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`High Power Laser-Sustained Plasma Light Sources for KLA-Tencor Broadband
`Inspection Tools
`DOI: 10.1364/CLEO_AT.2015.ATu4M.2
`Kenneth Gross
`Anatoly Shchemelinin
`Available from: Anatoly Shchemelinin
`Retrieved on: 14 December 2015
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 1 - IPR2015-01368

`High Power Laser-Sustained Plasma Light Sources
`for KLA-Tencor Broadband Inspection Tools
`I. Bezel, A. Belyaev, G. Delgado, M. Derstine, K. Gross, R. Solarz,
`A. Shchemelinin, and D. Shortt
`Wafer Inspection Division, KLA-Tencor Corp, One Technology Drive, Milpitas, CA 94035
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 2 - IPR2015-01368

`High Power Laser-Sustained Plasma Light Sources
`for Everybody!
`I. Bezel, A. Belyaev, G. Delgado, M. Derstine, K. Gross, R. Solarz,
`A. Shchemelinin, and D. Shortt
`Wafer Inspection Division, KLA-Tencor Corp, One Technology Drive, Milpitas, CA 94035
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 3 - IPR2015-01368

`High Power Laser-Sustained Plasma Light Sources
`for KLA-Tencor Broadband Inspection Tools
`I. Bezel, A. Belyaev, G. Delgado, M. Derstine, K. Gross, R. Solarz,
`A. Shchemelinin, and D. Shortt
`Wafer Inspection Division, KLA-Tencor Corp, One Technology Drive, Milpitas, CA 94035
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 4 - IPR2015-01368

` Motivation: high-brightness UV light sources for wafer inspection
` Failure of traditional sources to meet K-T brightness requirements
` Laser-Sustained Plasma (LSP) principles of operation
` Why not pulsed? Why not CO2 pumped?
` Experimental capabilities
` Challenges of the high-power regime
` Prospect for high-power LSP sources
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 5 - IPR2015-01368

`KLA-Tencor Overview
`Global leader in yield acceleration since 1976
` Installed base ~23,000 tools
` ~ 6100 employees in 17 countries
` ~ 25% Technology
` ~ 38% Customer Support
` $1.86B in R&D investment over
`last 4 fiscal years
` FY 2014 Revenue $2.9B
`KLA-Tencor Markets
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 6 - IPR2015-01368

`KLA-Tencor’s Broad Product Portfolio
`Optimized to Maximize Performance for Best ROI
`Wafer Inspection, Review, Analysis
`Laser Scanning
`Broadband Plasma
`Puma 9XXX
`Surfscan SP5
`Klarity Defect/ACE
`Patterning Control
`Wafer Geometry
`Reticle Metrology
`Archer 500LCM
`WaferSight PWG
`K-T Analyzer
`Reticle Inspection
`Mask Shop
`IC Fab
`Advanced Packaging
`Adjacent Markets
`Power Device
`Data Storage
`Teron SL650
`Teron 630
`ICOS T830
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 7 - IPR2015-01368

`2920 Series
`Broadband Plasma Patterned Wafer Defect Inspection
`We wish we could
`resolve it just like that…
`2920 Series Ultimate optical sensitivity and speed for
`rapid defect discovery and monitoring
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 8 - IPR2015-01368

`Customer: “We’re blind without you guys…”
`You can’t fix what
`you can’t find
`You can’t control what
`you can’t measure
`Smaller Overlay Window
`(yield & reliability challenges)
`High Aspect
`Ratio Defect
`Chamber Flake
`Residual Polymer
`Buried Void
`35 nm Gate
`Poisoned Resist
`KLA-Tencor Provides Systems that Enable Finding
`Defects and Measuring Critical Dimensions
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`1 cm (10,000,000nm)
`Head of a Pin: ~2,000,000nm
`1 mm (1,000,000nm)
`Human Hair: ~100,000nm
`0.1 mm (100,000nm)
`Red Blood Cell: ~5,000nm
`1 micron (1,000nm)
`Bacteria: ~800nm
`0.1 micron (100nm)
`Semiconductor Bridging
`Defect: ~30nm
`0.01 micron (10nm)
`DNA Strand Diameter: ~6nm
`Some of the defects
`we find are this small!
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 9 - IPR2015-01368

`The Power of Optical Inspection
`Answer: Answer: Optical inspection
` 280,000 km2 can sample every single
` 6100 employees with flashlights =
`pixel in this area and find the
`defects in about an hour.
`Scaling Example
` Suppose we scale a 10-nm defect by
`2 million, to the size of a small coin.
`10 nm
` At the same scale, a 300 mm wafer would be
`600 km across, roughly the distance between
`San Francisco and Los Angeles! And a 65 nm
`pixel would be about 12 cm × 12 cm.
` There are about 17 trillion pixels on the wafer.
` Suppose there are 10-100 coins hidden
`somewhere in this huge area, and you are
`given 1 hour in which to find them all. At
`night. How can this be accomplished?
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 10 - IPR2015-01368

