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`Library ofCongress (Hiatiiiogingi insliuhlication Date
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`- 97-4E846 -
`Merriam-Webster‘s collegiate dictionary. w IOih ed.
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`l. Engiish iangungewDictionrtries.
`I. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
`_ 1998
`Prong, Inc. Exh. 1017 p. 2
`Merriam-Webster's Coilegiate® Dictionary. Tenth Edition principal copyright 1993
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`the playing 0
`““3“". livid maggot
`obs" a: Ihl'vm ENDcn'a,
`rank or office: INSTALLb
`.‘f- "film: -.sta-t.tchu.\ r
`- flurmcr or same state -
`Iln(l}’ItO-\ n [L
`:1”. future ; momg ST
`e. or dilupidalion 2
`l : as a' subst't
`2 : as an ultfiifvgrtggu
`:rLgrgd fitt’or o quiet count
`ifs: Etnoedmtt ri"
`arched mlddi
`”Pi: ll! upper But]: m Kai:
`m '
`'3'! m: L'
`2) z to good or urgg loin»? g
`on \.ln t)-sto-'gd-shan\ ar
`~ Its-st [Lin
`tor hid-ts“ n”
`2,- + mfg“) drip.?r..[!:iilld
`t lul?olmii°"' into th
`[tl—str'la-shat'iP-gilfl Child
`rut nctlul
`i-mlflin i:
`figurine] (is?)
`an ~ or the ‘
`ble tendency of mi'gi"
`)mvironmm ~
`[teen =lo£tr- {In-poll-
`2 : proloun '
`ed by
`i'llScl )
`1l instinct or pggpgnelsaiting
`9r 7.".- .L Partinm '
`lined reitdln
`. n -
`at\tizution orificlgjhfiu
`hatia untamed.
`tontative (1) p! gun goligett
`galcompcndium branorga
`mags: march or}.
`ISiVC course fidfifiqvmw
`151m urban atudlm ....)
`~tyil-\ fl (He)
`1 : anact
`lIignll'icant practice. relatio
`if iii: pt...
`' “i“
`I established orgfihigautrilgtf’El
`Eto'gfalfltfbijcichamctcfi elm
`Eta];aha-n'l-.l-mn\ it ([362]
`1 capped. delinquenh or
`di at the expense of otttajfaeto
`at thou
`tthat emphasizes the
`scan-om behavior -_—'.In-stl~tu
`ha—n‘luln hinted: -t£.tn use
`13 character of an i
`orporale intoa atgicilu‘i'gdnia
`thnollzed values). 2 :‘to I lit
`first} ._—I ln-atl-t‘u-tlonoalr" '
`ll: relatingt
`Inside a store gig-31$;
`.ltmrucno. p . of tun-nerd:
`UlE] (lsel
`: toglve lino
`bouthontative information
`we Lit-order or'oornmmd ..
`:. the action.
`lmal. aha-1:133???“ ”7‘”
`I”: “minim t. E [.16
`t nstructs ;_m
`magi-“fan? "
`WI .
`l): an'ornttnwho‘ "loan [15”
`if“; n" 1: lflflmmetimm.
`' “ Cl"-"'i'=‘~'-1m'=dto product: at.
`.“ Whit-Wed. Performed. or furl?!
`3" ”d: DUPaToot. 3: 1mm.
`- .4Hlflrmalle '
`' onetime“
`- “ maul-Inns d:
`for d
`aiue'ofa uantlty under observation b : an electrical
`need It navigating an airplane: exp: such a device
`mwofnavigaung madclMPLEMBNT'
`on“ it! (17 2) _ 1 :
`to address a le
`ical perlonnance: oacHlau‘ruTE
`: to camp vvtth
`masunng and recording data (an instruments
`a :' serving as n
`n(tl-Itrn-'n-ten-t’l\ ad (Me)
`(was ~ in organ
`ng the strike)
`in of. relating
`' instrument or tool 1 : relating to. composed for.
