O Umted States Patent [191
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Apr. 7, 1998
`[75] Inventor: Robert Lee Hughes. Rowlett, Tex.
`[73] Assignee. E-Systems, Inc., Dallas, Tex.
`[21] Appl- Nod/127,847
`[22] Filed:
`Apr. 26, 1995
`..................................................... .. (103251342
`[581 Field of Search ................................... .. 395/152, 154,
`395/155’ 161; 345/156’ 326’ 332;;
`References Cited
`8/1988 Lehman, et a1. ........................ .. 370/60
`597L442 12/1991
`5,260,778 11/1993
`5/1994 Daniels et a1. ........................ .. 395/161
`Primary Examiner—Phu K. Nguyen
`Assistant Examiner-CHE N. V0
`Attorney Agent’ or Ft-
`Harold E Mcier
`Apparatus and a method for providing real estate agents,
`persons relocating to another home or acquiring an interest
`in a property. and providers of home insurance. with an
`audio-visual presentation of a property supplied over exist
`ing cable. telephone, ISDN or other types of broadband
`network facilities. The audio-visual presentation is mode on
`13292: 1112:: 113:1: 4,577,314 3/1986 Chu, et a1. ..
`.... .. 370/60
`mm a We m - g a walkmroflgh and a textual descnptlon °f ‘he F0969)’ and
`2/1987 Hiuch ....... ..
`4,709,418 11/1987 Fox et a1.
`3/1988 Okada et a1.
`.. 345/194
`surroundmg amas
`13 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`,/ 1 O
`1 3 \\
`PETITIONER EX. 1008 Page 1

`US. Patent
`Apr. 7, 1998
`Sheet 1 Of 3
`FIG. 1
`FIG. 2
`_ J9‘
`I— I
`\w 23
`PETITIONER EX. 1008 Page 2

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 7, 1998
`Sheet 2 0f 3
`FIG. 3
`FIG. 5
`PETITIONER EX. 1008 Page 3

`US. Patent
`Apr. 7, 1998
`Sheet 3 0f 3
`FIG. 4
`/ \A
`PETITIONER EX. 1008 Page 4

`This invention relates to combining images with other
`information of real estate presented on the same screen.
`storing and ?ling all the information centrally or locally, and
`providing the combined information over a communications
`Presently. potential purchasers of real estate begin their
`search for a new home or property by contacting a real estate
`agent and describing to the real estate agent some criteria
`regarding the property that the buyer wants. The real estate
`agent responds by describing properties listed with that
`particular agent’s o?ice that generally meet the buyer's
`criteria. Unfortunately. an oral description cannot com
`pletely inform the client about the neighborhood, or what the
`property “feels” like. Typically. the real estate agent and the
`potential purchaser of a property select a small number of
`properties meeting the purchaser’s requirements. and then
`drive together to several properties. often taking a great deal
`of time. Many clients tire of this viewing after just a few
`visits. Also. due to inadequate description by the client or to
`misunderstanding by the agent. the agent might not have a
`clear idea of what the client wants; and so the client might
`not have a chance to see some of the most appropriate
`properties. Furthermore. many clients. upon seeing the prop
`erties in the price range or otherwise meeting the criteria that
`they have outlined to the real estate agent. alter their
`requirements. necessitating a return to the real estate o?iee
`to look at more photographs.
`Because of the distances involved. a client wishing to
`relocate to another city generally must fly to the destination
`city weeks in advance and scout out a location. a task that
`often requires driving around in a strange city under strin
`gent time constraints.
`Other approaches to selling or buying a property include
`listing the property in a newspaper or posting a notice in
`various locations around the city in which the property is
`located. But these methods are haphazard: the buyer might
`miss a particular advertisement in a newspaper or not look
`through the newspaper that day. or might never see the
`posted notice. They are also severely restricted in geographi
`cal circulation. and may have time limitations as well.
`Another approach is the use of a computer listing service.
`Like other computer matching services. computer listing
`services often provide buyers and sellers with
`questionnaires, and then use a computer to pair buyers wi?r
`sellers. Unfortunately. because a computer is performing the
`selection. both parties are limited to the literal meaning of
`their responses to questionnaires. Furthermore. the services
`provide only a textual description of the property. usually
`without a picture. and the information provided by these
`services is limited to the seller’s opinion of the property,
`rather than any objective presentation.
