`Patent Owner
`Patent 9,032,709
`JM 1003


`I, David L. Tennent, declare as follows:
`I attach my resume as Exhibit 1 to this declaration.
`Experience and Qualifications
`I graduated in 1974 with a B.S. in Chemistry from Allegheny College.
`I then earned a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from Purdue University in 1979.
`From 1979 to 1980, I was a Postdoctoral Associate at the C.F. Kettering Research
`From 1980 to 2009, I worked for Corning Incorporated, eventually
`becoming the Director of Carbon Technologies Development. In that role, I
`directed the development efforts for a novel substrate for the removal of mercury
`from the exhaust streams of coal fired power plants.
`At Corning, from 2000 to 2008, I was a Senior Project Manager and,
`in that role, I served as the Research & Development Leader for the development
`and commercialization of Corning’s DuraTrap® AT product. DuraTrap® AT is an
`aluminum titanate based diesel particulate filter that has excellent pressure drop,
`high heat capacity, and superb thermal shock resistance. This is a wall-flow filter
`having honeycomb design. The original target was the automotive (light duty)
`market, particularly for the diesel engine segment.
`In that role, I led the development of a heavy duty version of
`DuraTrap® AT as well as the initial development of DuraTrap® AT LP. This later


`product is a lower porosity product which had thinner walls than the original
`From 2006 to 2008, I assumed the additional leadership
`responsibilities for a team that investigated the interactions of different catalyst
`systems with Corning’s diesel particulate filters and substrates. The team studied
`how to design improved filters that still had characteristics that are important when
`placing a catalyst inside a wall flow filter, including the filter’s porosity, mean pore
`size, pore size distribution as well as the catalyst’s impact on the thermal shock
`resistance of the catalyzed product.
`I was awarded the Individual Outstanding Contributor Award by
`Corning Incorporated for my work in leading the development of the DuraTrap®
`AT products.
`Corning received the Corporate Technical Achievement Award, given
`by the American Ceramic Society to recognize Corning’s work in developing the
`DuraTrap® AT product.
`I am an inventor of at least 18 U.S. Patents, many of them directed to
`materials for wall flow filters or other substrates for diesel exhaust systems. I have
`also authored or presented at least 20 papers or presentations.
`In writing this Declaration, I have considered the following: my own
`knowledge and experience, including my work experience in the fields of filter


`design and development, my experience in working with others involved in those
`fields, and the state of the art as of the priority date of the ’709 patent. I have
`reviewed U.S. Patent No. 9,032,709, assigned to BASF Corporation and its file
`history. I have also reviewed at least the following patents and printed
` S. Hashimoto, Y. Miyairi, T. Hamanaka, R. Matsubara, T. Harada and S.
`Miwa, SiC and Cordierite Diesel Particulate Filters Designed for Low
`Pressure Drop and Catalyzed, Uncatalyzed Systems, SAE Technical
`Paper 2002-01-0322.
` U.S. Patent No. 5,516,497 (“Speronello”), assigned to BASF
` The certified translation of Georg Hüthwohl, Bernd Maurer and Gennadi
`Zikoridse, The SCRT® System – A Combination Particle Filter with SCR
`Catalyst – Enables Both Particle and NOx Emission To Be Reduced
`Simultaneously in Commercial Vehicle Diesel Engines, Proceedings of
`the Dresden Motor Conference, held in May 1999.
` Yasutake Teraoka, Kazunori Kanada, Hiroshi Furukawa, Isamu
`Moriguchi, and Shuichi Kagawa, Simultaneous Catalytic Removal of
`Nitrogen Oxides and Soot by Copper-Loaded MFI Zeolites, 30 Chemistry
`Letters 604 (2001).
` Chapters 8 & 9 from Ronald M. Heck and Robert J. Farrauto with Suresh
`T. Gulati, Catalytic Air Pollution Control (2002).
`11. Although for the sake of brevity this Declaration refers to selected
`portions of the cited references, it should be understood that one of ordinary skill in
`the art would view the references cited herein in their entirety, and in combination
`with other references cited herein or cited within the references themselves. The


