`Examiner: LQPEZ, CARLOS N.
`(Emu? Art Unit: 39?}
`Canfimafim No: @832
`In Jam“ Farms Rmxaminatim 0f:
`Raaxammafim {Swim} N23 955%},744
`Fatal}: N0: ?,9§)2,187
`Essmeé: March 8, 28111
`Maii Stag; Inter Paries 'Reexam
`Swim} Raexaminatien um:
`Cmmzissimer Em ?3€€fits
`Unimé States Fatem mad Tméemark Office
`RS}. 302; 1.451)
`Aiexanéria, VA 223134458
`E, 3936p}: C. Detfréing, hcmby (Emma‘s that:
`Ii mfiemfimfi
`that dams @421, 23—34 md 36 are gaming in this abm’wdemfifieé
`mexaminatmn af Patent Ne. "ifiifljfi’? {“the ”:9? Paiem“)
`E am a cammvmmr {if the {flamed subject matter in the ‘10? Patent.
`E have a 353, in Chemifitry fmm St. Framis Eiaiiege and a MS. in Chemistry fmm Lang
`ESEamE Univarsity,
`E warkmfi fax 44 years at BASE Carmmtmm the: sucmssgr m Mama 20
`‘Engeihard Carpammn, in, the arms cf T€S€3fflh
`am éaveispmsm {3&7 hetemgafleaus camiysts far
`autamfitéve appéémiims, imiuéing éiesei appfisatims
`{We}? the wane: 9f my 44 war smear, my pmjasis insiudfid swims shamcmizatima flf
`catai}*st&’supp0fi3, 335% then: thaws-.3} micsfiizafim 0f ahm‘ma snpmrts.
`E was mspmsibie far the
`éweiapmem {3f many if the Engeihani pmsmus mam memfifihis and yammfi am aa’zaiysts used
`in anvimnmm’tai prmses Eb? the: axiéatém {pf sarbm memxida and hyéirmarbms, am? ihé
`mdam‘m 0f nétmgm madag within fin‘aewway cataiyst fat the simzfitanews canversiun {3f 3}}
`JM 1018
`JM 1018
`Raexamimfion {Emmi No. 95ffimy744
`Elkesiaratimz 0f Jaseph C. Deming
`thee: campmmts near smichéaméamc mndifisns‘ M3 mseamh aim was directed “me cataEysts fm
`bmh gamiim and {éicsai passwgw carsz’imaks and nmnawus Sinai} angina appfimfims.
`E. ham
`ms: pasétimzs {hf Manager 0f Autammive Camiys‘is am Manager {if Caiaiyst Synthessis ami Engme
`Timing. Friar ta my retimmmt, E was prammed w Resmmh Ffifiew, Wham I Eead inifigtivw {m
`we reseamh ami éevaiamzem 9f dime} mmauiate {fliers and saiaaiive camytia mductmn
`{ratéflyst ($5wigpmmt.
`E was pm (if a, team that: (immatmafiy impmvcd the @ificiemy 05 this autammiw Qataiyst
`mamfacmring 33mm. A3 the Cataiyst Freparatim Sectim Head, 131 aim fired 3 grams :9 create: a
`new mam rabusi‘ and 333%ng manufacturing pmcess far the: mmmfactme {3f aummméw caiaiysts
`tin-{mghwi the mmpany suppiy chain Whig}; remiteé in 33mm 02“: statswf—thgnam eqmpmcm and
`mwimiamry caéaaiyst designs; mat mafia Engaéharé a warédwiée cavimnmmifl 9331313:
`imhfiamgy imfigrn
`iii am a mama? invmtm (m 62 United 3mm gatantg miatimg m cataEysits aad fiwir
`appficatim, many of which mmm to automative and diaseé camiyszs.
`iii have cowautfhoresi 24
`waridwicie pufiiimtians in me ma :3? aummmive and {Ease} catalysis. 1;: i993, the Engeiham
`technical Mam that E Ead was: remgnized far a Pd, (My ’E‘WC catfiysst that resuited in {my
`inductém into: the Haw Esme}; Hail af firms. This was fgfigwgd lay BASE? tefihnicai Emma; méer
`my Sfiparvisicm that ware remgnized wifi: the Thamas Alva iEEiéisgn Fatwa: Award in 29m and
`2%)“ far war}; wndzzctfid in the arm <3?” SCR catakygés.
`Fatcnt swmfs cammi has pmvidsd mad T? haw revieweé the ‘19”? patent and amendments
`mafia mama},
`the; Reqwesé; far Reexamimfion dateé Fcfimmy 35, 2012 (“the Raqmfl fer
`the Qffim Action maflad, May 9, 2mg (“the Officg Actim“), arid. aha
`refemnces cited in the Qffice Actém.
`E haw aim mvfiawed thc Actim Ciasmg fivsmufim
`mafiad May 3 2822 in, Reexaminatéan {Emma‘s} N0. 95,16813’2‘44 (“tbs AC? fix;
`Reexmmmfim‘fi, as weii as thus refemncsg mm themm Ehave 3330 reviewsé mfemnces siteé in ‘
`thifi B’sdamtéon.
`El have: aka mvifiweé flag suiamissmm 0f the ’E‘hird 19am; Raquesmr in thig
`mama incfiucimg the Dadamtmm 9f Br. Phfiiipsg Br. Blakemm and Dr. Weaker.