`surrounding neighborhood in a concise. easily understood
`format and enables the client to select properties from a
`database storing information in the real estate agent’s ?le.
`quickly and at the client’s leisure. without having to visit the
`property. This allows clients and agents to spend far less
`time driving and viewing properties. and further allows
`clients to view properties that may be of only slight interest.
`It also allows clients to “experience” walking through prop
`erties in distant geographic areas or other cities without the
`time and expense of travel.
`The invention is equally applicable in the commercial real
`estate ?eld. and would be as useful to renters as to buyers of
`real estate. Apartment complexes and real estate developers.
`would also bene?t from the opportunities to communicate
`with potential customers in such a convenient manner.
`According to one aspect of the invention. video images of
`portions of a property are combined with other information.
`including text descriptions of each room and a ?oor plan of
`the property on a single display screen in a manner to create
`a “feel” of a walk through the property. One area of the
`screen. or one window. presents a video image of what the
`client would see if the client were walking through the
`property, while another area of the display screen (window)
`shows a ?oor plan of the entire property and indicates the
`room being shown in the video image. The client is able to
`stop and replay images. obtain more detailed information
`about the property or ol?oe space. or skip to other properties.
`Audio descriptions are also available to provide both verbal
`descriptions and other sounds that help the viewer “experi
`ence” a simulated visit.
`In accordance with the another aspect of the invention a
`central regional o?ice maintains ?les containing video
`images and associated data and makes the ?les available for
`playing via a network or modern connections. The central
`o?ice may also maintain regional information. including
`area maps showing property, schools. shopping areas. and
`other points of interest. as well as a detailed ?oor plan and
`descriptive text.
`Also. in accordance with the invention. a method of
`gathering and combining data regarding a property is
`disclosed. wherein information is gathered. edited and stored
`in such a way that it may be accessed. processed. and
`transmitted quickly and accurately. A “walking tour” of the
`property may be simulated. The viewer can stop the tour at
`any point and obtain more detailed information about par
`ticular rooms. and can simulate moving about the property.
`In one possible embodiment of this invention. the data is
`stored in a central o?ice according to the variety of real
`estate. so that industrial real estate is maintained separately
`from residential apartments, for example. In another
`embodiment of the invention. ?les are also maintained on
`communities and cities. so that a potential buyer of real
`estate might learn about schools. shopping centers. com
`muter routes. and points of interest near the site of the
`For a more complete. understanding of the present inven
`tion and the advantages thereof. reference is now made to
`the following Detailed Description taken in conjunction with
`the accompanying Drawings in which:
`FIG. 1 is a diagram of a data storage facility and a network
`for delivering video images from a regional o?ice to a local
`FIG. 2 is a typical display in one embodiment;
`FIG. 3 is a ?owchart representing the steps in creating and
`modifying a wallcthrough of a propm'ty;
`The present invention overcomes the foregoing and other
`problems by providing an apparatus and a method for
`conveying video images in a manner that gives the client the
`“feel” of visiting a property for sale or lease without actually
`visiting the property. The invention provides a client with a
`great deal of information regarding the property and the
`PETITIONER EX. 1008 Page 5

`FIG. 4 is a ?owchart representing a preferred embodiment
`of the invention including creating a property presentation.
`storing the presentation. and displaying the presentation to a
`customer; and
`FIG. 5 is a ?owchart of one embodiment for creating
`Referring to FIG. 1. a local office 10 has a computer 11.
`for example a personal computer or workstation, and is
`located either in the real estate agent’s o?ice or, in the case
`of a lap-top computer. that is carried to a client’s property or
`o?ice. A network 12 connects the computer 11 to a regional
`o?ice 13. where encoded information regarding the proper
`ties for sale or lease is stored and cross-referenced. This
`information includes a digitized version of a videotape made
`by a camera carried through the propm'ty. a detailed textual
`description of each room' of the property. a description of the
`neighborhood. and a ?oor plan of the property. It may also
`include a digitized audio signal. giving a verbal description
`of the property, perhaps accompanied by other sounds.
