`COPYRIGHT 3 [909. I9”. 1923. 1924. Int, I921. WED. Ii”. I950. HHJ. I9”, 19.17. I959, Iflfil. I966
`. ..
`Preface .
`. ..
`Editorial Staff. .
`Outside Consultant
`Explanatory Chart.
`Explanatnry Notes.
`Divisions in Boldrfl
`Capitalization... ..
`Imlicization .
`Portrait of Noah W
`Sum: Birds (in color
`Butterflies {in colur}
`Cuts {in colorJ. .
`. ..
`Color-*2 plates [in
`Constellations and S
`Constctlnlinns and S
`. ..
`Dogs [in color}. .
`Fishes [in color}. . ..
`Hugs {in color]. .
`. ..
`i Official Flags of
`II Circa: Seals of :h
`Ill State Flags of [h
`W Arms and Flags l
`cgs clccrmnmgnuhr units
`.flm-An'aric Innsuagn.
`HIP“!!th IJbI
`unflamritr cu
`cummon mm Iormulas. .
`.‘i‘ganjorr .n'air.
`sluu’s br-H':
`Brain alph. 21:1
`prmcigal act
`I rum“ .
`execuiw- U .5. drawn” n!
`d._|4' lab s I and II.
`PREVIOUS EDITIONS I‘HIIJPNNFS COPYRIGHT 1950, I953. I954. [957. I959, [90']. was
`chemical :irrrrcmr .
`BY (3. 6: C. MERRIAM CO.
`AH right: ruervnd. Na .w: arm: work comrme [he “Maxim Furan may be umdmd or
`WW"! I“ M.“ for!" W I!" My Manx—graphic. (In-(Ioniaor mechanical. Indrarflng pkammpyiair. re-
`nal-drug. laying. nr Jqfvruwflml and mutual! system; “mm” u'rrrm: pawn-mn- a)" rbe puhiixflu.
`Standard Book Narnia“.-
`087779vDOI-9 lbufl' bwtkram':
`0373‘79-002-7 [dark Inn I"|‘tbrll<at'd\
`D-ST??9-003-5 {2 Helm. hull hunkraml
`08777910054 [tan bucklam. India piulcl']
`0-877'I‘9-006-X (dad: brown Fabrikoid, India pamch
`Immerse-tetra \-slas\ adiIrrntorse -i- Jess] 1 sharing wilhout
`child is a seIcond _eousin once N) (at First ootin'n's afandchild is
`remorse : I'rrlLrss. titer:st (It monster of .
`. ~ cruelty
`a first cousin twice ~) 2 :xparale or remote [as in space.
`iu Stephan} 2_ : continuine without lessening or hrcak
`{wit I
`: tutu-rust (the drive of technology was so "— that younger
`.sitce its iar ~ as it had been at the time of his etc: _on
`l|rtt_cF or character} lrtim aomcthing : Dtfitnm‘. AWAY. on:
`. flan (consider.
`ns entirely ~ from politics}
`economists . . ,turned from philosophy to research —C.A. &
`Mary Beard) — re-morae-leaatty utir — m-morse-lesa-ness
`re-Ittnve -ly \-v:dlE -vd-\ nth.
`1! -B
`\-ve.lri.'u. -v[d}u-\ 1: 4-15
`Inmate m'mar.
`rE'-. um 5d-+\I'\ my. offer: ear-m [L
`re-inuvn-mant \-vrit:rnt\ i! As ['l'mt‘e 1- -m.-nil_: renoan
`Ira-Iona, it. past part. 01' renrovFrt' to move back. move away
`Ira-mother \-va[r)\ p sin-move + -er. spent sums] l.
`: one
`that removes mtmt'llllng: as a Brit: sitich af-ll
`b : a solvent
`usual : iar apart
`: riot extending the full distance iron: the
`or chemical usedrn ftl'tlDt'tllB It substance [as lrom a suriaee}
`— more at RELIGUFa 1 a : separated by intervals greater than
`ol the pjleult to the slip: (a mushroom with a - veil}
`{paint and varnish m} rust m) {dye ~) {hair ~} 8 not
`: a chanfieahle or uflKifJfll person
`2 : ar removed in space. rinse. relation. or likeness : not near !
