`- - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
` Petitioner, :
` v. : Case IRP2015-01264
` WORLDS INC., : Patent 7,945,856
` Patent Owner. :
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
` Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
` Volume 1
` Los Angeles, California
` Thursday, February 11, 2016
` 8:07 a.m.
`Job No.: 103468
`Pages: 1 - 182
`Reported By: Katherine Ferguson, RPR, CSR 12332
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`EX. 2016
`Page 1 of 351

`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC, held at the
`offices of:
` 633 West 5th Avenue, Suite 1550
` Los Angeles, California
` 323-210-2900
` Pursuant to notice, before Katherine Ferguson, RPR,
`CSR in and for the State of California.
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
` Seattle, Washington 98104
` 206-883-2584
` 8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 500
` McLean, Virginia 22102
` 571-765-7708
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` C O N T E N T S
` By Mr. Helge 5
` E X H I B I T S
` (None marked.)
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`8 9
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` MR. HELGE: My name is Wayne Helge appearing
`for Worlds Inc. in Bungie v. Worlds, IPR 2015-012464 and
`related cases and from the law firm of Davidson Berquist
`Jackson & Gowdey.
` MR. BROWN: Andy Brown of Wilson Sonsini
`Goodrich & Rosati on behalf of Bungie. And with me is
`Jad Mills, also of Wilson Sonsini.
` Q Good morning, Dr. Zyda.
` A Morning.
` Q Would you please put your full name on the
` A My name is Michael Zyda. I'm a professor of
`engineering practice at USC.
` Q And Dr. Zyda, you prepared declarations for
`the case that Bungie filed -- excuse me, the case that
`Bungie filed against World?
` A Yes.
` Q And you're here for a deposition on those
`declarations; is that right?
` A Yes.
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` Q And the case that I just identified, IPR
`2015-01264, that's one of the cases you're here to
`testify about?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you want me to go through all the numbers?
` A No. Do I know the numbers, no.
` MR. HELGE: Let's put on the record we have
`six related cases and my understanding is that Dr. Zyda
`is being provided today, February 11th, and tomorrow,
`February 12th, 2016, for deposition on all six of these
`cases with the understanding that the transcript for
`both days will then be submitted in each of those six
`cases; is that your understanding as well?
` MR. BROWN: Yes, it is.
` MR. HELGE: Thank you.
` Q Dr. Zyda, have you given a deposition in the
`proceeding for the patent office before?
` A For the patent office, no. Depositions for
`other patent cases, but for the district court.
` Q So generally, your deposition experience is
`with district court litigation?
` A Right.
` Q And not with patent office AIA trials then?
` A Right.
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` Q The rules for deposition are going to be
`fairly consistent with what you've probably heard
`before. We have a court reporter here. She can only
`take one person's testimony at the time, so we have to
`be careful not to speak over each other. If there is a
`question that I've asked you, I will require an audible
`response. And a nodding of the head cannot be recorded
`by the court reporter, so I'll ask you to give a verbal
`response, please.
` A Okay.
` Q Dr. Zyda, is there any reason you cannot give
`true and accurate testimony today?
` A No.
` Q You're not on any medications that would
`affect your testimony?
` A No.
` Q I'd like to read for you something. And this
`is a paragraph from the Office Patent Trial Practice
`Guide. And this is a rule for deposition before the
`USPTO that perhaps is a little bit different or may be
`different from depositions you've given in the past.
`And I'll read this verbatim here.
` "Once the cross-examination of a witness has
`commenced and until cross-examination of the witness has
`concluded, counsel offering the witness on direct
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
`examination shall not, A, consult or confer with the
`witness regarding the substance of the witness's
`testimony already given or anticipated to be given
`except for the purpose of conferring on whether to
`assert a privilege against testifying or on how to
`comply with a board order or, B, suggest to the witness
`the manner in which any questions should be answered."
` Does that paragraph make sense to you?
` A Yes.
