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`Energetiq Ex. 2084, page 1 - IPR2015-01368
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`l. En&Jish Jana~Dictlon.aries. I Gen-e, Philip Babc:oek,
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`Energetiq Ex. 2084, page 2 - IPR2015-01368
`om·i·cron also om·i·kron \ •am;J,kdin, chiefly Brit O'mikr;;~n\
`n -s [Gk o mikron, lit., small o]: the 15th letter of the Greek
`alphabet- symbol 0 oro; see ALPHABET table
`om·i·nate \ •amo,nilt\ vb -ED/-ING/-s [L ominatus, past part. of
`ominari, fr. omin-, omen omen] vt 1 archaic : to prophesy
`from signs and omens : AUGUR 2 archaic : to be a portent or
`,_, vi 1 obs : to utter prophecies or forebodings
`omen of
`2 obs : to serve as a prophecy
`omination n -S [ L omination-, ominatio, fr. ominatus + -ion-, -io
`o~-i~n~~s: \t!~~~~;~{ ~d}fte~;;:fn~sus, fr. omin-, omen + -osus
`-ose] I
`: of or relating to an omen : being or exhibiting an
`omen (the continual wars and revolutions so ,....,__ of the future
`-Margaret Parton) 2 : indicative of future misfortune or
`calamity : causing anxiety and fear : potentially disastrous
`(the ~ waves of cloud seemed to advance with terrific speed
`-O.E.ROlvaag) (a dead and ~ silence prevailed everywhere
`-J.A.Froude) (the~ sounds the motor was making-Herbert
`OMINOUS applies to that which shows a menacing, threatening,
`and frightful character foreshadowing evil or tragic develop(cid:173)
`ments, sometimes rather vague (there was something ominous
`about it, and in intangible ways one was made to feel that the
`worst was about to come -Jack London) (they formed to(cid:173)
`gether an ominous cloud charged with forces of uncertain
`magnitude, but of the reality of which Italy had already terrible
`exp'ericnce -J.A.Froude) PORTENTOUS is now likely to indi(cid:173)
`cate the prodigious, huge, impressive, marvelous, or monstrous,
`and only secondarily to suggest the character of a portent, a
`forc..warning of calamity to come (in the midst of a portentous
`silence, the consul unrolled his papers, evidently intending to
`produce an effect by the exceeding bigness of his looks -Her(cid:173)
`man Melville) (something quivered in every fiber of his being,
`like moonlit ripples on the sea. He felt at the same time a
`portentous stillness and an immense enterprise -H.G.Wells)
`FATEFUL may imply an especial importance, often solemn,
`~fu~e~o~fn~~]Jt!}JJ ~~~~ ~~mg[~ ~e~~go~H.c\~Ta~f~~)n(fu~
`hour seemed awful to them, and the hearts within them burned
`as though of fateful matters their souls were newly learned
`-William Morris) (six thousand years ago, the Nile, the be(cid:173)
`getter of water and grain, was as fateful to the fellah as it is
`today -Mary Lindsay) INAUSPICIOUS and UNPROPITIOUS may
`suggest the presence of distinctly unfavorable signs or may be
`simply synonyms for unlucky or unfavorable (while my words
`with inauspicious thunderings shook Heaven -P.B.Shelley)
`(unpropitious weather) (an unpropitious attitude for a politi(cid:173)
`cian seeking reelection to take)
`OID•i•nOUS•lY adv : in an ominous manner (the steps to the
`veranda sagged ~ under his weight -Harold Sinclair) (the
`night sky glowed~ red -O.S.Nock)
`om·i·nous.ness n -Es : the quality or state of being ominous
`omiS•Si·bil·i·tY \O,mis~'bilod.e\ n -Es: the quality or state of
`being omissible
`omiS•Si·ble \O'mis:Jbol\ adj [L omissus (past part. of omittere)
`+ E -able] : that may be omitted : subject to or suitable for
`omis·sion \O'mish:Jn,o'm-\ n -s [ME omissioun, fr. LL omis(cid:173)
`sion-. omissio, fr. L omissus (past part. of omittere) + -ion-, -io
`-ion] 1 a : apathy toward or neglect of duty : lack of action
`(allowed themselves to be engulfed ... through~ or commis(cid:173)
`sion -N. Y. Tilnes Mag.)- compare COMMISSION 5 b: some(cid:173)
`thing neglected or left undone (pondered many ~s that night
`in the rectory's best bedroom -J.D.Beresford) 2: the act of
`omitting whether by leaving out or by abstention from insert(cid:173)
`ing or by failure to include or perform; also : the state of being
`omitted (the ,.....,_. of clues essential to understanding -J.H.
