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`'oiU.S'Pat2nl. No.
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`I§J'E_'.~.i_t#..-.5: 210
`Amnum D‘-'9
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`‘rne lniormation dtsciosed henain may be restricted. Unaulhorized disciusure may ha prohibited by the Uniled States code Title 35. Sections ‘I22. 181 and 363.
`Possession outside the U.'5. Patent & Trademark (lfllca is restricted to authorized employees and contractors only-.
`Form PTO--I-35.!
`[F-lav. 6093}
`. _.__,
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 001

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`**F0REIGN RPPLIcRTIoNs*****H.«H* vr
`Rapuamc or KOREA 92 43766
`Farsi nPriaflty claimed”
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`a; gnu Elmataftar Allowance COUNTRY
`Verifiad and Acknawladged
`_522 K ST NW

`3 WASHINGTON DC 20005-1202
`“EC” ED
`FEES: Authority has been given in Paper
`to chargefcredit DEPOSIT ACCOUNT
`for the following:
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 002

`T J
`'1'5ate received
`(Incl. C. of M.)
`* 4% ‘:‘,-—9« 4? 09301509
`Date received
`(Incl. C. at M.)
`Date Haiied
`[LEFT ourssms)
`__ Exh
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 003

`(12; United States Patent
`(to) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,804,724 B2
`*0et. 12, 2004
`r:_o23,S85 .~\
`o-2o2_.f.w95 or
`Ishii cl at].
`Tflfttll McGowan
`................. . 345E132
`Inventor: Seung-Gi Shin, Suwon {KR}
`(73) Assignee: Szunsung Eli-etrtanies Co., Ltd..
`Suwon-si (KR)
`tl-1lU|lll.I A2
`it 802 5]‘) Al
`(*) Notice;
`This patent issued on a continued pros-
`ecution application tiled under 37 (‘FR
`l.S3(Li), and is subject to the twenty year
`term provisions of 35 U.S.C.
`The User Manual for the Gateway Solo 5300 notebook
`computer. pp. 5 and 20.
`of www.ati.eornFproduetstmobilityraiIeonidis-
`pla_v.l'tlml from ATI tochnologoes, Inc.
`(List continued on nt:-K1 page.)
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term of this
`patent is extended or ;tdjuster| under 35
`l54|‘_b] by U days.
`Pr'imrJr_t-' E.t'zrtirim*r—Jelfrev Guffin
`/t.‘..S.iSfrtrtf t‘?mrttt'rter—-ilarruld Kim
`(74) Arrorne).-‘, Agent, or Fr'rnt—~Robert E. Bushnell. Esq.
`Adesktop computer system has a display adapter capable of
`supporting Lt digital clisptay such as LCD panels as well as
`an analog display. The computer system provides atnalogr
`digital video .-sigtials outputted [tom the display adapter with
`at CRT monitor or a LCD monitor depending upon the
`monitor cable connection state. The eomptttersystem further
`has a power saving function to be pcrfonned in the display
`adapter also depending upon the monitor cable connection
`state. The display adapter includes two video pores, that is,
`at Ii rst video port being coupled with the CRT monitor cable.
`and a second video port being eoupled with the digital
`monitor cable. Further included is a digital transmitter for
`sending parallel digital video signals to the LCD monitor
`through the second video port. A monitor cable sensing
`circuit is provider] to detect connection slate of the digital
`monitor cable. To this end, the digital monitor generates zt
`signal being sent to the second video port over the monitor
`cable, thereby informing the video eontroller of the monitor
`cable connection state.
`if the LCD monitor eable is not
`connected with the video port, the sensing eireuil prevents
`the display t:t't:tl)le (DE) signal supplied by the video con-
`[roller from being inputted to the transmitter.
`14 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets
`(21) April. No.: 09,r’301.6l}9
`Apr. 29.. 1999
`Prior I‘nl)lleatIert Data
`US 2l}(I2,’itl4954l Al Oct. 17, 2002
`Foreign Application Priority Ditttt
`Apr. 29, 1993
`Oct. to. [998
`GOGF 13(1)!)
`Int. Cl.’
`3455; 345il4-7
`(52) U.Ei. CI.
`Field of Search
`345.3147, 3, 2..
`345K186, 89. 1. 553, [32, 127. 30. 211-213;
`References Cited
`tmmi-9. Berry
`2t’t‘t£th Tomiyasit
`9.-’i‘J9t3 Zendn
`3.»*J09't“ Mehtaily
`.trtu0tt Wade cl al.
`5.u’t‘t9S ]3n.-isetti et a].
`.. 3458.2
`5_.15o_.1ou A
`5.4914‘-F-'1 A ’
`'7.55‘J.5?_' A "
`fi,fiItS.4tR A
`S.7ttJ.5't'tI A '
`5.757.333 A
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 004
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 004

