`Examiner: LQPEZ, CARLOS N.
`Grmzgj Art Unit: 39?}
`Canfimaiisn N0: @332
`in Izzier Farms Reaxaminatiim of:
`Reexanwinatian Contra}
`Fatah: No. 7,992, I {)7
`Essueé: March 8, 28%}
`AND Emssmw ’E‘RBA:'1“MEN’§‘
`M335. Smp Inter Paries ’Re<=:Xam_
`Centrezi R333»-gaminatiean Unit
`Conmzissmner Em Batents
`United States Patent and ’I‘méemar}s: Offace
`RS}. 302: 343$}
`Aiesxanciria, VA 223134-'%S€>
`%EC§,AR&'§‘§%N SE? .§QSEFE {L BETTLEWG %ER 3'?’ ERR. 1:; 1332
`E, Easaph C. Deming, hemby deciarc that
`E umiergimié that ciaims E-=21, 23-34 am 36 are gs:-mding in the abovsaéqientifissci
`reexamimzticssz sf Patem No. 7,9{}2,}i>’}’ (“the ‘E9? Patent“);
`E am at cnminventm" 0f the flamed subjecimatterin‘3:}1e‘§0? Patent.
`E have a RS, in Chemistry item 8:. Fraacis Coiiege and a MS. in Chemistry fmm. Lang
`Eséanai University.
`E wsrkmfi far 44 years at BASE Csrgscsratian, the ssucesézsmr in Emercst to
`Engeihard Carpaméen, in the arms cf resgarch am} éaveiapznent 0%.‘ hetemgeneous caiaiysats fer
`autammrive appiécations, incimiing éicsei appiiesatiims
`fiver the caurser af my 44 ysaz‘ safest, my pmjesis insiudad smfacs csharacterizatima caf
`ca$a§ysts.’supp0rt3, saneci the thenm} siahiiizaiizm <3? ainmma sxssgpports.
`I was ‘responsibie far the
`éawziagrxnenz 9?? many 0f the Enge§.ha2‘d prmieus n'2.eta§ nzonésiitizic am pa3’i§e':t1§&’£€3 aataiyséts used
`in envirémmesrntai pmecirsses far the axidatéen Qf carbon memxida mid hytirmarbans, ené. iha
`rsdacticvn of nfitmgm <:a>;ide;~; within fims*.e~way cataiyst fat the sémuitaneaus cqmvarsiem 0f :13}
`JM 1019
`Rmsxazninaiizzn Caontmi No. 95ffi){5},‘}’4»$
`fieciaraticn of ioseph C. Detfling
`thmé: mmpcwnents near steishéamstric mnditiens.
`zwzseazch 22339 was amézcted “:0 caiaiysts far
`bmh gasaiine and £§§6S%§ passeznger carsiimcks and nmnerims smaii angina appiiézations.
`E. haid
`the pasétiams mi‘ Manager af Aummmive Camiysis am Manager 3%‘ Caiaiyst Syntheasis ané Engine
`'}‘es’é,ing. Friar ta} my retizament, E was pmmeted E9 Rasezsamh Faiinw, Wham 1 $63.53 initiativas an
`me research ané éevefiagmzem at?‘ dime} pmicuiate {mars and sesieative cataiyftic rszductiim
`£=ai::»fly*st éavesiapment.
`I was part of a. team that éranaaticafiiy imymvesi EEK: eificiemsy «of the aumatwtévaa zzatsfigrst
`manufacturing piam. As the Cataiyst Prep-aratiam Sectim Head, 1, am) kid a gmugs :9 create as
`new mare rcsbusi‘ and presise manufaatming pmcess fer the: maimfactazre: <3? autametévas caiaiysts
`’é;m'{.m.gh0ut the crmnpany suppiy chain which resuiteé in patmts an stat¢~0f—ths-az£ equipmcnt and
`mvzzimimczmy cataiyst desigm that maés: Engeiharé 3 Wes-ridwiée enw?re:mme::né'a§ catalyst
`tmhnaiagy ieaéar,
`iii am a named invssntm“ an 62 United Swim gzatezzts reiatfing m caméysts am} therir
`appiication, many of which gsezrmén to auitmzmtive and dieseé cataiyszs.
`131 have co~a:L:flao.re<i 24
`woridveicie pufiiicatians in the area of autamative and c§:’ese§ catalysis. 1:: E993, the Engeifiatzi
`technical team aha: E Eed was recagnizeai for a Pet}: cméy "§‘WC cataéyst that resumed in am"
`indéuctémz mm the Nssw Eemey Hail Of ?ams. This was faiiewxd hay BASE tcchnicai Ewing umier
`my s':.zpe:rvisie;=n that were reccegzaizzezi with the Timmas Aiva. iéiiéisan Patent Award in 2813 and
`29%} fat war}: <:<3nduci:::c§ in the area af SCR cataiygis.
`Fatent ewmfis cozmsrzi has prmidecl and }i have revieweé the ‘E9’? patent and amendxtzents
`made kherem,
`the: Requesé: far Reemmimtfion daateé Fchmzaty E5, 2032 (“the Rcqucst fer
`the Qffice Action maiiadi May 9, 2&2 {“&§:e Offtcfi Acti<:m.“)s, and: aha
`a're§e2°finces cited in the Qffice Acmm.
