`C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\CHANGELOG
`Modify the protocol classes and location class for
`signed location coordinates.
`Made the port numbers for text and binary connections command line variables.
`Do not send state messages automatically.
`Replace assert with something that doesn't abort in some of the network layer.
`Rewrite to conform to protocol14. Added Teleport, Disappear, and Appear
`messages. Modified RoomChange message.
`Added checking for duplicate User name.
`Added capability for ProtocolObject to accept and forward messages to
`UserObjects other than the one for its Client.
`Add PropertyCommand and PropertyRequestCommand.
`Add WhisperCommand.
`Additional error checking to make sure both user and world are set before
`accepting commands besides SessionInit and AppInit.
`Moved main loop to
`Added brute force crowd control. In, compute a list of
`users proximate to a given location by estimating the distance to
`every user in the room.
`Added a fix suggested by Bo to Modifies error checking
`in the read() function immediately following the recv() call.
`Tracked down several problems with the server crashing when the client
`exits improperly.
`Added some signal trapping in the network layer.
`Added a command line argument to set the number of user updates.
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`[NOTE: This version lost on grotto?]
`Integrated Mitra's shortObjId class.
`Changed select timeout in networking layer to 100 microsecs.
`Changed timeout on an individual connection to 3 minutes.
`Improved message logging in BinaryProtocolObject.
`Modified SessionInit and AppInit to parse unknown properties.
`Added a message logging switch to the command line.
`Sets the number of file descriptors to MAXCONNECTIONS (
`Fixed memory leak - Room not deleting location update messages.
`Added the visibleUser table and processing to This processing
`will absolutely limit the number of updates that get sent to a
`Client, and gives us a cleaner algorithm for providing the Client with
`Appear and Disappear message.
`Added an "I see you" list to each User. These are used to notify
`Users that are sending me updates when I leave the World (not doing
`this causes the server to core dump when a client crashes). This
`list is also used to allow some transitivity (if you can see me, I can see you)
`by sending location updates to Users on both the "I see you"
`list and the "you see me" list.
`Changed the timeout on the select in to 50000 microseconds.
`Ordinary Users set to 30, priority Users set to 10, connection timeout
`set to 5 minutes.
`Temporarily removed text port functionality to prevent crashes due
`to Satan executions over the network.
`Implemented a modified crowd control algorithm that is room-based.
`Briefly, all users send their location updates to the room which stores
`them in a list. At periodic intervals (run off the same timer as for
`client updates) the room compiles a proximateUser list for each user
`and sends them out to the users. Each user updates their visibleUser
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`C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\CHANGELOG
`table utilizing the new list. This approach limits the sending of
`appear/disappear to the client in the same way that location updates
`are limited.
`Added login limits as a command line argument.
`Modified constants in net_mbuf.h to set MBUF_BLKSIZ to (1024 - 32)
`and MBUF_MAX_TFR to 1024. These values were suggested by Bo.
`Trying to track down crash bug - during abort sequence a segmentation
`violation occurs during the propagation of the aborting users teleport
`message to its proximate users. Removed a few error messages being printed
`so that the server can be run with its output redirected to a file.
`Initialized the exiting teleport message's new room to an empty string.
`On receipt of a teleport message from another user, checked for both
`entryType == 0 and newRoom != this room, as the condition under which
`to remove the sending user from our proximate list
`Fixed crash bug on receipt of SIGINT by moving the signal handler for
`this into where it now waits until the end of a cycle to terminate.
`Clean up and optimize.
` - Simplify ProtocolObject by removing the text protocol. This functionality
` should be provided by a translation process outside the server.
` - Removed ControlObject and TextControl. When groups are implemented, it
` should be done using an approach similar to that used for video and
` audio conferencing.
` - Changed the name "Attribute" to "Property" to conform to the protocol
` documentation.
` - Replaced pervasive use of Strings as object identifiers with a numerical
` Identifier class which consists of a server number and numerical object
` identifier. In this implementation, the server number is always 0 and
` the object identifier is the pointer to the object. This construct
` supports future extensions to multiple servers, while reducing the overhead
` involved with String processing. This modification required extensive
` changes to Message, ObjectList, Room, User, ProtocolObject, and ObjId
` classes.
` - Remove loop through all 256 entries of the ObjId table in each call
` to sendMessage(ObjIdArray), instead only loop through active entries.
` - Change update frequency to once per second.
