`Pressure Xenon Arc in the Stationary and the Flashed Modes
`Lothar Klein
`Concurrently with emission measurements of a high pressure xenon are in the spectral range 3000 it to 2 in,
`its absorption in the ir was measured by a technique based on modulating the less intense radiation of a
`carbon arc used as background source. The emission measurements were repeated with a rapid scanning
`spectrometer while flashing the xenon arc for 0.1 sec at 10 kW, which is five times the normal power input.
`The arc showed excellent stability and reproducibility both in the stationary and the flashed modes. The
`intensity increase of the continuum was proportional to the increase of power input during the flash. A
`simple expression was derived connecting the spectral radiance of the continuum directly with the tem-
`perature and pressure of the arc. The temperature profile of the xenon arc was obtained using this ex-
`pression and also by applying the Planck—Kirchhoff method to the Abel inverted emission and absorption of
`an ir xenon line. Both approaches show fair agreement at the arc center. The wavelength dependence
`of the correction factor for departures from hydrogenic behavior of the xenon continuum was derived from
`the measured spectral radiances and compared with theoretical calculations.
`Emission spectra are extensively used in plasma
`diagnostics, but only rarely is the absorption of arc
`plasmas measured quantitatively. One reason seems
`to be the widely held opinion that are plasmas at
`atmospheric pressure viewed over short optical paths
`are always optically thin, except for the resonance lines.
`Another reason is the difficulty of finding a suitable
`background source
`absorption measurements.
`Laboratory plasmas,
`typically at 10,000°K are so
`much brighter than the brightest light sources com-
`monly available (e.g., carbon are or tungsten strip
`that the latter are unsuitable. Finally,
`methods for deriving the radial distribution of emission
`and absorption coefficients of optically thick arc
`plasmas from line—of-sight measurements have been
`slow to develop, and this has limited the value of ab—
`sorption spectra for plasma diagnostics. Freeman and
`Katz were the first to obtain a practical solution for the
`Abel inversion of plasmas with self—absorption,1 but a
`more general approach was only recently found by
`Elder et al.2 Elder et al. also derived the radial tem—
`perature profile by the PlancloKirchhoff method from
`the Abel inverted emission—absorption measurements.
`To demonstrate their method, Elder et al. used a plasma
`seeded with sodium and determined the temperature
`from a sodium resonance line. The peak temperature
`The author is with the Warner & Swasey Company, Control
`Instrument Division, Flushing, New York 11354.
`Received 10 October 1967.
`was below 3000°K, which is not typical for a laboratory
`Tourin3 found that the strong ir lines of argon can
`become optically thick (self—absorbing) at atmospheric
`pressure. He measured the absorption by a technique
`based on modulating the radiation from the back—
`ground source;
`thus, absorption measurements can be
`made even when the intensity of the plasma is higher
`than the intensity of the background source. For the
`measurements reported in Ref. 3 a tungsten strip lamp
`could be used, because the mismatch of intensities in
`their is less than at shorter wavelengths.
`If absorption
`measurements of plasmas are to be extended into the
`Visible or uv regions of the spectrum, however, a much
`brighter light source has to be used.
`The high pressure xenon arc appears to have the
`desired characteristics.
`Since the early measurements
`of Baum and Dunkelman,“ its strong continuum in the
`uv and Visible part of the spectrum is known to be
`considerably more intense than the radiation from the
`carbon arc. Gomez and Newell’s" recent work with
`stationary and flashed xenon arcs covers a more ex»
`tended spectral
`range. However,
`their data were
`obtained by measuring the spectral
`irradiance from
`these arcs and are therefore of limited value for a back—
`ground source evaluation, where the spectral radiance
`of the brightest part of the arc is the parameter of
`interest. The peak temperature of a high pressure
`xenon arc has been determined by KopecG from wave—
`length scans of two ir lines, using Bartels’ method7 to
`estimate the peak temperature of an inhomogeneous
`plasma from line—of—sight emission measurements of
`lines showing self—reversal.
`ASML 1022
`April 1968 / Vol. 7, No. 4 / APPLIED OPTICS 677
`ASML 1022
`ll. Experimental
`The optical system used for the measurements of the
`stationary arc is shown schematically in Fig. 1. The
`xenon lamp housing was mounted on a linear drive
`table for traversing the arc laterally to the optical axis
`with a precision of 0.01 mm. Through circular open—
`ings in the lamp housing on the two sides along the
`optical axis, light from the background source could be
`focused on the xenon arc, and the light emerging from
`the arc was collected by the foreoptics and focused on
`the entrance slit of the monochromator. For emission
`measurements of the arc in the stationary mode, a
`chopper placed in front of the entrance slit was used;
`for absorption measurements another chopper modu—
`lated only the radiation from the background source.
