`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,171,480 B2
`Jan. 30, 2007
`(75) Inventor: Masayuki Chatani, Sunnyvale, CA
`(73) Assignee: Sony Computer Entertainment
`America Inc., Foster City, CA (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 337 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/771,751
`(22) Filed:
`Jan. 29, 2001
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2002/0103855 A1
`Aug. 1, 2002
`(51) Int. Cl.
`G06F 15/16
`(52) US. Cl. ....................... .. 709/229; 709/217; 705/14
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search ....... .. 709/20(¥310
`See application ?le for complete search history.
`References Cited
`5,233,423 A
`8/1993 Jernigan et a1. .......... .. 358/181
`Chatani et 31., “Method and System for Enabling Optional Customer
`Election of Auxiliary Content Provided on Detachable Local Stor
`age Media During Access of Primary Content Over a Network and
`for Collecting Data Concerning Wewed Auxiliary Content”, US.
`Appl. No. 09/452,811, ?led Dec. 2, 1999.
`Primary Examinerileifrey Pwu
`Assistant ExamineriKenny Lin
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiMartine Penilla &
`Gencarella, LLP
`A system and computer-based method for providing auxil
`iary content located on local storage to a client connected to
`a primary content provider over a network, particularly
`during transfer of primary content via a server dedicated to
`download operations. Control over the auxiliary content,
`primary content and/or the download management server is
`exercised by a distributor. The system includes the download
`management server, a customer database and a primary
`content database on the server side, and a client console
`including a local storage device containing the auxiliary
`content on the client side. The auxiliary content provided
`can be varied based on one or more user preferences, one or
`more distributor preferences, or a combination of both user
`and distributor preference information. With respect to user
`preferences, either previously acquired information is used
`or the user is prompted to chose from a selection of speci?c
`content items and categories of content; default content is
`provided if no user preferences are available/ selected. With
`respect to distributor preferences, the download manage
`ment server sends the user auxiliary content assignment data
`before sending the requested primary content; according to
`the data, the client computer executes the appropriate aux
`iliary content stored in the local storage. The auxiliary
`content is stored in the local storage prior to download of the
`primary content from the download management server,
`though the user can acquire the local storage and/or auxiliary
`content by a variety of means (e.g., the auxiliary content can
`be provided on a CD-ROM, sent to a client hard drive over
`the network, etc.).
`23 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`‘so NEWER}

`US 7,171,480 B2
`Page 2
`7/1996 Blahut et a1. ............... .. 348/13
`5,532,735 A
`5,740,549 A
`5,838,314 A 11/1998
`5,913,040 A
`5,926,624 A
`5,937,158 A
`5,937,164 A
`6,026,368 A
`6,049,823 A
`6,101,534 A
`8/2000 Blumenau .................... .. 705/7
`6,108,637 A
`2/2001 Berry 6161. .
`6,195,693 B1
`8/2001 Himmel et a1‘ ___________ __ 709/224
`6,279,036 B1
`6,314,451 B1* 11/2001 Landsman et a1. ........ .. 709/203
`6,400,996 B1
`6/2002 Hof?oerg e161.
`6,405,214 B1
`6/2002 Meade, 11 .............. .. 707/104.1
`6,453,420 B1
`9/2002 Collart ..................... .. 713/201
`* cited by examiner

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 30, 2007
`Sheet 1 of3
`US 7,171,480 B2
`F - - _ - n - - - - - ~ - - _ - - _ - — _ - _ _ - w - - ~ — — — — - - - - - — - — - n
`_ .
`I __________________________________________ __ _'
`DOWNLOAD ,f 110

`Jan. 30, 2007
`Sheet 2 0f 3
`US 7,171,480 B2
`/ 202
`.-' 204
`/— 206

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 30, 2007
`Sheet 3 0f 3
`US 7,171,480 B2
`E, 306
`-- 314

`US 7,171,480 B2
`This application is related to US. application Ser. No.