`V Eunéarstémé m:- when amendad aiaim 2 9f the: ‘ £97 Fatwa: wfi}, waits:
`Reexamination Cassie} Ne. §Si€>01,?44
`Deeleretéen 0f Easeph C. Beaming
`3‘ A eateiysi amide consisting essentiefiy 0f 3 wan flew menehth and eeteiyiie
`memes}, wisereie the we}: flew meneiét}: has a. piemiity ef iengimemefiy
`extending pesseges farmed by iengiméinefiy extending weiis betmdieg em
`(fiefimeg said passages, wherein the passages eemesise Met eesseges having an
`apex: Mei: end and e aimed eufie’é; meg see eefiet messages hevieg a eiesee isfiet
`end and an apes: easiest end, and the we}? flew memfith massing eeiaiyfcie
`matefiel comprising a shiny Eeeded weshceat efem SCR eefie‘éys’t eempesitien
`ineieeéeg e zeeiite me e base mete} eempeeem that permeates the wefls at a
`beefing up fie 2&4 g/‘in3effeetive te (sewers 3. N03: eemyenem t0 sitmgee
`flireugh selective eateiyfie :‘edueéien with emmmie.
`E eederstand that whee amenéee eieim 38 me reeiie:
`i8. A eetaiyst emefie eemistmg essemieiiy 03‘? a weii flew meneiith and
`eatfime metefiei, mfiereén the W333 flew meneiith hes a pheafiity 0f
`Eeegimdinefiy extending passages famed by ieegfitudinefiy extending weiis
`heeedieg em éefizfieg said ‘pessegesg wherein eke passages eemprise mie‘i
`passages having an {aspen inlet em} and e cieseé entire: end, see eufiet
`pesseges having 3 eiesed ieiet me emf: an aspen eeflet end, wherein the wefi
`flew memeifih {remains the eeteiyst materie? eemprisieg e smrry Eeeeed
`washeeet ef en SCR eeteEyst eempesiflm ineleeing e seeiite am e base
`mete? eempenem that mmneetes the weéls at a eeneentratéen 01? at ieest 1.3
`g/in3 effective :0 ems/ext :2. N33: campenem to eitmgen thmugh seéective
`seismic reéuctien we}: amenie; wherein the we}: flew menefifis has a we}?
`mmsity 0f at Seas: 50% with an average pare size ef at Eees’i 5 miemns.
`I ueéemmed that when. ememfied elem} 21 me recise:
`2}. A eefeiyst amide eensisiing essentiefly Of a we}? flew memiéth see
`eeteiytie memes}, wherein the wafi
`flew memiith hes a piemfity ef
`iengiteeinefiiy exteeemg passages finned hy Eeengfiedmefiy extending weiis
`Emmatiimg we siefmmg said passages, Mzerein the passages eemprise ieéet
`passages having an open ieie‘é em} and e chased entice end, and {mist
`passages having a eiesee ieie‘s end and m: {men eefiet end, aed the wefi flew
`memiiih eeeteies she essefiytie memes} mmprisieg 3 Sims}; ieeéed washeee‘i
`as?” an SCR eeteéyst eempesitmn that penneetes the wens effective 1e weavers.
`a N3}: eempenem m nfimgen thmugh seiee’zive eateiyiie eeeuetiem with
`emmeeie, wherem the wail flew menefiim has e wefl pewsity ef at Bees: 53%
`with an average pare size 9f at Eeesit 5 memes.
`The ‘W’? 9.3?th is éireeteé m e cetsiyiie amide that preview fees integm} grammes: {1)
`gimme 02’ see: item the exhaust gas esteem of e eiese} eegiee at a high fiitmfien efficiency; {2)
`eenversien of a N3}; eempeneei t0 nitmgen threegh seieetive eetséfiie mdeetéen wifll meme
`Reexamination Comm} Ne. 95i091§44
`Deetetetien 0f jeeeph C. Battling
`by the prepet teatitng ef 3 SCR. eetetyst eempesitten that petmeetes the watts: at 5: watt flew
`fitter, whtett etse {3) tewets the seat heating temperature et‘ Seet eettee‘teé en the wait flew tittet;
`{4} without increasing the beekptessme to an uttaeeeptabte te‘vet.
`it is tmptettet to View the
`etetmed teventten by {me er more ef these grammes witheet teeteding at} the: at these
`tenetiens preview by the eiteimeé teventten.
`Te pteperty eetietstamt the subject matter et‘ the ’36:? Fetent, a petsen et“ skit} it: the art
`Sheree have a beekgmmttt
`tn hetetegeeeeus eetetysts? as wet} as experieuee with engine
`eetetysts, teetutttttg eetetyzett dieset fitters and eetetysts; fer the seteettve eetetytte teduettee et’
`nttregett extees. A perstm et’ erttittery skit} in the art sheetd. have at teest a. Master‘s: tiegtee in
`ehemtstty, ehemteet engineering, et materials setenee, as wett as research er maeufeetttttng
`experience with hetemgeneeue catalysts tar extéetten and redeetten teeetietts et” pettetents it;
`dieset engine exhaust,
`Ittevete meet et‘ the ’ttt’? Tt’eteet Sett’eet Matter
`Peer t0 the tnventtett whiett is the subject ef the ‘ttt’i E’etent, there was me demettstrettezt
`er even eensitietettee it; the inéuetty 0f the inttedttetten 0f SCR eetatyste irate terge pore size}
`high petestty watt ttew fitters seek that the SCR eetetysts permeated the fitter watts, remitting in
`e eete’tytie attic-2e that emfid pmperty funetiett as an SCR eetetyst, tewer the seat hunting
`temperature? witheut en amt we increase in beekptessete amt pmvtttteg eéeqeete fitttttttee
`in eéditten, the eeeventtene‘t wtsdem prior tea the devetepment wetk that tett t0 the
`fitting 0:? the petetzt epptteettee fer the instant tnventtett m Aegeet 2883 Watt»: that target pets size?
