`The complete
`in the
`C language
`Sicp-by-step guide to
`complhng and Wl’lhllg
`Covers program looping, decision
`making, arrays, structures, pointers,
`E and more
`i‘ §AM§..
`I PuauswwarA
`Page 1 of 559
`Page 1 of 559


`Page 2 of 559
`Page 2 of 559



`Reference Card
`,mmflwmmn.w-n.w-ufiaum mmmvummmmmumammwrmwwmm:mm:”MW-u:
`_' 1 Variables/Identifiers
`- Must be <= 31 characters in length.
`- Only the first six characters are
`May consist of uppercase/ lowercase let~
`‘c d' “ts, oranunderscore.
`ers numen
`- The first letter must be a letter or under-
`l Standard Program Template
`#include <stdio.h>
`1111: main (void)
`I" program body t],
`return l2);
`a character string
`. Sequences
`an integer
`followed by u or U
`an unsigned
`an integer followed by 1 or L
`a long integer
`an integer followed by
`u or U and 1 or L
`a floating point constant
`_ £0110wed by f or F
`a floating point constant
`followed by ‘f or F and 1 or L
`\ followed by three octal
`digits (0-7)
`\x followed by three
`hexadecimal digits (0—9, A—F)
`a string of characters
`enclosed in quotation marks
`an unsigned
`long integer
`a long double
`an octal number
`a hexadecimal
`Page 3 of 559
`Page 3 of 559


` And the result will be
`long double
`the other operand is
`_ either operand is a long double
`converted to long double
`the other operand is
`either operand is a double
`converted to double
`either operand is
`the other operand is
`a float
`converted to float
`either operand is a char‘, short int,
`it is converted to int
`int or unsigned int
` int bit field or enumerated or unsigned int
`either operand is
`the other operand is converted
`unsigned long int
`an unsigned long int
`to unsigned long int
`One operand is a long int and
`the other is an unsigned int
`and a long int can contain the
`value of the unsigned int
`the unsigned int is
`converted to long int
`long int
`both operands are
`one operand is a long int and
`converted to unsigned
`the other is an unsigned int
`and a long int can't contain
`long int
`the value of the unsigned int
`unsigned long int
`one operand is a long int
`_ the other'operand is
`long int
`converted to long int
`one operand is an
`the other operand is
`unsigned int
`unsigned int
`converted to unsigned int
`both operands are
`of type int
`Order of
`Precedence C Opera tor(s)
`Order of
`'. Precedence C Operatofis)
`& (bitwiseAND)
`Page 4 of 559
`1. o n ->-
`! ~ ++ -- *(indirection)
`&(address of) (type) sizeo‘l=
`* (multiplication) I
`3 4
`5 6
`Page 4 of 559


`Revised Edition
`Page 5 of 559
`Page 5 of 559


`I‘IIW 3.? J]
`Page 6 of 559
`Page 6 of 559


`Stephen G. Kacha'n
`A Division of Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
`201 West 103rd Street, Indianapolis, Indian-[1.46290
`% g
`.- é.
`Revised Editififi”"" ,
`Page 7 of 559
`Page 7 of 559


`To my mother and father
`Copyright © 1994 by Stephen G. Kochan
`All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced,
`stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, elec—
`tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, Without
`written permission from the publisher. No patent liability is
`assumed with respect to the use of the information contained
`herein. Although every preCaut-ion has been taken in the prepara—
`tion of this book, the publisher and author assume no responsibil-
`ity for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for
`damages resulting fromthe use of the information contained
`herein. For information, address Sams Publishing, a division of
`Prentice Hall Computer Publishing, 201 W. 103rd St., Indianapolis,
`IN 46290.
`International Standard Book Number: 0-672-30339-6
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 93-83485
`Composed in Palatine and MCPdigz’tal
`by Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
`Printed in the United States of America
`All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks
`or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Sams
`Publishing cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of
`a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity
`of any trademark or service mark.
`DEC is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corp. IBM is
`a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp.
`Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
`MS—DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
`Turbo C is a registered trademark of Borland International, Inc.
`UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T.
`Page 8 of 559
`Page 8 of 559