`09/452,811, ?led on Dec. 2, 1999, and entitled “METHOD
`The present invention relates to systems and methods for
`providing auxiliary content located on local storage to a
`client connected to a primary content provider over a
`bi-directional netWork, and more speci?cally to accessing
`auxiliary content during doWnload/access of primary con
`tent over the netWork, enabling dissemination of auxiliary
`content during otherwise dormant Wait periods.
`In recent years, improvements in the ability for members
`of the public to access valuable entertainment content by
`connection to relatively loW cost high speed bi-directional
`netWorks has raised interest in advertisers seeking to exploit
`such systems for promotion of goods and services to users
`of these networks.
`Current methods and trends to advertise over such net
`Works are frequently unsatisfactory due to their failure to
`provide a satisfactory combination of incentive and accept
`able amount of effort on the part of the users targeted by the
`advertisements, or by excessive advertiser commitments
`(i.e., e?fort, expense, time, etc.). This is particularly true With
`regard to methodology that requires users to perform sub
`stantial amounts of data entry or other time-consuming tasks
`to acquire access to content and services that are initially
`indicated to be readily available or free. Oftentimes such
`methodology can also require a user to enter sensitive
`personal information, such as home address and/or credit
`card information, Which may also be unacceptable to the
`user. For advertisements that require more ef?cient involve
`ment of user interaction, this trend of requiring substantial
`expenditure of effort and/or disclosure of sensitive informa
`tion, coupled With the subsequent Wait period during doWn
`load of the desired content has signi?cant draWbacks.
`Another related trend has been to offer certain services,
`such as netWork access, or access to specialiZed content,
`e-mail accounts, e-fax accounts, and so forth, over a netWork
`connection, for free to customers Who are Willing to sign up
`and provide detailed personal identifying information to be
`maintained in a server database. In return for providing such
`customer information, the service provider provides desired
`access to services, for example an e-mail account, to the
`customer for free or at reduced cost, With the provision that
`the customer must then vieW attached advertisements, Which
`may be targeted to the customer based on his or her
`identifying information, broWsing activity, etc. Such adver
`tisements can be attached to customer e-mail or appear in
`pop-up WindoWs or frames Which are generated upon
`accessing the server netWork. By such systems, the costs
`necessary for maintaining the netWork services or paying for
`netWork content can be paid for by advertising revenues,
`Whereas the customer gains access to desired services by
`release of certain personal information and being forced to
`vieW targeted commercial advertisements.
`HoWever, despite their popularity as an advertising
`medium, such systems suffer from the draWback that cus
`tomers, in general, do not like being forced to vieW adver
`tisements or commercials in this fashion In addition, many
`customers are reluctant to give up personal information,
`particularly to advertisers, in exchange for free netWork
`services or free access to content over a netWork. Thus, a
`need exists for improvement in When and Where a user
`Wishes to vieW auxiliary content. At the same time, ?ex
`ibility needs to be provided to advertisers in terms of the
`manner in Which such auxiliary content is delivered to
`customers, so that advertisements can be presented in a
`non-offending Way more likely to appeal to customer inter
`est. Therefore, more ?exible systems have been sought in
`Which auxiliary content can be provided to customers.
`According to one knoWn system, embedded commercials
`may be provided in a memory device installed in a television
`receiver, the commercials being displayed on a portion of the
`screen through use of a graphics generator When a control
`function on the television receiver is activated. Local storage
`of advertisements may be done on a programmable read
`only memory (PROM), hoWever, this system places a heavy
`burden on advertisers Who must establish access With the
`PROM device in some manner through a server netWork.
`According to another knoWn technique, advertisements
`may be provided over a computer netWork or on a local
`storage device such as a CD-ROM and displayed on a local
`computer. The advertisements displayed on the local com
`puter can be selected based on pre-con?gured user prefer
`ence information, such as Which types or categories of
`advertisements a given user may choose to vieW. Here, the
`main feature intended to be accessed by this system is
`simply the intemet as a Whole, so there is no linkage or
`association betWeen predetermined primary content and
`auxiliary advertising content. There is no suggestion that
`advertisements are provided on local removable storage
`Which acts as the means (or key) by Which customers gain
`access to predetermined content servers providing valuable
`information such as movies, interactive games, programs,
`and so forth.
