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`D b) The term of this patent shall
`Ll b) The term of this patgnt shall
`not extend beyond the expiration date
`nol extend beyond the sxpiration dato
`of U.S Patent. No. _____ ~
`of U.S Patent. No. --
`1iCf;ltiQLQ~) CENTER 270Qoate)
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`Form PT()'436A
`rom PTO-430A
`(Rev, 10197)
`(R6v. 1087)
`Issue aa n ~
` RTL607_1020-0001
`Realtek 607 Ex. 1020

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` RTL607_1020-0002

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` RTL607_1020-0003

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` RTL607_1020-0004

`(RtcHT StDE)---
` RTL607_1020-0005

`,Joseph MAR;A,SH and Baruch BERDUGO
`Joseph MARASH and Baruch BERDUGO
`of Pages (Spec) :
`No. of Pages (Spec)
`37 (pp 21-28)
`of Claims:
`No. of Claims:
`37 (pp 21-28)
`of pages (Abstract) : 1 (p 29)
`No. of pages (Abstract)
`(p 29)
`Sheets of Drawings:
`7 (Figs . L-7)
`Sheets of Drawings:
`7 (Figs. 1-7)
`Ma i r ins r*"l*Rl,?i2'W
`Mailing Label NumberJ:'LSIJ.:v 1(,.0 qs
`EXPRESS ~~ I?r-
`Date of DeposiE.
`SeDLember 18, 199e
`Date of Deposit
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`r fee
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`Thomas J. Kowalski
`Thomas J. Kowalski
`Rdg. No. 32 , L4'7
`Reg. No. 32,147
`I. Marc Asperas
`I. Marc Asperas
`Regf . No. 37,274
`Reg. No. 37,274
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`ANDREA. 3 ? \I,AMAR\ ? O O ? . COV
` RTL607_1020-0006

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`iling in the United staLes Patent and
`With reference tO~iling in the United States Patent and
`Lhe name of:
`applicat. :-on fuft PaLent in
`application ~. patent in the name of:
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`ilenasn anf,EKnuqE JEBDTI
`following are enclosed:
`following are enclosed:
`(20 pages) and One Page of Abstract (p. 29)
`29 )
`Specification (20 pages) and One Page of Abstract (p.
`:-z Claims (includi.,g-3 independent claims,' pp' 2'L-28)
`37 Claims (including ~ independent claims; pp. 21-28)
`? Sheet.s of Drawings (Figs . 1"-1)
`2 Sheets of Drawings (Figs. 1-7)
`-#igtted Declaration and Power of Attorney (2 pages)
`~igned Declaration and Power of Attorhey (2 pages)
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`The filing fee will be paid later, in response to a
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`application a September 18, 1998 filing date and
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`Thomas J
`Mairins ,^o"\"n*Yi2'W
`SepEember 18,.1998 , ,
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`(Signature of person mailing paper or fee)
`32,147 -
`No. 32,I4'l
`_I -
` RTL607_1020-0007

`Reference is made to co-pending u.s. applications Serial Nos. 08/672,899
`Reference is made to co-pending U.S. applications Serial Nos. 08/672,899
`(allowed), 09/130,923, 08/840,159, 091059,503 and 09/055,709, each of which is hereby
`(allowed), 09/130,923,08/840,159,09/059,503 and 09/055,709, each of which is hereby
`incorporated herein by reference; and each and every document cited in those applications, as
`incorporated herein by reference; and each and every document cited in those applications, as
`well as each and every document cited herein, is hereby incorporated herein by reference.
`well as each and every document cited herein, is hereby incorporated herein by reference.
`The present invention relates to an interference canceling method and apparatus
`The present invention relates to an interference canceling method and apparatuS
`and, for instance, to an echo canceling method and apparatus which provides echo-canceling in
`and, for instance, to an echo canceling method and apparatus which provides echo-canceling in
`full duplex communication, especially teleconferencing communications.
`full duplex communication, especially teleconferencing communications.
`Tele-conferencing plays an extremely important role in commUnications today.
`Tele-conferencing plays an extremely important role in communications today.
`The teleconference, particularly the telephone conference call, has become routine in business, in
`The teleconference, particularly the telephone conference call, has become routine in business, in
`part because teleconferencing provides a convenient and inexpensive forum by which distant
`part because teleconferencing provides a convenient and inexpensive forum by which distant
`business interests communicate. Internet conferencing, which provides a personal forum by
`business interests communicate. Internet conferencing, which provides a personal forum by
`which the speakers can see one another, is enormously popular on the home front, in part because
`which the speakers can see one another, is enormously popular on the home front, in part because
`it brings together distant family and friends without the need for expensive travel.
`it brings together distant family and friends without the need for expensive travel.
`ln a teleconferencing system, the sounds present in a room, hereinafter referred to
`In a teleconferencing system, the sounds present in a room, hereinafter referred to
`as the "near-end room" such as those of a near-end speaker are received by a microphone,
`as the "near-end room" such as those of a near-end speaker are received by a microphone,
` RTL607_1020-0008

