Curriculum Vita prepared August, 2015
`Full Name:
`Philip Howard Bucksbaum
`City and State of primary residence:
`Menlo Park, CA
`Stanford University and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road,
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Sources of compensation in the past five years:
`Stanford University and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
`Sources of research funding in the past five years:
`U.S. Deparatment of Energy
`National Science Foundation
`Stanford University
`Expert testimony:
`Technical Expert for the Defendant in IMRA America vs. IPG Photonics, United States District
`Court Case No. 06-CV-15139, (2007-2011).
`Technical Expert for the Plaintiff in Newport Corporation vs. Lighthouse Photonics, United States
`District Court Case No. Case No. SACV12-719, (2012-14)
`1975, A.B. magna cum laude in Physics, Harvard University.
`1978, M.A. in Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
`1980, Ph.D. in Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
`Professional Experience:
`8/80-10/81 Post-doctoral research at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories, Berkeley, CA 94720, un-
`der the supervision of Eugene Commins.
`11/81-11/82 Post-doctoral research at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ 07733, with Jeffrey
`11/82-8/90 Principal Investigator Member of Technical Staff, Physics Research Division,
`AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974.
`1/89-8/90 Adjunct Associate Professor of Applied Physics, Columbia University, New York, NY
`Energetiq Ex. 2074, page 1 - IPR2015-01377

`1996: Miller Visiting Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering, University of Califor-
`nia, Berkeley, CA 94720.
`1997: Visiting Research Investigator, Service des Photons, Atomes et Molecules, Centre
`d'Etudes de Saclay, Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique. Gif-Sur-Yvette 91191 France.
`1990-1998: Professor of Physics, University of Michigan.
`1998-2005: Otto Laporte Collegiate Professor, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
`University of Michigan
`2001-2005: Director of FOCUS, the Center for Frontier Optical Coherent Ultrafast Science, (on
`leave 8/04-7/05);
`2004-2005: Visiting Scholar, Department of Applied Physics and SSRL, Stanford University
`2005-2006: Peter Frankin Distinguished University Professor, University of Michigan
`2006-present: Professor of Physics, Applied Physics, and the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation
`Laboratory, Stanford University
`2006-present: Director of the Stanford PULSE Institute, Stanford University and SLAC
`2007-2010: Chair, Department of Photon Science, SLAC, Stanford University
`2009-present: Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor in Natural Science, Stanford University.
`National/Professional Service, Memberships, Awards, and Honors
`Awards and Honors:
`President of the Optical Society (2014)
`Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2012)
`Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor in Natural Science, Stanford (2009)
`Peter Frankin Distinguished University Professor, University of Michigan (2005)
`Membership in the National Academy of Sciences (2004)
`Sokol Award, University of Michigan (2001)
`Otto Laporte Collegiate Professor of Physics, University of Michigan (1998-2005)
`Distinguished Traveling Lecturer, Division of Laser Science, American Physical Society, 1996-
`APS Centennial Speaker, (1998-99).
`Distinguished Faculty Research Award, Univeristy of Michigan, (1996).
`John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow (September 1996- July 1997).
`Miller Visiting Research Professor, University of California at Berkeley August-December,
`Fellow of the American Physical Society, (1990); cited for "Seminal work on electrons and
`atoms in strong radiation fields."
`Fellow of the Optical Society of America, (1995); cited for "Distinguished service in the inter-
`action of intense electromagnetic fields with atoms and molecules."
`Rosenberg Lecturer in Physics, Yale University, (1995).
`NATO Post-doctoral Fellowship, (1981) (resigned before the fellowship tenure began in order
`to join Bell Laboratories).
`NSF Graduate Fellowship, (1975-1978).
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`National/professional service
`Chairmanships and other leadership positions:
`Chair of the Board on Physics and Astronomy of the National Research Council, (2012-14);
`Member (2006-2014).