`references used in this Declaration, therefore, should be viewed as being
`incorporated herein in their entirety.
`I am not, and never was, an employee of Johnson Matthey Plc or any
`Johnson Matthey company. I have been engaged in the present matter to provide
`my independent analysis of the issues raised in the petition for inter partes review
`of the ’709 patent. I received no compensation for this declaration beyond my
`normal hourly compensation based on my time actually spent studying the matter,
`and I will not receive any added compensation based on the outcome of this inter
`partes review of the ’709 patent.
`13. Based upon my experience in this area, a person of ordinary skill in
`the art (“POSITA”) of the ’709 patent at the time of the invention is a person who
`has obtained at least a BS or MS in a chemistry, chemical engineering, material
`science, or a related field and least three years of experience or training in
`researching, studying, designing, or manufacturing diesel exhaust treatment
`14. Based on my experiences, I have a good understanding of the
`capabilities of a POSITA. Indeed, I have taught, participated in organizations, and
`worked closely with many such persons over the course of my career.


`Interpretations of the ’709 Patent Claims at Issue
`I understand that, for purposes of my analysis in this inter partes
`review proceeding, the terms appearing in the patent claims should be interpreted
`according to their “broadest reasonable construction in light of the specification of
`the patent in which it appears.” 37 C.F.R. § 42.100(b). In that regard, I understand
`that the best indicator of claim meaning is its usage in the context of the patent
`specification as understood by a POSITA. I further understand that the words of
`the claims should be given their plain meaning unless that meaning is inconsistent
`with the patent specification or the patent’s history of examination before the
`Patent Office. I also understand that the words of the claims should be interpreted
`as they would have been interpreted by a POSITA at the time of the invention was
`made (not today); because I do not know at what date the invention as claimed was
`made, I have used the earliest listed filing date of the ‘709 patent as the point in
`time for claim interpretation purposes. That date was August 5, 2003. I have been
`asked to provide my interpretation of the following terms and phrases of the ’709
`patent set forth below.
`I have been informed that a patent claim is invalid as “obvious” under
`35 U.S.C. § 103 in light of one or more prior art references if it would have been


`obvious to a POSITA, taking into account (1) the scope and content of the prior art,
`(2) the differences between the prior art and the claims, (3) the level of ordinary
`skill in the art, and (4) any so called “secondary considerations” of non-
`obviousness, which include: (i) “long felt need” for the claimed invention, (ii)
`commercial success attributable to the claimed invention, (iii) unexpected results
`of the claimed invention, and (iv) “copying” of the claimed invention by others.
`For purposes of my analysis above and because I know of no indication from the
`patent owner or others to the contrary, I have applied a date of August 5, 2003, as
`the date of invention in my obviousness analyses, although in many cases the same
`analysis would hold true even at an earlier time than August 5, 2003.
`I have been informed that a claim can be obvious in light of a single
`prior art reference or multiple prior art references. To be obvious in light of a
`single prior art reference or multiple prior art references, there must be a reason to
`modify the single prior art reference, or combine two or more references, in order
`to achieve the claimed invention. This reason may come from a teaching,
`suggestion, or motivation to combine, or may come from the reference or
`references themselves, the knowledge or “common sense” of one skilled in the art,
`or from the nature of the problem to be solved, and may be explicit or implicit
`from the prior art as a whole. I have been informed that the combination of
`familiar elements according to known methods is likely to be obvious when it does