`E haw aim mviemzd thc Actiem Ckssmg Fwsecution
`maiiesxi May
`283:2 in R.eexam&nat§m:: Cvzmtmi N0. 95!€){3E;?44
`(“the ACE’
`in the "344
`Reexam':natian.“}, as weii as the refemncas <:ii:<:cl tizemin. Ehave 2.8350 revimvcé references siteé in ‘
`thifi Eeciamtéon.
`1 have: aisa rsvisweci the suiamissicms 0? the Third }‘*ariy Requester in this
`matter, inciuciing the Deciamtiam ef Er. Phiiiips, Br. Béakeman and Dr. Waiker.
`V Eunéerstéazxzi ihak when amémdsd. ciaim it Of the:: ‘ 361)’? Patent wfi}. ‘seciiez
`E 1
`Reexamination Centre} Ne. S35/€){>1,i?44
`Deelerstien ef Jeseph C. Sealing
`3.. A eateiysfi; aeneie eensisfting essentisifiy of e Wei} flew nienenth and eensiyne
`meteriei, w%;ere§n the weii flew m.ene&ifn hes a einmiiiy ef iengiteénaefiy
`epetendéng passages fanned by Eengiteéinefiiy extending wens bennééng enn
`iiefming said passages, wherein she passages eemense me: essseges having an
`epen inéet end and e chased entiéeeé; end, eeé enfiet eessegess having a eiesee see
`exzd end an epen ennet end, and fine we}? flew xnenentn ennseins eeieiytie
`materiel eempsnsing e sluny Eeeded weshceat efen SCR eeteéyst eempesisien
`ineieeéng e zeeiize see e base meteé eempenent that permeates the wane at e
`lending up se 2% g/‘§n3ef£’eetive te eenven e N05: eeinyenent te ninegen
`through seieenve eeteiytie :*ednee.en vet}: nmmnnie.
`E understand that when emeneee eienn 18 wféfi reeiiez
`E8. A eetniyst ernefie eensisting essenneiiy ef ii wen flew meneinn and
`eateiytie nzetexiei, wherein the Wei} flew meneiitn has a phsmiity «sf
`Eengimdinefiy extending gaessages fanned icy Eengitudineiiy extending wens
`benneing enéi eefinieg said passages, wherein nae passages eemprise iniet
`passages having an epen inlet ené and a ciesee enfiet end, see enflet
`pesseges having e eieseé inieit ené and an epen eeflet end, wherein the wee}
`flew meneififiz eenteins the eeteiysi meteziiei eemprising e smny Eeeeed
`wasneezn ef an SCH. esteiyst eempesinen ineleeing e eeeine ensi as base
`mete? eernpenent that penneetes the wees nt 3 eencentrannn sf at Eeest 1.3
`g/3:13 effective to cenveatt a. ’N€)sr eempenent re eitrege.n through seeéeetive
`ee‘§;eEyne reénenen wee snnnenie; wherein the wen} new nzeneénn has a wan}.
`gtseresity of at Sees: 50% with an average pane size ef an Eensi 5 mierens.
`I understand that when emenéed claim 21 nrfli reeise:
`2:. A eefeiyst enieée eensisneg essentiefly of e we}? new zneneiith ens?
`eateiytie nzetenei, wherein the Wei} new meneiith hes a pinzenty ef
`Eengnueineiiy extenéing passages fer:n.ea:%. ‘by §.e.ngimd§ne}}_v ezetending Weiis
`‘eeznniiing nné eefnnng seize passages, wherein fine passages eemprise inéet
`passages having an open ieiet end: and 3 sinned eetiet end, and ennet
`passages having a eiesee iniei end and en epen entiet end, and the wee}. flew
`nzeneiiih eenteies she eennytie meteréei eemprising e shnry ieeéed wesheeet
`es?’ en SCR eeteiyst eemeesinen thee penneeees the wens effective te eenvert
`a MEX enmpenent te ninegen through seieetive eetniyiie zeéinetien with
`emmenén, wherein the wee} flew zneneinn hes a wee} jeeresity ef at Bees: 58%
`with an average pere size ef at Reese 5 méerens.
`"flee ‘M3? Peeent is éireeteé in e ee.mE§,rne artieie ‘shat prnviees fem integeek preeereies: {1}
`ffinefien of see: {mm the exhaust gas siresnz ef e eiese} engiee at a high fiitrenen efficiency; (2)
`eenversinn cf e Nflx eempeneni: tee nitrogen ihreegh seieenve eetsiytie rednetien with sncneeein
`Refixmzinazion Comte} N0. 95i0€)i,744
`Dacziaxratian cf imeph C. Detsiing
`by the prayer kaaéiing of 3 SCR. cataiysi wmpositmn that pemneates the wafis sf as W213} flaw
`fiitmr, which aéscs {3} iewers the sea: burning temperamm :3?‘ sum ozeilseted arm the wail flow fiéter;
`{4} without increasing the: backprsssma to an uxzaccspiabie Eaves}.
`it is improper to View the
`ciairned mventian by am in’ mere af mess y2'<:.-«parties withmzt including 33} fat}: «sf thsse
`fumstimzs prmrided by the ciéaimaei mvsmisan.
`T0 gsmpcriy améersfcanci the subjcci‘ matter 3f the ‘M’? Fatant, a persan cf skiié in the art
`Should have a bankgramad in heterageneaus caiaiysts; as Wei} as 6Xpr3§’”§€3l‘3{3('”: with engine
`azataiysts, inciuéiing cataiyzed diesfi filters am} caiaiysts fur the seiective catalyfis reduafian ssf
`nitragen oxisgies. A persma of ardinary skiéi in the an simuid hava at East a. Masiefg éegree: in
`shemistry, chemicai anginecring, 03." wnateriais sci-a~n<::e, as Wei} as rssearch 03.’ manufactmring
`axpcrisnce with Ezeterogeneeus camiysts far nxééatign and reductizm reactions cf Vpoiimantss in
`diaselé angina ezthaust.