`inmediate : FAR, oirrrrtrtT (the church was too ~ ior a
`' iterativel- \"\ N -s [turn-rive + -cr (as Its cusrrfl : transfer at a
`Drocecttinii from one tribunal to Another
`walking bridal party —‘l:hatiia.vt
`Ilardy (ironl M anti uity
`up to modern times --S.l-:ltin:tut_t) (war
`to which -‘- genera-
`trait cap Ur. Rrrilsciieht'. city of
`rem-solicit! \'retrl.shit\ calf.
`tions may look back with jirlrlI: —I.lert].‘trnin Farrinpton)
`Germany : of the km or styll: prevalent in
`(fourth cousins and rent. er ulaiivu} : DIVERGLNT (nations
`nortlrIvcsIern Germans] : oi or from the cit ot Rentscbeid.
`as ~ In culture and civiliza on as Poland and Ch' a.
`rant-sen eualei‘ \'reIitran-\ n. Ir.tlr to R: rob. It. the proper
`Leechoslovakia and Morocco -_ H.A.Ituslt) (fantasti
`‘y un-
`name ersrrt] : a cooler the base 0 win E's
`:rE-lmi-Ga \ra'ntLida\ it -s {Artist}. relay, shill o! torses or oxen.
`real and utterly n- irciin the slightest vettch til truth —lohn
`it. Sp. exchange. it. rrimiri’rir to exchange. tr. re- -i- mudrir to
`Russel! p.187.) :_
`ImutEn. Allel'lnt-‘IElJ (the IdIeas of tin
`ether. til waves in
`. are ~ iron! ordinary experience —A.
`change fr. L trivial-c — more at was] : the herd of saddle
`horses rum which are chosen those to be used in: the day by
`N.Whilehc.sd> 3
`neared out oi Ihc waIy : Stewart» {the
`Coast Guard Service renders invaluable MU to natives—Livin
`the ranch hands : a relay of remoutits
`aloha the “u seaeoasl ——G..t\.l"ark:t)
`(the ~ iitntosohere o
`I‘d-Illu-Itel-a-lllu \ro'myilnlalrohn“ and} [ML rrrrrrtrierrrbitir.
`these retired wold. villagts —£In't. Book News) 4 a t not
`it. 1. rrrrruriemrc to reward v' nibi'h'fl : aduuttrru; or worthy of
`mmutterntwn — re-matiier-a-lily \-ble\ arty
`m-mu-ner-ate \ro'myLlnanIl. rE'-. utir -Eld-+V\ vt' -EDf—I:v(t.’-s
`Proximate or acting directly _not primary ll
`: not arising
`5 ma
`action (-‘u damages) — compare CONSFQl'ITNIJAI
`L "mum-mm; past part. of Ntflflrrcmu'
`to recompense.
`ront the eliect of that which Lt primary or pro mate in Lt
`denree : snorti- {ii one solves thc eetirlrrmk d'
`IQWfltd. fr. rr- + numeral-e to aive. present, it. murier—. rmrgmr
`—F.U.Sniith 8; Ilarbara \Mlcox) '
`- more at MEAN} 1 : to pay an equivalent for [as a service.
`dartsth of war becomes ~
`{hasn't the rriiwtrrt notion what tune It
`tit} E : distant in
`fnss._ expeflwl 2 :
`to pay an equivalent to (a person} to: a
`manner :ntKIr. rNALfiCrsstBtI. (the can be old or warm. ~ or
`loss. or expense : arc-tannins: courrnsnia Sin see
`friendly '--l'ohn Mason Brown)
`a :
`it elsewhere than
`from the part oi the body that makes it mot-enter“ — opposed
`re-mu-nar-a-lton \x.--‘ra'sh:n\ n -s [ME remuneration.
`to nutrient
`h t not present 'tn the senses at the moment
`MF or L: M}; untimemrion. Ill. 1. remuneration: rrmflrft‘fll'flv.
`fr. remanvmrirr —'- ‘loriv. Jo lion] 1 : an act or fact of remu-
`irIemote \"\ it -s 1 :o_nc that is remote 2 : a radio or televi-
`nerating 3 : sOmethlng that terntftierntes : RthPFNSf. i-At'
`events] ori
`inating outside the slu iti
`sion prtistr ni or portion oi a prtzgram (as sports and news
`re-mu‘naradtve \rs'myunma'd‘hv.
