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`Energetiq Ex. 2024, page 2 - IPR2015-01375
`suspense • swashbuckler
`swag.ger \'swa-gor\ vb 1 : to walk with a
`shoulders and to which the pants are fas-
`conceited swing or strut 2 : BOAST, BRAG
`-- swagger 11
`sus.pense \so-'spens\ n 1 : susPENSION
`2 : mental uncertainty : ANXIETY 3 : ex- Swa.hi·li \swii-'he-le\ n : a language that
`citement as to an outc0me -
`is a trade and governmental language
`pense.ful a<Jj
`over much of eastern Africa and the
`sus-pen-sion \sa-'spen-chan\ n 1 : the Congo region
`act of suspending : the state or period of swain \'swan\ n [ME swein boy, servant,
`being suspended 2 : the slate of a sub-
`fr. ON sveimz] 1 : RUSTIC; esp : SHEP-
`stance when its particles are mixed with HERD 2 : ADMIRER, SUITOR
`but undissolved in a fluid or solid; also : a SWAK abbr sealed with a kiss
`substance in this state 3 :something sus- 1swai.Jow Vswii-16\ n : any of numerous
`pended 4 : the system of de_vices sup-
`small long-winged migratory birds that
`portmg the upper part of a vehtcle on the
`often have a deeply forked tail
`2swallow vb 1 : to take into the stomach
`sus.pen.so.ry \so-'s!Jen-so-re\ a'}j 1
`through the throat 2 : to envelop or take
`: SUSPENDED; a_lso : fttted or se~mg to
`in as if by swallowing 3 : to accept or be~
`~uspend some.thmg 2 : temporanly leav-
`lieve without question, protest, or anger
`3swallow n 1 : an act of swallowing 2
`mg u?d~termm~d .
`SUS•PI•CIOn \sg- spt-Sh;)n\ n 1 : the act or
`: an amount that can be swallowed at one
`an instance of suspecting something
`wrong without proo~ 2
`: TRACE, swal.low.tail \'swii-10-,tiil\ 11 1 : a deeply
`SOUPcON (a ~ of garhc) + Synonyms
`forked and tapering tail like that of a
`swallow 2: TAILCOAT 3: any of various
`large butterflies with the border of each
`SUS•PI•CIOU~ \s~- sp_I-~h~s\ ad). 1 . : open
`hind wing usu. drawn out into a process
`to or arousmg susptcton 2 : mchned to
`resembling a tail -
`Sl}Spect 3 : showing suspicion- sus. pi-
`\-,tiild\ a<Jj
`CIOUS:IY ad~ . _
`swam past of SWIM
`sus.tam \so- stan\ vb 1 . to pr_ovtde wzth swa.mi \'swa-me\ 11 [Hindi sviimi, fr. Skt
`nounshment 2 : to keep gomg : PRO-
`svtirnin owner, lord] : a Hindu ascetic or
`LONG <~ed effort) 3 : to hold up
`religious teacher
`: PROP 4 : to hold up under : ENDURE 5 1swamp Vswamp\ 11 : a spongy wetland _
`: SUFFER<~ a broken arm) 6 : to sup-
`d' _
`mp a ~ , swampy a ~
`port as true, legal, or va!id 7 : PROVE, 2
`CORROBORATE_ sus.tam.able \sos-'ta-
`swamp vb_ 1 , to ftll or become filled wtth
`no-bol\ adj
`or as tf wzth water 2 : OVERWHELM 3
`sus.te.nance \•s;;~s-t;;~-n~ms\ n 1 : FOOD, swamp~la~~ \-,land\ n :SWAMP
`NOURISHMENT 2 : a supplying with the swan \swan\ ;z, pl swans a~so swan
`necessities of life 3 : something that sus-
`: any of vanous heavy:bodte~ lo-!lg"'
`tains or supports
`n~cked mostly pure wlute swtmmmg
`su-ture Vsii-char\ n 1 : material or a
`birds related to the geese
`stitch for sewing a wound together 2: a 1SWI!nk \'swaQk\ or swanky ~'swaQ-ke\
`seam or tine along which two things or ad} s~ank·er or sw~nk·her; -est
`parts are joined by or as if by sewing
`: showily smart and dashmg; also : fash~
`SUV \,es-,yii-'ve\ 11 [sport-utility vehicle]
`tonably elegant
`: a vehicle similar to a station wagon but 2SWank n 1 : PRETENTIOUSNESS 2 : ELE-
`built on a light-truck chassis
`su.zer.ain Vsii-z~Mr;;~n, M1ran\ n [F] 1 : a swans-down Vswiinz~,daUn\ n 1 : the
`feudal lord 2 : a nation that has political
`very soft down of a swan used esp. for
`control over the foreign' relations of an-
`trimming 2 : a soft thick cotton flannel
`other nation -
`su.zer.ain.ty \-te\ n
`swan song 11 : a farewell appearance. act,
`svc or svce abbr service
`or pronouncement
`svelte \'sfelt\ a<Jj svelt.er; svelt.est [F. swap \'swap\ vb swapped; swap.ping
`fr. It svelto, fr. pp. of svellere to pluck out,
`swap 11
`modif. of L evellere, fr. e- out + vel/ere to sward \'sword\ 11 : the grassy surface of
`pluck] : SLENDER, LITHE
`svgs abbr savings
`1swarm \'sw6rm\ n 1 : a great number of
`SW abbr 1 shortwave 2 southwest
`honeybees leaving together from a hive
`'swab \'swiib\ 11 1 : MOP 2 :a wad of ab- with a queen to start a new colony; also
`: a hive of bees 2 : a large crowd
`sorbent material esp. for applying medi-
`cine or for cleaning; also : a sample taken 2swarm vb 1 : to form in a swarm and de(cid:173)
`part from a hive 2 : to throng together
`with a swab 3 : SAILOR
`•swab vb swabbed; swab.bing : to use a
`: gather in great numbers
`swab on : MOP
`swart \'swort\ adj: SWARTHY
`\'swii-d0 l\ vb swad.dled; swar.thy \'swor-tl!e, -the\ adj swar.thi(cid:173)
`swad.dling 1 : to bind (an infant) in
`er; -est : dark in color or complexion
`bands of cloth 2 : to wrap up : SWATHE
`: dark-skinned
`swaddling clothes n pi : bands of cloth swash \'swiish\ vb : to move about with a
`swash n
`wrapped around an infant
`splashing sound -
`swag \'swag\ 11 : stolen goods : LOOT
`swash.buck·ler \-,b;-klor\ 11 : a swagger-
`Energetiq Ex. 2024, page 3 - IPR2015-01375