`Richard K. Swadley
`Associate Publisher
`Iordan Gold
`Acquisitions Manager
`Stacy Hiquet
`Managing Editor
`Cindy Morrow
`Acquisitions Editor
`Stacy Hiquet
`Development Editor
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`Production Editor
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`Copy Editor
`Mitzi Foster Gianakos
`Editorial and Graphics
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`Editorial Assistants
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`, Lynette Quinn
`Technical Reviewer
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`Tonya Simpson
`Susan Springer
`Dennis Wesner
`Alyssa Yesh
`‘ Indexer
`john Sleeva
`Page 9 of 559
`Page 9 of 559


`Preface XVll
`Introduction 1
`Some Fundamentals 5
`Writing a Program in ANSI C 13
`Variables, Data Types,
`and Arithmetic Expressions 23
`Program Looping 4:5
`Making Decisions 71
`Arrays 103
`Functions 127
`Structures 175
`Character Strings 203
`Pointers 245
`Operations on Bits 291
`The Preprocessor 313
`More on Data Types 337
`Working with Larger Programs 351
`kiput and Output 3 61
`Miscellaneous and Advanced Features 391
`Page 10 of 559
`Page 10 of 559


`ANSI C Language Summary 409
`The Standard c Library 451
`Major Differences in ANSI C 471
`Common Programmmg Mistakes 477.
`The ASCII Character Set 483 -
`Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises 485
`Index 513
`A U
`! D U.
`Page 11 of 559
`Page 11 of 559


`Preface XVii
`Introduction 1
`Some Fundamentals 5
`..... 5
`Programming ..........
`Higher—Level Languages6
`Operating Systems7
`Compiling Programs ..............................8
`Writing a Program in ANSI C 13
`Exerc15es .......
`....... ..21
`Data Types and Constants ..
`Type int
`Type double
`Variables, Data Types, and Arithmetic Expressions 2.3
`Qualifiers long, short, unsigned, and signed.
`Arithmetic Expressions
`.......................... 33
`Integer Arithmetic and the Unary Minus Operator ...36
`The Modulus Operator
`................... .......38
`Integer and Floating—Point Conversions
`Exercises ......................................................................
`Program Looping 4:5
`Thefor Statement ..........................................46
`Program input
`............................ 54
`Nestedfor Loops .................................... 56
`for Loop Variants58
`The while Statement59
`The do Statement ...........
`............................................. 64
`The break Statement66
`The continue Statement
`........ .67
`Page 12 of 559
`Page 12 of 559


`Making Decisions 71
`........................... ............71
`The ifStatement
`The if—else Construct
`Compound Relational Tests79 j
`Nested IfStatements
`.......................... .............82
`The else ifConstruct
`........... .84
`The switch Statement ..............................92
`Flags ..................
`The Conditional Operator
`...................... .99
`Arrays 103
`Initializing Array Elements............. ..............
`Character Arrays117
`Multidimensional Arrays .........
`Exercises .............
`....... 123
`Functions 127
`Arguments and Local Variables
`Returning Function Results ... ..
`Functions Calling Functions Calling ... ..
`Declaring Return Types and Argument Types
`Checking Function Arguments
`Top-Down Programming..................................... ............. 147
`Functions and Arrays
`........ 148
`Assignment Operators ........
`MultidimensiOnal Arrays
`Global Variables162
`Automatic and Static Variables .. ..
`. .. .
`Recursive Functions
`Structures 175
`Functions and Structures
`A Structure for Storing the Time
`Initializing Structures
`Arrays of Structures
`Structures Within Structures
`Structures Containing Arrays;........ .
`Page 13 of 559
`Page 13 of 559