`-n{o]ro|. |tl. |cv uho
`|civ\ rid; (“uncut-nit: + are}
`: acmnz to remuneratc : Ir.-
`Jreinoni \"\ tidy, often -zn..r+'_cr
`: at a_d|5talici:
`retitolo control rl
`: L'nttlrtil [at h
`a switch or switchboard m
`“'AJtDthj {~ yusttce)
`: alltitdins remuneration : r'rtorrr-
`by a radio sigiall of operation torn it vutnl at some distance
`AttLE. (iAlNFLE. {a w husmm} (a w salary) — ravmu-iier-av
`titre-1y \lavlet an’v -- m-mu-ner-n-tivctneaa \|ii-nats\ n -r.s
`rermtttiicr-a-tar \-na.r
`-n[rj\ a '5 (LL. fr. L rt‘mitriernmt
`t'BIiIdled ad} [L remorus + E verl] nits : auto-re
`(oust part. oi rmiunernre Io remulierate) + -or] : one Iliat
`remote indication n :
`transler and repclttiuu [as by tele-
`melerinnl of information from one point to another morenrless
`ra-rnnmer-a-tomy \-mra.|3r€\
`[Nmttvrtrral't‘ + oryl
`ro-Inote-ly atir. sometime: -E!'t.-'-E‘t'l' : in a remote manner or to
`: IlrML'NHt/t‘illt'lt
`a remote eitlcnt {a sohiiix who smiles ~} {ct-cry man she had
`remuneratiin sanction n t a sanction in the term or a reward
`ever known closely or ~ —l:'l|.cn Glasgow : at or from It
`WItIilIcld for I'
`re to comply willi the law
`distance (processes controlled ~ by the tny brain —W.E.
`IE-t‘lturrrtllt \l rc+\ to [L rcmnrmumn', ir. re- + murmarare
`Swinlon} : victim'er
`to rtturrnur] I't
`: tti mtIIn'nur repcatchv '- In‘: to repeat. echo.
`remote matter ri
`: hIATIER n
`sitLutfiIsM 2
`Utter attain. or reply
`re-iiiole-Itosa n -
`' the an
`or state of being remote
`‘rcn-aIs-sance \iren slintt s also -'z:‘t- saint-timer :5'3 or
`lr. L
`retino-tlari \ri'moshan\ it
`' ME remortlmi, rmmtiort.
`-i§"ntt}a. enrol.- Hrit' rn'nis n-\ n -.s ‘01.
`ir. MF. rebirth. fr.
`remutiwt-. remoria remoIval. it remain: (part Iiztrt. oi rrrirovflre
`(stem of rnrm'rrrr to be born again. it. L mrztrcr. it.
`ra- + nose; to_|ic borntI — -alter—-Imore at MnoNJ 1 ojrqrmp
`or state at being remote: naturism-st 2 a t I c act til remov—
`a : cnrliuaItI
`c_ and “humus activity along literary. artts
`lo removet -r ‘t'
`-. -fo -ion — more at asm'erI 1: the quality
`ing : unitaan Ii obs : unmitch 3 _[MF. Ir. 1, remoriotra
`and cultural
`lines distinguished by a revival oi interest
`mimn'o removal] : the process pt [caulith or donning a con-
`the past. by an Int-reusing pursuit Dl_iflilfl'lllls. and b
`ception by the successive elimination of What
`is extraneous
`native response to broader IIOH2DIH tlerier
`re.mo-tlve \-Edvi\'\ an) [L mam-us [ as! part. of remote” to
`Oils ol the nature of the Renaissance —W.K ergtison)
`remove] + F. -ive] 1 : MFJIIDVINO
`: itinttlwtnti:
`(t I: transcendental movement that marked the [u
`rairlotlve p10 Bfiillfl'fl r
`u PRIVATth l‘ltOl‘OillKlN: tip : one
`of the New:' England ~ —V.L.Pai7jny.tol_l) b: Ijte period oi
`that asserts t e absence 01' something it: be oi the essence til
`such a revival (the Renaissance ol the eighth and ninth cenA
`the subject
`Iltlt'Ies —Kenlri Malone) (that second Renaissance. the Victor-
`re-matittade also re-mo-tada \ ramo'l‘Jd\ n
`[F rt‘rrtoled'e.
`r-r'mortiriii'r. ir. F dial. rr'mol'a. ninml'rir ht‘rsertl
`ii lmodii. of
`the Renaissance —Il_.).’ivid Qaic es) 2 mitmp :
`thc_ neoclassic
`iIin Ago —Edwin Bensop} (the Reriod conventionally known as
`I. irrrIJroract'tr.