`higher pmeséty wet} flew fitters sheutd be emitted. White Hashimete et at, SAE Paper 23%).?—
`ttttttfifl {"Hfifihttflfitfi“)g eitett by the Requester raised the pessthtttty et‘ wing higher peresity
`fittets with men-rSCR eetetysts, practice} eeesidetetiem wetgheet against use et‘ high pamsity wet}
`flew substrates amt epptteettett eff mating metetiets mm the wet} stmetete. There are severe}
`ttetteneft’s te cemetttet with tetpeet te petesity and pate size: at: flit—>36 parameters attest pressure
`time ef the exheest gee syttem, regeeetetiee temperature, themtat emeking at the fitter and
`system weight.
`At the time at? the inventtenf, the eenventtenat “emote was t0 use sehseetes with very
`thiett amt (tense, 30w eetestty waits to» met/“taste a high thermat mess. Cet‘dtettte substitute and
`Reexaminatim {Santa‘s} No. gSffiQtfiM
`Daciaratien of Joseph C. flattifmg
`diam} stigma manufactmats, attmg with aataiyst gmvidsrs, were struggtmg with tfiects of
`uncmtmfiezé tittat mgttmtatm an Cataiyzted amt tmestttaiyzmt fitttats attke. Becauss m” thsse
`prehisms, manufastmers at” Gamma: watt flaw substt‘atss made at cottttétite avaittsd high
`parasity stitstmtcs, and insteaé uttii‘mti denser and thécktat waited stmcttttset that had EQWfiI
`mmtityu This it; @tédancett in Hashimattt, cited it; this actitm‘
`In this Hastfimttttt paper, the
`madam catttimtc fittet is SEE-£653, and newer Sit? matmtats art: magmteép Seer Hashtmota
`mmr at page: 13. The absence at any fitter tegmcmtim atatat far a catatyzett smt fiitctr in tbs
`Hashimata papar pmvtttes time infnmmtitm at gutéancc t0 3 pat‘smz at shit in the art tits make an
`infammfi ctwics {in at} a? that (:rittcai and mutttervafiing canstdcmtfimg in aptémiztng a catalyzed
`fittar (teségn it: Attgttst 2863. Certainty, the authm‘s 9f the Hashtmttttt patter mettgtttzad the; need
`t6 study the “influeztce 0f pmttséty (m the grassutemdmp amt fitttattot: efficiency perfamnattce: at
`mtatggmt it???“ {cmphztgtt addaé}. Ammdtngty, the Hashimtttts patter pmviées m} guiéanm an.
`haw a cataiyzed fitter wmté ttetftmtz it: 2255 in an actua} engine: amt mart:
`Hathtmam did mt éisc'ttSS taadmg the wattt 83f ttw watt thaw fitter with an SCH sataiyst
`samprisittg a zeettte amt a bass mstai.
`in the Eatt:
`tQQ‘fi‘s and {mi}? 2%9‘5, watt flew fitter sugaptécrs hatt cautiamd Engttttaté
`against getting in the direatiett we pmcemtcéwiaaémg higher pomstty, Eatgst pate watt flew
`fitters with satalygt matetiai ft)? tbs masons mmtitmtrtt a‘imvs. The watt flaw fitter substratc
`supptiers were Skeptic-tat that a, sygttem with high pamsity am} tags pares wwtd have the. preps?