` Q And so you understand that this regulation or
`this guideline for depositions before the patent office,
`it continues upon the commencement of our deposition
`this morning now and it continues until we have
`concluded probably sometime tomorrow?
` A Yes.
` Q And this rule restricts your ability to confer
`with your counsel overnight while the deposition remains
` A I understand.
` Q Dr. Zyda, in preparing for this deposition,
`did you look at your declarations in the six cases
` A Yes.
` Q Did you look at declarations in all six cases?
` A Yes.
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` Q Did you read them thoroughly?
` A I read them as much as one can. There's a lot
`of duplication of wording.
` Q When did that occur?
` A Oh, over the last several weeks.
` Q Had you looked at them at any time since they
`were filed with the patent office?
` A No.
` Q So you filed them with the patent office, that
`was probably mid 2015, you hadn't looked at them until
`now prepping for this deposition; is that right?
` A Right, yes.
` Q And did you also review the six petitions
`again in preparation for this deposition?
` A Yes.
` Q All six?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And did you also review the five
`patents being challenged in preparation for this
` A I did not review the patents, no.
` Q Okay. Did you review any of the prior art
`that's being relied upon in the challenges in
`preparation for this deposition?
` A Yes.
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` Q Did you review all of that prior art?
` A Much of it.
` Q If you can, as best you can from memory, tell
`me which art you looked at again.
` A Funkhouser 93, Funkhouser 95, Durward,
`Schneider, Osblatt (ph).
` Q How about the Marathon reference?
` A Marathon.
` Q So that's a yes?
` A Yes. I didn't look at that one in detail
` Q Okay. Just for the purpose, I think, for
`today and tomorrow, let's get the nomenclature down for
`how we're going to refer to these patents.
` You mentioned Funkhouser 93, which I believe
`was Exhibit 1017 in IPR 2015-01264, and that is the
`Funkhouser reference entitled "Adaptive Display
`Algorithm," correct?
` A Yes.
` Q And Funkhouser 95, is that Exhibit 1005 from
`the lead case?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you recall the title offhand?
` A I do not. I teach that material in a class
`that I teach every fall for the last 15 years.
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` Q That particular Funkhouser 95 reference?
` A Yes.
` Q So you've seen that reference every year for
`the last 15 years?
` A I reviewed the paper when it was in --
`submitted to the conference.
` Q And that was in 1995, correct?
` A The conference was '95, the paper was
`submitted probably October '94.
` Q It was just submitted to you, correct?
` A The paper was submitted to the program chairs
`of the 1995 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and
`they parcelled out to people that work in that area.
` Q Let's make sure that we have this reference
`identified specifically because we've gone down a little
`bit of a hole here and I want to make sure we're talking
`about the same reference. So I'm going to hand you
`what's been marked as Bungie Exhibit 1005. This, I can
`represent to you, is in the lead case.
` MR. HELGE: I believe you were fairly
`consistent in your exhibit marking.
` MR. BROWN: We attempted to be.
` Q Dr. Zyda, is that the Funkhouser reference
`you've been referring to?
` A Yes.
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` Q And it's entitled "RING: A Client-Server
`System for Multiuser Virtual Environments."
` A Yes.
` Q And this is what you're referring to as
`Funkhouser 95?
` A Correct.
` Q I will try my best to use your nomenclature
`throughout the day. My tendency is to refer to it as
`Funkhouser, but if you have any question today or
`tomorrow about what I'm referring to when I say
`"Funkhouser," if I happen to forget 95, will you remind
`me, please?
` A Sure.
` Q Thank you.
` So Dr. Zyda, you said that you have taught
`this paper in a course every year for the last 15
`years --
` A Yes.
` Q -- is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And so you reviewed this paper for the
`first time when?
` A The papers were due for this conference in
`October of 1994. They went to the program committee I
`think sometime late October of '94. I received this
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
`paper to review in the process.
` Q And you were on the program committee for that
` A Yes. Plus, I chaired the conference.
` Q All right. And so you reviewed this paper for
`the first time probably in October of '94 you say; is
`that right?
