the C language is more flexi-
`with additional C routines;
`ble and powerful than any higher level geometric scripting
`language we could design ourselves.
`10 Results
`We have constructed a placement editor for real-time inter-
`active walkthrough of large building databases. One of our
`primary goals was to work with oil"-the-shelf input and dis-
`play hardware, a goal which required the use of a software
`framework to allow the user to perform unambiguous 3D
`manipulation with 2D devices.
`Our solution is based on object associations, a. frame-
`work that provides the flexibility to combine pseudo-physical
`properties with convenient
`teleological behavior in a mix-
`ture tailor-made for a. particular application domain or a
`special set of tasks. We have found that such a mixture of
`the “magical” capabilities of geometric editing systems with
`some partial simulations of real, physical behavior makes a
`very attractive and easy-to-use editing system for 3D virtual
`environments. The combination of goal-oriented alignments,
`such as snap~dragging, with application specific physical be-
`havior, such as gravity and solidity, reduce the degrees of
`freedom the user has to deal with explicitly while maintain-
`ing most of the convenience of a good geometrical drafting
`We found it to be practical to separate into two types
`of procedures the mapping of 2D pointing to 3D motion
`and the enforcement of the desired object placement be-
`havior. These procedures are clearly defined and easy to
`implement as small add-on functions in C. Geometric and
`database toolkits allow high-level coding and ease of modi-
`fication. Our object associations normally cause little com-
`putational overhead to the WALKTHRU system. This is an
`important concern, since keeping the response time of the
`system fast and interactive is a crucial aspect of its usability
`and user-friendliness
`The result is a technique that makes object placement
`quick and accurate, works with “drag-and-drop” as well as
`“cut and paste” interaction techniques, can provide desir-
`able local object behavior and an automated grouping facil-
`ity, and greatly reduces the need for multiple editing modes
`in the user interface. The resulting environment is devoid
`of fancy widgets, sophisticated measuring bars, or multiple
`view windows. To the novice user it seem that not much is
`happening — objects simply follow the mouse to reasonable,
`realistic locations. And that is how ideally it should be: any
`additional gimmick is an indication that the paradigm has
`not yet been pushed to its full potential. Some issues remain
`to be fully resolved, such as dealing with association loops,
`but our prototype demonstrates that this approach provides
`a simple,
`flexible, and practical approach to constructing
`easy-to-use 3D manipulation interfaces.
`A prototype implementation in the context of a model
`of a building with more than 100 rooms has proven to be
`attractive and has reduced by a large factor the tedium
`of placing furniture and wall decorations. One of the au-
`thors has constructed scenes of rather cluttered offices with
`many pieces of furniture, fully loaded with books, pencils,
`coffee cups, etc.
`in five to ten minutes (see Figure C2).
`The implementation in our specific WALKEDIT applica-
`tion domain required only 5 programmer-defined procedures
`to fully characterize most of the desired object behavior.
`[1] Baraff, D. Fast Contact Force Computation for Non-
`penetrating Rigid Bodies. Proc. of SIGGRAPH ’.94 (Or-
`lando, FL, Jul. 1994), pp. 23-34.
`[2] Barlow, M. Of Mice and 3D Input Devices. Computer-
`Aided Engineering 12, 4 (Apr. 1993), pp. 54-56.
`[3] Bier, E.A. Snap-Dragging in Three Dimensions. Proc. of
`the 1.9.90 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (Snow-
`bird, UT, Mar. 1990), pp. 193-204.
`[4] Borning, A. The Programming Aspects of Thinglab,
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`Trans. on Programming Languages and Systems 3, 4,
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`[5] Funkhouser, T.A. and Séquin, C.H. Adaptive Display
`Algorithm for Interactive Frame Rates during Visual-
`ization of Complex Virtual Environments. Proc. of SIG-
`CRAPH ’93 (Anaheim, CA, Aug. 1993), pp. 247-254.
