Bruce lVIacDowell Maggs
`402 Lyons Road
`Chapel Hill. r\C 27514
`(919) 929—3997
`Department of Computer Science
`Duke University
`Durham. \C 27708—0129
`Research Interests
`Networks for parallel and distributed computer systems.
`Duke University
`Pelhum Wilder Professor of Computer Science. July 2011-wpresent,
`Professor of Commoner Science. January 201()~July 2011.
`Visiting Professor of Computer Science. September 2(Z)07~"August 2008.
`July 2009~J anuary 2010.
`Carnegie Mellon University
`Adjunct Professor of Computer Science. July 2009~July 2010.
`Professor of Computer Science, July 2004-«July 2009.
`Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (by courtesy), July 2004»~._luly
`Associate Professor of Computer Science, with tenure. July 1999—.luly 2004.
`Associate Professor of Computer Science. July 19977July 1999.
`Assistant Professor of Computer Science. January 1994~July 1997.
`Alumni Technologics. [no
`Vice President for Research. J enumry 1. 2000~present
`Vice President for Research and Development. April 1. 1999~~December 31,
`Senior Research Scientist, January 15. 1999*March 31, 1999.
`ill/Jassachusetts Institute of Technology
`Visiting Associate Professor of Computer Science, September 1998"”January 1999.
`NEC Reseaicl‘i Institute, Inc.
`Research Scientist (Permanent Status), October 1993—January 1994.
`Research Scientist (Prcwisional Status). September 19907-October 1993.
`Massach-usetts Institute of Technology
`Postdoctoral Associate, September 1989*September 1990.
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`Ph.D.. Computer Science, September 1989.
`Thesis title: Locality in Parallel Computation
`Thesis supervisor: Charles E. Leiserson
`SIM” Electrical Engineering; and Computer Science, June 1986.
`Thesis title: CommuniontionEfficient Parallel Graph Algorithms
`S.B.. Computer Science and Engineering June 1985.
`Thesis title: Computing Minimum Spanning Trees on a Fat-Tree Architect'ure
`University of Illinois at Urbana-Champa-ign
`September 1981~lVlay 1983.
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`II. Publications
`Chapters in Books
`“Parallel algorithms.” G. E. Blelloch and B. M. Maggs. In M. J. Atallah, editor, Handbook
`of Algorithms and Theory of Compnlalion. CRC Press, Boca. Raton, FL. November 1998,
`chapter 47.
`.lr., editor. The
`In A. B. Tucker,
`“Parallel algorithms,” G. E. Blelloch and B. M. hilagge.
`Compulcr Science and Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, Boon Raton, FL, 1997, pp. 277»-
`Refereed Journal Papers
`“Enabling Content-Aware Traffic Engineering,“ I. l’ocee, B. Frank, G. Siriar'agdakis, S. U lilig,
`A. Felclmann, and B. Maggs. A CM SICCOMh/I Computer Communication Review, Vol. 42,
`No. 1:3, October 2012.
`"Posit: A Lightweight Approach for IP Geolocation." B. Eriksson, P. Barford, B. hilaggs, and
`R. Newark. SICMETRJCJ Performance E‘oalnalion Review, Vol. 40. No. 2, September 2012.
`pp. 2 ll.
`"Simultaneous Source Location.” K. Andreev, C. Garrod, D. Golovin, B. Maggs. and A.
`l\/1eyerson. A CM Transactions on Algorithms, Vol. 6, No. 1. December 2009.
`Originally appeared in the Proceedings of lhe 7th International Workshop on Approximation
`Algorithms for Co-‘Inhinalorial ()plimizal’ion Problems (APPROX), August, 2004.
`“On the Performance Benefits of h/lultilioming Route Control,” A. Akella, B. M. Maggs. S.
`Seshan. A. Shaikh, and R. Sitaraman. IEEE/A CM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 16, \o.
`1, February 2008., pp. 91—104.
`Originally appeared as “A ineasurei'nent—based analysis of inultihoming,” in the Proceedings
`of the A CM .91CCOMM 2003 Conference on Applications. Technologies, Archilect'zrrcs, and
`Prolocols for Computer Communication (SIGCOlVllVl), August, 2003.
`“Globally (‘listributed contei'it delivery,” .1. Dilley, B. Mngge, .l. Parikh, ll. Prokop, B... Share.—
`n'ian. and B. Weihl. [BEE Internal Cornpulirzg. Scincniber/Oetolxn' 2002, pp. 5077-58.
`“Protocols for asyn‘n‘netric cornnninication channels,” M. Adler and B. M. lVIaggS. Jrrizrnril of
`Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 63, No. 4., December 2001, pp. 573~596.
`Originally appeared in the Proceedings of the 39th Annual Symposium on Foundations of
`Computer Science (FOCS). October 1998, pp. 5224533.