`no more than yield predictable results. I also understand it is improper to rely on
`hindsight in making the obviousness determination. KSR Int’l Co. v. Teleflex Inc.,
`550 U.S. 398, 421 (2007).
`18. A diesel engine produces carbon-based soot during normal operating
`conditions. Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) are incorporated into the exhaust
`stream of both heavy duty and light duty vehicles to trap this soot. The most
`common design for a DPF is a ceramic wall flow filter consisting of a plurality of
`parallel cells formed in the direction of flow which are plugged in a checkboard
`pattern on the exhaust gas inlet end. See Ronald M. Heck and Robert J. Farrauto
`with Suresh T. Gulati, Catalytic Air Pollution Control 217 (2002).
`19. The cells which are plugged on the inlet end are open on the exhaust
`gas outlet. Conversely, the cells which are open on the exhaust gas inlet end are


`plugged on the exhaust gas outlet end. Therefore, the gas flow is forced through
`the cell wall of the DPF, depositing the soot on the cell wall of the inlet side while
`the exhaust gas passes through the porous wall and exits the outlet side. See id.
`20. During this soot collection, the soot builds a layer upon the cell wall,
`which results in an increase in pressure drop as the effective depth of the soot layer
`increases. As soot continues to accumulate on the filter, the backpressure will
`increase to an unacceptable level for normal operation. Before this occurs, the soot
`must be removed from the filter. This is typically accomplished by oxidizing or
`“burning” the soot, thereby “regenerating” the filter. Although the soot will
`spontaneously combust at very high temperatures, it was well known to include a
`soot oxidation catalyst on the filter in order to reduce the regeneration temperature
`of the filter. Known soot oxidation catalysts include a metal on a small particle
`support, such as platinum on alumina. See Heck at 201. It was also well known
`that NO2 in the exhaust stream could be used as an oxidant for soot oxidation. Id.
`It was also well known that a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), e.g., platinum
`supported on small particle alumina, could be positioned upstream of a DPF to


`increase the level of NO2 in the exhaust stream for the purpose of providing an
`oxidant for soot oxidation. Id.
`It was well known that the level of other undesirable components,
`such NOx, in a diesel exhaust gas could be reduced via heterogeneous catalysis.
`Many catalyst were known for these purposes, but they all require a substrate, such
`as wall-flow filter or a flow-through honeycomb monolith, as a support. For
`example, it was known that NOx could be catalytically treated using an selective
`catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst and/or a NOx adsorption catalyst (NAC) (also
`commonly referred to as a “NOx storage catalyst”) and that each of these types of
`catalyst are loaded on a substrate to be effective at reducing NOx. Known SCR
`catalysts included a metal loaded on a small particle support, such as copper loaded
`on a zeolite particle. Known NOx adsorbers include a metal on a small particle
`support, such as platinum on a barium oxide/alumina particle. These types of
`catalysts are applied to the walls of a substrate as a washcoat, either as an on-wall


`surface coating or as an in-wall coating. The rheology and the pH of these
`washcoats can be adjusted so that the same coating technique could be used to
`apply any of them washcoat to a wall-flow filter.
`In terms of filter design, there is little to no distinction between
`loading different catalyst composition washcoats (e.g., a metal-zeolite SCR
`catalyst washcoat or a NOx adsorber catalyst washcoat) in the walls of a wall-flow
`filter. In each case, it simply requires preparing a catalyst washcoat suitable for
`application to the filter, and selecting a filter having adequate pore size and
`porosity so that the washcoat can enter the pores of the filter wall. Because the
`catalyst washcoat is typically in the form of a slurry, techniques such as pressure or
`vacuum may be applied to increase the rate at which the washcoat permeates the
`filter walls. It was well known, and is common sense, that if the filter does not
`have sufficient porosity or pore size, the washcoat will not enter the filter walls or,
`if it does enter the porous wall, the pores will become clogged thus rendering the
`filter ineffective.
`23. One of skill in the art would have recognized that washcoats applied
`to a flow through, honeycomb substrate could have been applied to a wall-flow
`filter, given that the filter possessed adequate porosity, pore size, or other
`characteristics. Furthermore, a specific catalyst composition known to work when


