`111111111111111 111111111111 11111111 1111 111111 1111111111111111111
`Exhibit 1114
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`Exhibit 1114
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`Exhibit 1114
`Page 002
`dual-tone multifrequency pulsing
`sion of two tones, one from a low-frequency and one from a
`high-frequency group. Each of these groups consists of four
`voiceband frequency tones no two of which are harmonically
`related. Only 12 of the 16 combinations are currently in use
`for customer address signaling.
`(COM) 820-1984r
`(2) An address signaling method for PTS using 16 pairs of
`frequencies to represent digits and other characters. Although
`it is most commonly used by a station set to signal into a
`switching system, it may be used for signaling from a local
`switching system to another system for certain services. The
`DTMF codes are pairs of frequencies, each consisting of one
`out of four frequencies from a low group and one out of three
`or four frequencies from a mutually exclusive higher group.
`Performance· is measured as tolerances for each frequency
`signaling level twist and timing.
`(COM) 973-1990w
`dual-tone multifrequency pulsing (telephone switching sys(cid:173)
`tems) A means. of pulsing utilizing a simultaneous combi(cid:173)
`nation of one of a lower group of frequencies and one of a
`higher group of frequencies to represent each digit or char(cid:173)
`(COM) 312-1977w
`dubbing (electroacoustics) A term used to describe the com(cid:173)
`bining of two or more sources of sound into a complete re(cid:173)
`cording at least one of the sources being a recording. See also:
`phonograph pickup; rerecording.
`(SP) [32]
`duck tape Tape of heavy cotton fabric, such as duck or drill,
`that may be impregnated with an asphalt, rubber, or synthetic
`(PE/T&D) [10]
`duct (1) A single enclosed raceway for conductors or cable.
`(NESC/T&D) C2-1997
`(2) (underground electric systems) A single enclosed run(cid:173)
`way for conductors or cables.
`(PE/T&D) [10]
`duct bank (conduit run) An arrangement of conduit providing
`one or more continuous ducts between two points. Note: An
`underground runway for conductors or cables, large enough
`for workmen to pass through, is termed a gallery or tunnel.
`(PE/T&D) [10]
`duct edge fair-lead (cable shield) A collar or thimble, usually
`flared, inserted at the duct entrance in a manhole for the pur(cid:173)
`pose of protecting the cable sheath or insulation from being
`worn away by the duct edge.
`(PE/T&D) [10], [4]
`duct entrance The opening of a duct at a manhole, distributor
`box, or other accessible space.
`(PE/T&D) [10]
`ductility factor (seismic design of substations) The ratio of the
`maximum displacement (ultimate) to the displacement that
`corresponds to initiation of the yielding.
`(PE/SUB) 693-1984r
`ducting (1) (radio-wave propagation) Guided propagation of
`radio waves inside a tropospheric radio duct. See also: at(cid:173)
`mospheric radio duct.
`(AP) 211-1990
`(2) Confinement of near-horizontally directed electromag(cid:173)
`netic waves to a restricted horizontal layer in the atmosphere,
`resulting from a sufficiently steep negative vertical gradient
`of the refractive index in a limited altitude region. Note: The
`region of steep gradient is not necessarily identical to the
`dimensions of the duct. Synonym: trapping or superrefraction.
`(AE) 686-1990w
`duct rodding (rodding a duct) The threading of a duct by
`means of a jointed rod of suitable design for the purpose of
`pulling in the cable-pulling rope, mandrel, or the cable itself.
`(PE/T&D) [10]
`duct sealing The closing of the dtict entrance for the purpose
`of excluding water, gas, or other undesirable substances.
`(PE/T&D) [10]
`duct spacer (rotating machinery) (vent finger) A spacer be(cid:173)
`tween adjacent packets of laminations to provide a radial ven(cid:173)
`tilating duct.