`By synchronous rectification of the ac signal from the
`detector, absorption was measured without interference
`from the dc signal due to the emission from the xenon
`arc. This technique of concurrent measurement of
`emission and absorption has been described in greater
`detail by Tourin.9
`into units of
`The conversion of detector output
`spectral radiance was achieved by calibration against a
`tungsten strip lamp, done in two steps. A tungsten
`strip lamp, held at a constant voltage, was used as a
`reference lamp and incorporated into the foreoptics of
`the Perkin-Elmer monochromator (RL in Fig. 1). This
`type of lamp is also a standard component of
`Warner & Swasey Model 501 rapid scanning spectrome—
`ter used in conjunction with the flashed xenon arc.
`The reference lamps can be imaged onto the entrance
`slit simply by rotating a mirror and their signal com-
`pared with the signal for the arc. This is done im-
`mediately after each measurement to eliminate errors
`due to changes in slit setting or electronic drift. From
`time to time the reference lamp is checked,
`in turn,
`against another strip lamp, which is positioned at the
`same location as the arc and whose spectral radiance is
`following standard practice,
`from its
`2 l
`Fig. 1. Optical system used for concurrent measurements of
`emission and absorption of the stationary xenon arc.
`The absorption of a xenon arc has been measured by
`Rovinskii and Razumtseva,s using another xenon are
`as a background source. They determined the plasma
`to be optically thick, but, because of the use of inter—
`ference filters
`instead of a monochromator,
`measurements were of poor spectral
`resolution and
`limited to three wavelength bands in the visible.
`It was the primary purpose of the work described
`here to measure by a refined technique the spectral
`absorption of the high pressure xenon arc and, simul—
`its emission. The temperature could then
`be derived by the Planck-Kirchhoff method. Local
`values for homogeneous zones of
`the plasma were
`obtained by Abel inversion, applying the technique of
`Elder at (11.3 to the absorption measurements. A con—
`sistency check was made by comparing the temperature
`profile of the are obtained by the Planck—Kirchhoff
`method with the temperature profile derived inde—
`pendently from the emission measurements of the con—
`tinuum using the modified Kramers—Unsoeld theory.
`Since the xenon plasma is optically thick, recourse to
`seeding as in the work reported in Ref. 2 was unneces—
`sary. Because of its high electron density, the xenon
`plasma can be expected to be in strict local thermo-
`these measurements
`should provide a good case for comparing the emission—
`absorption method with established diagnostic tech—
`:niques for plasmas based only on emission.
`Concurrently with this program, the spectral radi—
`ance measurements were used to evaluate the xenon
`are as a. background source for absorption measure-
`ments of plasmas. We selected a commercially avail—
`able high pressure xenon arc* since, as a distinct
`advantage, this lamp can be flashed at ten times the
`normal power input for pulse durations of the order of a
`tenth of a second. The increase of spectral radiance
`was measured with a rapid scanning spectrometer de—
`velOped in this laboratory.T
`* Hanoviu 491039.
`’rWarner & Swasey Model 501 rapid scanning spectrometer.
`Fig. 2. Zones of different brightness in the high pressure xenon
`(1) cathode spot, (2) are plasma, (3) red halo.
`678 APPLIED OPTlCS / Vol. 7, No. 4 / April 1968
`temperature accurately measured with an optical
`It has been our experience that this pro—
`cedure increases the ease of intensity measurements
`without loss of accuracy.
`The image of the xenon arc projected on a screen
`appears to the eye as shown in Fig. 2. A small area of
`intense brightnesswthe cathode spot~is discernible
`within the bell—shaped arc plasma. A dim reddish
`glow partially envelopes the cathode and extends from
`the cathode to the round tip of the anode. This phe—
`nomenon to which no reference in the literature could be
`It has the characteristic
`found, is called here red halo.
`of being asymmetric with respect to the arc axis and
`this asymmetry appeared always at the same location
`when the arc was started. When the arc is turned off,
`the red halo does not disappear instantly as does the
`bright central arc region, but persists over several
`seconds. We believe that it originates from convec—
`tively heated xenon gas streaming upwards from the
`white hot cathode.