`tirriroraeiiurt] +_ F 11de : a pungent sauce or
`Hylt: or :m previuhrut dtlllrlfi
`the Renaissance perrod _3 : it
`ego yol s and often with savory herbs or condimean
`renewal o lite or Jmerest_in some as
`t of if
`dressindi rcsemblinz mayonnaise liul usu. madc- With cooked
`return of IytIIuthlul vigor. freshness. zest, or productivity : a
`vb IMF. remnunrrn. partly lr.
`re— 4-
`postwar N—Grarwilie Hicks} (gran o era .
`5 current y
`mourirrir to mount. partLy ir. Mli remmirrr to remount. fr. re-
`eruflrttls l "rt—Joseph “'ocltither ) (the 'azcst tennis-10v“
`—. yum-tr! I_n mount — more at MriuN'r‘l t'i 1 : to mount {some-
`thing} a 'Iln ("u this map on the other wall)
`reaching the
`’roiiatssance \“\
`til or relating to it renaissance
`known in thts mung; —h’ul‘irtay§
`2 rrsu my : oi.
`relating_ to. or typical 0r suggestive ol Ilie
`mouth nah: stream. they Merl it to its source}
`:Iu lurriish
`rcnitiunls lo (the regiment must be ~ed) W H 1 : to mount
`transitional movement
`iti Euro
`between_ medieval and
`again (-— at one: and ride back) 2 : to up back {as during a
`modern times beninnirtr.
`the t
`ili century in Italy.
`into the Hun century. and marked by a humanistic revival cIi
`study] to It punil 0r Til!er
`are-mount \ re-I- -. .‘A u l : u iresh horse to replace one in:
`trtlluence exorcssetlIitt a flowering oi_ the arts and.
`longer available {as by reason of tail ue. disablcmenl. loss. or
`town; and by the beyinninns cIIi modern science (Ream-sl-
`iamn- pfllnllt’tg) (the Renaissance Ideal oi the universal roan
`2 t a grou
`stu . or supply at rumour-In
`age}; spit-cf} : a free“ or incomplete y trained cavalry horse
`- Horizon)
`. aremoltnt
`\ rad; Brenton"!
`- at or relating to a remunt
`mamsaneearchtteettire nI. mu can it : the style of buildmg
`romaine I
`ty \rsliirLit-a'bi
`it.—, 4m. -i\ H :
`and dccnmttun that arose In the early IStli century in ltaty
`nualily or s ate ol hem rcrrtmablt.
`based an ill: study and ‘ notation of the Roman classic
`orders and design and lb t spread Later
`throucli wustcrrt
`re-muv-etile \rd'muvgrha . rE'-\ avir'l '(t‘rnort' + —Irib|'e] :capablt:
`oi being removed. displaced. transferred. dismissed. or eradi-
`Europe succeeding the Gothic style
`renaissance Inrpiture rr.
`trru cap R I:
`ti style of furniture
`by the mayor —-G,.
`.Eiarris — re-rnavta lit-H058 it
`developed early in the Renaissance disiinltuishcd in its na-
`cated (~ partition) (SI ~ bed; (n headmau agpointerl and ~
`— re.ntnv.ahly \-bia\ uric
`tional iypcsi but .9 general. 0! oak or walnut rIt':hI
`removable buck-type amtchhaartl rr
`: a switchboard in
`man s
`which the instruments and main control equipment are
`niasinve and palatial in structut'c. and classical In
`mounted u on a removable structure that runs on Izuidc rails
`renaissance lace at. am rep R : ti lace of braid or tape usctt for
`ra'mtivat, rt“-\ r.
`.5 Ererirai'e + vi] : the act of
`curtains and dresses : tiUrI‘tJltE - called also {iatrrrrberg liier
`removing or fact of hemp removed (surgical cw of the growth)
`asap! \-nl\ (N .
`fln'k cop llm'k-lunnrrtmu tr. trams-
`toner-3 . of or rolatintt to the Renaissance
`: dismissal from office
`shllt of laciiljon :chanitc ol residcnce
`re-na] \'i'En’l\ adj [F or LL; F (title.
`lt‘. LL ritually.
`fr. L
`state to a icderal court because of diversity
`rcrtirs {DLJ kidneys + :aiil -al] :_ of, relating. to_ a: jnw]ving
`removal at mamas 1
`he ration of pendjiI}: cases iron
`because of fcderitl question 2 a ‘ the transfer of a case mm
`the kidneys : located In the region til the kidneys : .‘t'FJHfllc
`onc iederal court to another
`b : the Iransler oi a case from
`renal artery in : an oi' the branches of the abdominal aorta
`one to another court Within the same state for original hearing
`that supply the It neys being rt_ man one toIeach kidney.