`transmitted to a "far end system" and broadcast by a far-end loudspeaker. Similarly, the far-end
`transmitted to a "far end system" and broadcast by a far-end loudspeaker. Similarly, the far-end
`speaker is received by the far-end microphones and transmitted to the near-end system, and
`speaker is received by the far-end microphones and transmitted to the near-end system, and
`broadcast by the near-end loudspeaker. The near-end microphone receives the broadcasted
`broadcast by the near-end loudspeaker. The near-end microphone receives the broadcasted
`sounds along with their reverberations and transmits them back to the far-end, together with the
`sounds along with their reverberations and transmits them back to the far-end, together with the
`desired signals generated by, for example, speakers at the near-end, thereby resulting in a
`desired signals generated by, for example, speakers at the near-end, thereby resulting in a
`disturbing echo heard by the speaker at the far-end. The far-end speaker will hear himself after
`disturbing echo heard by the speaker at the far-end. The far-end speaker will hear himself after
`the sound has traveled to the near-end system and back, thereby resulting in a delayed echo
`the sound has traveled to the near-end system and back, thereby resulting in a delayed echo
`which will annoy and confuse the far-end speaker. The problem is compounded in video and
`which will annoy and confuse the far-end speaker. The problem is compounded in video and
`internet conferencing systems where the delay is more extremely pronounced.
`internet conferencing systems where the delay is more extremely pronounced.
`The simplest way to overcome the problem of echo is by blocking the near-end
`The simplest way to overcome the problem of echo is by blocking the near-end
`microphone while the far-end signal is broadcast by the near-end loudspeaker. Sometimes
`~t1 microphone while the far-end signal is broadcast by the near-end loudspeaker. Sometimes
`referred to as "ducking", the technique of blocking the microphone is effectively a half-duplex
`referred to as "ducking", the technique of blocking the microphone is effectively a half-duplex
`communication. Problematically, if the blocked for a prolonged period to avoid'
`communication. Problematically, if the microphone. is blocked for a prolonged period to avoid-
`transmission of the reverberations, the half-duplex communication becomes a significant
`transmission of the reverberations, the half-duplex communication becomes a significant
`drawback because the far-end speaker will lose too much of the near-end speaker. In the video or
`drawback because the far-end speaker will lose too much of the near-end speaker. In the video or
`lnternet conferencing system, where the delay created by the communication lines is extreme,
`Internet conferencing system, where the delay created by the communication lines is extreme,
`ducking becomes quite annoying.
`ducking becomes quite annoying.
`A more complex method to avoid echo is to employ an echo canceling system
`A more complex method to avoid echo is to employ an echo canceling system
`which measures the signals send from the far-end and broadcast at the near-end loudspeaker,
`which measures the signals send from the far-end and broadcast at the near-end loudspeaker,
`estimates the resulting signal present at the near-end microphone (including the reverberations)
`estimates the resulting signal present at the near-end microphone (including the reverberations)
` RTL607_1020-0009