`US 6,804,724 B2
`Page 2
`Developer's note to the Power Macintosh G3 /\ll—in~—onc
`computer. pp. 18 and 26.
`Prinluul of ww\v.ali.cum_!5upporIfinfobascf3588.him} from
`www.whal'L5.con:| or www.wha1j5.lcchlatgc1.cum definition
`/\Tl ‘llecllnolngics. Inc.
`for "monitor" and “d1'5plaf‘.
`"“""“P“"“°'°°“"°“”"5”’”"‘37"— xP—nu2I23{)75 Vl;7.SA(Vid¢:n Electronics Siandards. Asw-
`ciulicm), Ping and 1'JispIr.ry (P & D”) Smndura‘, Version I.
`Pnnlnul ot wrww.real11mcsol1.c0mfmul11rn0nfgu1dc.»’1aplop-
`(med Jun 11 19‘)?
`Prinloul of www.r(lpslidcs.cum;’pplfaq;’FAQ()U476.hlm.
`* cited by examiner
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 005
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 005

`U.S. Patent
`om. 12,2004
`Sheet 1 of 19
`US 6,804,724 B2
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 006
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 006

`US. Patent
`on. 12, 2004
`Sheet 2 of 19
`US 6,804,724 B2
`Fig. 2
`(Prior art)
`Fig. 3
`(Prior art)
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 007
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 007

`US. Patent
`on. 12, 2004
`Sl1ect3 of 19
`US 6,804,724 B2
`Fig. 4
`(Prior art)
`r """""""""""" ‘*5.""""""" ‘-1
`-"' Controller"-' Monitor
`1I J
`Video Card
`Main-» r,_________
`System Bus
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 008

`U.S. Patent
`on. 12, 2004
`Sheet 4 of 19
`US 6,804,724 B2
`Fig.5 (Priorart)
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 009
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 009

`US. Patent
`0m. 12, 2004
`Sheet 5 of 19
`US 6,804,724 B2
`Fig. 6
`(Prior art)
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 010
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 010

`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 12, 2004
`§I1eLt 6 of 19
`5 r:
` ______"mam____Bm»wm__o._u:o_
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 011
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 011

`U.S. Patent
`om. 12,2004
`Sheet 70119
`US 6,804,724 B2
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 012
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 012

`US. Patent
`on. 12, 2004
`Sheet 3 of 19
`US 6,804,724 B2
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 013
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 013

`U.S. Patent
`0m. 12, 2004
`Sheet 9 of 19
`US 6,804,724 B2
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 014
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 014

`U.S. Patent
`on. 12, 2004
`Sheet 10 of 19
`US 6,804,724 B2
` F:58E3MalmEE3E5.3520...?a__e=_8
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 015
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 015

`U.S. Patent
`om. 12,2004
`Sheet 11 M19
`US 6,804,724 B2
`.2E02_ I38
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 016
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 016

`US. Patent
`on. 12, 2004
`Sheet 12 of 19
`US 6,804,724 B2
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 017
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 017

`Exhibit 1002
`Page 018
`US. Patent
`8 9
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 018

`US. Patent
`82.82am_mE_so ..mA508“._.5mIII.ME§mE_o_o__“..;8_-_@8._0»oz.6_._.mgIIISm.EEa.I:_mx_._.cfIIImme+99.IIIm8...
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 019
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 019