`Therefore, current methods of advertisement in the com
`puter netWork environment do not contain the incentives and
`ease-of-use necessary to provide auxiliary content ef?ciently
`and at optimal times, and thereby provide effective and
`sucessful advertisement content.
`A system and computer-based method for providing aux
`iliary content located on local storage to a client connected
`to a primary content provider over a netWork, particularly
`during transfer of primary content via a server dedicated to
`doWnload operations. Control over the auxiliary content,
`primary content and/or the doWnload management server is
`exercised by a distributor. The system includes the doWnload
`management server, a customer database and a primary
`content database on the server side, and a client console
`including a local storage device containing the auxiliary
`content on the client side. The auxiliary content provided
`can be varied based on one or more user preferences, one or

`US 7,171,480 B2
`more distributor preferences, or a combination of both user
`and distributor preference information With respect to user
`preferences, either previously acquired information is used
`or the user is prompted to chose from a selection of speci?c
`content items and categories of content; default content is
`provided if no user preferences are available/ selected. With
`respect to distributor preferences, the doWnload manage
`ment server sends the user auxiliary content assignment data
`before sending the requested primary content; according to
`the data, the client computer executes the appropriate aux
`iliary content stored in the local storage. The auxiliary
`content is stored in the local storage prior to doWnload of the
`primary content from the doWnload management server,
`though the user can acquire the local storage and/or auxiliary
`content by a variety of means (e.g., the auxiliary content can
`be provided on a CD-ROM, sent to a client hard drive over
`the netWork, etc.).
`A general object of the present invention is to provide a
`system and method Whereby advertisements or auxiliary
`content are made available to customers via removable local
`storage, such as a DVD or CD-ROM disc, Which is intended
`to be inserted into a client console connected via a bi
`directional netWork to a speci?ed content provider, Wherein
`the client console includes a control function for enabling
`the auxiliary content such as advertisements to be vieWed, at
`the option of the customer, While the customer accesses
`valuable content from a primary content database main
`tained solely by the content provider.
`A further object of the invention is to provide a system
`and method as described above, Wherein a customer data
`base is maintained in the server station, containing identi
`fying information of users Who access the server station,
`Wherein such identifying information is capable of being
`doWnloaded into the client console in order to enable only
`auxiliary content Which is customiZed based on a user’s
`identi?cation pro?le to be loaded and vieWed.
`A further object of the invention is to provide key data,
`Which may include a local storage device identi?er or
`customer identi?er and an authentication code, on remov
`able local storage on the client side of the system, Whereby
`the key data is used to authenticate access to a speci?ed
`server station Which provides primary content, and Whereby
`such primary content cannot be accessed unless the local
`storage is inserted into the client console.
`As a result of the above-described objects of the inven
`tion, improvements over knoWn advertisement methods can
`be achieved As an advertisement medium, by use of local
`storage such as CD-ROM or DVD, there is no need as in the
`prior art for advertisers to expend costs for maintenance of
`a large-scale advertisement database on the server side of the
`system. Therefore, advertisers are afforded great ?exibility
`in preparing their oWn advertising content on relatively loW
`cost packaged storage media, Where at the same time adver
`tisers can associate their auxiliary content With speci?ed
`valuable primary content doWnloadable from a main pri
`mary content provider.
`Furthermore, the cost and time associated With doWnload
`ing of large-volume auxiliary data can be avoided. Because
`the cost of packaged storage media such as CD-ROM or
`DVD is relatively loW, advertisers have the advantage of
`being able to easily distribute such devices as inserts in
`magaZines and the like. In addition, because of their ability
`to hold large amounts of data, such removable packaged
`storage media have the ability to handle multicolored ani
`mation or other lengthy auxiliary content, Which is highly
`suitable for advertisements.