`and subtracts those signals representing the echo from the near-end microphone signals. The
`and subtracts those signals representing the echo from the near-end microphone signals. The
`echo-free signals are then transmitted back to the far-end system.
`echo-free signals are then transmitted back to the far-end system.
`In order to reduce the echo from the near-end microphone signal, it is required to
`In order to reduce the echo from the near-end microphone signal, it is required to
`obtain the transfer function that expresses the relationship between the near-end loudspeaker
`obtain the transfer function that expresses the relationship between the near-end loudspeaker
`signal and the reverberations as they actually appear at the near-end microphone. This transfer
`signal and the reverberations as they actually appear at the near-end microphone. This transfer
`function depends on the relative position of the near-end loudspeaker to the near-end
`function depends on the relative position of the near-end loudspeaker to the near-end
`microphone, the room structure, position of the system and even the presence of people in the
`microphone, the room structure, position of the system and even the presence of people in the
`room. Since it is impossible to predict these parameters a priori, it is preferred that the echo-
`room. Since it is impossible to predict these parameters a priori, it is preferred that the echo-
`canceling system updates the transfer function continuously in real time.
`canceling system updates the transfer function continuously in real time.
`The adaptation process by which the echo-canceling system is updated in real
`The adaptation process by which the echo-canceling system is updated in real
`time may be an LMS (least means square) adaptive filter (Widrow, et al., Proc. IEEE, vol. 63, pp.
`time may be an LMS (least means square) adaptive filter (Widrow, et al., Proc. IEEE, vol. 63, pp.
`1692-17|6,Proc. IEEE, vol. 55, No. 12, Dec.1967)with the far-end signal used as the reference
`1692-1716, Proc. IEEE, vol. 55, No. 12, Dec. 1967) with the far-end signal used as the reference
`signal. The LMS filter estimates the interference elements (echoes) present in the interfered
`signal. The LMS filter estimates the interference elements (echoes) present in the interfered
`channel by multiplying the reference channel by a filter and subtracting the estimated elements
`channel by multiplying the reference channel by a filter and subtracting the estimated elements
`from the interfered signal. The resulting output is used for updating the filter coefficients. The
`from the interfered signal. The resulting output is used for updating the filter coefficients. The
`adaptation process will converge when the resulting output energy is at a minimum, leaving an
`adaptation process will converge when the resulting output energy is at a minimum, leaving an
`echo-free signal.
`echo-free signal.
`Important to the adaptation process is the selection of the size of the adaptation
`lmportant to the adaptation process is the selection of the size of the adaptation
`step of the filter coefficients. In the standard LMS algorithm the step size is controlled by a
`step of the filter coefficients. In the standard LMS algorithm the step size is controlled by a
`predetermined adaptation coefficient, the level of the reference channel and the output level. In
`predetermined adaptation coefficient, the level of the reference channel and the output level. In
` RTL607_1020-0010

`other words, the adaptation process will have bigger steps for strong signals and smaller steps for
`other words, the adaptation process will have bigger steps for strong signals and smaller steps for
`weaker signals.
`weaker signals.
`A better behaved system is one in which its adaptation steps are independent of
`A better behaved system is one in which its adaptation steps are independent of
`the reference channel levels. This is accomplished by normalizing the adaptation coeffrcient by
`the reference channel levels. This is accomplished by normalizing the adaptation coefficient by
`the reference channel energy, this method is called the Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS)
`the reference channel energy, this method is called the Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS)
`as, for example, described in see for example "e Family of Normalirc
`", Scott
`as, for example, described in see for example "A Family of Normalized LMS Algorithms", Scott
`C. Douglas, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1994. [t should be noted that
`C. Douglas, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 1, No.3, March 1994. It should be noted that
`the energy estimator, if not designed properly, may fail to track when large and fast changes in
`the energy estimator, if not designed properly, may fail to track when large and fast changes in
`the level of the reference channel occur. Thus, the normalized coefficient may be too big during
`the level of the reference channel occur. Thus, the normalized coefficient may be too big during
`the transition period, and the filter coefficient may diverge-
`the transition period, and the filter coefficient may diverge.
`Another problem is that the adaptive process feeds the output back to determine
`Another problem is that the adaptive process feeds the output back to determine
`the new filter coeffrcients- When the interfering elements in the signal are less pronounced than
`the new filter coefficients. When the interfering elements in the signal are less pronounced than
`the non-interfering signal, there is not much to reduce and the filter may diverge.or converge to a
`the non-interfering signal, there is not much to reduce and the filter may diverge .or converge to a
`wrong value which results in signal distortions-
`wrong value which results in signal distortions.
`When properly converged, the adaptive filter actually estimates the transfer
`When properly converged, the adaptive filter actually estimates the transfer
`function between the far-end loudspeaker signal and the echo elements in the main channel.
`function between the far-end loudspeaker signal and the echo elements in the main channel.
`However, changes in the room will effect a change in the transfer function and the adaptive
`However, changes in the room will effect a change in the transfer function and the adaptive
`process will adapt itself to the new conditions. Sudden or quick changes, in particular, will take
`process will adapt itself to the new conditions. Sudden or quick changes, in particular, will take
`the adaptive filter time to adjust for and an echo will be present until the filter adapts itself to the
`the adaptive filter time to adjust for and an echo will be present until the filter adapts itself to the
`new conditions.
`new conditions.
`I .AP3
` RTL607_1020-0011