`Our measurements were made in a horizontal plane
`through the arc containing the cathode spot,
`i.e., the
`hottest region of the xenon plasma. The entrance slit
`of both the spectrometers used was masked to a height
`of 0.25 mm, since spatial scanning of the arc in the
`vertical direction had shown that near the center, i.e.,
`in the region of major interest, intensity gradients over
`this length were still small.
`In the stationary mode the arc was run at a current of
`100 A at 22.5 V. A welder rectifier with line voltage
`compensator and ripple filter* proved to be a con—
`venient and stable power supply. By displaying the
`output of
`the two detectors (1P21 and PbS) on an
`oscilloscope, the ac ripple of the light intensity was
`measured to be less than 2% in both cases.
`If started
`from cold, the arc leached a stable regime in about 5
`min, then the long term drift measured over 30 min was
`of the order of 1% for the peak of Xe I 9923 A, and
`less than 5% for the continuum at 5000 A. When the
`arc was extinguished and restarted with the current
`control of the rectifier at a fixed position, spatial sean—
`ning of the are proved that the cathode spot always
`formed at exactly the same location with very good
`repeatability of light intensity (typically to within 2%
`for the peak of Xe I 9923 A).
`It is standard practice to use a condenser discharge
`for flashing the xenon arc”;
`the total pulse duration
`is then at most of the order of a few milliseconds. To
`make the flashed xenon are useful as an extremely
`bright source for absorption measurements in con-
`junction with modern fast scanning spectrometers, a
`approach was
`followed. A water~cooled
`stainless steel tube was used as a resistor capable of
`dissipating a high load and was connected to the
`rectifier in parallel with the xenon are.
`In the simmer—
`ing mode, 100 A flowed through the xenon arc and
`450 A through the parallel resistor. A power switch
`was used to flash the arc by manually opening the
`Fig. 3. Strip chart record for emission~absorption measurements
`of the cathode spot of the xenon arc. The gain was 20 for the
`emission and 350 for the I0 and absorption scans. Slit width:
`30 u.
`showed that
`resistor circuit. Oscilloscope displays
`after a fast rise time of the order of a few milliseconds,
`constant lamp current and voltage, i.e., a steady state,
`was achieved for the duration of the flash (typically
`100 msec). For our measurements we flashed the
`lamp at 10 kW, although double this power is still
`lll. Measurements
`A. Stationary Mode
`A Perkin—Elmer Model 98 monochromator was used
`and the detector (1P21 tube or PbS) output displayed
`on a strip chart reco1der. Measurements were made
`in the spectral range f1om 3000 A to 2.7 it, using a glass
`prism Absorption measurements were made with a
`carbon arcT as background source. We resorted to
`hand regulation of the arc since the automatic regulator
`provided by the manufacturer was not sensitive enough
`for our purpose. The carbon arc operated best under
`the conditions recommended by Null and Lozier,10 with
`a 6.5~mm thick pure graphite anode and the current
`held at about 11 A just below the hissing point. The
`use of a 6—mm diam cored cathode (Norris H), however,
`gave a definite improvement in arc stability over the
`thin (32—min), pure graphite rod specified by Null and
`Lozier. This is in agreement with recent observations
`by Magdeburg and Schley.11
`Since long term stability of the carbon arc could not
`be achieved, it proved advisable when measuring the
`lateral absorption profile, to obtain an In reading in
`conjunction with every measurement. This was also
`indicated because of other considerations (see Sec.
`V. A). Owing to its excellent reproducibility,
`tinguishing and restarting the xenon arc did not alter
`its characteristics. A typical emission and absorption
`record is shown in Fig. 3. The absorptance of Xe I
`* Miller SRH—444-Cl with LVC-S.
`1‘ Made by Spindler & Hoyer, Goettingen, W. Germany.
`April 1968 / Vol. 7, No.4 / APPLlED OPTICS 679
`Fig. 4. Oscillogram showing three wavelength scans for a flashed
`xenon arc. The wavelength range 4200~6500 A was scanned in 10
`msec, using an RCA 4473 photomultiplier. Three flashes are
`superimposed (total of nine scans shown).
`8819 A, for instance, could be accurately measured to
`be 91%, although the detector signal for the peak of
`this line is sixty times stronger than for the carbon arc
`(Io in Fig. 3).