`Chair of the Advanced Light Source Crosscut Review on AMO Physics (2013)
`Chair of the National Research Council Study on High Intensity Lasers (2015)
`Other significant professional service outside of Stanford:
`Member of the National Academy Divisional Board for Engineering and Physical Sciences
`Member of the Physical Review Letters Advisory Board (2012-present)
`Member of the Math and Physical Sciences Advisory Committee for the National Science Foun-
`dation (2013-present)
`Member of the Optics and Photonics Special Committee for the Math and Physical Sciences Di-
`rectorate, NSF (2013-14)
`Member of the Weizmann Institute of Sciences International Board of Directors (2012-present)
`Member of the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics Science Advisory Committee (2012-
`Member of the Science Advisory Committee for the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne (2010-
`Other significant professional service outside of Stanford:
`Chair of the NSF Committee of Visitors Subcommittee on AMO Physics and Quantum Infor-
`mation Science, for the Math and Physical Sciences Directorate, (2011-12).
`Editor of the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science (2002-2012).
`Member of the National Academy Divisional Board for Engineering and Physical Sciences
`Member of the LBNL Molecular Foundry Science Advisory Committee (2012-)
`Member of the Weizmann Institute of Sciences Science Advisory Committee (2012-)
`Member of the Weizmann Institute of Sciences International Board of Directors (2012-)
`Member of the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics Science Advisory Committee (2012-)
`Physics Class Representative to the Class Membership Committee of the National Academy of
`Member of the QANU International Evaluation Committee for Physics in The Netherlands,
`Member of the Science Advisory Committee for the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne
`(2010- ).
`Past service:
`Member of the Harvard Physics Visiting Committee (2009).
`Member of the National Research Council Committee for Physics at NIST (2010- 2012).
`Member of the Advisory Board of the NSF ERC for Extreme Ultraviolet Science, Fort Collins,
`CO (2006-2012).
`Member of the Advisory Board of the Materials Research Laboratory, University of Illinois at
`Urbana-Champaign; (2007-present);
`Member of the Science Advisory Committee for the Advanced Light Source at Berkeley (2006-
`Energetiq Ex. 2074, page 3 - IPR2015-01377

`Member of the Advisory Committee of Physics Today; (2006-2009)
`Member of the Board on Physics and Astronomy of the National Research Council, (2006-2010)
`Member of the Science Advisory Committee for the SLAC Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS)
`Divisional Associate Editor of Physical Review Letters (2002-2008);
`Member of the Board of Directors of the Optical Society of America (2006-2008)
`Member of the UCSB iQCD External Review Committee, May 2007
`Member of the Harvard ITAMP External Advisory Board (2004-2007)
`Member of the BESAC Grand Challenges Committee (2005-2007);
`Chair of the 2007 Quantum Control Gordon Research Conference, Newport, RI, August 2007.
`Chair, AMO 2010, the National Academy of Sciences decadal study of AMO physics (2005-
`Member of BESAC (The Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee to the Office of Science,
`Department of Energy)(resigned January 2005);
`Member of the NAS Committee on AMO Science (CAMOS);
`Chair of the American Physical Society nominating committee (this committee selects nominees
`for the APS presidential line, and for POPA, the Public Affairs Committee;
`Member of the DOE-Basic Energy Sciences committee to review the 25-year plan for major fa-
`cilities (2004);
`Member of the SAUUL advisory group (Science and Applications of Ultra-intense Ultrafast La-
`General Coucilor at Large, American Physical Society(1998-2002).
`Executive Board Member, American Physical Society (2001-2002).
`I lobbied Congress on behalf of the University of Michigan at a CNSF event in 2002.
`Member of the National Academy Committee to update the FAMOS report: Future of Atomic,
`Molecular, and Optical Science (1999-2001).
`Co-author of the Science Case for X-ray Free Electron Lasers, commissioned by Basic Energy
`Sciences, Department of Energy (1999-2000)
`Member of the Program Committees for the APS Annual Meeting Division of Atomic, Molecu-
`lar and Optical Physics, 1999,2000.
`Member of Technical Advisory Committee for the Laser Program, LLNL (1996-2000).
`Centennial Speaker, American Physical Society (1998-99).
`General Co-Chair, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Meeting (A major joint meeting of
`the Optical Society and the APS Division on Laser Science), (May 1999).
`Member of the Leone Panel, to review 4th generation synchrotron facilities, (1999.)