`Bevek: mam {bf the ‘E9? Rzxmné Saabéet Matter
`Pztéer to the invention which is the subject 0f the ‘:97 Pateznt, there was my éemonstration
`01* even mnsi<ie$rai:ion in the inéustry of the imrcuductiim of SCR czataéysm irate iargse pore sizwz,
`high pomséijv walk? fimv {fliers such that the SCR cmaiyszs permeateeszi the fiiter wafis, rmuéting in
`3 cataéytic amtéezie ‘that Cfllfid pmpésriy function as an SCR cataéysi, Eower the sum burning
`temperaturcg vvitiwut an and as increase in backpressure am} pmviéing adequate fifiramn.
`fin a<idité.0n, the comiemzianaé wisdem prior m the deveéapment wmk that Emti 160 the
`fiffing ecsf ihe patent atppiicatian fur ihc instant inventémz in August 2883 was. that Eaxger mare size?
`higher pomséty wafi flaw fiiters shauid be avoided.
`‘Whfie Hashimeta at aE., SAE Paper 2392-
`{°‘}§as§3§m9m“),, citad by me Requsster raisexd the passiiyiiéty af using higher pamsity
`fikezs wiih nan-SCR caizaiysts, pmciicai censideraimns weighesci against use 0%‘ high pomsity W221}
`flow substraiss Emé appiicazéém {sf mating materiaiis within the waii structure. Thaw are sevarai
`trade-affs ta cmzsiéer 2721333 ressgaect in pmusity and pure size, as: them pammaters affsct pressure.-2
`«imp» sf this exifaaast gas S§:’S‘é‘,€m, mgensratien tempemture, themzai masking of the fiiter and
`system weight.
`At the timc at‘ the inventieng tht: mnvsmimtsaé wisrciom was to use suhstzates with wry
`thick and dc-rnse, Bow ;3m'<>s?:ty waiis to grcsvide 3 high therznai mass. Cordierite SE1bStI‘£li§: and
`Reexamination Cezitmi No. 9S!€3%)§,".’44
`Deeiaratien of Joseph C. Dettifmg
`diesei engine ma.iiufeetetets, aieng with eateiyst gereviders, were stmggiiiig with effects of
`utieentreiieti fitter regeiietetieti en cetaiyeeti anti 'ttIi¢3§iiai3/’Z€.?£§
`iiitets eiiite. Beeetise {if these
`irieiietfeettiters of eetemic wait flew sut:>sti'ates made of eeitiietite evtiitieti
`pas-tesity substrates, and iitsteae utiiiizeei denser and tiiieket waited stitietieres that heat iewet
`pemsityi This is evidenced in Heshimete, cited in this actien.
`iii the Hasiiimete paper, the
`itantiarci eeteiietite ’EiIitei' is I{>t3i-i-:§5$, and newer Sit? mateiiais; are §3§'t’3St':«”.F3‘i"t3€§i
`Seer iriasiiitiiete
`paper at page 13. The aiisenee iii‘ any fitter i'6g€3.¥‘t€.F°&€2it.'t£l
`tiettt fee 53. eeteiyzeti sect fitter in the
`Hashimate paper pmvities iittie iiii’e.titie.tieti at guiémiee to e persetz ef skit} in the ett te make an
`izttfetmeé eiteice en at} ef the eritiieai and eeitittetwiiiing considerations in optimizing a eatztiyzeé
`fitter eesign it! Atigztet 20623. Certainty, the ittitiiers ef’ the Hastiimete paper teeegtiizeei the need
`te stutty the “influence ef pomsity an the §‘}§‘t:SSut“€-dt°0§‘i eeé t°iitta.tieii eiiieietiey petfomnanee ef
`eetetfigett tit???‘ {emphasis etitieti}. Aeeettiingiy, the Hesiiittiete pager prmviées tie gtiitience en.
`how a eetaiyzed fitter wetiié }3€§f‘f(tR"i'§‘i
`it: use in an acting} engine, amt mete impettezitiy,
`Haeitimote did not ciiseiiss ieateiiiig the tvaits iii” the waii tiew fitter with an SCH eataiyst
`eemgitieiitg a zeeiite etté it ease meta}.
`in the iete Ti§§t{}‘s and eeiiy 2%€)‘s, wait fiew fitter stipspiiets iieti eeutitmeti Eiigeiiiaiti
`against geitig in the tiireetieti we tfifttflfifiéééi--iflatiing higher petesitjv,
`target‘ pate wait flew
`fitters with eateiyst matetiei fee the ieesens metitieited aiseve. The wet} flew tiitet sebstiete
`stippiiers were iikeptieei that a. syitem with high petesity anti ieige peies weiiid have the prayer
`fiifiatieii efiieieziey and have the meteiiai pietyerties te wittistenti tiieimiti eteeiting eiie to the
`iewereti tttetmei mass.