`Wheelock) (when the ~ was discovered, they would send
`somebody -Margaret Kennedy)
`omiS•Sive \O'misiv\ adj [L omissus (past part. of omittere) +
`E -ive]: leaving out: failing or neglecting to do: OMITTING(cid:173)
`omiS•SiVe•lY adv
`omit \O'mit, o'm-, usu -id·+ V\ vt omitted; omitted~ omitting;
`omits [ME omitten, fr. L omittere, fr. ob- to, against, over +
`mittere to send- more at on-, SMITE] 1 :to leave out or leave
`unmentioned : fail to insert, include, or name (if you ~ the
`industrial areas . . . this way of life is pastoral, parochial,
`picturesque -W.G.Hardy) (will not wish to~ this valuable
`book from his reading -Harry Schwartz) 2 : to fail to per(cid:173)
`form or make use of : leave alone or undone : FORBEAR (nor
`could I think well of the man who should ~ an occasion of
`testifying his respect -Jane Austen) (most visitors~ to walk
`round the walls m their hurry -S.P.B.Mais) 3 obs: to leave
`unnoticed or unregarded ("'-' him not; blunt not his love nor
`lose the good advantage of his grace -Shak.) 4 obs : to re(cid:173)
`frain or cease from keeping : let go (traitors ... having sense
`of beauty do~ their mortal natures -Shak.) syn see NEGLECT
`omittance n -s [omit + -ance] obs : OMISSION
`-om-rna \'amo\ n comb form [NL -ommat-, -omma, fr. Gk
`ommat-, omma eye; akin to Gk Ops eye- more at EYE] : one
`having (such) an eye or (such or so many) eyes- in generic
`names in zoology (Loxomma)
`om-mas.tre.phes \o'm8.strd,ft!z\ n, cap [NL, fr. Gk omma eye
`+ strephein to turn- more at STROPHE] : a widely distributed
`genus ·(type of the family Ommastrephidae) of extremely active
`cephalopods (order Decapoda) having a cylindrical body,
`bn:;c rhotnbic terminal fins, and short strong arms
`om .. lna~te~al \:~tmo;t'C~l\ adj [ommateum + -al] : of, relating
`to, or having compound eyes
`om-ma.te.fu-11 \,«'teom\ n, pi omma.tea \-eo\ [NL, fr. Gk
`ommat-, omma eye] : COMPOUND EYE
`omoma~tid~i~al \:~Imd:tideol\ adj [ommatidium+ -a!]: of, re(cid:173)
`lating to. or having ommatidia
`om-ma.tid·i-um \,«'•eom\ n, pi ommatid·ia \-eo\ [NL, fr.
`Gk ommat-, omma eye + NL -idium] : one of the elements
`'.::or;-cspond~ng to a small simple eye or ocellus that make up the
`compound eye of an arthropod and that typically consist of
`an external corneal lens beneath which is a crystalline cone and
`below it a rhabdom which is enclosed in a sensitive retinula
`protected by pigment
`om-ma.tin \'tim~d·:Jn\ n -s [Gk ommat-, omma eye + E -in]
`: an ommochrome (as a brown pigment in the eye of the fruit
`fly) of low molecular weight
`om•mat•O•phore \o'mad·o,fo(o)r\ n -s [prob. fr. (assumed)
`NL ommatophorus, fr. Gk ommat-, omma eye + NL -o- +
`-phorus -phore] : a movable peduncle bearing an eye (a snail
`probing with his eyes at the end of their ~s)- OID•IDa•tOPh(cid:173)
`O•rOUS \:amo:taf(o)ros\ adj
`ommiad usu cap, var of UMAYYAD
`om-mo.chrome \'timg,krOm\ n [ammo- (fr. Gk omma eye) +
`-chrome] : any of various pigments derived from tryptophan
`and found esp. in the eyes of insects
`omn- or omni- comb form [ME omni-1 fr. MF, fr. L, fr. omnis
`all] : all : universal : universally : without restriction (omni(cid:173)
`meter) (omnipresent) (omnist)
`om•ne·i·tY \lim'nead-e\ n -Es [L omne (neut. of omnis all) + E
`-ity] : the state of being all-comprehensive: ALLNESS
`om·ni·beai"ing \'limn:J,-ne+,-\ n [omn- +bearing]: the bear(cid:173)
`ing of an omnidirectional radio range station from an airplane
`usu. expressed in terms of magnetic rather than true north
`tom·ni·bus \'amn:J,bas,-ne-, -~bas\ n -Es [F, fr. L, for all, dat.