`US. Patent
`on. 12, 2004
`Sheet 15 of 19
`US 6,804,724 B2
`1 7A
`26th Pin Of
`MDR Connector
`1I L
`____________ --
`1 713
`26th Pin Of
`MDR Connector
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 020
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 020

`US. Patent
`on. 12, 2004
`Sheet 15 of 19
`US 6,804,724 B2
`Fig. 17C
`26th Pin Of
`MDH Connector
`Fig. 17D
`26th Pin Of
`MDH Connector
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 021
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 021

`US. Patent
`on. 12, 2004
`Sheet 17 of 19
`US 6,804,724 B2
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 022
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 022

`U.S. Patent
`0m. 12, 2004
`Sheet 13 of 19
`US 6,804,724 B2
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 023
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 023

`US. Patent
`0m. 12, 2004
`Sheet 19 of 19
`US 6,804,724 B2
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 024
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 024

`US 6,804,724 B2
`incorporates the
`This application makes reference to,
`same herein. and claims all benefits accruing under 35
`U.S.C. § 119 from an application for/tnaloglfligital Display
`Adapter and a Computer System I-laving the Same earlier
`filed in the Korean Industrial Property Ollice on Apr. 39
`1993 and there duly assigned Serial No. 153'-)5;’l9‘.l8 and on
`Oct. 161998 and dtcre duly amigncd Serial No. 43'?fi6fl998.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to computer systems. and
`more particularly to a computer system having dual and
`triple display l'unc-lion that supports analog displays and
`digital displays.
`2. Discussion of the Related Art
`Conventionally. personal computers are equipped with
`cathode ray tube (CRT) n1onitors. Also, portable computers
`such as laptop and notebook computers chiefly use llat panel
`liquid crystal displays. Occasionally, a desktop computer is
`equipped with the liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor.
`although it
`is costly. Today,
`liquid crystal displays are
`considered as a substitute for the CRT display for their
`compactness and low power consurnption.
`In the meantime, display monitors adopting the LCD
`panel have been developed to be used with the desktop
`personal computer. The LCD monitor has advantages oflow
`power consurnption and low electromagnetic wave radia-
`Lion. LCD monitors commonly include an interface circuitry
`that converts analog video signals inputted from the system
`host into digital video signals in order to drive every pixel
`oi‘ the LCD panel. In particular, advanced digital display‘
`systems use all-digital llat panel display interface that elimi-
`nates the analog-to-digital conversion of the video signals
`and transmits digital video data from rt host video controller
`to the LCD monitor through high speed data channel. This
`solves the digital interface design problems such as increas-
`ing clock rates. data lines, and cable length. In this system.
`the video controller circuitry converts the video memory
`data into transferable form and reconstructs it once it gets to
`the display panel.
`Yet there has not been provided in the desktop computer
`a display adapter or video card that supports that all-digital
`interface LCD tnonitor. Further, in the notebook computer,
`there has not been provided an external digital video output
`function that allows use of the all-digital interface LCD
`Iinrthermorc. there are cases where either the external
`monitor cable fails to connect with tlte external video pon of
`the notebook computer or the external monitor is not sup-
`plied with the power. In either case. when the notebook
`computer system is set to output video signals through the
`external video port, the extc rnal monitor will not operate and
`thus nothing appeared on the monitor screen.
`Japanese Patent 2-64693 discloses a computer in which a
`CRT and an LCD are both available from separate oulpttl