`Because of the large number of Xe I lines in the near
`ir, the wavelength assignment of the lines in the spec—
`trum of the high pressure arc proved to be difficult.
`the following procedure was used:
`carbon arc was replaced by a mercury arc and the
`spectrometer focused at the edge of the xenon arc
`plasma, where the temperature is lower and conse~
`quently the lines are sharper and match better the
`intensity of
`the mercury lines. With the emission
`chopper being used,
`the xenon and mercury spectra
`appeared simultaneously;
`an external wavelength
`standard had thus become, effectively, an internal
`standard. The increase in accuracy of wavelength
`correlation over the standard procedure based on a
`separately run reference spectrum permitted to assign
`unambiguously all Spectral features of the xenon arc.
`B. Flashed Mode
`For the measurements of the flashed xenon arc the
`Warner & Swasey Model 501 rapid scanning spectrome»
`ter was used. This instrument has been described in
`detail elsewhere.12 Four detectors (RCA 1P28, 4473,
`and 7102 photomultipliers, and an InAs photovoltaic
`detectoor) were used to scan the xenon spectrum from
`3000 A to 2 a. Because of the availability of two exit
`slits, the contiguous spectral ranges for two detectors
`could be scanned simultaneously.
`The scans were displayed on oscilloscopes and re-
`corded photographically. An oscillogram of the flashed
`xenono arc spectrum in the wavelength range 4200~
`6500 A is shown in Fig. 4. For this measurement, the
`controls of the Model 501 were set for a scanning time
`of 10 msec, a repetition rate of one scan each 37.5 msec,
`and a delay of 30 msec. Thus, the start of the first scan
`occurred 30 msec, of the second 67.5 msec, and of the
`third scan 105 msec, after the flashing circuit had been
`630 APPLIED OPTlCS / Vol. 7, No.4 / April 1963
`opened. Successive scans are shifted vertically up—
`wards on the oscillogram. To test for reproducibility,
`the xenon arc was flashed two more times after an
`interval of a few seconds, and all spectra were recorded
`on the same photograph.
`In Fig. 4, each set of three
`superimposed traces appears as one trace, and all nine
`scans are identical. Thus, it is proved that the radi—
`ation from the xenon arc remains constant during a
`flash, and that there is excellent flash—to—flash reproduci-
`bility. The same results were obtained for two spectral
`ranges in the near ir from 7000 A to 1.9 #3 When the
`experiment was repeated in the uv (3000 A to 4200 A)
`we detected a variation in radiant output during a
`flash of less than 5%.
`Because of the excellent shot—to-shot reproducibility,
`it was possible to obtain a measure of the plasma ab—
`sorptance, imaging the cathode spot back on itself by
`means of a spherical mirror positioned on the optical
`axis on the opposite side of the xenon arc from the
`spectrometer. A measurement of emission alone, ob—
`tained by placing a shutter in front of the mirror
`while flashing the arc, was followed by a measurement
`of emission with added back reflection during a con—
`secutive flash. The reflection and transmission loss of
`the back-reflected light at the hot quartz envelope,
`which can be considerable,
`is difficult to determine.
`Therefore, measurements of absorption by this tech—
`nique are inherently inaccurate.
`It can, however, be
`determined unequivocally for which lines the absorptiog
`is very close to 100%. Thus, the core of Xe I 8232 A
`and the self-reversed peak of Xe I 8819 A in Fig. 5 are
`IV. Theory
`the classical
`Following Unsoeld’s deveIOpment of
`the emission coefficient
`radiance per unit depth) for the combined recombina—
`tion (freewbound) and bremsstrahlung (free—free) con~
`tinuum of an optically thin plasma, expressed in
`Fig. 5. Wavelength scan of the emission and emission plus back
`reflection from a mirror of the cathode spot of a flashed xenon arc.
`The wavelength range 0.7—1.2 p. was scanned in 10 msec using
`an RCA 7102 photomultiplier.
`W cm—Sp‘lsr‘l, is given at wavelengths longer than a
`critical wavelength M, by
`1.63 X 10‘“‘[E(>\)/>\2](ne2/T5),
`In deriving Eq. (1), it has
`with )x in p. and T in °K.
`been assumed that the ionization stages beyond the
`first can be disregarded;
`then the concentration of first
`ions equals m, the concentration of electrons (condition
`of plasma quasi-neutrality). The factor 5(a) accounts
`for departures from hydrogenic behavior and quantum
`mechanical (Gaunt) corrections. Schlueter” has calcu-
`lated £()\) as a function of wavelength at a temperature
`of 14,000°K, although he found this factor to be prac—
`tically temperature independent.
