`------------------------------x IPR2015-01264
`BUNGIE, INC., : IPR2015-01268
` Petitioner, : IPR2015-01269
` v. : IPR2015-01319
`WORLDS INC. : IPR2015-01321
` Patent Owner. : IPR2015-01325
` Thursday, July 23, 2015
` 1:00 p.m.
`Job No. 88424
`Pages: 1 - 40
`Reported by: Carrie LaMontagne, CSR
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on July 23, 2015
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 500
` McLean, Virginia 22102
` (571) 765-7700
` 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
` Seattle, Washington 98104
` (206) 883-2529
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on July 23, 2015
` A P P E A R A N C E S C O N T I N U E D
` 600 Dulany Street
` Alexandria, Virginia 22314
` (571) 272-1000
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on July 23, 2015
`Exhibit 1 Activision Software Publishing 12
` and Development Agreement
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on July 23, 2015
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Good afternoon. This is a
`conference call for IPR 2015-1264, 1286, 1269, 1319,
`1321, and 1325 Bungie, Inc. versus Worlds, Inc. This
`is Judge Kerry Begley. With me on the line are Judges
`Karl Easthom and Jason Chung.
` Who do we have on the line for petitioner?
` MR. ROSATO: Good afternoon, your Honor,
`this is Mike Rosato for the petitioner. I have with
`me -- I should have co-counsel on the line,
`Matt Argenti.
` MR. ARGENTI: Confirming that I'm here.
` MR. ROSATO: And Andy Brown, as well, an
`associate who works with us.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Who is Mr. Brown?
` MR. ROSATO: Andy Brown is an associate at
`my law firm.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Okay. Thank you.
` Who is on the line for patent owner Worlds Inc.?
` MR. HELGE: Good afternoon, your Honor,
`Wayne Helge here for patent owner, Worlds Inc., and we
`do have a court reporter on the call as well, your
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`Honor. Perhaps, for the court reporter's information,
`I might ask if I could clarify the spelling of each
`judge's name.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Sure. It's Kerry, K-E-R-R-Y,
`Begley, B-E-G-L-E-Y, Karl Easthom, K-A-R-L,
`E-A-S-T-H-O-M, and Jason Chung, J-A-S-O-N, C-H-U-N-G.
` MR. HELGE: Thank you.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Patent owner, did you provide
`the court reporter?
` MR. HELGE: I did, your Honor, yes.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Okay. Can you provide a copy
`of the transcript on purpose as an exhibit.
` MR. HELGE: Yeah, I certainly can, your
`Honor. I presume it would be as part of a notice?
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Well, you can file it as an
`exhibit, and you can include a notice explaining that
`it's a transcript of the call.
` MR. HELGE: Okay. Thank you, your Honor.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: We scheduled a call to
`discuss patent owner's request for authorization to
`file motions for a routine or additional discovery.
`So -- because patent owner is seeking authorization to
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`file the motion, we'll start by hearing from patent
` Can you start by explaining specifically what
`the discovery you're seeking.
` MR. HELGE: Certainly, your Honor. I can --
`at some point it may make sense to go through a bit of
`the facts to indicate why this discovery is
`appropriate and what we already have to show that this
`discovery would be focused, useful, and in the
`interest of justice.
` Specifically, the discovery that we are looking
`for in terms of routine discovery in the petitions,
`the petitioner identified only Bungie, Inc., as a
`real party in interest; and we have a document, a
`publicly available document, which is a contract
`between Bungie and Activision, Activision Publishing,
`showing that actually Bungie is not the sole real
`party in interest, and under routine discovery we
`would be entitled to documents showing -- or
`documents that reflect the position contrary to what
`petitioner has stated in the petition.
` And so we would be seeking documents related to
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`the use of Activision's development advances, the use
`of funding provided by Activision to Bungie for the
`purpose of developing the Destiny game products that
`was intended for all development of those products,
`including legal reviews related to IP analysis and IP
` We would also be looking for documents related
`to Activision's review or opportunity to review and
`approve Bungie's legal reviews related to IP issues.
`And both of these funding issues and control issues
`come directly from the terms of that contract between
`Bungie and Activision.
