The Directory-Based Cache Coherence Protocol
`for the DASH Multiprocessor
`Daniel Lenoski, James Laudon, Kourosh Gharachorloo,
`h o o p Gupta, and John Hennessy
`Computer Systems Laboratory
`Stanford University, CA 94305
`DASH is a scalable shared-memory multiprocessor currently
`being developed at Stanford's Computer Systems Laboratory.
`The architecture consists of powerful processing nodes, each
`with a portion of the shared-memory, connected to a scalable
`interconnection network. A key feature of DASH is its dis-
`tributed directory-based cache coherence protocol. Unlike tra-
`ditional snoopy coherence protocols, the DASH protocol does
`not rely on broadcast; instead it uses point-to-point messages
`sent between the processors and memories to keep caches con-
`sistent. Furthermore, the DASH system does not contain any
`single serialization or control point. While these features pro-
`vide the basis for scalability, they also force a reevaluation of
`many fundamental issues involved in the design of a proto-
`col. These include the issues of correctness, performance and
`protocol complexity. In this paper, we present the design of
`the DASH coherence protocol and discuss how it addresses the
`above issues. We also discuss our strategy for verifying the
`correctness of the protocol and briefly compare our protocol to
`the IEEE Scalable Coherent Interface protocol.
`1 Introduction
`The limitations of current uniprocessor speeds and the ability to
`replicate low cost, high-performance processors and VLSI com-
`ponents have provided the impetus for the design of multipro-
`cessors which are capable of scaling to a large number of pro-
`cessors. Two major paradigms for these multiprocessor archi-
`tectures have developed, message-passing and shared-memory.
`In a message-passing multiprocessor, each processor has a lo-
`cal memory, which is only accessible to that processor. Inter-
`processor communication occurs only through explicit message
`passing. In a shared-memory multiprocessor, all memory is ac-
`cessible to each processor. The shared-memory paradigm has
`the advantage that the programmer is not burdened with the
`issues of data partitioning, and accessibility of data from all
`processors simplifies the task of dynamic load distribution. The
`primary advantage of the message passing systems is the ease
`with which they scale to support a large number of proces-
`sors. For shared-memory machines providing such scalability
`has traditionally proved difficult to achieve.
`We are currently building a prototype of a scalable shared-
`memory multiprocessor. The system provides high processor
`performance and scalability though the use of coherent caches
`and a directory-based coherence protocol. The high-level or-
`CH2887-8/90/0000/0148$01 .OO 0 1990 IEEE
`Figure 1: General architecture of DASH.
`ganization of the prototype, called DASH (Directory Architec-
`ture for SHared memory) [17], is shown in Figure 1. The ar-
`chitecture consists of a number of processing nodes connected
`through a high-bandwidth low-latency interconnection network.
`The physical memory in the machine is distributed among the
`nodes of the multiprocessor, with all memory accessible to each
`node. Each processing node, or cluster, consists of a small
`number of high-performance processors with their individual
`caches, a portion of the shared-memory, a common cache for
`pending remote accesses, and a directory controller interfacing
`the cluster to the network. A bus-based snoopy scheme is used
`to keep caches coherent within a cluster, while inter-node cache
`consistency is maintained using a distributed directory-based
`coherence protocol.
`The concept of directory-based cache coherence was first pro-
`posed by Tang [20] and Censier and Feautxier [6]. Subsequently,
`it has been been investigated by others ([1],[2] and [23]). Build-
`ing on this earlier work, we have developed a new directory-
`based cache-coherence protocol which works with distributed
`directories and the hierarchical cluster configuration of DASH.
`The protocol also integrates support for efficient synchroniza-
`tion operations using the directory. Furthermore, in designing
`the machine we have addressed many of the issues left unre-
`solved by earlier work.
`In DASH, each processing node has a directory memory cor-
`responding to its portion of the shared physical memory. For
`each memory block, the directory memory stores the identities
`APPLE 1005

`of all remote nodes caching that block. Using the directory
`memory, a node writing a location can send point-to-point in-
`validation or update messages to those processors that are ac-
`tually caching that block. This is in contrast to the invalidating
`broadcast required by the snoopy protocol. The scalability of
`DASH depends on this ability to avoid broadcasts. Another im-
`portant attribute of the directory-based protocol is that it does
`not depend on any specific interconnection network topology.
`As a result, we can readily use any of the low-latency scalable
`networks, such as meshes or hypercubes, that were originally
`developed for message-passing machines [7].