`Program Co-Chairman of the Quantum Electronics and Laser Spectroscopy Meeting (A major
`joint meeting of the Optical Society and the APS Division on Laser Science), (May, 1997.)
`Co-Chairman of the US-Japan Seminar on Coherent Manipulation of Matter, (September 1997).
`Chairman of DoE-BES Report on Future Directions of High Field Interactions Atoms and
`Molecules with Photons, (September, 1997).
`Member of Special NSF Review Panel for Stanford/LIGO project (May 1996).
`Member of the Program Committee for the International Conference on Multiphoton Process-
`es, (1996,) Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
`Session Organizer and Local Committee Member for APS Division of Atomic, Molecular,
`and Optical Physics, (1996).
`Participant to the National Research Council Workshop on Research and Education in Optical
`Science and Engineering, Irvine, (January 1996.)
`Member of the Fellowship Committee for the Laser Science Topical Group of the APS, (1995.)
`Energetiq Ex. 2074, page 4 - IPR2015-01377

`Chair of NSF Special Emphasis Panel on Manipulating Matter with Light, Cambridge, MA,
`(February, 1995.)
`Member of the Program Committee for the Annual Meeting of the Optical Society, (1993,94,95).
`Member of the Program Committee for the International Laser Spectroscopy Conference,
`Member of the Executive Committe of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical
`Physics of the APS, (1993,94,95.)
`Member of Program Committee and Session Organizer of the APS annual meeting for AMO
`Physics (1991,92,93,94,95).
`Chair of the Optical Science Division and member of the Technical Executive Council of the
`Optical Society of America, (1992,93,94).
`Participant to the National Academy Panel on Future Free Electron Lasers, Washington, (March,
`Member of the Program Committee for the OSA Topical Meeting on Ultrafast Processes, Cali-
`fornia, May, 1994.
`Member of the Program Committee for the OSA Topical Meeting on High Field Interactions
`and Short Wavelength Generation, St. Malo, August, 1994.
`Member of the Program Committee for the International Conference on Atomic Physics, 1994.
`Member of National Research Council selection panel for NRC Postdoctoral Fellowships,
`Member, selection committee for the APS Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research
`in AMO Physics, 1993,94.
`Member of the Fellows Committee for the APS Topical Group on Precision Measurements,
`Member, AIP expert panel on new publishing directions, May, 1992.
`Member of the International Physics Advisory Panel, IUPAP, 1992.
`Co-editor (with M. Skalsey, R. Conti, D. Gidley) of "Arthur Rich Memorial Conference on
`Time Reversal" AIP publication.
`Program Committee, Optical Society Topical Meeting on Short Wavelength Coherent Ra-
`diation: Generation and Applications; San Diego, CA, March 28-31, 1993.
`Program Chairman, Laser Spectroscopy Subcommittee, Conference on Quantum Electronics
`and Laser Spectroscopy (QELS'91), Baltimore, Maryland, May, 1991.
`Member, Laser Spectroscopy Subcommittee, International Quantum Electronics Conference
`(IQEC'90), Los Angeles, CA, May, 1990.
`University-wide and Laboratory-wide Service (Includes University of Michigan service,
`Bell Laboratories service and awards prior to 1990)
`Director of the Stanford PULSE Center, a research unit of SLAC and an Independent Laboratory
`at Stanford, 2006-present.
`Director of the Division of Chemical Sciences, Photon Science Directorate, SLAC, until
`Chair of the Department of Photon Science, SLAC, Stanford University, term ended 2007-2010
`SLAC Faculty Task Force (2008)
`Search Committee for the SLAC Associate Laboratory Director for LCLS, 2007-2008
`SLAC Strategic Planning Committee, 2007-2008
`Space Working Grop, SLAC, 2006-2007.
`Accelerator Center Committee at SLAC, 2006-2007.
`Scientific Computing Committee at SLAC, 2006-2007.
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`Director of FOCUS, the Center for Frontier Optical Coherent Ultrafast Science, 2001-2005, on
`leave 8/04-7/05);
`Chair Michigan OVPR Search Committee, 2002.
`Member, LS&A Nominating Committee, 2002.