`In the limit of vanishing ionization, Dalton’s law and
`the Saha equation can be combined to a simple expres
`sion for the electron density as a function of the state
`variables T and P of the plasma. With the pressure in
`n. = 5.953 x 1018(Q1/Qo)5PiT§ exp(—E./2kr).
`For a xenon plasma in the temperature range of
`9000—14000°K, an average value of 4.44 can be used for
`Qi/QO, the ratio of the partition functions for first ions
`and neutrals, since this value is constant to within 2%
`in this range, and its pressure dependence is also very
`small.14 Substituting 72., from Eq. (2), with the ioniza—
`tion energy E, = 12.127 eV (Ref. 14), the emission
`coefficient for the continuum of a xenon plasma (in
`Wcm‘3p“1sr“1) is given, approximately, by:
`exX" : 257 x 107 53—) P exp(—140,760/T).
`In order to assess the validity of this expression, we
`have calculated the electron density for a xenon plasma
`at 16 atm pressure, using Eq. (2) as compared with the
`electron density calculated more rigorously using
`Unsoeld’s and also Ecker and Weizel’s approach14 to
`obtain the lowering of the ionization potential in a
`It appears
`that up to the temperature
`reached in a high pressure xenon arc (below l2,000°K),
`the departure of In,
`(2)] from n,
`smaller than the discrepancy between 72, (Unsoeld) and
`m (Ecker and Weizel). Since there exists no general
`agreement as to which theoretical approach gives the
`best quantitative estimate of
`the lowering of
`ionization potential, the inaccuracy in n, of less than
`20% at
`the lower temperatures,
`introduced by the
`simplifications used in deriving Eq. (2), is of the same
`order of magnitude as the theoretical uncertainties.
`Recourse to an elaborate calculation seems therefore
`hardly to be justified, and, because of its simplicity,
`Eq. (3) is useful for obtaining the temperature directly
`from the measured emission coefficient if the pressure is
`known. The temperature derived by this method is
`quite insensitive to relatively large errors in the emis—
`sion coefficient. Thus, it follows from Eq. (3) that an
`error of 40% results in an error of only 3% in tempera-
`ture at 11,000°K, the peak temperature of the station-
`ary xenon arc, and is still less at lower temperatures.
`It follows from Eq. (1) that Nft the spectral radiance
`of the continuum measured through the center of an
`optically thin cylindrical symmetrical xenon plasma of
`radius R, is given by
`w = f 6mm = c§@
`Unlike the case of line radiation, the integral con«
`taining the temperature gradient is not a function of
`wavelength. Since the 5(a)
`factors are practically
`temperature independent, relative experimental values
`for these factors can be obtained directly from line—of—
`sight measurements of an optically thin plasma.
`the temperature profile and the pressure are known, the
`spectral radiance measurements of the continuum have
`to be inverted only for one wavelength in order to
`obtain the E()\) at the other wavelengths without an
`inversion. The line—of~sight measurements are
`conveniently related to the emission coefficients at the
`center of the arc by introducing the equivalent optical
`pathlength L:
`L E {NxD/EW = 0)}.
`From an Abel inversion at one wavelength M, q,-
`(r = O) is derived;
`thus, L can be calculated and used
`in turn to derive the emission coefficients at other wave—
`inversion of cylindrically symmetrical
`The Abel
`plasmas is a straightforward procedure, provided the
`plasma is optically thin. Different numerical methods
`are available; we prefer the one proposed by Barr,15
`which combines effective smoothing of small random
`errors with ease of computation.
`If the plasma is
`optically thick, but
`its minimum measured trans—
`mittance higher than about 70—80%, a simple correc—
`tion procedure suffices. Thus, each intensity measure—
`ment has only to be divided by the square root of the
`transmittance measured along the same line of sight,
`otherwise the Abel inversion proceeds as in the optically
`thin case [see Eq. (4) in Ref. 2].
`If the transmittance is
`lower, accurate values of the radial intensity distribu—
`tion can only be obtained by iteration.2
`The measurement of plasma absorption is important
`not only for correcting the emission measurements.‘
`If the absorption measurements are also Abel inverted,
`the radial distribution of emission and absorption can
`be used to derive the temperature profile of the plasma
`from first principles (the Planck-Kirchhoff law).