` - Give rooms a two byte numeric identifier by which they are referred to
` in all commands. Rooms are stored in an array rather than a linked list.
` Also changed the exit and entry type of the teleport command to a single
` byte each. Required changes to World, Message, and ProtocolObject classes.
` - Combine command for appear, disappear and teleport commands.
` - Improved efficiency of getProximateUsers and doUpdate functions in
`Added statistic logging throughout. Every hour log the number of Users
`in each Room. Create a log entry for every User that logs in giving
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`login time, avatar, number of text messages sent, logout time.
`Every week this log file is closed and a new file is opened.
`Check SessionInit properties for protocol = 16 and client software version
`greater than 95071120 - send NAK for old client or old protocol
`Moved call to setsockopts() in to occur *before* the bind().
`This solves the problem whereby the port can't be reused immediately
`after the server is killed.
`Fixed error in in the function shortLocOK() which was checking
`the X coordinate twice and not checking the Y coordinate.
`Fixed error in getProximateUsers where the variable "largest" was not being
`initialized when searching for the new largest distance member in the table.
`Fixed error in where an exiting teleport for a given shortObjId
`could be overwritten by an entering teleport for a given shortObjId.
`Replaced brute-force search for nearest neighbors with a cell-based
`algorithm (
`Added a length variable to ObjectList and keep a running total of the
`length of the list (rather than traversing the whole list to find the
`length each time it is needed).
`Modified the doUpdate function in to create lists by making
`calls directly to the user objects rather than creating them internally
`and then sending the entire list to the user object. This should reduce
`the amount of list processing that is done (the biggest cycle hog now).
`Implement a configuration file. The server now creates only one world
`which is specified in the config file.
`Rooms are created on the fly as they are referenced by clients and deleted
`when they are empty.
`Implemented two kinds of updates: a full visibility update where the
`visibleUser table is updated, and a location only update for users already
`in the visibleUser table.
`Made Location updates received from the client be passed directly via a
`call to the User object, rather than being passed as a message. The
`text, teleport, prop, and roomchange objects could be done the same way
`(anything for which only the client will be changing its own state, and
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`C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\CHANGELOG
`won't be changing the state of other objects).
`Parallelized room updates (both visibility and location). This is #ifdef'ed
`out in this release until the networking layer can be made thread safe to
`improve performance.
`Added a lot of code to gather timing information. This is also #ifdef'd out.
`Modified to detect size errors in LONGLOCCMD, TELEPORTCMD,
`and ROOMCHNGCMD and log the message in which the error was detected.
`Modified to log messages in which an error is detected.
`Server seems to be getting a lot of confusing messages.
`Modified so that it doesn't delete itself when empty (patch to
`try to solve crash bug - deleting empty rooms should work).
`Modified User so that when a teleport is received, the validity of the new
`Room is checked before exiting the current Room. This also shouldn't
`really be necessary - all new rooms should be valid since they are
`created if they don't exist.
`Modified User so that proximateList is cleared after notifying other Users
`that a teleport out of the Room has been done. I think this is the change
`that fixed the crash bug!
`Removed old networking layer, modified to handle the select, and
` to do the send and recv.
`Added some more multithreading, and some more timing statistics (these
`are ifdef'd).
`Modified to catch SIGINT and abort cleanly.
`Modify makefiles and combine subdirectories into one source directory.
`Remove use of String class and switch to SGI compiler.
`Replace use of Baselist in World class (for connection list, user list, and
`room list) with hash tables. This should speed up whispers (where the user
`being whispered to must be found in the World) and room changes/teleports
`(where the room the user is changing to must be found in the world).
`Change name "ProtocolObject" to "Protocol".
`Add checkName() function to Protocol to check for legality of user name.
`Begin Gamma development
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`C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\CHANGELOG
`The following changes were put online for WC 1/17/96:
`Added RoomIdRequestCommand and RoomIdCommand for the Gamma client.
`Added 'room' command to the configuration file. The room server will no
`longer create rooms on the fly as a client references them. In the future,
`the room server will create new rooms when instructed to by the world server.
`Added SubscribeRoomCommand, UnsubscribeRoomCommand, and
`SubscribeDistanceCommand for the Gamma client. This involved changes in
`World, Room, User, Protocol, Message.
`Test for "terminate" before processing input in (doInput).
`If output buffer is full, set terminate flag and kill connection.
`Clean up some error message logging.