`fitttatttm @fficitrmy and ham: the: matmia} pmmrties t9 méthstand thermal Cmfikiflg {.qu t9 tha
`towvsmti mama}, mass. See: tag United Statss Patmt N0, 6,308,352 at mi. 1,
`times 4562;
`assigned t0 Stsbstmtt: Sttpgiim‘ Gaming) (Etch- 1). With ftZSptE‘Gt ta that issue {if ttmmai mass, in
`August 2883, the mm’entionai Msdom fit? the tims was ti; amid mattttg matsfiatt within the wait
`stmc’mte. Tim was at Beast parity the:
`t0 mnmms that {tiffemttces it: «chamistty aadim
`inmmpatt‘httity tits caetficéent 9f thermat expansion batween the washcttat amt subfitrate wsuté
`txaggtsratc the pmbitzm of mettfitg 0r “flag—aft” cmckiag iii the suhstmta See, far examples,
`United States Patettt mmnber 5389,23? {Ext}. 2} which observes at (:03an 1, times, 69»54 that
`ambetiéaé particics it: the fitter watt sat: givs rise ts; chemicai madam with the: ceramic materta},
`makittg up the fitter wait and changes in ttw matatiat resattittg fmm tnmmmtibifity batsman the;
`substrats and washwat. Marmverg it was: nut mderstamtmg that tha muthgtme at highest
`Reexamizm‘iien Seem}? Ne. 95i0€>1344
`Beachwear} ef Eeseph C, Demiaxg
`~g’zreresiiy fliers with Eerge intemei mid area reqmreé smefiafi bummeut agents that are used is
`create the imger puree. Fee: is; 2&3, eeréieeéte we}: flew substrate manufaemem efiemptee te
`digsuade 'Engefiharé free; using fiiters with. Berger pews because {he men‘ufeemrers dié net want
`te ‘henéie the Eeyge pare fanning Emmet}: agents. Cerfiieme manufaemeers‘ were aim eeeeemeé
`$133: the 3mm fewer cream} tee Eaege en? a pare, whieh resuked in bypass we peer fiifimfien
`16. When eeesifiefing the mating ef’ WEE flew fiiters with washeeat flurry, the skfiied arfisee
`has fire eemieer the walk mating and ieitemei pare eeatieg, whieh Eeeds m e. refiaiively high Bevel
`ef mereéiembfiity with Substrate eeetmg. With the we}: mating, the washeeet flurry is fifieteé
`exam the we}; and as it ie se fiétereé, me washeeet wéii hefié up fie fifiekness anti} it farms an
`imperviees Myer. There is therefore a éireei reimienship hemeen washeeat Eeeémg and an
`merease in presgme deep. This reietienship is usuefiy seen when. the pariéeie éiemeter is the
`same er siighfiy Eerger Em the mean pere diameter 61*.“ the sebetmte, whieh is emeex’eei'ed en
`Sinai} pew, high density substrates which were used by the industry at the time 05 the invemien
`fer fimatéen grammes. Eeeaese the Chameisa are megged at the ends: they must he Seated frem
`each ené te ensure that simw is; degesfied en eeeh ef file weiis (we: and eufleth as; there is Eéifie
`er m eemmenieefien bemeen the ehenneis threegh the we'éis when slimy eeetieg. The precesze
`fer the simy $0 ge thmugh the we}? {mm mm: side te amether is slew.
`Taming tea intema} pen-3 mating, Sinai} ééemete: mesheeet shiny periieftes {sen peeefimte
`the intema} wafl Swami? via wetting ami by mechmieai ferees due te either vacuum er high
`preesure air er eemhmaiiefls (sf mm in the eaee ef the ‘33? patent? fhe shiny preparefien
`teeimiques were these useci in Spemeelie United Stems Fame: Ne. 5,5163%. Sieee the signifies
`were Befie zeeiites that were named fer at least 25 heme, the parades m were sizee such that
`they peeetretefi the iarger pares 0f the wai'} flew fliers described in the ‘10? eetem. Uifiike wafi
`eeetiegg the Meme} emfaee area wimie. eke wage is quite high Genemfly, higfizer surfeee area is
`creeteé by smafier pares; within the wee}. Cenvemeiyg Eager intemeE peres weefie decrease the
`surfeee area eemparee m Smefier pores. Therefere, it weeié net be eiwiees m we ekiiieé in the
`art te eeat Mtge: pared Subetratee the: wezfié have Eewer area en Meek :3 pm; mere {seating The
`skifieé mime: wedge aise have te eensfiéer that such filters weeié have Iiess petemétai weeping
`cffisiemy am mare pmésmiai m mes}: during an uncmzimfiezé manna} ragensmtion.
`Reemminafim Cam‘s); Ne}. §5ii>filfl44
`Deciara’zicn of Easegrh C. Beaming
`cataiyzeé mm.
`3A3; 0%“ "£th cataiyzed {iissg} fits: fimctiam mama; be weighed and baianmd in,
`Mama faims {her Mia “M420:
`It is impflriam 5m wfigrstafid that th’s invention raquims SR3 yarticfies 0f diffsrem
`diameters m farm a pamus sfiacmé that muki be used as a wafi flaw fiiififil The: imamticcs
`famefi Esstween parfiiciss (sf SEC dfifim the pare: smmmre mm m: waii. Uflflw the
`manufaamre fif cméisfiis imam, Wham pore fanning agents 53th as cafluiase can be med as a
`bum. {mt agent m farm ‘éarger pares, SiC fliers are mafia by {133mg tha SEC pmicias {agather m
`an inert atrmsphesm, pmviémg a séiiica rich smfaca am the: indiviéua} gram that make up each
`pare. Thee msukam silica rich surfass makes it éifiiwfi t0 aypiy a washmat m3 SEC 112m waéis
`using iméitiami 3mm; washmatmg pmcaéums.
`in my experiences, the apgiicafian 0f 3 washmat
`is such a 5mm rich surface wauid remit in washmat $05363 due to Eaezk 0f adhegmn 07? m5:
`washma’z m the sufifimta ’E‘z‘aditima} Shil’ry washcmimg prmfidfims {m SiC mic? resufits in a
`1mm: 31320th ami wry pom éistri‘imtmn 0f coating within {ha wafi. Giana 42832630de 3
`twimiqua a? awaiting the inééviéuai partidfis with a vary smafi maxim {3f matsréaé fining 5am
`para SQ as m: w adversaiy impact tbs pane stmamre 92“. Elm» wail flaw {met for sum fiitratim.