`Member, OPIL Executive Committee, 2001-2002.
`Member of the Provost's Working Group on University Research, 1999-2000.
`Chairman, Rackham Divisional Board, 1998-99.
`Member of the faculty promotions and appointments committee of LS&A,
`Associate Director for Science, University of Michigan Center for Ultrafast Optical Science,
`Director of the Fellows Program at the NSF Center for Ultrafast Optical Science, 1993-2000
`Acting Director of the University of Michigan Center for Ultrafast Optical Science, Fall 1994.
`Member of the selection committee for the Rackham Research Partnership Fellowship
`Awards, Winter 1992.
`Extraordinary Contribution Award, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 1987, 1988, 1989.
`Membership on the Advisory Committee for Research at AT&T Bell Laboratories, 1989,1990.
`Physics, Applied Physics, and Photon Science Department service and committees:
`Chairmanships or other leadership positions:
`Chair, Applied Physics Graduate Admissions Committee.
`Chair, Physics and Applied Physics Graduate Orientation and Open House Committees
`Other committee memberships:
`Physics Graduate Admissions Committee.
`Physics AMO Search Committee.
`Physics Graduate Curriculum Committee.
`Previous years
`Chair, Kathryn Moler Promotion Committee (Applied Physics and Physics).
`Chair, Department of Photon Science (2007-10)
`Applied Physics Graduate Admissions Committee, (2007-2010)
`Applied Physics Joint Appointments Committee (2008-2009)
`Physics AMO Search Committee (2007-2009)
`Physics Graduate Admissions Committee, (2007-2010)
`Applied Physics Photonics Seminar Committee, (2007).
`Materials Science/SSRL Faculty Search Committee, (2006).
`SSRL Condensed Matter Theory Search Committee (2006-7).
`Physics AMO Search Committee (2006-7)
`Applied Physics special faculty appointment committee (2006-7)
`Michigan Physics Committees are below this line:
`Member, faculty search committee (2005)
`Member, Departmental Internal Review Committee (2001-2005)
`Member, Graduate Admissions Committee (1998-2005)
`Member, AMO Faculty search committee (2002-2003).
`Chairman, AMO Faculty search committee (1999-2000)
`Member, Graduate Concerns Committee (1999-2000)
`Energetiq Ex. 2074, page 6 - IPR2015-01377

`Member, Long Range Plan Committee (1998-2000)
`Member, faculty search committee for Physical Chemistry (1998-2000)
`Member, Awards and Prizes Committee (1996-1997)
`Member, Computing Committee (1995-)
`Member, Physics Department Executive Committee (1994-1996).
`Chair, Physics/Chemistry faculty appointment committee (1995-96)
`Chair, Target of Opportunity Committee, (1991-95).
`Member, Building Committee, (1992).
`Member, Administrative Services Review Committee, (1992).
`Member, Rich Memorial Symposium Organizing Committee, (1992).
`Co-editor, Rich Memorial Symposium Proceedings, (1992).
`Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Recruitment and Advisory Committee, (1991-95);
`Chairman (1991-95).
`Colloquium committee (1990-91)
`Research Funding (2015)
`I have three areas of interest in ultrafast AMO Science. Research in strong field laser-
`atom interactions and in high harmonics in atoms and molecules is funded by the Department of
`Energy through PULSE and SLAC. Research on Quantum Control is funded by the National
`Science Foundation through PULSE. Each of these activities has also acquired a strong compo-
`nent of LCLS research.
`I. Articles in refereed journals and the e-print archive:
`174. Ultrafast Isomerization Initiated by X-Ray Core Ionization, (2015), C.E. Liekhus-Schmaltz,
`I. Tenney, T. Osipov, A. Sanchez-Gonzalez, N. Berrah, R. Boll, C. Bomme, C. Bostedt, J.D. Bo-
`zek, S. Carron, R. Coffee, J. Devin, B. Erk, K.R. Ferguson, R.W. Fioeld, L. Fourcar,L.J. Frasin-
`ski, J.M. Glowina, M. Guehr, A. Kamalov, J. Krzywinski, H. Li, J.P. Marangos, T.J. Martinez,
`B.K. McFarland, S. Myabe, B. Murphy, A. Natan, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, M. Siano, E.R. Simp-
`son, L. Spector, M. Swiggers, D. Walke, S. Wang, T. Weber, P.H. Bucksbaum, V.S. Petrovic,
`Nature Communications, in press.