`tag“ United States Fetetit Ne,
`:S,:it)S,3522 at mi. 1,
`iiiiies r—’t5~52;
`essigzeti te stibstiete stippiiei‘ Cemiiig)
`i). With respect to: the issue et‘ ttiemtai mess, in
`August 2883, the eeiiveiitiotiai wistietti ei? the time was te aveici seating materiais within the wait
`Tiiis was at ieest peitiy due to eeiieems that éiffetetiees in chemistry atidiei
`iiieempatii'2i.iity the coefficient ef tiiemiai expansion ttetween the wesiteeat anti substrate weuié
`exaggerate the pmtsiem of meititig or “riiig—efi” cracking ie the St.ti:3Sifatt€.
`See, fer exaizzpie,
`Uniteei States Patent tztittitaer 5389,23’? (Rte. 2), tvitieia observes at ectitimti 1, times, t'i{}—t%4 that
`embetitteé mttieies in the fitter wait we give rise te eiiemieai teeetiee with the eeittmie meteriei
`meitiiig up the fitter wait and changes in the metetiei resetting from i.tieeitt.patii3iiity between the
`substrate and wesheeet. Mereevei; it was ever understanding that the memtiiiettzte et‘ iiigtxei
`Reexamizzatian Cnnirai Na). 95;’0€>}.,?4«4§~
`Beciaration af Easeph C, Dettiiaxg
`ymcssiijy fiiters with Earge: imemai waéd area mrquireé sgzeciafi §33:1m~<3ut agents that are used to
`create tbs iargar pmew. Pris): in 2&3, saréierite W31} ffiaw subsmite manufacmrers attampied ‘£6
`dissuade §§nge§ha.ré imam using fiiters ‘Wm: Sarge? poms bacause the manufacturers am mi: want
`:0: ‘hanéie: the Earge pare: fanning Ezum-mu: agents. Cmfiiezita manufactuiers ware: aim mmamexi.
`that ihéi‘ pare fame: c:rea.te<i tea iarge m?‘ a para, which resujised in bypass and paw fiifizatian
`16. When cs:3ns§dte1'éngthe mating of wa-1%.} flaw” fiitars with vvashcaat siurry, the skiiied arfisan
`has ta csnsiéer the walk coating and inftmnai pore coating, which Eaads to as. rcséaiiveiy high Bevel
`csf un;3r§:éictab§3i?;3* with substraés cezyatmg. With the W531} e.:<;ating;, the washmat siurry is £fi§§Z$R3€§
`(‘mm as wafig and as it is 30 fiétereé, fiac washccsat wzéii buiki up in thickness anti} it farms an
`imyervicms Eayer. There: is therefore 3 éireci miationship between washmat Eoasziing and an
`increasé in pressum: drop. This reiaiianshép is usuaiiy seen when the patiécia éiameter is the
`same at siighfiy Earger than the mean pars diameter 63%‘ the: suhstraice, *wE:a§(:Efx is exaeerisaied an
`smaii pare, high éansitgr substrates which ware used by the industry at the time of the invention
`far fiitratézrn pmposas. Because the cshamzeiss am mugged at £235 ends, they must Em {mated fmm
`each ené ta «mama: that slurry is degznséted on seas}: eff file waiis {iniést and Qufiat}, as there is Eéifizs
`31‘ my saanxnzznicafimz between the channeis thmugfiix the xvaéis ‘omen shmy cemting. The: p2‘{3C¢3S:‘-
`fur the s1m':#yt:3 gm ‘éhmugh the wail from cam: side ‘:0 emathesr is slaw.
`Tummg ta iniemaé pare coating, smafi éiameter washmat siuny pariicées can gaeneiratfi
`the in'§;e.ma} W33} structure via weaving mad by mechanicsai ferazes due :0 eith€:z* vazcuum car high
`pmssursz air <31“ camhinatians of Esoth.
`in the cage cf the: ‘E3’? patent, the flurry ‘prsparaiiorx
`teacizniques were these used in $pe:*011e1i<3 United Staies Fatcnt N0. 5,516,-4§P?. Since: the sfizmiazs
`wears: Beta zeoiites that wars: 321132166 for at 1633: 15 mars, the ;partic§<:s aéfi were sizes? such that
`they penetrateai the: éarger pares of the waii fimv fiiters <iescri§3:‘:& in the ‘E0’? gatent. Uniike waii
`c<3ating_.,. thc internal surfaee area wit}:i1§.£'%ze waéis is qzzéte high. G::.ncm§}y, higfier Siii‘f&€3$ arm is
`creaieé by smafier perm; wiihixz the wail Caynverseiy; Earger intesmalz pares wreak} decrease the
`surfase area mmpareé to fimafler pores. Tézerefere, it ‘uvmzié Flfit he abviavus ta (me skiikeé in the
`art to ma‘: Eargesr pared gubgtrates that waufid have Eawcr area cm which is pm; more mating» The
`skiiéeé ariiszm wm;z.’§e._§ aisa have is censiém that such fiiters Wzmié haw Z3353 patentiai trapping
`Reexan2inat’ac>:z Conémi Ne). §5/$01,744
`Deciaraiicn of Eosegih C. Bettiizzg
`cffisiency am YHOIB patésmtiai ice mark during an un<:m:sim§§e.=:e;§ ihermai regansration.
`in ms: éersign {sf a cataiyzed wafi flaw fiitcw? ma fecus crammt be just §_§_§_s'§__§_3;I_m§Z_E_'j§{§ ffiiiactiaans of the
`catabxzeé flier.
`fig cf “éha catalyzed éiesei flier fiznctimzs mama; be‘: xvcighed am} baéancad in
`Fa sis er h %..;:«:
`it is imparitam Sm uazcisrstami that Qhnds invention requires SR2‘ gazmticies of difisrent
`éiameters ice farm a pcemus simcmre that cimisfi. be us:-zd as a wafi fimv fiiter. The imtarsiticcs
`feimssé hs:£:vv<»:.<-:n paifticies (sf SK: dsfine the pare: stmcture vs/ithén tha W321.
