C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\FROBVPLA.CPP
`// Copyright (c) 1994 Knowledge Adventure. All Rights Reserved.
`#include <math.h>
`#include <ka/std.h>
`#include "avplane.h"
`#include KA_INC(stdmath.h)
`#include KA_INC(frob.h)
`/*static*/ BOOL
`const Point2& size)
`// Is the vplane visible at all? To find out, transform the object corners
`// into viewer coords.
`// First a quick check: if the object is facing away nothing to do.
`// Facing away if viewer in back halfplane.
`if (vista->_viewpoint._at.y >= 0)
`return FALSE;
`const Viewpoint& vp = vista->_viewpoint;
`// Convert the corners to Viewer coordinate space.
`if (vista->_viewpoint._dir == Angle::_pi2)
`vLeft->x = -vp._at.x;
`vLeft->y = -vp._at.z;
`vLeft->z = -vp._at.y;
`vRight->x = size._x - vp._at.x;
`vRight->y = size._y - vp._at.z;
`vRight->z = -vp._at.y;
`} else
`int sinA = vp._dir.sin();
`int cosA = vp._dir.cos();
`vLeft->x = StdMath_mulAdd(-vp._at.x, sinA, vp._at.y, cosA,
`Angle_COS0/2, Angle_LOGCOS0);
`vLeft->y = - vp._at.z;
`vLeft->z = StdMath_mulAdd(-vp._at.x, cosA, -vp._at.y, sinA,
`Angle_COS0/2, Angle_LOGCOS0);
`int x = size._x - vp._at.x;
`vRight->x = StdMath_mulAdd(x, sinA, vp._at.y, cosA, Angle_COS0/2,
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`BOOL leftOut = abs(vLeft->x) >= (vLeft->z << sShift);
`BOOL rightOut = abs(vRight->x) >= (vRight->z << sShift);
`C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\FROBVPLA.CPP
`vRight->y = size._y - vp._at.z;
`vRight->z = StdMath_mulAdd(x, cosA, -vp._at.y, sinA, Angle_COS0/2,
`// Crude determination of whether anything of the object is visible.
`// Find clipped approximate endpoints in x to b8 precision.
`// They are approximate in
`// that they might be overlarge, but they are guaranteed not to
`// be too restrictive. That is, for objects whose image projects
`// beyond the window edges, the xLeft and xRight fall between the
`// window edge and the actual viewplane-projected object edge.
`// For objects that fit within the window, the x values are the
`// exact viewport positions of the endpoints.
`// Since we know the plane faces the origin from the initial quick
`// check, we can do the rest of the check quite simply. We work in
`// the x dimension only, and test that the left and right edges are
`// within a field-of-view cone with sides with slope 1/power-of-two:
`// Viewport:
`// \___ l-------r ___/ Wide FieldOfView
`// \___ | R ___/
`// \___ | ___/ <- Pretend this is a straight line
`// L \___|___/
`// --------------------V-------------------- X-axis
`// | V is Viewer at origin.
`// Imagine that the object runs from a left at L to a right at R
`// in the diagram above. Then L would give an isLeftOffScreen of
`// TRUE, since it falls outside the field-of-view cone. R, on the
`// other hand, falls within the cone so isRightOffScreen would be
`// FALSE. Any point within the cone is guaranteed not to overflow
`// the StdMath_div.
`// The shift of 0 used here corresponds to a 90-deg FOV cone. We
`// could use a shift of up to 14 without overflowing the
`// StdMath_div below (14 + 16 = 30 bits). But we use a smaller
`// shift in order to weed out invisible walls so as to avoid needing
`// to do further computation on them.
`const int sShift = 0; // 90 deg FOV.
`int xLeft;
`if (!leftOut)
`xLeft = max(vista->_viewport.p1._x, // 16 is for viewportDist<<8
` StdMath_div(vLeft->x, vLeft->z, 16));
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`// If both out of view, is invisible unless
`if (rightOut)
`return vLeft->x < 0 // vLeft->x<0 && vRight->x>0, which means
` && vRight->x > 0; // that it spans the screen on both sides
`xLeft = vista->_viewport.p1._x;
`int xRight;
`if (!rightOut)
`// 16 is for viewportDist<<8
`xRight = min(vista->_viewport.p2._x,
` StdMath_div(vRight->x, vRight->z, 16));
`xRight = vista->_viewport.p2._x;
`return xLeft < xRight;
`static int
`projectEndpoint(int x, int z)
`// Project clipped ends of object to viewPlane.