`“On the bisection width and expansion of butterfly networks.” C. F. Bernstein, A. Litman,
`B. M. h-lagge, R. K. Sitarznnan, and T. Yatzkar. Theory of Compnling Systems. Vol. 34.. No.
`6. November 2001, pp. 491-«518.
`Originally 211.p{,)<i~‘<l in the Prorzccrli’l’zyS' of the .12lh Inlcrna‘lional Parallel PT‘()(iI(—Z.S'$’l7lg Sympo—
`sium (.lPPS). h’leirch 1998. pp. 144,.,15()_
`“On the benefit of supporting virtual cl'iannels in wormhole routers,” R. J. Cole, B. M. haloggs,
`and R. K. Sitarainai‘i. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Vol. 62, No. 1, February
`2001, pp. 152-177.
`Originally appeared in the Proceedings of the 8th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms
`and Architectures (SPAA), June 1996, pp. 131 ----- 1411.
`“Improved routing and sorting on multibutterflies,” B. M. Maggs and B. Vocking. Algorith-
`mico.._ Vol. 28, No. 4, 2000, pp. 438—464.
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`Originally appeared 111 the. Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACJW Symposium on the Theory
`of Computing (STOC). May 1997. pp. 5177530.
`““— selection algoiltlnns 101 11Vpe1(11111C 11etwor.”ks P. Be115'110111é. A. 1701101121 B.
`l\1.l\ S.P01011n0e. 2111(1C.G.Pl21xt-011. Algortthnuca Vol 26. No. 2. 2000. pp. 237—254.
`O11g1112‘1lly 211171021177111'1 the Proceedings of the 7th Inte777.ationol Parallel Processing Symposium
`(IPPS). April 1993. pp. 8995.
`“Fast algoritln'ns for finding O(congestion+dilation) packet routing schedules.” F. T. Leighton.
`B. M. Maggs. and A. W. 11101121. Combinatorica. V01. 19. No. 3. 1999. pp. 375-----401.
`Originally appea1ed 111 the Proceedings of the 28th Hawaii International Conference on System
`Sciences (HlCSS) Volume 2 Tannery 1995 pp 555 563
`“Simple algorithms 101 roofing 011 hutieifly netVV01ks with hounded q11eues.B. 1\7’1.\laogs
`and R. K. Sitaiainan. SIAM Journal on Com/77.717779. V01 28. N0. 3. June 1999. pp. 981-1003.
`Originally 21117.1(:‘211231'1 in the Proceedings of “the 24th. Annual ACM S;7/7'77posium on the Theory
`of Co777putinq (STOC). 1\7'l21.y 1992. pp. 150—161.
`“Tiglwit 211121.1ysee of two local 1021.71 b21121:11<1ng alnoritlnns B. Ghosh.
`. 1‘. Leighton. 13. \l.
`l\:121.ggs. S. l\1u, C. G. Plaxton. R 11213211211112111, A. W. 1111.121.F11.. E. Tarjan. 21nd D.
`57.211171 Journal on Computing, Vol. 29. No. 1. February 1999. pp. 29— 64.
`Originally appeared in the Proceedings of the 27th. Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory
`of Computing (STOC). May 1995. pp. 548 7558.
`“On the 121111110123121nce 01 some popular bounded—degiee Helm—“011:8.” F. T 11917311011 13. M.
`1\7l21.ggs. and R. K. S11.21121.1112111. SIAM Jo77.7nol on Computing. V.01 27. No. 5. October 1998.
`pp. 1303-4333.
`O11g11121llV appeared in 1.110 P707:ee(l7ng5 of the 99771 Annual Symposium on Foundations of
`ComputeI Sc7ence (1OCS). Odober 1992. pp. 542552.
`“An experimental analysis of p21121.llel sowing algorithms” G E. Blelloeh C- 13. Leisei‘son. B.
`M. Magos C. G. Plaxt'on. S. Smith. 21.11C1M. Zagha. Theo7y of C.o777p777‘.7'ng Systems Vol.
`N0 2.51a1Ch/Ap1111998. pp. 135-167
`()1101112111V7 21ppe211ed as "A (01111121118011 0'1 sortino aloorithms 101“ 1118 Connection l\71210.hine
`CAI—2 ’7
`in the P7777e7d7n7/9 o] Ihe .9771 Annual ACM Symponum on Parallel Algomlhms and
`A77h7tectu7e (SP/AA). July 1991. pp. 3— 16'.
`.1. Cole.B. l\l. l\121gos.2111(1 R.
`“R.<IK:01111gi.11111g 21.1121V-“s with faults part. 1: “7015602180 12111118.” R.
`K. Sit211211n211'1. SIAM Jouri'zul on Computing. V01. 26. N0. 6 December 1997. pp. 1581 1611..
`Originally appeared. as “lV-‘Iulti-scale 01111112111011: A technique 101 10(011601117110 211121Vs with
`121.1115 ” 111 the Proceedings of the 257th Annual ACM Symposzum on the Theory of Computing
`(STOC) MaV 199:1 pp 561572
`\VOrlx—pIQSGIVHP enmlations 01 fixed—connection networks,” R. R. Koch F. T. Leiowhton B.