`musical Inatnunent
`3 :_of. relating to. or bout a
`that ideas are in-
`nna determines their truth
`: a player on a musical i
`lnatrummtaliem -—- lnatrumentallat ad
`ro-rnm—‘ta-lavtfl. amend n. pl -tiea
`stmtmmeutal. 2: MEANS. AGENCY
`:o-‘ta-Ihan. —.rnen-\ rt (13451 1: the
`of music for instntmmts cap. [or a
`the use or up flotation of inatnlmenta (as [or observa-
`' or control
`3 :_ instrtmteota for a particular pur-
`gcjeetion orarrangetnmtoii
`g n (l928): navtgatton of an
`Inn in “938) t a landing made with liml
`iggirumpnta and by ground radio direction
`no! 'n
`(l922)__t_ a panel on which instruments are
`-’bbrd-n:ti\.' ad (on!
`inaubortilnnte rt —- ln-au
`-bor-d’n-*a-ah=d\ n
`start t'l-shon adj [prob. fr._F_ inrubsmntlel.
`+ LL mlmamlullr substantial] (1607)
`'gtantial'. as
`lung substance or material nature
`solidity :FLJHSY __-—j
`(.lin-‘aa—ltia-lrn-bol mi} (15:): not to be endured: IN-
`hie-nests n — ln-tml-fer-ably
`cy \Jnttl—ar'fi-shanitl-m n. pl ~clca (1526)
`: the
`'tnt'c ol _bemg insufficient: as n : lack of mental or morn]
`' M?E1”ENCE (the ~ 01' hi
`for public onion).
`deqna'te supply'{~_ oi prowsions)' e t loci: of physical
`pacity‘. spectf: inability or an organ or body part to func-
`ily‘ '1: something that 3 Insufficient or falls short ofexpec-
`en \Jnltl—w’fi-shant‘t ad} ME. if. ME. fr. LL Insufl‘icient-.
`','-fr_. L'ln- ~t~ mfflcient-. .mf tcleru sulfiment] (Halt not suffi-
`.t ammo; exp: lactingadrequate potter. capacity. or eompe-
`uf-I'E-clent-ly adv
`lon' \Jnltl-so’flfi-shan.
`4“” 'ntffln
`emonial rite bf exorcism performed by breat
`the act oi blowin somethin (as a gas. wder.'or vapor)
`imam. might“ n_~__— in-
`cavity -—_ Immi-
`ton fin tl-sa-lann n (out. 1929) Ehiefly Brit: INSU'LA'I'IUN 2-.-
`finltHfi-Iar. -syt'.t-. 'ln—sha-lan adj [LL_'f.n:ulaer. fr. L iru-ttla
`- l' _e : of, relating to. or constituting an
`ing a narrow proton-
`situated on an island (n4 raider-us) _2: chums
`dppeople; up : being. having, or reflect
`ut ' 3: of or relating to an island of calla or tissue — in-stl-
`invau-laroi-ty \Jnltl-stt-flar-o-té. -ayt't-._ .ln-
`anti-22m) rt -—
`n—‘tn-au sr-ly \‘lnltHfi-lar-lfius ' .‘tn-sho-\ adv
`la] (ca. I741): to
`te.\'in(\ vt dot-ed; Jot-inn
`' detached situation i nouns-mp:
`to separate from conduct-
`resby mean: of nonconductora toss to prevent transfer older:-
`first. or sound '
`a: meticulous at insulat-
`tion_\.in.(t)-ae-'la-ah_an\ n tl79a)
`the state of being insulated 2 : material used in insulating
`of electricity-or heat) —cornpare
`3tor \‘ln(t}-a_:~,lll-tor\' nilBOll 1 one that insulates-:11:
`a :
`at that ts a poor conductor (as
`_Ntluc‘rok' b : a device made ol an electrical insulating material
`' mu
`for separating or supporting conductors .
`a we tot mammoth L. is.
`fl \‘in(t)~sl
`llom '
`ad by_1.l1e islets of
`I091“ : a :iotdn.rptt[nNcreatic hormone scan-ct
`lam of ourbohydratt:
`trains that
`it essential
`. for the mcLIbDl
`is'li-ixl in the treatment an otmtrolol' diabetes ntdlitua
`With 1]“ 111135115: 0'
`waive devel-
`H"...fl10dt _I't (1925) t hypoglycemia associated
`Hive insulin in tlic-ayaictn and characterized byprn
`{Mr- or L.