`applied to a flow-through substrate would be expected to work in a similar manner
`when applied to a wall-flow filter.
`By 2002, The Auto Industry Believed That Meeting Impending Emission
`Standards Required Developing A Higher Porosity Filter That Could
`Accommodate A Catalyst Washcoat of 100 g/L to 125 g/L.
`In 2001 and 2002, the automotive industry needed new solutions for
`how to simultaneously reduce the emissions of NOx and particulate matter from
`diesel exhaust. Both NOx and particulate matter were the target of newly proposed
`emissions standards that were scheduled to become active in 2005. For example,
`the European Union’s Environment Council in 1998 agreed on new limits that
`“reduce[d] the emission limits for nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particles in 2 stages,”
`with the first stage set to become active in 2005 and the second to become active in
`2008. Georg Hüthwohl, Bernd Maurer and Gennadi Zikoridse, The SCRT® System
`– A Combination Particle Filter with SCR Catalyst – Enables Both Particle and
`NOx Emission To Be Reduced Simultaneously in Commercial Vehicle Diesel
`Engines, Proceedings of the Dresden Motor Conference, held in May 1999. These
`new emissions standards, known as Euro IV and Euro V, sought aggressive
`reductions in the amount of each pollutant released into the atmosphere.
`25. The European Union diesel market was an important market for auto
`and truck manufacturers. The auto and truck manufacturers wanted to supply their


`vehicles into that important market, and to do so they had to meet the newly
`proposed emission standards for NOx and particulate matter.
` By 2002, the auto and truck manufacturers believed that meeting the
`Euro IV and Euro V emission standards, while still maintaining the compactness of
`a system designed for mobile applications, required putting a very high SCR
`washcoat loading into the walls of the filter. That is, to achieve the increase in
`NOx abatement, catalyst would have to be incorporated into the system without
`increasing the overall size of the exhaust gas treatment system. Auto and truck
`manufacturers responded to the proposed Euro IV and Euro V emission standards
`by requesting that Diesel Particulate Filter (“DPF”) suppliers develop filters with a
`higher porosity that could accommodate a very high catalyst washcoat. Based on
`the requests that Corning received, the auto and truck manufacturers were, as of at
`least 2002, trying to develop a filter that could accommodate a catalyst washcoat
`loading of between 100 g/L to 125 g/L. Accordingly, as of 2002, there was a move
`towards developing higher porosity filters, so that they could be combined with a
`high catalyst loading.
`27. Low porosity filters cannot accommodate a washcoat loading of
`between 100 g/L to 125 g/L. In a lower porosity filter, such a high washcoat
`loading would lead to unacceptably high backpressure, causing significant


`problems, including a reduction in engine power and increased fuel consumption,
`both unacceptable to vehicle manufacturers.
`28. My comments pertaining to a filter’s porosity and pore size are in
`reference to an uncoated filter’s porosity and pore size. This is distinct from the
`porosity and pore size of a coated filter. That is, a catalyst washcoat applied to the
`interior pores of a filter wall will decrease the actual pore size and porosity
`available for gas permeation. As more catalyst coating is incorporated into the
`porous wall, the pores start to become filled with the catalyst material, thus
`decreasing their effective diameter. A filter’s overall efficiency (i.e., the filter’s
`ability to capture particles of a certain size), requires a certain range of pore size
`and porosity. If the pore size and porosity are too large, the filter will not
`adequately trap the particulate matter. On the other hand, if the pore size and
`porosity are too small, the filter will produce unacceptably high backpressure.
`However, when a high porosity/large pore size filter is coated with a high amount
`of catalyst washcoat, the effective porosity and pore size can remain within the
`desirable ranges for treating soot in diesel exhaust gas because the catalyst material
`fills in the pores that would otherwise be too large for soot filtration.
`29. By 2002, the industry was actively working on developing a higher
`porosity filter in order to accommodate heavier catalyst washcoat loadings. To
`meet the impending Euro IV and Euro V emission standards, there was an