`pl. of omnis all; per h. akin to Lops wealth- more at OPULENT]
`1 : a public vehicle usu. automotive and 4-wheeled and de(cid:173)
`signed to carry a comparatively large number of passengers.
`: BUS 2 : OMNIBUS BILL (this bill is an ~ and is being reviewed
`at length by the author -E.H.Wilson) 3 :BUSBOY (little ~es
`in white suits moved about gathering up papers or napkins
`drOJ?ped by careless diners -H.S.Harrison) 4 : a book con-
`~~~ns1:;fer~~j~~ta0~ur~l~~~do~;'bj~~s)(as of a single author or
`2omnibus \ "\ adj : of, relating to, or providing for many
`things or classes at once : containing or including many items
`(meager appropriation in view of the ~ nature of its assign(cid:173)
`ment -Nation's Business) (a sort of~ tribute, touching on the
`natives, the huts, the palm trees, ... hookworm, dysentery
`omnibus bill n : a legislative bill that includes a number of
`miscellaneous provisions or approPriations (a tough omnihus
`omnibus box n : a large box in a theater or opera house adapted
`to contain many persons
`omnibus clause n : a clause or section (as of a contract or
`statute) intended to cover various items not otherwise specif(cid:173)
`ically covered; esp : a clause in an automobile insurance
`policy that extends protection to others than the named in(cid:173)
`om·ni.competence \:amn:5,-ne+ \ n [fr. omnicompetent, after
`E competent: competence] : the quality or state of being
`~lf!~~~gc~~~J{~ey act on an identical assumption of ,_.,_,
`Offi•Ui•Competeut \" + \ adj [omn- + competent] : having
`jurisdiction or legal capacity to act in all matters (too little
`aware of the peril in a monopoly of political and economic
`power in the hands of the ~ state -Reinhold Niebuhr)
`om.ni·directional \" + \ adj [ISV omn- + directional] 1 : re(cid:173)
`ceiving or sending radiations equally well in all directions (~
`radio transmitter) (~ antenna) 2 of a microphone : not
`omnidirectional radio range or omnidirectional range n
`om-ni·far·i·OUS \:amn~:fa(a)rC;:,s, -fer-, -far-\ adj [LL omni(cid:173)
`farius, fr. L omni- omn- + -farius (as in bifarius twofold) -
`more at BIFARIOUS] : of all varieties, forms, or kinds (his ~
`reading ... craved books of poetry and chivalry -E.A.Weeks)
`om·ni-far·i·OUS•lY adv -
`om.ni·far·i·OUS•ness n -Es
`om.nif·iC \(')um:nifik\ adj [ML omnificus, fr. L omni- omn- +
`-ficus ·fie] : being all~creating : OMNIFICENT
`om-nif·i·Cence \lim'nif~s;:,n(t)s\ n -s [fr. omnificent, after such
`pairs as E benevolent: benevolence] : the quality or state of
`being ornnificent
`om-nif·i·cent \-nt\ adj [omn- + -ficent (as in magnificent)]
`: creating all that comes into existence : unlimited in creative
`om.ni·fY \ 'limn;,li\ vt ·ED/-ING/-ES [omn- + -fy] : to make
`universal : ENLARGE
`om.nig·e-nous \(')~m:nijgn~s\ adj [L omnigenus, fr. omni(cid:173)
`omn- + genus kind - more at KIN] : composed of or con(cid:173)
`taining all varieties
`om-ni.graph \'timn<J,graf, ~raf\ n [omn- + -graph]: a device
`for automatically producing dot-and-dash sounds of the tele(cid:173)
`graph code used in instructing radiotelegraph operators
`om.nil·e-gent \(')1:im!nil~jdnt\ adj [omn- + L legent-, legens,
`g~~~~~~~acffe~~~~hi~g r~~t;;a~~ri~e~t G;~~~~21~p~edi~i~~a~:
`ing (no historians have been more~, more careful of the docu(cid:173)
`ment -George Saintsbury)
`om-nim·e·ter \am'nim~d·o(r)\ n [omn- + -meter]: a theodo(cid:173)