`manufacture af ccrdieriie fikers, whats: pore fanning agents such as cefluiase can be used as a
`burn. {rut agent to fann ‘Larger pares, Séé? fliers are made Evy fusing the 3&6 gjasticiss mgether in
`an inert atmasphrsne, pm":/iéimg as séiica rich surface on the indiviciua}. gains that make up each
`pare. The resuitant séiica rich surface makes it dififieuit :0 agxpiy a wasimfiaé‘ 933 SEC fiitsr waéis
`using imeriitiunai siuny w'ashma‘§;mg praceémes.
`in my experiencc, the apgiicatizzsn (sf :2 washcsat
`:3 such 3 siiica rich surface wauié resuii in washcoat iosses zine to Eack af adheséan 0%‘ the
`washssat is the s:;a‘:‘>s’z;rzate:. haditiesnai smrry washcaating _§ZFi’€.3<£'§€’:~f§:i33‘€$
`an 3%) rfifiicr resuits in a
`iimitad amount amé vary pom‘ fiistziinztien {sf coating withizz the waéi. Qhno deveiaped :3.
`techizique: 9%’ mating 111$ mciéviduai particifis with a vary smaii ammmt sf materéafi Ewing sash
`para sea as net to aaivezse-31y impact the para sfimcrmre 92°. film wail flaw fzitésr for sum‘: ffiiraiien.
`Aim, Ohm taaahes wet impragzaéian teeitmjtqazets ta apgsiy said active esataiysts. O~%2n:.> aims mt
`mach ‘iha appiisafian af §§urry ioaéeé zmiiie washcaat on a W33} flow fiitez. As the Office
`Aciim cieariyr‘ indisaies, (Elmo mes not indicata: the ievei 01‘ mating m. Isms g/"m3 and ceziairfiy
`canzzmc advaeate high mating Esveis because it wank} adv:-rrssiy impact the SK) fiitczr stmrsturc.
`In the Becéamtiun {Bf Dr. Walker as‘. paragaphs ? and 8, Dr. Waiker fiisagmcs with the
`Gffice 1-Xczizimz and submits that f32'en<"2 at page 28, Rimes E3-24, suggests that “(arm of mtiinary skiii
`in the art wmziezi have maéiéy uszdersmod Ohm 29 teach that the SCR washcsat cataéyst
`wmposiiiam vmuici
`incmde an ammmi Eess
`than 2.4 g/’£n3”.
`The Waiksr
`nzisumiersfianés the censidemtéans Of Gaming 3 SE waié flaw fiher.
`The: attached fiiesemet
`afzicie CEXE2. 3) an Cafiaiymd Dieseié ‘Eiksrs high§.ig§2?;s the déffsrencas in the Waterubaseé caatings
`desczikeé in Sham? and the washcaais of the imrerxtiam 0f the ‘E0? patmt.
`in Sectimza; 2.12., the
`azticéa draws a aésaaatioa beiwaaa impregnation with water based saiatiaas as dascribaa in
`{B-jfifma and appiiaafiaa af waahaaata with insuhzbia saspaaaiaas (flames) of irzsaiabia axiaa
`Reaxamiaatian Ceantmi Na. §}S}£>E)} {$44
`Deséaratiozz {sf Easeph C. Dattiing
`paracias. News of $533 caaaiaazatiaas discussed above wit}; mspaca ta waii eaaaag and para
`maislag are praaaat in the saiatéaa iaciméqaas dasariaad. in the: D§asa§‘Ne.°:t Axiiaia. The Diaaamat
`araae saecéaatiy states ‘with raspact ‘Sta mating S353 waii flaw fiiaatrs: "it is ;>cass§b§a ‘£0 apply such
`iaycr with savarai azcésias irhraugh impragaaiiaa sfiram waiaahasaci pracursam, tims, avaidiag
`vvaéaxcaat‘ {i.a.,, saspaasiaaaxasad) i’a<:hna3agias.“ Exh. 3 at gzsags“: 6. Whiia tha D'%asa;§Nat axticia
`has a gmbficaéiaa éata af Eaaa 2305, the articéa is based upon amar articias pabiishaé prior ta
`August 2{}i}3 am? zapresents the Emowksdéga af the skiiieé artisan in August 2003.
`fiatiaam ami fithar E*GM {Tami as are Naé Bvieaafi SEE Kfaaai aa
`in paragraph 6 «sf the W‘a§ikaa¢ Daaiaraticma, Dr. Waikar refers as the Chapter fmm the
`baak Cataiyac Air Paiiatian Canitwi, aiaiming that NQX raductéan can wear aver Ft amaaé §5{Tr°
`C with ammaaéa taragcyarataras baiaw 200° C. Tiais may be {ma 3;’: a synthetic gas stream. devaid
`af hyémcarhaas, Emwavar, the aaiabia organic fraciiaa (S0?) in a diasai angina axhaaat gas
`stream is net balm ‘baiaw 280° C, and the SO}? aafiacts on the diasai aataiysiz and paisaas the Pi
`aafiafiytéa sites. Gmzre tha angina heats up exhaust gas tamparataras abava 25%“ {$3, the aafiaatad
`S0?‘ bagfins £0 bum eff of tha catalyst to activata ii. Hawavar, abava BQQQC, which is am:
`manaanaa in Dr. Waikafs Daaiaratiaa, amzaaaia in the exhaust gas stream begins ta mzidize.