`Modify sendMessage(PropertyMsg) in so that multiple Property
`commands will be sent in the case where all the information won't fit in one
`Add badPacket counter. Allow 5 bad backets (where size is < 2), then
`terminate connection.
`The following changes were put online for WC 2/1/96:
`Modify so that it calls all Users to clear their proximateLists,
`then call all Rooms to do updates, then calls all Users again to do table
`updates. This was necessary because some Users are not in a room, but are
`Have User send a room change command when an avatar has changed rooms, but
`can still be seen due to a subscription.
`Add VAR_AVATARS to the SessionInit command, and instantiate each User with
`a variable number of avatar updates.
`Merge in all changes made to support port to SCO and RS6000.
`Fix bug in ACK for SessionInit to put 'ends' at end if value string
`for property.
`Make server ignore world name in the AppInit command.
`Add config file switch to allow server to dynamically allocate rooms as
`they are referenced. Rooms are deleted when they are empty (no users in the
`room and no subscribers). If dynamic allocation is not set, the default
`is to disallow it.
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`C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\CHANGELOG
`Fixed bug in scanCells() in which occurs when it is called for the
`portal locations of subscribers. Since the scan was originally done on the
`locations of the users in the room, the portal location may be outside this
`scan area.
`Change room deletion so that it happens when a room is not referenced by any
`client. When a client sends a room id request, the room's reference counter
`is incremented. Each user keeps a list of the rooms they have referenced
`this way. When a user logs off, the list of rooms is traversed and each
`room's reference counter is decremented. Rooms delete themselves when they
`were dynamically allocated, have no references, no subscribers, and no
`users in the room.
`The following changes were put online for WC 2/1/96 - v8.06:
`Modified processCommand() in to do a little more error checking
`(on the sizes of commands) and to return a value indicating whether an error
`was seen or not. When a given error tolerance is reached, the connection is
`Modified the distance calculation so it doesn't use floats. Changed all
`distances to ints.
`The following changes were put online for WC 2/6/96 - v8.07:
`Modify logging in to print the entire receive buffer plus
`some other variables when a packet error condition occurs.
`Add whisper to the world name. This is interpreted as
`a broadcast text message and is sent to all users in the world as
`a text message. Only priority users are allowed to generate these
`broadcast text messages.
`Put the priority access code in the config file.
`The following changes were put online for WC 2/8/96 - v8.08:
`Undeliverable whispers are modified to indicate that are undeliverable and
`are returned to the sender.
`The names 'world' and 'room' (case insensitive) are reserved and may not
`be chosen as user names. Also, the name of the world (case insensitive)
`is reserved.
`Sending a whisper to 'room' (case insensitive) causes a broadcast text
`message to everyone in the room.
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`Sending a whisper to 'world' (case insensitive), as well as to the world
`name, causes a broadcast text message to everyone in the world.
`Print out 'len', the number of bytes received in the recv() for a bad packet.
`The following changes were put online for WC 2/17/96 - v8.09:
`Fix memory leak introduced when returning NAK for undeliverable whispers.
`Clean up comments & code in &
`The following changes were put online for WC x/xx/96 - v8.10:
`Added a switch in the config file to turn off valid user name checking
`in order to support Japanese names in unicode.
`Modify to support a base class and two derived classes, one for
`second-resolution timing, and one for micro-second resolution timing.
`Make changes to accomodate port to Win32. In addition to the changes in
`, the port required modifications to Protocol, Room, User, World,
`main, and the makefile.
`Combine functions and global variables in, and the World class
`into a new class called Server. Add methods to access previously global
`variables, add a method to configure server, add a mainLoop method.
`The function main() is now in
`Removed Identifier class. This class is no longer needed given the new
`approach to server distribution. All references to Identifiers have been
`converted into Base*.
`Added program to generate serial numbers - SerialGen.
`Break Server class into a base class and two derived classes - one for the
`RoomServer (RServer) and one for the user server (UServer).
`Create and as main drivers for user server and
`room server.
`Break Protocol class into base class and derived classes. Each derived
`protocol class will handle command translation to/from a different
`class of objects that can have connections (user connection to room server,
`user connection to user server, room server connection to user server).
`Base functionality for dealing with a connection (buffers, etc.) will be
`in the base class.
`Create all infrastructure for the user server, including: USRoom, USRoomServer,
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`USUser, USActiveUser, and associated protocol classes USRoomServerProtocol and
`USUserProtocol. Renamed some room server specific files to begin with RS.