`While the design of bus-based snoopy coherence protocols
`is reasonably well understood, this is not true of distributed
`directory-based protocols. Unlike snoopy protocols, directory-
`based schemes do not have a single serialization point for all
`memory transactions. While this feature is responsible for their
`scalability, it also makes them more complex and forces one to
`rethink how the protocol should address the fundamental issues
`of correctness, system performance, and complexity.
`The next section outlines the important issues in designing
`a cache coherence protocol. Section 3 gives an overview of
`the DASH hardware architecture. Section 4 describes the de-
`sign of the DASH coherence protocol, relating it to the issues
`raised in section 2. Section 5 outlines some of the additional
`operations supported beyond the base protocol, while Section 6
`discusses scaling the directory structure. Section 7 briefly de-
`scribes our approach to verifying the correctness of the proto-
`col. Section 8 compares the DASH protocol with the proposed
`IEEE-SCI (Scalable Coherent Interface) protocol for distributed
`directory-based cache coherence. Finally, section 9 presents
`conclusions and summarizes the current status of the design
`2 Design Issues for Distributed Coher-
`ence Protocols
`The issues that arise in the design of any cache coherence pro-
`tocol and, in particular, a distributed directory-based protocol,
`can be divided into three categories: those that deal with cor-
`rectness, those that deal with the performance, and those related
`to the distributed control of the protocol.
`2.1 Correctness
`The foremost issue that any multiprocessor cache coherence
`protocol must address is Correctness. This translates into re-
`quirements in three areas:
`Memory Consistency Model: For a uniprocessor, the model
`of a correct memory system is well defined. Load operations
`return the last value written to a given memory location. Like-
`wise, store operations bind the value returned by subsequent
`loads of the location until the next store. For multiprocessors,
`however, the issue is more complex because the definitions of
`“last value written”, “subsequent loads” and “next store” be-
`come less clear as there may be multiple processors reading and
`writing a location. To resolve this difficulty a number of mem-
`ory consistency models have been proposed in the literature,
`most notably, the sequential and weak consistency models [SI.
`Weaker consistency models attempt to loosen the constraints on
`the coherence protocol while still providing a reasonable pro-
`gramming model for the user. Although most existing systems
`utilize a relatively strong consistency model, the larger latencies
`found in a distributed system favor the less constrained models.
`Deadlock: A protocol must also be deadlock free. Given
`the arbitrary communication pattems and finite buffering within
`the memory system there are numerous opportunities for dead-
`lock. For example, a deadlock can occur if a set of transactions
`holds network and buffer resources in a circular manner, and
`the consumption of one request requires the generation of an-
`other request. Similarly, lack of flow control in nodes can cause
`requests to back up into the network, blocking the flow of other
`messages that may be able to release the congestion.
`Error Handling: Another issue related to correctness is sup-
`port for data integrity and fault tolerance. Any large system will
`exhibit failures, and it is generally unacceptable if these fail-
`ures result in corrupted data or incorrect results without a fail-
`ure indication. This is especially true for parallel applications
`where algorithms are more complex and may contain some non-
`determinism which limits repeatability. Unfortunately, support
`for data integrity and fault-tolerance within a complex protocol
`that attempts to minimize latency and is executed directly by
`hardware is difficult. The protocol must attempt to balance the
`level of data integrity with the increase in latency and hard-
`ware complexity. At a minimum, the protocol should be able to
`flag a l l detectable failures, and convey this information to the
`processors affected.
`2.2 Performance
`Given a protocol that is correct, performance becomes the next
`important design criterion. The two key metrics of memory
`system performance are latency and bandwidth.
`Latency: Performance is primarily determined by the la-
`tency experienced by memory requests. In DASH, support for
`cachable shared data provides the major reduction in latency.
`The latency of write misses is reduced by using write buffers
`and by the support of the release consistency model. Hiding
`the latency for read misses is usually more critical since the
`processor is stalled until data is retumed. To reduce the la-
`tency for read misses, the protocol must minimize the number
`of intercluster messages needed to service a miss and the delay
`associated with each such message.
`Bandwidth: Providing high memory bandwidth that scales
`with the number of processors is key to any large system.
`Caches and distributed memory form the basis for a scal-
`able, high-bandwidth memory system in DASH. Even with dis-
`tributed memory, however, bandwidth is limited by the serial-
`ization of requests in the memory system and the amount of
`traffic generated by each memory request.