`ln order to improve the audio quality, sometimes a number of microphones are
`In order to improve the audio quality, sometimes a number of microphones are
`used instead of a single one. This system either selects a different microphone each time
`used instead of a single one. This system either selects a different microphone each time
`someone is speaking in the room or creates a directional beam using a linear combination of
`someone is speaking in the room or creates a directional beam using a linear combination of
`microphones- By multiplexing the microphones or steering the directional audio beam, the
`microphones. By multiplexing the microphones or steering the directional audio beam, the
`relationship between the loudspeaker signal and the audio signal obtained by the microphones
`relationship between the loudspeaker signal and the audio signal obtained by the microphones
`can be changed. Problematically, each time such a transition takes place, an echo will "leak" into
`can be changed. Problematically, each time such a transition takes place, an echo will "leak" into
`the system until the new condition has been studied by the adaptive filter. To allow the use of a
`the system until the new condition has been studied by the adaptive filter. To allow the use of a
`steerable directional beam and prevent the transient echo, one can either perform continuous
`steerable directional beam and prevent the transient echo, one can either perform continuous
`echo canceling on each of the microphones separately or on each of the microphone
`echo canceling on each ofthe microphones separately or on each of the microphone
`combinations (the combinations of microphones could be infinite). However, the increase in the
`combinations (the combinations of microphones could be infinite). However, the increase in the
`computation load required to perform numerous echo-canceling systems concurrently on each of
`computation load required to perform numerous echo-canceling systems concurrently on each of
`the microphones or allowable beams is not realistic.
`the microphones or allowable beams is not realistic.
`An efficient echo-canceling system is needed which will reduce the echo
`An efficient echo-canceling system is needed which will reduce the echo
`drastically. However, because of the large dynamic ranges required by the microphone to be able
`drastically. However, because of the large dynamic ranges required by the microphone to be able
`to pick up very low voices, the microphone will most likely pick up some of the residual echo as
`to pick up very low voices, the microphone will most likely pick up some of the residual echo as
`well. The residual echo is most disturbing when no other signal is present but less noticed when
`well. The residual echo is most disturbing when no other signal is present but less noticed when
`a full duplex discussion is taking place.
`a full duplex discussion is taking place.
`Another problem typical to multluser conferencing systems is that the
`Another problem typical to multi-user conferencing systems is that the
`background noise from several systems is transmitted to all the participating systems and it is
`background noise from several systems is transmitted to all the participating systems and it is
` RTL607_1020-0012

`preferred that this noise be reduced to a minimum. The beam forming process reduces the
`preferred that this noise be reduced to a minimum. The beam forming process reduces the
`background noise but not enough to account for the plurality of systems'
`background noise but not enough to account for the plurality of systems.
`It is therefore an object of the invention to provide an interference canceling
`It is therefore an object of the invention to provide an interference canceling
`lt is another object of the invention to provide an interference canceling system to
`It is another object of the invention to provide an interference canceling system to
`cancel interference while providing full duplex communication.
`cancel interference while providing full duplex communication.
`It is yet another object ofthe invention to provide an interference canceling
`It is yet another object of the invention to provide an interference canceling
`system to cancel an echo present in a teleconference'
`system to cancel an echo present in a teleconference.
`It is stilt another object of the present invention to provide an interference
`It is still another object of the present invention to provide an interference
`canceling system to cancel an echo present in video teleconferencing'
`canceling system to cancel an echo present in video teleconferencing.
`It is further an object of the invention to allow a steerable directional audio beam
`It is further an object of the invention to allow a steerable directional audio beam
`to function with the interference canceling system of the present invention'
`to function with the interference canceling system of the present invention.
`It is yet a further object of the invention to overcome background noise in the
`It is yet a further object of the invention to overcome background noise in the
`conferencing system and reduce the residual echo to a minimum.
`conferencing system and reduce the residual echo to a minimum.
`ln accordance with the foregoing objectives, the present invention provides an
`In accordance with the foregoing objectives, the present invention provides an
`interference canceling system, method and apparatus for canceling, from a target signal generated
`interference canceling system, method and apparatus for canceling, from a target signal generated
`from a target source, an interference signal generated by an interference source' A main input
`from a target source, an interference signal generated by an interference source. A main input
`inputs the target signal generated by the talget source. A reference input inputs the interference
`inputs the target signal generated by the target source. A reference input inputs the interference
`signal generated by the interference source. A beam splitter beam-splits the target signal into a
`signal generated by the interference source. A beam splitter beam-splits the target signal int

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