`[6] Gleicher, M. Briar: A Constraint-Based Drawing Pro-
`gram. Proc. of the ACM Conference on Human Factors
`in Computing Systems — CHI ’.92 (Monterey, CA, May
`1992), pp. 661-662.
`[7] Hahn, J.K. Realistic Animation of Rigid Bodies. Com-
`puter Graphics 22, 4 (Aug. 1988), pp. 299-208.
`[8] Helm, R., Huynh, T., Lassez, C., and Marriott, K. Lin-
`ear Constraint Technology for Interactive Graphic Sys-
`tems. Proc. of Graphics Interface ’.92 (Vancouver, BC,
`Canada, May 1992).
`[9] Lin, M.C. and Canny, J.F. A fast algorithm for incre-
`mental distance calculation. International Conference
`on Robotics and Automation, IEEE (May 1991), pp.
`[10] Myers, B.A. Creating User Interfaces using Program-
`ming by Example, Visual Programming, and Con-
`straints. ACM Trans. on Programming Languages and
`Systems, 12, 2 (Apr. 1990), pp. 143-177.
`[11] Nelson, G. Juno, a Constraint-Based Graphics System.
`Proc. of SIGGRA PH ’85 (San Fransisco, CA, Jul. 22-
`26, 1985). In Computer Graphics 19, 3 (Jul. 1985), pp.
`[12] Nielson, G. and Olsen, D. Direct Manipulation Tech-
`niques for 3D Objects Using 2D Locator Devices. Proc.
`of the 1.986 Workshop an Interactive 3-D Graphics
`(Chapel Hill, NC, Oct. 1986), pp. 175-182.
`[13] Smith, R.B. Experiences with the Alternate Reality
`Kit: An Example of the Tension between Literalism
`and Magic. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
`7, 9 (Sep. 1987), pp. 42-50.
`[14] Teller, S.J., and Séquin, C.H. Visibility Preprocessing
`for Interactive Walkthroughs. Proc. of SIGGRAPH ’.91
`' (Las Vegas, Nevada, Jul. 28-Aug. 2, 1991). In Computer
`,;”" Graphics, 25, 4 (Jul. 1991), pp. 61-69.
`[15] Venolia, D. Facile 3D Direct Manipulation. Proc. of the
`ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Sys-
`tems — CHI .93 (Amsterdam, Netherlands, Apr. 1993),
`pp. 31-36.
`BUNGIE - EXHIBIT 1006 - PART 10 OF 14
`BUNGIE - EXHIBIT 1006 - PART 10 OF 14

`CamDroid: A System for Implementing
`Intelligent Camera Control
`Steven M. Drucker
`David Zeltzer
`MIT Media Lab
`MIT Research Laboratory for Electronics
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`Cambridge, MA. 02139, USA
`2. Related Work
`In this paper, a method of encapsulating camera tasks into well
`defined units called “camera modules" is described. Through this
`camera modules
`programmed and
`sequenced, and thus can be used as the underlying framework for
`controlling the virtual camera in widely disparate types of graphi-
`cal environments. Two examples of the camera framework are
`shown: an agent which can film a conversation between two virtual
`actors and a visual programming language for filming a virtual
`football game.
`Keywords: Virtual Environments, Camera Control, Task Level
`1. Introduction
`Manipulating the viewpoint, or a synthetic camera, is fundamental
`to any interface which must deal with a three dimensional graphi-
`cal environment, and a number of articles have discussed various
`aspects of the camera control problem in detail [3, 4, 5, 19]. Much
`of this work, however, has focused on techniques for directly
`manipulating the camera.