`l\1.\l219,gs S. 13. R210. A. L. Rosenbelg. andE J Schwabe. Journal of the ACM.V01 14. \0.
`1. JannarV71997. pp. 10-41-74 47.
`Originally appeared in the Proceedings of the 2137‘. Annual ACM Symposiurri on Theory of
`Corripit'ti-ng (STOC). M2157 1989. pp. 2279—2410.
`“On—lino algorithms for path selection in 21 117:11111100k111g notwcnli.“ S, 73110121.. P. 1.L2>1gl'11.<:>11.
`and B. M.
`i\7'l21.ggs. SIAM Journal on Computu'zg Vol 25 N0 3 June 1996. pp. 600—625
`Originally appeared 111 the Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Sum/903771777. on Theory of
`Computing (STOC). May 1990. pp. 149—158.
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`E19] A maximum likelihood stereo algorithm,” 1. J. Cox, S. L. Hingorani. B. M. Maggs. S. B.
`Rao. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. Vol. 63. No. 3. May 1996. pp. 542—567.
`Originally appeared as “Stereo without disparity gradient smoothing: a. Bayesian sensor l'usion
`solution.” in 1). Hogg and R. Boyle. ed. Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference.
`Springor—Verlag. Septemlxgtr 1992. pp. 337—346.
`E20] “Rin‘idomized routing and sorting on iixed—connection networks." F. T. Leighton. B. M.
`h’lziggs. S. B. Rao. and A. G. Ranade.
`Journal of Algorithms, Vol. 17. No. 1. July 1994.
`pp. 157—205.
`Originally appeared as “Universal packet routing algorithms,” T. Leighton. B. Maggs. and
`S. Rao. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on. Foundations of Computer Science
`(FOCS). October 1988. pp. 256—271. Note:
`this conference paper was later broken into two
`journal papers.
`[21] “Packet routing and job—shop scheduling in O(congestion+dilation) steps," F. T. Leighton.
`B. M hrlaggs. S. B. Rao. Combinatorica. Vol. 14. No. 2, 1994. pp. 167—180.
`Originally appeared as “Universal packet routing algorithms.” T. Leighton. B. Maggs, and
`S. Rao. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
`(FOCS). (I)cI:-ol‘>er 1988. pp. 256—271. Note:
`this conference paper was later broken into two
`journal papers .
`[22] “A parallel algorithm for reconfiguring a multibutterfiy network with faulty switches." A. V.
`Goldberg. B. M. Maggs. and S. A. Plotkin. IEEE Transactions on Computers. Vol. 43. No.
`3. March 1994. pp. 321—326.
`[23] “Fast algorithms for routing around faults in multibutterflies and randomly-wired splitter
`networks." F. T. Leighton and B. M. Maggs. IEEE Transactions on Computers. Vol. 41. No.
`5 halay 1992. pp. 578—587.
`fast algorithms for routing around
`Originally appeared as “Expanders might be practical:
`faults on niultil:>i.rtterflies.” in the Proceedings of the 30th Annual S’yi‘nposiuni on Foundations
`of Computer Science (FOCS). October 1989. pp. 384—389.
`[24] "Fast algoritlnns for bit—serial routing on a hypercube.” W’. A. Aiello. F. T. Leighton. B. M.
`hilaggs. and M. Newman.
`lllathcmatical Systems Theory. Vol. 24. No. 4. 1991. pp. 253—271.
`Originally 21.1.)1.)eared in the Proceedings of the 52nd Annual ACM Symposiuni on I-l’arallcl A l—
`gorithms and Architectures (SPAA). July 1990. pp. 55—64.
`E25E “Connnuiii<'ation—ctficicnt parallel algmithms for distributed randorryaccess machines." C. E.
`Leiserson and B. M. Maggs. Algorithmica. Vol. 3. No. 1. 1988. pp. 53—77.
`Originally appeared in the Proceedings of the 1986 International Conference on Parallel Pro—
`cessing (ICPP). August 1986. pp. 861—868.
`E26] “Minii‘num—cost spar‘ming tree as a path—firming; problem.‘ B. M. Maggs and S. A. l’lotkin.
`Information. Processing Letters. Vol. 26. No. 6. Jai‘mary 1988. pp. 291—293.
`Submitted for Journal Publication
`E1] “Designing overlay i’nulticast i‘ietworks for streaming”. K. Andreev. B.
`and R. Sitaraman.
`.l\1aggs. A. hileyerson.
`Originally appeared in Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel
`Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), June 2003.
`[2] “On hierarchical routing in doubling metrics.” H. T—H. Chan. A. Gupta. B. M. l\1aggs. and
`S. Zhou.
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`Originally appeared in Proceedings of the 16th Annual A CM-SI/llld Symposium on Discrete
`Algorithms (SODA). January 2005.