`ports on a computer. U.S. Pat. No. 5.608.418 for a Flat Panel
`Display interface For a lligh Resolution Computer Graphics
`System to McNally discloses a graphics subsystem that
`contains a that panel connector and a CRT connector. In
`addition, McNally shows that a color bu [fer circuit receives
`a Hat panel sense data which indicates whether the tint panel
`display is coupled to the hat panel interface lines.
`What is needed is a portable. notebook computer having
`an LCD display panel. that can accomrnoclaie llortkups to
`another LCD digital llat panel display and a hookup to a
`CRT monitor. In this arrangement, the extra LCD display
`will contain circuitry that will let the notebook computer
`know whether the extra I.C.‘l) display rnon.itor is hooked up
`so that power will be delivered to the LCD hookup only
`when an LCD monitor is plugged into the LCD hookup.
`The present invention is intended to solve the prior art
`problems. and it
`is therefore an object of the invention to
`provide a display adapter capable of supporting digital
`displays as well as analog displays.
`It is another object ol' the invention to provide a computer
`display system having dual display adapters capable of
`connecting one of the displays depending upon the monitor
`cable connection state.
`It is further object of the invention to provide a computer
`display system having dual display adapters capable of
`reducing power consumed in one display adapter depending
`upon the monitor cable connection state.
`It is further yet another object to provide a triple display
`notebook computer where the notebook computer will sup-
`port hookups with another LCD display and :1 (‘RT display.
`It is still another nhjcet to provide a monitor for the LCD
`hookup lines so that power will only be delivered to the I.(.'.D
`hookup only if the extra LCD monitor is plugged into the
`LCD hookup.
`In accordance with one aspect of the present invent ion, a
`desktop computer system is provided. which comprises: a
`main board having at least one expansion slot: and a display
`adapter installed in one ol' the expansion slot of the main
`in which the display adapter including: a video
`controller for providing analog video signals and digital
`video data with the CRT display and digital displays. respec-
`tively; a lirstvideo port for connecting with the CTRT monitor
`cable; and a second video port for connecting with the digital
`display monitor.
`In accordance with another aspect of the present
`invention, a display adapter for use in a computer system is
`provitled, which comprises: a video controller for outputting
`serial analog video signals and parallel digital video signals;
`a lirst connector being coupled with the CRT monitor cable
`connector; :1 second con nector being coupled with the digital
`monitor cable connector; and a digital transmitter for send-
`ing parallel digital video signals to a digital display through
`the second connector.
`The display adapter further comprises a monitor cable
`sensing means for detecting connection of the digital moni-
`tor cabie connector with the second connector, whereby a
`display enable signal is generated in the video controller and
`being sent
`to the digital transmitter when the connection
`between the digital monitor cable and the second connector
`has been completed.
`Preferably. the digital monitor includes means for gener-
`ating a signal
`to be sent
`to the second connector of the
`display adapter over the monitor cable, thereby informing
`the monitor cable connection with the second connector to
`the video controller.
`the display adapter further comprises a power
`supply control circuit for switching onmlf of the supply
`voltages directed to the digital
`in which the
`power supply control circuit responds to the signal fed from
`the digital monitor such that the supply voltages are supplied
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 025
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 025