`Structure Variants .............................................................. 199
`Character Strings 203
`Variable Length Character Strings...
`Initializing and Displaying CharacterStringsm"...........209
`Testing Two Character Strings for Equality .............. 212
`lnputting Character Strings ......................................... 214
`Single—Character Input;................................................. 217'
`The Null String .............................................................. 222
`Escape Characters .............................................................. 225'
`More on Constant Strings ................................................. 227
`Character Strings, Structures, and Arrays ...................... 228
`A Better Search Method ................................................ 232
`Character Operations237
`Pointers 245
`Pointers and Structures ..................................................... 251'
`Structures Containing Pointers ................................... 253
`Linked Lists .................................................................... 255
`Pointers and Functions264
`Pointers and Arrays ........................................................... 270
`A Slight Digression About Program Optimization.274
`Is It an Array or Is It a Pointer? ................................... 275
`Pointers to Character Strings ....................................... 276
`Constant Character Strings and Pointers ................... 278
`The Increment and Decrement
`Operators Revisited .................................................... 280
`Operations on Pointers ...................................................... 283
`Pointers to Functions284
`Pointers and Memory Addresses286
`Exercises .............................................................................. 287
`Operations on Bits 291
`Bit Operators ....................................................................... 293
`The Bitwise AND Operator............................ 293
`The Bitwise Inclusive-OR Operator ............................ 296
`The Bitwise Exclusive-OR Operator ........................... 297
`The Ones Complement Operator298
`The Left Shift Operator ................................................. 300
`The Right Shift Operator .............................................. 301
`Bit Fields .......... . ................................................................... 306
`Exercises .............................................................................. 311
`Page 14 of 559
`Page 14 of 559


`The Preprocessor 313
`......... ......314
`The #define Statement .....
`Program Extendability
`Program Portability ...............
`More Advanced Types of Definitions
`The # Operator
`The ## Operator ...........
`The #inciude Statement ..................
`System Include F11e5331 ‘
`Conditional COmpilation
`The #ifdefi #endzf, #else, and #ifndef Statements ..........332
`The #if and #elif Preprocessor Statements 334
`The #undef Statement
`.................... 335
`More on Data Types 337
`............. 337
`Enumerated Data Types ......
`....... 341
`The typedefStatement ......
`Data Type Conversions344
`Sign Extension.............................. ...........
`........ 346
`Argument Conversion .....
`..... 347
`Exercises............. ...........
`Working with Larger Programs 351
`Separate Compilations ....................... 351
`Communication Between Modules .....353
`External Var1ab1es
`Static versus Extern Variables and Functions ..... ,......357
`Include Files
`... ... 36D
`Input and Output 361
`Character I/O: getchar and putchar 362
`Formatted I/O: printfand scanf362
`The printhunction363
`The scaanunction
`......... 369
`File I/O
`........ ..........374
`Redirection of I/O to a File .......
`........................... 374
`End of File..... ....
`.................... ..376
`Special Functions for Handling Files .........
`Thefopen FunctiOn ........
`.. .................
`The getc and puts Functions
`The close Function ......................................... .
`Page 15 of 559
`Page 15 of 559


`Thefprintf andfscaanunctions 383
`The fgets and fputs Functions ................
`stdin, stdout, and stderr385
`The exit Function
`.............. 386
`Renaming and Removing F11e5387
`.......... 388
`Miscellaneous and Advanced Features 391
`Miscellaneous Language Statements391
`The gate Statement..................................... ........... .. ..... ..391
`........... ............396
`The Comma Operator ...............
`Variable Attributes397
`volatile ..........398
`Command-Line Arguments398
`Dynamic Memory Allocation403
`The caller and malloc Functions 403
`The sizeofOperator404
`Thefree Function407
`ANSI C Language Summary 409
`1.0 Identifiers .....................................409
`...................... 410
`3.0 Constants .......410
`3.1 Integer Constants ................
`3.2 Floatinngoint Constants411
`3.3 Character Constants411
`3.3.1 Escape Sequences412
`3.3.2 Wide Character Constants
`...... 412
`. 412
`3.4 Character String Constants
`.......... .413
`3.4.1 Character String Concatenation
`3.4.2 Wide Character String Constants .. ..................... 413
`3.5 Enumeration Constants413
`4.0 Data Types and Declarations ..
`4.1 Declarations .....
`........................... 413
`.............. 414
`4.2 Basic Data Types .........
`4.3 Derived Data Types ............ .. ..........415
`4.3.1 Arrays 415
`4.3.2 Structures ...... .. .................... 417
`4.3.3Unions ............ 419
`Page 16 of 559
`Page 16 of 559