`Refereed Conference and Workshop Papers Not Also Appearing in or Submitted to
`lin. A.
`incrementally Cleployable ICN.” S. Fayazbaksh. Y.
`“Less pain, most of the gain:
`Tootoncliian. A. Ghodsi. T. Koponen. B. Maggs. K.—C. Ng, V. Sekar, and S. Slienker. Pro—
`ceedings of the A CM SIGCOMM 2013 Conference (SlGCOl\ll\/l). August. 2013., to appear.
`“ii-"(eligible content—distribution i‘ietworks.” P. Aditya. M. Zhao. Y. Lin, A. Hucbcrlei‘i. P. Dr—
`usclicl, B.
`l\rla.ggs. and B. W’islion. Proceedings of the 9th. USENIX Symposium on. Networked
`Systems Design and Implementation (NSDII), April 2012.
`“Cutting the electrical bill for Internet—scale systems,” A. Qureshi. R. V'Veber. ll. l3ELl‘de‘lSl’ll’i‘dJ’l,
`J. Guttag. and B. Maggs, Proceedings of the A CM SIGCOMll/i/ 2009 Conference (SlGCOMlVi).
`August. 2009.
`“Holistic query translorrnations [or dynamic Web applications.” A. l\/lanjhi, C. Garrod. B.
`M. Maggs. T. C.
`l\r‘lowry, and A. Toni-(:isic, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE 25th International
`Conference on Data. Engineering (ICDE). April 2009.
`“Holistic application analysis for update—in<,lepen<:lc_~n:1cef” C. Garrod. A. Manjl'ii, B. Maggs, T.
`l\’lowry,.:eind A. Toniasic. Proceedings of the Second IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web
`Systems and Technologies (l'lotW’eb 2008)., October. 2008., pp. 176.
`“Scalable query result caching for Web applications; C. Garrod. A. Manji. A. Ailamaki.
`B. Allaggs. T. Mowry. C. Olston. and A. Tomasic. Proceedings of the 34th International
`Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB). August 2008.
`“On the impact ofrouie monitor selection.” Y. Zhang. Z. Zhang, Z. M. Mao. Y. C. Hu. and B.
`M. Maggs, Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference 2007 (IMO), October 2007.
`i‘Portcullis: protecting connection setup from denial-of—capability attacks.” B. Parno, D.
`VVendlandt. E. Sl‘ii. A. Perrig, B. Maggs. and Y.—C. Hu, Proceedings of the A CM S]C COMM
`.2007 Conference (SlGCO.l\ll\l), August, 2007.
`“R—BGP: Staying connected in a connected world.” N Kushrnan, S. Kanclula. D. Katabi. and
`B. M. Maggs, Proceedings of the 4th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design 53'
`Implementation (NSDI). April 2007.
`“lnvaliclation clues for database scalability services.” A Manjhi. P. B. Gibl‘xms. A. Ailainaki.
`B. M. Muggs. T. C. Mowry. C. Olston. A. Tomasic. and H. Yu. Proceedings of the 2007 [EEE
`23rd Internolionul Conference on Data. Engineering (ICDE), April 2007.
`inii'iirnizing network congestion. ' D. Golovin. A. Gupta- B.
`“Quorum placement. in networks:
`M. Maggie. F. Opreu7 and M. Reiter, Proceedingss of the 18th Annual .4 CM SIG/i CT—SICOPS
`Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC). July. 2006.
`iVianjhi, A.
`“Simultaneous scalability and security for data-intensive \Neb applications.” A.
`Ailainaki, B. M. Maggs, T. C. Mowry. C. Olston. and A. Tomasic. Proceedings of ACM
`SIGMOD 2006' (SIGMOD). June. 2006.
`“Finding effective support—tree preconditionersy” B. M. Ariaggs. G. L. Miller. 0. Parekh. R.
`Ravi. and S. L. M. Who. Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel
`Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), July 2005.
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`[14] “Quorum placement in networks to minimize access delays,” A. Gupta. B. Maggs, F. Oprea7
`and M. Reiter. Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM SIGA CT—SIC OPS Symposium on Prin—
`ciples of Distributed Computing (PODC). July, 2005.
`“A scalability service for dynamic Web applications.” C. Olston, A lVlanjhi. C. Garrod, A.
`Ailainaki. B. M. Maggs. and T. C. Mowry. Proceedings of the 2nd Biennial Conference on
`Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), January 2005.
`“A methodology for estimating interdomain Web traffic demand,“ A. Feldmann, \ Kammen-
`liuber. O.
`l‘vlaermel. B. Maggs, R. De Prisco. and R. Sundaram. Proceedings of the Internet
`[AvihillS’lj/TCWLCTLIJ Conference .2004 (IMO). October 2004.
`“An analysis of live streaming workloads on the Internet,” K. Sripanidkulcl‘iai., B. Maggs. and
`H. Zhang. Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference 2004 (IMO), October 2004..