`lite having a microscope rigidly attached to the telescope so
`that the vertical angular movement of the telescope can be
`observed through the microscope
`om.ni·Phib·i·OUS \:amno:nbeds\ adj [omn- + -phibious (as in
`amphibious)] of an airplane: able to land on any surface (as
`water, snow, ice, or land)
`0l2_fi~~~;z~o~~:;ti~~f:~ifd~-~~~~~fe~~:-,o~t~T;;t:~~o +ot:i~-~y'j
`1 a : the quality or state of being omnipotent : almighty or
`unlimited power b : an agency or force of unlimited power
`and influence (I could not share the popular faith in the ~ of
`education -M.R.Cohen) 2 cap : DEITY 1 b
`om.niP•O•ten.cy \-nse, -si\ n -ES [ME omnipotencie, fr. LL
`omnipotentia] : OMNIPOTENCE
`Tom·niP•O•tent \-nt\ adj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L omnipotent-,
`omnipotens, fr. omni- omn- + potent-, patens potent- more at
`POTENT] 1 often cap : ALMIGHTY Ia (lift up our mind in con(cid:173)
`templation of the aid of the Omnipotent Deity -P.N.Ure)
`2 a obs : ARRANT (this is the most ~ villain that ever cried
`"Stand!" to a true man -Shak.) b : having virtually un(cid:173)
`limited authority or influence : ALL-POWERFUL : possessing
`infinite capacity (for five years this man was the ~ leader of
`the Roman mob -J.A.Froude) (enjoy smoothly functioning
`and~ libraries -H.N.Southern)
`2omnipotent \ "\ n -s 1 : one who is omnipotent 2 cap
`om.niP•O•tent·lY adv : in an omnipotent manner : with un-
`limited power
`om-ni.pres.ence \.amn~'prez::.n(t)s\ n [ML omnipraesentia,
`fr. omnipraesent-, omnipraesens omnipresent + L -ia -y] : the
`quality or state of being omnipresent : UBIQUITY (find some
`positive value in life to pose against the ~ of death -Joseph
`Frank) (the ~ of scholarship as a background -R.P.Black(cid:173)
`om-ni-pres-ent \:,..,..:prez::.nt\ adj [ML omnipraesent-, omni(cid:173)
`praesens, fr. L omni- omn- + praesent-, praesens present -
`more at PRESENT] : present in all places at all times : UBIQUI(cid:173)
`TOUS (an ~ Deity) (had always been conscious of poverty as
`... an '""""' reality which ate its way into the marrow of life
`-Christine Weston) (the most ~ sign without words ... is
`the red and green traffic light -Stuart Chase)- om-ni-pres(cid:173)
`ent·lY adv
`om·ni-range \"llmna, -ne+,-\n [omnirange fr. omn- +range]
`: a system of radio navigation in which any bearing relative to
`a special radio transmitter on the ground may be chosen and
`olli':~i.~li:~c~ir\~~~fs~~~(t)s\ also om-ni-scien.cy \-nse.
`-si\ n,pl omnisciences also omnisciencies [ML omniscientia,
`fr. L omni- omn- + scientia knowledge - more at SCIENCE]
`: the quality or state of being omniscient: a : infinite knowl(cid:173)
`edge (in~ ... there is only an unmediated timeless knowledge
`-J.R.Everett) b : universal or complete learning or knowl(cid:173)
`edge (a company should J?OSsess enou$h humility to deny ~
`and to invite help and adv1ce -L.H.Bnstol)
`1om-ni-scient \('),..:nishdnt\ adj [NL omniscient-, omnisciens,
`back-formation fr. ML omniscientia] 1: having infinite aware(cid:173)
`ness, understanding, and insight : knowing all things : in(cid:173)
`finitely wise (would take an ~ Deity to know what you're
`talking about -Edith Wharton) 2 : possessed of universal
`or complete knowledge : exhaustively learned (was as ,_.,_, as
`the scholarship and science of his day permitted -O.S.J.