`Aim, Ohm mamas we”: impregm’gim teeimiquers ta apfiy said aeiéw aataiysts. 0km) dam m):
`mach i123 appiisaflzm af §§urry iaaéeé zmiiie washwat my a waii flow fikm: As the Office
`Acfim cieafiy méfisates, (film £063 110: indicati: the 263753 01‘ mating 133:: 1mm g/im3 and mummy
`cammé advmatc high mating Eewfis because it wmdd adverssiy impact the 3K) fiitczr stmsturc.
`In the Becéamtiun {:sf Dr. Walker at yamgmphs ’3’" am 83 Dr. Wafimr fiisagmcs with files
`Gffice Amiga and submits that 0th at page 28, Rims; E324, Suggests that “mm of aidinary ski};
`in this am wauid have maéfiy wderstwd Ohm 29 MM: that the SCR waghmat aataziysi:
`wmpesfiim wauid mamas an gamma: E533 than 2.4 gl’in3”.
`The walker Beciamtian
`mismdersfiamis; the camidtsmtéms 43f mating 3 SK: wafi flaw finer.
`fits: aimsheé Biasemet
`amide {8X11 3) an Catfiymd Qicaeé Fiitm highfights the differenceg in the waterubaseé matmgs
`éegazibeé in 93239:, and the: washmais 0f the inventim 0f me ‘18? pawn:
`in Sectim 2.2:, the
`anicEe draws a distiaeaea bemeea impregaaiiaa with water based seiaaeas as deserihea in
`Glam aad appiieafiea a? washeaata with insembie aaspeaaiaas {aEarfiea} eff iasaiabie ma:
`Reexamiaafiea Cam's; Ne. WM 3%
`fiesfiaratiea af Seseph C. Deaiiag
`partieiea Neae 0f aha eeaaiaeratieas dismissed abeve with mama: ta wafi eeaaag and para
`seating are areaeat in the seiaaea taeimiqaes deserieed. ia the Ifiéesemet Mieie. The mesa-Met
`Anieie aaeeiaeay atates with respect ta eeaaag 5a: waii flaw fliers: "a is masébk ”a; apply aaea
`iayer with severafi eaicies fliraagh aapregaaaaa flea: wafermeased grammars, thus, avaidiag
`washeeat (fie, saspeaaiaanaasea) feehaeiegies.“ Bah. 3 at gage 6. While the DieaeiNet ameie
`has a aabfieafiaa aate ef .‘a‘aae 2305, the artieie is based apaa ether artieiea paaiiahea prim“ ta
`Aagaat 2983 am? represents the kaewledge af the skiflea afiisaa ia August 2093‘
`E’Eaaiaam aaa {Ether i’GM {3am} 3a are Nae fiieaai SE}? {Zaaai ata
`in paragraph 6 «:25 the Waiker Eeaiaratieaa, Dr. Wake? refers ta the Chapter free: the
`beak Caiaiyae Air Paiiatiea Ceaimi, eiaanmg that NQX redaeaea eaa aeear aver Ea amaaa 158°
`C with mameaéa temeeaatafea beiaw 200‘} {3. This may be {me in a Synthetic gas Stream deve'zd
`aaf hyareearheas, hewever, flae aeiabie argaaie fraeiiaa (SQ?) a a diesei engine exhaaat gas
`stream: is net ham: beiaw 200‘” C, and me SO? {reflects an the dieaei eataiyat and paiseas the Pi
`eatafiyae Shea 022% the engine heats a; exhaust gas tamperatarea abave 25%“ {If}, the eaflea‘ied
`$0? begins a; bum eff of the catalyst to activate: a. Hammer, abeve 29935): What}: is net
`meaaaaea a Dr. Waiker‘a Beeiaratieag amzaezaa m the exhaust gas stream begins ta eaidize.
`Siaea the ammama is being eaiaized, eeaaamiag {the redaeaaat, there is no seieeave eataiyae
`Iedaetiaa 0f N333; hat iastaaa, an increase in N& due a; the eaiafiaed ammeaia abave 259° {3
`Biases} vehieies require abaiemeat 0f N9}; abeve 3553‘) C, fer example, at fafi thretfle er {a}?
`pewer aperatioa, which swam reader a piatiaam greap mam eataiyai: aaeieaa as an 30R eafiaiyat
`in a eiiaeai tempexaaae range, aaa acmafiy a piaaaaa: group meta} eataiyat makes NOX, As each?
`Pt is act eeaaiderea an ammeaia SCR eata§yat far dieaeé appiieafieas by aayeae aaaa ia the art.