`presenting the property in an attractive light. According to
`one aspect of the invention. the network is capable of
`transmitting data of this kind quickly and accurately. This
`aspect allows various local o?ces to show the same property
`to many clients. simply by connecting to a regional o?ice
`where the information regarding the property is stored. By
`using a network. the real estate seller has a much broader
`customer base. since any local ot?ce in the country can
`connect to the network and show the property. One aspect of
`the invention uses a hierarchial network, with a local of?ce
`as a node connecting to both the Regional Office and to the
`local real estate agents. The local o?ice is connected by land
`telephone lines. cable. ISDN. or other types of broadband
`connection to a Wide Area Network over which the video
`images and audio data are transmitted. although the inven
`tion is not limited to these means of data transmission. The
`regional o?ice stores the images of the video walkthroughs
`and data relating thereto on a digital storage device, possibly
`a Raid Disk. Robotic Tape. Read/Write Optical Disk. or a
`CD-ROM. In other embodiments, CD-ROM's or other stor
`age devices may be sent to local offices. or satellite trans
`mission may be practicable. These video signals are accom
`panied by data. This connectivity may ?nd new network
`capabilities as the information superhighway develops.
`Referring to FIG. 2, the encoded information for the
`properties is displayed on a monitor. One aspect of this
`display is shown in FIG. 2. representing items of informa
`tion simultaneously in a format easily understood by a real
`estate agent or client. This display appears on the screen of
`the computer 11. A video image made by a camera that has
`been carried through the property is shown in the center
`window 21 and may be manipulated by the user, who can
`stop. zoom. reverse. slow. and perform other operations on
`the image. Below this is a test window 22 which provides a
`text description of the room being shown in the center
`window 21, and gives detailed information on features of the
`location. Descriptions of the room are included. Also shown
`in FIG. 2 is a ?oor plan window 23 for displaying a ?oor
`plan of the property and indicating where the images are
`being taken. The display also includes an information win
`dow 24 to inform the user of the neighborhood and sur
`rounding area. including points of interest. such as property.
`schools. and shopping. A control window 25 along the top of
`the display allows the user to input control commands.
`Referring now to FIG. 3. there is shown a ?owchart
`diagram of one embodiment of a high level process of the
`present invention. A video walkthrough is created and digi
`tized during sequence 31. Additional textual information is
`added in digital form. and all information is stored in
`sequence 32 at a regional o?ice. From any local o?ice
`connected by a communication network to the regional
`o?ice. the digital information may be accessed during
`sequence 33 from a local o?ice. This information may
`contain the video walkthrough of a property with each room
`and area separately indexed. a textual description of each
`room and area within the property. a ?oor plan of the
`property, map of the neighborhood or town. textual descrip
`tion of some features of the neighborhood or town. control
`information relating to the local o?ice computer or the
`regional o?ice computer. and/or other information. As vari
`ous types of data are processed for simultaneous presenta
`tion to the user at the local of?ce, a check is made to make
`sure the area being shown in the video is the same as the area
`being described in the text displays; the indices are com
`pared in sequence 34. The information is displayed during
`sequence 35 to the user. who may enter cormnands during
`sequence 36 to the computers, allowing the user to change.
`during sequence 37. the data and imagine of the property.
`Referring now to FIG. 4. a videotape is made of a piece
`of residential or commercial real estate to produce a 30 to 60
`second long segment showing the real estate in an attractive
`light. and then the videotape is digitized in step 41;
`alternately. an all-digital video recorder may be used. Some
`one familiar with the real estate then enters during sequence
`42 textual descriptions of various areas shown in the video
`walkthrough. associating each description with the corre
`sponding segments of video. The surrounding
`neighborhood. including schools. nearby shopping centers
`or commuter routes. may also be included during sequence
`43. In some situations. a map of the surrounding area may
`also be included during sequence 43. All the digitized video
`information is transmitted and stored in a regional o?'ice
`during a sequence 45. including a ?le containing textual
`descriptions of the real estate. its various areas and its
`surroundings. Computers may be used in conjunction with
`the storage devices to aid storage and retrieval of the
`digitized video and text information. In the preferred
`embodiment of the invention, storage devices and remote
`computers are located at one or more regional o?ices.