`rtmnemttmtrm lit..t'ospr1ng
`Halter n -— lnmll-hIg-ly.\in-'nal-tit]-_
`: a gross indignt_ty._ 2 :
`One ohm
`"also aometlnu that cauad or
`environmental ~ )
`was such imult mum and o
`a-)ra-bol\.atfl [MEL l'r. MF «It. L; MF, lr.
`Per-mate \(Jing'atiffl
`Pembilis. ln-ln1.+' mpemreto'aurmount. fr.” super over 7- more at
`Kiln-cl : incapable'olibeing surmounted; overcome. p
`“110'“ difficulties)_-'— ln-atl-
`radibly \7b1!\ adv'
`.PBrt-ahlc \lnltrw'pfir-to-
`. ~‘por-\ ad] [MF or._LL'.'
`partare to support
`(ca. 1.530) :'_not
`-"-¥Hpmt_obiite-Ir. L in- + 31.1
`a :‘g'morethan out
`endured_<~ pain
`charge!) '-.ln-aun-Purt-ably \-bté\ ad ' --
`reta-[late \Jnitl-so-‘pre-sa-dettdjilblOl: lRREPttESSlBLE "
`instrument 0 integrally
`ln-aur-abla \in-‘shur-o—bah adjtlBlOl : that may bc'insored _-—'- ln-aur~
`ahll-l-ty \-.sltl§tr-:t-'hi-l:>tE\ n
`.\n(165l)_ 1'1: thebuaintsa of
`linear-once \in-‘aht‘Ir-mitls also 'in-
`rnpcrty b : coverage by contract whereby one
`_ lnaunng persons or
`party undertaken to ndemntly or guarantee another agninat loss by a
`the sum lot which something is
`spectficd contingency or pent. c .
`insured 2: a means at
`rantedng protection or safety (the contract
`Hum-titted ad] (I 54) : being a score that adds to a team's lead and
`makes it impossible for the opposing teamto tie the game With its next
`ln-aure \in-‘ahfifl vb ln-aured: lngs‘ur-lng [ME to assure. prob. alter.
`oimrert} at “615)
`1 :
`to provide or obtain insurance on or for
`t to maltc certain up. by talr
`F“ vi : to contract to give or take insurance syn _see ENSURE
`insured n (168”; a person whoaelit‘e or property is insured .-
`ints-ur-er_\ln-'ahur-ar\ n (1654) : one that Insures; spertft an Insurance
`ln-aur-gence \in-'Iar-jan(t}s\_n (1847) : an act or the action of being
`or state of
`insurgent : lHSURlECl'lON
`in-anr- en-cy.\-}anit)-si\
`being usurgent‘. :pectf: a can
`that ts less than an organized revolution and t
`belligerency 1t trtsuaoartca
`'inuaur-gent \-j:nt\ n [L ins-urgent. innit-gens. prp. oi insurgere to rise
`up. tr. in. +;sun}ere to risef more at SURGE](I765) - l: a person who
`revolts against civil authontr or:an establtshed government; esp : a
`rebel not recognized a: a bell gerent
`2 :- one who acts contrary to the
`lick: and decisions oi one’s own political party
`18M) t rising in oppcflilion to civil authority or estab-
`urfient will
`lished esders
`: anaewoua—ln-our-gont-z adv
`ln-aur-mount-a lo \Jnithaar-‘mnt‘m-ta—boh a
`(1690) : incapable of
`being surmounted : Insurnmua (~ problems) — in—aur-mount-ahty
`\-bl!\ adv
`incur-recttlon \Jnltl-aa'rek-aham :1 [M5, fr; MF. fr. LL imurrection-.