`Dr. Weaker aiae mfers in paragraph f5 05 his Deelaratiea te Nakaaishi refereaeiag Pt an a fiétea
`Hawever, paragraph @902 ef Nakaaiahi states that the E”: anera the harming temperature ef
`paaieaaate Seat. There is He meatiea 01‘ a amaze/ease mafia} SCR eaia§ysis in Nakaaéahi er
`Nakayama afiae eiteci by Br. Waiker, Hewever, iba aaaaiasiaa is the same-«HEM haaea
`eataEyats are aea' eeasidez'ed as SCR eataiysts because they make N0}; E‘sy aaidiziag ammaaéa in
`Reexaminatim Centre} Na. 95f§9L744
`Deefzéarafien of Easeph C. Beating
`the temeemtme range at iztterest fer diesei engines, mmety at higher temperatures whee NOX
`emissiem are highest from the exigme“
`eh {m {‘atm:
` $§§ ItMm Féttem and Fit; Meet; Wastesa
`in paragraph 73} at“ Eta Weékfl‘s Beetamtimt, Dr. Waiter indicates it is hit uptaten tether
`that: his expetteflee in the at: that them is my dift’etenee in putting SCR catatyst em at flew tittetzgh
`menetith and at watt flew fitter" I can say based on my «34 years at experienee it: seating bath
`types 0f substrates that this statement is ineerrect, amt a permit. ef eminaxy 5362?. in the art weight
`net agree with Di: Waiket‘s epiniem The art of mating each substmte its entétety dittemt. The
`eenstmmtg 0t? appiying washeeat it: 3 watt flew fitter {attéressed atmve) are much mere rigtct than
`an a flew thmugtt hatteycemb. Fémt, the eensittemtiens at backgressttm increase in flew thmugh
`eubstratee are preseflty but much tees cf 51 camera that: it: a wait flew fitter Where the emis ef
`attemtttmg chmmis are flagged amt unpittgged. The means: that in a wait flew fitter, mt (titty
`wit} the mating greetiy increase backpreesme, the miieetien 91" met {m the watts: 9f the fitter wit}
`fimtter exemfimte backgressme it: a. wait flew fittet, white: the prebtem is net a senttdemtien in
`a. flaw thmugh substrate because the ehenneis are epesn, {m hath sides.
`in the. cage 0f the
`inventien eat” the fit}? Patent, the matting at“ a flaw thwugh substrate is irretevant te the 10’?
`¥atent, as a flew thmugt} substrate thtd have new rate in the caitectéen at" seat. As sueét, there
`weafid be m) censieteratten with respeet te eeiteetien et‘t‘teieneyg haekptessme tnereate, and
`‘tewettng the temperature at which seat eembtzsts} because the seat flaws thretzgh the flaw
`thteugh substmte.
`In pmgmph 32 at Dr. Watker‘t Declamtiem Dr, Wetter empertedty atteitzgtte te refizte
`Er, Haiier’s attainments en Ohm by asserting that {2th teeehes a bread range at $301? Size and
`it: particuiar, Br: Watker atteges that 0th at page 2 time 30-43, makes etear the
`immrtaflee of aging a fitter having “an average gate size «at 36 it; 25% microns and a eemsity at
`£8 te 3{}% er 4%) to ”i993“ wmfld cteefly weuid have directed at petsett ef eréinm* amt t0 cheese
`a wait flew fitter haviflg the abaveweqteseribed permit}: The ranges that Ohm gremsee are 3%
`brew that a skitted artisan weak?! mt have suffieient gmidanee t0 make a setectimt that wetttti
`pmpetiy impaet
`the intermreiated fixtures seat mfiectéen (tfiitwtim efficietzey},
`regeneratien capahtfities) amt
`(taming {enctesittg the substrate in an exhatzst eetzti‘uit)
`canstéemttem in aetéititm t0 SCR eatetyst leading. As dissussed abate, ette stifled in the art
`Rmxaminafim metm} N0. QSJGQEJM‘
`Dmiaration {if $033937: (3'. Datzfing
`wméd haw to waigh a1} 13% Vphygica} parmnetms tagether with the: dessémd pmpésrtées of €316
`catalytic amcée bafme changing the: maps}? parasity ami pare: size if €226 waii flaw faker
`substratse. Dr, Walker‘s- §eiac€ive qumatéan fmm {mm aiseg igmwg that thQ was summarized
`wiih SiC flitgrs ami 0%ng techmques that did my: inwive me appfiiaa’gém a? washmms,
`in paragraphs 33 and Mr 03? the Waiker Dccfiaration, Br. Wzfiimr farmer gives hi5 Qpinmns
`that Ohm mama} must have taught away the a§p§§catim 9?? a. Wgashcmt. ngevar, fimn my 44
`yams 9f sxpsfience in this incizifitry, it is wcfi understmd by a person 5f ardinary Ski}? in the art
`that a mi} flaw filter i5 mad Em 0m: mama miy, mat is? ta sapmre semi Exam the axhaust stream
`30 that it is mt eméficd fmm. the m1 pipe. By flagging 2m: aitm'nate ends (sf 1:516 channeis farcing
`fine gas flew thmugh thfi “rails, 2116 500*; is aapmreé 023 ms shanmi wafis 0f the fléiar. This is
`aammpiésheé with 0:“ Wé‘éshmit a washmat 9f caia‘éyiic finmtim. Shim teachess mm the thin
`afiumim iayer shown in Fig 3 a and 3h {1333mm E33391?) mats thc indiviéuai SK: gamcies might
`have same advantages within the wafi far gas pkase cataiysis {axiéatmn 9:?” CO and HS). 81mg
`écmomsfimtes a mmept far making Ewamgeneam caiaéfiic wail flew fiker ariicies 123mg 3..
`saiméambased techniqus m appiy PGM oxidatim Gamiysts; bu: Ohm pmvides no guidamt‘: 0r
`éesméptim an the appiimtém 0%" a zegfitefisage mam} SQR camiyst washwat shay. What Dr.