` Thirdly, we would be looking for a copy of a
`change of control agreement which was identified in
`this contract between Bungie and Activision. The
`contract that exists between these two entities that
`we have in our possession from 2010 generally lays
`out very tight restrictions on Bungie's ability to
`change its control, but the parties also agreed to
`enter into a future change of control agreement, and
`that document is identified in our contract that we
`have in our possession. We think it would be easily
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`identifiable, a very low burden to the parties, and
`should be provided to give us the terms on which
`Bungie is subject to Activision's control and
`management perspective.
` Fourth, we would be looking for any claims for
`indemnification of the Worlds' patents from
`Activision to Bungie. We have a notice dated
`November 13, 2014, in which litigation counsel for
`Worlds identified to Activision that the Destiny game
`would be added to the litigation. And so we're
`looking for documents either before that date or
`after that date where there's actually a claim for
`indemnification between these two parties, Activision
`and Bungie, pursuant to their agreement.
` We also believe that the documents that we're
`asking for should include communications such as
`e-mails, you know, if that's how the communications
`were performed. And to the extent that petitioner
`believes that these documents would be privileged, we
`are certainly happy to receive a privilege log, and
`we believe a privilege log would be the appropriate
`way to claim that privilege and not simply to say
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`we're withholding all documents based on privilege.
`So we would like, specifically, a privilege log
`showing dates, sender, receiver, and a very brief
`description of the document being withheld.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Okay. You are listing more
`categories of documents than you've included in your
`e-mail to the board from yesterday. So can you
`explain the third and fourth categories of documents
`that you're looking for, the change of control
`agreement and the notice of indemnification, in a
`little bit more detail because those don't seem to be
`reflected in your e-mail.
` MR. HELGE: Absolutely, your Honor.
` The change of control agreements, I can tell
`you, the way that this agreement between Activision
`and Bungie is laid out, there was a restriction on
`change of control in this agreement. Section 18 of
`this agreement says that Activision shall have a
`right of approval which can be withheld in
`Activision's sole discretion over any change in
`control of licensor, who is Bungie.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Sorry to interrupt you.
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` MR. HELGE: Certainly.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: You said that the contract is
`publicly available and you're referring to specific
`terms of contract. I think it would be helpful for
`the panel to have it in front of us. Is there
`somewhere that we can access it?
` MR. HELGE: There absolutely is, your Honor.
`I can pull it up. It's a website from the L.A. Times.
`I just need to get to that website here. This website
`is -- this website is, forward
`slash, Bungie, B-U-N-G-I-E, hyphen, Activision,
`hyphen, contract, forward slash.
` MR. HELGE: And this is -- the title is L.A.
`Times Data Desk on the website. It shows a document,
`Bungie Activision contract. This was a contract --
`according to the L.A. Times and according to the
`document, it was a contract produced during
`litigation, during -- with Activision and some of its
`former employees. And as I understand it, the
`Los Angeles Superior Court -- or the superior court in
`California ordered the document to be unsealed and so
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`it was published on the L.A. Times website.
` The page that I'm specifically looking at is
`page 24. So within the viewer of this website, we
`can scroll down to page 24 and see what I'm referring
`to specifically.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Okay. Just -- I think we can
`use the website for purpose of the call, but is there
`a PDF available that you could put in the record.
`Since it seems like this contract is going to be the
`main basis of the call, I think it would be helpful if
`the panel was able to refer to it in any order that it
`issues from the call.
` MR. HELGE: Certainly, your Honor. I have a
`PDF that we created based on this website. We've
`taken these pages from this website and created a
`27-page PDF that we believe accurately reflects what's
`shown in this website. I'm happy to provide that as
`an exhibit.
` (Patent Owner's Exhibit Number 1 marked for
`identification purposes and made part of the record.)
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Thank you.
` You can continue with explaining the change of
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` MR. HELGE: Thank you, your Honor.
` So looking at section 18 which is entitled
`"Approval of Change of Control, slash, Board Observer
`Right," section 18.1 discusses -- the first sentence
`generally discusses the time period that they're
`talking about with the change of control
` And beginning on the third line in the section
`18.1 after the comma, I will read:
` "Activision shall have a right of
` approval, which such approval may be
` withheld in Activision's sole discretion
` over any change in control of licensor."
` Then it proceeds to define "change of control"
`for the purpose of this agreement.
` Skipping a few lines down then, after that
`definition, the following sentence states, and I'll
`read it here again, "The parties shall enter into a
`change of control agreement by no later than March,
`31, 2011," in which case we have additional terms
`that are going to restrict Bungie's ability to change
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`its management or change its control subject to
`Activision's discretion or review.