`4.3.4 Pointers .................................................................. 419
`4.4 Enumerated Data Types ......................................... 420
`4.5 typedef ......................................................1.................. 421
`4.6 Type Modifiers const and volatile ........................... 421
`5.0 Expressions .................................................................... 422
`5.1 Summary of C Operators ....................................... 423
`5.2 Constant Expressions .............................................. 426
`5.3 Arithmetic Operators ........................................ 427
`5.4 Logical Operators ............................................. 427
`5.5 Relational Operators428
`5.6 Bitwise Operators .................................................... 428
`5.7 Increment and Decrement Operators ................... 429
`5.8 Assignment Operators429
`5.9 Conditional Operator ......-........................................ 430
`5.10 Type Cast Operator ............................................... 430
`5.11 sizeof Operator ........................................................ 430
`5.12 Comma Operator ................................................... 431
`5.13 Basic Operations with Arrays ............................... 431
`5.14 Basic Operations with Structures431
`5.15 Basic Operations with Pointers ........................... 432
`Pointers to Arrays .............
`....................................... 433
`Pointersto Structures .................................................... 434
`5.16 Conversion of Basic Data Types .......................... 435
`6.0 Storage Classes and Scepe .......................................... 436
`6.1 Functions ................
`................................................ 437
`6.2 Variables ................................................................... 438
`7.0 Functions ....................................................................... 438
`7.1 Function Definition438
`7.2 Function Call ............................................................ 439
`7.3 Function Pointers ..................................................... 440
`8.0 Statements441
`8.1 Compound Statements ........................................... 441
`8.2 The break Statement ................................................. 441
`8.3 The continue-Statement ........................................... 441
`8.4 The do Statement ...................................................... 441
`8.5 Thefor Statement ..........................................-.- .......... 442
`8.6 The gato Statement .................................................... 442
`8.7 The If Statement .._. .................................................... 442
`8.8 The null Statement ................................................... 443
`8.9 The return Statement ............................................... 443
`8.10 The switch Statement ............................................. 443
`8.11 The while Statement444
`Page 17 of 559
`Page 17 of 559


`.................................................... 444
`9.0 The Preprocessor
`9.1 Trigraph Sequences445
`9.2 Preprocessor Directives .......................................... 445
`9.2.1 The #define Directive ............................................ 445
`9.2.2 The #arror Directive .............................................. 447
`9.2.3 The #zfDirective .................................................... 447
`9.2.4 The #ifdefDirective ............... . ............................... 448
`9.2.5 The #tfndqf Directive ............................................. 448
`9.2.6 The #include Directive .......................................... 449
`9.2.7 The #line Directive ................................................ 449
`9.2.8 The #pmgma Directive .......................................... 449
`9.2.9 The #undef Directive ............................................. 450
`9.2.10 The # Directive .................................................... 450
`9.3 Predefined Identifiers ...... . ...................................... 450
`The Standard C Library 451
`Standard Header Files ....................................................... 451
`<stddef.h> 452
`<1imit5.h> ........................................................................ 452
`<float.h> .........................................................
`String Functions
`Memory Functions ............................................................. 455
`Character Functions ........................................................... 456
`I/ 0 Functions ..................................................................... 457
`III-Memory Format Conversion Functions ..................... 462
`String~to—Nurnber Conversion ..................................'....... 463
`Dynamic Memory Allocation Functions ......................... 465
`Math Functions ................................................................... 465
`General Utility Functions .................................................. 467
`Major Differences in ANSI c: 471E
`1.0 Identifiers ....................................................................... 4.71
`3.0 Constants
`3.1 Integer Constants ..................................................... 472
`3.2 Floating-Point Constants ........................................ 472
`3.3 Character Constants472
`3.3.1 Escape Sequences ................................................. 472
`3.3.2 Wide Character COnstants .................................. 472
`3.4 Character String Constants ....................................472
`3.4.1 Character String Concatenation 472
`3.4.2 Wide Character String Constants.................... 472
`Page 18 of 559
`Page 18 of 559