`Waiksr aim faflg m memmn WM: {asysct m Ghm is that Sims was cancsmsd with washing
`éepmited ash mntent {mm the {liter {{3th at page 13: smmd fifii paragraph; gages ES East fail
`paragraph}; whisk is why 0th disfavmeé washmais am favmed gram} thin fiims {m the; grains
`9f the pares. This éimcfly mmmvems a Swim} featme: {3? tbs invmtim 0f the Q??? patent»
`pmviémg a siunjy'w-Esadfié washwat 0f SCR Gambia com-aiming zeaiéits ami a. base mam? $9 that
`the SCR cataiyst Wifié ancr the 580i hauling tamgemmm {3f semi wflmtcé in the: flier. We
`mare not scammed with flushing or washing coi‘éactad 590$ 01‘ as}: fiom the fiksr with a fluid.
`{flaw in View (33* S ; ammfie fiaes Nat 3%th flue: flawed Eflvmiian
`As the: above: discussion makes dear, the cambmatmn :3? Ohm) in Visw 0f Spémmsfic as
`apgflémi in the Action (Easing hasswtmn (was mt teach m“ suggsst the; chimed imvgntism as
`amended. the was firsi am {memos}: concerned Wm: pmviémg an axééation cataiyst by an in~
`Sim minimal impmgnatim thin film gram}: method. Dimes expficéfiy infams the skifieai artisan
`:0 wok} washwatsl Ohm‘s Eimimd Statement 3mm seiecti've reduction and 0661mm}: camiysts
`Reexaminatieh Centre} Ne. 8.599313%
`Deeiaz'aiieh ef feseph Ct Defifing
`«(tees het ehaege the everah takeaway them Ghee that stem; weaheeats are :0 he aveideé and em
`exitietieh eatetyst weetd he teeetteti, What the @‘t‘fiee Aettett am} the Thitej Fatty Requester fat}
`te exptaih is why the shiitee artisan weeid medemty pieh the eataiyst in Smmhehea a reference
`that has teething he {30 with watt flew fitters, seer: eehectieh, aeé See: heating, amt thee appiy
`that eataiyst meihg e starry tege’thet with the mate; gmwe eeéeatiee eetaiys-ts ht {thee Feet? as
`mentieeed eeeve,
`the eresehee ef the extdatiee eetatyet weeté caeseme the necesaazy
`eedeeteetw-uamnfnettte, thee rendering the presence ef the SCR eatetyst useless in Ghee A, shitted
`artisan weete herety have a teesen m pmeeed es ieééeetect ht the Aetiee fleeing Preseeehee
`because they weuié fthiy understand that deieg 5e weatd net pmvh’te an 362%. catalyst
`eempeettteh that wee effective the the selective eetetytie redeettee e’f NS}; it: e. dieeet eegteeu
`Aims, the eeethtg in ghee is desetiheti threegheet es hatetike and as fihriis, as ehewn hetew in
`Ewes 3a and 3h:
`Metetet '
` \ . E‘cswyafisaansyce
`. .4;
`j/jfie meme}:
`This fine, thin hatehhe anet steeds in stark wettest tea the type ef matings we aehteved hy
`eemeatihg the waits et‘ a wait flew fitter with a washeeat stem; eeetehtieg a zeehte and a tease
`metet es shewe in the heeeephetegzephs hetew:
`Reexaminatim $933330} Na. 9Si%},?4§4
`Seniaa‘afion 0f Easeph C. Battling
`The abim: SEM’ pimmgmphs Cieafiy indicate. the sigma: sanctum} é‘ifi’amnm Wigwam a shiny
`Eaaded washceat that fifis up the indivééua} pares 0f the: wafi flaw fihar, and the thin {aims in
`{mm mm fimn a. fine ring amuné each grain that sweum‘is five: pares. A. persm (pf méinary 3km
`m the art waded z'ecegnize {base diffikmnsas and mi Gamma? the mating in Ohm at £3
`mmfly 5mm in a simiy £93,de waihmat,
`En smnmary, a skifiafi artisafl wmfid mt
`wmbinc Ohm with Spfirflflfififl because: floing so wcuki mm’ide no mammfie expectaflan (if
`maviéing an affective SCR cataiytic article. Mm, agyiying a simmoifiadcd msixmat m Ghm;
`W’Qifid destmy the inmmied fimctian 0f Ohm and’sr chmge flhm‘s emim primip‘ie: 0f opemtiang
`which was to aveid washmatg in thc firs: piace.