`Siaaa {ha ammama is baring axéaizcd, canamniag iha radacfiaat, there is no seziacfiva cataiytic
`zadactiaa of NQK; ha? iastaad, an increase in NGX due in $533 aaiaized ammaaia ahava 259°
`Diasai vahicies require abzaamc-sat af N03 above 359° C, far example, at fad} thmttia er fa}?
`pawar operation, vvhicitl wauié made: a piatfémsm gmup matai caiaiy‘:-3:: uaaiaas as an SCR e::-aiaiyst
`in a critiaai tempsxatare range, am? actaaifiy a piatiaum gazxup meta} cataiyst makes ‘NQX, As sash,
`Pt is act caaaiaarazi an aramania SCR camyat far diam}. appiicatiaas by anymzee skiéiea in that art.
`Dr. Waikar aisa mfars in paragraph 46 of his Daclaratiaa ta Nakamshi iafaraaciag Pt an a fiéter.
`ifiowevar, paragraph {E-{>02 af Nakaaishi states {hat the F1 Eawara the burning‘ temparature af
`pa.rt§cu3a.ta Seat
`"Shara is ac: mamiea of a rezaaiiie/"base: meta} SCR caiaaysis in Nakaaéshé. C92‘
`Nakayama, afiaa citaci by Dr. W&§k€E.
`Hawaver, the caaafiusiaa is the sama—-~~?GM haaea
`ezaaaysis arc am; coasiaarsa as SCR cataiysts bacause may maka N0}; by oxidizing ammania in
`Reaxaminafmn Cztsntmi Na. 9S.‘€)i)},744
`Deazfzéarafmzz of §0S6p-h C. Defitiing
`ihéa tempvaramra range sf imemsi fer désse} sngénes, nameiy at higher tcmpsratmas wizeza NOX
`emissiazms are Thighgst from ma engéne,
`. 0n
`3% Im Féiem and it‘: my ‘us?
`En paragraph 1} :3? Dr. Wa§ke:r‘s Da<:Ea:e:a:&i0n, Dr. Waika-I indicates it is his upinion ratiaer
`fimn his éaxpexiemss in the art thaz them is :20 difference in putting SSR caiaiyst an 21 flew ihzmzgh
`manqfiith mac} 5: wali flaw fiitesr.
`I can say based on my 44 years of expexisncc in ccaiing both
`types sf substrates that this statement is incorrect, and a mrscm. nf =mr<3§1'aa:*y ski}: in ths art vvmfid.
`mt agree: with Dr. Waikefis epinion. The: am: (If csating each substratc is antimiy different. The
`csrzstiaints of appiying washcaai‘ in a waii fimv fiitsr {adairasseé aimve) am much mare rigid than
`an :2 flaw thmugh hzmeycomb. First, the mnsizieraiiens cf ba<:§:p3ress'zm:= incresascz in flmv thmugh
`substrates are pmsem, but much E633 cf a cmcem than in a wail flaw ‘fiiéter Wham the semis ef
`aitvamaiing chmmeis are flagged ané unpiugged. This meanfi that in 2: wed} flavv fiiter, mt ¢3:£‘§§y‘
`ME} ‘i§'€$ mating greafiy increase ‘bac§:pre$sure, the miiectien 91" seat ma the waiisr <3? the fiiter W532}
`further exmerhate back§>ressm*<:~ ii’: a. Waii flaw fiiiey, whiies: ibis pmbkzm is mt a mngideration in
`a. flaw threugh subsiratc because the chanzmais are «aperrs. an hath Sid:$S.
`in the case ref izhe
`iflV€3f§‘ifi}fi ef the ‘ES’? Patent, the coatfing sf .2: flaw thmugh substrate is irmievant to the ‘W?
`Paiem, as 22 Bow through substzacte wcméd haw rm mie in ‘ms? c4:::}}:§:e:’z§<m of scat. As such, there
`weak} be: m) cmsicieratmn with raspmfi ta miieitiian efficiency, backpressure insreaset, and
`Eawaring tbs tempamture at which seat cambusts, because the see‘: flaws ‘ihrmzgh the flaw
`thmugh subsémte.
`In pamgmph R2 23.? Dr. Wa§§u=:r‘s Daclamtion, Dr, Waiker pu:';x3rted§y a€t£:‘:£§’i§3§3S
`ta rsfute
`Dr. Ha,‘fiser’s comments on Ohm by asserting‘ that Ghna teachcs 2.: hmaé range: cf gate Sizes: and
`in parficuiat, Dr: Waéker afdsgas irhat Ohm? at page 2 Rimes EC?-13, makes dear tin’:
`inzgmfiaxzca of wing a Sitter having; “an average gaze size of 3% to 25% microns and a gcsmsity of
`4% $9 3i}% er 4%} to ”i'{}%‘‘ wmfld cieafly wmzid Emve directed a pagan of o:<z:§i§mry skiii to cheese
`22 wail flaw fiéter having the abmrewdescribed pomsity. Th: mngrzs that Ohm §3§“€9§§€3S6S
`are 39
`bmad éhat 3 skiiésd artisan wmzki not have sufficient guidance 1:0 make a seiectian that wémiai
`pmperiy i1“¥2pa£:i
`the §n1+::r«x"~::§a’wd
`semi‘ m§§ecté<m (fiitraétien efficiency},
`regeneraiian capahiiitias, and camzing {encmsing the substrate in an exhaust
`cansidaratmns in aééiiian :0 SCR caiaiyst wading. As dissassed aimve, om: skéiied in the an
`Reexamineticm C-eetm} N0. 9SJ€>i)§,7é§4
`Eeeiaration 0*? Essay}: (3. Detziéng
`week} have to weigh aifz ihe physicei parameters tegeiher with the desired preperiées of the
`eeteiytie erzieie befmre eheesmg the prepear pemsity em} pere size if She weii flew faker
`substrate. Dr, Weiiiezfs eeieeiive quetetien fmm Qéme eise igneree that Ghne was cencemed
`with Six? fliers ami ceaténg teefiméqees that did me‘: inveive ihe eppiieafzien ef weslheeets.