`ln our view, this is the source of much of the difficulty. Direct con-
`trol of the six degrees of freedom (DOFS) of the camera (or more,
`if field of view is included) is often problematic and forces the
`human VE participant to attend to the interface and its “control
`knobs” in addition to — or instead of — the goals and constraints
`of the task at hand. In order to achieve task level interaction with a
`computer-mediated graphical environment, these low-level, direct
`controls, must be abstracted into higher levei camera primitives,
`and in turn, combined into even higher level interfaces. By clearly
`specifying what specific tasks need to be accomplished at a partic-
`ular unit of time, a wide variety of interfaces can be easily con-
`structed. This technique has already been successfully applied to
`interactions within a Virtual Museum [8].
`Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is
`granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed tor
`direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the
`title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given
`that copying is by permission of the Association of Computing
`Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee
`and/or specific permission.
`1995 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Monterey CA USA
`© 1995 ACM 0-89791-736-7/95/0O04...$3.5O
`Ware and Osborne [19] described several different metaphors for
`exploring 3D environments including “scene in han ," “eyeball in
`hand," and “flying vehicle control" metaphors. All of these use a 6
`DOF input device to control the camera position in the virtual envi-
`ronment. They discovered that flying vehicle control was more use-
`ful when dealing with enclosed spaces, and the “scene in hand”
`metaphor was useful in looking at a single object. Any of these
`metaphors can be easily implemented in our system.
`Mackinlay et al [16] describe techniques for scaling camera motion
`when moving through virtual spaces, so that, for example, users
`can always maintain precise control of the camera when approach-
`ing objects of interest. Again, it is possible to implement these
`techniques using our camera modules.
`Brooks [3,4] discusses several methods for using instrumented
`mechanical devices such as stationary bicycles and treadmills to
`enable human VE participants to move through virtual worlds
`using natural body motions and gestures. Work at Chapel Hill, has,
`of course, focused for some time on the architectural “walk-
`through,” and one can argue that such direct manipulation devices
`make good sense for this application. While the same may be said
`for the virtual museum, it is easy to think of circumstances — such
`as reviewing a list of paintings —-— in which it is not appropriate to
`require the human participant to physically walk or ride a bicycie.
`At times, one may wish to interact with topological or temporal
`abstractions, rather than the spatial. Nevertheless, our camera mod-
`ules wili accept data from arbitrary input devices as appropriate.
`Blinn [2] suggested several modes of camera specification based
`on a description of what should be placed in the frame rather than
`just describing where the camera shouid be and where it should be
`Phillips et al suggest some methods for automatic viewing control
`[18]. They primarily use the “camera in hand” metaphor for view-
`ing human figures in the Jack” system, and provide automatic fea-
`tures for maintaining smooth visual
`transitions and avoiding
`viewing obstructions. They do not deal with the problems of navi-
`gation, exploration or presentation.

`Karp and Feiner describe a system for generating automatic pre-
`sentations, but they do not consider interactive control of the cam-
`era [l 2}.
`ma] description of the goals or constraints on the camera for each
`period of time.
`As shown in figure 1, the generic module contains the following
`Constraint LII!
` Paramoturs
`Figure 1: Genetic camera module containing a controller,
`an initializer, a constraint list, and local state
`' the local state vector. This must always contain the camera
`position, camera view normal, camera “up” vector, and field
`of view. State can also contain values for the camera parame-
`ter derivatives, a value for time, or other local information
`specific to the operation of that module. While the module is
`active, the state's camera parameters are output to the ren-
`- initiaflizer. This is a routine that is run upon activation of a
`module. Typical initial conditions are to set up the camera
`state based on a previous module's state.
`- controller.
`‘This component
`translates user inputs either
`directly into the camera state or into constraints. There can be
`at most one controller per module.
`- constraints to be satisfied during the time period that the mod-
`ule is active. Some examples of constraints are as follows:
`- maintain the camera's up vector to align with world up.
`- maintain height relative to the ground
`- maintain the camera's gaze (i.e. view normal) toward a
`specified object
`- make sure a certain object appears on the screen.