` So we're seeking that change of control
`agreement that was entered into between these two
` MR. HELGE: Section 18.2 also discusses --
` MR. ROSATO: Your Honor --
` MR. HELGE: -- Activision's right to put a
`nonvoting person on the board of directors of Bungie.
`So what we see here through the scheme of this
`agreement in the section 18 is that Activision has
`potentially tight control over Bungie and an
`opportunity to influence its management decisions.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Okay. Do you have any
`evidence other than this contract that you believe
`shows that Activision is an RPI in this case?
` MR. HELGE: Your Honor, I think the
`contract, in terms of the various clauses in here,
`show very clearly that Activision has an opportunity
`to control Bungie and Bungie's efforts in filing --
`preparation and filing of the IPR petitions. What
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`we're seeking here is evidence of actual control --
` JUDGE BEGLEY: I'm sorry to interrupt.
` (Simultaneous speaking.)
` MR. HELGE: -- we put before the board, I
`don't have any more right now.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: That was the question. So
`you don't have any evidence other than that contract
`right now?
` MR. HELGE: That is right, your Honor.
` MR. HELGE: Your Honor, may I clarify one
` MR. HELGE: When you say "evidence," I also
`have a document. I mentioned earlier, the document
`from Worlds' litigation counsel to Activision
`indicating that the game Destiny, which is the subject
`of this contract, would be added to the litigation,
`and I believe that would be other evidence.
` It's not evidence that we expect to be in
`Bungie's possession, but it is evidence to show that
`the Destiny game was at least provided as notice to
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`Activision that Destiny would be subject to the
` JUDGE BEGLEY: This is -- what kind of
`document is this?
` MR. HELGE: This is a letter Worlds'
`litigation counsel to Activision's litigation counsel.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Okay. Was Destiny actually
`added to the litigation?
` MR. HELGE: Your Honor, my understanding is
`that it has not been added to the litigation; however,
`that letter provides notice that triggers the
`obligations of this contract. And so what that letter
`serves purpose of is tying Activision, which is the
`nonparty to these petitions, to the petitions.
` It ties their -- it triggers Bungie's
`obligations, but it ties Activision's litigation and
`Activision's interest in challenging the patents as
`to Destiny and triggers the various clauses that we
`can point to from this contract.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Okay. And when was that
`letter dated?
` MR. HELGE: That letter is dated
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`November 13, 2014. Just for frame of reference,
`Activision was served with the complaint in that
`litigation back in 2012.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: I understand that you want to
`establish that Activision is an RPI in these cases,
`but what is your theory as to how that would impact
`this case?
` MR. HELGE: Well, your Honor, I think it's
`very important. Certainly under 35 U.S.C. 312(a)2, an
`institution would be barred if not all the real
`parties of interest were named with Activision named
`as a real party in interest, as it should have been.
`Activision, as I mentioned, was served with the
`complaint back in April of 2012, and we would be
`outside of the one-year period to institute this IPR,
`any of these IPRs.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: And so are you referring to
`section 313 or section 315?
` MR. HELGE: Well, your Honor, I believe that
`313 requires the real parties in interest to be named
`and 1315 would bar institution under the proper
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` JUDGE BEGLEY: Okay. And what is your
`theory as to how a 315 bar would apply if the letter
`that you are referring to is dated in November of
` MR. HELGE: Well, your Honor, the Destiny
`game was released in 2014. So this letter was sent to
`Activision after that game was released. But this is
`more than two years after Activision was served with
`the complaint.
` So the letter provides a notice function to both
`Activision and Bungie that Destiny could be subject
`to the litigation, but under 315(b), the measure is
`not from the service of the letter indicating that a
`new product would be added to an existing litigation.
`The trigger under 315(b) is the service of the
`complaint, which goes back to -- which goes back to
`April 4th, 2012.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Okay. I understand that
`that's your position, but it doesn't seem -- if Bungie
`had no notice of these -- any allegations against the
`Destiny products until November 2014 -- I guess I'm
`not clear on how the 315 bar would apply.
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` MR. HELGE: Well, your Honor, the 315 bar
`would apply because Activision is a real party in
`interest to Bungie.
` So, for example, if after receiving the letter
`from Worlds' counsel, Activision itself had filed
`these IPRs, these IPRs would be barred under 315(b)
`because Activision was served with the complaint more
`than one year before filing those IPRs.