` A Yes, around then.
` Q And how many other people were on this program
` A Probably 20. The program committee is listed
`in the front of the proceedings.
` Q And when you receive a paper as part of a
`program committee, are you able to distribute it to
`other people or do you have to keep it to yourself?
` A You're supposed to keep it to yourself.
` Q So you didn't share it in a class back in '94
` A No.
` Q And then this paper was published, from my
`understanding of your testimony, as part of this
`Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics in 1995; is that
` A Correct.
` Q So this paper was included in a booklet; is
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
`that right?
` A Yes, a printed book of proceedings.
` Q Okay. And your testimony in your declaration,
`I believe it explains that that booklet was handed out
`to all the committee participants; is that right?
` A To everyone who attended the conference.
`There was 250 attendees in the conference received these
`proceedings the day they arrived at the conference.
` Q How were the booklets distributed to every
`person at the conference?
` A As people checked in to get their badge for
`the conference, they were handed a bag at the
`proceedings and a copy of the videotape that had all the
`live demos on it.
` Q So that was at registration?
` A At registration.
` Q And did you visibility observe that process
` A Yes.
` Q Where were you relative to that registration
` A I probably was by the registration area to say
`hi to everyone coming to the conference.
` Q And so you were near the table where this
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` A Yes, I organized that whole conference. I
`raised all the money, I did all the paperwork for the
`association for competing machinery and was the person
`who made sure the proceedings were put together and
`printed on time.
` Q Was that the first instance where the
`conference participants were able to receive this
`document, this Funkhouser 95 document?
` A Yes.
` Q And then did Funkhouser present at the
` A Yes, he did.
` Q Did he present this paper?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you attend that presentation?
` A Yes.
` Q And do you recall what day that presentation
` A No.
` Q Okay. But sometime in that conference?
` A Yeah, 9th through 12th of April.
` Q 9th through 12th of April?
` A 1995.
` Q So you received this paper in October '94 is
`your recollection?
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` A Right.
` Q And then it was handed out to the participants
`of the conference in 1995?
` A Right.
` Q When did you start teaching this document in
`your courses?
` A Oh, wow, that's a good question. I had a
`virtual environments class. I taught at the Naval
`Postgraduate School and they covered the material in
`there. And then at USC, when I got there, I had to --
`in the very first semester I taught, I had to create
`three classes almost immediately and one of them was
`"network games design implementation" which is a lot of
`the material from networking virtual environments.
` Q And what year did you first teach at USC?
` A I started at USC in January of 2005.
` Q And was that the first time that you taught
`the course that you had designed dealing with this
` A It's the first time I had taught that course
`at USC, but I had taught virtual environments class at
`the Naval Postgraduate School and included this material
`there pretty much as soon as this paper came out.
` Q So the virtual environments class is the
`course in which you used Funkhouser 95; is that right?
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And why did you use this reference in
`that course?
` A I had been working in the networking of
`virtual environments since about 1987 and I had a Ph.D.
`student, Mike Masadonia, who was working in how do you
`build filtering systems for large scale network for twin
`environments and he sort of helped me put all of this
`material together. It was right out of his
` Q Let's go back just a little bit in our
`discussion and that was about preparation for the
` A Sure.
` Q We had talked about your review of petitions,
`review of declarations, review of the patents being
`challenged and review of prior art. And I think we have
`fairly clear testimony from you on what you reviewed in
`preparation for this deposition among those documents.
` Did you review any other documents in
`preparation for this deposition?
` A No.
` Q Who did you talk to in preparation for this
` A Counsel.
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` Q And when you say "counsel," you're referring
`to Mr. Brown?
` A Andy Brown, yes.
` Q Was there anybody else?
` A Jad.
` Q Is that the other attorney?
` A Jad Mills from Wilson Sonsini.
` Q Did you talk with anyone else in preparation
`for the deposition?
` A Matt Argenti.
` Q Also with Wilson?
` A Yeah.
` Q Did you talk to any other lawyers from any
`other law firms in preparation?