`- make sure that several objects appear on the screen
`0 zoom in as much as possible
`In this system, the constraint list can be viewed simply as a black
`box that produces values for some DOFs of the camera. The con-
`straint solver combines these constraints using a constrained opti-
`mizing solver to come up with the final camera parameters for a
`particular module. The camera optimizer is discussed extensively
`in [9]. Some constraints directly produce values for a degree of
`freedom, for example, specifying the up vector for the camera or
`the height of the camera. Some involve calculations that might pro-
`duce multiple DOFs, such as adjusting the VlBW normal of the cam-
`era tolook at a particular object. Some,
`like a path planning
`constraint discussed in [8] are quite complicated, and generate a
`series of DOFs over time through the environment based on an ini-
`tial and final position.
`Gleicher and Witkin [10] describe a system for controlling the
`movement of a camera based on the screen-space projection of an
`object, but their system works primarily for manipulation tasks.
`Our own prior work attempted to establish a procedural framework
`for controlling cameras [7]. Problems in constructing generalizable
`led to the
`constraint-based framework
`described here. Although this paper does not concentrate on meth-
`ods for satisfying multiple constraints on the camera position, this
`is an important part of the overall camera framework we outline
`here. For a more complete reference, see [9]. An earlier form of the
`current system was applied to the domain of a Virtual Museum [8].
`3. CamDroid System Design
`This framework is a formal specification for many different types
`of camera control. The central notion of this framework is that
`camera placement and movement is usually done for particular rea-
`sons, and that those reasons can be expressed formally as a number
`of primitives or constraints on the camera parameters. We can iden-
`tity these constraints based on analyses of the tasks required in the
`specific job at hand. By analyzing a wide enough variety of tasks, a
`large base of primitives can be easily drawn upon to be incorpo-
`rated into a particular task-specific interface.
`3.1 Camera Modules
`A camera module represents an encapsulation of the constraints
`and a transformation of specific user controls over the duration that
`a specific module is active. A complete network of camera modules
`with branching conditions between modules incorporates user con-
`trol, constraints, and response to changing conditions in the envi-
`ronment overtime.
`Our concept of a camera module is simila.r to the concept of ashot
`in cinematography. A shot represents the portion of time between
`the starting and stopping of filming a particular scene. Therefore a
`shot represents continuity of all the camera parameters over that
`period of time. The unit of a single camera module requires an
`additional level of continuity, that of continuity of control of the
`camera. This requirement is added because of the ability in com-
`puter graphics to identically match the camera parameters on either
`side of a cut, blurring the distinction of what makes up two sepa-
`rate shots. Imagine that the camera is initially pointing at character
`A and following him as he moves around the environment. The
`camera then pans to character B and follows her for a period of
`time. Finally the camera pans back to character A. In cinematic
`terms, this would be a single shot since there was continuity in the
`camera parameters over the entire period. In our terms, this would
`be broken down into four separate modules. The first module’s task
`is to follow character A. The second module’s task would be to pan
`from A to B in a specified amount of time. The third moduEe’s task
`would be to follow B. And finally the last m0dule’s task would be
`to pan back from B to A. The notion of breaking this cinematic shot
`into 4 modules does not specify implementation, but rather a for-

`Object 1nlerfac:(s}
`extended 313 system
`Figure 2: Overall CamDroid System
`3.2 The CamDroid System
`The overall system for the examples given in this paper is shown in
`figure 2.
`The CamDroid System is an extension to the 3D virtual environ-
`ment software testbed developed at MIT [6]. The system is struc-
`tured this way’ to emphasize the division between the virtual
`environment database,
`the camera framework, and the interface
`that provides access to both. The CamDroid system contains the
`following elements.