`173. Transient Impulsive Electronic Raman Redistribution , (2015) Miyabe, S. and Bucksbaum,
`P. Physical Review Letters 114, no. 14, 143005.
`172. “Quantified angular contributions for high harmonic emission of molecules in three dimen-
`sions,” Spector, L. S., M. Artamonov, S. Miyabe, T. Martinez, T. Seideman, M. Guehr and P. H.
`Bucksbaum, arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.2517.
`171. Ab Initio Multiple Spawning on Laser-Dressed States: A Study of 1,3-Cyclohexadiene Pho-
`toisomerization via Light-Induced Conical Intersections (2015) Kim, J., Tao, H., Martinez, T. J.,
`and Bucksbaum, P. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 48, 164003.
`170. Multiple orbital contributions to molecular high-harmonic generation in an asymmetric top,
`(2013) Spector, L. S., S. Miyabe, A. Magana, S. Petretti, P. Decleva, T. Martinez, A. Saenz, M.
`Guehr and P. H. Bucksbaum, arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.3733.
`Energetiq Ex. 2074, page 7 - IPR2015-01377

`169. Bucksbaum, Philip H. “Review: Atoms in Intense Laser Fields.” Physics Today 66, no. 5
`(2013): 49.
`168. 1. H. Li, L.-J. Chen, H. P. H. Cheng, J. E. May, S. Smith, K. Muehlig, A. Uttamadoss, J. C.
`Frisch, A. R. Fry, F. X. Kärtner, and P. H. Bucksbaum, "Remote two-color optical-to-optical
`synchronization between two passively mode-locked lasers," Optics Letters 39, 5325 (2014).
`167. Ultrafast X-ray Auger probing of photoexcited molecular dynamics, B. McFarland, J. Far-
`rell, S. Miyabe, F. Tarantelli, A. Aguilar, N. Berrah, C. Bostedt, J. Bozek, P. Bucksbaum, and J.
`Castagna, Nature Communications 5, 4235 (2014).
`166. Axis-dependence of molecular high harmonic emission in three dimensions, L. S. Spector,
`M. Artamonov, S. Miyabe, T. Martinez, T. Seideman, M. Guehr, and P. H. Bucksbaum, Nature
`Communications 5, 3190 (2014).
`165. Probing Ultrafast Electronic and Molecular Dynamics with Free-Electron Lasers, L. Fang,
`T. Osipov, BF Murphy, A Rudenko, D Rolles, VS Petrović, Christoph Bostedt, J. D. Bozek, P.
`H. Bucksbaum, and Nora Berrah, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
`47, no. 12 (2014): 124006.
`164. Toward unsupervised single-shot diffractive imaging of heterogeneous particles using X-ray
`free-electron lasers, H. J. Park, N. D. Loh, R. G. Sierra, C. Y. Hampton, D. Starodub, A. V. Mar-
`tin, A. Barty, A. Aquila, J. Schulz, J. Steinbrener, R. L. Shoeman, L. Lomb, S. Kassemeyer, C.
`Bostedt, J. Bozek, S. W. Epp, B. Erk, R. Hartmann, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, B. Rudek, L. Foucar,
`N. Kimmel, G. Weidenspointner, G. Hauser, P. Holl, E. Pedersoli, M. Liang, M. S. Hunter, L.
`Gumprecht, N. Coppola, C. Wunderer, H. Graafsma, F. R. N. C. Maia, T. Ekeberg, M. Hantke,
`H. Fleckenstein, H. Hirsemann, K. Nass, H. J. Tobias, G. R. Farquar, W. H. Benner, S. Hau-
`Riege, C. Reich, A. Hartmann, H. Soltau, S. Marchesini, S. Bajt, M. Barthelmess, L. Strueder, J.