`A signi?cant advantage of the present invention is the
`ability for content providers to associate their auxiliary
`content With speci?ed highly popular and valuable primary
`content such as feature movies, interactive games, popular
`utility programs and the like, Which are doWnloaded from
`the main content server. That is, merely by contracting With
`and folloWing a prescribed format determined by the pri
`mary content provider, advertisers are then able to easily
`manufacture their oWn advertisement containing CD-ROM
`or DVD discs Which are easily distributed to customers.
`Because of their association With popular and valuable
`primary content, customers become highly motivated to use
`CD-ROM or DVD as a means for gaining access to the
`primary content.
`The above and other objects, features and advantages of
`the present invention Will become apparent from the fol
`loWing description When taken in conjunction With the
`accompanying draWings in Which preferred embodiments of
`the present invention are shoWn by Way of illustration and
`not limitation.
`The present invention is illustrated by Way of example
`and not limitation in the ?gures of the accompanying
`draWings, in Which like references indicate similar elements,
`and in Which:
`FIG. 1 illustrates a block diagram of a computer netWork
`system that implements embodiments of the present inven
`FIG. 2 is a ?owchart that illustrates some doWnload
`management server steps taken in providing the desired
`auxiliary content during doWnload of primary content,
`according to one embodiment of the present invention; and
`FIG. 3 is a ?owchart that illustrates some client-side steps
`taken in providing the desired auxiliary content during
`doWnload of primary content, according to one embodiment
`of the present invention.
`A system and method for providing auxiliary content
`located on local storage to a client connected to a content
`provider over a bi-directional netWork is described. In the
`folloWing description, for purposes of explanation, numer
`ous speci?c details are set forth in order to provide a
`thorough understanding of the present invention. It Will be
`evident, hoWever, to one of ordinary skill in the art, that the
`present invention may be practiced Without these speci?c
`details. In other instances, Well-knoWn structures and
`devices are shoWn in block diagram form to facilitate
`explanation. The description of preferred embodiments is
`not intended to limit the scope of the claims appended
`Aspects of the present invention may be implemented on
`one or more computers executing softWare instructions.
`According to one embodiment of the present invention,
`server and client computer systems transmit and receive data
`over a computer netWork or standard telephone line. The
`steps of accessing, doWnloading, and manipulating the data,
`as Well as other aspects of the present invention are imple
`mented by central processing units (CPU) in the server and
`client computers executing sequences of instructions stored
`in a memory. The memory may be a random access memory
`(RAM), read-only memory (ROM), a persistent store, such
`as a mass storage device, or any combination of these

`US 7,171,480 B2
`devices. Execution of the sequences of instructions causes
`the CPU to perform steps according to embodiments of the
`present invention.
`The instructions may be loaded into the memory of the
`server or client computers from a storage device or from one
`or more other computer systems over a network connection.
`For example, a client computer may transmit a sequence of
`instructions to the server computer in response to a message
`transmitted to the client over a network by the server. As the
`server receives the instructions over the network connection,
`it stores the instructions in memory. The server may store the
`instructions for later execution, or it may execute the instruc
`tions as they arrive over the network connection. In some
`cases, the downloaded instructions may be directly sup
`ported by the CPU. In other cases, the instructions may not
`be directly executable by the CPU, and may instead be
`executed by an interpreter that interprets the instructions. In
`other embodiments, hardwired circuitry may be used in
`place of, or in combination with, software instructions to
`implement the present invention. Thus, the present invention
`is not limited to any speci?c combination of hardware
`circuitry and software, nor to any particular source for the
`instructions executed by the server or client computers.
`Download Management System and Server Architecture
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a computer network system
`that can be used to locate and transmit requested content
`from a primary content database while providing designated
`auxiliary content stored in local storage media, according to
`embodiments of the present invention. The download man
`agement system 100 of FIG. 1 enables the auxiliary content
`to be varied based on preferences of system participants
`during download of primary content over the download
`management server 110. Control over the auxiliary content,
`primary content and/or the download management server
`110 is exercised by a distributor. The auxiliary content
`provided can be varied based on one or more user prefer
`ences, one or more distributor preferences, or a combination
`of both user and distributor preference information.
`FIG. 1 shows the con?guration of a system for enabling
`display of auxiliary content during download of primary
`content, according to embodiments of the present invention.