`or trial —- emnnuh'
`I-puL. atvlizw
`Itrisinz imn dinter below the 0 gm til Ilse super: r mummy“;
`Ira-motto \ra'niuv.
`rt: -\ ru [hill removed. rrntrirn.
`It. 0F
`artery. dividing Into tour or Irive branches which enter the
`temurrt'ulr. remiwstr. tr. L rrmovfirr. tr. rr- -+ maybe to more
`hilutu of the kidney. and aIvInIauil smaller branches to the
`-- more at now] ‘1 1 : to than a: or shill the location.
`ureter. adrenal gland. and adjoining structures
`tion. station. or residence of
`as in order to rcestabislil
`renal calculus n : u calculus in the kidney — caLled also
`kidney stone
`I “In. HUN-SEER — tisiu. used with to and speejliod plaoe {N
`the :roflfio to the trot-It) (~ the family to the mummy; s «U
`renal cast it : aI cast of a renal iubule_ consisting 9F granular.
`l to transfer tit pentltrtg case} for orijttnal hearinn or trial
`:Ilbitminoid, or other material formed In and LIIE‘
`one court
`to another In the same or another jurisdiction
`cl’iarsetl [min the kidney in renal disease
`--- corn arc armour. or CAUSES 2 : to move by lifting. jiuail‘
`renal clearun If I E'LEARINCE 2!!
`in; asi e. or ta king away or oil : put aside. apart, or eLscu'licre
`{no his hat in the house) (~ in bonl: from a shelf to es mini:
`calculus from the kidney I
`touch the uncth
`renal colic rt
`: the severe pain produced by the. passage of I
`ii) 3 t to [dice [Hle to leave :1 place or to go aw . as
`renal oomascle rt
`: HAtJ‘ItHIinN ctiiu-Llsttut
`a t to dismiss iron: office I: : nonssiwnil
`I: . to take away by
`tonal guwsarta or renal Makeup! If : excretion of glucosc
`death ‘1 t
`t rtd nt as though by niovin
`: itatttitcme.
`{law-craved wath rncreased perm; bilit of tbc kidneys without
`increased suitor wncentrattoni
`erltthATE (~ 1 it: causes at poverty}
`v- vi E.i.
`to change
`location. station. or rmtdcnce (~ iron! their town house to
`the countr )
`_3 :to go away : minivan-at. Dtl'AR‘I 3 : to lie
`pelt-ts o a vertebrate kidney through w 'c
`the collecting
`renal oaIpilla Ir
`: one ofI
`the eminences mo eetiltiz into !J‘II!
`capable 0 being removed (a bottle cap that ~r easily) ay'n
`see Hove
`tubules discharge
`renal plexus i1 : the sympathetic plexus supIplylnjz the kidney
`fireman \"\ rt -s 1 l : amount: speed: lhe lransier of one’s
`business or olone's domestic belongings from one location or
`from some of the posterior patttt of the be
`to l e idncys
`renal poi-tat vain n ‘.l. : one or the portal veins citnfitnfiIblclod
`dwelling house to another : Move b archaic : the act of re-
`in most lower vertebrates and Including tI-,-p_ ally two trunks
`Iquving : horse‘s shot: to dress the hoof
`I; nn‘r : a change at
`dishes durin ' a meal
`tl Brit : promotion oi a pond to the
`vein but enlarncd or lance 3‘ replaced by branches from the
`formed one for each kidnef by the bifurcation of this caudal
`next form
`a : a dtslance [as a space, time. or divergence of
`State) separating one
`son or thin: from another : distance
`or veins in birds 1 at originate like. the rcnal_porta_l will: a!
`hind limbs inImanfi oi the hicher icrnis 3 : either of a pair
`lower [ox-Ins but
`as; through the comspondinz kidney and
`.1 art or awa- (at a spill on upon the same. plattomi was :in
`cntcr the lemol’afl vein without breaking into capillaries in
`the kidney
`slight ~ [rout
`the personaI—Rit'hard Wilbur)
`b (l)
`t a
`o tin: «Ant .rose Bier-2:} £th pat-ms .