`Ullrich, P. Bucksbaum, M. Frank, I. Schlichting, H. N. Chapman, M. J. Bogan, and V. Elser, Op-
`tics Express 21, 28729–28742 (2013).
`163. The Ultimate X-Ray Machine, Nora Berrah and Philip H Bucksbaum, Scientific American
`310, no. 1 (2013): 64–71.
`162. Frontiers of Free-Electron Laser Science, Philip Bucksbaum, Thomas Möller, and Kiyoshi
`Ueda, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 46, no. 16 (2013): 160201.
`161. Enhancement of Strong-Field Multiple Ionization in the Vicinity of the Conical Intersection
`in 1, 3-Cyclohexadiene Ring Opening (2013), Vladimir.Petrovic, Sebastian Schorb, Jaehee Kim,
`James White, James P Cryan, J Michael Glownia, Lucas Zipp, et al. The Journal of Chemical
`Physics 139, no. 18 (2013): 184309.
`160. Sensing the wavefront of x-ray free-electron lasers using aerosol spheres, (2013) N Duane
`Loh, Dmitri Starodub, Lukas Lomb, Christina Y Hampton, Andrew V Martin, Raymond G Sier-
`ra, Anton Barty, Andrew Aquila, Joachim Schulz, Jan Steinbrener, Robert L Shoeman, Stephan
`Kassemeyer, Christoph Bostedt, John Bozek, Sascha W Epp, Benjamin Erk, Robert Hartmann,
`Daniel Rolles, Artem Rudenko, Benedikt Rudek, Lutz Foucar, Nils Kimmel, Georg Wei-
`denspointner, Guenter Hauser, Peter Holl, Emanuele Pedersoli, Mengning Liang, Mark S Hunter,
`Lars Gumprecht, Nicola Coppola, Cornelia Wunderer, Heinz Graafsma, Filipe RNC Maia, To-
`mas Ekeberg, Max Hantke, Holger Fleckenstein, Helmut Hirsemann, Karol Nass, Thomas A
`White, Herbert J Tobias, George R Farquar, W Henry Benner, Stefan Hau-Riege, Christian
`Reich, Andreas Hartmann, Heike Soltau, Stefano Marchesini, Sasa Bajt, Miriam Barthelmess,
`Energetiq Ex. 2074, page 8 - IPR2015-01377

`Lothar Strueder, Joachim Ullrich, Philip Bucksbaum, Matthias Frank, Ilme Schlichting, Henry N
`Chapman, Michael J Bogan, Optics express 21(10): 12385-12394.
`159. Multiphoton ionization as a clock to reveal molecular dynamics with intense short x-ray
`free electron laser pulses, (2012) Fang, L., T. Osipov, B. Murphy, F. Tarantelli, E. Kukk, J.
`Cryan, M. Glownia, P. Bucksbaum, R. Coffee and M. Chen, Physical Review Letters 109(26):
`158. Ultrafast quantum control in atoms and molecules, (2013) P.H. Bucksbaum, Ultrafast non-
`linear optics, Editors: Robert Thomson, Christopher Leburn, Derryck Reid, New York: Spring-
`er, pp. 105-128.
`157. On the possibility of enhanced multiple ionization near conical intersections, (2013) Bucks-
`baum, P. and V. Petrovic, Faraday Discussions 163, 475-484.
`156. Ultra-fast and ultra-intense x-ray sciences: First results from the linac coherent light
`source free-electron laser, (2013) Bostedt, C., J. Bozek, P. Bucksbaum, R. Coffee, J. Hastings,
`Z. Huang, R. Lee, S. Schorb, J. Corlett and P. Denes, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular
`and Optical Physics 46(16): 164003.