` Bungie is in no different position.
`Effectively, Bungie and Activision are both real
`parties in interest to these IPRs. So the date of
`the letter triggers Bungie's obligations under this
`contract to take action, but that action is subject
`to the review and approval by Activision under the
`strict contract terms, and there's very clear
`language in this agreement stating that Activision's
`development advances paid to Bungie will be used for
`the full development, which includes this legal
` So, in effect, Bungie is acting -- I won't say
`necessarily as a proxy for Activision because I think
`Bungie and Activision both have an interest in the
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`Destiny product. But certainly Bungie is doing
`something that Activision itself could not have done
`on its own.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Okay. Do you have case law
`that supports your position -- your theory on when the
`clock would start running for the 315(b) bar?
` MR. HELGE: Your Honor, I mean, I have a
`number of cases, and I would actually go back to the
`Samsung v. Adaptix cases back in IPR 2014. And I can
`pull up the case numbers for you. But that was an
`instance where we had -- excuse me -- there were new
`products being added in a second litigation. And even
`though Samsung had been sued in a prior litigation on
`previous products and Samsung was barred from bringing
`the IPRs even though it was new products and an
`entirely new litigation, because there was already a
`prior litigation against Samsung, it couldn't file
`IPRs on the patents that it had been sued on before.
` So this was exactly the same situation here. We
`have -- there may be better case law there. I don't
`think so. I think this is a very strict application
`of 315(b), which is to say service of the complaint,
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`which goes back to the original service of the
`complaint in 2012. I can pull up those numbers for
`you, if you would like.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: That would be helpful. Thank
` I'd like to talk -- I've heard your position on
`what the contract terms say that -- between what
`Bungie and Activision agreed to, but can you be more
`specific about specifically which contract provisions
`you're referring to that show that Activision had an
`opportunity to control -- that it has an opportunity
`to control or fund these IPRs.
` MR. HELGE: Certainly, your Honor.
` And just clear up the last issue. For the case
`numbers, these are -- well, IPR, 2014-00008, tag
`00011, tag 00012, and tag 00013, and these are fairly
`strict applications of 315(b) which says that if a
`party is served with a complaint alleging
`infringement of the patents, then the IPRs may not be
` So this is the same situation here where we're
`looking at Activision could not have filed the IPRs
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`since it had been served. And, in fact, if
`Activision is a real party in interest with Bungie,
`then Bungie is similarly restricted.
` In terms of your question on what are the other
`provisions, I would point you to specifically section
`7(a)15, and I'm missing the page number -- that's
`page 10 of the contract.
` MR. HELGE: And on page 10 of the contract,
`I would recommend that we look first at 7(a)15, which
` "The following items will be managed by
` and be the responsibility of licensor,"
` which is Bungie, "but shall be subject
` to prior review and approval of
` Activision. In addition, the following,
` parentheses, indicates that the budget
` for these topics is to be mutually
` approved between Bungie and Activision."
` If you scroll then down to element J, the
`statement is conducting -- or the task is "conducting
`legal reviews of the products to ensure that all
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`intellectual property and other rights are fully
`cleared for use."
` MR. HELGE: Once again, if we go back to
`November 13, 2014, where the Destiny game is being
`identified as a target for the litigations, this
`triggered an obligation for Bungie under 7(a).15 to
`perform legal reviews of the products in view of the
`Worlds' patents so ensure that the intellectual
`property and rights were fully cleared for use.
` In addition, we have in section 15 of this
`agreement, we have --
` JUDGE BEGLEY: I'd like to ask --
` MR. HELGE: I'm sorry, your Honor.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: I'd like to ask a question
`and 7(a)15(j).
` MR. HELGE: Certainly.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Can you explain how, if
`Activision is overseeing a legal review of the
`product, how does that show that they had the
`opportunity to control these IPRs?
` MR. HELGE: Well, your Honor, the legal
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`review includes the background work necessary for an
`IPR. And what 7(a)15 says is that legal review is
`subject to prior review and approval of Activision.
` That means whatever Bungie is doing for these
`IPRs, under the contract, it's subject to
`Activision's prior review and approval. And even the
`budget itself is subject to Activision's -- well,
`subject to Activision's and Bungie's mutual approval.
