this form of testing (Fig-
`ure 2). The ll1(il\’iL'l|.t1ll photo pixeis may he
`tested it‘ a .~:ui‘ficicnt|y long vector set
`is a|Iow-
`"the chip can also scltlgcnerztte a checkerboard
`pattern which may be displayed on :1 monitor
`screen. or capturctzl by a frame grabber. This
`pattern can be used not only to find defective
`pixels, but aiso to check analogue performance
`parameters. such as read out speed and unifor-
`7. Elitninalittg Noise
`Complete guard rings are put around all analo-
`gue parts to minimize interference from the digi-
`tal parts. Routing is arranged with priority to
`analogue output and analogue power supplies.
`Analogue power supplies and digital supplies are
`sepimtlctl. and supplies to different analogue
`parts :Irt.: Llivitlcd where necessary.
`fixed pattern noise:
`‘there are two sources of
`tltresltulti variation in the MOS pixel access
`transistors causing specklcs,
`between the column sense amptificrs causing
`vertical stripes. The solution to the pixel thres-
`l'l()lt.i variation is to reduce the pixel reset voltage
`helow (Vdtt-Vt)
`so that
`the reset voltage is
`insensitive to the variation of the threshold Vt.
`Column fixed pattern noise arises mostly from
`tuisrriatcltes in the column sense amplif-
`iers. We have successfully eliminated this prob-
`lem hy autornatically compensating each amplif-
`ier to give zero offset during each line synchron-
`ization interval.
`3. Clmracte'rir.ati_on
`test measurement set-up was used to
`An optical
`characterize the camera. The following table
`summarize the measured results of the perfor-
`mance characterization expcrirnents. The param-
`eters of typical
`tnonoeltromc CCD cameras am
`also given for cotuparison.
`operating voltage
`for catnera
`power dissipation
`for chi .
`power dissipation
`for camera
`ex OSU. 1'6 l'Eil'l ‘EC
`satttration level
`antiblooming fact_or
`dark current‘
`. * as fraction of Si-li'l.1t":iIi{‘.|l‘t at room temperature.
`20msec integration time
`9. Conclusions
`We have developed several design tccltniqucs to
`achieve a
`single chip camera.
`it1 ut1rrto4.|i't'iet|
`pctlormattcc of CCD cameras. The ticsigit has
`proven that three technical barriers wltich most
`greatly influence new product development:
`power consumption and size.
`dramatically reduced over
`camera tecltttoiogies.
`ID. Ackttowledgetnenls
`received from the
`We acknowledge support
`and Engineering Research Councii
`(Grant GRIP 36538 IEDZ/H1159).
`11. References
`cl". al., "ASIC Vision", Proc.
`[1] D. Rcnshaw.
`Conference, 1990, pp 3038-3041.
`"ASIC image
`['2] D. Rcrisltaw.
`Symposium on Circa-its and Systems. 1990.
`and Video
`Eugene 'l"rLtndlc,
`Engineers Pocket Book. Heinctrtattn, 1987.

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