`the case of strongly absorbing lines, however, Elder
`et al. in Ref. 2 point out difficulties in performing the
`Abel inversion of the measured absorption,
`if mono~
`chromators of only moderate wavelength resolution are
`In effect, for large variations of transmittance
`over the spectral slit width Au, the approximation used,
`log (.1 f 7(y)dy)zi f log-r(v)dv,
`is larger than
`is valid only if the transmittance 7(11)
`about 70% for-all frequencies in the internal Au.
`April 1968 / Vol. 7, N0. 4 / APPLIED OPTICS 681
`radial emission and absorption profiles of Xe I 10528 [01,
`obtained by inverting the lateral emission and absorp-
`tion measurements of this line. This line was selected
`because its peak absorption was 28.5% when measured
`with a spectral slit width which was small compared
`with the line width;
`the true peak absorption was
`therefore still not high enough to lead to difficulties in
`the inversion of the measured absorption or to make
`laborious iterations unavoidable.
`If the absorption is
`too low, the results become very sensitive to measure—
`ment errors. The continuum was therefore not used
`to derive the temperature profile, but its absorption was
`measured to correct the emission data for self—absorp—
`In Fig. 6,
`the Planck~Kirchhoff
`profile from the xenon line is compared with the tem—
`perature profile derived from the radial emission co—
`efficients of the continuum at 1.31 a by application of
`Eq. (3). The working pressure indicated by the lamp
`manufacturer (16 atm) and the 5(a) value taken from
`Ref. 13 were substituted in this equation.
`As expected,
`the two temperature profiles agree
`fairly well near the center of the arc, where the experi—
`mental accuracy is higher and diverge toward the
`periphery. Since the measurement of low intensity is
`inherently more accurate than the measurement of low
`absorption, more credence is given in this region to the
`temperature profile derived from the corrected con—
`tinuum intensity.
`It is noteworthy that the tempera—
`ture gradient appears
`to have a constant value
`from close to the arc center to the
`From the inverted emission coefficient 50 = 1.31 m
`7' = O), the equivalent optical path length as defined by
`(5) is calculated to be L = 0.14 cm. To a good
`approximation, the spatially averaged spectral radiance
`Nx0 of the continuum at other wavelengths obtained by
`line-of—sight measurements through the arc center is
`therefore equivalent
`to the emission coefficient of a
`homogeneous xenon plasma of 0.14-cm diam at
`11,050°K and 16 atm. Using Eq. (3), the correction
`factors 5(a) can’ then be related directly to the measured
`spectral radiance Nx01
`NA” = l78l$(>\)/Vl.
`The £(,\) values derived from our measurements of the
`stationary xenon arc are plotted on Fig. 7 and compared
`with correction factors calculated from theory by
` Luwe»
`Fig. 7. Experimental 50‘) factors for the xenon continuum com—
`pared with calculated values:
`(1) This paper, (2) Schlueter,”
`(3) Biberman et al.16
`OO9 2
`< E
`Fig. 6. Radial temperature profile of the cathode spotof the 2.2—
`kW xenon arc (stationary mode), as obtained from the emission
`coefficient of the continuum at 1.31 1.: (solid line), and by the
`Planck—Kirchhoff method frorri, the emission—absorption profile of
`Xe I 10528 A (broken line).
`V. Results and Discussion
`A. Radial Temperature Distribution of the
`Stationary Xenon Arc
`The large discrepancy in intensity between the xenon
`and carbon arc at the shorter wavelengths limited the
`absorption measurements to the ir region of the spec—
`trum. The accuracy of
`these measurements is im—
`paired, however, by two effects. When the xenon arc
`is in operation, its quartz envelope becomes red hot
`with a marked increase of absorption in the ir.