`immediate market need for a wall flow filter that could be loaded with 100 g/L to
`125 g/L or a catalyst washcoat without causing unacceptably high backpressure.
`In 2001 and 2002, the filter manufacturer industry began an intensive
`effort to develop a filter capable of being loaded with a catalyst washcoat while
`still achieving acceptable backpressure. During this time frame the filter industry
`was advancing filter technology on the basis that a porosity of 50% or higher was
`required to have a washcoat loaded in the wall of the filter to prevent trapped soot
`from causing unacceptably high backpressure.
`Hashimoto Teaches That Its High Porosity Filter Can Be Loaded With 100g/L
`of A Catalyst Washcoat and Still Achieve Acceptable Backpressure
`31. Hashimoto teaches a filter that can be successfully loaded with 100g/L
`(i.e., 1.64 g/in3) of a catalyst washcoat into a wall flow filter. Hashimoto teaches a
`“successful material development for low pressure-drop Cordierite and SiC [diesel
`particulate filters].” Hashimoto at p. 1. Specifically, the article states that “NGK
`Insulators, LTD has newly developed low pressure drop type Corderierite [diesel
`particulate filters]” and that “[m]aterial development has been completed which
`increases the porosity from the current mass production level.” Id. at p. 10.
`In particular, Hashimoto discloses a “newly developed” filter, DHC-
`611, with a 59% porosity and a 25 µm mean pore size. Id. In my opinion, this is
`the same filter used in every example of the ’709 patent, which describes a
`“[c]ordierite ceramic wall flow filter substrates (product name C611, NGK


`insulators, Ltd.) having … an average pore size of 25 microns and 60% wall
`porosity.” ’709 patent, Example 1. Further, both the DHC-611 filter taught in
`Hashimoto and the C611 filter described in the ’709 patent have a wall thickness of
`12 thousandths of an inch. See Hashimoto at Table 3 (DHC-611 filter has a wall
`thickness of “12 mil,” where “mil” is a unit of length that denotes a thousandth of
`an inch); ’709 patent, Example 1 (C611 filter has a wall thickness of 0.012 inches).
`33. Hashimoto teaches that “the porosity and mean pore size” of the
`filters “are critical” in solving the backpressure problem associated with a
`catalyzed filter. Id. at p. 13. If a higher porosity filter is used, such as the DHC-
`611 filter described in all the examples of the ’709 patent, Hashimoto teaches that
`the filter “can be coated with a significantly higher wash coat loading without
`adversely [a]ffecting pressure-drop” and describes its high porosity filter as “prime
`candidates” for future catalyzed filter systems. Id. Crucially, Hashimoto teaches
`that its catalyst “catalyst “wash coat … is applied inside the pores,” Hashimoto at
`12, just as the ’709 patent claims that its catalyst washcoat must “permeate” the
`walls of the filter. See, e.g., ’709 patent, claim 1.
`34. Hashimoto teaches that its newly developed high porosity filters
`exhibit “superior pressure-drop and filtration efficiency” characteristics.
`Hashimoto at p. 11. Hashimoto notes that not only had a pressure-drop equation
`been developed for the catalyzed high porosity filters, but that the equation was


`verified experimentally. “Preliminary pressure-drop measurements on the
`catalyzed DPF’s were conducted,” which included two filters coded DHC-611 and
`DHC-558, with “100g/L of a wash coating” in each, id. at p. 12. Measurements of
`the pressure drop as a function of the amount of soot loading were taken and
`recorded, see id. at Figure 21. The results, Hashimoto teaches, “indicate[] that
`high porosity [diesel particulate filter] material has an advantage for a catalyzed
`[diesel particulate filter] system.” Id. at p. 13.
`35. Hashimoto describes its high porosity filters as “prime candidates” for
`future catalyzed filter systems. Id. The results reported by Hashimoto were
`promising enough to warrant continuing to study other characteristics of the filters.
`See id. (“The pressure drop and filtration performance of the catalyzed DPF’s …
`be carefully investigated in the next phase of the development because the catalyst
`will change the pore size characteristics.”); id. (“The influence of porosity on the
`pressure-drop and filtration efficiency performance of catalyzed DPF will be
`conducted in the next development phase.”).
`36. Even without further testing, the Hashimoto would have been the
`leading choice to accommodate 100 g/L of any catalyst washcoat. Any issues that
`the filter could have had with respect to thermal stability or durability could have
`been resolved through the routine optimization of other filter characteristics—such
`as pore size distribution or wall thickness—that are not claimed by the ’709 patent.