` That means that Activision has at least from the
`very naked language of this agreement, at least has
`the opportunity to review and to approve. Now,
`approve implicitly means to not approve if there's
`something they don't approve of.
` Approve just doesn't mean they can say yes. It
`means they have an opportunity to speak up and
`provide input. And if Bungie doesn't change it,
`Activision, can withhold that approval. And it says,
`approval not to be unreasonably withheld.
` But, for example, if there's going to be
`something in these documents that Activision doesn't
`agree with or is inconsistent with the litigation
`positions, Activision has the right to withhold
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`approval until Bungie complies. For Bungie to file
`without Activision's review and approval is a breach
`of this contract.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: It's specifically referring
`to a product, not to any legal background work for an
`IPR. So I'm not sure I understand your position.
` MR. HELGE: Well, your Honor, the products
`relate to the Destiny game, which -- again, with this
`letter between counsel -- between counsel in the
`litigation, Destiny was at issue in the litigation.
` The conducting of legal reviews of the products,
`i.e. the Destiny game, to ensure that all
`intellectual property and other rights are fully
`cleared for use means that if there is a claim of
`infringement against the Destiny name under the
`Worlds' patents, Bungie has the contractual
`obligation to conduct a legal review to ensure that
`the IP rights -- or the IP of the Destiny game is
`fully cleared for use.
` If it's not cleared for use, then they need to
`do something under this agreement. They need to --
`in other words, in order to comply with their
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`warranty of non-infringement, they need to take some
` So the legal review, evaluating the Destiny game
`with respect to the Worlds' patents, there's a
`contractual right to do that. You mentioned how that
`doesn't tie into these IPRs, but certainly the
`Worlds' patents that are at issue in the litigation
`are the exact same Worlds' patents that are at issue
`in these IPRs. So that letter triggers Bungie's
`obligations here.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Okay. Do you have any
`provisions that you want to point to?
` MR. HELGE: Well, your Honor, would you like
`me to discuss the funding aspect? And I'm also happy
`to point to the warranty of non-infringement and the
`obligation to secure rights to third-party
`intellectual property.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Well, take your next best
`evidence, whichever provision that is, and then we'll
`hear from petitioner.
` MR. HELGE: Certainly, your Honor.
` On page 19 -- this is section 14.1.2. I'll
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`point you to the very last three lines on this page,
`page 19. And I'll read:
` "To the extent that licensor, Bungie
` incorporates any third-party elements
` into the products, it shall ensure that
` it is secured on behalf of itself and
` Activision the full rights and licenses
` necessary to exploit such third-party
` elements consistent in all respects with
` this agreement."
` What that means, again, it ties into the prior
`section that we were just looking at, which is if
`there is an allegation that Destiny infringes
`third-party patents, i.e. the Worlds' patents, it has
`the obligation to, under 7(a)15, to at least perform
`a legal review and, if necessary, to secure the
`rights, the full rights, and licenses necessary to
`exploit those elements.
` Now, if Bungie has decided to file IPRs instead
`of securing the rights, that's still within their
`obligation under this contract. There's different
`ways to secure rights. You can secure rights by,
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`Conducted on July 23, 2015
`one, attempting to abolish those rights, which is the
`path they've taken, or it can attempt to take a
` They've taken the path of an IPR -- or actually
`six IPRs, which is fully consistent with 7(a)15 and
`also this 14.1.2 read in concert. Once again, this
`shows that Bungie had an obligation to take certain
`actions and, again, those actions were subject to
`Activision's review and approval.
` JUDGE BEGLEY: Okay. We'll hear from
`petitioner now.
` Petitioner, can you state your position on
`patent owner's request for this motion.
` MR. ROSATO: Okay. So I guess I would point
`out we have not received a copy of this document that
`they're referring to from the L.A. Times. That wasn't
`even particularly defined in the request. The request
`that went out to the board is pretty vague and
`ambiguous. So coming into this call, your Honor, we
`knew about as much about Worlds' position as the board
`did coming in.
` I don't have that document in front of me. So I
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`Ex. 2001
`Page 28 of 40

`Conference Call
`Conducted on July 23, 2015
`can't comment on the various provisions that were
`identified. I would, in fact, ask that the
`transcript that patent owner has hired a court
`reporter to produce be filed or served within the
`week -- or at least within a week so we can go back
`the reference all the various arguments that were
` As to their position, you know, I think the
`board has identified there is a threshold legal issue
`here, you know

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