`Servicing a memory request in a distributed system often
`requires several messages to be transmitted. For example, a
`message to access a remote location generates a reply message
`containing the data, and possibly other messages invalidating
`remote caches. The component with the largest serialization in
`this chain limits the maximum throughput of requests. Serial-
`ization affects performance by increasing the queuing delays,
`and thus the latency, of memory requests. Queueing delays can
`become critical for locations that exhibit a large degree of shar-
`ing. A protocol should attempt to minimize the service time
`at all queuing centers. In particular, in a distributed system no
`central resources within a node should be blocked while inter-
`node communication is taking place to service a request. In this
`way serialization is limited only by the time of local, intra-node

`The amount of traffic generated per request also limits the
`effective throughput of the memory system. Traffic seen by
`the global interconnect and memory subsystem increases the
`queueing for these shared resources. DASH reduces traffic by
`providing coherent caches and by distributing memory among
`the processors. Caches filter many of the requests for shared
`data while grouping memory with processors removes private
`references if the corresponding memory is allocated within the
`local cluster. At the protocol level, the number of messages
`required to service different types of memory requests should
`be minimized, unless the extra messages directly contribute to
`reduced latency or serialization.
`2.3 Distributed Control and Complexity
`A coherence protocol designed to address the above issues must
`be partitioned among the distributed components of the multi-
`processor. These components include the processors and their
`caches, the directory and main memory controllers, and the in-
`terconnection network. The lack of a single serialization point,
`such as a bus, complicates the control since transactions do not
`complete atomically. Furthermore, multiple paths within the
`memory system and lack of a single arbitration point within the
`system allow some operations to complete out of order. The re-
`sult is that there is a rich set of interactions that can take place
`between different memory and coherence transactions. Parti-
`tioning the control of the protocol requires a delicate balance
`between the performance of the system and the complexity of
`the components. Too much complexity may effect the ability
`to implement the protocol or ensure that the protocol is correct.
`3 Overview of DASH
`Figure 2 shows a high-level picture of the DASH prototype we
`are building at Stanford. In order to manage the size of the
`prototype design effort, a commercial bus-based multiprocessor
`was chosen as the processing node. Each node (or cluster) is
`a Silicon Graphics POWER Station 4D/240 [4]. The 4D/240
`system consists of four high-performance processors, each con-
`nected to a 64 Kbyte first-level instruction cache, and a 64 Kbyte
`write-through data cache. The 64 Kbyte data cache interfaces
`to a 256 Kbyte second-level write-back cache through a read
`buffer and a 4 word deep write-buffer. The main purpose of this
`second-level cache is to convert the write-through policy of the
`first-level to a write-back policy, and to provide the extra cache
`tags for bus snooping. Both the first and second-level caches
`are direct-mapped.
`In the 4D/240, the second-level caches are responsible for bus
`snooping and maintaining consistency among the caches in the
`cluster. Consistency is maintained using the Illinois coherence
`protocol [19], which is an invalidation-based ownership proto-
`col. Before a processor can write to a cache line, it must first
`acquire exclusive ownership of that line by requesting that all
`other caches invalidate their copy of that line. Once a processor
`has exclusive ownership of a cache line, it may write to that
`line without consuming further bus cycles.
`The memory bus (MPBUS) of the 4D/240 is a pipelined syn-
`chronous bus, supporting memory-to-cache and cache-to-cache
`transfers of 16 bytes every 4 bus clocks with a latency of 6 bus
`clocks. While the MPBUS is pipelined, it is not a split transac-
`tion bus. Consequently, it is not possible to efficiently interleave
`long duration remote transactions with the short duration local
`Figure 2: Block diagram of sample 2 x 2 DASH system.
`transactions. Since this ability is critical to DASH, we have
`extended the MPBUS protocol to support a retry mechanism.
`Remote Kequests are signaled to retry while the inter-cluster
`messages are being processed. To avoid unnecessary retries the
`processor is masked from arbitration until the response from the
`remote request has been received. When the response arrives,
`the requesting processor is unmasked, retries the request on the
`bus, and is supplied the remote data.
`A DASH system consists of a number of modified 4D/240
`systems that have been supplemented with a directory controller
`board. This directory controller board is responsible for main-
`taining the cache coherence across the nodes and serving as the
`interface to the interconnection network.