`in paragraphs 33 and 14 ef the Weiker Deeieretien, Dz: Weaker further gives hie epiniees
`the: Ghee wezfid net have teughi away the agspiicetiéee ef e. W2E,S}lC-Oéit. However, fmm my 44
`years ef experience in the imiustry, it is we}? umiersteed by a person ef erdinary ski}? in the art
`that e we}? flew flier is {seed fer one teaser: erfiy, that is? to eaptere see: from the exhaust stream
`30 that it is em emitted frem. the taxi} pipe. By phigging the eiitemate ends ef the chaneeis fereing
`rhe gas flew threugh the waiis, the seat is eapmree en the shame} weeks of the flier. This is
`eeeezepiésheé with er vvétheut a wesheeat er ceia‘§y§:ie ftmetien. Ghee teaches thei the thin
`efiumina Eeyer shown in Fig 3 a and 31': {shmvrs eeiewf) eeets Ike indiviziim SEC pefaéeies might
`have seme advantages within the Wei} fer gas phase eeteiysis {exiciatiezi ef CO and HG). Ghee
`demeesiretes a eeeeeet fer making hemegeneees eeteéyiie wail flew fiiter eriieies using 3.
`sei'et§en»based technique :0 eppiy HEM exidetien eetakysts; bu: Ghee pmvides ma guidanee or
`éesexéptien en the appiéeetien of 23 zee§&te:’i'3ese mete} SCR eeteiyst washes-at shzmty. What D1:
`Weiker aise faféh; te meméen ‘§7VT§’?£§f} resgeeet to Ghee is that Ghee was eencemed wififa washing
`eepesited ash cement {mm the filter {Ghee at page 13: seeend fizii paragraph; page ES Rest fail
`peragraeh}, Whifih is why Ghee désfevereé Wesheee€s-
`em} feveeed gmwn thin féims en the grains
`0%‘ the peres. This éireefly eermravenes a centre} feetere ef the inventive ef the *§{}’? patent»
`_pmViei.éng e siunjy'=-Eeedeei Wesheeet of SCF; cetafiyst eemaéning zeeiéite em a. base mete? Si) the:
`the SCR eefiaiyet Week} Eewer the seat burning temperature ef seat eefleeteé in the fiiter. We
`were not ceecemed Mt}: flushing or washing ceiéeecized sect er ash from the sfiiirer with a fluid.
`Qhee in View ea” S : emeefie "flees Net Teeefix eke éffiieimeé Emreeiiee.
`As the above dfiseusskee makes clear, the eembieatien ef Ohm; in View sf Spereneiio as
`apgfléeé in the Action Ciesing fieseeetien dees net ‘ieeeh er suggest {he eiaimed imventéen as
`amended. Ghee was first zinc} feremosi concerned wizih previeing an exééetien cataiyst by an im
`Sim sehztien émpregmetien thin fiim gmwth meihod. Ghee expfieétiy infezms the skifiee artisan
`:0 avoid wesheeets. O§3‘:ze‘s Eimited statement eitveut seieetive z'ed'ee’zi0n and eeciesien eetieiysts
`Reexaminatien ifimxtrei Ne. S§5f9€>1,’}44
`Deeiazefzzm ef Eeseph C. Dettiéng
`dees net change the evemii takeaway fmm Ohm: the: s}en'y wesheeats are :0 be eveideé and an
`exidatien eeeeiyst weefid he reqeiree, What ‘(he Gffiee Aeeiee em}
`Thirai ?a13:y Requester fei}
`ie expiain is why the skiiied artisan weuid rendemiy pick the eatafiyst in Spemzzeiéo, 3 reference
`me: has eethirng :9 de with waft flew fiiters, see‘: eefieetiee, am See: harming, ené ihen eppiy
`that eaiaiysi ueieg e sizmy iegether with :he izesém gzmm exieiatéen eeiaiys-$3 in Ghee. Firei, as
`mentieeed eeeve,
`the presence ef the exidetiee eetaiyet weak} consume the necessary
`recieeteiztw---emtnenia, thus rendering the presence ef the SCR eetebrst useless §f.l{}§'§§1('§u A.sk1?§§e<3
`artisan weeie heréiy have a reason are pzeeeed as inééeeteé in the Aciiee Cfiesieg Preseeetiee
`because they weak} feikhy umiersietxd that deieg se weuéd not gsmvme an SCR catalyst
`eempesitéee that was effective fer the seieetive eeteiytie reéuetien ef N63 in a diesefi eng?r_eea
`Aise, the eeeting in Qhee is deseribeé threéagheut as Ezaeniike and as fihriis, as shewn beiew in
`Figures 3a and 3&3:
`This fine, thin }3a§.r~§§%:e kxyer steees in siark eemeesi tie the zype ef eeezings we achieved by
`penneating the wafls :35 e we}: flew fiiter with a wesheea: séaarry eentemieg a zeeiite and a. base
`meta as shewe in the méerephetegmphs beiews
`Reexaminatiisn Qmztmi Na. 95;’{)(>}.,'?4§4
`}I)eé>}.a2‘a$§«:>n 0%’ Easeph C. Dézttiing
`The abcm: SEM pimtcsgmphs aiearéy indicate the stark simcmrai é'§f§€eram>3L Emsstwaen a simry
`waded washcoat that fifis up the indivéeizm pores exf the: wafi flaw fzitar, and the thin fiims in
`Qime fthat ibnn zz fin:-2 ring amumé each grain that smmuneis firs pares. A gzersnvn af aréiaaazy skfii
`in the art wmxid mcogjnéze these diffemnces and mi cansidcr the caéztmg in Ohm at :33
`sfiucztzgaiiy sinfiiar to a siunjy waded wzashcoat.