`ondly, the red halo also shows noticeable absorption in
`the ir and its asymmetry causes an asymmetrical
`absorption profile. Taking advantage of the persis-
`tence of the red halo (see Sec. II), it proved to be advis—
`able to include the absorption of the hot quartz enve~
`lope and the red halo in the I0 reading by recording the
`signal for the carbon a'rc radiation at the instant when
`the xenon arc was extinguished. Even so, the accuracy
`the absorption measurements, especially for low
`absorption near the boundary of the cathode spot, was
`considerably less than the accuracy of the emission
`In the emission measurements, a per—
`fectly symmetrical
`intensity distribution proved the
`plasma core to be cylindrical symmetrical. As ex—
`pected from theory, the curves giving the lateral in—
`tensity distribution of the continuum, normalized at
`peak intensity, were identical at
`all wavelengths
`The Abel inversion requires the measurements to be
`cut off at a fixed distance from the arc center, where the
`intensity has gone to zero. Since the region of interest
`was the hot core of the arc (cathode spot), the boundary
`of the plasma was drawn somewhat arbitrarily at the
`point where the intensity had dropped to 1% of its peak
`value. The intensity of the red halo was of this mag—
`nitude and its contribution to the total radiance was
`thus roughly subtracted. The resulting arc diameter
`was 4.6 mm. The radial
`temperature profile was
`derived by the Planck—Kirchhoff method from the
`682 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 7, No. 4 / April 1968
`.The tabulated temperatures have been derived by the
`Planck—Kirchhoff method from the measured peak
`emission and absorption and are not dependent on the
`function of
`the spectrometer.17 Although the
`tabulated temperatures are only average temperatures,
`because of the temperature gradient along the line of
`sight, these average temperatures are weighted strongly
`toward the center of the arc and are only about 10%
`lower than the peak temperature. Since all measured
`lines originate from closely spaced high lying states, an
`influence of the upper energy level on the average
`temperature is not apparent.
`It is shown, evident,
`however, that strongly absorbing lines give a lower
`temperature. This effect
`is shown clearly for Xe I
`8819 A, whose self~reve1sed center is almost black and
`gives a lower temperatuie than the false peak in the
`wing. The self—reversal of this line increases maikedly
`at the higher temperatures of the flashed arc as shown
`on Fig 8. While only Xe I 8819 A appeais self-
`1eversed in our spectra of the stationary and flashed
`arc, four lines become black in the center when the arc
`is flashed. The peaks of these lines lie on the blackbody
`curve for 11,300°K as shown on Fig. 9 where the spec—
`tral radiance of the stationary and flashed xenon arc
`has been plotted against wavelength. From the
`measu1ed radiance and this temperature (11, 300° K),
`.a value for the absorption was calculated f01 the other
`lines and these values are consistent with the 1eflection
`It appears, therefore, that also for the flashed
`xenon arc all ir lines give essentially the same average
`Planck—Kirchhoff temperature.
`The temperatuie inc1ease du1ing the flash is borne
`out by the strong enhancement of the only ion line in
`the scanned spectrum (Xe II 5292 A).
`In cont1ast, the
`strong, self-absorbed atomic lines in the ir have only
`double the intensity of the same lines in the stationary
`arc. The intensity increase of
`the continuum is
`around 4—4.5 times, matching closely the increase of
`electrical power input.
`It appears plausible for rough estimates to attribute
`the intensity increase of the continuum to an increase of
`temperature alone, since the increase of pressure and
`optical pathlength during the flash is expected to be
`much less significant.
`It follows then from Eq.
`that a 45—fold increase of spectral radiance of the con—
`tinuum of a xenon plasma originally at 9950°K (the
`average Planck—Kirchhoff temperature of the stationary
`arc) corresponds to an increase of the temperature to
`11,150°K, very close to 11,300°K, the average Planck—
`Kirchhoff temperature of the flashed arc.
`Our measurements can be compared with Kopec’s6
`work; he studied the emission from the cathode spot of
`a similar xenon arc*1n the wavelength range 82009000
`A His values for the spectral radiance of the two
`strongest xenon lines show fair agreement with our
`measurements. Thus he measured 5800 W cm‘2 sr‘1
`p—1 and 4100 W cm‘2 sr“1;r1 f01 the peak of Xe I
`8232 A and for one of the false peaks of the self—reversed
`* Osram XBO 500.
`April 1968 / Vol. 7, No. 4 / APPLIED OPTICS 683
`Table I. Emission and Absorption Measurements and Aver-
`age Temperature (Planck-Kirchhoff) of the Cathode Spot of the
`Xenon Arc in the Stationary Mode
`(W cm’2
`81"‘ it”)
` a
`7' (°K)
`Xe I
`Xe I
`Xe I
`Xe I
`Xe I
`Xe I
`Xe I
`Xe I
`Xe I
`8819 (peak)
`5, 900
`4, 390
`28. 5
`42 . 5
`10, 020
`10, 060
`Fig. 8. Wavelength scan in the range 0.7—1.2 a for the stationary
`(lower trace) and flashed xeno
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