` A No.
` Q Have you talked to any other inhouse counsel
`for any law firms or -- excuse me, inhouse counsel for
`any companies?
` A No, not in a long time.
` Q What's a long time?
` A Well, I've been a patent expert witness since
` Q So when I was talking about inhouse counsel, I
`guess I was talking about in preparation for the
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` A No. Not for this company, no.
` Q How about for Activision?
` A No. I know Activision's inhouse counsel is
`trying to get me on the phone, but I haven't answered
`the call yet. That was supposed to happen Monday of
`this week. I couldn't make the time. It's in a
`different issue.
` Q Based on your review of your declarations and
`based on your review of the prior art in preparation for
`this deposition, did you spot any errors in your
` A No.
` Q Did you spot any areas in which you thought
`you could have done a better job had you done this
` A No.
` Q There was nothing that you wanted to
`supplement or correct?
` A No.
` Q So your declarations, you're comfortable with
`them as you stand here right now?
` A Yes.
` Q Dr. Zyda, let's talk about virtual reality and
`virtual environments in the 1995 timeframe.
` A Okay.
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` Q You had -- well, correct me if I'm wrong,
`that's really the basis for your declaration; is that
` A Yes, I have a long experience in virtuality.
` Q And your declaration is giving testimony about
`what would have been known or understood by a person of
`ordinary skill in the art in that 1995 timeframe,
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. So let's try to focus on that. If we
`go outside of that, just please let me know.
` A Uh-huh.
` Q In the 1995 timeframe, in developing virtual
`environments, would it be fair to characterize the
`working arrangements based on server side, client side
`and network side; is that fair?
` A That's a broad area. Okay.
` Q Are there any other -- are there any other
`regions or areas of focus that I've missed in describing
`the virtual environment world?
` A This is a big area. The technology for
`building interactive virtual environments in the
`networking side is explored; client server,
`peer-to-peer, hybrid peer-to-peer client server, the
`whole span.
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` Q And each of these pose different challenges;
`is that right?
` A They do.
` Q Which area was your area of expertise in 1995?
` A 1995, I was building a large scale network
`military virtual environment called NPS Net.
` Q And would you characterize that -- among the
`categories you just listed, would you characterize that
`as a client server?
` A It used the DIS architecture; distributed
`interactive simulation.
` Q Distributed --
` A Interactive simulation. It's an IEEE 1278.1
`standard. I was on the architecture committee that
`helped define the standard.
` Q And with Naval Postgraduate School, you were
`focusing on the purpose of military simulations; is that
` A Yeah, military simulations, military virtual
` Q Were there network limitations driving certain
`decisions made during the design of virtual environments
`in 1995?
` MR. BROWN: Objection.
` A That's a broad question, but network
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
`limitations are always there, whatever year you pick.
` Q So let's talk about 1995.
` Network limitations could be network speed; is
`that right?
` A Speed, band width, latency, all those big
` Q Okay. Would you agree that Funkhouser 95 was
`dealing with those issues?
` A Yes.
` Q And would you agree that there are -- were
`potentially client side limitations in 1995 dealing with
`perhaps processing power?
` A Yes.
` Q Processing limitations?
` A (Nods head.)
` Q And was Funkhouser 95 dealing with client side
`limitations as well?
` A Yes.
` Q And were there also server side limitations in
` A Yes.
` Q And was Funkhouser 95 dealing with those as
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. What sorts of limitations existed on
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
`the server side in virtual environments in 1995?
` A Available CPU cycles.
` Q Anything else?
` A Network connectivity.
` Q What do you mean by network -- connectivity or
` A Network connectivity. I mean how many packets
`could be brought into the machine, into the server
`machine at any one time without drowning the server. It
`depends on the architecture of the virtual environment.
` Q Were servers generally possessing greater
`computing power than the clients in 1995?
` A They could. Depends what server.
` Q Was it common to design a virtual environment
`where the server had reduced computing power than the
` A No.