`“Availability. usage7 and deployment characteristics of the Domain Name System". J. Pang.
`J. Hendricks. A. Akella. S. Seshan. B. Maggs. and R. De Prisco. Proceedings of the Internet
`Measurement Conference 2004 (IMO). October 2004.
`l\tlaennel. Z. Morley Mao. A.
`“Locating Internet routing instabilities”. A. Feldrnann. O.
`Berger. and B. Maggs Proceedings of the A CM S]G COMM 2004 Conference (SlGCOiN’lA/l).
`August, 2004.
`“A comparison of overlay routing and rnultihon‘iing route control”. A. Akella. J. Pang. A.
`Shaikh. B.
`l\r’1a.ggs. and S. Seshan. Proceedings of the ACM SICCOMM 2004 Conference
`(SlGCOMA/l). August, 2004.
`“The. feasibility of supporting large—scale live streaming applications with dynamic application
`end—points." K. Sripanidkulchai. A. Ganjam, B. Maggs, and H. Zliang. Proceedings of the
`ACM SIGCOMM 52-004 Conference (SIGCOMM), August. 2004.
`“Efficient content location using interestvbased locality in peer-to—peer systems”, K. Sripanid-
`kulchai. B. M. Maggs. and H. Zhang. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Joint Conference of
`the IEEE Computer and Commnnicotirms Societies (lNFOCOlN’l’OB), April 2003.
`"‘Spacré—céfficient finger search on degree—balanced search trees”, G. E. Blelloch, B. M. Maggs.
`and S. L. M. Woo. Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM—SIAM Symposium on Discrete
`Algorithms (SODA). January 2003. pp. 374AAAAAA383.
`“’l‘radooffs between parallelism and fill in nested dissection,” C. F. Bornstein, B. M. Maggs.
`and G. L. Miller. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual ACM Symposium on. Parallel Algorithms
`and Architectures (SPAA). June 1999. pp. 191 ----- 200.
`“On balls and bins with ('ieletirnis,” R. Cole. A. Frieze, B. M. Maggs, M. Mi1‘..'./.enrnacher, A.
`W. Richa. R- K. Sitaraman, and E. Upfal, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on
`Ra.ndomieation and Approrimation Techniques in Computer Science (RANDOEVI). October
`1998, pp. 145w158.
`“Randomized protocols for low~congestion circuit routing in multistage interconnection net~
`works.” R. Cole, B. M. Maggs, F. Meyer auf der Heide. M. Arilitzeni‘nacher, A. W. Richa. K.
`Schroder, R. K. Sitaraman, and B. Vocking. Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium
`on the Theory of Computing (STC)C), May 1998., pp. 378-388.
`“Parallel Gaussian elimination with linear work and fill.” C. F. Bornstein. B. M. Maggs. G.
`Miller, and R. Ravi. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer
`Science (FOCS). October 1997, pp. 2747283.
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`[28] “Exploiting locality for data management. in systems of limited bandwidth." B. M. hilaggs.
`F. Meyer auf cler Heide, B. Vocking, and M. VVestermann. Proceedings of the 38th Annual
`Symposium on. Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS). October 1997. pp. 284-293.
`[29] “Routing on l’mtterlly i‘ietworlis with random faults." R. Cole. B. l\:Iaggs. and R. Sitaraman.
`.l-h’ocecdings of the 36th Annual Symposium on. Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS),
`October 1995. pp. 558e570.
`[30] “An algorithm for finding predecessors in integer sets.’7 B. lVIaggs and M Ranch. Proceedings
`of the 3rd l’l’IOTkISlLOP on Algorithms and Data Structures (VVADS). Vol. 709 of Lecture \otes
`in Computer Science, SpringeVerlag. August 1993, pp. 483' 493.
`[31] “Approximate load balancing on dynamic and asynchronous networks,” W. Aiello. B. Awer—
`buch, B. Maggs. and S. Rao. Proceedings of the 25th Annual A CM Symposium on the Theory
`of Computing (STOC), May 1993, pp. 632~-—'(i41.
`[32] “Empirical evaluation of randonily—wired multistage i‘ietwcu‘ks,” D. Lisinski, T. Leigl'iton, and
`B. Maggs.
`5>roceeding.s’ of the 1.990 International Conference on Computer Design (TC-CD).
`September 1990. pp. 380%385.
`Technical Reports
`[1] “Competitive analysis of call admission algorithms that allow delay.” A. Feldmam‘i. B. M.
`Maggs. J. Sgall, I). I). Sleator, and A. Tomkins. Technical Report CMU~CS—95—102, School
`of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213., January 1995.
`Other Publications — Surveys and Position Papers
`“A survey of congestion+dilation results for packet scheduling,” B. M. Maggs. Proceedings
`of the 40th Conference on Information Science and Systems (CISS). lVIarch 2006.