`although distributed networks among one or more local
`o?ices may be used to share the storage and retrieval
`activities. The video and text information thus stored is
`accessible by users at any local o?ice by means of commu
`nication lines connecting the local o?ices with me regional
`o?ice and/or with each other. Thus, the video walkthrough
`and text information of a piece of property may be selected
`during sequence 46 by a user who is a client of the service
`provider. and the digital information is transmitted by a
`sequence 47 to the local o?ice on demand. The information
`is processed locally. where it is distributed to the display of
`FIG. 2 during a sequence 48. In some cases. it may be
`necessary to check, during a sequence 50. the correlation of
`the information being sent to the various displays
`(windows). In at least one window in the display, video is
`shown during a sequence 51 to the user. while in at least one
`other window text relating to the video informs the user
`during the same sequence 51. The user may interact dm'ing
`a sequence 52 with the computer at the local o?ice as easily
`as one might use a VCR. fast-forwarding and rewinding,
`pausing and zooming to see various areas in the property
`more closely. The user may select during a sequence 54
`particular rooms or other areas in the property from a
`?oor-plan. and the interactive display responds by moving to
`PETITIONER EX. 1008 Page 6

`the point in the presentation indicated by the user’s selec
`tion. An additional feature is the ability to manipulate during
`a sequence 55 the data to show what the property would look
`like should alterations be made; clients who intend to paint
`the walls. buy new furniture or add on a new wing to a
`property can see what the property would look like before
`committing themselves.
`Referring now to FIG. 5. there is shown a preferred
`embodiment of a sequence for creating walkthroughs. Any
`of the following steps may be performed by the owner. the
`owner’s real estate agent. or an independent contractor. or
`any other person with access to the property and an interest
`in facilitating the sale or rental of the property. A person with
`access to the property videotapes the propertyduring
`sequence 61 every feature that might be attractive to a
`potential buyer/renter. This videotape image is digitized
`during a sequence 62. A verbal description of the property is
`made by someone familiar with the property. and this
`description along with the digitized video images are input
`at step 63 into a computer or data storage device. The stored
`information is made available to a communication network
`during sequence 65 including one or more local o?ices.
`When the property is no longer on the market. the informa
`tion relating to that property may be deleted at step 66 from
`the storage device.
`The invention is equally applicable in the commercial real
`estate ?eld. and would be as useful to renters as to buyers of
`real estate. Apartment complexes and real estate developers
`would also bene?t from the opportunities to communicate
`with potential customers in such a convenient manner.
`Although preferred and alternative embodiments of the
`present invention have been illustrated in the accompanying
`Drawings and described in the foregoing Detailed
`Description. it will be understood that the invention is not
`limited to the embodiments disclosed. but is capable of
`numerous rearrangements. modi?cations and substitutions
`of parts and elements without departing from the spirit of the
`What is claimed is:
`1. A method for storing. viewing. and manipulating
`descriptions and visual images of commercial or residential
`real estate, comprising the steps of:
`generating a plurality of digitized video images of
`selected real estate. each digitized video image depict_
`ing a view of a speci?ed area of a real estate property
`with two or more of the digitized video images sequen
`tially arranged to simulate a visual walkthrough of the
`generating a verbal description of the features and char
`acteristics for each area within and surrounding the real
`storing the digitized video images and the verbal descrip
`tions in a computer data base;
`displaying on a single display of a computer monitor the
`sequential digitized video images;
`presenting the verbal descriptions simultaneously with the
`display of the digitized video images; and
`manipulation by a user the verbal descriptions and the
`digitized video images to simulate a visual walk
`2. The method set forth as in claim 1, further comprising
`the steps of:
`manipulating the digitized video images of a selected area
`of a real estate property to integrate actual or contem
`plated renovations and alterations into the property;
`creating new digitized video images depicting the reno
`vations and alterations for the selected area; and
`displaying the new digitized video images depicting the
`renovations and alterations.
`3. The method as set forth in claim 1. wherein the verbal
`descriptions comprise textual descriptions. and further com
`prising the step of displaying the textual descriptions on the
`display of the computer monitor simultaneously with the
`digitized video images.