`The term “primary content” should be understood to refer to
`a collection of downloadable content which may consist of
`any one of video linear streaming data, such as a motion
`picture in the MPEG2 format, linear audio streaming data
`such as MP3 data, binary program data, including game
`data, or any combination of such data. This de?nition is
`intended to describe the types of data broadly, and is not
`limited to any speci?c data formats such as MPEG2 or MP3.
`On the other hand, excluded from the de?nition of “primary
`content” are data functioning solely to provide access to a
`network, for example, browser software or protocol han
`dlers, whose main function is only to establish a network
`connection. “Auxiliary content” refers to the same types of
`data. “Auxiliary” can be distinguished from “primary” in
`terms of distributor or advertiser priority, or in terms of the
`user’s priorities or preferences (i.e., one type of content
`might be more important to a user, and thus ‘primary’). In
`terms of data types, “primary content” and “auxiliary con
`tent” are coextensive
`With regard to system con?guration, as seen in FIG. 1, the
`download management system 100 is made up of a server
`side system comprising a download management server 110,
`a primary content database 160, and a customer database
`170, which are interconnected by a bi-directional network
`130. The download management server 110 is shown con
`nected directly to the databases 160, 170 in this embodiment
`of the server side system, however server connection to
`these or comparable databases can be made over any type of
`network as well. The “primary content” as described in the
`preceding paragraph is stored in the primary content data
`base 160. The customer database 170 contains a collection
`of data about individual customers who access the download
`service through the network 130. The data for individual
`customers may consist of the customer’s name, home
`address, age, gender, occupation, income, hobbies and inter
`ests, information about family members, purchasing history,
`preference of gender in content viewed, or any other descrip
`tive information about a user which may be bene?cial to
`advertisers in targeting auxiliary content to customers. Fur
`ther, such customer data is not static, but can be updated
`based on a user’s access history of the primary content data,
`for example, data concerning which primary content is
`accessed and/ or how many times a given category (e.g. type
`of music, genre of movies, etc.) of primary content is
`accessed may be recorded and used for updating the cus
`tomer data, thereby enabling advertisers to tailor their adver
`tisements more effectively to a given customer.
`The download management server 110 is a server system
`that is set up to handle download requests from a user.
`Access to the server 110, which may comprise one of several
`servers, is facilitated through a typical device known as a
`router (not shown) on the network 130, which directs
`requests to the download management server 110. When the
`server 110 receives requests from a client console user, the
`server executes a download of requested primary content
`from the primary content database 160. Along with process
`ing requests for downloading of primary content, the server
`110 also retrieves the requesting user’s customer data from
`the customer database 170 and can attach it with the
`requested primary content, transmitting both via the network
`by means of a known networking protocol standard, such as
`ftp (?le transfer protocol).
`The network 130 may be the Internet, a Wide Area
`Network (WAN), a Local Area Network (LAN), or any
`combination thereof. The network is normally a bi-direc
`tional digital communications network that connects a cli
`ent’s terminal hardware with the download management
`server 110. With current technologies, a CATV (cable tele
`vision) bi-directional network, ISDN (Integrated Services
`Digital Network), DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), or xDSL
`high-speed networks are examples of existing network infra
`structures enabling the necessary network connections for
`implementing embodiments of the present invention, though
`they are not intended to be exclusive as to the types of
`networks capable of practicing the present invention. In one
`embodiment, network 130 may represent the Internet, in
`which case the server 110 typically executes a web server
`process to transmit data in the form of HTML data to client
`computers executing web browser processes.
`As shown in FIG. 1, the download management system
`100 includes a client side made up of a client console 120
`comprising a client 140, and, optionally, a local storage
`device 150 that can include a removable storage media 152
`component The client 140 can be a personal computer, a set
`top box, a computer/gaming device such as PlayStation®2,
`a computing device of comparable capabilities, or any
`terminal device providing access to the system. The local
`storage device 150 can be any conceivable data storage
`device (e.g., CD- or DVD-ROM, hard disk drive, magnetic,
`optical or other card drive, Zip drive, etc.), and may be, and
`frequently is, integral with the client 140, though is depicted
`here as a distinct element. Additionally, the removable

`storage media 152 can be compatible and removable directly
`With the client 140; this may be true for embodiments both
`Where the local storage device 150 is external or Where it is
`internal to client 140.