`37. These other considerations would not have prevented one of ordinary
`skill in the art from pursuing the high porosity filter taught by Hashimoto. For
`example, even if the Hashimoto filters would have displayed some level of
`instability at the high temperatures needed to regenerate the filter, a person of
`ordinary skill would have been able to make routine, well-known adjustments to
`the filter to increase its stability. One way to do so would have been to increase
`the cell wall thickness, while maintaining the filter’s mean pore size and porosity.
`This would increase the thermal mass of the filter, while maintaining the “key
`material characteristics” needed to solve the backpressure problem—the porosity
`and pore size. Hashimoto at p. 6. Similarly, the pore size distribution could have
`been varied to eliminate very large pores, which were known to lessen the
`durability of the filter. That is, a tighter pore size distribution would have reduced
`the number of pores that were much greater in size than 10-25 µm. Reducing the
`number of such very large pores would increase the durability of the filter. Neither
`of these characteristics, however, is claimed by the ’709 patent. The ’709 patent,
`instead, claims only those filter characteristics that Hashimoto taught were crucial
`for achieving acceptable backpressure.
`38. Furthermore, I would have expected the catalyzed Hashimoto filter to
`display even better filtration efficiency than that demonstrated in Figure 18 by the
`equivalent uncatalyzed filter. Adding a catalyst washcoat to an uncatalyzed filter


`generally improves the filtration efficiency of the filter. The Hashimoto article
`mentions a “next development phase” that would include studying the “influence
`of porosity on the pressure-drop and filtration efficiency performance” of the
`catalyzed filter. As discussed above, the catalyzed Hashimoto filter—loaded with
`100 g/L of a washcoat—displayed an advantageous pressure-drop profile. With
`respect to filtration efficiency, the uncatalyzed Hashimoto filter had exhibited
`“superior … filtration efficiency.” Hashimoto at p. 11. Specifically, Figure 18
`shows that the DHC-558 and DHC-611 filters display a filtration efficiency
`superior to that of an even higher porosity filter. After being loaded with 100 g/L
`of a catalyst washcoat, I would expect that the DHC-558 and DHC-611 filters
`would exhibit an even better filtration efficiency than that reported in Figure 18.
`Loading a catalyst washcoat into the filter would—as Hashimoto teaches—“further
`increase[] flow restriction,” id. at p. 1, which would cause increased filtration as
`well. Thus, while a “next development phase” may have been useful to determine
`the precise filtration efficiency of the catalyzed filter, a person of ordinary skill
`would have reasonably predicted that the catalyzed filter described in Hashimoto
`would have adequate filtration efficiency.
`39. As can be seen from the Acknowledgements section of Hashimoto,
`BASF's predecessor, Engelhard Corporation, was actually responsible for coating