`US 6,804,724 B2.
`with the transmitter when the connection between the digital
`monitor cable and the second connector has been completed.
`In accordance with the other aspect of the present
`invention. a portable computer system is provided. which
`comprises: a LC‘D panel hingedly attached to the main body
`of the portable computer; a main board having a display
`adapter; 3 video controller capable of providing digital video
`data with the LCD panel; a transmitter for sending parallel
`digital video data to an extra digital monitor; and an external
`video port for connecting a cable of the external digital
`The display adapter according to this invention allows the
`video signal to be sent to one of the LCD monitor and CRT
`monitor. any one that
`is connected with the video card,
`regardless of the video start-up direction or video output
`path set in the computer system. Further, the display adapter
`of the invention is capable of reducing power consumed in
`the digital transmitter when the monitor cable is discon-
`nected from the computer system.
`FIG. 14 is a detailed diagram for showing the LCD
`monitor cable sensing circuit;
`FIG. 15 is a block diagram of the VGA card having a
`power supply control circuit For the transmitter in accor-
`dance with the invention;
`ITIG. 16 is a schematic diagram of the power supply
`control circuit shown in FIG. 15;
`FIGS. l7A—l'l'D are schematic circuit diagrams for show-
`ing examples of the power supply control circuit;
`FIG. 18 is an exterior view of a notebook computer
`having analog.-"digital video adapter. showing connection of
`external CRT monitor and LCD monitor therewith;
`FIG. 19 is a rear view of the notebook computer of FIG.
`18. for showing connection of the CRT monitor cable and
`LCD monitor cable with two video ports thereof; and
`FIG. 20 is a block diagmnt of the notebook computer
`system having a VGA card with an external (_'.'R'l' port and
`LCD port in accordance with another embodiment of the
`Anion": complete appreciation of the invention. and many
`oi" the attendant advantages thereof, will be readily apparent
`as the same becomes better understood by reference to the
`Following detailed description when considered in conjunc-
`tion with the accompanying drawings in which like refer-
`ence symbols ind icate the same or similar components,
`FIG. 1 is an exterior view of an earlier desk top personal
`computer with a CRT monitor;
`I"-‘IG. 2 is a rear view of the desk top computer of FIG. 1.
`for showing connection of the (‘RT ntonitor cable with a
`video port thereof:
`FIG. 3 is a view similar to FIG. 2, showing a video card “
`installed in an expansion slot of the computer;
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram of an earlier computer system
`having a VGA card;
`FIG. 5 is an exterior view of an earlier notebook
`computer. for showing connection of an extra (‘RT monitor
`FIG. 6 is a rear view of the notebook eornptttcr of FIG. 5.
`for showing connection of the CRT monitor cable with an
`external video port thererii;
`Fltj. 7 is a block diagram of an earlier notebook computer
`system having a VGA card with a LCD panel interface and
`the external CRT port;
`FIG. 8 is an exterior view of it desktop computer having
`an analogjdigital video adapter, showing connection of CRT
`monitor and LCD monitor therewith;
`An earlier desk top personal computer is shown in [t'[(]. l.
`in which a CRT monitor 100 and keyboard 200 are coupled
`to a tower type personal computer 300 as indispensable
`inputtoutput devices. The CRT monitor 100 and keyboard
`200 are connected to the computer 300 via signal cables 110
`and 210 as shown in FIG. 2. These signal cables Ill} and 210
`are provided with at one end connectors 111 and 211 so they
`can be coupled with the counterpart connectors or ports 321
`and 312 providerl in the computer. As shown in FIG. 3, the
`video port 321 is mounted in a video adapter card .3220
`installed in one of expansion slots 311 of the system mother
`board 310. The keyboard port 312 is also mounted in the
`mother board Jlll.
`A contiguration oi" the earlier computer system having
`such a connectitin can be seen in FIG. 4. The computer
`system comprises a central processing unit (CPU) 330, a
`BIOS 340, El. main memory 350, an IEO controller 360, and
`a video card 320. The video card 320 includes a video BIOS
`322. a video controller 323. a video memory 324. and a
`connector 321. The video controller 323 generates analog R.
`G, B video signals corresponding to the stored image in the
`video memory 324 and transmits the se-rializetl video signals
`along with horizontal and vertical synchronizing signals to
`the CRT monitor 100 through the connector 321. The
`connector 321 commonly uses I5-pin D-Sub female VGA
`connectors. Thus. most desktop computers have been
`designed to use with the CRT monitor.
`In the case of a portable computer. usually :1 LCD panel
`is used as a main display and selectively an extra CRT
`monitor can be used therewith asshown in FIG. 5. The LCD
`FIG. 9 is a rear view of the desktop computer of FIG. 8.
`for showing connection of the CRT monitor cable and LCD
`monitor cable with two video ports thereof;
`FIG. 10 is a view similar to FIG. 9. showing a VGA card
`having two video ports installed in an expansion slot of the
`FIG. 11 is a block diagram of a desktop computer system
`having a VGA card in accordance with one embodiment of
`the invention;
`FIG. 12 is a schematic diagram of the digital signal
`interface between the transmitter of the VGA card and the
`receiver of the LCD monitor;
`FIG. 13 is a block diagram of the VGAcard having a LCD
`monitor cable sensing circuit in accordance with the inven-
`panel 410 is hingedly attached to the main body 405 of
`notebook computer 40!}. facing a computer user in the open
`position and forming a lid covering the top portion of the
`main hotly 405 in the close position. The CRT monitor 100
`can be selectively connected with the notebook computer. if
`an external video port is provided in the notebook t.‘ompt.Itet‘.
`FIG. 6 shows the rear side ot' the notebook computer 400,
`where an external video port 425. preferably I5-pin D-Sub
`female connector is provided in line with serialfparallel
`ports. The CRT monitor cable 110 has analog 15-pin D-Sub
`male connector 111 to be coupled with the external video
`port 425 when required.
`'7 shows a ctmliguration of an earlier notebook
`computer system as described above. The notebook com-
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 026
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 026