`‘M‘ Sewwfi
`Reexaminatian Centre} N9“ aazamjaa
`Baciara‘tian {2f 3334333}; (3. Dafiiing
`E have magi aha fiaaiaraaan aabaafied by Dr. Phéfiipa, which disaaasas Hashimaia aaa aha
`parpafiaé ‘é’aaa‘iang if high parasity waifi flaw mien"; can pmvida a Eaghar washcoat Eaading. As
`maimed am by the: Third Party Raqaastar, Engaiharé was warkiag with the aampany that
`candaataé the: mark in Haahimata, as am raseamhara wem warmg on a maaamh mafia: with
`NGK Eaaaiatms, Lia. Hawavar, there is naming in Hashimata pafiaiaing 340 the appiiaaiiaa af
`SCR camiyat campasiiiema, and beyaad the fad fizat Haahimatc aaaai that sama sabsfimtaa as a:
`the ‘10? patent exampias, there is mthing abaat SEER catalyst campaaitiaaa. AS natad abmre, the
`summits: suppifiiex‘s were skapficai gamut magadiag in tha éiractian a)? highar parasity fiitara with
`larger pares. Hasiamam ahsarves fiaat thay did mt asst caiaiyzad fiétars far fiia‘atiaa afficiaaay
`aaa that “itjha iafiaaaca 0f pamaéw an aha arasaarafimp am} fiiamiaa affisieacy gerfamaaca (3f
`aamyzad DP? win he ccaaactad in the aext daveiapmeat phaaa“ Thus, Hashémata, at best,
`iaavaa ma skifiaé amaaa with an invitation i0 madam; mare research ta gain an andamtaaaiag of
`many anamwaraé quaaiiana. Haahimam aka did not ééscasa that the Emma resaiténg mass fram
`a high gamma}; mica waaid wasikéy mania in the fiitar making during an. “aamatmfied”
`raganarafian. The Third Fatty Requester in this Raaxaminafiaa, EME, pmcaaéaa in a daemon
`campiatafiy appaafita diraafian of fine: iaveaaéaa 0f {he ‘16? patem. Fm axampia, in Uaitad Starters
`Patam Na. ?,493,{)}8 {Exh 4}, M prameéaé with what is mama}: as may SCRT Systemma
`aasa apaéa’ziaa aa’zafiyat amaraam 9f a ma flaw flaw? upstmam af a separate SCR aaé'aiyst a}: a
`flaw thwagh Sabsaata.
`Thia ’MG pawn: has a priariiy (532$ :31" E8999: and iadiaa’tas aha
`aanvaafiaaai winking am‘i stats af aha art at the time af the; inventim af fiat ‘197 Fatah:
`Accardiagiy, ma citatiaa 0f Hashimma added as the aembiaafim af 0km aria Spammiia
`faiis ta pmvisia key faatm‘as (sf the daimad invamiaa {i} a sharyk-Eaaded SCR caiaiyst
`campaaitiaa cantamiag aaa‘iita aaa a hasa metal that {2) was affeatéva fag," lowering the seat
`bmflng tamgaeratam 6f amt aaaamuiataa an the: fiitar, {3) that aid mt mamas hack. pmssma arid
`{4) pmvided afiaaaate fiitratiaa efficiency.
`ifiaakfimaaa in View a§ E’faifaa aim S yamaafia
`E fafi :9 sea haw Heifer ia appiicahia to the ciaimad iavaatiaa. Ffaifer discusses
`appiicatiaa Q? a mating an the wafis as sham in Figara 2,
`me’amtima {33mm Na 95i§>01,?44
`Dmigrm'mn 0f hwy}; C. Battlirng
`and thaw is m dificussmn in Pfsfifer flf mmeafing the: wafis a}? a wali flaw fikfir with a washwat
`Sim}; cantairfing zwééte ami a base mafia}.
`Pfsfifm‘s digmssian 0f caiaiys: Qantas 3 fig»:
`mmhigumzs. 3 read Pfeiiér as referring ta me mmiyst waters 3 in fix: pfii‘fls in fix: waghwat 23 mt
`perms in fine waéi Qf ma mails-flaw fii’im’ as shmm by Figm'a 2. Them is a passing mfersnce in
`Heifer 0f farming a matmg an me: paras a? King wafi é’gseif, but it is amaimr if Heifer messing that
`ihii pares m3 fixes ex’mém sufihcas an? mama 01 this perm am maxim in the 3mm way {Ema- {mats
`a mag maund the games.
`‘Rfir’hat is meal“, hmwevm, is them is m {fiscussmn {2f pammzmg the waii
`with an SEE: cataiyst washmat compflsitim including a mafia 331d a bass mam}.
`Pfaifer at gammy}: W45 mfly mefitims a; mnadiantitama SCR cataiyst. Tim is the
`eataiyst mmymitim that we: sfhawed in *w? 13:31::th was; met affectivs t9 iswer the 3m: hanging
`tsmgemmm 0f the mat miisfieé in. the mm.
`if myfiflfig, a shim} artisan reaééng Heifer waufid
`be éirectfid away fmm using a Zfifliitfi/EfifiSfi‘ meta waghmat Shiny permeating the fiiéter wa‘éis,
`E (i0 mi 56:13, themfflm, haw a skifieé artisan in August 2&63 “2:13am arrive at the inventim
`ciéaimcd in me;
`‘18”? Patent by maéhzg E—Eaghimotm Pfisifar and. Spemnefia. Hashimem has:
`mfifing ta (3:: mm SCR cataiystg. Pfeifm’ teaches, apyiicaiicm (If an SCR aaiaiyst, vafiadia—fitanéa:
`that we shgwed wanid m3: wark.
`Spsmnafla pawns to 36R camiysts an flaw ’ihmugh
`Reexaminatim (Emmi Ne, gfiz’miflté
`Deetemtien at" totem} (3. Deming
`substrates: and there is m) teeshieg e: seggettiee it} Spet‘eeette that