`LSP. Enabling Optical Inspection of Wafers
` High-brightness (radiance) lightsources are needed for high
`speed optical inspection of wafers. A broad range of
`wavelengths is required for flexibility in optical mode selection.
` DC-driven electrical arc sources have been traditionally
`employed for microscope illumination. Their brightness has not
`been significantly improved for many years and is limited by
`maximum cathode current density.
`LSP can operate at a large distance
`from any structural components and is
`limited by different set of conditions
`governing laser-plasma interaction.
` Plasma brightness (spectral radiance)
`can be improved by orders of
`magnitude compared to traditional arc
`lamps, especially in the UV.
`demonstrated in
`a linear bench
`LSP in 20 atm
`Xe bulb is much
`smaller and
`much brighter
`than the DC arc.
`typical DC arc
`LSP 20 atm, <200 W
` Brightness improvement is the result of
`tight plasma confinement, typically,
`sub-mm size.
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`350 W DC arc: not the
`brightest lamp ever,
`but can you see it?
`LSP only
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 11 - IPR2015-01368

`Introduction: Laser Sustained Plasma
`Concept: ~ 1kW CW IR laser focused to sustain plasma. The fluence in the focus is
`lower than needed for gas breakdown but enough to sustain the plasma once ignited.
`There are different pump schemes utilized for different applications:
`Linear geometry
`laser fiber
`laser fiber
`Unlike plasmas originated by a pulse air
`breakdown and attainable with modest laser
`pulse energies, CW plasmas can be sustained
`only when pumped by >~100 W lasers.
`First attempted in Siberia in Dark Ages* by using
`10 m CO2 laser. They got ~1 cm size plasmas.
`Use of ~1 m solid state fiber-coupled laser results
`in sub-mm size plasmas.
`* N. A. Generalov, V. P. Zimakov, G. I. Kozlov, V. A.
`Masyukov, and Y. P. Raizer, “Continuous Optical Discharge,”
`ZhETF Pis. 11, No. 9 (1970).
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`K-T typical high-power
`cold mirror
`ignition cable
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 12 - IPR2015-01368

`Why Not Pulsed?
`How to collect 100W of light
`from R = 100m Black Body?
`radius R = 0.1 mm
`collection solid angle Ω = 2p srad
`(geometric collection efficiency GCE = 0.5)
`collected power W0 = 100 W
`duty cycle needed
`rep. rate needed
`In target
`The duty cycle is calculated by
`comparing the required power output
`with integrated Black Body emission
`for each of the bands.
`Repetition rates are calculated by
`dividing the duty cycle by inertial
`confinement time assuming indium
`target (ZIn=115).
`In order to meet our requirements,
`we essentially need a Cymer-style
`illuminator: >20 kHz rep. rate with
`plasma temperatures of >30 eV.
`(Assuming that we can get to near-
`Black-Body performance when
`operating in this regime!)
`10 MHz
`1 MHz
`In target confinement time
`100 kHz
`10 kHz
`1 kHz
`1 ms
`100 ns
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
` temperature / eV
` eV
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 13 - IPR2015-01368

`How Much Is Too Much?
`Artistic representation of
`roadmap requirements
` More than 10 times brighter source is required for inspection compared to
`wafer printing
` Once in the high-power regime, brightness starts to saturate
`It is hard to be brighter just by increasing pump power
`tiny Eta Carinae star (40 000 K)
`one of the hottest stars in observable Universe
`~3 000 000 times brighter
`then Sun
`small Rigel star (12 130 K)
`small Sirius star (9 940 K)
`small Sun (5 778 K)
`collectable power / arb. units
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 14 - IPR2015-01368

`Sirius Lamphouse
`A high-power LSP lamp house designed for scientific investigation of plasmas
`Designed with the
`pump module
`with beam
`intention to provide
`shaping optics
`the most flexibility for
`investigations of
`various configurations
`for LSP pump
`Capable of >20 kW
`operation in the CW regime
`Equipped with a large
`number of metrology
`options for plasma
`Automatic startup and data
`collection procedures
`Safe to operate
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Sirius housing
`and monitors
`cold mirror
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 15 - IPR2015-01368

`Sirius Lamphouse
`Designed with the intention to provide the most
`flexibility for experiments with LSP
`Capable of >20 kW operation in the CW regime
`Equipped with a large number of automated
`metrology options for plasma and lamphouse
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Sirius: High-Power Research-
`Grade LSP Lamphouse
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 16 - IPR2015-01368

`Sirius Metrology
`Automatic control and data collection and large array of metrology options
`allows accurate and well-controlled experiments to be conducted on Sirius.
`The goal is to study LSP.
`laser fiber
`broad-band scanning
`spatially resolved
`homogenizer and
`pupil spectra
`pump module
`laser-shaping optics
`plane metrology
`pupil image
`FF spectra
`laser line
`notch filter
`NIR transmission
`+30 mm
`-30 mm
`aberration control
`by using pump
`module translation
`broad-band scanning
`side port
`UV filter wheel
`214 nm
`250 nm
`850 nm…
`bulb or cell
`purged VUV path
`UV camera
`side port
`pressure / gas
`mixture control
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 17 - IPR2015-01368