`. work best at a
`degree distant (as in derwnttmi_or rt
`tionshipl : a Icrade or
`renal splanchnle nerve at
`: either of :It pair at Sympathetic
`stauc oi separation irom Ihc inime
`e or direct
`t a step
`nerves that arise from the lower ganglia oi the sympathetic
`Itpttrt or away (such a popular soup.
`simply repeats. at
`chain and cod It! the renal plexus and. the lower part oi the
`many ~r. It motif of the conventional
`trier of thc courtly
`lover —R.A.l-iitll b.19l1) (a primary and intense experience
`. Which men at best know only at second N —.\rl.F.A.
`substance (as glucose; in the blood ts prevent
`reshold t2 : the concentration level“?- to which it
`Montage) — compare FIRSTHAND (23 : a degree of lineal
`through the kidneys ititn the urine
`coasaIristiIn y :
`ii generation removed (Onl)‘_t|l one ~ irom
`renal vein at
`l any oi the veins that return the blood tron. the
`kidneys to the vena cava being in man one from each lridncy
`the villager —G.M.Trevelvitn) (the sixteen sire lines .
`that tannins raceli
`sea at the. inurtli ~ — Dennis Craig)
`:Intl lyin in front oi the renal arteries
`('lrt':+\ tar [N- -fr Home] : IcI name :li‘ In or anew
`a rib: : Answer e - u intermediate inrcn between two Others
`in an English school
`IB-llnrt-l-nn \ra'nanian\ mil. urn esp [Joseph
`rnest anmt
`removeaartilfr. past art. of tremors] 1 a : drain: I" degree
`11892 '
`phllcllofjsl and historian + E «'th : of or (claims
`oi relnttunshto
`h o a eotfsbr
`t belonnilut to a generation
`to the
`erIirh philotoeist and historian Ernest Renan or 16
`separated iIrom the oropostliis by :i nit-cit degree of lineal
`sembltnjt his thought or style
`consanguinity : til a younger or older generation -— used iIi
`te-nard-tte \ré'tilir.f.|it\ ti -s [E ir. AI
`nse Francois Renard
`law only oi cousins at It you liner Deneriiliun (a second cousin’s
`11903 Belts. mloyst + F die] : a muteral Pb{UO;J.(PDtJ:—
`alternating periods at abaterttent ttnd oi increase of symptoms
`(a ~ lever — ratiiiltttonltly an»
`itemltlertt "\ r: -s : aI rcmttterit lever
`-ltl-a{r}. -It:-\ a —s [man 4— -«I-r [as In cmrrll
`he principle or operation at law by which il_p¢l'_aon who
`obtains possess:an olproperty under :- defeat-we title It placed
`in the same legal position as If he had entered under some prmr
`and more valid III"! which he also holds 2 : an act remitting a
`person to a former status or a mum to Itrtothur court
`:zemttter \“\ n .s Immu- + -t-.-. agent. suffix] :ulle that lemlls',
`r rel] : one that sends a remittance
`re-mit-Ij-tur \IB'midvad-a{r}\ n -.s [L. it Is sent back. mauled.
`3d sing. pres.
`indie. pass. at rtlriti'irrre to_send back. remit]
`1 ll: :3 remission to a defendant by a plaintsif of the
`rtton of
`a verdict ior damascs considered excessive by tri_al or a -
`pellatc court
`I: t the iormal acreerneiit or stipulation of _t ie
`plaintiif waivinn or releasinls his right to receive such pnrtion
`reoresentirtls the excessive damaaes
`c t the. direction or order
`at the court approving such stipulation and induJitent for the
`reasonable portion of damages or ortlIcrin a new trIIal nnlcss
`such remission is made by the plain ii
`I : asendtnt': back
`from iin appellate or superior to a t
`or inferror Icourt of a
`case and its record for further pmceedlnca (as additional [Ind-
`iniss oi iactl or ior ent
`oi a final inclement iti accordance With
`or the decision oi the appellate or superior court
`sit-mix \L'ire—\ vb [rr- T mix] : to this again
`Ireai-nant \‘remnont\ it -s (ME. contr. of retardant. fr. MP.
`tr. ores. part. Lit remrnotr. rnriorioi'r to be left. remain — more
`at letlh'] 1 t a usu. small part. member. or trace remaining
`(her ralber sweet expression .. . was the only 5» oi a iormcr
`Dreitiiiess —Osbert Sitwell)
`"OC‘tl‘lStDlllll erosion “vs stand
`above the general
`lurid surlace_ —P.G.Worcestcr)
`MnanRR. REST (more at ease dorms the "v til
`the London
`season —G.B.Shitw) (the ship came up and the ~ on theI boat
`the "vs of :t camp tsroun that hadIsuifercd misfortune —C_I. 3.