`According to one preferred embodiment, removable stor
`age media 152 is speci?cally intended to be used in a
`netWorked environment and to operate in consort With
`doWnloaded primary content retrieved through a netWork
`connection, in order to provide linked or associated auxiliary
`content that is customiZed based on user and/or distributor
`preferences. For example, removable storage media 152 can
`store a collection of interactive or non-interactive auxiliary
`content, for example advertisements that may be made up of
`video images, animations, sounds, applets, etc. In this pre
`ferred embodiment, the removable storage media 152 com
`prises a CD-ROM disc or DVD disc. Moreover, each item of
`auxiliary content can include appended “trigger data” Which
`is appended as an access ?ag to the auxiliary content, as shall
`be discussed in further detail beloW.
`FIG. 2 is a ?owchart that illustrates some doWnload
`management server steps taken in providing the desired
`auxiliary content during doWnload of primary content,
`according to one embodiment of the present invention.
`Execution of this doWnload management process requires
`the receipt of necessary user identi?cation and requested
`content information, as Well as the transmission of requested
`content to the client console. Once a user desires to doWn
`load primary content, the user Will make association With the
`client terminal 140 portion of the client console 120 (FIG.
`1). The subsequent steps that the doWnload management
`server goes through to provide both the primary and auxil
`iary content, as shoWn herein, begin after this initial step of
`the user associating him or herself With the client console.
`According to the embodiment of FIG. 2, a doWnload
`management server ?rst performs the step of establishing
`communication With a netWorked client console, step 202.
`Here, as best seen in FIG. 1, the communication is indicated
`as being established With a client console 120, hoWever, it
`should be understood that this term is interchangeable With
`client 140 (the client terminal) throughout these discussions
`for the purpose of disclosing other embodiments not limited
`by a de?nable client console. Once communication has been
`established With the client console, the doWnload manage
`ment server then receives a user ID from the client console,
`step 204, for the initial purpose of identifying the particular
`Next, in step 206 of this embodiment, the doWnload
`management server retrieves user information from the
`customer database; this user information consisting of the
`data for individual customers discussed above With respect
`to FIG. 1. The doWnload management server then proceeds
`to step 208 Where the user’s request for content is received.
`After receiving such user request information, in step 210,
`the doWnload management server ?nds the requested con
`tent from the primary content database.
`In the subsequent step, step 212, the doWnload manage
`ment server sends the requested content to the client console.
`After such sending of requested content, in step 214, the
`doWnload management server veri?es Whether all of the
`requested content has been sent. If all of the requested
`content has not been sent, the server Will maintain a state of
`sending the requested content to the client console. Once all
`of the content has been sent, hoWever, the doWnload man
`agement server moves on to the ?nal operation The last
`operation of this embodiment is simply the release of
`communication betWeen the doWnload management server
`and the client console, step 216.
`FIG. 3 is a ?owchart that illustrates some client-side steps
`taken in providing the desired auxiliary content during
`doWnload of primary content, according to one embodiment
`of the present invention. The preliminary steps of this
`client-side process mirror the comparable steps of FIG. 2 as
`they occur in a mutually exchanged fashion, and also begin
`With the user making association With the client 140 portion
`of the client console 120 (FIG. 1) With the desire to
`doWnload primary content The subsequent steps of FIG. 3,
`then, also begin after this initial step of the user associating
`him or herself With the client console.
`Correspondingly, the ?rst three steps of FIG. 3, establish
`ing communication, step 302, sending a user ID, step 304,
`and sending user request for primary content, step 306, are
`client side steps describing behavior done With the doWnload
`management server that precisely mirror steps 202, 204 and
`208 from FIG. 2, and no additional description is Warranted.
`The next client side step, step 308, is to begin playing
`auxiliary content stored in the local storag

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