`The directory board is implemented on a single printed cir-
`cuit board and consists of five major subsystems as shown in
`Figure 3. The directory controller @C) contains the directory
`memory corresponding to the portion of main memory present
`within the cluster. It also initiates out-bound network requests
`and replies. The pseudo-CPU (PCPU) is responsible for buffer-
`ing incoming requests and issuing such requests on the cluster
`bus. It mimics a CPU on this bus on behalf of remote processors
`except that responses from the bus are sent out by the directory
`controller. The reply controller (RC) tracks outstanding requests
`made by the local processors and receives and buffers the corre-
`sponding replies from remote clusters. It acts as memory when
`the local processors are allowed to retry their remote requests.
`The network interface and the local portion of the network it-
`self reside on the directory card. The interconnection network
`consists of a pair of meshes. One mesh is dedicated to the re-
`quest messages while the other handles replies. These meshes
`utilize wormhole routing [9] to minimize latency. Finally, the
`board contains hardware monitoring logic and miscellaneous
`control and status registers. The monitoring logic samples a
`variety of directory board and bus events from which usage and
`performance statistics can be derived.
`The directory memory is organized as an array of directory

`Rcply Nctworll
`Rcquesl Network
`- Per p-saor
`- RAC snoopr on bus
`* Forward rm” CPU
`q u e s t to local MPBUS
`* lssuc cache linc invalid-
`ations and lock p t s
`MPBUS Addrcss /
`entries. There is one entry for each memory block. The direc-
`tory entries used in the prototype are identical to that originally
`proposed in [6]. They are composed of a single state bit to-
`gether with a bit vector of pointers to clusters. The state bit
`indicates whether the clusters have a read (shared) or readwrite
`(dirty) copy of the data. The bit vector contains a bit for each
`of the sixteen clusters supported in the prototype. Associating
`the directory with main memory allows the directory to be built
`with the same DRAM technology as main memory. The DC ac-
`cesses the directory memory on each MPBUS transaction along
`with the access to main memory. The directory information is
`combined with the type of bus operation, address, and result
`of the snooping within the cluster to determine what network
`messages and bus controls the DC will generate.
`The RC maintains its state in the remote access cache (RAC).
`The functions of the RAC include maintaining the state of cur-
`rently outstanding requests, buffering replies from the network
`and supplementing the functionality of the processors’ caches.
`The RAC is organized as a snoopy cache with augmented state
`information. The RAC’s state machines allow accesses from
`both the network and the cluster bus. Replies from the network
`are buffered in the RAC and cause the waiting processor to be
`released for bus arbitration. When the released processor re-
`tries the access the RAC supplies the data via a cache-to-cache
`3.1 Memory Consistency in DASH
`As stated in Section 2, the correctness of the coherence protocol
`is a function of the memory consistency model adopted by the
`architecture. There is a whole spectrum of choices for the level
`of consistency to support directly in hardware. At one end is the
`sequential consistency model [16] which requires the execution
`of the parallel program to appear as some interleaving of the
`execution of the parallel processes on a sequential machine. As
`one moves towards weaker models of consistency, performance
`gains are made at the cost of a more complex programming
`model for the user.
`The base model of consistency provided by the DASH hard-
`ware is called release consistency. Release consistency [lo] is
`an extension of the weak consistency model first proposed by
`Dubois, Scheurich and Briggs [8]. The distinguishing character-
`istics of release consistency is that it allows memory operations
`issued by a given processor to be observed and complete out
`of order with respect to the other processors. The ordering of
`operations is only preserved before “releasing” synchronization
`operations or explicit ordering operations. Release consistency
`takes advantage of the fact that while in a critical region a pro-
`grammer has already assured that no other processor is accessing
`the protected variables. Thus, updates to these variables can be
`observed by other processors in arbitrary order. Only before
`the lock release at the end of the region does the hardware need
`to guarantee that all operations have completed. While release
`consistency does complicate programming and the coherence
`protocol, it can hide much of the overhead of write operations.
`Support for release consistency puts several requirements on
`the system. First, the hardware must support a primitive which
`guarantees the ordering of memory operations at specific points
`in a program. Such fence [5, 101 primitives can then be placed
`by software before releasing synchronization points in order to
`implement release consistency. DASH supports two explicit
`fence mechanisms. A jidl-fence operation stalls the proces-
`sor until all of its pending operations have been completed,
`while a write-fence simply delays subsequent write-operations.
`A higher performance implementation of release consistency
`includes implicit fence operations within the releasing synchro-
`nization operations themselves. DASH supports such synchro-
`nization operations yielding release consistency as its base con-
`sistency model. The explicit fence operations in DASH then
`allow the user or compiler to synthesize stricter consistency
`models if needed.