`- A general interpreter that can run pre-specified scripts or man-
`age user input. The interpreter is an important part in develop-
`ing the entire runtime system. Currently the interpreter used is
`TCL with the interface widgets created with TX [17]. Many
`commands have been embedded in the system including the
`ability to do dynamic simulation, visibility calculations, finite
`element simulation, matrix computations, and various data-
`base inquiries. By using an embedded interpreter we can do
`rapid prototyping of a virtual environment without sacrificing
`too much performance since a great deal of the system can
`still be written in a low level language like C. The addition of
`TK provides convenient creation of interface widgets and
`interprocess communication. This is especially important
`because some processes Inight need to perform computation
`intensive parts of the algorithms; they can be offloaded onto
`separate machines.
`- A built-in renderer. This subsystem can use either the hard-
`ware of a graphics workstation (currently SGIs and HPs are
`supported), or software to create a high quality antialiased
`- An object database for a particular environment.
`- Camera modules. Described in the previous section. Essen-
`tially, they encapsulate the behavior of the camera for differ-
`ent styles of interaction. They are prespecified by the user and
`associated with various interface widgets. Several widgets can
`be connected to several camera modules. The currently active
`camera module handies all user inputs and attempts to satisfy
`all the constraints contained within the module, in order to
`compute camera parameters which will be passed to the ren-
`derer when creating the final image. Currently, only one cam-
`era module is active at any one time, though if there were
`multiple viewports, each of them could be assigned a unique
`4. Example: Filming a conversation
`The interface for the conversation filming example is based on the
`construction of a software agent which perceives changes in lim-
`ited aspects of the environments and uses a number of primitives to
`implement agent behaviors. The sensors detect movements of
`objects within the environment and can perceive which character is
`designated to be talking at any moment.
`In general, the position of the camera should be based on conven-
`tional techniques that have been established in filming a conversa-
`tion. Several books have dissected conversations and come up with
`simplified rules for an effective presentation [1, 14}. The conversa-
`tion filmer encapsulates these rules into camera modules which the
`software agent calls upon to construct (or assist a director in the
`construction of) a film sequence.
`4.1 Implementation
`The placement of the camera is based on the position of the two
`people having the conversation (see figure 3). However, more
`important than placing the camera in the approximate geometric
`relationship shown in figure 3 is the positioning of the camera
`based on what is being framed within the image.
`Figure 3: Filming a conversation [Katz88].
`Constraints for an over-the-shoulder shot:
`° The height of the character facing the view should be approx-
`imately 1/2 the size of the frame.
`- The person facing the view should be at about the 2/3 line on
`the screen.
`- The person facing away should be at about the 1/3 line on the
`- The camera should be aligned with the world up.
`0 The field of view should be between 20 and 60 degrees.
`- The camera view should be as close to facing directly on to
`the character facing the viewer as possible.

`Character 1 09
`behind character #2
`1/3 character
`#1 screen framing
`medium closeup
`look into gaze #1
`2:3 clhnaracler
`#2 screen training
`align 1D world up
`behind character #1
`medium closeup
`look into gaze #2
`1/3 character
`#2 screen framing
`233 charactgf
`#1 screen framing
`align to world up
`Figure 4: Two interconnected camera modules for filming a conversation
`5. Example: the Virtual Football Game
`The virtual football game was chosen as an example because there
`already exists a methodology for filming football games that can be
`called upon as a reference for comparing the controls and resultant
`output of the virtual football game. Also, the temporal flow of the
`football game is convenient since it contains starting and stopping
`points, specific kinds of choreographed movements, and easily
`identifiable participants. A visual programming language for com-
`bining camera primitives into camera behaviors was explored.
`Finally, an interface, on top of the visual programming language,
`based directly on the way that a conventional football game is
`filmed, was developed.
`It is important to note that there are significant differences between
`the virtual
`football game and filming a real
`football game.
`Although attempts were made to make the virtual football game
`rea1istic— three-dimensional video images of players were incor-
`porated and football plays were based on real plays [15] —this vir-
`tual football game is intended to be a testbed for intelligent camera
`control rather than a portrayal of a real football game.