`(PE) [9]
`duct system A continuous passageway for the transmission of
`air which, in addition to ducts, may include duct fittings,
`dampers, plemums, fans, and accessory air handling equip(cid:173)
`(NEC/NESC) [86]
`duct ventilated (pipe ventilated) (rotating machinery) A term
`applied to apparatus that is so constructed that a cooling gas
`(PE) [9]
`can be conveyed to or from it through ducts.
`DUI See: duration of unscheduled interrupt.
`dumb terminal A terminal that can only send and receive in(cid:173)
`formation; that is, one that is lacking in local processing ca(cid:173)
`pability and built-in logic. Contrast: intelligent terminal.
`(C) 610.10-1994
`dumbwaiter A hoisting and lowering mechanism equipped with
`a car that moves in guides in a substantially vertical direction,
`the floor area of which does not exceed 9 square feet, whose
`total inside height whether or not provided with fixed or re(cid:173)
`movable shelves does not exceed 4 feet, the capacity of which
`does not exceed 500 pounds, and which is used exclusively
`for carrying materials.
`(EEC/PE) [119]
`dummy (1) Pertaining to a nonfunctioning item used to satisfy
`some format or logic requirement or to fulfill prescribed con(cid:173)
`ditions. For example, a dummy report containing only titles
`and column headings with place-holding data instead of real
`(C) 610.5-1990
`(2) (A) Pertaining to a nonfuctional item used to satisfy some
`format or logic requirement or to fulfill prescribed conditions.
`See also: dummy address; dummy instruction. (B) Pertaining
`to an item such as a character, data item or statement that has
`the appearance of a specified item, but not the capacity to
`function as such. Synonym: placeholder.
`(C) 610.10-1994
`dummy address A nonfunctional address used for illustration
`or instruction purposes.
`(C) 610.10-1994
`dummy antenna A device that has the necessary impedance
`characteristics of an antenna and the necessary power-han(cid:173)
`dling capabilities, but that does not radiate or receive radio
`waves. Note: In receiver practice, that portion of the imped(cid:173)
`ance not included in the signal generator is often called
`dummy antenna. See also: radio receiver.
`dummy-antenna system An electric network that simulates the
`impedance characteristics of an antenna system. See also:
`(AE) 173-1959w
`dummy coil (rotating machinery) A coil that is not required
`electrically in a winding, but that is installed for mechanical
`reasons and left unconnected. See also: rotor; stator.
`(PE) [9]
`dummy data Data that is used to satisfy some format or logic
`requirement or to fulfill prescribed conditions. For example,
`an artificial character used as a placeholder variable within a
`(C) 610.5-1990
`dummy finger A passive electrode that may be included in an
`interdigital transducer in order to suppress wavefront distor(cid:173)
`(UFFC) 1037-1992
`dummy instruction (A) An item of data, in the form of an
`instruction, that requires modification before being executed.
`Synonyms: do-nothing instruction; no-op instruction. (B) An
`item of data, in the form of an instruction, that is inserted into
`a sequence of instructions, but that is not intended to be ex(cid:173)
`(C) 610.10-1994
`dummy load (radio transmission) A dissipative but essentially
`nonradiating substitute device having impedance character(cid:173)
`istics simulating those of the substituted device. See also:
`artificial load; radio transmission.
`(IM) [ 40]
`dummy parameter See: formal parameter.
`dump (1) (A) (computers) To copy the contents of all or part
`of a storage,usually from an internal storage into an external
`storage. (B) (computers) A process as in definition (A).
`(C) (computers) The data resulting from the process as in
`definition (A). See also: dynamic dump; selective dump;
`snapshot dump; static dump.
`(MIL) [2]
`(2) (A) (software) A display of some aspect of a computer
`program's execution state, usually the contents of internal
`storage or registers. Types include change dump, dynamic
`dump, meni.ory dump, postmortem dump, selective dump,
`snapshot dump; static dump. (B) (software) A display of the
`contents of a file or device. (C) (software) To copy the con(cid:173)
`tents of internal storage to an external medium. (D) (soft(cid:173)
`ware) To produce a display or copy as in definitions (A), (B),
`or (C).
`(C) 610.12-1990
`Exhibit 1114
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