`En summarx. a skiiiaé artisan wozfid mat
`c<3mbin.e Ohm with Spsrameiio because: »;:’Eoing so weak} gsmvide no :'easenab§e ex§:~ecm.ti<3n 0f
`pmviéing an effeciivc SCR cataiytic article. Aim, apzgsiying 22 simryoiaaded wasizccvat to Ghm
`wxmidé ciestmy the éntenéed fimction of Dhne ansémr change {}hm3‘s entire primzipée of opemtian,
`which was to avoid washcoats in the first place.
`.... Mmii
`Reexanratnatian CantmiN<1z 9:7>.»’G€>1,’74-4
`Becktratian af Esseph (3. Dettfmg
`E have I535: the Dsotaratitm S‘§1§1)IY1§ii€<§ by Dr. Phtittps, tvhitsh distmsstzs Hashimtrte and the
`purpartesd ‘teashing at‘ high psmsity watt ttmv ifiifiifi mt: pttxvida at higher Washcoat wading. As
`gmitzted mtt by the Thété Patty Reqtttasttat, Eiztgaihaté was twtkittg with the trttmpttny that
`wndtmtaé the wmk in EaSh'§1'¥.'£G§20, as am teseamhtars were: wtttking on a mstzazctt p?€3j$C‘5: with
`NGK Ettsuiatms, Lttt. Hawtrvtsr, theta is mtttittg in Hashimata pertaining ta the ttpgaiicatimt tat’
`SCR t::atat_§;st cttmpasititms, and bejycud ttte fact that Hashimoto E.§S€&Z§
`tht: stzmt: sttbstiiattas as in
`the ‘ta’? patent zzxampiss, thcre is mthittg atmttt SEER catalyst COm§3<3S§ii0r§S. As twted ethmre, the
`sutasttate suppitiers were skepticat aktmt pI‘0$€.’=€dii1g
`in tim tiittzctitan (sf Etigtzc-st pttmstty fitters with
`target pares. Hashimata observes that they did not test cataigrzed fitters far sfittmtitm et¥i<.:ie.°:nt:y
`atté that “mite itzfiucnce 0f pm'{‘§Sti§’ an the ;m'essttt*t:-<:*ttttp anti tiitmtitm effieitsncy gerfarsnance (sf
`cateztyzt-xi DP? wit} he cettciuct-sci in the next ~Cit?V’6}6j:3i‘E'§<i'iT€$f phase.“
`‘Httts, E-Easitéatmttx, at best,
`teams titre: skiiteé §i£§‘§,'§.Sat‘i with an 'mvttatt02t to ctatzdtetct mare resettttxtt ta gain an tsnttersttméiztg of
`mztny atnztnsewcrteé qutsstttms. Hashtmcta atstt did not discuss that the tattrtsr resuittng mass treat:
`it high pmmity fitter wtmtd possittiy restttt
`in the fitter mstttttg during mt “‘un<:tmtro§fted’”
`regtmcratietz. The Third Fatty Requester in this Recxarninatimt, EVE, _pr0ce:-zetieti in ft ttiteettttn
`compétztety apposite dimtttion of ‘that? ittverttttstt cf the ‘tfi’? patent. Fm trxantpie, in Uttitstt Statess
`Patent No. 7,493,618 sffixh. 4}, Jtvfl prtttteeciebti with W‘}3tt’t is Etnmvn as tttestt SCRT S‘§fS3;e‘i?s’i-—£t
`ttissst mttéatiott tsatattyst ttpsttrsam Qf a wait flew fiitfif, upzmeam {sf 3 separate SCR tzatttiyst an a
`flaw thtmtgh sttbstrttttzx This ‘(HG patent has a ptiarity data at‘ §;‘};99:, and ittdicatss tits
`{Dita-I1V€%Et$§t>3t-33 thinking amt stats 9‘? tbs art at ttm time at‘ ttate inventing ctf flit: ‘L297 Patesmt.
`Accsrditsgty, thfi citation tut’ E-tashimtxtta added tea the eembinatism csf Cfhflfl ané Spcrotzetto
`faits tt) pzmtziéc key fczatutts (sf the ctatttteztt
`invctttiatt {1} t sttttryééaaded SCR catatyst
`cetttttpositttm ct>ttt2tt1titt_g :e°.:m‘§.its amt a hast: zneetat that {2} was :3fE<':t:t:¢Lv<: fat towering the seat
`bmrttéttg temp:-zrattmtz sf stmt acctztztutateé GI} the: fitter