`4.0 Data Types and Declarations........-..............................472
`4.2 Basic Data Types ......................472
`. 4.3 Derived Data Types 473
`"nun-u ”- ”nu.-
`4.3.1 Arrays........
`4.3.2 Structures
`4.3.3 Unions473
`4.3.4 Pointers473
`4.6 Type Modifiers const and volatile... ............ . .......
`5.0 Expressions....................................................................473
`5.3 Arithmetic Operators
`5.6 Bitwise Operators
`5.11 sizeofOperator ............474
`5.16 Conversion of Basic Data Types .......................... 474
`7.0 FunctiOns ...........474
`7.1 Function Definition474
`7.3 Function Pomters ...........474
`9.0 The Preprocessor
`9.1 Trigraph Sequences ................................................ .475
`9.2.1 The #define Directive 475
`9.2.2 The #error Directive475
`9.2.8 The #pragma Directive .......................................... 475
`9.2.10 The # Directive
`Common Programming Mistakes 477
`The ASCII Character Set 483
`Answars To Odd-Numbered Exercises 485
`Chapter 6 ................490
`Chapter 7 ......................................................................... 492
`Chapter 8......
`Chapter 9496
`Chapter 10500
`Chapter11505 _
`Chapter 13.......... .......................... . ...................
` - ”nun-noun”.nae-nun”“Hue—unann-
`Chapter 14
`Chapter 16......... ...................... . .......
`Index ‘ 513
`Page 19 of 559
`Page 19 of 559


`Page 20 of 559
`Page 20 of 559


`When the original edition of Programming in ANSI C was written, the ANSI C
`specification still existed in draft form. Since that time, not only has the stan—
`dard been adopted, but the ANSI C form of the C programming language has
`become ubiquitous as well.
`Over the years, I have had many requests to offer answers to the exercises at
`the end of the chapters. I have been reluctant to do so since that would make
`the book less suitable for use as a classroom textbook. As a compromise of sorts,
`Ihave decided to include answers to the odd-numbered exercises.
`The other significant change made to this edition of the book has been the
`addition of ”Quick Tips” throughout the text. These were added to reinforce
`some key ideas and to help you avoid pitfalls commonly made by C program—
`This year marks 10 years since the originial Programming in C book was pub—
`lished. I am grateful to anyone who has used my book. I hope it has achieved
`its objective of trying to make learning to program in C easier and more enjoy—
`Page 21 of 559
`Page 21 of 559


`Page 22 of 559
`Page 22 of 559


`_ o- t==i
`The original version of the ”C” programming language was pioneered
`by Dennis Ritchie at AT&T Bell Laboratories in the early 19705. It was
`not until the late 19705, however, that this programing language
`began to gain widespread popularity and support. This was because
`until that time C compilers were not readily available for conunercial
`use outside of Bell Laboratories. Initially, C’s growth in popularity was
`also spurred on in part by the equal,“ if not faster, growth in popular-
`ity of the UNIX operating system. This operating system, which was
`i also developed at Bell Laboratories, has C as its ”standard” program—
`ming language. In fact, well over 90 percent of the operating system
`itself is written in the C language!
`The enormous success of the IBM ‘PC and its look~alikes soon made
`'MS-DOS the most popular environment for the C language. As C grew
`in p0pu1arity across different operating systems, more and more ven-
`dors hopped on the bandwagon and started marketing their mm C
`compilers. For the most part, their version of the C language was based
`on an appendix found in the first Cprogramming text—The C Pro—
`gramming Language—by Brian Kerru'ghan and Dennis Ritchie (Pren-
`tice-Hall, 1978). Unfortunately, this appendix did not provide a com-
`plete and unambiguous definition of C, meaning that vendors were
`left to interpret some as ects of the language on their own. éisnv;
`Page 23 of 559
`Page 23 of 559