`Figure 7 shows the visual programming environment for the cam-
`era modules. Similar in spirit to Haeberli’s ConMan [11] or Kass’s
`G0 [13], the system allows the user to connect camera modules,
`Constraints for a corresponding over—the-shoulder shot:
`the people
`- The same constraints as described above but
`should not switch sides of the screen; therefore the person fac-
`ing towards the screen should be placed at the 1/3 line and the
`person facing away should be placed at the 2/3 line.
`Figure 3 can be used to find the initial positions of the cameras if
`necessary, but the constraint solver contained within each camera
`module makes sure that the composition of the screen is as desired.
`Figure 4 shows how two camera modules can be connected to auto-
`matically film a conversation.
`A more complicated combination of camea modules can be incor-
`porated as the behaviors of a simple software agent. The agent con-
`tains a rudimentary reactive planner which pairs camera behaviors
`(combination of camera primitives) in response to sensed data. The
`agent has two primary sets of camera behaviors: one for when
`character 1 is speaking; and one for when character 2 is speaking.
`The agent needs to have sensors which can “detect” who is speak-
`ing and direct a camera module from the desired set of behaviors to
`become active. Since ‘the modules necessarily keep track of the
`positions of the characters in the environment, the simulated actors
`can move about while the proper screen composition is maintained.
`Bcl1aviu1'sIorChamcIer1 lalkin
`Bebnvio1sforCI:arat.‘l.:r I talking
`Qtwlboraumri in mm EI-rUva¢Ch-raclr-II
`Figure 5: Conversation filming agent and its behaviors.
`Figure 6 shows an over-the-shoulder shot automatically generated
`by the conversation filming agent.
`CAMERA MODULE 1: Over Shoulder of Character #2 at Character #1
`CHARA III‘ R #2 10 #1
`Character 2
`orbit controller
`orbit comjouer
`Over Shoulder of Character #1 at Character #2
`= 1 ‘D *2

`ing on the appropriate buttons of the football play controller.
`Passes can be indicated by selecting the appropriate players at the
`appropriate time step and pressing the pass button on the play con-
`Figure 8: The virtual football game interface
`The user can also select or move any of the camera icons and the
`viewpoint is immediately shifted to that of the camera. Essentially,
`pressing one of the camera icons activates a camera module that
`has already been set up with initial conditions and constraints for
`that camera. Cameras can be made to track individual characters or
`the ball by selecting the players with the middle mouse button.
`This automatically adds a tracking constraint to the currently active
`module. If multiple players are selected, then the camera attempts
`to keep both players within the frame at the same time by adding
`multiple tracking constraints. The image can currently be fine-
`tuned by adjusting the constraints within the visual programming
`environment. A more complete interface would provide more
`bridges between the actions of the user on the end—user interface
`and the visual programming language...
`Figure 9: View from “game camera” of virtual football
`Figure 7: Visual Programming Environment for camera
`The end~user does not necessarily wish to be concerned with the
`visual programming language for camera control. An interface that
`can be connected to the representation used for the visual program-
`ming language is shown in Figure 7. The interface provides a
`mechanism for setting the positions and movements of the players
`within the environment, as well as a way to control the virtual cam-
`eras. Players can be selected and new paths drawn for them at any
`time. The players will move along their paths in response to click-
`and drag and drop initial conditions and constraints, in order to
`control the output of the CamDroid system. The currently active
`camera module's camera state is used to render the view of the
`graphical environment. Modules can be connected together by
`drawing a line from one module to the next. A boolean expression
`cam then be added to the connector to indicate when control should
`be shifted from one module to the connected module. It is possible
`to set up multiple branches from a single module. At each frame,
`the branching conditions are evaluated and control is passed to the
`first module whose branching condition evaluates to TRUE.
`Constraints can be instanced from existing constraints, or new ones
`can be created and the constraint functions can be entered via a text
`editor. Information for individual constraints can be entered via the
`keyboard or mouse clicks on the screen. When constraints are
`dragged into a module, all
`the constraints in the module are
`inciuded during optimization. Constraints may also be grouped so
`that slightly higher level behaviors composed of a group of low
`level primitives may be dragged directly into a camera module.
