`Mylan et al. v. AstraZeneca


`Commercial Success Expert Witness Experience
`For the Brand
`Against the Brand
`orexo A3 and orexo us’ inc”
`v. Actavis Elizabeth LLC.
`— United States District Court for
`The DISH,-Ci of Deiqwore
`Horizon Pharma AG and
`Jagotec AG v. Watson
`Laboratories, Inc., - Florida,
`Actavis Pharma, lnc., Andrx
`Corporation and ACiClViS, inc.
`— United States District Court for
`the District of New Jersey
`Coalition for Affordable Drugs
`‘'1' “C V" C‘."”"°
`Technologies, Ltd.
`— United States Patent and
`Trademark Office Before the
`Patent Trial and Appeal
`Amneal Pharmaceuticals, LLC
`v. Endo Pharmaceuticals, inc.
`— United States Patent and
`Trademark Office Before the
`Patent THC” Cmd Appeal


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`IA :I.-autumn tum;
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`I-‘IILL i’|l.E‘.5("RlBl.VG INFIJIM-l‘I1DN
`fiallrmul ID SSMSH
`HIlI'lI|I:I ID: 312%‘:
`bum-mumgn1uau—-m-,nx-um lcnpuzllig
`disc!-am: K.UMB.|(.'IL.l'£L NJ!
`ll yuwlun IIIJIHIIIIH; Ilnlhdupr
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`mm !\rrI'umII1 upumurlnn-r known:
`I] Ian-an u nuupmd
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`l'm.|-nnl pl" £ Haimmm um I
`vuurnrn B“ ha-
`Muuuullamslquaulruauiwhwhhlh \‘.‘.
`Piufimmm In ll- HI-ilhw I-dd-III
`I-I II1l|III3ri-lIal- Id-1-In III
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`uugirpuu I:-I-wnl
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`unmtnua-: I-1' mun. my 1': run-mi
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`c--urn: nn|_nnu«=IuaInunnulu~Ai|-ughpnnhnnhoplueaurlllaulnd
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`min In nnpilyl-m-. dwI.uJ-an. -I. sufndnunu in mnl1|.un-r In
`nulaun huh: «I -ulanlluldl PI-nu-I1-r I-1c-nun-rlitlmi-|Iil.1'lF.!
`DER. mm M: mun L-mafia-I mm mm: I‘||'I||I|I1lIr M-minwull
`an-avunum and wall: IJlcI'nuneI¢=InII-u|Ib.urdLI-but-_ ii, :._I.
`mm; l)fl\'l Inluhmn L>I1-In an: |u-Hcuulnc I-I-uarclrjxl
`p-I-n-Ldnuaamnu--ml |rappwpuI= |§.HI
`lihcnnnrrunfiur tumuur ‘Io uulnnn mlau at Irnmnn-ulu
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`Plliflfillnr-IIII:-Ilwunmnuuna-ur H
`mm na-cu-rn-m-mun. -.\---tnwmwnlmii -nrdlalu
`nlnlnca-annual; mu nup|IuH-nenduIh|lu1InIu=|“u-
`raw-H-3 "Ir! I-Ian-an Lrrw-M-Mrnlnm-n. v¢.hn»Jn1n.ILL>
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`Luann: nnqupumau-u‘. m :3 nq-mun u-pa-an nu. |A1nu
`null: nlntnunrmlo nui umunuq hum.-nu-an-Isl n.'. :. ‘ ‘.-
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`Mnfifilflll-n.g|nEh‘u|.l-khan": sun ‘.1!
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`-q-rrnn -n'I
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`I'|'I.I. lIiHIl3l.\l¢'1‘|¥DI.\(lI.'l'l'|‘I:K|2Wl-'I.‘i'I‘I-‘
`VI IIHING: Lil"lIl M fills
`I I'll!!! +\IIII\n.u'III\u-1
`2| Inn..-n-aunt-nu
`Zilh-up \.h-an-nun uunhu-n.-ruin I-and In-qt 'n'F1.v\-I-1
`.‘ u-nuiur-an I. no -an uni:-4|:-H-and-iuIuuIl| um-Malum
`J nuuu mum nu-mw.~um\
`I r1>\1'I..u!.'nu' nutm-
`S I-|I.1ll?U!aJ.'|v3 I"IIIl'.\1'lIl\I
`‘I last: M-l-r
`SJ Anuuaulllflififikn
`Iuhml huh!
`I I-his
`.L .
`I I8


`Doctor Discussion Guide
`...- _n.._.n.
`_ T
`j j
`T _
`THE rnrormauhn is intended In: its cousuarrers only
`U za
`orig y
`Parlltaplmg .n
`um and Immi-
`Snwnn Prunrn
`Get ready for your doctor appointment-
`ynur input is important.
`'4':--«:nI-g, i-.-.1 lvlilfill-IE5 .-5 :u. in-mu.-r:r-~I L-an -1i rum; .1 I1-$IZu$k'.F-'-II'|Tt|1I'Duf-1rrC[f-I
`T953-_v|h2: go; :11 d‘.-3151'.‘ [T 5 l:=_3|rI!'1|
`lilo‘. : tits‘. !nI pJ.I Ask your iluclnr rl
`IIHIEQYEI. 1151 [-9 the -u;.~.r r);tl-Tr lrrr Km
`Haw DNGLYZA has bu-rr shown to hqlp
`ONGLYZA has been tested in multiple clinical studies including thousands of
`nmwrdmw adult patients with type 2 diabetes. in all of these studies, ONGLYZA in addition
`to diet and exercise has been shown to lower A10. Your results may vary.
`next doctor visit.
`PTX—2272 at 1
`What is ONGLYZA?
`|Ir'L-I nu‘-:I-on:-.1320
`‘ "
`" '
`|£I5t“.(-l'.-lw'_‘|' I.I..c-J‘ 'mi'eI ..-.g-:|l.In. a.;1'- -
`or l‘.I.'|be|.'. 'A.=:-.'aI.u:la.=.i.=. I.nL'rr::sefl lair! ... l: .'r.r D|lH.‘d l.'-' urlnrl
`-.1I l.:'-:In'I'
`-I K-II have 3 *II,*~:rLi1.r-1:2 cl getting |;arIr.'I5a-’r'..': A-|u5+= lalun; DN|a'1TI'Ji.
`||l':|.‘.91||T|Ei“.Il| IJI HIE |..:III'.'e:'I§ |lIE'I
`Who should nnt take DHGLYZA?
`|IL't- ur 1HJIInl ml‘?-\'.di!'p
`'||nI'r I-‘II luil '.N£v||II-i :31 iii: Tau:
`-IL Ir-pIeCII'II1: Sl.“l|'.'-.|‘.- :l|'I-I gll. |'P3r.5|||'rF'-'. ran -'||i|' 1--1|I \I|H5|J'IJ. .L=\fl
`'DNC'.‘!£|"~ I‘ WI; .r=-: ="|L.-lglc I:-:I is-‘Ir lI'-
`-.w.iIi-wm: nr !rrP:1'.'IIrI; w-I|III,'_ ::-1 the 'l_|.|l|
`I‘-n!"a. ':-.521
`-1r.i'.n;_ 1|.m!:;,_ r--'
`:.‘ \‘lm l'.a..Ir=. ’l'-4.-sr-. :11'.1|'a.'rr-i
`:TU|'l-‘i7riIiT|E UN Gl‘l'I-in and :bfliflcHL'»1Irdid'.T|=l will INN
`Ruse see flripmfanfiafaeylafonwzlah-nonpagu I
`Stick here Jar fll'm':a-hon &m'da.1mi cinch my lnr Ml firunbm lnlamamn

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