`trout-rectal. it. tum-gem] use) tan not or tnatanoe oi revolting against
`civil authority or an ambushed government -syn see seneum — In-
`aur-rec-tion-al \-shn:l-. aha-rt \ ad} -—- inos-ur-recdion-ary \-sho-
`on: ~ludttr-rec-floaalst \-sb(o~)niat\ rt
`ln-aua-cep-tl-hle \.in(tl-a:-'aep-ta-b:i\ ad} (1603) .1 not susceptible (~
`to flattery) _- In-aus-cep-tl-bildoty \-.5ep-t:-'b1-ia-té\ n - imma—
`ccp-tio‘bly Minitl-sa-‘sep-ta-bla adv -
`'- '
`lnotaet \lo-‘takt\ adj [ME intacte. lr. L Imactua. fr. M. +- tat-tux. rip; of
`— more: at TANGENT]
`l :-untottcltecl dfihiby"E
`body or Lt
`I: pbysiooll vtrginal h:
`neaa\-'tak(t n=a\n '
`-'till-‘.- ' -'ta'-gIE-.o.'
`\in-‘tul-l lyoi
`-‘t3-\-'rt. pi ”-glloa
`in; intagliara to en-
`grave, cut. fr.-ML tntaiiarer lr.‘ L ink-'4' LL 1
`taller: to cut —'—--more at TAILORIUE‘H)
`It an engraving or incised figure to stone or '
`other hard material depressed belov." the
`aurfaoe so tha
`._ mm:-
`e'\‘in».tl.k\'tt (lfic)'_ l :‘m opening ' "
`through' which fluid enters an enclosure
`1 's retaking-in i:
`ltaken in :'.INPUTZ'
`: the amount taken to (1): something (as en
`'ln-tan-glo‘ble \(Jin-‘tan-ia-bol't ad} [F or ML:
`. tr. ML lnmngtbilu. tr.
`not tangible: lMPALPABLE ——
`L tn-. _+ LL langibiii: tangible} (1640)::
`otanggd-ble-nua Afton-l:—
`inrtan-El-bll-l-ty _\-'.
`aka-'bi- o—tEV n ~_—-_in
`ilntnntlbla Pt (19”) : something intangible; :pect'f: an wetlaa good-
`{It-tubal! \in-‘tir-sE-a\ n [(3. modll. of It tntorslo] (1861). 1': a mosaic
`usu.'_of'wood titted into a support; also: the art or mucus-of making
`auch'a mosaic] _2: _a colored design knitted on both aids at alabrlc (as
`_.- -.
`'ln-rl-Jar.\.n [1.1 all}. whole. entire _— more at ENTIRE] (157”
`the natural numbers.” the negatives oitltesc numbers. or zero
`' 1; got
`in-te‘mgbla \" -rl—gra—bol\ adj (out l74ll : capable of being_inte-
`rated (~ functions) — tn-te-g'ra-bll-l-ty \Jn-ti~gra~'bi-la-IE\ n
`l nate-gral \‘ln—ti-
`(urn m in mathemallml;_ln-_'lc-gnl also -'té- alto
`l 51)
`It: essential to completmessrooumru-
`amino .-_._ pert ol' Lhccurriculurn) b (ll: being. containing. or relat-
`ing to one or more mathematical integers.
`(2i : relating: or con-
`1: composed
`' center! with matitetrlalioal integrals or integration . e t form
`with another Er! (a seat wiLhr-v. headrut)
`lac on nothing essential: ENTIRE— lngtflal
`Pm” 3.
`. are-ma n —— in'lE'IFflI-ly \‘in-tl-gro-lé; in-‘te-gra: _
`1integral in (ca. 1141
`: the muit of a mathematical Integration _—
`compare Dart
`Integral calculuan (on. 174]) t a branch of mathematics concerned
`with._the theory and up titration: (aa _in the detemtinationol lengths.
`arena. and volumes an
`intltc solutton oi dtlfleratrlal equations] of
`int'egralaancl integration -
`. _-
`\a\abt1_t'_ \’\_kltten} Eubt'e'; \aj'rttgrum tater. \s\ ocic' \3\.m§w} mar
`not out: -..\_c_h\ 'chin'
`1 \e_\ bet" \rt eoty-{_\g_\_'gu . _\t\_hit"- _\I\ tee. \j\job
`\n\_ an \o\ 30 madman boy \th\ thin \ih\'d_:e_j_ \il_\_ iool;._\__t‘.t\_loot
`' \‘y‘t'ye'r \‘zhtfi-im' \t‘.'1r.".'-'ce.' are. or. K see 0de to mammalian
`Prong, Inc. EXh. 1017 o. 3

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