`“Real-time emulations of boum’led-degree networks." B. M. l\-Iaggs and E. .l. Schwal‘m. Infor—
`mation. P’rmessi'rig Letters, Vol. 6. No. 5., June 1998. pp. 269v276.
`lVIaggS. proceedings of the
`“A critical look at three of parallel cornputing’s maxims.” B. M.
`1996 International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN
`’96). June 1996. pp.
`“Parallel algorithms,” G. E. Blelloch and B. M. hilaggs. ACM Computing Surveys. Vol. 28,
`No. 1, March 1996. pp. 51 -----54-.
`“Models of parallel computation: a survey and synthesis,” B. M. Maggs. L. R. Matheson. and
`R. E. Tarjan. Proceedings of the 28th Hawaii International Conference on Sjl/stem Sciences
`(HICSS), Volume 2. January, 1995. pp. 61—70.
`[6] “The hidden cost of low l‘mnrlwidtl‘i communication,” G. E. Blelloch, B. M Maggs, and G.
`L. l\:’liller. In U. Vishkin. ed, Developing a Computer Science Agenda for High.—Performance
`Computing, ACM Press. 1994. pp. 22—25.
`[7] “Randomly wired multistage networks." Statistical Science. B. M. Maggs. Vol. 8, No. 1.
`February. 1993. pp. 70----- '75.
`[8] "Beyond parallel random—access machines." B. M. Maggs. In J. L. C. Sanz. ed. Opportunities
`and Constraints oderallel Computing, Springer—Verlag, 1989., pp. 8384.
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`01800 ~- Exhibit 1017


`US. Patent Number 7.296.082. “Method and System for Fault Tolerant Media. Stream-
`ing over the Internet,” F. T. Leighton, D. M. Lewin, D. Shaw, and B. Maggs.
`November 13. 2007.
`U S. Patent Number 7.111.061. “Global Load Balancing Across Mirrored Data, Centers,”
`F. T. Leigl‘iton, A. E. Lewin (legal representative). R. Sundarenn. R. S. Dl’iz‘midiiia.
`R. Kleinberg. M. 1.1evine. A. M. Soviani. B. Maggs, H. S. Rahul, S. Tl‘iirunjierlai, J.
`C. Parikh. Y. O. Yerusl‘ialmi. D. M. Lewin. September 19., 2006.
`US. Patent Number 7.010.578, “internet Content Delivery Service with Third Party
`Cache Interface Support.” D. M Lewin. B. hilaggs. and J. J. Kloninger.
`l.\'la.rC}:i 7.
`US. Patent Number (3.667.726. “Method and System for Fault Tolerant Media. Stream—
`ing over the Internet.” F. T. Leighton, D. M. Lewin, D. Shaw, and B. hilaggs,
`December 16. 2003.
`US. Patent Number 5.521.591, “Switching Networks with Expansive and /or Dispersive
`Logical Clusters for h-iessage Routing,” S. A. Arora. T. F. Knight, .11'.. F. T. Leighton,
`B. M. hr’Iaggs, and E Upfal, May 28. 1996.
`III. Evidence of External Reputation
`Daniel L. Slotnick sz—n‘d for Most Original Paper for “Connnunication—oliicient paral—
`lel graph algorithms,” C. E. Leiserson and B. M. Maggs. Proceedings of the J. 986
`In./,:e7"n.r.1.'//110m1] Conference on Parallel Processing, August 1986. IEEE. pp. 861w868.
`Distinguished Lecture Series Talks
`“Cutting the Electrical Bill for Internet—Scale Systems,”
`AT & T Labs Research (7/ 10)
`“Lessons in Ei‘igineering Self—Managing Networks.”
`i\/’1icrosoft Research Silicon Valley (11 / 07)
`"Experimenting with a Content Delivery Network”
`Boston University ( 1. l /03).
`Johns Hopkins University (11/03)
`“Global Internet Content Delivery”
`.1 niversity of Illinois at Chicago (12/02),
`IBM Silicon Valley Lalmrzrtorv (5 / 02).
`“Some Problems Related to Content Delivery”
`University of i\«'1n.ssacliusetts, Amherst (10/01).
`Keynote Addresses at Conferences and Workshops
`“A First Look at a Commercial Hybrid Content Delivery System."
`15th lEEE Global Internet Symposium (3/ 12).
`“Cutting the Electric Bill for Internet—Scale Systems,"
`Student Workshop, 6th International Conference on emerging Networking EXpert
`ments and Teclinoiogies (CONEXT) (11/10).
`Page 8 of 25
`Cisco—— Exhibit 1017


`“Cl‘iallenges in Engineering the Worlds Largest Content Delivery \etwork,"
`Second IEEE \Vorkshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies (10 /08).
`“Engineering a Large Self—Managed Network,”
`Tag cler Informatik, Rheinisch—VVestfalische Technische I-Iochschule Aachen (12/07).