`were saved —
`.Carttoro) : sutwivort —oIfu-.n used “I pl.
`orde} the crumbled "vs at it business section —AiIrtt'r. nutrit-
`resort) 2 tap unsold or unused cm! at piece uouus
`3 01m: ctr]!
`:t_ yttmr'tly of Israel preserved by Goal
`the: Calamitth visued tIpOttjlle metal to become the nucleus
`M a new and holy EDmKI’lPlIIIIy
`‘anam \"\ a!!! humid. [influenced by 'rcrrirituit} oi MF
`rcmermrlt, pres. part. oi "mi-nun to be left] : yet leit : Itt‘
`MAINlNIfi {always thereat‘ter . . . would entry In his heart some
`remman .al \(‘treni'nam’l\ any : or the nature til a remnant
`~ twins? or d. grace —Ilernard Derto}
`i‘f tre. T modal] :
`to model anew
`:RZEDNNI'IUCT 5?“ sec new:
`: one that m.
`rmfioteher or ra.ihod.et.ler \«l('ita[r)\ It
`multitude Hit- of neuouuoe
`te-moitt \ 'JrE c\ H [u- + man: to mold again <~tng the
`world lot e heart‘s desire —-HJ.Mul|cr)
`ratiaaitetlzattcm \CJrE-I- \ n [remmtert'ct' + anion]: the act 0!
`retmoitetlze \t‘nr-+ \ rrlnr- + monetize] : to restore. to use as
`legal tcnder tr-u silver)
`re-Iaanvstmnco \rs'mltnttlstnn Us.
`to -\ u -5
`rcrrrwtsrrrr to remonstrau.‘ (fr.
`L reiIIonsrrrIrIr) + «one: -—
`more at nLuONs‘rnn’rtll 1 aIri'rrl'Ioic : a written or spoken
`I'cI-Irewntatinn or demonstratinnIoIl a matter
`an earnest
`presentation oi reasons in opposition to soingtluu
`_ U : a
`document IorIitally stati n points oi opposition or grievance
`2 «(clinic : a demonst
`lion or manifestation of a fact or
`finality : moor. EVIDENCE 3 : an act or instance oi reluon-
`stratinu : EKPUS‘IL‘LJIHON {a
`Ian that provoked violent. w)
`uubtlul oitside
`awarded -- .A.A.rmstrong)
`3!“: vocilerous we at ti loot all team's sup
`rtcrs wlieti a
`rallitmslraitcar n -s alien mp [Mmmsl’rmcr + «:1 tab:
`Ire-mon-atraut \-ant\ it
`-.s [M]. remorisrrrivrt-. retainer-malts.
`It. ore-s. part. at romtmsrmrt' to remonstrale] 1 i one w_ho
`remosisuates: .1 cf . urn (W : one of 116 ministers of Arniinian
`views who In
`addressed a re
`nstrance to the States
`General oi' Holland and West h 'and cantainintt
`articles which set
`forth their differences
`from the strict
`Calvinists and which were enrtdcnincd by the Synod oi Dorl
`in low when the remonstratittg Intnistcrs were removed front
`their ministry—compare MtMlh'lAlc'lliM a...“ cup : a member
`at a xmali Antiinjan sect in Holland duritrtttg ironi
`the Re-
`tlionsttants oi lt’ilO
`iremoristraitt \"\ mil [in sense. I. fr. ‘fefllclrlurtmf; in sense 2.
`it. ML rrntortsrrtirrt-. reritarisrmnt. pres. part. DI rrmmirlmrc]
`1 urn can :ol or relau'nu to the ltemons'trauLs 2 : vigorously
`outer:th or opposing: tnalurut a protest : ItFMONS‘ntATINtJ (a
`quality urgent. piercinitly ~ in those quacks ~0wen Witter}
`ta-mon-stl'ant-IS adv :
`in a rentonstrant mariner
`tendon-strata \rt'manltlstrat
`rE’- sometimes 'rcmanct- or
`. urn -ad-+V\ vb
`f—s [ML rmronsrmus.