`In the early 19805 a need was seen to standardize the definition of the_C lan-
`guage. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is the organization
`that handles such things, so in 1983 an ANSI committee (called X3111).was
`formed to standardize C.
`With an ANSI definition for C, you are assured that anyone who sells a true
`ANSI C compiler has incorporated all of the features of the language specified
`by the standard. It also means that programmers who are careful can truly
`Write C programs that will run without modification on any system that has
`an ANSI C compiler.
`C is a ”higher-level language,” yet it provides capabilities that enable the usar
`to ”get in close” with the hardware and deal with the computer on a much lower
`level. This is because, although C is a general-purpose structured programming
`language, it was originally designed with systems prograrruning applications
`in mind and, as such, provides the user with an enormous amount of power
`and flexibility. In fact, programming applications exist that could be easily
`handled by the C language, but that would be difficult to develop in other lan-
`guages such as Pascal, FORTRAN, or BASIC.
`This book pr0poses to teach you how to program in ANSI C. It assumes no
`previous exposure to the language and was designed to appeal to novice and
`experienced programmers alike. If you have previous programming experi-
`ence, you will find that C has a unique way of doing things that probably dif—
`fers significantly from any language you have used. Even if y0u are coming
`from a Pascalbackground—a language that C superficially resembles—you will
`quickly discover many features that are unique to this language, such as point-
`ers, character strings, and bit operations.
`Every feature of the C language is treated in this text. As each new feature is
`presented, a small complete program example is usually provided to illustrate
`the feature. This reflects the overriding philosophy that has been used in writ«
`ing this book: to teach by example. Just as a picture is worth a thousand words,
`so is a properly chosen program example. If yOu have access to a computer
`facility that supports the ANSI C programming language, you-are strongly
`encouraged to enter and run each program presented in this book and to com-
`pare the results obtained on your system to thOse shown'in the text. By doing
`so, not only will you learn the language and its syntax, but you will also be-
`come familiar with the process of typing in, compiling, andrunning C
`The style used for teaching ANSI C is ohe of posing a particular problem for
`Page 24 of 559
`solution on a computer and then proceeding to develop p ogramin C to solve
`the problem. In this manner, new language constr
`uced as they
`Page 24 of 559


`You will find that program readability has been stressed throughout the'book.
`This is because I strongly believe that programs should be written so that they
`may be easily read—either by the author or by somebody else. Through expe—
`rience and common sens e, you will find that such programs are almost always
`easier to write, debug, and modify. Furthermore, deve10ping programs that
`are readable is a natural result of a true adherence to a structured program- -
`mjng discipline.
`Because this book was written as a tutorial, the material covered in each chap—
`ter is based on previously presented material. Therefore, maximumbenefit will
`be derived from this book by reading each chapter in succeSsion, and you are
`highly discouraged from ”skipping around.” You should also work through
`the exercises that are presented at the end of each chapter before proceeding
`on to the next chapter.
`Chapter 2, which covers some fundamental terminology about higher-level
`programming languages and the process of compiling programs, has been
`included to make sure that we are speaking the same language throughout the
`remainder of the text. From Chapter 3 on, you will be slowly introduced to the
`ANSI C language. By the time Chapter 16 rolls around, all the essential fea-
`tures of the language will have been covered. Chapter 16 goes into more depth
`about 1/0 operations in C. Finally, Chapter 17 includes those features of the
`language that are of a more advanced or esoteric nature.
`Appendix A provides a complete summary of the language and is provided
`for reference purposes. Appendix B provides a summary of most of the stan-
`dard library routines that you will find on all systems that support ANSI C.
`Appendix C summarizes the major differences between the ANSI C language
`described in this text and the “older” C. In Appendix D you’ll find a list of
`common programming mistakes. Appendix E is a single—page ASCII chart.
`Finally, Appendix F contains the answers to the odd-numbered exercises found
`at the end of each chapter.
`This book makes no assumptions about a particular computer system or oper-
`ating system on which the ANSI C language is implemented. The text makes
`brief mention of how to compile and execute programs under MS-DOS and
`UNIX. The best reference for more detailed information is the documentation
`that came with your compiler.
`I wish to thank the following people for their help in the preparation of th.
`original text, Programming in C: Douglas McCormick, Maureen Connelly, Ihit
`Scharf, Henry Tabickman, and, above all, Ken Brown. I also wish to thank
`Page 25 of 559
`Page 25 of 559


` Henry Mullish of New York University for teaching me so much about writ-
`ing and for getting me started in the publishing business. I’d also ‘like to thank
`Dick Fritz, who has generously given comments for many books Ihave writ-
`ten, including the original and revised editions of this text.
`Finally, I wish to thank my wife Leela, who provided her patience and under—
`standing through three versions of this text.
`Page 26 of 559
`Page 26 of 559


`This chapter describes some fundamental terms that you must under-
`stand before you can learn how to program in C. A general overv

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