`CO2 laser
`Ar 1018 cm-3 20 000K
`near-IR laser
`NIR vs. CO2
` The main laser absorption
`mechanism for CO2 lasers formerly
`used for LSP is inverse
`Bremsstrahlung. Not so for near-IR
`lasers! Much of the absorption
`comes from bound-bound transitions
`in highly excited neutrals (theoretical
`spectra on the right).
` Absorption coefficients are much
`lower in near-IR, enabling much
`smaller, higher pressure LSP.
` Typical CO2-sustained plasmas are a
`few cm in size. Typical near-IR-
`sustained plasmas are few hundred
`microns and proportionately brighter.
` There is a strong dependence of
`absorption on the pump laser
`wavelength, allowing optimization of
`plasma performance.
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 18 - IPR2015-01368

`Plasma Size
`What is the plasma size? Apparent plasma size
`is different for different wavelengths! What
`makes sense to discuss is the temperature
`profile, but it is not observable in the experiment.
`214 nm
`250 nm
`350 nm
`850 nm
`Plasma profiles have been measured for each observation
`wavelength, revealing details of the plasma temperature profile.
`plasma profile
`at a specific λ
`Apparent plasma size is larger for the neutral absorption lines and
`smaller for ion emission lines.
`2D plasma profile
` -2 mm 0 2 mm
`200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
` wavelength / nm
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 19 - IPR2015-01368

`Plasma Size
`What is the plasma size? Apparent plasma size
`is different for different wavelengths! What
`makes sense to discuss is the temperature
`profile, but it is not observable in the experiment.
`214 nm
`250 nm
`350 nm
`850 nm
`Plasma profiles have been measured for each observation
`wavelength, revealing details of the plasma temperature profile.
`plasma profile
`at a specific λ
`Apparent plasma size is larger for the neutral absorption lines and
`smaller for ion emission lines.
`2D plasma profile
` -2 mm 0 2 mm
`200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
` wavelength / nm
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 20 - IPR2015-01368

`How to Make LSP Brighter?
`Increase of IR pump laser power:
` At first leads to a brighter plasma as long as the size does not change
`(close to sustainability threshold)
` Higher pump powers result in plasma growth in the direction toward the
`laser and little change in plasma brightness
` Continuing increase in the pump power leads to the plasma separating
`from the focus and to the onset of plasma instabilities
`pump laser
`Top: normalized to max. amplitude. Bottom: same exposure
`more pump power
`150 W
`200 W
`250 W
`300 W
`350 W
`400 W
`500 W
`600 W
`700 W
`860 W
`More IR pump power increases plasma
`temperature and brightness; little growth in size
`More pump increases plasma size, little
`change and even decrease in temperature;
`plasma shifts toward the laser
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 21 - IPR2015-01368

`Modeling Plasma Growth and Instabilities
`50 atm Xe, Tmax ~ 17000 K
` We can reproduce
`observed LSP shape in
`plasma models
`describing laser-plasma
` Plasma temperature is
`a function of the amount
`of laser power that can
`be delivered to a
`specific point in space.
` As the plasma grows,
`more laser light is
`absorbed in the plasma
`skirt, eventually leading
`to plasma instability.
`The example on this page shows that under some conditions, the
`plasma temperature in the focus can actually decrease as the
`plasma is pumped with more laser light, resulting in a decline in
`peak brightness.
`The optimal plasma temperature profile can be obtained through
`proper selection of the pump laser geometry, working gas
`composition, and many other parameters that we must control.
`500 W
`1000 W
`5000 W
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 22 - IPR2015-01368

`KLA-Tencor: Having Fun with LSPs
`LSP responds to the pump laser profile and can be shaped as needed. At
`K-T, we are pushing LSP performance to orders of magnitude higher
`brightness than any alternative broad-band source.
` Optimal LSP operating conditions depend on the spectral region for
`collection, etendue requirements, and available pump power. Accurate
`modeling and understanding plasma behavior are required to succeed.
` Plasma confinement is one of the most challenging problems for higher
`power operation.
` We achieved orders of magnitude brightness improvement over traditional
`arc lightsources.
` For K-T in the immediate future, we foresee no fundamental limitations to
`LSP brightness (spectral radiance).
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 23 - IPR2015-01368

`High Power Laser-Sustained Plasma Light Sources
`for Everybody!
`I. Bezel, A. Belyaev, G. Delgado, M. Derstine, K. Gross, R. Solarz,
`A. Shchemelinin, and D. Shortt
`Wafer Inspection Division, KLA-Tencor Corp, One Technology Drive, Milpitas, CA 94035
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 24 - IPR2015-01368

`People Who Made
`It Possible
`KLA-Tencor Corp.
`Energetiq Ex. 2014, page 25 - IPR2015-01368

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