`Gogarty) - om·ni.scient·IY adv
`2omniscient \ "\ n -s 1 : a being or person that is omniscient
`2 cap: zaoo
`om-ni-scope \"li.mn.1,sk0p\ n [omn~ + -scope] : PERISCOPE
`om.nist \'limn:Jst\ n -s [omn- + -ist] : one that believes in alJ
`om-ni.tude \'1:imn<1,ti.id, -~·,tylid\ n -s [omn- + -tude] : TO(cid:173)
`TALITY, UNIVERSALITY (no other metropolitan area so reflects
`American civilization's ~ -D.W.Lantis)
`om.ni·um \'amneom\ n -s [L, of all, gen. pl. of omnis all(cid:173)
`more at OMNIBUS] 1: the total of the different stocks and other
`items formerly offered by the British government for the capi(cid:173)
`tal subscribed in funding a loan or for a unit of subscribed
`capital 2 Brit : the total of the items in any fund or stock
`made up by combination of various independent constituents
`omnium-gath·er.um \-'ga!lJotom\ n -s [L omnium + E
`gather + L -um (inflectional ending of many neuter nouns and
`of the neuter of many adjectives)] : a miscellaneous collection
`of a variety of things or persons : a confused mixture : HODGE(cid:173)
`PODGE (at least part of the omnium-gatherum of my research
`-G.T.Hellman); also : a place for holding such a collec(cid:173)
`tion (an omnium-gatherum, stocked to meet all common
`family wants -Atlantic)
`om.ni-verse \'llmn:J,vars, -v5s.-v~is\n-s[omn- +-verse (as in
`universe)] : a universe that is spatiotemporally four-dimen(cid:173)
`om.niV•O•ra \li.m"niv~r~\ n pl [NL, fr. L, neut. pl. of omni(cid:173)
`vorus omnivorous] 1 cap, in some esp former classifications: a
`group comprising the pigs and the hippopotamuses 2 often
`cap a : omnivorous animals b : man and swim~ -
`when it is desired to stress fundamental similarities of habits
`and physiology
`om.ni·vore also om.ni.vor \'amn:l,vo(o)r\ n -s [NL Om(cid:173)
`nivora] : one that is omnivorous
`om.niV•O•rous \(')1:im;niv(g)rds\ adj [L omnivorus, fr. omni(cid:173)
`omn- + -vorus -vorous] 1: eating everything; esp : feeding on
`both animal and vegetable substances (only a very few insects
`appear to be normally . . . ~ -C.T.Brues) -
`rAJ~N!V()l~!Hl,_ 'J. ! ~viillv t,..,lrino· in PuP.ruth;,.,,.., "" <f rl...,..,...,.,.,;,~,.,.
`Lovering) (an expression of ~ but benevolent curiosity -A.J.
`Liebling) (an ,...._, collector of antiques) -
`adv- om-niv·O·rous.ness n -ES
`omnivorous leaf tier n : a tortricid moth ( Cnephasia longaha)
`whose larva is a pest on many plants (as strawberry, flax, and
`cultivated flowers) in Europe and parts of the western U. S.
`omo- -
`see OM-
`om.odyn.ia \,omo'dineo, ,am-\ n -s [NL, fr. om- + ·odynia]
`: pain in the shoulder
`1omo-hyoid \:OmO, :amo+ \ adj [om-+ hyoid]: of or relating
`to the shoulder and the hyoid bone; specif : being a muscle
`that arises from the upper border of the scapula and is in~
`sertcd in the body of the hyoid bone
`2omohyoid \" + \ n : an omohyoid muscle
`omo·hY·Oi·de.us \,,..,..,hi'6idCas\ n, pl omohyoi.dei \-e,i\
`[NL, fr. om- + hyoides hyoid bone + L -eus -eous- more at
`omoi·de-um \O'm6idCdm\ n -s [NL, fr. om- + -oideum (fr. L
`-aides -oid + -cum, neut. of -eus -eo us)] : the pterygoid bone of
`a bird
`omo·Pho·ri·on \,omo'!Orcon, ,am-\ n, pi omoPhO·ria \-eo\
`[LGk omophorion, fr. Gk om- om- + LGk -phorion (fr. Gk
`pherein to bear, carry)- more at BEAR]: the distinctive vest(cid:173)
`ment of bishops of the Eastern Church corresponding to the
`pallium of the Western Church but made in two forms and
`worn in one form or the other by all bishops during the cele(cid:173)
`bration of liturgical offices
`o;:~t~ll~~e0~~o~~~p~tp;;~-bl~~ag;~~~e~a~; I~fr; {~· 8(: P~z;~~
`-s [octamethylpyrophosphoramidc]