`// b8 = b8 * b8 / b8. The 16 shift is viewportDist = 256<<8.
`// Uses maximum s15b8 value on overflow. This isn't correct, so the display
`// will look wrong, but it works well for portals which might be right next
`// to the camera but don't have anything of their own to display anyway so the
`// exact values used here don't matter.
`C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\FROBVPLA.CPP
`if (x < 0)
`if (-x >= (z << 8))
`return -32767 << 8;
`} else
`if (x >= (z << 8))
`return 32767 << 8;
`return StdMath_div(x, z, 16);
`static void
`const Point3&
`const Point3&
`AVPlane::Trapezoid* trap)
`// Find the xs[12], ys[1234] project screen position values from the 3d
`// left and right values. Applies clipping to do this.
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`C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\FROBVPLA.CPP
`// Here is a drawing of a wall, used below to explain the notation used:
`// O__
`// | 4__
` <-- ys4
`// | \__
`// | .....3__ <-- ys3
`// | . . O <--- right (3-d)
`// | . . __O
`// | .....2 <-- ys2
`// | __/
`// |__1
` <-- ys1
`// O
` <--- left (3-d)
`// ^ ^
`// xs1 xs2
`// In this diagram, the L,O,R symbols show the actual corners of the object.
`// In practice they might even be behind the viewer, so that there is no way
`// to represent them in a 2-d drawing, but for the purpose of this example
`// they just stick out not too far beyond the viewwindow edges.
`// The rectangle of periods represents the viewwindow. The
`// 1,2,3,4 symbols show the corners of the clipped wall, clipped so that it
`// is bigger than the viewwindow, but small enough so that it can be
`// guaranteed to project onto a finite part of the viewplane. This is an
`// x-dimension-only concept. xs1 and xs2 are the results showing where the
`// clipping points are.
`// xs1 and xs2 are also chosen to clip out parts of the object that are too
`// close to or are behind the viewer. That is, there is a front clipping
`// plane. The position of the front clipping plane varies depending on the
`// height of the image; it is always arranged so that the ys[1234] values fit
`// in s15b8.
`// Here's a top view:
`// R
`// __/____ <-- viewplane
` / |
`// / | z
`// L V |_x
`// Find the positions of the left and right endpoints of LR, clipped
`// so their x components fall within an area of the viewplane
`// representable as s15b8. They must be clipped to a position outside
`// the viewwindow to avoid letting the user see the clipping.
`// A field of view with power-of-two sloping sides is used for the clip
`// as in testVisible(). See the discussion there for more details.
`// For the left endpoint, the
`// clip position is the point on LR where x = -z. LR is defined as:
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`Point3 clipLeft = left;
`Point3 clipRight = right;
`const int sShift = 0; // 90 deg FOV.
`int v = StdMath_div(left.x + (left.z<<sShift),
`(left.x - right.x) + ((left.z - right.z)<<sShift),
`// b30.
`clipLeft.x += StdMath_mul(right.x - left.x, v, 0, 30);
`clipLeft.z += StdMath_mul(right.z - left.z, v, 0, 30);
`// b8
`// b8
`C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\FROBVPLA.CPP
`// (Lx + (Rx-Lx)*v, Ly + (Ry-Ly)*v, Lz + (Rz-Lz)*v)
`// Setting x = -s*z gives:
`// Lx + (Rx-Lx)*v = -s*(Lz + (Rz-Lz)*v)
`// Lx+s*Lz = -v * ((Rx-Lx)+s*(Rz-Lz))
`// v = (Lx+s*Lz)/((Lx-Rx)+s*(Lz-Rz))
`// Here, s is 1 for a 90 deg FOV, but can be set higher to
`// widen the field of view if needed.