`Past [3- t . of rcniomlrare to potn nu . demonstrate. it. L re-
`+ moms-nan to show — tnore lll Mus-rec] vi 1 uh: : to aim
`out : DEMONHFMIE 2 ob: '
`to call attention in {an a
`0,? prom:
`: to say or plead in prmest._repmot.. ‘Pr tippij
`walls. or aggrievins conditiont by way of eensure,mmp|arnt.
`non ~ ii :
`to present and urgc reasons in opposittun {as to
`an act. measure. or
`roceedings] : EKMH'ULATE (no with It
`pcrstirt repair-line his
`bits) syn sce oarECr
`[reliant-norm (pres, part.
`remmurolt‘] + 41'
`: in a remniistraimg way
`N-mtm-Slfll-tlon \.rE.mlln‘strfislirIn,
`a ‘5 LMIS. it. MB or ML; Ml" remnnsrmrlon.l
`if! I
`-ion! : the
`mortar». rrraonsrrn'fto. fr. remnmrmnrr J.- l. -r'nri
`act or an Instance oi remonstra
`H5 : Pacitzs‘r
`re-niniI-atratttvo \rd'maumsu
`-\ mi; [rcnwnrrriire .l-I 4m]
`: liava the character of
`rcuiunstrance : expressing a
`Nmonstrance — re-iunn.stra-flvc-ty \-d-ME\ adv
`W'mcn'Eu‘l‘mr \‘l‘lr‘lfnflrfiltfi n -s [remoastra'te + -or]
`: one that renionstrates
`roman-airman.” \-(t)stra.ttlrc\ ml; ("momma + 4.9.]
`Ira-mon-mnt \ré'niant’nt. rT- -Iant\ all; IF. jit.. rising again.
`ll'. Plea. Ditrt. oi remorrt'rr to remount} : I‘IOwering again (~
`roses} (a W plant}
`mien-tab arremton-te
`\:rcn.m-:t.var\ r: -s [F rerirorirol'r
`itamanlant \"\ a -s : a hmnd perpetual rose
`device for vvderI
`clocks. ir. rvmamrr to terminal. rewind —
`more at antral.th : a device to give. a uniform imnqu to a
`pendulum or balance
`\‘reruarn rt
`ll... delay. DcheMId (Ir.
`a supposed
`abdity to delay shipel. fr. rrmomrf to delay-.11. Ire —l morriri' to
`_— more at MURATOK'] 1 a -s : any of several hiiihly
`sprcialuteu fol-es constitutinl: Ethan's and various related
`genera [order DlmceobaLil. having the anter'mr dons
`converted into an uwtl transversely Ianizllate suetoria drsc
`on the top of the head. by means oi which the adhere firmly
`to sharks and other l-trse iIishIes and to shi
`ut are able to
`let no at wdl. tind being IJIstributed throng out tropical and
`wanu temperate seas — called also shark sucker. snrtt‘ngjlsh
`II can : an im ortant genus of such iishes 2 -
`ti }
`“gal holds hat:
`or delays : cum. hum — mm-a-rid \-ra.l{
`re-ruord \rd'nlo{o]rd\ W [ME rrmnrn'rir to ali'lict with remorse.
`lr. MF rrrirurii'I-e. ir. L remnrdFrc to bite attain. vex — more at
`kEMokSI'r] archaic t AI'FLIICT
`te-mtlm \rd'molnhs. rt". vntalfi ti -s [ME rel-atom. remorse.
`in HF rrrrwrs. fr. ML rt'marurs. lr. L. act oi biting again, it.
`"mortar. oasIt part. of remnm'fie to bite again. veit
`it. re- -l-
`mngtIFJ-ir to bite — more at SWIle 1 a i a
`aw 5', distress
`arming [font a sense of Built [or [last wrongs as injuries done
`to others] : sne—asramcn (hour A ior sermon tinies spent
`In daydream —Rose Macaulay) {left a twinzc oi ~ ior
`hame heertI so bmsquc)
`It i an attack of remorse
`2 abs
`: syn-Pathetic sorrow : Honk—Emit
`{I obs : a lessening or
`break III a process or action 4 coir : a solemn obligation
`Sim $9: l'l'errexcn
`Kerle'SE-Ilfl \-Sf9|\ dd} [Writchg + dirt] 1 : sprin 'ng from
`or characterized by remorse (a w confession) 2 o .r
`: trust-
`l‘mIONaTE — re-morsa-lnl-ly \‘ialE. Ah\ udv — rte-more»
`ial-itaaa n -I:s