`flat, broad - more at PLACE] : SCAPULA
`omo•Pla·tOS•CO•PY \,OmOpl~'task~pe, ,lim-; O,map-\ n ~ES
`[MGk Omoplatoskopia, fr. Gk Omoplate +
`-o- + -skopia
`omos-te.gite \O'mtistd,jit\ n -s [om- + -stegite] : the part of a
`crustacean's carapace covering the thorax
`omo•sternum \:OmO, :1:1.mO+ \ n [NL, fr. om- + sternum]
`1 : a median bony element of the sternum of amphibians ex(cid:173)
`tending forward from the ventral ends of the precoracoids and
`bearing the episternum at its anterior end 2 : an interarticular
`cartilage or bone between the sternum and each clavicle in
`many mammals
`\:o,empe:a\ n
`om.pha.cite \'lim(p)fo,slt\ n -s [G omphazit, fr. Gk om(cid:173)
`phakites green stone, fr. omphak.-, omphax unripe grape +
`-ites -ite] : a mineral consisting of a grass-green granular or
`foliated pyroxene found in the rock eclogite
`omphal- or omphalo- comb form [ Gk, fr. omphalos - more
`at NAVEL] 1
`: umbilicus (omphaloid) (omphaloskepsis)
`2 : umbilical and (omphalomesenteric)
`om.pha·lia \am'faleo\ n, cap [NL, fr. omphal- + -ia] : a
`genus of fungi (family Agaricaceae) having white spores,
`small caps usu. with a central indentation, and a very narrow
`fragile stipe
`om.phal•iC \(')lim:falik\ adj [omphal- + -ic]: of or relating
`to the umbilicus
`\llm'fliTeon\ n -s [NL, fr. Gk, small navel,
`dim. of omphalos navel] : the center of the umbilicus
`om.pha·li·tis \,am(p)fo'l1d·:ls\ n, pi ompha·lit·i·des \-lid·a·
`,dez \ [ NL, fr. omphal- + -it is] 1 : inflammation of the urn~
`bilicus 2 : avian navel ill : MUSHY CHICK
`om.pha·lO·di•Uffi \,••'lodeom\ or omphalode \'••,lad\ n, pi
`omPhalo·dia \-'!Odea\ or ompha.lodes \-,!Odz\ [NL om·
`phalodium, fr. Gk ompha!Odlfs like a navel (fr. omphal- +
`-odes -ode) + NL -ium] : the scar at the hilum of a seed;
`also: HILUM
`om.pha·loid \'••,loid\ adj [omphal- + -oid]: resembling an
`umbilicus : UMBILICATE
`\:am(p)fa(,)lo+ \ adj [omphal- +
`mesenteric] : of or relating to the umbilicus and mesentery
`(the~ arteries of an embryo)
`omphalomesenteric duct n : viTELLINE oucT
`om.pha·lO•Phlebitis \:lim(p)fo(,)lo+\ n [NL, fr. ompltal- +
`phlebitis]: NAVEL ILL
`-s [omphal- +
`\ 'llm(p)fo!O,plu(o)r\ n
`-pleure (fr. -pleura)] : an embryonic membrane constituted
`in part of the yolk sac wall
`om.pha·lopsy.chite \,am(p)fo!O'si,kit, -'llipso,k-\ n -s [om·
`J?hal- + psyche + -ite] : one who stares fixedly at his navel to
`mduce a mystical trance - often used of the hesychasts
`om.pha·los \'tim(p)fo,llis, -los\ n, pi ompha·li \-,11, -,lc\
`[Gk, lit., navel] 1 : a centfal part : FOCAL POINT (come to
`a sort of ~ of the whole projected history -George Saints(cid:173)
`bury) 2 also om.pha·lUS \-_los\ [NL, fr. Gk omphalos]
`om.pha·lO•SkeP•Sis \,lim(p)folo'skepsos\ n ·ES [ompltal- +
`Gk sk.epsis act of viewing, examination; akin to Gk skeptesthai
`to view - more at SPY] : meditation while staring fixedly at
`one's navel practiced by Eastern mystics as an aid toward
`inducing a mystical trance
`om.rah \lim'r~\ n -s [Hindi umrli, fr. Ar umarli', pl. of amir
`ruler, commander]: a lord or grandee of a Muslim court in India
`OMS abbr output per man shift
`omsk \'omzk, 'lim-, -m(p)sk\ adj, usu cap [fr. Omsk, city
`in the western part of Asiatic Russia, U.S.S.R.]: of or from
`the city of Omsk, U.S.S.R. : of the kind or style prevalent in
`omu-ta \'Oma,tti\ adj, usu cap [fr. Omuta, city in northwest
`Kyushu. Japan] : of or from the city of Omuta, Japan: of
`the kind or style prevalent in Omuta
`1 t~~,c:b~~P.<~1:l.~ct~~: ~~ oo~t:%~~~r~r~ff. ~~d~~~t[;?Y~VH(q
`ana, prep. & adv., on, at, ON ii, prep. & adv., Goth ana, prep.