`// We have first checked to verify that the line intersects the FOV
`// edge, so it's guaranteed that v is in [0,1]. This allows the use of
`// many bits of precision for v.
`// If the wall passes so close to the viewer that the calcs below
`// would overflow s15b8, the whole wall is clipped. This case is
`// triggered only for pathological situations.
`// The v calc can't divide overflow due to approximation error since the
`// computation is exact, and it can't overflow in the theoretical case
`// of the line lying on the FOV edge because of the preceding "if".
`// The right edge of the FOV is the same but with x=s instead of x=-s,
`// and swapping left and right.
`int v = StdMath_div(right.x - (right.z<<sShift),
`(right.x - left.x) - ((right.z - left.z)<<sShift),
`// b30.
`clipRight.x += StdMath_mul(left.x - right.x, v, 0, 30); // b8
`clipRight.z += StdMath_mul(left.z - right.z, v, 0, 30); // b8
`if (left.x < (-left.z << sShift))
`dAssert(clipLeft.z > 0);
`if (right.x > (right.z << sShift))
`dAssert(clipRight.z > 0);
`// Project the endpoints to the viewport.
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`// LowerLeft corner of object
`// UpperRight corner of object
`/*static*/ void
`AVPlane::Trapezoid* trap,
`// Project a vertical rectangular object onto the screen, as seen by the
`// camera at *vista.
`// Set _bounding and _bounded accordingly in f.
`// Messes with vLeft, vRight, and sets *trap. Uses the clipping rect in
`// viewport space.
`C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\FROBVPLA.CPP
`trap->_xs1 = projectEndpoint(clipLeft.x, clipLeft.z);
`trap->_xs2 = projectEndpoint(clipRight.x, clipRight.z);
`trap->_ys1 = projectEndpoint(clipLeft.y, clipLeft.z);
`trap->_ys2 = projectEndpoint(clipLeft.y, clipRight.z);
`trap->_ys3 = projectEndpoint(clipRight.y, clipRight.z);
`trap->_ys4 = projectEndpoint(clipRight.y, clipLeft.z);
`f->_bounding = Rect2(0);
`f->_bounded = Rect2(0);
`if (vista->_clip.isNull())
`// If whole thing clipped anyway, skip it.
`doProjectVertical(*vLeft, *vRight, trap);
`// Translate the projected corners from the viewPlane to
`// the physical screen.
`// We will also scale the object's X coords for later use by the paint
`// module. This just saves us from needing to pass the scale factors
`// around
`// screenCoord = screenOrigin - (0.5,0.5) +
`// ((viewCoord - viewOrigin) * screenSize / viewSize)
`// b8 = b8 + ((b8 - b8) * b8 / b8)
`if (trap->_xs1 < trap->_xs2)
`int s = (vista->_viewwindow._left << 8) - 0x80;
`int w = vista->_viewport.p1._x;
`int ss = vista->_viewwindow.width() << 8;
`int ww = vista->_viewport.width();
`trap->_xs1 = s + StdMath_mulDiv(trap->_xs1 - w, ss, ww);
`trap->_xs2 = s + StdMath_mulDiv(trap->_xs2 - w, ss, ww);
`} /
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`C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\FROBVPLA.CPP
`} /
`_xs1(0), _xs2(0), _ys1(0), _ys2(0), _ys3(0), _ys4(0)
`int xs1, int xs2,
`int ys1, int ys2, int ys3, int ys4)
`// What a hack! Preadjusts the x coords for the viewscreenDist
`// adjustment mentioned in axyobjec/vpaint.cpp's
`// computeDataFactors().
`vLeft->x = StdMath_mulDiv(vLeft->x, ss, ww);
`vRight->x = StdMath_mulDiv(vRight->x, ss, ww);
`s = (vista->_viewwindow._top << 8) - 0x80;
`w = vista->_viewport.p2._y;
`ss = vista->_viewwindow.height() << 8;
`ww = vista->_viewport.height();
`trap->_ys1 = s + StdMath_mulDiv(w - trap->_ys1, ss, ww);
`trap->_ys2 = s + StdMath_mulDiv(w - trap->_ys2, ss, ww);
`trap->_ys3 = s + StdMath_mulDiv(w - trap->_ys3, ss, ww);
`trap->_ys4 = s + StdMath_mulDiv(w - trap->_ys4, ss, ww);
`// Use screen coords to fill in the Frob's _bounding, etc.