`the DHC-611 and DHC-558 filters with 100g/L of a catalyst washcoat. Hashimoto
`at p. 13.
`Hashimoto Taught a Filter Structure That Would Have Been a “Prime
`Candidate” to Accommodate 100 g/L of Any Catalyst Washcoat Composition.
`40. The Hashimoto filter would have been a “prime candidate” for any
`filter substrate requiring a 100 g/L washcoat loading. Hashimoto neither specifies
`nor limits the types of catalyst washcoat (e.g., SCR, NAC, etc.) that can be applied
`to its high-porosity filter. As discussed above, different wall-flow filter design
`criteria are not required when selecting between a metal zeolite SCR washcoat, an
`NAC washcoat, or a soot oxidation catalyst washcoat. And it is my opinion that
`the DHC-611 filter could be used equally for metal zeolite SCR washcoats, NAC
`washcoats, or even other washcoats such as soot oxidation catalyst, without any
`modifications to the filter substrate. Thus, a person of ordinary skill could
`reasonable conclude from the teachings of Hashimoto that the DHC-611 or similar
`high-porosity filter could be used in conjunction with an SCR catalyst washcoat.
`More particularly, a person of ordinary skill reading Hashimoto would have readily
`recognized that a wall-flow filter having a porosity of 59% and a pore size of 25
`microns would be a prime candidate to be loaded with 100 g/L of a metal zeolite
`SCR catalyst washcoat.
`41. Claim 11 of the ’709 patent, which depends from claim 1, requires
`that the catalyst be coated on both the inlet and outlet side of the walls. This was a


`common and well-known method used to prepare filters with a catalyst washcoat.
`Claim 15 reads:
`The catalyst article of claim 1, wherein the longitudinally
`extending walls have an inlet side and an opposing outlet side
`and SCR catalyst is coated on both the inlet and outlet sides of
`the walls.
`I understand this claim to be requiring a catalyzed filter prepared by a
`specific method—coating both the inlet and outlet channels of the filter with a
`catalyst washcoat. The ’709 patent describes exactly such a method. ’709 patent,
`Example 1. Claim 11, in my opinion, does not require that the coated catalyst
`remain only “on … the sides of the walls,” as that term is used in the dependent
`claim. Rather, claim 11 actually requires that the catalyst—originally coated “on”
`the wall—eventually permeate the walls of the filter. This becomes clear after
`reviewing claim 1, the independent claim form which claim 11 depends. Claim 1
`requires that the catalyst washcoat “permeat[e] the walls [of the filter] at a loading
`up to 2.4 g/in3.” Thus, reading this dependent claim in view of claim 1 makes clear
`that the dependent claim referring to the method of loading the filter with a
`catalyst, in a way that allows for the catalyst to eventually permeate the walls. The
`dependent claim does not, however, require that the claimed catalyst remain only
`on the walls of the filter.
`43. As of August 2003, the method of preparing a catalyzed filter recited
`by claim 11 was a well-known and common way to load a catalyst into a filter.


`Even if claim 11 is construed as requiring that the catalyst remain as a
`coating on both the inlet and outlet sides of the wall, such a configuration was well
`known in the art. For example, US. Patent No. 6,753,294 teaches a “wall-flow
`filter for an exhaust system of a combustion engine,” wherein the “walls carry [a]
`coating” of a catalytic material, including an SCR catalyst. ”294 patent, col. 2,
`lines 1—7; id. at col. 6, lines 9-41; see also id. at Figure 1 (a coating of an SCR
`catalyst, marked as 20, on both sides of the filter wall).
`I currently hold the opinions set expressed in this declaration. But my
`analysis may continue, and I may acquire additional information and/or attain
`supplemental insights that may result in added observations.
`I declare that all statements made in this declaration are of my own
`knowledge and are true and that all statements made on information and belief are
`believed to be true; that these statements were made with the knowledge that
`willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or
`imprisonment, or both under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
`David L. Tennent


`David L. Tennent, Ph.D. 
`4748 Clawson Drive 
`Campbell, NY 14821 
`Employment History 
`Corning Incorporated, Corning, New York (1980‐2009) 
`Director, Carbon Technologies Development   
`Overall technical program responsibility for developing mercury traps in power plant exhaust gases. 
`Sr. Project Manager – AT Development/Manager, Catalyst Interactions Group   
`1. R&D Leader for the development and transfer of DuraTrap® AT.  This team delivered
`DuraTrap® AT (Light Duty and Heavy Duty) and started the development

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