`& adv., on, at, L an- (in anhelare to pant) Gk ana, prep & adv.,
`up, on, Skt ann, prep. & adv., after] 1 a- used as a function
`word to indicate position over and in contact with that which
`supports from beneath (the book is~ the table) (was built~
`an 1sland) (kept his hands ~ the desk) b - used as a func·
`tion word to indicate presence within (rode there ,-.....; a train)
`(booked passage ~ an ocean liner) c -
`used as a function
`word to indicate situation along a whole surface (a streak,....,
`the wall running from top to bottom) or at any particular
`point on a surface (there wasn't a mark ~ it) or to indicate
`situation at the projecting usu. supporting edge or point or
`end of something (their clothes hung ~ a couple of nails in
`the wall) or situation inside of something (as clothing) worn
`by or covering the principal object of attention (found a
`knife ~ him) 2 -
`used as a function word to indicate con(cid:173)
`tiguity or dependence; esp.
`(I) contact and SUPJ?Ort from
`elsewhere than beneath (a fly~ the ceiling) (hangmg ~the
`wall); (2) location closely adjoining something (a town situ·
`ated ~ the river) or location very near some point of a
`narrowly extended area (as a street) (lives ,...._, the principal
`street of the town); (3) imminence or beginning (as of some
`action or activity) (the storm is ~ us); (4) connection or
`employment or activity with or in or with regard to something
`(works ~ the committee) (is now ~ the third problem) (will
`be ~ duty) (has long been successful ~ the stage); (5) en·
`gagement in doing something (are now ,-.,.; a tour around the
`country); (6) source or support or basis on which something
`(as an action, opinion) turns or rests (learned it ,-.....; good au(cid:173)
`thority) (his reliance ~ her) (will do it ~ one condition)
`3 a- used as a function word to indicate position with regard
`to place, direction, or time; esp. (1) position with regard to
`a point of the compass (~ the west are rolling plains);
`(2) position ncar a specified part of something (,-.....; the side
`of the house is a garden);
`(3) occurrence during the course
`of. a specified day (will see them ~ Monday) or of some
`other divisions of time (said she would write ~ the morrow)
`or at a set time (trains leave here every hour ,-.....; the hour);
`(4) occurrence at the same time as or following or as a result
`of something (will send a check ~ receipt of the book) (will
`do it~ your arrival) (was uneasy~ arriving home and finding
`no one there) b -used as a function word to indicate loca(cid:173)
`tion in or progress along something taken as a standard (is
`~ the right road) (a boat keeping~ course) 4 a- used as
`a function word to indicate involvement in a specified condi~
`:i~r_:_\t~:_!l(~>,~.~::~_s_ "::' :f5re) (beer.~ t~P~. (merch~ndise ,"' s~_Jc)
`Energetiq Ex. 2084, page 3 - IPR2015-01368
`been "'-J sick leave) or subjection to a condition of restriction
`(is ......., probation) 5 -
`used as a function word to indicate
`manner (did it~ the sly> (cut it ~ the bias> 6 - used as a
`function word to indicate the object of action or motion;
`esp. (1) the object of action or motion coming esp. down from
`above so as to touch or strike the surface or cover the upper
`part (watched the rain fall,.....,__ the earth) (put a lid,......, the jar);
`(2) the object of action or motion directed up to or against
`the object (crept up,.....,__ him) (marched~ the ancient fortress);
`(3) the object of actipn or motion di~ccted toward the obje~t
`without actual physxcal contact (smtlcd ,.....__ her) (blamed 1t
`~them) (was always bent ~ fighting>;
`(4) the object of
`some emotion (had pity ,......, them) or formality (served an
`injunction rv him) or obligation (a charge ,....._. an overdue
`(5) the object in connection with which payment,
`computation of interest, reduction, or similar settlement is
`made (paid off a substantial sum,....._. the mortgage) (creditors
`received about 7 5 cents ,....._. .the dollar) (a rebate of 15 cents
`,......, a ton) (an inroad,......_. supplies) 7 a : with regard to : with
`reference or relation to : ABOUT (agreed ,......_. a price) (a mo-
`d~>ol~ dti'0f;~fal<~ ~~ti(be~~fj~~\~ui~ v~~~Seh~.)hii ~
`used as a function word to indicate means or agency (cut her
`finger~ a knife> (playing the latest hits~ the piano> (heard
`it,......, the radio) 9 -
`used as a function word to indicate
`reduplication or succession in a series (trouble ,......_. trouble
`followed his involvement with her) (loss ,....._. loss) 10 -
`as a function word to indicate an object of reference; esp.
`(1) an object having some advantage or disadvantage (is very
`talented but has nothing ,....._. her brother who is a real genius)
`(his brother has two inches ,......_. him in reach);
`(2) an object
`subjected to expense or cost (drinks are ,......_. the house) (the
`joke was"' me); (3) an object that bears some stress or strain
`(long hours began to tell~ him>;
`(4) an object subjected to
`indicated annoyance (the fire went out ,....._. him) (don't try to
`pull that '"""' me) or discomfiture or some other unwanted or
`detrimental thing
`2on \"\ adv [ME, prep. & adv., fr. OE an, on, prep. & adv.]