`// Becomes inclusive coords for this purpose.
`// This equation must match paintv2's exactly so bounding fits
`// precisely around the region. The outermost max or min
`// effectively does a f->_bounding &= vista->clip. We do it
`// inline to force the values into the short range.
`f->_bounding._left = short(max((trap->_xs1 >> 8)+1,
` int(vista->_clip._left)));
`f->_bounding._right = short(min(trap->_xs2 >> 8,
` int(vista->_clip._right)));
`f->_bounding._top = short(max((min(trap->_ys3, trap->_ys4) >> 8)+1,
` int(vista->_clip._top)));
`f->_bounding._bottom = short(min(max(trap->_ys1, trap->_ys2) >> 8,
` int(vista->_clip._bottom)));
`f->_bounded._left = f->_bounding._left;
`f->_bounded._right = f->_bounding._right;
`f->_bounded._top = short(max((max(trap->_ys3, trap->_ys4) >>8)+1,
` int(vista->_clip._top)));
`f->_bounded._bottom = short(min(min(trap->_ys1, trap->_ys2) >> 8,
` int(vista->_clip._bottom)));
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`struct AVPlaneFrob : APlaneFrob
`static Frob* make(AObject* o, Vista* vista, const Point3& size);
`const Point3& size,
`const Point3& vLeft,
`const Point3& vRight);
`// Only make() can call this.
`// LowerLeft corner of object
`// UpperRight corner of object
`C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\FROBVPLA.CPP
`_xs1(xs1), _xs2(xs2), _ys1(ys1), _ys2(ys2), _ys3(ys3), _ys4(ys4)
`const Point3& size,
`const Point3& vLeft,
`const Point3& vRight)
`APlaneFrob(o, size, vista)
`// LowerLeft corner of object
`// UpperRight corner of object
`AVPlane::Trapezoid trap;
`Point3 tempLeft = vLeft;
`Point3 tempRight = vRight;
`AVPlane::project(this, &tempLeft, &tempRight, &trap, vista);
`} /
`/*static*/ Frob*
`const Point3& size)
`// If any part of the plane is visible on the screen, make a frob for it.
`Point3 vLeft, vRight;
`Frob* f = 0;
`if (AVPlane::testVisible(vista, &vLeft, &vRight, AVPlane::xySize(size)))
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`f = 0;
`C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\FROBVPLA.CPP
`return APlane::subMakeFrob(o, vista, fIn, size, AVPlaneFrob::make);
`AVPlane::makeFrob(Vista* vista, Frob* f)
`return subMakeFrob(this, vista, f, _pos._size);
`// Adjust the eye position from one coordinate system to an x-aligned one.
`// Returns the new eye. The size info from the passed-in Pos is used for
`// orientation only, the magnitude of the values doesn't matter.
`// Figures the rotation of the vplane about its left corner, as well
`// as the translation of the left corner to the new xy surface location.
`// Then apply these transformations to the eye to shift from the
`// one coordinate space to the other.
`Viewpoint saver(vista->_viewpoint);
`// Can't have a floor inside a wall.
`dAssert(vista->_viewpoint._lookingDown == 0);
`// Transform into internal coord system.
`Point3& at = vista->_viewpoint._at;
`f = NEW AVPlaneFrob(o, size, vista, vLeft, vRight);
`if (f->_bounding.isNull())
`return f;
`} /
`/*static*/ Frob*
`const Point3& size)
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`C:\Worlds Source Code Archive\FROBVPLA.CPP
`at -= _pos._start;
`Angle rotation = - Angle(_pos._size.xy());
`Frob::rotate(&at.x, &at.y, rotation);
`vista->_viewpoint._dir += rotation;
`vista->_viewpoint = saver;
`AObject::translateAndDescribe(vista, frobPos);
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