`155. Mesoscale morphology of airborne core–shell nanoparticle clusters: X-ray laser coherent
`diffraction imaging, (2013) E Pedersoli, ND Loh, F Capotondi, CY Hampton, RG Sierra, D
`Starodub, C Bostedt, J Bozek, AJ Nelson, M Aslam, S Li, VP Dravid, AV Martin, A Aquila, A
`Barty, H Fleckenstein, L Gumprecht, M Liang, K Nass, J Schulz, TA White, N Coppola, S Bajt,
`M Barthelmess, H Graafsma, H Hirsemann, C Wunderer, SW Epp, B Erk, B Rudek, A Rudenko,
`L Foucar, S Kassemeyer, L Lomb, D Rolles, RL Shoeman, J Steinbrener, R Hartmann, A Hart-
`mann, G Hauser, P Holl, N Kimmel, C Reich, H Soltau, G Weidenspointner, WH Benner, GR
`Farquar, SP Hau-Riege, MS Hunter, T Ekeberg, M Hantke, FRNC Maia, HJ Tobias, S Mar-
`chesini, M Frank, L Strüder, I Schlichting, J Ullrich, HN Chapman, PH Bucksbaum, M Kiski-
`nova, MJ Bogan, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 46(16): 164033.
`154. Ultrafast absorption of intense x rays by nitrogen molecules, Buth C., J.-C. Liu, M. H.
`Chen, J. P. Cryan, L. Fang, J. M. Glownia, M. Hoener, R. N. Coffee & N. Berrah, 2012. The
`Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 214310-214314.
`153. Fractal morphology, imaging and mass spectrometry of single aerosol particles in flight,
`Loh N. D., C. Y. Hampton, A. V. Martin, D. Starodub, R. G. Sierra, A. Barty, A. Aquila, J.
`Schulz, L. Lomb, J. Steinbrener, R. L. Shoeman, S. Kassemeyer, C. Bostedt, J. Bozek, S. W.
`Epp, B. Erk, R. Hartmann, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, B. Rudek, L. Foucar, N. Kimmel, G. Wei-
`denspointner, G. Hauser, P. Holl, E. Pedersoli, M. Liang, M. M. Hunter, L. Gumprecht, N. Cop-
`pola, C. Wunderer, H. Graafsma, F. R. N. C. Maia, T. Ekeberg, M. Hantke, H. Fleckenstein, H.
`Hirsemann, K. Nass, T. A. White, H. J. Tobias, G. R. Farquar, W. H. Benner, S. P. Hau-Riege,
`C. Reich, A. Hartmann, H. Soltau, S. Marchesini, S. Bajt, M. Barthelmess, P. Bucksbaum, K. O.
`Hodgson, L. Struder, J. Ullrich, M. Frank, I. Schlichting, H. N. Chapman & M. J. Bogan, 2012.
`Nature, 486, 513-517.
`152. Quantified angular contributions for high harmonic emission of molecules in three dimen-
`sions, Spector L. S., M. Artamonov, S. Miyabe, T. J. Martinez, T. Seideman, M. Guehr & P. H.
`Bucksbaum, 2012. arXiv:1207.2517v1 [physics.atom-ph].
`151. Transient X-Ray Fragmentation: Probing a Prototypical Photoinduced Ring Opening, Pe-
`trović V. S., M. Siano, J. L. White, N. Berrah, C. Bostedt, J. D. Bozek, D. Broege, M. Chalfin, R.
`N. Coffee, J. Cryan, L. Fang, J. P. Farrell, L. J. Frasinski, J. M. Glownia, M. Gühr, M. Hoener,
`Energetiq Ex. 2074, page 9 - IPR2015-01377

`D. M. P. Holland, J. Kim, J. P. Marangos, T. Martinez, B. K. Mcfarland, R. S. Minns, S. Miyabe,
`S. Schorb, R. J. Sension, L. S. Spector, R. Squibb, H. Tao, J. G. Underwood & P. H. Bucksbaum,
`2012. Physical Review Letters, 108, 253006.
`150. The First Atomic and Molecular Experiments at the Linac Coherent Light Source X-Ray
`Free Electron Laser. Bucksbaum P. H., R. Coffee & N. Berrah 2011. In: ARIMONDO, E.,
`BERMAN, P. R. & LIN, C. C. (eds.) Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. Aca-
`demic Press, p.239.
`149. Control of 1,3-Cyclohexadiene Photoisomerization Using Light-Induced Conical Intersec-
`tions, Kim J., H. Tao, J. L. White, V. S. Petrović, T. J. Martinez & P. H. Bucksbaum, 2011. The
`Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 116, 2758-2763.
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