`US 6,804,724 B2.
`puter system comprises a central processing unit (CPU) 430,
`a BIOS 440. a main memory 450, an U0 controller 460, a
`video BIOS 421. a video controller 422, a video memory
`423. and a digital
`transmittertreceiver 424. The digital
`transntitterfre-ceiver 424 is a high speed digital video inter-
`connect device for sending video me mory data to the LCD
`panel 410 under control of the video controller 422. The
`video controller 422 also generates analog R, G, B video
`signals corresponding to the stored image in the video
`memory 423 and transmits serialized video signals along
`with horizontal and vertical synchronizing signals to the
`(.‘R’l' monitor 100 through the VGA connector 425. The
`system has a video output path control function that can
`selectively operate the LCD panel 410 and CRT monitor 100
`in response to a special key combination input of the
`keyboard 470. Both LCD panel 410 and CRT monitor 100
`can be operated simultaneously in a dual display mode by
`the key manipulation.
`Referring to FIG. 8. there is shown a desktop computer
`500 in which a CRT monitor 100 and a LCD monitor 600 are
`connected therewith. The LCD monitor 600 is a digital
`display that digitally interfaces with the computer 5l]0.:’\1srI.
`the Computer 500 has a display adapter having dual display
`function for the VGA analog video type display and the
`digital display in accordance with one embodiment of this
`invention. Reference number 200 de notes a keyboard for use
`with the computer 500.
`The CRT monitor 100 and LCD monitor 600 are con-
`nected to the computer 50!} via signal cables 110 and 610 as
`shown in l"lG. 9.
`'l'hesc signal cables 110 and fill] are
`provided with at one end connectors Ill and 611 so that they
`can be coupled with the counterpart connectors or ports 52]
`and 522 provided in the computer. Also. connected is the
`keyboard signal cable 210 via a connector 211. As shown in
`FIG. 10, two video ports S21 and 522 are mounted in a
`display adapter or video card 520 installed in one of expan-
`sion slots 511 ofthe system mother board 510. The keyboard
`port 512 is also mounted in the mother board 310.
`The computer system adopting such a video card 520 is
`shown in l"l(i. IL The computer system comprises a central
`processing unit (CPU) 530. a BIOS 540. a main memory
`550. an M0 controller 560. and a video card 520. The video
`card 520 includes a video BIOS 523. a video controller 524,
`a video memory 525. a digital
`transmitter 525, a VGA
`analog connector 521. and a VGA digital connector 52.2.
`The video controller 524 generates analog R, G. B analog
`video signals corresponding to the stored image in the video
`memory 525 and transmits the serialized video signals along
`with horizontal and vertical synclironizing signals to the
`CRT monitor 100 through the connector 52]. The connector
`521 uses I5-pin D-Sub female VGA connector. 1"-u rthcr, the
`video controller 524 outputs parallel digital video data and
`the synchronizing signals to the transmitter 526. The trans-
`mitter 526 is made up of a high-speed digital video inter-
`connect device. for example Sit I00 chip. :1 PaneILinktiti
`product family of Silicon Images, inc. This transmitter 526
`is used with the pair receiver chip, for example Sil 101,
`which is usually provided in the digital LCD monitor part.
`Basically, the transmittertrcccivcr is provided for sending
`video data to digital displays, supporting VGA to XGA
`resolutions for TFT-LCD panels. The Si] 100 transmitter
`chip 526 incorporates an advanced coding scheme to enable
`well-known VESA Transition Minitnizcd Differential Sig-
`naling (TM'DS} for reduced electromagnetic interference
`(EMI) across copper cables and DC-balancing [or data
`tr.-insmission over fiber optics. To maximize data recovery
`accuracy. the Sil 101 receiver chip oversamples and makes