`4. The method as set forth in claim 3. further comprising
`the steps of:
`generating a text data ?le comprising descriptions of areas
`within and srn'rounding the real estate;
`storing the text data ?le. the digitized video images. and
`the textual descriptions in a computer data base at a
`regional o?ice; and
`transmitting the text data ?le. the textual description. and
`the digitized video images relating to a speci?c real
`estate property from the regional o?ice to at least one
`local o?ice.
`5. The method as set forth in claim 1. wherein the verbal
`descriptions comprise audio descriptions.
`6. Apparatus for previewing selected commercial or resi
`25 dential real estate to enable a user to interact with stored
`information relating to a particular real estate property.
`means for selecting and retrieving stored video images of
`a real estate property. the property comprising a plu
`rality of areas in a spatial relationship, wherein each
`video image shows a speci?c view of one of the
`plurality of areas with each area depicted in one or
`more of the images;
`means for simultaneously displaying the video images of
`one of the plurality of areas and a textual description
`relating to the displayed area; and
`means for inputting instructions to modify the displayed
`images for a user to interact with the display.
`7. A display terminal for previewing a selected real estate
`property, the display terminal including a display screen
`having at least four windows. comprising:
`a ?rst window, for showing images of the selected real
`estate property from the perspective of a person walk
`ing through the property, each image depicting a sub
`stantially accurate view of a speci?c area within or
`surrounding the property;
`a second window for showing a ?oor plan of the property
`and indicating the room showing on the ?rst window;
`a third window for showing a textual description of the
`room showing on the second window; and
`a fourth window for showing available input commands;
`means for inputting commands to select for display par
`ticular areas in and around the property.
`8. A method for controlling at a remote computer terminal
`infonnation for selected real estate received from a com
`puter database at a regional o?ice. comprising the steps of:
`converting information relating to the selected real estate
`that has been transmitted from the regional office into
`separate images to be shown on a plurality of windows
`of a display terminal of the remote computer terminal;
`coordinating the separate images to establish an interde
`pendence between the images shown on the plurality of
`displaying the images in the windows on the display
`terminal. wherein at least one of the plurality of win
`PETITIONER EX. 1008 Page 7

`dows displays images comprising substantially accu
`rate views of areas within or surrounding the selected
`real estate; and
`stopping. continuing, pausing; reversing direction, speed
`ing up. or slowing down the rate information is shown
`on the plurality of windows in response to commands
`received from a user.
`9. The method as set forth in claim 8. wherein at least one
`of the plurality of windows displays images of textual
`information describing areas within or surrounding the
`selected real estate.
`10. The method as set forth in claim 8, wherein at least
`one of the plurality of windows displays an image of the
`?oor plan of the property and indicates the area described or
`depicted in another one of the plurality of windows.
`11. A method for enabling a person to visually experience
`a walkthrough of a real estate property. comprising the steps
`selecting a property from a computer database having
`stored information on a plurality of properties;
`retrieving image and textual data for the selected property
`from the computer database. the image data including
`information for generating substantially accurate dis
`plays of a plurality of views of di?erent areas within
`and surrounding the property and the textual data 2
`including information for generating descriptions of the
`areas within and surrounding the property;
`displaying a visual representation of said image and
`textual data on a computer monitor;
`inputting data from a user at the computer monitor for
`manipulating the image display; and
`altering the image data based on the input data input by
`the user.
`12. A method for creating a wallcthrough of a selected real
`estate property. comprising the steps of:
`recording videotape images of the selected property;
`generating a textual description of the selected property;
`digitizing the textual description and videotape images;
`storing the digitized textual description and videotape
`images in a computer memory;
`composing a textual description of a room or rooms of the
`selected property;
`composing additional textual information relating to the
`selected property; and
`accessing the computer memory to retrieve information
`pertaining to the selected property.
`13. The method as set forth in claim 12, further including
`the steps of:
`creating in a text ?le in the computer memory a descrip
`tion of the surrounding neighborhood; and,
`creating in a graphic ?le in the computer memory one or
`more images of the area surrounding the selected
`PETITIONER EX. 1008 Page 8

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