`lnitial conditions can be dragged into the modules to force the min-
`imization to start from those conditions. Initial conditions can be
`retrieved at any time from the current state of the camera. Camera
`modules can also be indicated to use the current state to begin opti-
`mization when control is passed to them from other modules.
`Controllers can also be instanced from a palette of existing control-
`lers, or new ones created and their functions entered via a text edi-
`tor. If a controller is dragged into the module. it will translate the
`actions of the user subject to the constraints within the module. For
`example, a controller that will orbit about an object may be added
`to a module which constrains the camera’s up vector to align with
`the world up vector.
`Camera Module 1
`Q dofiaus3 '
`flying vehicle
`Vida ‘ugh * quarterback *
`game camera
`ilald goal cam
`G9 =:
`69 track bnfifil track receive:
`lliflh H526
`track :11:
`G6 1 kf
`lock rolgc W G66939
`over the shoulder

`6. Results
`We have implemented a variety of applications from a disparate set
`of visual domains, including the virtual museum [8], a mission
`planner [21], and the conversation and football game described in
`this paper. While formal evaluations are notoriously difficult, we
`did enlist the help of domain experts who could each observe and
`comment on the applications we have implemented. For the con-
`versation agent, our domain expert was MIT Prof.essor Glorianna
`Davenport, in her capacity as an accomplished documentary film-
`maker. For the virtual football game, we consulted with Eric Eisen-
`dratt, a sports director for WBZ-TV, Boston. In addition, MIT
`Professor Tom Sheridan was an invaluable source of expertise on
`teleoperation and supervisory control. A thorough discussion of die
`applications, including comments of the domain experts, can be
`found in [9].
`7 Drucker, S., T. Galyean, and D. Zeltzer. CINEMA: A System for
`Procedural Camera Movements. Proc. 1992 Symposium on Inter-
`active 3D Graphics. 1992. Cambridge MA: ACM Press.
`8. Drucker, S. M. and D. Zeltzer. Intelligent Camera Control for
`Virtual Environments. Graphics Interface '94. 1994.
`9. Drucker, S.M Intelligent Camera Control for Graphical Envi-
`ronments. PhD. Thesis. MIT Media Lab. 1994.
`10. Gleicher, M..A.W. Through-the-Lens Camera Control. Com-
`puter Graphics. 26(2): pp. 331-340. 1992
`11. Haeberli, P.E., ConMan: A Visual Programming Language for
`Interactive Graphics. Computer Graphics. 22(4): pp. 103-111.
`7. Summary
`A method of encapsulating camera tasks into well defined units
`called “camera modules” has been described. Through this encap-
`sulation, camera modules can tie designed which can aid a user in a
`wide range of interaction with 3D graphical environments. The
`CamDroid system uses this encapsulation, along with constrained
`optimization techniques and visual programming to greatly ease
`the development of 3D interfaces. Two interfaces to distinctly dif-
`ferent environments have been demonstrated in this paper.
`8. Acknowledgements
`This work was supported in part by ARPA/Rome Laborato-
`ries, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Co.), the Office of Naval
`Research, and equipment gifts from Apple Computer,
`Hewlett-Packard, and Silicon Graphics.
`9. References
`1. Al‘ij0I1, Du Grammar ofthe Film language. 1976, Los Angeles:
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`18. Philips, C.B.N.I.B., John Grariieti. Automatic Viewing Control
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`19. Ware, C. and S. Osborn. Exploration and Virtual Camera Con-
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`posium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Snowbird, Utah, 1990. ACM
`4. Brooks, F.P., Jr. Walkthrough -- A Dynamic Graphics System for
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`20. Zeltzer, D. Autonomy, Interaction and Presence.‘ Presence:
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`5. Chapman, D. and C. Ware. Manipulating the Future: Predictor
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