`Add addNodeSorted() to ObjectList in order to create proximateLists in sorted
`order using an insertion sort. Didn't seem to help much - commented out.
`Add derived classes to implement bots: BSUser, BSUserProtocol, BServer, BSmain.
`Add switch in room server config to identify user server. Room server logs
`into user server and specifies the list of rooms it is serving. At this
`point dynamic room allocation and use of a user server are incompatible and
`not allowed (this will be relaxed in the future). If a user server is
`available, the room server forwards room requests for unknown rooms. Added
`room server - user server protocol.
`Added REDIRECTCMD to room server - client protocol. Added REDIRECTCMD to bots.
`Also added REDIRECTID command to room server - user server to handle roomID
`requests from Gamma clients.
`Modified handling of teleports and room changes. When a user
`leaves a room via a roomchange and the new room is unknown to the room
`server (either a request has been forwarded to a user server, or an error
`has occurred and the room can't be created) the user enters a state where
`he is not in a room and tells everyone on the proximateList.
`Split the proximateList into two lists - one for proximate users in the same
`room you are in (this list is always reflexive), and one for proximate users
`from rooms you are subscribed to. These are combined for sorting and updating
`the visible user table.
`Modified user server to put users in the active table the first time
`they connect (without authentication for the time being). Added a
`UserConnect, UserConnectReply, and UserDisconnect to the
`room server - user server protocol.
`Modified so that it will reallocate the visibleUsers table when
`a new number of avatars to update is given in the SessionInit command.
`Modified room server to pass undeliverable whispers up to the user server
`(if the room server is configured with one). The user server will look
`up the destination user. If the user is active, the user server will
`forward the whisper to one of the room servers to which the destination
`user is connected. If the user is inactive, the user server will return
`the whisper with a "USER NOT ONLINE" message. If the user is active but
`between room servers, the user server will return the whisper with a
`"USER UNREACHABLE" message. If a room server receives a whisper from the
`user server that is undeliverable (the user may have disconnected in the
`meantime), the whisper is discarded. Added UserWhisper command to the
`user server - room server protocol.
`Modify SerialGen to output list of serial numbers in the form of an SQL
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`script that can be used with the interpreter to add them to the serial
`number database.
`Modified UServer to connect to SQL database.
`Modified USUser to use serial number and user databases.
`Due to problems with CQL (the SQL database system we purchased) implemented
`all database functionality using gdbm. The SQL stuff is still in there too -
`the type of database is selected by a compile-time switch.
`Wrote insertSerialDB - a program to insert serial numbers into the
`database (either SQL or gdbm).
`Changed VAR_AUTHENTICATE to VAR_LOGONOFF. Modified room server and user server
`so that if a SessionExit command contains VAR_LOGONOFF, the user server is
`notified to remove the user from the active table immediately (instead of
`waiting 30 seconds).
`Implemented 'guest' accounts in the user server.
`Send back VAR_USERNAME in the SessionInit ACK when the user name has been
`changed (as for guest logins and priority users). Send back VAR_DURATION
`for guest users.
`Modified the room server to send back VAR_UPDATETIME in every SessionInit ACK.
`Modified USRoomServer to keep a hash table of active users connected to it.
`When a room server goes down, all the USActiveUsers are notified.
`Modify USActiveUser to update the database when a user becomes inactive
`(logs off).
`Implemented unloadUserDB - a program to dump the user database.
`Implemented broadcast text via the user server using the UserWhisper command
`to forward a broadcast.
`Modify Server class and main functions to allow for a cleaner abort procedure
`for shutting down the servers.
`Modify USRoomServer to retry on UserWhisper forwarding. Modified
`RSUserServer to return undeliverable UserWhispers to user server instead
`of just dropping them.
`Modify bot server to accept a table of avatar bitmaps in its config file
`and randomly select an avatar bitmap for each bot. Also, modify bots
`to use only valid rooms when they choose a room randomly to teleport or
`room change to.
`Increase communications buffer size to 8K for both incoming and outgoing
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`Replace ObjectList::sort with ObjectList::keepClosest. It keeps the
`closest N avatars by doing one pass through the list.
`KNOWN BUG - segmentation error generated when a gamma client is subscribed,
`and one of the avatars he sees leaves the world, and the next cycle is an
`location-only update. Either we need to get rid of location-only updates,
`or somehow a subscriber needs to be told when users leave the world.
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