`use of a data recovery algorithm to select the most reliable
`data sampling points.
`Asshowrt in FIG. 12. the transmitter 526 receives parallel
`digital video data from the host video controllcr52-1. Inputs
`of the transmitter 526 are 6-bit video data (R, G, B),
`horizontal and vertical synchronizing signals (IISYNC,
`VSYNC), 3-bit control signal (CTL), display enable signal
`{DE}. clock signal (DCLK). The transmitter 526 encodes
`and scrializes the parallel input data by the use olan internal
`l’LL circuit. The serialized data is then transmitted to the
`receiver chip 630 of the LCD monitor 600 over [our low
`voltage dill'erential channels TKO, TXI, TX2 and 'l')'{(‘., the
`amplitude of which is set by the swing control circuit
`provided in the transmitter 526. Each channel consisLs of a
`pair of lines that is shown in the drawings by addition of +
`and — thereto. R (red) video data signal is sent over a pair of
`lines TX{|+ and 'l'X0—. (J (green) video data signal is sent
`over a pair of lines TXl+ and T)il—. 13 (blue) video data
`signal is sent over a pair of lines TX2+ and T){2—. And the
`dilferential clock signal is sent over 2!. pairoflines "l"X(.‘.+ and
`TXC-. constituting the differential clock channel.
`Further, the transmitter 526 is applied by two voltages
`DVCC‘ and AVCC. The DVCC is an operating voltage for
`the transmitter 526. for example 3.3 Volts, and the AVCC.
`nominally 3.3 VolL-:-. is provided for the differential level
`swing control circuit {not shown) of the transmitter 526.
`Also. re lizrencc numerals AGND denotes the ground of the
`dil1‘c:renI.ial signaling circuit. and DGN D denotes the ground
`ol‘ the transmitter chip 526, respectively. Details of the
`TDMS interconnect scheme and the low voltage cliffcrcntial
`signaling (LVDS) method is described in the PanclI.inkv:§
`Technology Product Farnily Overview, Silr'DS-tlfltll-B, Rev.
`1.0, pp. 11-24, and the relevant parts have been incorporated
`herein for reference.
`The output signal lines of the transmitter 526 are con-
`nected to a digital video port 522, called MDR connector.
`provided in the video card 520. Also, a signal cable fill}.
`preferably made by flex or twisted pair cables, is prepared to
`connect the MDR conncctor522 of the video card 520 to the
`LCD monitor 600 through the counterpart MDR connectors.
`Further, signal cable 610 consists ofthrcc data channels, C2.
`C1 and Cl] (red. green and blue, respectively} and one clock
`channel (T3.
`In the LCD monitor 600. the receiver chip 630 receives
`the difiercntial signals of the serialized video data and clock
`from the transmitter 526 via the signal cable 610 and the
`other MDR connector 620. Inputs ol' the receiver 630 are
`corresponding low voltage dilfercntial channels RXO, RX],
`RX2 and RXC. Also. cach channel consist of two signal
`lines such as RXO+ and R}(l]— for the received R (red) video
`data. The receiver 630 includes :1 termination control circuit
`the input diflererttial signals.
`a decode-rrdcserializer
`circuit. and a PLL circuit, all for the recovery of the original
`parallel data. The receiver chip 630 is also applied by two
`voltages DVCC and AVCC. The DVCC‘ is an operating
`voltage for the receiver, for example 3.3 Volts. The AVCC.
`nominally 3.3 VolLs_. is provided for the dillenintial signal
`termination control circuit (not shown) of the receiver 630.
`These circuits have been omitted for simplicity of the
`The recovered parallel data, that is Fa-bit video data (R. (I,
`H), horizontal and vertical synchronizing signals {I-ISYNC.
`VSYNC). 3-bit control signal (CTL), display enable signal
`(DE). and clock signal (DCLK). outputted from the receiver
`630 are supplied with the LCD panel of the digital rnonitor
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 027

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