`The release consistency model also places constraints on the
`base coherence protocol. First, the system must respect the local
`dependencies generated by the memory operations of a single
`processor. Second, all coherence operations, especially opera-
`tions related to writes, must be acknowledged so that the issuing
`processor can determine when a fence can proceed. Third, any
`cache line owned with pending invalidations against it can not
`be shared between processors. This prevents the new processor
`from improperly passing a fence. If sharing is allowed then
`the receiving processor must be informed when all of the pend-
`ing invalidates have been acknowledged. Lastly, any operations
`that a processor issues after a fence operation may not become
`visible to any other processor until all operations preceding the
`fence have completed.
`4 The DASH Cache Coherence Protocol
`In our discussion of the coherence protocol, we use the follow-
`ing naming conventions for the various clusters and memories
`involved in any given transaction. A local cluster is a cluster
`that contains the processor originating a given request, while
`the home cluster is the cluster which contains the main memory
`and directory for a given physical memory address. A remote
`cluster is any other cluster. Likewise, local memory refers to
`the main memory associated with the local cluster while remote
`memory is any memory whose home is not the local.
`The DASH coherence protocol is an invalidation-based own-

`ership protocol. A memory block can be in one of three states as
`indicated by the associated directory entry: (i) uncnched-remote,
`that is not cached by any remote cluster; (ii) shared-remote, that
`is cached in an unmodified state by one or more remote clus-
`ters; or (iii) dirty-remote, that is cached in a modified state by
`a single remote cluster. The directory does not maintain infor-
`mation concerning whether the home cluster itself is caching
`a memory block because all transactions that change the state
`of a memory block are issued on the bus of the home cluster,
`and the snoopy bus protocol keeps the home cluster coherent.
`While we could have chosen not to issue all transactions on the
`home cluster’s bus this would had an insignificant performance
`improvement since most requests to the home also require an
`access to main memory to retrieve the actual data.
`The protocol maintains the notion of an owning cluster for
`each memory block. The owning cluster is nominally the home
`cluster. However, in the case that a memory block is present
`in the dirty state in a remote cluster, that cluster is the owner.
`Only the owning cluster can complete a remote reference for a
`given block and update the directory state. While the directory
`entry is always maintained in the home cluster, a dirty cluster
`initiates all changes to the directory state of a block when it
`is the owner (such update messages also indicate that the dirty
`cluster is giving up ownership). The order that operations reach
`the owning cluster determines their global order.
`As with memory blocks, a cache block in a processor’s cache
`may also be in one of three states: invalid, shared, and dirty.
`The shared state implies that there may be other processors
`caching that location. The dirty state implies that this cache
`contains an exclusive copy of the memory block, and the block
`has been modified.
`The following sections outline the three primitive operations
`supported by the base DASH coherence protocol: read, read-
`exclusive and write-back. We also discuss how the protocol
`responds to the issues that were brought up in Section 2 and
`some of the altemative design choices that were considered. We
`describe only the normal flow for the memory transactions in the
`following sections, exception cases are covered in section 4.6.
`4.1 Read Requests
`Memory read requests are initiated by processor load instruc-
`tions. If the location is present in the processor’s fist-level
`cache, the cache simply supplies the data. If not present, then a
`cache fdl operation must bring the required block into the first-
`level cache. A fill operation first attempts to find the cache line
`in the processor’s second-level cache, and if unsuccessful, the
`processor issues a read request on the bus. This read request ei-
`ther completes locally or is signaled to retry while the directory
`board interacts with the other clusters to retrieve the required
`cache line. The detailed flow for a read request is given in
`Figure 7 in the appendix.
`The protocol tries to minimize latency by using cache-to-
`cache transfers. The local bus can satisfy a remote read if the
`given line is held in another processor’s cache or the remote
`access cache (RAC). The four processor caches together with
`the RAC form a five-way set associative (1.25 Mbyte) cluster
`cache. The effective size of this cache is smaller than a true set
`associative cache because the entries in the caches need not be
`distinct. The check for a local copy is initiated by the normal
`snooping when the read is issued on the bus. If the cache line
`is present in the shared state then the data is simply transferred
`over the bus to the requesting processor and no access to the
`remote home cluster is needed. If the cache line is held in a
`dirty state by a local processor, however, something must be
`done with the ownership of the cache line since the processor
`supplying the data goes to a shared state in the Illinois protocol
`used on the cluster bus. The two options considered were to: (i)
`have the directory do a sharing write-back to the home cluster:
`and (ii) have the RAC take ownership of the cache line. We
`chose the second option because it permits the processors within
`a cluster to read and write a shared location without causing
`traffic in the network or home cluster.