`“A Scalable Approach to Alleviating Database Bottlenecks”
`Third Annual Delis \Vorksl'iop (1/ 07).
`“A Methodology for Estimating Interdtnnain Web Traffic”
`Heinz Nixdorf Symposium (1/06).
`“Lessons in Engineering Selffihiianaging Networks.”
`h’IlCI‘OSOft Self—Managing Networks Summit7 2005: Making Networks Self—Aware
`(6 / 05).
`“"A Comparison of Overlay Routing and l\/1ultihoniing Route Control.”
`High Performance Switching and Routing Workshop, (04/04),
`"Designing Overlay l\viulticast Networks for Streaming”,
`Tenth International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Com-
`plexity (SIROCCO 2003) (6/ 03).
`“Some Problems Related to Content Delivery”
`ACM/IEEE International Syn‘iposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CC—
`Gi‘it12001) (5/01),
`Third NYC Metro Area Distributed Systems Meeting (N hriADS—Efi) (04/01).
`International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks (1—
`SPAN ’00) (12/00),
`Ninth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing
`(HPDC) (8/00).
`“Global Internet. Content Delivery“
`21st Annual ACM Symposium on Prii‘iciples of Distributed Computing (PODC 702)
`INFORMATIK ’99, International \IVorkshop on Communication and Data l\/’1anage—
`ment in Large Networks, Heinz Nixdorf Institute University of Padei‘born. Pader—
`born, Germany (10 / 99).
`""i\/Iultibutterflies: The Most Powerful Multistage Interconnection Networks Known”
`Computing: the Australasian Theory Symposium, Sydney, Australia (2/97).
`“Improved Routing and Sorting on Multibutterflies”
`l\r1id\vest Theory Day. Chicago, IL (12/96).
`“A Critical Look at Three of Parallel Computing’s Maxims”
`1996 International Symposium on Parallel Arcl‘iitectiiresG Algorithms, and Networks
`(l—SPAN ’96) Beijing, China (6/96).
`“W hat Makes a Good Routing Network?“
`International \Vorkshop on Interconnection Networks, Centre International de Ren~
`centres IV'Iathematiques, Luminy, France (7/95).
`One—Hour Plenary Session Invited Lectures at Conferences and Workshops
`“Designing Overlay Multicast Networks for Commercial Streaming”
`workshop on Network 1\-Ianagement and Design, Institute for Mathematics and its
`Applications (IMA), Ur‘iiversity of Minnesota (5/ 03).
`Page 9 of 25
`Cisco -— Exhibit 1017


`“Challenges in Building a Reliable System of Tens of Thousands of Servers"~
`Dependability in Real Life, Second High Dependability Computing Consortium
`Workshop (5/ 01).
`“Variations on Nested Dissection"
`Symposium on High Performance Computing and \etworks, Fordham University
`"Protocols for Asymmetric Communication Channels”
`Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, National Univer—
`sity of Singapore (7/98).
`“hr/Initibutterflies: The Most Powerful Multistage Interconnection Networks Known”
`Workshop on Complexity Issues in Distributed and Parallel Computation, Fields
`Institute. Toronto, Canada. (6/98).
`“\Vork—Preserving Network Emulations”
`2nd workshop on Parallel Algorithms (VVOPA), New Orleans, LA (5/91).
`Invited Lectures in Academia and Industry
`“A First Look at a Commercial Hybrid Content Delivery System,”
`i\>‘Iicrosoft Research. Redmond. WA(10/ 11), University of Illinois (7/ 11), Technische
`Universitat Berlin / Dmitsche Telekom Laboratories, Berlin. Germany (6/ 11), lnten
`not Multi—Resolution Analysis Reunion Conference, Lake Arrowhead. CA ('6/ 11).
`“Cutting the Electric Bill for Internet—Scale Systen'is,”
`Technische Universitéit Berlin / Deutsche Telekom Laboratories. Berlin, Germany
`(12/ 10), LIPS (Laboratoire d’Inforinatique de Paris 6). Paris, France (9/09), Ala-X
`Planck Institute for Software Systems. Saarbriicken. Germany (9/09).
`"A Content Delivery Network’s Experiences with Denial of Service Attacks." Interna—
`tional Conference on Cyber Security. New York, NY (8/ 10).
`"Measruenrenl‘s and their Application in a Content Delivery Network,” Internet Multi—
`Resolution Ai‘ialysis Cuhninating Retreat, Lake Arrowhead, CA (12/08).
`“Engineering a Large Self~l\»’Ianaged Network,”
`University of California at Irvine (1 /08).
`“VV’ork—Preserving Network Emulations”
`Arny Fest: A Celebration of Arnold Rosenberg’s Distinguished Career, University
`of l\/1assachusetts at Amherst (10/07).
`“R—BGP: Staying Connected in a Connected W’orld”,
`KAIST Networking Seminar Series (KN SS 2007), Daejeon, Republic of Korea (9/07),
`Duke University, (3/09).