`1: in or into the position of being in contact with the upper
`surface of something or of being supported from beneath by
`the upper surface (the plates are,....._.) (put a jazz recording,....._.)
`2 : in or into the position of being attached to or covering a
`surface (has suspenders,....._.) (put a clean shirt,....._.) (keep your
`hat,......,) 3 -a (1) : toward a point that lies ahead in space or
`time : FORWARD, ONWARD (spent a day there and then went ~
`to the next town) (from here ~ you'll need help>
`(2) : at a
`more advanced point in space or time (will do it later,....._.) (did
`not see her until well,....._. in the evening) (was well,......_. in years)
`b: with forward movement or action : in constant progression
`:without break: CONTINUOUSLY (read,......_. late into the night)
`(spoke'"'-' without hesitation) (slept peacefully ,....._.) C : in suc(cid:173)
`cession : from one to another : in continuance (a tradition
`handed'"'-' through the centuries) (pass the note,....._.) 4 a: in or
`into action or operation (the radio was,....._.) (turn the lights,....._.)
`: in or into a functioning state : in or into a state of activity
`(the water is rv) (the electricity finally came,......_.) b : in or into
`a position designed to set something into action or otherwise
`produce some activity (the light switch is,......_.) (had a large fish
`rv): in or into an operative position (the brake is,....._.) 5: in or
`into the process of doing something : in or into engagement in
`some function or activity (two speeches had already been given
`and he was told he would be ,......_. next) (has worked two nights
`and will also be,....._. tomorrow night) (a well-known star will be
`,......, in the role when the show opens) 6 a : with an indicated
`part turned toward a point of contact, approach, or observa(cid:173)
`tion (the two cars smashed together head ,....._.) (the boats col(cid:173)
`lided bows '"'-') b : with direction toward something (didn't
`want to play but preferred simply to look,......_.) 7 : in a condi(cid:173)
`tion of being decided upon or planned for or regarded as
`something that must be done (has nothing particular ,....._. for
`tonight) 8 : in or into a state of being aware of something
`(wasn't,...._. to what had happened): in or into a knowledgeable
`state about something (quickly got,......_. to what they were trying
`to do)- usu. used with to 9 : in a state of being willing to
`P.articipate in something (told them about the plan and asked
`~,;~eln b~s~ball 10 printing : uP (printed eight~> 11 : on
`aon \"\ adj 1 cricket: that sends the ball to the on (an~ hit>
`(an,......, drive) 2 cricket : that is on the on side of the wicket
`(an f"V stroke) 3 : permitted to flow by means of an opened
`valve or closed switch : FLOWING (the water was ,....._.)
`4on \ "\ n -s: the side of the wicket on which a batsman stands
`in the game of cricket or the corresponding side of the field -
`compare OFF; see CRICKET illustration
`t~on \,lin\ n suffix -s [ISV, alter. of -one] : chemical com(cid:173)
`pound not a ketone or other oxo compound (nervon) -
`sometimes distinguished from -one
`:z~on \"\ n suffix -s [fr. -on (in anion. cation, & ion)] 1: ele(cid:173)
`mentary particle (nucleon) 2 a : unit : quantum (magn~ton)
`(photon) b : basic hereditary component (cistran) (operon)
`a-on\"\ n suffix -s [NL, fr. Gk, neut. of -os (nom. sing. masc.
`ending of many adjectives)] : inert gas (radon)
`ON abbr 1 octane number 2 order notify
`ona \'On~\ n, pl ona or onas usu cap 1 a: a Chonan people of
`Tierra del Fuego off the southern tip of So. America- com(cid:173)
`2 : the lan(cid:173)
`b : a member of such people
`guage of the Ona people
`on .. again-off-again \':::::::,:::':::::::,::::\ adj [fr. the phrase on again,
`off again] :occurring suddenly and irregularly and vanishing
`quickly: becoming briefly existent and then disappearing in an
`intermittent unpredictable way : FITFUL, SPASMODIC (on-again:::
`off-again fads) (troubled with on-again-off-again headaches)
`(months of on-again-off-again negotiations -Kennett Love)
`on.a.ger \'l:ingj;;~(r)\ n -s [ME, wild ass, fr. L onager, onagrus,
`fr. Gk onagros, fr. onos ass + -agros
`(fr. agros field) - more at ASS,
`ACRE] 1 : a small pale-colored
`kiang having a b