` Q It's possible, but it's not likely; is that
` A It's not likely. It could often be the same.
` Q Were they running the same types of CPUs
`generally in 1995?
` A It was very common for -- in 1995 for work
`station grade machines to be used both as client and as
`server, so it could be the same.
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` Q Dr. Zyda, let's open to page 3 in this
`Funkhouser reference.
` A Okay.
` Q If you see the figure on the top right side --
` A Sure.
` Q Do you see this client A being shown in figure
` A Yes.
` Q And do you see clients B, C and D?
` A Yes.
` Q And you see a block of servers in the middle?
` A Yes.
` Q Was this a common architecture for a virtual
`environment back in 1995?
` A There's another earlier paper called "Brick
`Net" by Germender Sangwish (ph) which has a nearly
`identical architecture.
` Q So does that mean that this was a common
`architecture at the time?
` A I can think of two instances.
` Q This one and the Brick Net?
` A Yes.
` Q With your work at -- NPS Net; is that right?
` A NPS Net.
` Q -- at NPS Net, did you use the same type of
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
`client server architecture?
` A NPS Net was a hybrid architecture.
` Q What does that mean?
` A So NPS Net was built to connect to the Defense
`Simulation Internet and so when you were in a local area
`network, all of your clients in that local area network
`basically communicated by a broadcast. When they wanted
`to communicate to other hosts at other sites, those
`packets would be copied from your local area network by
`a tunnel process that would -- basically the server
`process which would copy the Defense Simulation Internet
`to another teleprocess which would rebroadcast them onto
`LAN on the other side.
` Q So really in the situation you're describing,
`you would have a multitude of clients in one server each
`location and then those servers would be connected by
`the Defense --
` A Simulation Internet.
` Q Yes.
` A But the DSI, it would be pretty typical to
`have, say, 10 or 11 DSI sites online, so those tunnels
`would go out to 11 -- to the 11 different servers on
`each of the sites.
` Q Generally one server per site though; is that
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`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` A Yes.
` Q And in your work with NPS Net, what was the
`relationship between processing power and those work
`stations and the server at any given site?
` A Well, a 1994/1995 computer, depending on the
`architecture, could get drowned once you got over 300
`entities that you were trying to update with the DSI
`architecture. There weren't enough cycles in the work
`station grade machines in '95 to process more than 250,
`300 at a time.
` Q So did those servers have greater processing
`power than the work stations?
` A I think they might -- they were the same in
`1995. Some of the tests from the (indecipherable) war
`efforts had very large servers when they were trying to
`take packets from the Defense Simulation Internet, put
`them into stothe servers that would communicate from the
`east coast to Europe. Those would be pretty big
`machines; multicore, big memory machines.
` Q When you say "big" and "multicore," are you
`talking about the number of processors and processing
` A Yes.
` Q So it wouldn't be, for example, a 486 machine
`as you said?
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`IPR2015-01264, -01268, -01269, -01319, -01321, -01325
`EX. 2016
`Page 26 of 351

`Deposition of Michael Zyda, DSC
`Conducted on February 11, 2016
` A No.
` Q In your work with NPS Net, did you know the
`processing power of all the work stations that were
`going to be used in a simulation?
` A No. And it was architected so it was
` Q What does that mean, architected?
` A NPS Net ran at a variety of different Silicon
`Graphics work stations from, say, the small to the
`reality engine ones and twos and it was designed so you
`could set it to work properly and get an engaging
`experience at each of those levels.
` Q Does architected -- and I apologize for
`seeking more clarification here -- does it mean that you
`knew, when you were going to run a simulation, that each
`work station was capable of handling the loads and the
`processing requirements that were going to be imposed on
` A The networking and computation load was pretty
`similar. The major difference between the machines,
`even in SGI, was the graphics capability. So some could
`do texturing, some could not in 1995.
` Q Were all the graphics processes handled using
`software at that time?
` A All? We're talking about a work station grade
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`IPR2015-01264, -01268, -01269, -01319, -

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