`“A Scalable Approach to Alleviating Database Bottlenecks”
`Duke University (10/ 06), LIPS (Lal.>oratoire d’Informz‘itiquc de Paris 6), Paris, France
`“A iV'Iethodology for Estimating Interdomain Web Traffic,”
`i\r1assachusetts Institute of Technology (2/05).
`“Usincr Akamai Traces to Drive End System Multicast Simulations"
`Worksl‘iop on Building Scalable Sin‘mlations of Complex Seem—Technical Systems.
`5th Syn‘rposim'n of the Los Alamos Computer Science Ii'istitute (LACSI) (11 /04).
`Page 10 of 25
`Cisco-— Exhibit 1017


`“Designing Overlay l\'Iulticast Networks for Streaming“
`Arizona. State University (4/04), University of California at Berkeley (4/ 04), North—
`eastern Ui‘iiversity (11/ 03), Technical University of Munich (9 / 03).
`"How Akamai Uses Consistent Hashing”
`Special Session on Prol:>abilistic Methods in Combinatorics and the Internet, 108th
`Annual Meeting of the Ai‘nerican Mathematical Society (AIVIS), (1/02).
`”Content Delivery on September 11”
`The Internet Under Crisis Conditions: Learning from the Impact of September 11.
`a Computer Science and Teleconnnunications Board Workshop, National Research
`Council (3/02),
`“Some Problems Related to Content Delivery”
`Northeastern University (4/01), The lollege ol' W’illiarn and l\«1ary (4/01), University
`of California, San Diego (1/01), University of Southern California. (9/00), University
`of Arizona ( 9/ 00), Arizona State University (9 /00), University of California. Santa
`Barbara. (5/00),
`“Global Interm'st Content Delivery"
`Stanfmd University (5/02), Lueent Bell Laboratories (11/99) University of l\=fiichigan
`“Using Internet Measurements to Direct Clients to Servers’=
`OPENSIG ’99 W'orksiiop, Open Signalling for ATM, Internet and Mobile Networks,
`Pittsburgh, PA (10/99).
`“Variations on Nested Dissection”
`National Cheng Kung University. Tainan, Tawain (7/99), Heinz. Nixdorf Institute,
`University of Paderborn, Paderbr.>rn, Germany (12/98), Massaclnisetts Institute of
`Technology (_ 9/ 98) ,
`“Protocols for Asymmetric Communication Channels”
`Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro ( 3/ 00)~ Dagstuhl—Seminar on Parallel and
`Distributed Algoritl'nns ( 7/ 99)‘ h'Iassachusetts Institute of Technology (10/ 98)., North—
`eastern University ( 10/ 98), Cornell University (2/98).
`"lyilultibutterl'lies: The Most Powerful l\1‘1ultistage Interconnection \etworks Known"
`Special Session on Interconnection Networks, International Symposium on Paral—
`lel Architectures, Algmithrns, and Networks (I—SPAN 700), (12/00), Department of
`Computer and Information Engineering, National Sun Yat—Sen Ui'iiversity. Kaohsi—
`ung, Taiwan (7/98), Kent Ridge Digital Laboratories, national University of Sin~
`gapore (7/ 98), AT&T Labs Research (2/ 98), Acaden‘iia Sinica, Nankangt Taiwan
`(12/97) National Chiao Tung University. IIsinchn, Taiwan (12/ 97), University of
`Texas at Austin (8 / 97), l\r'Iassachusetts Institute of Technology (15/97), India Insti—
`tute of Technology. Bombay, India (1 / 97).
`“A (Llritical Look at Three of Parallel Computing’s Maxims”
`University of Illinois at Chicago (12/ 96), Beijing University of Aeronautics and As—
`tronautics (6 /96), IBM Tokyo Research Lalmratory (6/96).
`“Wl‘iat l\-’lakes a Good Routing N etwork?”
`New York Academy of Sciences (1/96). lylassachusetts Institute of Technology ( 11/95).
`”Reconfiguring Parallel Computers with Faulty Components,"
`University ol'Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada (3/95), University of Aizu‘ Aizu—Walmmatsu,
`Japan (12/94). National Tsing Ilua University, I'Isinchu‘ Taiwan (12 / 94). Academia
`Page 1 1 of 25
`Cisco —- Exhibit 1017


`Sinica, Nankang, Taiwan (12 / 94), The Johns Hopkins University (12 /94). New Jer—
`sey Institute of Technology (4/94), University of Texas at Austin (12/93), Uni—
`versity of Central Florida. (10/93), Dagstuhl—Seminar on Parallel and Distributed
`Algorithms (9/93), Universitat dos Saarlandes, Saarbriicken, Germany (9/93). DI—
`MACS W’orkshop on Parallel Algorithms for Unstructured and Dynamic Problems
`(6/93), Princeton Ui'iiversity (4/93), l\r‘'iusetts

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