`If a read request cannot be satisfied by the local cluster, the
`processor is forced to retry the bus operation, and a request
`message is sent to the home cluster. At the same time the
`processor is masked from arbitration so that it does not tie up the
`local bus. Whenever a remote request is sent by a cluster, a RAC
`entry is allocated to act as a placeholder for the reply to this
`request. The RAC entry also permits merging of requests made
`by the different processors within the same cluster. If another
`request to the same memory block is made, a new request will
`not be sent to the home cluster; this reduces both traffic and
`latency. On the other hand, an access to a different memory
`block, which happens to map to a RAC entry already in use,
`must be delayed until the pending operation is complete. Given
`that the number of active RAC entries is small the benefit of
`merging should outweigh the potential for contention.
`When the read request reaches the home cluster, it is issued
`on that cluster’s bus. This causes the directory to look up the
`status of that memory block. If the block is in an uncached-
`remote or shared-remote state the directory controller sends the
`data over the reply network to the requesting cluster. It also
`records the fact that the requesting cluster now has a copy of
`the memory block. If the block is in the dirty-remote state,
`however, the read request is forwarded to the owning, dirty
`cluster. The owning cluster sends out two messages in response
`to the read. A message containing the data is sent directly to the
`requesting cluster, and a sharing writeback request is sent to the
`home cluster. The sharing writeback request writes the cache
`block back to memory and also updates the directory. The flow
`of messages for this case is shown in Figure 4.
`As shown in Figure 4, any request not satisfied in the home
`cluster is forwarded to the remote cluster that has a dirty copy
`of the data. This reduces latency by permitting the dirty clus-
`ter to respond directly to the requesting cluster. In addition,
`this forwarding strategy allows the directory controller to si-
`multaneously process many requests (i.e. to be multithreaded)
`without the added complexity of maintaining the state of out-
`standing requests. Serialization is reduced to the time of a sin-
`gle intra-cluster bus transaction. The only resource held while
`inter-cluster messages are being sent is a single entry in the
`originating cluster’s RAC.
`The downside of the forwarding strategy is that it can result
`in additional latency when simultaneous accesses are made to
`the same block. For example, if two read requests from differ-
`ent clusters are received close together for a line that is dirty
`remote, both will be forwarded to the dirty cluster. However,
`only the first one will be satisfied since this request will force
`the dirty cluster to lose ownership by doing a sharing writeback
`and changing its local state to read only. The second request
`will not find the dirty data and will be returned with a nega-
`tive acknowledge (NAK) to its originating cluster. This NAK
`will force the cluster to retry its access. An altemative to the
`forwarding approach used by our protocol would have been to
`buffer the read request at the home cluster, have the home send

`repeala request an
`rCes data m cache
`ReadReply 3a
`sent to local
`Read Requesl sent
`to home ‘q
`Yome ClmIer
`a FCPUreads home bus.
`diliy cluster.
`ead-Exclusive Requcst
`Invalidation Requests se
`lo clusrers having read
`Each shared clurt
`sends Invalidatwn
`to local clustex
`Figure 4 Flow of Read Request to remote memory with direc-
`tory in dirty-remote state.
`Figure 5: Flow of Read-Exclusive Request to remote memory
`with directory in shared-remote state.
`a flush request to the owning cluster, and then have the home
`send the data back to the originating cluster. We did not adopt
`this approach because it would have increased the latency for
`such reads by adding an extra network and bus transaction. Ad-
`ditionally, it would have required buffers in the directory to hold
`the pending transaction, or blocking subsequent accesses to the
`directory until the first request had been satisfied.
`4.2 Read-Exclusive Requests
`Write operations are initiated by processor store instructions.
`Data is written through the first-level cache and is buffered in a
`four word deep write-buffer. The second-level cache can retire
`the write if it has ownership of the line. Otherwise, a read-
`exclusive request is issued to the bus to acquire sole ownership
`of the line and retrieve the other words in the cache block. Ob-
`taining ownership does not block the processor directly; only
`the write-buffer output is stalled. As in the case of read requests,
`cache coherence operations begin when the read-exclusive re-
`quest is issued on the bus. The detailed flow of read-exclusive
`request i s given in the appendix in Figure 9 and is summarized
`The flow of a read-exclusive is similar to that of a

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